Домой Виноград План урока по английскому языку на тему "Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Franctional and Decimal Numerals.". Числительные в английском языке Fractional and decimal numerals упражнения

План урока по английскому языку на тему "Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Franctional and Decimal Numerals.". Числительные в английском языке Fractional and decimal numerals упражнения

We use fractions to indicate partial amounts. They are not just used in mathmatics but also in recipes (½ litre water). Decimals are separated by a decimal point.


We use both cardinal and ordinal numbers to create fractions. The numerator (the numeral above the line) is always a cardinal number. The denominator (the numeral below the line) is always an ordinal number.

1/3 one third 1/10 one tenth
1/5 one fifth 1/20 one twentieth
1/6 one sixth 1/100 one hundredth
1/8 one eighth 1/1000 one thousandth


1/2 one half
1/4 one quarter

Numerators Greater Than One

When a numerater is greater than one, we use the denominator in plural (we add an s ).

2/3 two thirds 2/7 two sevenths
3/4 three quarters 4/8 four eighths
4/5 four fifths 5/10 five tenths
3/6 three sixths 6/12 six twelfths

Decimal Numbers

Decimal numbers are written with a decimal point. The digits after the decimal point are said separately.

Example: 0.135 - nought point one three five (US: zero point one three five) 3.14159 - three point one four one five nine

Singular and Plural with Fractions and Decimals

If we want to say exactly what the fraction or decimal refers to and the value is less than one, we use the contruction of a + singuar noun. (except for 1/2, see last example)

Example: 3/4 T → three quarters of a ton 2/3 km → two thirds of a kilometre 0.743 cm → nought point seven four three of a centimetre 1/2 l → half a litre (not : one half of a litre)

If the value of the fraction or decimal is greater than one, the numeral is followed directly by a plural noun .

Example: one and a half hours three and a quarter kilos 2.5 millimetres

Groups: №

Lesson №

The theme of the lesson : Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.

The aims of the lesson:

Educational: To give more information about our capital, to revise grammar, to obtain knowledge through the documentaries;

Developing: To develop pupils’ thinking, speaking, reading, writing, listening comprehension abilities, memory;

Upbringing: To bring up love and interest in the subject, to encourage respect to their Motherland.

The type of the lesson: combined lesson

Methods of the lesson: showing, explaining, group work, individual work, question-answer.

The visual aids: lecture, cards, pictures, a computer, an interactive board, slides, video film, music.

Connection with other subjects: Kazakh, Geography, History, Kazakh literature.

The procedure of the lesson.

I. Organization moment.
Good morning students! I am glad to see you. Sit down please.

    How are you?

    Who is on duty today?

    Who is absent today?

    What date is it today?

II.Brainstorming. Let’s play a game “Guess the word”. Please try to guess “What are we going to speak about at our lesson?”

Guess the words, use the alphabet. (цифры обозначают номера букв в алфавите)













T: Let’s start! Today we shall speak about our new capital, about Astana. We shall listen to the text about the history of our capital, and speak on this topic. We must ready to answer questions about our capital, about Astana. Let’s remember what we know about Astana.

III. Fill in a table ( Таблица « ЗХУ »)

This is a table before you. You should fill in it.(at the beginning of the lesson -2 columns, at the end- the 3 rd column.)

What do you know?

What do you want to know?

What did you know?

IV . Checking up homework .

- What was your home task?

V. Demonstration of the new language:


THE CAPITAL OF KAZAKHSTAN- 1830, was founded, to be situated, population, total area

P1: Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. It was founded in 1830 by Colonel Phyodor Kuzmich Shubin. Astana is situated on the bank of the Ishim River. Its total area is about 400 thousand square kilometers. The population of the city is over 800 thousand.

T: Good. Now about Astana as a political center.

POLITICAL CENTER- The seat of the Government, the Mazhilis, all the ministries, foreign embassies .

P2: Astana is the seat of the Government, the Mazhilis. The President of Kazakhstan lives and work there. There are all ministries, and foreign embassies in Astana. Many important political events are held in Astana.

T: Nice. Who wants to tell us about Astana as an industrial center?

INDUSTRIAL CENTER- Factories, plants, to produce, good.

