Home Diseases and pests When they started eating eggs tv dishes. Egg. Product history. Why do eggs exist in nature?

When they started eating eggs tv dishes. Egg. Product history. Why do eggs exist in nature?

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The beneficial properties of chicken eggs have been questioned more than once. As soon as they did not slander this, as has now been proven, a product that is unique in its composition.

site collected the results of the latest research on the benefits of chicken eggs for the human body. It turned out that 2-3 eggs is the optimal daily rate.

Choline Protects Your Brain

Phospholipids, which ensure the normal communication of brain cells, are composed of choline. It is clinically proven that this vitamin is the most important building material for the brain. By consuming 2 chicken eggs per day, the body receives a sufficient amount of this nutrient. Choline deficiency leads to memory loss.

Vision is preserved thanks to lutein

Vitamin D helps calcium to be absorbed

If you offer a person a choice: drink a spoonful of fish oil or eat a boiled egg - the vast majority will prefer the latter. Especially if he finds out that the vitamin D content is the same in both cases. Moreover, scientists made a decision on the possibility of increasing the amount of vitamin content in eggs by feeding chickens with special additives. Vitamin D helps calcium to be absorbed better and to strengthen human bones and teeth.

B complex vitamin protects skin, hair and liver

Biotin, vitamin B12 and assimilable nutritional protein help to strengthen hair and skin. Phospholipids contained in chicken eggs help to remove toxic substances from the liver.

Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Contrary to previous beliefs, new research has proven that cholesterol from eggs is balanced with phosphatides, so it is not harmful to humans. It also inhibits the body's own production of cholesterol. Eggs also contain omega-3 acids, which lower triglyceride levels, which can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

You are gradually losing weight

American scientists have come to the conclusion that when combining a low-calorie diet and eating chicken eggs for breakfast, weight loss occurs 2 times faster. Such a breakfast saturates for a long period, which allows you to reduce the amount of food consumed per day.

Eggs occupy a special place in the diet of modern humans. This is one of the quickest and easiest dishes to prepare. However, in the past, the attitude towards them was far from the same. In Russian national cuisine, the egg as an independent dish began to be cooked several centuries ago, and fried eggs remained a festive dish for a long time.

Eggs occupy a special place in the diet of modern humans. This is one of the quickest and easiest dishes to prepare. However, in the past, the attitude towards them was far from the same. But in Russian national cuisine, in fact, they began to cook an egg as an independent dish several centuries ago. Scrambled eggs remained a festive dish for a long time. Eggs were not perceived as food raw materials for mixing with other products. Even in dough, they began to be used only in the 19th century, following the example of the French.

How can this be and why? After all, chickens have been in the peasant economy for a very long time and they always carried eggs regularly.

Let's figure it out ...

The 17th century in Europe can rightfully be called "chicken". More than 100 cultivated breeds of chickens have been bred. In Russia, breeding work will begin only in the 18th century. Prior to that, on peasant farms, chickens were carried irregularly, and the egg was almost half the size of the modern one. It took at least two dozen eggs to prepare a relatively nutritious meal.

Among the Russians, and indeed among the ancient East Slavic peoples, the egg appears in almost every spring rite. So, for the first time after winter, driving the herd out to graze, the shepherds always took chicken eggs with them, hoping that their cows would become the same round-faced and give a good offspring.

Among the Belarusians, a similar ritual was arranged differently: the owners, holding the icon, bread and a candle in their hands, walked around the cattle, and at the gate through which they drove them out, they laid an egg and laid the fur coat with the fur up. On the ascension - it was celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter; painted eggs were carried out into the field and thrown up. This was done so that the rye would grow as tall.

The central place was given to the egg in Easter ceremonies. Eggs were sanctified in the church, they were "christened", carried to the graves of deceased parents and relatives. During the holy week, young people had fun rolling eggs on a specially made wooden tray of silt from a slide.

It was also accepted to "beat" with eggs: whose egg will crack, he lost. Some of the boys achieved such dexterity in this matter that during the Day they sometimes won a whole basket of eggs.

In some provinces, on the first day of Easter, peasants put a small pot of wheat on the table and buried a red Easter egg in them. Then the field was sown with these grains.

