Home Berries Army exoskeletons. Exoskeleton Talos - US military development. This exoskeleton is designed for patients

Army exoskeletons. Exoskeleton Talos - US military development. This exoskeleton is designed for patients

What is an ExoAtlet exoskeleton and how much does it cost?

ExoAtlet (ExoAtlet) - a motorized exoskeleton suit (exoskeleton suit), providing upright posture for people suffering from paralysis of the lower limbs. The Exoskeleton The ExoAtlet is available for individual use at home, at work, or for other daily tasks.

This exoskeleton is designed for patients:

  • with the consequences of a stroke
  • spinal cord injury
  • multiple sclerosis

The exoskeleton for non-walkers used in modern medicine is intended for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities as a result of spinal cord injuries and unsuccessful spinal surgeries.

Medical exoskeletons this is a big step in medicine and science. To buy an exoskeleton inexpensively today there is such an opportunity! We present you an overview of the Russian-made ExoAtlet exoskeleton.

ExoAtlet is an exoskeleton for medical and social rehabilitation

Exorehabilitation is a unique way of neurorehabilitation, which allows accelerating recovery and improving the quality of life of patients with the consequences of a stroke, traumatic spinal cord disease, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis and other nosologies.

In total, ExoAtlet pilots completed over 1,000,000 steps in 2015-2017.

The results of Russian clinical studies indicate that the use of the ExoAtlet exoskeleton in the rehabilitation process is safe and effective. Rehabilitation leads to an increase in tolerance and physical activity, an increase in muscle strength, an increase in walking stability, a decrease in spasticity, a normalization of blood pressure, an improvement in the functions of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system. Positive changes are noted in the psychological status of patients, in particular, a decrease in the degree of severe depression. These conclusions were made on the basis of the results of fourteen-day rehabilitation courses for patients with hip injury.

Exoskeleton production

The production of exoskeletons in Russia and in the world is a big step towards meeting future technologies that help and make life easier for people who need it. There are more and more medical institutions that are equipped with modern high-class rehabilitation equipment, which introduce new medical technologies into our life and make them a reality.

Exoskeleton training is a key trend in the rehabilitation of patients with locomotor disorders all over the world. The results are phenomenal! In 100% of patients with complete paralysis of the lower extremities, as a result of daily training for 2 years, motor function partially recovered.

Exoskeleton for disabled people and its capabilities:

  • Self-walking. Requires no crutches or other means to stabilize while keeping your hands free.
  • A modern exoskeleton will help even people with complete spinal cord injury.
  • Due to the absence of the need to use crutches, the risk of possible injuries and sprains in the shoulder joint is eliminated.
  • The exoskeleton for legs allows you to: get up / sit down, turn around, walk backwards, stand on one leg, walk up stairs, walk on various, even inclined surfaces.
  • It is very easy to operate - all functions are activated with a joystick. An exoskeleton at home is simply irreplaceable.
  • You can use it all day thanks to the high-capacity removable battery.
  • With a light weight, the ExoAtlet exoskeleton is only 23 kilograms, it can withstand a user weighing up to 100 kilograms and growing from 1.60 to 1.90 meters.
  • The comfortable fixation system does not cause any discomfort even if you wear it all day.
  • Also, when you are not moving, but just standing, ExoAtlet does not waste battery power.
  • Access to buildings without ramps, thanks to the ability to walk up the stairs without assistance.
  • Now you are not limited in activities: meeting with friends, walking in the fresh air, cooking - your hands are now always free!
  • The real ExoAtlet exoskeleton is so stable that you can stand on one leg.
  • The exoskeleton in life makes it possible to walk with friends and family, work, painting, cooking, cleaning or hugging with a loved one.

Method of application

The ExoAtlet exoskeleton is a state-of-the-art robotic mechanotherapy tool that combines movements in an exoskeleton with new technologies in neurophysiology, such as various types of electrical stimulation.

