Home Vegetables Vasya is a female given name meaning of a given name. The meaning of the name Vasily: character and fate. Different languages

Vasya is a female given name meaning of a given name. The meaning of the name Vasily: character and fate. Different languages

After pregnancy, many women notice the presence of stretch marks, especially on the abdomen and in the thighs. The stretch looks different in the photo. The appearance of such a nuisance after the birth of a baby contributes to the stretching of the skin on the abdomen during pregnancy. This gives a lot of inconvenience to the fair sex and causes negative emotions. The desire for beauty and aesthetics, for harmony in everything is quite natural for any woman. At the same time, it is quite possible to prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the body if all the required measures are taken in time.

Today, there are a considerable number of various means, each of which helps to get rid of such an ailment. Such funds can be used already during pregnancy and continue after childbirth. Treating old stretch marks may take longer, but it's still possible.

Causes of appearance and appearance

During pregnancy, the walls of the abdomen stretch as the baby grows in the womb. It should be noted that striae are a kind of breaks that lead to unaesthetic skin in certain areas of the body. The worse the elasticity of the skin, the drier it is, the more striae appear and the harder it is to fight them. You can see how the presence of striae looks in the photo. It is best to prevent such defects from appearing than to try to get rid of them later.

Very thin skin can tear under certain circumstances. This often happens during pregnancy. Usually women notice defects on the skin after childbirth. High-quality modern applied tool helps to get rid of such problems. Therefore, you need to immediately begin treatment in order to quickly cope with such a nuisance. But the easiest way is to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, using useful means.

Stretch marks are characterized not by complete ruptures of the epidermis, but only by its inner layer. This most often happens during pregnancy. As a result of ruptures, unsightly scars are formed. At the beginning of their recovery, striae acquire a purple or pinkish hue. You can see how it looks in the photo. Hue is acquired due to the large number of capillaries. Sometimes you can observe the formation of scars of white color. At the same time, the tan does not turn out uniform, as traces of stretch marks remain noticeable.

Ideally, the skin is able to stretch and return to its original state. This avoids breaks that are unnatural for the skin. In some cases, the normal function of the skin is lost, and it becomes excessively dry and thin. This leads to striae. The main causes of stretch marks:

  • excessively large fetus during pregnancy (this fact leads to overstretching of the inner layer of the epidermis);
  • multiple pregnancy during pregnancy (also leads to overstretching of the abdominal walls, which subsequently look bad);
  • the influence of the hormonal background on the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy (fluctuations in estrogens and progesterone - an increase in these hormones leads to a decrease in collagen production);
  • a decrease in elastin production, which can occur during pregnancy with less stretching of the skin;
  • violation of the recovery process of overstretched skin;
  • heredity;
  • malnutrition;
  • insufficient motor activity;
  • speed of weight gain;
  • the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • violation of metabolic processes (for chronic diseases, endocrine disorders);
  • obesity (leads to sagging skin);
  • weakness of the abdominal muscles;
  • the age of the pregnant woman (the younger the woman, the faster her skin recovers).

To the great regret of women, the process of skin recovery after its excessive stretching (and this occurs during pregnancy, for long periods) cannot be controlled. And as a result, skin defects often appear on the abdomen and thighs. A quality tool helps to get rid of such a problem for a certain time.

As for heredity, this is almost the very first culprit of unsightly stretch marks after pregnancy. If a grandmother or mother suffered because of such a nuisance, it can also be inherited by her granddaughter (daughter). Women who are lucky enough to receive a gene from their mother that allows their skin to recover quickly are not threatened by any stretch marks even after multiple pregnancies.

Women who have inherited a gene that causes stretch marks on the abdomen will notice such a disgrace in themselves, even with a small fetus weight. In this case, it is important to deal with such a defect. Stretch marks appear not only on the abdomen, but also on the chest, which is associated with overstretching of the skin in these areas with an increase in the mammary glands and the appearance of milk.

Thus, completely natural natural processes can lead to stretch marks, both during pregnancy and after. A competent approach to this problem and high-quality treatment can either make stretch marks less noticeable or get rid of them. But in most cases, stretch marks are permanent.

How to prevent?

First of all, it is important to establish nutrition. Since during pregnancy there is a large consumption of vitamins, protein, trace elements, it is necessary to ensure their full intake into the body. Lack of protein foods can lead to the most serious health problems.

That is why it is so important to eat meat food, as well as vegetables and fruits. It is useful to eat chicken eggs, beef, chicken, rabbit, nuts, legumes, grains. However, it is necessary to exclude flour and sweets from your diet or minimize them. These are the first enemies for the skin.

In addition to proper nutrition, you should lead the right lifestyle - get enough sleep and walk in the fresh air. You need to walk (if there are no contraindications). In parallel, you can use useful cosmetics. Numerous reviews suggest that using a cream to get rid of and prevent stretch marks is very useful. You need to start such procedures even before pregnancy.