P3: We can say that different branches of industry are developing in the new capital. Many plants and factories are building in Astana that will produce transformers, motors, agricultural machines and other goods.

T: Right you are. Now speak about Astana as cultural center.

CULTURAL CENTER- Museums, art galleries, theatres, libraries, parks.

P4: There are several museums in Astana. The largest ones are: Museum of History and Local Lore and Seiphullin Museum. Astana is famous for its theatres. The best known is the Opera and Ballet Theatre by named Kulyash Baiseitova. There are a lot of green parks and libraries in Astana.

T: Very good. Now, let’s speak about education in our capital.

EDUCATIONAL CENTER- Institutes, universities, technical colleges, young people, different regions, different countries.

P5: We can say that Astana is an educational center. There are many technical colleges, institutes and universities. The best known are: Euroasian University, Agrarian University, Nazarbayev University. Many young people from different regions of our country and from different countries come to Astana to get a brilliant education.

T: Good. The next topic is about Sport and Transport.

SPORT and TRANSPORT CENTER- Stadiums, swimming pools, all kinds of transport, metro

P6: There are a lot of sport facilities in Astana such as stadiums, swimming pools. And as you know Asiada Games 2011 were held in Astana. Transport in Astana is extensive. Here you can see all kinds of transport except metro. There are railway station and airport in Astana.

Sights of Astana.

T: And the next points is the sights of Astana. When we go to London we shall take some pictures of Astana, some photos or slides. Let’s suggest that our friends should walkalong the streets of our Astana.

P7: This is the monument to Tole-be, Kazybek-be, Aiteke-be which is situated by the building of Supreme Court of Justice. Many people come to this monument to show their love for the best Kazakh sons.

P8: Here you can see one of the famous places in Astana – Central Square. It is the main place for folk holidays, the favourite place for the rest of the town people.

P9: This Palace is called Congress Hall now. Many meetings and concerts take place there. In this building was crowned President of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev. It is a very nice building now.

T: Thank you very much. I think that our guests have got a lot of information, but we haven’t told them about our history. Let’s listen to the text and follow the course in history. After listening to the text you will try to point our the main periods of the history of Astana and ask questions on this topic.


The history of Astana began in the year 1830. Astana was founded in 1830 on the bank of the Ishim River by Colonel Phyodor Kuzmich Shubin as a fortress.

In 1939 was formed Akmola region and Akmola became the center of this region.

In 1954 in Akmola region the development of virgin and unused lands began. In honour of this event the town of Akmola was renamed in Tselinograd in 1961.

In 1994 Tselinograd was renamed in Akmola again.

In 1997 by Decree of President of Kazakhstan Akmola became the capital of our country.

In 1998 Akmola was renamed an Astana.

(Before listening the teacher may practice some difficult words).

T: Now will work this way. You should match the dates and the corresponding events.


1830 – the foundation of Astana.

1939 – the formation of Akmola region

1954 – the beginning of the development of virgin and unused lands

1961 – Akmola was renamed in Tselinograd

1994 – Tselinograd was renamed in Akmola

1997 – the capital of Kazakhstan

1998 – Akmola was renamed in Astana

VI. Practice. Answer the following questions:

T: now answer my questions.

1.What is the capital of Kazakhstan? Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan.

2.What is the name of its river? Astana is situated on the bank of the Ishim River.

3.How many people live there? The population of the city is over 800 thousand.

4.What sightseeing of Astana do you know?

5.When was Astana founded? Astana was founded in 1830.

6.When was Akmola region formed? Akmola region was formed in 1939.

7.When did the development of virgin and unused lands begin?

The development of virgin and unused lands began in 1954.

8.When was Akmola renamed in Tselinograd? Akmola was renamed in Tselinograd in 1961.

9.When was Tselinograd renamed in Akmola again? Tselinograd was renamed in Akmola again in 1994.

10.When did Akmola become the capital of Kazakhstan? Akmola became the capital of Kazakhstan in 1997.

7.When was Akmola renamed in Astana? Akmola was renamed in Astana in 1998.

True or false

    Astana is the capital of China. __________

    It’s in the central part of Kazakhstan. ________

    It’s situated on the river Esil. ________

    There are eight hundred thousand people in Astana. _______

    Astana is famous for it’s modern buildings. _________

    Astana has a problem with pollution. _________

VII . Reading . Чтение текста. (с.). Самостоятельное изучение материала.