Basic motor tasks practiced with ExoAtlet:

  1. Get up from a sitting position from a support of different heights
  2. Sit down from a standing position
  3. Keeping balance
  4. Walk in place at different speeds
  5. Walk upright with varying lengths, stride heights and speeds
  6. Stop
  7. Turn on the meta and while walking
  8. Walking up and down stairs with a handrail on the right or left side

Contraindications for ExoAtlet exoskeleton:

  • Deep vein rambosis
  • Risks of trophic tissue changes
  • Pressure ulcers, wounds in the area of ​​attachment of the exoskeleton
  • pronounced contractures of the joints of the lower extremities
  • Severe muscle hypertonicity (more than 2 points on the MAS)
  • Severe osteoporosis (T score> 2.5)
  • Phlebothrombosis of the lower extremities
  • Arrhythmia of the heart, heart disease in the stage of decompensation
  • Orthostatic hypotension, acute inflammatory syndrome
  • Severe cognitive, emotional impairment
  • Limitation of the ability to support the upper limbs
  • Weight> 100 kg.
  • 150 cm.> Height> 190 cm.

Rehabilitation medical equipment for rehabilitation centers and for the disabled

ExoAtlet rehabilitation suit:

The ExoAtlet rehabilitation exoskeleton suit is designed to allow a person in a wheelchair to stand and walk on their own, without the aid of crutches or walkers. Simply put, it is an exoskeleton made of mechanical legs. The mobility of the exoskeleton suit offers significant potential benefits for people with disabilities, both in terms of health and quality of life. Moving around in an exoskeleton is like riding a motorcycle. Getting used to the controls, re-learning how to balance and taking your first step will take from several hours to several days of training.

Key features of the Russian exoskeleton ExoAtlet:

1.8 patterns of movement;
2. Battery autonomy / operating time: at least four hours in walking mode (battery charging time from 0% to 100% - 5 hours);
3. Functions: holding in an upright position, walking on a flat surface, walking in place, standing and landing without assistance;
4. Exoskeleton suit gives precise alignment of human joints.
5. Allowable tilt angle for walking on a horizontal surface: ± 10 °;
6. Foot plates provide stability and ease of movement on flat surfaces.
7. Ability to control walking from a "smart" crutch for a patient and from a tablet for a doctor;
8. Weight: 23 kg without packaging.
9. Automatic walking mode, in which the most natural pattern of human movement is repeated.
10. Adjusting the step parameters (length, leg lift and the duration of the support, transfer phases) to ensure a comfortable pattern;
11. Initiation of walking from the force developed by the patient;
12. Silometric measurements to assess the patient's rehabilitation success;
13. Built-in myostimulator;
14. Cloud service for storing / planning and managing patient training.

Health Benefits:

1. Reduction of adipose tissue.
2. Improving the functions of the cardiorespiratory system.
3. Blood pressure is normalized.
4. Ventilation of the lungs is improved.
5. Prevents muscle and bone degeneration.
6. Increases the mobility of the joints.
7. Improving the functioning of the digestive system.
8. Improving the functioning of the urinary system.
9. Walking is a very important condition for the proper functioning of human internal systems and organs. Thus, exoskeleton rehabilitation also promotes pelvic improvement. Modern exoskeletons are of great benefit to people with disabilities.

Buy an exoskeleton in Moscow and other cities of Russia!

It is now possible to buy an exoskeleton for disabled people in Russia!
You can buy an exoskeleton in: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Krasnoyarsk, Ukraine, Kiev, Finland, Estonia, Riga, Latvia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Omsk, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Ufa, Voronezh, Kazan , Novosibirsk, Rostov on Don, Chelyabinsk, Sochi, Barnaul, Arkhangelsk, Vladivostok, Vologda, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Kemerovo, Tomsk, Khabarovsk, Yaroslavl and in other cities of Russia and the nearest CIS countries.

The cost of the exoskeleton is RUB 3,600,000.

For all your questions:
How much does an exoskeleton cost? Where to buy an exoskeleton? Where to order an exoskeleton?
You can get answers to such questions after you write to us by mail: [email protected]
After that, an employee of the medical center will contact you and advise you.

Exoskeleton prototype for the RF military October 6th, 2017

No, well, of course, with tablets and smartphones, they can cheat us - they won't do what they show the president. They can even inflate with.

But the military is usually not deceived and do what they promised. But will they do it?

At the Army-2017 forum, a prototype of a new army exoskeleton called the Defender of the Future was presented. It is reported that such an exoskeleton in the future will become the equipment of soldiers, allowing to improve the physical parameters of the fighter, his endurance and the quality of shooting. With the help of such an exoskeleton, military personnel will be reliably protected from bullets and shrapnel, in addition, they will be able to carry up to 150 kg of cargo.

"Warrior-3" includes a titanium exoskeleton that will increase physical strength and endurance, a scaly body armor, a camouflage uniform that can adapt to weather conditions, an armored helmet with a flashlight, display and night vision device, as well as shoes with explosive sensors.