This allows the skin to become more resilient. During pregnancy, you need to consume vitamin E, which is responsible for the elasticity and health of the skin. Quite useful are multivitamin complexes that are designed specifically for pregnant and lactating mothers.
It is very important to control your weight during pregnancy. Weight gain should be normal and physiological, increasing as the fetus grows. But if it exceeds the permissible norms, it's time to sound the alarm and try to eat healthy food that will not contribute to overfeeding the fetus and the appearance of excess weight in the mother. Obesity is the first evil of health. For its reason, metabolic processes are disturbed, the skin is excessively stretched. And in this case, it becomes more and more difficult to normalize the skin.

Preventive measures used during pregnancy to prevent the appearance of stretch marks make it possible not to experience problems in the future. Currently, you can see how the stretch marks look in the photo. Today there is a considerable selection of all kinds of cosmetic lotions, creams that give a good effect.

Folk remedies:

  • almond oil;
  • lavender oil;
  • wheat germ oil;
  • grape;
  • comfrey;
  • horsetail;
  • cacao butter;
  • tretinoin.

All of these tools can be used separately, but some of them, mixed, give the best result.

Stretch Mark Creams:

  • Clarins Stretch Mark Control, which contains a variety of oils and herbs that moisturize the skin and prevent stretch marks.

  • Elastin 3 - based on elastin and collagen. Expensive but practical.

  • Palmers Cocoa Butter Cream for Stretch Marks - based on oils, elastin and collagen. A very popular skin moisturizer. It is inexpensive, but it includes components, as in the previous tool.

To prevent stretch marks from appearing, it is necessary to fight excess weight, and use creams at least 1 time per day (ideally 2). The selected product should include vitamin E in its composition, as this will reduce the risk of stretch marks. It will not be superfluous to consume this vitamin in food. Take care of yourself, because the baby needs a healthy mother.

When and from what stretch marks appear during pregnancy is one of the main issues that torments women. During the period of intensive growth of the fetus, the abdomen increases rapidly, skin cells do not have time to regenerate, replacing the place with connective tissue. Thus, scars of a burgundy shade are formed, which over time become less noticeable, whitish in color.

When do stretch marks appear during pregnancy?

Usually striae begin to appear at 5-6 months of pregnancy. At this time, the child increases significantly and gains weight. The skin on the abdomen is subject to stress and does not have time to cope with it. Therefore, connective tissue comes to the rescue, the cells of which are able to quickly divide and repair damaged areas, thereby forming purple scars.

In the third trimester, the stripes may appear on the chest, due to their gradual swelling and fullness with colostrum. A sharp weight gain is also caused by the appearance of striae on the inside of the thigh and on the buttocks.

Characteristic photos of women suggest that the appearance of stretch marks is possible at any week of pregnancy. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of stretch marks, prepare the skin for drastic changes with the help of preventive measures.

How and why do stretch marks appear during pregnancy?

The body of a woman, during the period of gestation, is experiencing tremendous stress, significant changes are taking place in order to save the life of the child and ensure its normal development.

Changes in the production of the hormones estrogen and progesterone are believed to be the main reason why stretch marks appear during pregnancy. The synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for strength, directly depends on the high level of production of these substances.

Other causes include:

  1. Hereditary predisposition indicates the impossibility of preventing the occurrence of stretch marks. If close relatives had significant sprains, then the woman, with a probability of 90%, will have this problem.
  2. The lack of a balanced diet with a minimum amount of vitamins affects a sharp weight gain. The skin does not have time to produce collagen, so there is a rapid replacement with scar tissue.
  3. Limitation of physical activity leads to weakening of the muscles, the tone of the skin is reduced.
  4. Smoking reduces elasticity and firmness, peeling begins, the surface becomes dry and dehydrated.
The age category is also of great importance due to the low level of elasticity and strength of the epidermis. In the absence of striae during the first gestation, the second pregnancy may respond to the epidermis with sprains.

Stretched areas begin to appear in places of strong tension, where microdamages are most clearly visible. The degree of formation at different gestation periods is different. At the same time, the severity and number of stripes in women can vary.

Where do stretch marks most often appear during pregnancy and what do they look like?

During the bearing of a child, the dermis becomes thinner due to the strong tension and active growth of the fetus. The inner layer of the epidermis is torn, not having time to regenerate cells. Most often, stretch marks form:
  • on the stomach, due to the intensive growth of the baby inside the womb or due to the formation of a large fetus;
  • on the breast, the production of colostrum by the body begins, and after childbirth, stretching occurs due to the presence of milk;
  • on the thighs and buttocks, stretch marks occur due to rapid weight gain.
Beginning stretch marks look like defects on the body, in the form of narrow strips with uneven edges. They do not cause any discomfort, only a slight itching is possible at the time of their inception. This is due to the fact that the middle layer of the epidermis begins to collapse due to tension and pressure. The fibrous part, together with small vessels, burst and rupture, which provokes the formation of minor depressions.