Work in groups. (work with flipcharts, clusters)

a)Cluster: give your association with the city Astana.


b) I give you some pictures of Astana sightseeings. You should write a title of the popular buildings under each picture.

One speaker from each group protects the presentat ion (project)

I offer you to see the Presentation about Astana.

VIII.Grammar revision: Franctional and Decimal Numerals.

The words for common fractions are also composite. They are formed from cardinals denoting the numerator and substantivized ordinals denoting the denominator. If the numerator is a numeral higher than one, the ordinal in the denominator takes the plural form. The numerator and denominator may be joined by means of a hyphen or without it:

1/3 - one-third (one third), 2/7 - two-sevenths (two sevenths), etc.

In mixed numbers the numerals denoting fractions are joined to the numerals denoting integers (whole numbers) by means of the conjunction and:

3 1/5 - three and one-fifth, 20 3/8 - twenty and three-eighths.

In decimal fractions the numerals denoting fractions are joined to those denoting whole numbers by means of the words point or decimal:

0.5 - zero point (decimal) five,

2.3 - two point (decimal) three,

0,5 - zero decimal five,

0,005 - zero decimal zero zero five.

IX. Fastening. Закрепление .

Pupil 1: Astana is the capital of our country.
Pupil 2: Astana is the most beautiful city in the world.
Pupil 3: Astana is famous for the Baiterek Tower.
Pupil 4: Astana was twelve years old in 2010.
Pupil 5: Astana became the capital in 1998.
Pupil 6: Astana is the place where our President lives.
Pupil 7: Astana is the city where I would like to live.


a) You can visit here a 3D cinema, a bowling, cafes, a theatre and an aqua park. There is a large aquarium with real sea sharks. It opened in 2006. (Duman)
b) This tower is the main symbol of Astana and its visiting card. It is very popular with tourists. Here you can see our President’s handprint. This tower is 105 metres high. (Baiterek)

c) This Palace is the official residence of Nursultan Nazarbayev- the President of Kazakhstan. It is a very beautiful building with white columns. (Ak-orda)
d) This Palace was built by British architect Lord Norman Foster. It looks like a very big pyramid. The pyramid is 62m high. (The Pease Palace)

X. Fill in the last column of the table: What did you know about Astana?

Подведение итогов. Формативное и суммативное оценивание. Формативное оценивание в течении всего урока, по таблице ЗХУ. Суммативное оценивание , исходя из формативного , за тест .

Homework: your homework will be: find the information and tell us about Cultural Centre, Educational, Sport and Transport of Astana and so on.


Do you like our lesson today? Was it interesting for you?
– Was something new for you? What?
– How do you think was it useful for you? Why?

T: Thank you very much. You have worked well today.

Lesson is over! Good bye!

Numerals are the words by which we determine the number or order of items in the bill. We know that in English as in Russian, there are cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers. More details about each of these groups you can find in the corresponding material on the blog. It remains to talk about fractional numerals in English (fractional numbers). How did these concepts are expressed in the language we are studying?

In order to understand the intricacies of the use of fractional numerals in the English language, you must remember certain information from a mathematics course. What shot did you study in school? The correct answer — simple and decimal. It is in this vein that we talk about fractional numerals.

Fractions in English

In English, in simple fractions (common fractions) expressed cardinal number numerator and the denominator — the ordinal. So do not forget how to form ordinal numbers. Moreover, if the numerator is a number greater than unity in the denominator will also end s at the end. For example:

  • ½ — a half / one half
  • — a third / one third
  • ¼ — a fourth / one fourth / a quarter / one quarter
  • — a fifth / one fifth
  • — a sixth / one sixth
  • — two third s
  • ¾ — three fourth s / three quarter s
  • — four fifth s
  • — five sixth s
  • 1 ½ — one and a half
  • 2 ¼ — two and a fourth
  • 3 — three and a third

In what is a noun including accompanying fractional numeral in the English language? The noun of the shot will be in the singular, and it will be located in front of the preposition of:

  • ⅔ kilogram (two thirds of a kilogram)
  • ¾ kilometer (three fourths of a kilometer)
  • ½ litre (one half of a litre)