The division into generations of this equipment is rather arbitrary. Rather than reflecting specific time-bound milestones, it reflects an overall refinement and improvement process. Considering that the service life of the "Ratnik" is five years, with such an interval we should wait for an update, that is, closer to 2020.

What will happen in Ratnik-2 in the near future?

Firstly, the “friend or foe” recognition system for both combat vehicles and soldiers. This will allow you to avoid friendly fire on your own, and indeed, to better understand what is happening on the battlefield.

Secondly, it is possible that by this time the production of cardiovisors, announced at the Army-2016 forum, will be established. This device allows real-time recording of ECG readings, heart rate, respiratory movements, temperature. Based on this data, the commander can have an idea of ​​the physical and emotional state of his soldiers.

Thirdly, the time of aramid fabrics is coming to an end and they are being replaced by more practical and durable high molecular weight polyethylene.

Alexey Zakvasin

The first working exoskeleton for soldiers was created in Russia. Oleg Faustov, the chief designer of the life support system for combat equipment for military personnel of JSC TsNIITOCHMASH, told RT that the invention will significantly reduce fatigue during stress. The exoskeleton has already passed tests in the law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation. It is assumed that it will be combined with the third generation "Warrior" equipment. RT figured out how the design would help the Russian military.

  • Samples of outfits developed by TsNIITOCHMASH
  • www.cniitm.ru

The first for promising equipment "Ratnik-3", presented, allows fighters to carry a load of up to 50 kg. This was stated in an interview with RT by the chief designer for the life support system of combat equipment for military personnel of TsNIITOCHMASH JSC (Klimovsk) Oleg Faustov.

“This year we presented a 'working' exoskeleton with a helmet and Ratnik goggles that can display a map of the area. This model implements those functions that were previously unavailable ... The fighter in the exoskeleton does not interfere with anything: he can sit down, lie down, stand up, take any position, "Faustov said in an interview with RT.

The exoskeleton shown on the forum is a lever-articulated mechanical device. Assistive structures surround the shoulders, back and legs. The prototype is made of CFRP, an extremely durable and lightweight composite material. Depending on the configuration, the weight of the exoskeleton can vary from four to eight kilograms.

Faustov believes that the device developed at TsNIITOCHMASH should significantly "make the life of a soldier easier." The design is devoid of electronics and is practically invisible on the soldier (the so-called "passive exoskeleton"). It can be put on within a minute and unfastened in 20 seconds. To adapt to the exoskeleton, a soldier requires two weeks of training.

“The current exoskeleton is designed for specific tasks. If a soldier has to spend the whole day on his feet, then, of course, he will need it. For example, it will definitely come in handy for sappers, whose protective suit sometimes weighs up to 80 kg, ”Faustov noted.

The specialist admitted that the exoskeleton for "Warrior-3" is not a universal invention and therefore will not fit all units of the RF Armed Forces. In particular, the design does not allow the serviceman to make sudden movements and land.

“In the near future, we probably won't have a multifunctional exoskeleton that will allow a fighter to run, jump with a parachute or swim. When our science "grows up" and technologies improve, then it will be possible to create an Iron Man, as in the famous Hollywood film, "Faustov joked.

The exoskeleton TSNIITOCHMASH has already passed experimental testing in the Russian army and internal affairs bodies. As the industrial director of the Rostec armaments cluster, Sergei Abramov, said earlier, the prototype was tested in "conditions of real military operations."

  • A sample of equipment for a soldier with an exoskeleton and a silent machine "Val"

“At the same time, work is underway on an active exoskeleton (equipped with electronics), a working prototype of which was also created by the developers of Rostec. Now he is improving. It is planned to present it at one of the next exhibitions, ”Abramov added.

According to him, the current model will become an integral part of Ratnik-3. Development work on the third generation equipment will start in 2019-2020. The exoskeleton will allow the soldier "to practically ignore a significant mass of equipment and weapons when performing long-term combat missions."

Irreplaceable assistant

Work on the exoskeleton has been going on in different countries of the world since the 1960s-1970s. The experience of military operations has demonstrated the need for servicemen in auxiliary structures during long transitions, marches, assault and special operations.

As the former commander of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, Lieutenant General Boris Gromov, recalled, in mountainous terrain, Soviet sergeants and officers had 40-60 kg of ammunition, equipment and provisions.