Stretch marks initially look like small scars or scars with loose, softened and thinned skin. The color color at first has a reddish tint, depending on how many capillaries are damaged. Gradually, over time, the connective tissue changes color to a lighter shade, as blood circulation in these places stops.

Stretch marks are dense stripes in which there is no melanin. Therefore, when exposed to ultraviolet or sunlight, staining does not occur. The lack of this pigment is caused by the resistance of the stretched skin to sunburn, it remains light against the background of the rest of the body. Also, rapid replacement with connective tissue causes these areas to become incapable of sweating as a result of impaired blood flow.

Treatment Methods

Getting rid of existing stripes is very difficult. At the present stage of development of medicine, there are 2 ways:
  • dermabrasion - involves scraping off the upper layer of the dermis, which refreshes the general condition and makes the skin smoother. Grinding is done with crystals that are under pressure, but at the same time stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
  • laser surgery, an expensive procedure that, in the early stages of the appearance of striae, thanks to a pulsed laser, changes the pigmentation of the skin.
The success and duration of the laser method depends on age, and in the process a woman may experience a slight pain syndrome.

The most effective method will be to prevent stretching of the epidermis immediately after conception. The use of special creams, contrast showers and massage will significantly reduce the likelihood of sprains. The main tool in the fight against the occurrence of stretch marks is the normalization of nutrition. The use of a large amount of fiber, vitamins and trace elements will strengthen the epidermis, make the surface supple and elastic.

Surely, it is difficult to find among your girlfriends those who could boast of the absence of stretch marks, especially after pregnancy. They appear when the skin is unable to adapt to the rapidly growing volume of the body.

The most frequent period of their formation is pregnancy. Stretch marks usually occur on problem areas of the skin, such as the abdomen, thighs, and chest. Most often, this problem is faced by pregnant women, obese people, and the elderly. For these risk groups, it is very important to take precautions and try to prevent stretch marks.

Stretch marks appear on the body due to weakening of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. The elasticity of the skin is determined primarily by the presence of special elastic fibers in the dermis.

With the growth and development of the human body, these fibers expand and allow the growing skin not to lose its elasticity, provide effective protection to the body. However, if it comes to overstretching the skin, the elastic fibers can crack and tiny stretch marks appear on the surface of the skin.

The older the human body, the higher the risk of stretch marks. With the exception of the elderly, they often appear in athletes with a large amount of muscle mass.

Patients using corticosteroids, which not only suppress the immune system, but also cause thinning of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, are also at risk.

In addition, hormonal changes associated with puberty, pregnancy, lactation, or menopause can contribute to changes in the structure of the skin, which is more susceptible to damage and stretch marks.

Although, in practice, it is not uncommon to meet overweight people without a single stretch, and vice versa - thin and small girls can suffer from congenital existing stretch marks at a relatively young age.

The most common reasons for their appearance:

  • heredity. If you noticed stretch marks on the body of your grandmother or mother, then there is a high probability that you will have them in the future;
  • hormonal changes. An increased risk of stretch marks can cause hormones to rise at certain times in life, such as puberty, pregnancy, lactation, or menopause. Stretch marks can also result from the use of hormonal drugs such as anabolic steroids;
  • pregnancy. Due to the rapid increase in weight and the expansion of parts of the female body, the likelihood of stretch marks during this period is higher than ever;
  • obesity. The appearance of stretch marks depends on the rate of weight gain and the period when a person became overweight (at an older age, the chance of stretch marks is higher).

What it is

Stretch marks are small scars on the skin that result from a breakdown of the elastic fibers below the surface of the skin. These are, in a way, oblong, atrophied stripes on the body.

Usually they reach several centimeters in length and from 1 to 10 mm in width. When striae appear, they are most often reddish-purple in color, which fades over time. Doctors say that the exact mechanism for the appearance of stretch marks is unknown.

Video: Fighting methods

What causes stretch marks

Women are the most affected by stretch marks. According to statistics, they occur in 70% of girls and 40% of boys in adolescence and 90% of women during pregnancy. Stretch marks are also common in people with dark skin. Another risk factor for their occurrence is the presence of diseases such as diabetes or tuberculosis.

They most often appear on the thighs, buttocks, arms, shoulders, and abdomen. Initially, they are invisible, have a light color, but gradually lengthen, expand and darken. Stretch marks never disappear on their own, only become less noticeable.

If stretch marks appear on the body, think about what caused it. If you suddenly get better, but are not pregnant or taking corticosteroids (prednisone), see your doctor.

It is important to consider the appearance of striae and exclude diseases such as Cushing's or Marfan's syndrome.:

  • Cushing's syndrome is an endocrine disorder in which high levels of corticosteroids are found in the blood. They, in turn, reduce the level of collagen, which leads to the appearance of stretch marks;
  • Marfin's syndrome is a genetic disorder of the connective tissue. Tall, slender people with long fingers and limbs suffer from deformities of the skeletal system, which often leads to the formation of stretch marks.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, stretch marks most often occur in the II and III trimester. They are usually red or pink in color.

