Home Vegetable garden on the windowsill How to read the Bible is the most interesting thing in blogs. How to read the Bible to understand its meaning. How To Read The Bible Correctly If You Read The Bible

How to read the Bible is the most interesting thing in blogs. How to read the Bible to understand its meaning. How To Read The Bible Correctly If You Read The Bible

Peace be with you, pastor! I am deaf and dumb. I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as my Savior, but I am weak in reading the Bible. Please help me gain the strength to read the Bible with zeal, for I want to know Him with all my heart. Whatever I do, I really love the Lord JESUS ​​CHRIST. My problem is that I am weak in my reading. May the Lord bless you abundantly, pastor!

Dear sister, I am glad that you have accepted Jesus Christ into your heart and received the remission of sins and the gift of eternal life by faith in Him. I am glad for the desire of your heart, which you expressed in this message, since your condition is what the Lord Jesus meant when he said at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount:

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. (Matthew 5: 3)

And to this same state is bliss, which says:

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. (Matthew 5: 6)

Here you also have a promise that you will be satiated and that God will quench your thirst for deep knowledge of the Word of God.

The Epistle of James says:

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For he who hears the word and does not do it is like a person examining the natural features of his face in a mirror: he looked at himself, walked away and immediately forgot what he was. But whoever understands the perfect law, the law of freedom, and abides in it, he, being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the deed, will be blessed in his action. (James 1: 22-25)

This text speaks of two types of Christians, with two different attitudes towards the Holy Scriptures. The first one comes and listens, but does not actually perform. This listening can be compared with simply reading the Bible, because when someone just reads the Scripture, he does not pursue anything special, no specific goal, and then this reading brings the same result as listening - this person leaves and immediately forgets. what is he. And if he forgets, then he can no longer apply in his life.

The second Christian from the aforementioned verse is one who is not content with just listening or reading, without a specific goal, but this believer or believer delves into the perfect law, that is, the Bible, and dwells in it, being not a hearer (or reader) forgetful, but the doer of the work. To penetrate is to study deeply. You should begin to study the Bible deeply. When you start researching, the Bible will become very interesting and you will not be able to get enough of what you study. I read the entire Bible before I made the decision to become a Christian. Then, after I was reconciled with Christ and, for another 2 weeks, I read the entire Bible together with the Bible Encyclopedia to be sure that I understood every word and expression. And then there came a time when I didn't know how to study the Bible and no one could show me how to do it. I assume that you are in the same condition now. When I went to someone and asked to teach me how to study the Bible, I was told to read each verse and meditate ... What to ponder if I could not see more in this verse than I could see when I read it? Others advised me to read the commentaries, so that I would understand the Bible better. I started, and I read half of William Barkley's comments, but I was still not satisfied. What was my joy when I saw the book "How to Study the Bible?" written by Kay Arthur. Along with this book, I received from the deacon the course "Lord, I want to know You" by the same author, a course on the character of God, intended to be studied for 42 days, but I thirsted so much that it took me 2 days to study it and 2 a.m. Since then, Bible reading has never been anything difficult or boring for me. Since then, I have enjoyed studying the Bible, and have studied daily for 26 years using this exceptional inductive Bible study material.

Translation: Elena Stoler.

Testimonies of Church Fathers and Church Writers about the Bible


She is deceived, ignorant of the Scriptures, nor the power of God (Matt. XXII, 29).

Teaching the Word of God about yourself

Apostle Paul, saying that "all Scripture is inspired by God," he adds: "and it is useful for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness - may God's man be perfect, prepared for every good work." How is this done? This is accomplished by the same Word of God, “living and active” (Heb. IV, 12), when a person receives it in his heart by faith.

In Holy Scripture, the Word of God is called the sword, hammer, fire, lamp, seed, the word of life.

The Word of God is a “spiritual sword”: it “penetrates to the separation of soul and spirit and judges the feelings and thoughts of the heart” (Eph. VI, 17; Heb. IV, 12).

The Word of God is the "hammer" that breaks our hearts of stone (Jeremiah XXIII, 29).