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“With such a huge weight, and even under the scorching sun, not everyone will be able to simply climb to the top, let alone take the fight after that. Therefore, the commanders sometimes looked, as they say, through their fingers at the fact that some soldiers, before going out to the mountains, left heavy equipment in the barracks - body armor and helmets, ”says Gromov.

However, the creation of a reliable and comfortable exoskeleton was delayed. Engineers in Russia and Western countries have relied on the lightening of small arms, ammunition and equipment. Also, over the past decades, a breakthrough was made in improving the means of protection (body armor and helmets) and combat equipment in general.

“Modern equipment, including the same Ratnik, is incomparable in functionality with the ammunition of the 1980s. However, as before, the soldier is under tremendous physical stress. The need for exoskeletons was not done anywhere, but rather again entered the agenda, ”said military expert Yuri Knutov.

  • Conceptual model of the "Defender of the Future" outfit with an exoskeleton

According to him, the exoskeleton presented at Army-2018 has a number of significant advantages that will really simplify the performance of certain tasks by military personnel.

“The brainchild of Klimovsk specialists is intended for engineering units and military personnel who have to overcome obstacles, carry a heavy load - for example, a sniper rifle, a machine gun and ammunition for them. Also, the exoskeleton will become an irreplaceable assistant in the evacuation of the wounded from the battlefield, "Knutov said.

However, the expert is convinced that a soldier will not be able to participate in hostilities in an exoskeleton. Despite the apparent lightness and simplicity, the design constrains the movement of the fighter.

“This does not mean that there is no need to work on improving the exoskeleton. Quite the opposite, this is an extremely promising direction. And I have no doubt that an exoskeleton for combat will appear in Russia in the future. It's just that now this device will be useful for performing other tasks, "Knutov said.

  • Servicemen in "Ratnik" outfit
  • www.cniitm.ru

The interlocutor of RT believes that the development of exoskeleton technologies should occur simultaneously with the improvement of the security of the soldier. This approach will allow you to create the most effective equipment.

“Ideally, the weight of the body armor should be reduced to five kilograms. The life support system must be radically improved, which will be able to automatically transmit information about a soldier's injury and even stop bleeding. All this, of course, in the future, but our country is moving in this direction, ”Knutov emphasized.

In 2007, the Ministry of Emergencies contacted the Research Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University. The rescue department needed a Russian unit to facilitate rescue operations - an exoskeleton. A special design for the human body, which allows you to increase the capabilities of the body several times. Thanks to the development of modern technologies, this idea of ​​superman science fiction writers has now found its real embodiment. This direction has been actively developing in the West over the past years, and Russian engineers decided not to stay away from these processes.

An exoskeleton is today called an external frame system designed to enhance the muscular strength of a person or the special lifting force of an android robot. Originally, this designation was taken from biology, in which it meant the external skeleton in invertebrates. In the future, this technology should eliminate the physical limitations of people, as well as various mechanisms.

Currently, the main area of ​​use of exoskeletons is development in the interests of the military. The main focus of work on exoskeletons is the development of a working prototype that could enhance the physical abilities of soldiers. In the future, similar functions can be used, for example, for diving to depth or flying into space, as well as in other rather difficult situations. The second, no less common, example of the use of exoskeletons is assistance in the rehabilitation of patients with lesions of the musculoskeletal system. An example of such a device is the Honda Walking Assist Device. It should be noted that Russian developers are also interested in this direction of development.

In addition to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, domestic developers were also supported by the Ministry of Education and Science (allocation of funding in the amount of 120 million rubles). In 2013, the first sample weighing 50 kg and capable of withstanding a maximum load of up to 200 kg was presented at the 6th International Salon of Integrated Safety. At the same time, the development received a gold medal from the hands of Sergei Shoigu himself and the task of "finalizing" the device. Still, the first exoskeleton created in Russia turned out to be too cumbersome, and also with an unacceptable delay in reactions.

Like the Iron Man suit from the popular science fiction film, the Russian development "ExoAtlet" is able to endow a person with a set of superpowers. And although it is impossible to fly in such a suit, the developers believe that with its help "you can move mountains." According to Pavel Komarov, a researcher at the Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University, the weight, which is attached to the load-bearing structure at the top, goes through the hinge in the hip and pelvis through the leg into the ground. In a static position, a person is completely released from the load, he does not feel the weight being held. The maximum load that this exoskeleton can now withstand is 200 kg. At the same time, holding such a weight, a person is unlikely to be able to move. However, a person can carry a weight of 70 or even 100 kg with this exoskeleton even over very long distances.