If the noun refers to a mixed number, we use the plural noun:

  • 2 ½ kilograms (two and a half kilograms)
  • 3 ¾ kilometer (three and three fourths kilometers)

Decimals in English

Now let’s talk about the decimals in English (decimal fractions). In Russian we are such fractions separate the integer from the fraction with a comma. In English, for the same procedure used point. The fractions of each digit is read separately. By the way, the point in English point, and at zero two options nought (UK) and zero (USA). If an integer is represented in decimal zero, often reading it is lowered. For example:

  • 0.1 — nought point one / point one
  • 0.2 — nought point two / point two
  • 0.3 — nought point three / point three
  • 0.01 — nought point nought one / point nought one
  • 0.02 — nought point nought two / point nought two
  • 0.03 — nought point nought three / point nought three
  • 3.36 — three point three six
  • 6.92 — six point nine two
  • 8.71 — eight point seven one
  • 64.705 — six four point seven nought five

And a few words about the percentage. To indicate the percent sign is used — and the word% per cent:

  • 3% — three per cent
  • 4/5% — four fifths per cent / four fifths of one per cent

That’s all the information you need to know to navigate the article «Fractional numerals in the English language.» I’m sure you all have long known there remember some nuances.

This topic is closely related to the other as described in the articles that need to pay attention:

  • «The numerals in the English language»
  • «Cardinal numbers in English»
  • «Ordinal numbers in English»
  • «Dates and ordinal numbers in English»

After reading them, we recommend to pass the following test: «The test for the use of numerals in the English language.»

of the lesson

Teacher’s action of management

Cognitive action of


Visual aids, resources


1. Organization moment: greeting the students.

2.Dividing the class into groups.

3. Checking-up homework

2. Divides students.

3. Now, let’s check your home task. What was your home task for today?

Let’s check, who is ready? Who wants?

Good morning Teacher!

It was retell the text about Political system of Kazakhstan

Pr esentation

of the lesson

ІІ par t

Psychological training

To choose one figure among the different figures and know about their characters.

To choose one figure

Main part

Vocabulary and pronunciation

Listening and Speaking

Work with the new vocabulary notes.

We’ll read and try to know the meaning of these vocabulary words.

Explain the new theme, Reading the text

Listen and repeat after teacher

Read the text and translate

Grammar: Fractional and Decimal Numerals.

Explain rule with examples

To give out tasks on grammar


Concluding the lesson.

Match the words with the definitions

Evaluating by criteria of assessment.

Puts summative assessment

Give each other smiles and say their opinions.

The leader student evaluates the group

To learn new words

Explain homework.

Writing home task.

Reflection of the lesson

2 stars, 1 offer.

I like ……………
It seems ……………

During a lesson ……
My mood was ………
Methods of the lesson....................


«Бақанас аграрлы – индустриалдық колледжі» МКҚК



Директордың оқу-ісі жөніндегі орынбасары Каркынбаева Г.О. _____________

«____» ________________ 2017ж.

Модульдің / пәннің атауы:

шетел тілі

Дайындаған: Рақымберлі Ж.Р

Оқытушы: Рақымберлі Ж.Р

1 курс

12 топ


Сабақ нөмірі



0508000 – «Тамақтандыруды ұйымдастыру»

0508012 – «Аспаз»

1 курс 13 топ


Сабақ нөмірі



1201000 –« Автомобиль көлігіне қызмет көрсету, жөндеу және пайдалану»

1201072 – «Автокөліктерді жөндеуші слесары»

Пән/модуль атауы:

Шетел тілі

Сабақ тақырыбы:

President government and parliament. Fractional and Decimal Numerals.


Өткізу орны:

Шет тілі кабинеті

Сабақ мақсаты:

Студенттергетақырып бойынша мәлімет беру.

Сабақ міндеттері:

Білімділік: Студенттердің тақырыпқа сай саяси жүйе туралы сөздік қорын молайту, еркін сөйлеуге, сөздің дұрыс дыбысталуын жетілдіру, грамматикалық ережелерді дұрыс қолдану.

Дамытушылық: Ойлау қабілетін дамыту, жазу, сөйлеу, оқу арқылы өз ойын еркін айтуды арттыру.