During pregnancy, the appearance of stretch marks is affected by two factors at once - this is a weakening of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, as well as the rapid growth of the fetus and an increase in fat reserves, which leads to a rapid stretching of the skin, which cannot cope with this problem.

Both of these factors increase the likelihood of not only stretch marks, but also health problems in general.

Most often, stretch marks appear during pregnancy on the abdomen, hips, chest, less often in other parts of the body. The most risky period for the appearance of stretch marks is the third trimester, although their appearance during the first six months is not excluded against the background of hormonal changes that accompany pregnancy from the very beginning. With an increase in the abdomen, the skin is stretched and leads to the formation of cracks on its surface.

On the body

Wrong lifestyle and poor diet can also cause stretch marks to appear on the body. This problem is especially true for people whose body lacks protein, because it is the main component for elastin and collagen, which are responsible for skin elasticity.

Stretch marks appear on the body due to dehydration. If a person does not drink enough water, the skin becomes dry and cannot be moisturized even with the help of cosmetics. Losing moisture from the inside, the skin loses elasticity, which contributes to the rapid formation of stretch marks.

On the hips

Stretch marks on the hips can appear in absolutely any person. This can happen to both teenagers and professional athletes.

Most often, stretch marks on the hips appear in women during pregnancy. Failure of blood circulation in this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin is also the cause of stretch marks on the thighs. Sometimes their occurrence is accompanied by itching and mild tingling.

On the chest

Stretch marks on the chest are quite common. They can appear both in young and nulliparous girls, and in older women. Stretch marks on the chest are more like scars, only they are located not on the upper part of the skin, but inside.

If stretch marks appear in a teenage girl, this is most likely caused by the intensive growth of the mammary glands. A sudden change in body weight also increases the risk of stretch marks. Most often, striae occur after childbirth.

During this period, a woman's body undergoes significant changes, so the appearance of stretch marks is a completely natural phenomenon.

Prevention measures

Any specialist will tell you that it is much easier to prevent stretch marks (even if prevention is not always reliable protection) than to remove them.

What measures should be taken to prevent the appearance of stretch marks:

  • drink enough fluids;
  • do regular exercise to improve blood flow to the skin;
  • during pregnancy and after childbirth, the skin must be lubricated with creams at least 2 times a day. It is important to note that the abdomen must be lubricated in the first weeks of pregnancy before it begins to grow;
  • massage improves blood circulation and skin quality;
  • When losing weight, you need to try to lose extra pounds gradually.

Even if stretch marks have already appeared - do not panic. As noted earlier, they fade over time and become less noticeable, in rare cases, some may even disappear altogether.

Experts in the field of cosmetology advise first of all not to expose the affected skin to the sun and treat them like any other scars on the body. This means - regularly lubricate and massage. Proven products can be found in pharmacies or use the famous ointments, which contain pork fat.

Stretch marks can be prevented through proper nutrition, hydration, and supportive products. The elasticity of the skin provides us with collagen and elastic fibers. The stronger the fibers, the less likely the formation of stretch marks. For the production of collagen, you need a sufficient amount of vitamin E and C, zinc and silicon.

Vitamin C, as an antioxidant, protects the skin from damage. In sufficient quantities, it is found in vegetables: peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, green beans and fruits (citrus fruits and strawberries). Red meat, dairy products, nuts and legumes are rich in zinc. Vitamin B2 and B3 keep the skin healthy. In addition to these foods, include poultry, fish, and eggs in your diet.

Observe the amount of fluid in the body. The optimal daily dose is 2.5 liters per day.

Do not count on coffee and alcohol, which have a dehydrating effect. A sufficient amount of fluid strengthens the skin and helps it recover in case of trouble.

Supportive care against stretch marks is the use of special creams, gels and oils for problem areas. Regular lubrication of these areas increases skin elasticity, improves blood circulation and thus reduces skin tension.

What are stretch marks and how they look, probably, almost all nulliparous people know. After all, the appearance of stretch marks is one of the most unpleasant companions of pregnancy for a woman. But the worst thing is that unlike others, they do not disappear immediately after childbirth. Therefore, along with painful toxicosis and severe swelling, the appearance of stretch marks is something that newly-made pregnant women fear almost more than anything else.

In fact, stretch marks are not a fatal disease, and there is no need to be so afraid of them. But the fact that they do not disappear by themselves without a trace is true. And in order to prevent their appearance or at least reduce the manifestation, you need to know a little more about stretch marks than experienced friends tell.

What are stretch marks?

Experts call stretch marks striae. But, despite the simple and, it would seem, such an accurate folk definition, striae are breaks, and not just sprains. Due to the loss of skin elasticity and firmness, it becomes thin and easily torn under tension, which occurs during the growth of the fetus. Of course, the epidermis is not torn completely, but only its inner layer. And he recovers very quickly. However, scars after ruptures still remain, which we observe in the form of stretch marks.