The custom of dyeing Easter eggs red dates back to pagan times, when the red egg was considered a symbol of the sun awakening nature after a long winter. The bright resurrection of Christ coincided in time with the pagan spring holiday.

Many drawings were made on Easter eggs, they were also called Easter eggs. There were a variety of ways to make them (usually women were engaged in this).

The most common ritual egg dish among the Slavs has always been scrambled eggs. She was fed to the young at the wedding, the girls were treated to the Trinity. The shepherds made sure to cook scrambled eggs for dinner on the first day of pasture.

In general, eggs were not considered real, serious food. The egg was rather perceived as self-indulgence, permissible only for small children and gentlemen who were pampered in idleness. It’s too small for its size, and, as the peasants believed, it’s impossible to make anything worthwhile out of eggs.

In addition, eggs belonged to the "fast" food and therefore were excluded from the menu on fast days. Especially many of them accumulated during Lent. Perhaps this explains the custom of giving painted eggs to relatives and friends for Easter.

For quite a long time, it was not customary in Russian cuisine to mix eggs with other products. However, over time, mainly influenced by French cuisine, the range of dishes using eggs has expanded.

First of all, they began to be added to the dough for pies, pancakes, noodles and other flour products, omelets, casseroles with eggs, etc. became widespread. And the old tried and tested scrambled eggs underwent changes: they were ennobled with meat and vegetable additives, sauces.

At the end of the 19th century, the so-called eggnog - mogul was fashionable, especially among amateur singers. It was prepared from chilled chicken egg yolks, beaten with sugar. Rum, sherry or Madeira were also added to this mixture. It was believed that such a meal "purifies" the voice before singing.

Russia has never experienced a shortage of a fragile "egg" product. Since ancient times, in the north and south of the country, in Siberia, in places of bird colonies, in the spring, bird eggs were collected in huge quantities.

True, already in those distant times it was understood that such predatory hunting leads to a reduction in game birds. There were even laws against ravaging nests and removing eggs from them. Those caught in this thieves' case were arrested for three days. Chicken eggs were considered the most suitable for eating.

It is believed that the first cultivated breed of chickens in our country was the Pavlovsk breed, bred by the middle of the 18th century. In any case, it is she who is mentioned by Peter Simon Pallas in his descriptions of Russia. Its egg production was 150–170 eggs per year, and the egg weight was about 50 grams.

In the culinary book "The Old Russian Housewife, Housekeeper and Cook" dated 1790, there is only one mention of this product: "Keep eggs fresh. Fill them with cow oil, where they will stay for almost a year as fresh as if they were now taken down. But the oil can be used after that at the cook.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the famous French culinary specialist Marie-Antoine Karem was invited to the court of Emperor Alexander I. The first thing the overseas chef surprised with was a poached egg.

Boiled without a shell in boiling water, the egg turned out to be airy and tender in taste. And if in France the dish was a regular breakfast, then for the Russian nobility the poached egg became a delicacy.

However, even in the first quarter of the 19th century, elegant egg dishes remained the privilege of haute cuisine. For the common population, the situation changed when, during the Patriotic War of 1812 and the subsequent foreign campaign of the Russian army, tens of thousands of Russians had the opportunity to try what Europeans eat. In peasant huts, in apartments and houses of poor townspeople, it is much more common to cook various versions of scrambled eggs and omelets.

Russia was one of the world's largest suppliers of them to the world market. So, in 1903, the export of these products reached 2.8 billion pieces. But the quality of Russian eggs did not cause much delight among foreign buyers. There are several reasons for this.

The chickens were fed mostly offal. The collection of eggs was not organized either. It often happened by accident. Sometimes the hawkers were given eggs for small goods, and they carried them along the bumpy Russian roads and, of course, blabbed them. The quality of the eggs deteriorated and they were valued very low.

The peak of the popularity of egg dishes in our country fell on the Soviet period. In the 1930s, such a Soviet term even appeared - "the egg and poultry industry." During the first two five-year plans, 171 poultry feeding enterprises, 191 poultry slaughterhouses, 17 melange and 41 culinary shops were built. The Voronezh egg drying plant, which produces egg powder, was restored and re-equipped, about 30 poultry state farms were organized.