LifeNews correspondents who visited the laboratory tried ExoAtlet on themselves. With a total load of 50 kg, its weight is absolutely not felt by a person. At the same time, in order to fully use this development, a person needs to learn how to cope with the force of inertia, and this is achieved through constant training. Mainly, this suit was created for Russian rescuers, one of the initiators of its creation is the Ministry of Emergencies. At the same time, Russian scientists were faced with a rather difficult task to create a durable and at the same time quite light suit.

It is necessary that EMERCOM employees can easily climb stairs in the zone of man-made accidents or disasters, while spending less oxygen, explains one of the aspects of using the ExoAtlet, Elena Pismennaya, who holds the position of senior researcher at the Institute of Mechanics at Moscow State University. The creators of the Russian exoskeleton believe that the possibilities of using this mechanism are almost unlimited.

Currently, the development team continues to work on improving their project, finalizing the model in cooperation with future users and specialized agencies. However, all these are closed developments, while the employees of the research institute have a desire to release something for the open market. Therefore, in the near future, a new exoskeleton may appear already in a medical version.

Almost in parallel, a number of team members had an idea in their heads that went beyond R&D - to commercialize their product. Of all the possible options for adapting the exoskeleton for its possible launch on the wide market, the most breakthrough and profitable for them was the medical direction - the rehabilitation of patients. Ekaterina Bereziy, who headed the project that spun off from the main team back in 2011, notes that the developers did not want to stop at the level of drawings and give up the whole thing. A commercial structure called "ExoAtlet" was specially created with the participation of specialists from Moscow State University and under a government contract from the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The Ministry of Industry and Trade allocated 40 million rubles for the development of the exoskeleton, while the team that went to do business does not lose touch with their colleagues who are working on a defense order.

In the field of medicine, especially in the field of rehabilitation of patients, exoskeletons are able to provide a large number of opportunities for those people who now move with the help of a wheelchair. At the same time, they can solve several different functions at once: a product - a substitute for a wheelchair, a simulator for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system who need rehabilitation, as well as a product of emotional and social rehabilitation - since a person with limited physical capabilities gets a chance to start move independently. He gets rid of the need to constantly look at the people around him from the bottom up.

Currently, the goals of the Russian project "ExoAtlet" are the development of the first exoskeleton in our country. This project is based on innovative developments made by employees of the Research Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University and aimed at expanding the physical capabilities of people. Currently, the project is developing in two directions: an emergency rescue modification and a medical exoskeleton.

The rescue modification of the exoskeleton was designed to solve problems that involve carrying rather heavy loads over a long range; it can also be used during anti-terrorist operations and mine clearance. To eliminate the consequences of man-made disasters and natural disasters, to dismantle the resulting debris, to perform operations to extinguish fires in conditions of limited air supply in the breathing apparatus of firefighters. The medical version, designated ExoAtlet Med, is being developed to help people with disabilities. It can be used for both medical and social rehabilitation of patients suffering from musculoskeletal disorders. Such an exoskeleton is ideal for the needs of therapy and rehabilitation of the specialized contingent of rehabilitation centers and hospitals.

True, the Russian company ExoAtlet is several years late in this direction, preparing to present its medical development only in 2017. However, the most successful medical versions of exoskeletons have already reached the end user: from the leader of medical skeletal engineering, the American company Ekso Bionics and the Israeli Re Walk. At the same time, the American prototype is similar to the Russian development, and the company itself has chosen a similar development path, having separated at one time from military developments. Not so long ago, Ekso Bionics managed to attract about $ 20 million in investment in its project.

Currently, the Russian company "ExoAtlet" employs 20 people - designers, engineers, mathematicians, programmers, specialists in the field of control theory and neurointerfaces, marketers and managers. The company is well aware that this project can be included in the list of rehabilitation means only with the support of the state. The developers of ExoAtlet Med expect that their product will be included in the official register of technical means of rehabilitation (today it includes wheelchairs, crutches, which disabled people under special programs can get for free or with a substantial discount).

At the same time, the company also hopes to receive government orders. In total, the state spent 160 million rubles on the development of a working model of the Russian exoskeleton in 2011-2014. According to representatives of ExoAtlet, the new prototype will be ready by the end of 2014. And already in 2015, physicians, partners of the project, will be able to conduct preclinical trials of the novelty, and the developers will begin to refine it based on receiving recommendations from doctors. For the next stage of work on the project, which will approximately last at least a year, the developers need about 137 million rubles more. It was decided to apply for the required amount to Russian officials.