At the initial stages of recovery, the connective tissue is permeated with capillaries, so the striae are lilac, pink or purple. But gradually they fade and, unfortunately, forever remain just like that - white mother-of-pearl scars that do not even succumb to tanning under the sun (after all, there is no melanin pigment there).

Why do stretch marks occur?

Ideally, our skin is similar in its properties to rubber: it is resilient, elastic, can stretch and easily return to its previous state. But for a number of reasons, these functions can be impaired - the skin becomes thinner and very easily torn from the inside. This is how striae appear.

The occurrence of stretch marks in women is directly related to pregnancy. The uterus gradually increases, the fetus grows rapidly, and the skin does not always keep up with them. In addition, from the very beginning, colossal changes begin to occur in the body of the expectant mother, which is simply necessary to create conditions for the bearing and birth of a healthy child. All these processes are controlled by hormones. It is the change in the level of the hormones estrogen and progesterone that directly leads to the appearance of stretch marks. Because at a high level of these hormones, the release of collagen (responsible for the density of the skin) and elastin (necessary for its easy stretching) decreases. The skin loses its ability to easily stretch and return to its previous state without damage. And this process, unfortunately, cannot be regulated.

The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks is heredity. If your mom and grandma had stretch marks, you are almost guaranteed to get them too. And in this sense, it doesn't matter how big your belly is. Sometimes, after a small belly, a woman has very noticeable traces, and the other after a huge belly, not a single one. Here is such a focus.

However, in addition to genetics, there are a number of other factors that contribute to the appearance of stretch marks and their increase in number. This is the quality of nutrition of a pregnant woman, the intake of vitamins, motor mode, the rate of weight gain. The appearance of stretch marks is affected by smoking during pregnancy, the woman's age (young skin is more elastic), weakness of the abdominal muscles, metabolic disorders (diabetes or obesity, for example).

In addition, do not forget that stretch marks appear not only during pregnancy, but also in the first time after childbirth. We are talking about the breast: milk arrives very quickly to provide nutrition to the baby. Breast skin may not keep up with its rapidly increasing volume, and connective tissue ruptures occur.

However, many of these factors can be controlled, which can significantly reduce the risk of unwanted streaks on the skin.

How to prevent stretch marks?

If your friend who gave birth boasts of the absence of stretch marks, then this is not at all because she was smeared with the most expensive at the stage of pregnancy planning. She was just lucky: she got elastic skin from nature. So it will be very wrong for you to pin your hopes on cosmetics alone: ​​you can miss the moment. But it is also impossible to sit idly by, waiting for the appearance of stretch marks. If your skin is genetically predisposed to this, you just need to try to slow down unwanted processes. As, in principle, any pregnant woman. But in the case of a predisposition, efforts must be tripled.

In any case, the pregnant woman is forced to reconsider her diet towards a healthy one. But to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, proteins play a very important role: they synthesize the production of collagen and elastin, which are so necessary now. It is also necessary to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink enough fluids (but do not forget about the possible appearance of edema - control the amount of drinking). Pay attention to the intake of vegetable oils, chicken, eggs, cheese, beef, nuts, whole grains, legumes. And flour and sweets are not the best food for you now.

Among the many that are so necessary during pregnancy, pay special attention to vitamin E. It removes harmful substances from the body, which, accumulating in connective tissues, help to weaken and reduce the described properties of the skin. Vitamin E accumulates in the body, so if you are taking a multivitamin for pregnant women, this will be enough.

Weight control is very important for many reasons. And to prevent the appearance of stretch marks, weight gain must also be kept within limits. Try not to gain more than 10-11 kilograms during pregnancy and remember that with rapid weight gain, stretch marks appear faster and in greater numbers. In no case do not eat for two, as loving mothers and grandmothers advise us. And if the doctor does not limit you in physical activity - move a lot.

Somewhere from the third month, when the tummy begins to noticeably grow, think about underwear for pregnant women. Be sure to wear the “correct” bra with wide straps, and a maternity bandage can also prevent stretch marks.

Also start cosmetic procedures. Creams and gels against stretch marks are not a panacea, but in combination with other measures, they can play in your favor. In the absence of professional products, you can use olive, peach or almond oil. Natural scrubs are good: salt, burnt sugar.

Cosmetics against stretch marks stimulate the work of cells that produce elastin and collagen necessary for skin elasticity and firmness. In addition, the composition of such creams includes nutrients and moisturizers, including vitamin E (it is also found in vegetable oil).

You can also prepare an excellent oil against stretch marks yourself: combine half a glass of olive oil and aloe juice, 10 drops of vitamin E and 5 drops of vitamin A. Pour the “cream” into a dark glass container and store in the refrigerator. Rub problem areas with this oil daily for at least two months - and you will notice the result!