In Mikoyan's "Book of Delicious and Healthy Food" (1939), the egg was called a unique product rich in protein and amino acids. Egg dishes have become a favorite breakfast for Soviet people. But everything changed with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Chicken eggs were one of the first products to disappear from the shelves. Many people who are accustomed to cooking scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs in the morning have been deprived of their usual product. However, a solution was soon found. In the American aid that has been received under Lend-Lease since 1942, there was also a place for egg powder - this ersatz replacement for eggs that have suddenly become a delicacy.

At first, people were suspicious of this piece of industrial cooking. But the Soviet authorities did not let this process take its course. One after another, Pravda and other newspapers published articles on the benefits of egg powder. It followed from them that the new product possesses all useful qualities known to mankind. And natural eggs, in contrast to it, are harmful, they contain pathogenic bacteria and fats that weaken the body.

But everything comes to an end. The military difficulties also ended. Already in the mid-1950s, eggs appear on the shelves more and more often. However, the people, frightened by stories about their harmfulness, at first bypassed these shelves. And I must say that the lend-lease deliveries by that time had long since ended and all the powder stocks had come to an end. It was then that the Soviet press was given the command to "turn back." "Natural eggs are very healthy and nutritious" - this idea suddenly struck their editors and journalists.

They say that after reading one of the first such articles, the outstanding actress Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya called her friends and happily exclaimed: “Congratulations, my dears! The eggs have been rehabilitated! "

The "harmfulness" of an egg is rather a fiction. It has long been proven that cholesterol in eggs is neutralized by lecithin and is not deposited in the body in the form of plaques. Eating eggs is not only not harmful, but also useful - they contain a large amount of amino acids. Simply, as with any product, you need to know when to stop: no more than two eggs a day.

Eggs occupy a special place in the diet of modern humans. This is one of the quickest and easiest dishes to prepare. However, in the past, the attitude towards them was far from the same. But in Russian national cuisine, in fact, they began to cook an egg as an independent dish several centuries ago. Scrambled eggs remained a festive dish for a long time. Eggs were not perceived as food raw materials for mixing with other products. Even in dough, they began to be used only in the 19th century, following the example of the French.

How can this be and why? After all, chickens have been in the peasant economy for a very long time and they always carried eggs regularly.

Let's figure it out ...

The 17th century in Europe can rightfully be called "chicken". More than 100 cultivated breeds of chickens have been bred. In Russia, breeding work will begin only in the 18th century. Prior to that, on peasant farms, chickens were carried irregularly, and the egg was almost half the size of the modern one. It took at least two dozen eggs to prepare a relatively nutritious meal.

Among the Russians, and indeed among the ancient East Slavic peoples, the egg appears in almost every spring rite. So, for the first time after winter, driving the herd out to graze, the shepherds always took chicken eggs with them, hoping that their cows would become the same round-faced and give a good offspring.

Among the Belarusians, a similar ritual was arranged differently: the owners, holding the icon, bread and a candle in their hands, walked around the cattle, and at the gate through which they drove them out, they laid an egg and laid the fur coat upside down. On the ascension - it was celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter; painted eggs were carried out into the field and thrown up.
This was done so that the rye would grow as tall.

The central place was given to the egg in Easter ceremonies. Eggs were sanctified in the church, they were "christened", carried to the graves of deceased parents and relatives. During the holy week, young people had fun rolling eggs on a specially made wooden tray of silt from a slide.

It was also accepted to "beat" with eggs: whose egg will crack, he lost. Some of the boys achieved such dexterity in this matter that during the Day they sometimes won a whole basket of eggs.

In some provinces, on the first day of Easter, peasants put a small pot of wheat on the table and buried a red Easter egg in them. Then the field was sown with these grains.

The custom of dyeing Easter eggs red dates back to pagan times, when the red egg was considered a symbol of the sun awakening nature after a long winter. The bright resurrection of Christ coincided in time with the pagan spring holiday.

Many drawings were made on Easter eggs, they were also called Easter eggs. There were a variety of ways to make them (usually women were engaged in this).