Until the product is ready for mass production, it is not worth pinning hopes on private venture capital funds - the risks are too big. Therefore, it is planned to attract private investors to the project only at the second stage of work. The Russian exoskeleton will have to go into serial production in 2016-2017. When a working prototype is ready, it will become finally clear what the final product of the company is, how it can be implemented and what are the prospects for the new product to be included in the register of technical means for the rehabilitation of disabled people. It is at this moment that the product will finally become commercial and it will be possible to look for private investors for it. Also, the developers expect to find a partner who will be ready to build a plant for them for the opening market, describes the next steps Ekaterina Bereziy.

In fact, at the moment in Russia there is simply no market for such products; it has yet to be created. It also remains an open question whether Russian designers will be able to bring their creation to mind. The ExoAtlet team has to solve many issues that are in related areas - to synchronize the reading of the impulse and the reaction of the machine, to solve the issue of increasing the battery charge, to continue to reduce the volume and weight of its product, to decide how to free the user's hands. At the same time, this direction is gaining strength in the world. According to experts, the European exoskeleton market alone is already estimated at 1.5 billion euros. The technologies that have developed to date may finally lead to a real breakthrough in the construction of exoskeletons, and Russia may have a chance to keep up with its direct competitors in this race.

Sources of information:

New modern technologies fill our lives with amazing inventions and gadgets. Every day we use household appliances that were previously considered nothing more than a fantasy. The Internet, smartphones, cars stuffed with sensors and an autopilot - these are things and phenomena that are familiar to us and that brighten up our lives. It turns out that the technological progress of the evolution of mankind is driven by the military industry. For example, the microwave oven was first available to the military, and then the civilian population of the planet learned about it. Satellites, computers and much more have entered our life. A military exoskeleton will soon become available to us.

What are we talking about?

After reading the last paragraph, many were surprised or even frightened by the word "exoskeleton". Do not panic, let's figure it out and decide what kind of "beast" this is and why it is needed.

The exoskeleton is the latest unique development of scientists in such a field of science as biomechanics. The technology is made in the form of an external scaffold system, which is designed to enhance the muscular strength of a human or an android robot. This term was taken from biology. It means the superficial skeleton in invertebrates. Such technology in the future will allow to eliminate physical limitations in human life, as well as in the use of mechanisms. Military technology and its needs have again exceeded all expectations. They say that in 5-6 years special equipment will appear in the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

You have already understood and guessed that the development of exoskeletons is the sphere of interests of the Ministry of Defense. After all, such a development will increase the capabilities and physical abilities of the soldier. In the future, they want to apply these technologies to spacecraft, as well as machines for diving to extreme depths for research.

How did it all begin?

The military exoskeleton has become commonplace in the fantasy world. We've seen such devices in video games, movies and cartoons, but these "costumes" have appeared in development not so long ago. The very first introduced the world to American military technology in the 60s of the twentieth century. But it was so heavy and limited in mobility that it was necessary to exclude the possibility of using it in practice. General Electric and United Stades Military companies closed the project, which did not achieve positive results. Samples that have been successfully applied have emerged recently. The Russian-made exoskeleton has proven itself positively. The costumes are also being developed by other countries: the USA, Israel, Japan. What do you think, which powers are competing with each other in this development? So far, the development of the United States and the Russian Federation has been honored to bear the name "military exoskeleton"!

"Exosuit" today

In various games, there is an exoskeleton: "Stalker", "Warface", "Starcraft", "Crisis" and others. But in reality, these suits are just being developed. In our country, this novelty is being developed by the Research Institute of Mechanics of Moscow State University under the ExoAtlet logo. In America, two vehicles are being developed in parallel: the lightweight infantry "Hulk" from the company "Loked Martin" and the multipurpose heavy "IxOS-2" from the manufacturer "Raytheon".

A large amount of information about developments is closed. But human biomechanics in our country wants to release a device for the open market. A medical skeleton is coming soon.

Medical exoskeleton

Russian-made systems are planned to be used in medicine. This will empower people who are confined to wheelchairs. Human biomechanics is trying to introduce such devices into the rehabilitation process. They will simultaneously perform several functions:

  • wheelchair substitute;
  • simulator for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • a means of social and emotional rehabilitation.