Apply the cream with massage movements on risk areas: chest, abdomen, thighs, buttocks, armpits. Alternate stroking and pinching - this tactic gives a good effect and prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen. And it is better to rub the chest, hips and buttocks with a terry towel. It is also useful with a special brush or mitten (ideally, a massager). Remember that massage movements are made in the direction of the heart. It is also useful to take a contrast shower, but only if you do not have a risk of miscarriage. Warm up under a stream of comfortably warm water, then for a few seconds (up to one and a half minutes) stand under a hot shower, then switch to cold for a few seconds. Remember that a hot shower should be 2-3 times longer, and you need to finish the procedure with a cold shower. All these activities significantly improve blood circulation and enhance the necessary properties of the skin.

In general, all preventive measures are aimed, as you can see, at maintaining and improving the elasticity and elasticity of connective tissues.

striped moms

If you thought about the problem of stretch marks after their appearance and even much later - of course, it will not work to prevent. You can try to apply all preventive methods as therapeutic, but you will have to put in several times more effort and wait much longer before you notice the effect of the efforts. You most likely will not succeed in getting rid of stretch marks completely on your own, but it will be possible to significantly reduce their manifestations. True, this will be much more difficult to do than to prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

But be that as it may, remember: stretch marks are not a disease. They are not dangerous, do not bother with any painful sensations. Yes, the cosmetic effect of the strips is not so hot, but such is nature - each of us pays a price for the happiness of motherhood. And, you see, the appearance of striae is not the highest of all possible. You have become a mother! And don't let such trifles as stripes on the skin upset you. Just change your attitude towards them if it was not possible to change the properties of the skin during pregnancy.

And if, nevertheless, this trouble does not give you rest, use one of the modern radical ways to get rid of stretch marks. It can be laser resurfacing or mesotherapy. However, if you are planning a second child, then, most likely, after giving birth, you will have to do it all over again. Therefore, in this case, it makes sense to wait with the laser. And for many, ozone injections are enough. Chemical peeling also gives good results. In general, there is always a way out!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

The meaning of the name Vasily: the name for a boy means "royal", "majestic", "royal". This affects the character and fate of Vasily.

Origin of the name Vasily: ancient Greek.

Diminutive form of the name: Vasya, Vasena, Vasilyok, Vasyatka, Vasyunya, Vasyuta, Vasyusha.

What does the name Vasily mean? The name Basil comes from the ancient Greek "basileus" and is translated as "king." Another meaning of the name Vasily is “majestic”. A man with this name will never be arrogant; rather, he seeks to solve all problems wisely. Calm, persistent, rapidly moving forward on the career ladder. A guy with this name is patient, can endure literally anything if it benefits him. However, he is gullible, so they often try to take advantage of him. Vasya needs reliable friends nearby.

Angel Day and patron saints of the name: the name Vasily celebrates name days three times a year:

  • January 14 (1) - St. V. the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea, defender of the Orthodox faith from heretics.
  • March 13 (February 28) - The Monk Basil the Confessor endured many torments for the veneration of holy icons, then he labored in fasting and prayer until old age.
  • April 8 (March 26) - St. Basil the New (X century) endured torment for the faith in Christ, but remained among them unharmed. He was perspicacious and healed the sick with prayer.

Signs of the name: Prayers are offered to V. the Great for the number of pigs. V. New - about healing from fever. January 14 - Vasiliev Day - "pig's head on the table." "Vasilieva's night is a star - summer is berry." The sky is clear - a large harvest of peas. A blizzard on Vasiliev evening promises a harvest of nuts. March 13 - Vasya-dropper: on this day there is always a thaw. On Vasily, the warm sun in circles - to the harvest. In April, V. Pariysky soars the earth. Vasily has steamed the earth - turn the shafts, throw the sleigh to the lead! On this day, the bear must get up and leave the den.


  • Zodiac - Capricorn
  • Planet - Saturn
  • Color - blue.
  • Auspicious tree - elm
  • Treasured plant - thistle
  • Name patron - cat
  • Talisman stone - pomegranate

Characteristics of the name Vasily

Positive features: Vasya is a man of duty, for the sake of friends he is capable of much. Since childhood, cheerful, sociable, open, good-natured. A man with this name is restrained, prudent, curious, balanced, practical and never retreats in front of obstacles.

Negative Traits: The name Vasily brings cunning to trifles, simplicity, self-indulgence. Vasya can ruin his abilities and opportunities, which were originally good. In his youth, he does not linger on any occupation for a long time, he disperses his strength.

The nature of the name Vasily: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Vasily? This is a bright person. Whatever business he does, he does everything with pleasure. It is difficult to piss him off, he is calm, sometimes even phlegmatic, but he is open, friendly with people, finds a common language with everyone. You can’t call Vasya active, he is a conservative person, he prefers that events take their course. Thanks to a well-developed intuition, he manages to feel the connection of seemingly completely dissimilar phenomena - and perfectly combine them. Vasya has a strong will, he is able to curb the unreasonable actions of others, although he rarely dares to interfere in other people's affairs. Another characteristic feature is a strong connection with nature, which means that it is a sensitive nature.

This is a hardworking, balanced, stubborn, but impeccable performer, not ambitious. Career is not his goal, he receives awards and positions for dedication and conscientious work. A man with this name is very lucky.