The Word of God is “fire” that burns sinful filth in us and warms our hearts, which are by nature cold to the “mysteries of the Kingdom of God” (Matt. XIII, 11-15). The Word of God, taken in the heart by faith, purifies and sanctifies it (John XV, 3 and XVII, 7).

The Word of God is “a lamp shining in a dark place” (2 Peter I, 19) and with its light dispels the darkness of our ignorance, passions and delusions.

The Word of God is a “seed” (Luke VIII, 11-15). As a seed is thrown into the plowed ground and bears fruit, so the human heart, crushed, softened by the Word of God, gives the same seed of the Word of God and “bears fruit thirty, sixty, or a hundredfold” (Mark IV, 20). The word of God is, finally, “the word of life” (Philip. II, 16), the word that gives life - eternal life.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012 10:18 PM ()

This is a post quote

The Bible is an amazing book. Despite the fact that it is very ancient (it began to be written 3.5 thousand years ago and was completed 1.9 thousand years ago), nevertheless it is relevant for a modern person living in the 21st century. The Bible was and remains the most widely read book in the world. But at the same time, in order to read and understand it, you need a special approach to it. If you read the Bible like your morning paper, you will find it boring and incomprehensible. The Bible is not for that. It was given to people of all times and peoples who lived in different centuries and in different cultural traditions. And therefore, to understand it, you need to read it correctly.

Here are some tips on how to read the Bible correctly in order to understand its meaning.

1. Turn to the Author of the Bible - God.

Who can better discover the meaning of the book as not its author? So turn to God and ask Him to help you understand the Bible. You can say to God something like this: "God, I believe that the Bible is Your Word, and I want to understand it, help me please."

2. Honestly accept everything written in it.

There is one children's fairy tale, which tells about the Behemoth who considered himself very beautiful. And then one day he was given a mirror to look at himself. When the Behemoth looked at what he really is, he shouted: "This is not true, this mirror is lying! I am not like that!" And out of anger, he broke the mirror on the ground.

The Bible is also a kind of mirror. She speaks directly about who I am. It reveals all my flaws. And a person is faced with a choice: either to listen to her, honestly face the truth, repent, ask God to help change. Or just shut the Bible and say: this Mirror is lying, there is nothing terrible here, almost everyone lives like this now. The Bible itself says the following about this:

“The Word of God is alive and effective and sharper than any two-edged sword: it penetrates to the separation of soul and spirit, to the marrow of bones, and judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And there is nothing hidden from Him, but everything is naked and open before His eyes: let us give an account to Him. " (Heb. 4: 12-13)

Why was the Bible a forbidden book in Soviet times? Why also in the Middle Ages, even church rulers, on pain of death, forbade ordinary people to read the Bible? Because the Bible reveals the truth. Am I ready to accept the pure truth? Or will it depend on whether I like her?

3. Don't stop at the incomprehensible.

The Bible is divided into two parts: the Old Testament and the New Testament. So, the New Testament (or else it is called the Gospel) really begins with these words:"Genealogy of Jesus Christ, Son of David, Son of Abraham. Abraham begat Isaac; Isaac begat Jacob; Jacob begat Judas ..." - and so almost the entire first page. In the old days, for people, their genealogy was a kind of passport, an identity card. Especially among the Jews, it played a huge role. Therefore, in the New Testament, the description of the life of Jesus Christ begins with His genealogy.

Someone said: The Bible should be read like a fish is eaten. When a bone is found, it is skipped and they continue to eat further. Therefore, do not stop at the incomprehensible. Do not put away all the fish due to the trapped bone.

If you ask God to help you understand the truth of the Bible, you will honestly accept everything written in it, and devote time to read at least the New Testament, then you yourself will be surprised what result it will bring in your life. This is the most important book ever written. And most of the troubles of mankind are rooted in the fact that many people in their entire life have not even discovered it. It is not for nothing that the Bible itself says about it this way:

“The time will come when people will not listen to sound doctrine. They will invite and eagerly listen to those teachers who will tell them only what they themselves want to hear. They will stop listening to the truth and turn to fiction. " (2 Tim. 3:16)

Today, every day we are surrounded by a huge amount of various information: the Internet, TV, newspapers, radio, etc. But the one who stops to listen to what is really important, the Word of God, builds his life on timeless, eternal truths, and he will never regret it.