The owner of this technique will be able to move independently and even get rid of the problem of looking "from the bottom up".

Emergency rescue suit

The military exoskeleton was designed to meet several challenges:

  • transfer of goods that are very heavy for a person over long distances;
  • demining of the area;
  • participation in anti-terrorist operations;
  • elimination of the consequences of man-made disasters and natural disasters;
  • analysis of collapses and rubble;
  • extinguishing fires when the supply of air in the breathing apparatus of the rescuer is limited, etc.

What is a modern superhero costume?

The exoskeleton of Russian production is executed in the form of a frame located behind the owner's back. There are also two supports for an arm and a leg on one side of the body. The device has no limbs that act as a hand. Domestic development differs from the overseas counterpart. Our apparatus is passive in nature. It is not equipped with servos, that is, the movement is carried out due to the strength of the muscles of the owner of the device.

But the world community believes that our development is much more promising than the American one in terms of mass application. "ExoAtlet" allows a fighter to carry a load weighing about one hundred kilograms. The point is that the weight on the frame is correctly distributed. Such a solution reduces the cost of production of exoskeletons dozens of times, which makes it possible to equip a larger number of fighters.

Overseas analogue

A large number of electronics and batteries were built into the American development. In addition to being expensive, Western designs have another problem - autonomy. The engineers ensured that the system ran for 72 hours. But soon the question arises of charging or replacing the power supply unit (battery), because in the field it is very problematic, and sometimes impossible!

Critics saw another problem with the American HALK. What should a fighter do if the structure is discharged and there is no way to restore the energy resource? The designers argue that this situation is not a problem at all. These military robots can be easily folded, turning them into a kind of backpack. But such a robot weighs about 25 kg. And what should the defender do: abandon an expensive development or carry another 25 kg of excess weight, not counting those 100 kg of luggage?

HULC maintainability

In the field, the reliability and the possibility of repairing this equipment also raises a large number of questions. For military equipment, these parameters are very important. For example, small arms will be effective if they withstand unfavorable factors, and the soldier can repair them with improvised means during operation. It is not known how the unprotected electronics of the American analogue will behave in frost or dust conditions. In order to incapacitate a soldier with such a "contraption", it is enough to shoot a firearm at an element of construction, power supply or hydraulics. As a result, the super suit will become a heavy ballast. There is no way to repair such a thing in the field due to the increased technological complexity.

Russian exoskeleton

In the domestic version, there are no problems with the power supply. Our "ExoAtlet" is limited only by the physical capabilities of the fighter. The device does not relieve the physical activity of the warrior, but allows him to carry up to 100 kg of equipment and weapons. Our development does not carry a load, it helps a person to perform this function. Military developments are unique. Engineers have achieved that "ExoAtlet" has a mass of only 12 kg. This is one of its advantages. Indeed, in a battle, every gram counts. We must understand that being overweight slows down a fighter's performance. This negatively affects the efficiency of the warrior. And the lightness of this design is an obvious plus.

Military use of "ExoAtlet" is also due to the fact that hydraulics and electronics are absent. The apparatus is a simple and lightweight metal construction. After all, the simpler the equipment, the less negative factors it affects, be it a breakdown or harsh climatic conditions. Repairs will also be much easier. Our developers have created such a skeleton in which there is practically nothing to be damaged. And mechanics in battle are much easier to restore than electronics. Due to these factors, domestic development is much more reliable than Western counterparts.

Simply put, simple and economical military robots will soon appear in the defense of our country. Meanwhile, Western design engineers continue to puzzle over their heads. They have to go a long way of improvements and improvement of their brainchild. The HULC recently participated in an army test, but unfortunately the results were disappointing. Therefore, the military youth of the United States will not soon see the exosuit on their shoulders.

The history of the creation of "ExoAtlet"

  • 2011 - MSU scientists won a tender from the Ministry of Emergencies for the development of the skeleton. In the following years, the team created passive and active devices. The passive was not afraid of fire, weighed 12 kg and carried weights up to 100 kg. The active one allowed the fighter to lift the weight up to 200 kg.
  • 2013 - A team of scientists spun off to develop ExoAtlet for medical purposes. Their motto was that real people would walk in exoskeletons.