Friendship is dear to him than anything, even the interests of the family. Vasya does not strive to be the first, so as not to offend his comrades. Kind, but irritable, in a quarrel, his fist can become his main argument. Indifferent to alcoholic beverages.

The meaning of the name Vasily in childhood. In childhood, Vasenka strikes with extraordinary adulthood and seriousness. A calm goof, he does not hooligan, does not make noise, seems to listen obediently, but still does it his own way. He takes care of animals with love, is very loyal to his friends, he has many of them.

For an adult Vasya, communication with friends is in the first place, even to the detriment of peace in the family and work. However, he does his job well, although perhaps not enough for such an outstanding nature.

Vasya chooses his profession carefully. The true vocation of the modern guy is business. He seems phlegmatic, but sometimes this impression is deceptive, because he thoroughly calculates his actions several steps ahead. Vasya can be a good inventor. He is a wonderful leader: an organizer, smart and resourceful, full of ideas, perfectly argues his positions, it is difficult to piss him off, he is extremely correct with employees, gallant with women.

In relationships with women, Vasya demonstrates chivalrous qualities, dominates his sexual desires. In marriage, he is faithful, stoically endures even a bad housewife with a harmful character.

Often this is a drinker. At work, they put up with this, the home atmosphere is tense. Then Vasya withdraws into himself, becomes indecisive. A sober man named Vasily has a “full cup” house, he is always happy to receive guests, to go with a company out of town. He passionately and tenderly loves children, he has an excellent relationship with his wife's parents.

The energy of the name corresponds to the idea of ​​a Russian person - open, good-natured, unhurried, sometimes drinking, sociable, but cunning and knows his own worth. This interesting nature is understood and objectively described by P. Florensky: “The meaning of the name Vasily is etymologically “royal”, “royal”. If in kingship the main sign is recognized not as greatness or dignity, which may be inherent in the most diverse moral and social states, but as the ability necessary for the king to cover a broad horizon from a certain height and consciously conduct planned activities in the area covered, then, indeed, royalty, so understood , there is an essential feature of Vasya. His intellect quickly grasps the relationship of things, people and events, does not get lost. And the complexity of life relationships ... Not asking unrealizable, Vasya goes slowly, but without losing what he has achieved, without breakdowns; if he retreats, then this is not an accidental evasion and not confusion, but a detour of the encountered obstacle: Vasya needs to leave him behind him, but he does not at all see the indispensable need to move him at all costs. And he advances, realizing and consolidating some higher building, which from now on becomes forever the property of culture.

This ability for expedient activity is largely determined in the name of Vasya by the immediacy of the connection of his will with his mind: the mind passes into the volitional beginning, as if sprouting it, and emotions are not absent or poorly developed, but they do not stand between the mind and by will, but they are pushed aside and therefore, with a general great activity of character, they themselves remain passive, from a distance perceiving life and the action in it of the person to whom they belong, and therefore, as it were, fatalistic ... And in business, and in rest, and in life construction, and in going home, a man with this name is not guided by outwardly and formally set standards. A guy can be cruel, even breaking the rules, in the name of the goal; but he can be immensely magnanimous when this generosity can be shown by a single act of will, by a single gesture, and at the same time he will be even less reckoning with any norms and requirements of law, and even morality. This says a lot, because as an organizer, administrator, builder of life, a man with this name cannot simply take the norms lightly, planting and implementing them himself. But when it is really necessary, he is able to autocratically cancel this time, this single time, the norm and implement what is exactly required now, even if it is in complete contradiction with the formally and literally understood rule of everyday life. A guy named Vasily knows how to do this with authority, without staining his conscience and without being internally forced, as a result of such a retreat, to further violations of the same rule, as happens with a simple fall ... "

Vasily and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The marriage of the name with Anna, Alesya, Efrosinya, Maria, Milolika, Svetlana is successful. The name Vasily is also combined with Julia. Unsuccessful marriage of the name with Catherine, Elena, Lydia, Lyubov, Lyubomila, Margarita, Christina.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Vasily promise happiness in love? In relationships with women, he can show chivalrous qualities. Family is very important to him. He does not divorce, even if the wife is a bad housewife or with a difficult character. He Vasily loves children.

A man named Vasya strives for perfection in sex. He behaves like a knight with women. This is a man of duty. Even in the event of an unsuccessful marriage, he meekly shares the hardships of everyday life, without complaining to anyone about his fate. The responsibility for the well-being of the family increases with the birth of a child. Very attached to children.

In difficult life situations, he withdraws into himself, becomes secretive, then signs of indecision appear in his behavior. He is friends with his father-in-law, treats his mother-in-law with caution. A man named Vasily is not able to offend his wife and child, even while intoxicated. By old age, he becomes a grumbler, alcohol addiction often occurs. You can rely on him in everything, he will never let you down.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: The meaning of the name Vasily for a career. He is confident in himself and his abilities. Probable success in various fields of activity. You can select the area of ​​technical sciences, commerce, production. Vasya can be distinguished by high ingenuity, breadth of interests, intuition in business and in communicating with people. A man with this name is conscientious in his work, has good professional qualities, and is thorough. He Vasily attaches great importance to the ability to plan and act flexibly. Realism distinguishes him among people.