Тәрбиелік: Елін, отанын сүйге, патриот болуға, еңбекке жауапкершілікпен қарауға тәрбиелеу; тәртіптілікке баулу.

Күтілетін нәтиже:

Тақырыпты меңгеруі

Сабақ типі

Аралас сабақ

Оқыту әдістері, педагогикалық техникалар, педагогикалық технологиялар:

Миға шабуыл; топтастыру; академиялық дау – дамай әдісі; ыстық орындық; кім жылдам; АКТ; оқыту мен оқудағы жаңа тәсілдер; оқыту үшін бағалау және оқуды бағалау; сыни тұрғыдан ойлауға үйрету; оқытуды басқару және көшбасшылық;

Қажетті құралдар мен жабдықтар:

Сөздік, карта, кесте, слайд, оқулық, экран, проектр, флипчарт, маркерлер, портреттер, тақта, бор, стикерлер, таратпа қағаздар, CD диск

Қосымша ақпарат көзі (әдебиет):

«English» Т. Аяпова, З. Әбілдаева, Ж. Тұтбаева, З. Садуақасова, Ж. Құрмамбаева;

Таратпа қағаздар;


1. Порядковые числительные образуются путем прибавления суффикса -th к соответствующим количественным числительным:

four-(the) fourth (четвертый)

seven-(the) seventh (седьмой)

eighteen-(the) eighteenth (восемнадцатый)

Исключение составляют числительные one , two , three :

one-(the) first (первый)

two-(the) second ["sekond] (второй)

three-(the) third (третий)

При образовании порядковых числительных от числительных five , eight , nine , twelve перед суффиксом -th изменяется написание основы:

five-(the) fifth (пятый)

eight-(the) eighth (восьмой)

nine-(the) ninth (девятый)

twelve-(the) twelfth (двенадцатый)

При образовании порядковых числительных от количественных числительных, оканчивающихся на -ty , конечное -у меняется на -ie :

twenty-(the) twentieth (двадцатый)

forty-(the) fortieth (сороковой)

При образовании составных порядковых числительных только последний разряд приобретает форму порядкового числительного:

(the) forty-eighth (the) fifty-third

(сорок восьмой пятьдесят третий)

2. Существительные, определяемые порядковыми числительными, употребляются с определенным артиклем:

The first mention of Moscow was in 1147

(Первое упоминание о Москве относится к 1147 году)

При обозначении номеров комнат, домов, трамваев, автобусов, троллейбусов, глав, параграфов, размеров одежды и обуви вместо порядковых числительных могут употребляться количественные числительные, при этом артикль the опускается, а числительное ставится после существительного, к которому оно относится:

the sixth room - room six (шестая комната - комната шесть)

the eighteenth page - page eighteen (восемнадцатая страница - страница восемнадцать)



1. В простых дробях (Common Fractions ) числитель выражается количественным числительным, а знаменатель порядковым:

1/7- one seventh (одна седьмая)

При чтении простых дробей, если числитель их больше единицы, к знаменателю прибавляется окончание множественного числа - s :

2/4 - two fourths -(две четвертых)

2/3 - two thirds -(две третьих)

3 1/5 - three and one fifth -(три целых и одна пятая)

1/2 - one second, a second, one half, a half -(одна вторая, половина)

1/4 -one fourth, a fourth, one quarter, a quarter -(одна четвертая, четверть)

2. В десятичных дробях (Decimal Fractions ) целое число отделяется точкой, и каждая цифра читается отдельно. Нуль читается nought (в США - zero ["zierou]) .

4.25 four point twenty-five; four point two five

0.43 nought point forty-three; nought point four three

3. Существительные, следующие за дробью, имеют форму единственного числа, и перед ними при чтении ставится предлог - of :

2/3 metre- two thirds of a metre

(две третьих метра)

0.05 ton - nought point nought five of a ton

(ноль целых пять сотых тонны)

Существительные, следующие за смешанным числом, имеют форму множественного числа и читаются без предлога of :

35 1 /9 tons -thirty-five and one ninth tons

14.65 metres -one four ( или fourteen) point six five ( или sixty-five) metres

4. В обозначениях номеров телефонов каждая цифра читается отдельно, нуль здесь читается [ о u ]:

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