  • 2014 - Research Institute of Moscow State University receives the main prize from Startup Village. The team became a resident of Skolkovo, and also entered the top five finalists of the Generation S competition and performed at the Sochi Olympics in robotics. Then there was a presentation of the development in Singapore and negotiations with the country's chief rehabilitation specialist.
  • 2015 - first sales. The Arkhangelsk Region purchased 6 suits for research and testing. In the same year, the first trip to the Middle East took place. At the X Venture Fair in Kazan, the team won first place in the high-tech nomination.
  • 2016 - ExoAtlet crosses the Atlantic and conquers the American and Asian markets. Skeleton developers associate this year with a flare gun shot. Sales of devices in Russia start, as well as serious clinical trials.

ExoAtlet at home

Our "Athlete" is designed in such a way that it fully reproduces the gait of the owner. But this does not mean that the process will be carried out without the participation of the owner. This movement can be compared to cycling. The person will have to get used to the management. With such equipment, you need to re-learn how to keep balance and take the first steps one by one. This process takes from several hours to several days. The procedure for learning to control the exoskeleton takes place in the clinic, where the device is adjusted to the personal parameters of the owner:

  • width of the pelvis;
  • back height;
  • the length and proportion of the legs.

Naturally, everything takes place under the supervision of a doctor who, before each workout, conducts a full check of the body. Further, the patient has the right to conduct training and rehabilitation at home, but again under supervision. The robot records telemetry data and transmits it to the monitoring center.

If the spinal cord is injured relatively recently, then there is a chance to avoid disability. But this "golden hour" does not last long. The sooner the patient gets to his feet and takes the first step with the help of the ExoAtlet, the more chances he has to restore motor functions and return to normal life. But it is important to remember that the rehabilitation process is different for everyone and depends on the life resources of the affected person.

In case of complete loss of motor functions, ExoAtlet will become a partial replacement for a wheelchair. It should be understood that you cannot spend days in a suit, as this is a means of rehabilitation. Daily training in a suit will replace three physiotherapists at once, and will fundamentally change the quality of life of paralyzed patients. The exoskeleton will help people start walking. Walking will lead to the fact that ventilation of the lungs will significantly improve, blood pressure will return to normal, joint mobility will increase, urinary tract infections will go away, nutrition of internal organs and muscles will be restored, and intestinal function will improve. All this is a physiological effect.

The emotional and psychological aspects in the life of a disabled person are equally important. Paralyzed people using ExoAtlet noticed that their mood and attitude to the world around them improved. Their lives began to fill with colors, positive impressions and emotions. They have new powers. Now they are able to communicate on an equal basis with the people around them. Fire and zest for life appear in the eyes of the ExoAtlet pilots. They say that behind them is not electronics and a battery, but a pair of high-tech wings.

Japanese HAL

In the Land of the Rising Sun, human biomechanics does not stand still. Scientists at the Japanese Experimental Laboratory have developed a hybrid auxiliary limb. Today it is used by people with disabilities on the island. The development and improvement of this costume took place at Tsukubin University for 20 years! Today, the Japanese are actively introducing HAL technology in medicine. Cyberdyne (the owner of the rights to the exoskeleton) has leased over three hundred copies. Back in 2013, the invention received a certificate for safety in use. This fact opened the way for the device to the world market, and also confirmed its reliability.

The owner of the HAL-5 modification can lift and move things and objects that exceed five times their maximum weight in natural conditions. Such a turn in the world of technology and robots greatly simplifies the work of rescuers and liquidators of various consequences. But this modification has not yet been implemented.


We've previously seen fantastic developments in movies. In games we met an exoskeleton ("Stalker"), but they could not even imagine that soon such technologies would become available to an ordinary person. In 2017, active tests are being carried out in the field of controlling the suit with the power of thought. Our scientists are now obliged to teach the operating system to instantly read the operator's soap. The problems of battery autonomy are gradually being solved, since the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation plans to start purchasing such devices as early as 2020. We can only wait for our bright minds at the Research Institute of Mechanics at Moscow State University.

Today in Russia there is no market for similar products. We have yet to create it. The question remains open as to whether engineers and designers will bring their offspring to perfection. The domestic team of "ExoAtlet" will have to solve a huge number of difficult issues: synchronization of impulse reading and response of the equipment, increasing the volume of the battery, reducing its weight and much more. This direction in the world is gaining momentum and becoming more and more popular. Competitors are also growing, conducting a huge number of tests. Experts have already estimated the European exoskeleton market at one and a half billion euros. Let's wish Russian developers good luck, creative success and next breakthroughs and discoveries on their difficult creative path!

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