Business and career: He Vasily can suffer heavy financial losses, despite his practicality. There is a possibility that he will lose money due to the intrigues of the opposite sex, slander, or as a result of litigation. In mature years, a name can achieve financial success, a high position, but sometimes it is hindered by excessive prudence, a narrow-minded approach, and it will not always be able to use a happy chance.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Vasily: The meaning of the name Vasily from the point of view of medicine. Vasya's negative quality is his passion for alcohol. A child with this name will be haunted by the danger of nervous exhaustion, there may be inflammation of the liver, blood diseases, and the endocrine system.

The fate of Vasily in history

What does the name Vasily mean for male fate?

  1. Don Cossack Vasily Vasily Orlov-Denisov (1775-1843) is one of the glorious partisans of the war with the French in 1812. Participant in the campaign of 1807 and the Russian-Swedish war of 1808-1809. During the Patriotic War, he was the commander of the Life Guards of the Cossack regiment, which was part of the army of Barclay de Tolly. He participated in the famous operation near Lyakhovo, where partisan detachments under the command of Davydov, Seslavin and Figner surrounded, attacked and captured a two-thousand-strong French column led by commander General Augereau.
  2. Vasily S. Zavoyko (1809-1898) - Russian admiral. Participated in the Battle of Navarino; circumnavigated the world twice. In 1849, Vasily Zavoyko was appointed military governor of Kamchatka and commander of the Petropavlovsk port, where he built a schooner and a boat. He put the local, mainly barter trade under the supervision of an official whose duty it was to protect the interests of the Kamchadals, declaring to them the value of their furs and the price of the goods they purchased. Since 1856, Zavoiko was a member of the Naval Auditorium General.
  3. Vasily G. Perov (1833-1882) is rightfully considered the founder of critical realism. Among the artists who worked in the 60s of the XIX century, he was the first and most consistent fighter for democratic painting. Among his paintings, "Seeing the Dead" (1865) occupies a central place. The principle of criticism of Perov's contemporary life, worked out in the second half of the 1960s, reaches its peak in the painting The Last Tavern at the Outpost (1868).
  4. Basil the Blessed - (1469 - 1552) Russian saint, holy fool; sometimes referred to as "Vasily the Naga".
  5. Vasily Aksenov - (1932 - 2009) Soviet and Russian writer.
  6. Vasily Terkin - a soldier of the Great Patriotic War, a fictional character of the poem "Vasily Terkin" (another name is "The Book of a Fighter"), a poem by Alexander Tvardovsky, one of the main works in the poet's work, which received national recognition.
  7. Vasily Buslaev is the hero of the Novgorod epic epic, which, according to the assumption, personifies the power of Novgorod itself, like Sadko - the wealth of this city.
  8. Vasily Vereshchagin - (1842 - 1904) Russian painter and writer, one of the most famous battle painters.
  9. Vasily Klyuchevsky - (1841 - 1911) a prominent Russian historian, ordinary professor at Moscow University; Ordinary Academician of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (over staff) in Russian History and Antiquities (1900), Chairman of the Imperial Society for Russian History and Antiquities at Moscow University, Privy Councillor.
  10. Vasily Livanov - (born 1935) Soviet and Russian film actor, screenwriter, writer, director, animator, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1981), People's Artist of the RSFSR (1988). He was best known for creating the screen image of Sherlock Holmes in a series of television films directed by Igor Maslennikov based on the works of Arthur Conan Doyle, for which he was awarded the Order of the British Empire in 2006.
  11. Sir Philip St. John Basil Rathbone MC - (1892 - 1967) English actor, public recognition brought him the role of Sherlock Holmes.
  12. Vasily Trediakovsky (Tredyakovsky) - (1703 - 1769) famous Russian scientist and poet of the 18th century, philologist.
  13. Vasily Shukshin - (1929 - 1974) Russian Soviet writer, film director, actor, screenwriter.
  14. Vasily Zhupikov - (born 1954) Soviet football player, central defender.
  15. Vasily Zhukovsky - (1783 - 1852) Russian poet, one of the founders of romanticism in Russian poetry, translator, critic.
  16. Vasily Chapaev (he signed himself as Chepaev) - (1887 - 1919) commander of the Red Army, participant in the First World War and the Civil War. Cavalier of three St. George's crosses and one medal. Cavalier of the Order of the Red Banner (1919).

Basil in different languages ​​of the world

The translation of the name in different languages ​​has a slightly different meaning and sounds a little different. In English it is translated as Vasily, Basil (Basil), in Italian: Basilio (Basilio), in Ukrainian: Vasil, in French: Basile (Basil), in Polish: Bazyli.

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