Reader question:

Hello, father! Please tell me how to read the Bible correctly? Is it possible to read the entire Old Testament first and then the New? Where to begin?


Priest Roman Posypkin answers:

Dear Sergey!
I would recommend that you start reading the Bible with the New Testament, or rather, with the Gospel of Mark - the shortest Good News about the life and preaching of the Incarnate Word God, our Lord Jesus Christ. Moreover, you should not just read the text of the Gospel, but use its patristic interpretations. For example, at the beginning of the last century, Basil, Bishop of Kineshma, served in the Church of the Ascension of the Lord in the city of Kineshma, Ivanovo region, where I am a rector. His book "Commentary on the Gospel of Mark" is rightfully considered one of the best among such works. Study it.

You can also see any other interpretations. Classic and relatively small in volume - the interpretation of St. Theophylact of Bulgaria.

Then read the rest of the Gospels - Luke, Matthew, John. Then read the Acts of the Holy Apostles and their, the Apostles, the Epistles. All passages that you do not understand, of which there will be many at first, should be disassembled by reading the interpretations of the Holy Fathers of the Church. Whom to choose? I can’t give you any advice. The point is that each reader has a certain author “to his liking”. Start reading a few, and choose the one whose interpretation will resonate in your heart.

After the New Testament, I would recommend that you read the first book from the Old Testament - Genesis. It talks about the creation of the world, about the fall of the first people. When reading it, it is important to understand that the events of creation and the Fall are described in the book in the language of metaphors. That is why, in addition to the book, it is also necessary to study the interpretation of it. In particular, the Holy Fathers wrote “Interpretations for the Sixth Day,” these works of theirs will greatly help you in studying the book of Genesis.

The Dean of the Trinity Selenginsky Monastery, Hieromonk Ephraim (Shishkin), answers the question:

How to read the Holy Scriptures correctly? This question, of course, is very difficult, difficult primarily due to the fact that the Holy Scripture is a divinely inspired Book. That is, these are not some human inventions, but the voice of God Himself sounds in the Bible. Of course, the attitude of a person who starts reading Scripture should be extremely reverent and responsible. And this will already be a good start to the fact that we will receive spiritual benefits from reading the Bible.

You need to understand that the impact of the Holy Scriptures on the human soul cannot be measured only by the impact on our mind - no. This impact is primarily on our heart, on the whole person as a whole. Due to its special divine origin, this Book has an amazing property: you can (and should) read it all your life, and at the same time always discover something new for yourself. That is, it is bottomless in its content, in its deepest meaning. The context for understanding Holy Scripture is given by Holy Tradition, it can even be said that Holy Scripture is a part of Holy Tradition. Therefore, for a deeper and more accurate understanding of Scripture, we need to turn to those interpretations of Holy Scripture that the Church offers us. First of all, here you can name the works of St. John Chrysostom. Holy Scripture is Christocentric, it has as its main subject God Himself, God incarnate, crucified and risen. Therefore, of course, when referring to the Bible, we must give priority to the books of the New Testament: the Gospel and the Apostle.

It is better to read the Holy Scriptures while standing, in a calm, balanced state of mind. It is very good to precede the reading with a small prayer asking for the granting of the understanding of Divine Revelation. Orthodox Christians usually read one chapter of any (one of the four) Gospels and one chapter of the Apostle a day.

Have you ever asked yourself the question: How do I read the Bible? Or maybe they were thinking: How do I start reading the Bible? Have you ever just opened and read a random Bible verse, hoping it's for you?

And then they got to "And, having thrown the pieces of silver in the temple, he went out, went and hanged himself." And they thought: No, not that. And they tried again.

And then you came across "Go, and you do the same."

Okay, that might not have happened to you, but I think I've illustrated quite well how intimidating Bible reading can be at times. Especially if you are a new Christian or just starting to read the Bible consistently.

The Bible is so big and there are so many books in it. The Bible's message is vast and deep, and it is almost the same as a middle school student trying to delve into what is written in a medical journal. The immensity of what is in front of us is so overwhelming that many give up before reading.

What if I told you that you don’t need to be intimidated and intimidated when you read the Bible?

This is how we read the Bible.

One piece at a time.

Here are 4 ways you can read the Bible successfully and confidently.

1. Read until you understand three things. Everything. When you understand three things, stop. Why three? Because, usually, that's all we can digest in one go.

Reading the Bible is not a sprint, it is a marathon. I remember many bloggers participating in the Read the Bible in 6 Months Challenge in January, but Bible reading is not a race from Genesis to Revelation. This is a novel. It's about building your relationship with God one date at a time.

And you can't rush to romance. So why are you in a hurry to read the Bible?

2. As you read, underline and highlight with colors. I prefer to highlight in my Bible and draw frames and bubbles around words. My Bible is all marked up. And I do this because it helps me to better absorb what I am reading. I love grammar, which is why I often mark keywords and prepositions that indicate the main idea. I love words like “therefore” that make me ask: And what is this “why” for here?(This is the question my dad taught me to ask.)

You can also paint your entire Bible with special colors. Courtney from the blog Women Living Well came up with a great color-coding system that she uses (see the note at the end of the article).

Using these methods will help you develop closer contact with the Bible. You are no longer a passive reader, you are drawn into it, you are drawn into it through words.

3. Once you have finished reading, write down what you have learned. James warns about a Christian who looked in the mirror, turned away, walked away and completely forgot what he saw. This is a great danger for us.

How often have we read some Bible verse that captured our hearts, but after living our day, we completely forgot about this verse, and days or months passed before we remembered these words again?

Taking notes helps these words go deeper into our hearts and strengthen them there. You see, if you write down every day what you read in the Bible, every time you open your notes, you will remember what you read earlier. You may even be tempted to go back a few pages and read what you have written down. This is a terrific way to gradually build up your time of personal relationship with God.

4. Read each book of the Bible in its entirety, not just one random verse every day. I cannot even express how dangerous I find the practice of randomly selecting verses as part of my daily Bible reading plan.

I am not opposed to situational Bible study (for example, studying what the Bible says about worship), or even choosing one verse per day on a specific topic in addition to daily reading.

Dangerous I find what I described at the beginning of this article - simply opening the Bible at random and reading that passage. The reason why I consider this to be dangerous is as follows:

  1. We are not reading this verse in the context of a chapter or book. Out of this practice, heretical doctrines arose, where well-meaning people chose a particular verse to validate their belief without understanding the context and that the verse had nothing to do with the doctrine they had created.
  2. We are not growing as Christians. Spiritual maturity teaches us to use the foundational elements of Scripture. The only way to find them is to read entire books of the Bible every day and allow the message contained in a given book or series of books, such as the epistles of Paul, to challenge our weaknesses.

Reading the Bible one whole book at a time will help you put Scripture in the right context. Scripture needs to be read in the right context, and we'll talk about that in a future article.

If you read the Bible until you understand three things, if you get closer to your Bible by underlining or highlighting something in it, you will take notes on what you have read, and you will read an entire book at a time. , you will soon discover that the Bible is not as irresistible or irresistible as it seemed at first glance.

Note: color coding for Bible text ()

  • Purple: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Savior, Messiah
  • Pink: women in the Bible, family, marriage, parenting, friendship, relationships
  • Red: love, kindness, mercy, compassion, peace, grace
  • Green: faith, obedience, growth, fruit, salvation, brotherhood, repentance
  • Yellow: worship, prayer, praise, doctrine, angels, miracles, God's power, blessings
  • Blue: wisdom, teaching, instructions, commandments
  • Orange: prophecies, history, times, places, kings, genealogy, people, numbers, covenants, oaths, visions, future
  • Brown / gray: Satan, sin, death, hell, evil, idols, false teachers, hypocrisy, temptation

Author - Rosilind Djukic/ rosilindjukic.com
Translation - Anna Ivaschenko for

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