The most common ritual egg dish among the Slavs has always been scrambled eggs. She was fed to the young at the wedding, the girls were treated to the Trinity. The shepherds made sure to cook scrambled eggs for dinner on the first day of pasture.

In general, eggs were not considered real, serious food. The egg was rather perceived as self-indulgence, permissible only for small children and gentlemen who were pampered in idleness. It’s too small for its size, and, as the peasants believed, it’s impossible to make anything worthwhile out of eggs.

In addition, eggs belonged to the "fast" food and therefore were excluded from the menu on fast days. Especially many of them accumulated during Lent. Perhaps this explains the custom of giving painted eggs to relatives and friends for Easter.

For quite a long time, it was not customary in Russian cuisine to mix eggs with other products. However, over time, mainly influenced by French cuisine, the range of dishes using eggs has expanded.

First of all, they began to be added to the dough for pies, pancakes, noodles and other flour products, omelets, casseroles with eggs, etc. became widespread. And the old tried and tested scrambled eggs underwent changes: they were ennobled with meat and vegetable additives, sauces.

At the end of the 19th century, the so-called eggnog - mogul was fashionable, especially among amateur singers. It was prepared from chilled chicken egg yolks, beaten with sugar. Rum, sherry or Madeira were also added to this mixture. It was believed that such a meal "purifies" the voice before singing.

Russia has never experienced a shortage of a fragile "egg" product. Since ancient times, in the north and south of the country, in Siberia, in places of bird colonies, in the spring, bird eggs were collected in huge quantities.

True, already in those distant times it was understood that such predatory hunting leads to a reduction in game birds. There were even laws against ravaging nests and removing eggs from them. Those caught in this thieves' case were arrested for three days. Chicken eggs were considered the most suitable for eating.

It is believed that the first cultivated breed of chickens in our country was the Pavlovsk breed, bred by the middle of the 18th century. In any case, it is she who is mentioned by Peter Simon Pallas in his descriptions of Russia. Her egg production was 150-170 eggs per year, and the egg weight was about 50 grams.

In the culinary book "The Old Russian Housewife, Housekeeper and Cook" dated 1790, there is only one mention of this product: "Keep eggs fresh. Fill them with cow oil, where they will stay for almost a year as fresh as if they were now taken down. But the oil can be used * after that at the cook.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the famous French culinary specialist Marie-Antoine Karem was invited to the court of Emperor Alexander I. The first thing the overseas chef surprised with was a poached egg.

Boiled without a shell in boiling water, the egg turned out to be airy and tender in taste. And if in France the dish was a regular breakfast, then for the Russian nobility the poached egg became a delicacy.

However, even in the first quarter of the 19th century, elegant egg dishes remained the privilege of haute cuisine. For the common population, the situation changed when, during the Patriotic War of 1812 and the subsequent foreign campaign of the Russian army, tens of thousands of Russians had the opportunity to try what Europeans eat. In peasant huts, in apartments and houses of poor townspeople, it is much more common to cook various versions of scrambled eggs and omelets.

Russia was one of the world's largest suppliers of them to the world market. So, in 1903, the export of these products reached 2.8 billion pieces. But the quality of Russian eggs did not cause much delight among foreign buyers. There are several reasons for this.

The chickens were fed mostly offal. The collection of eggs was not organized either. It often happened by accident. Sometimes the hawkers were given eggs for small goods, and they carried them along the bumpy Russian roads and, of course, blabbed them. The quality of the eggs deteriorated and they were valued very low.

The peak of the popularity of egg dishes in our country fell on the Soviet period. In the 1930s, such a Soviet term even appeared - "the egg and poultry industry." During the first two five-year plans, 171 poultry feeding enterprises, 191 poultry slaughterhouses, 17 melange and 41 culinary shops were built. The Voronezh egg drying plant, which produces egg powder, was restored and re-equipped, about 30 poultry state farms were organized.

In Mikoyan's "Book of Delicious and Healthy Food" (1939), the egg was called a unique product rich in protein and amino acids. Egg dishes have become a favorite breakfast for Soviet people. But everything changed with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Chicken eggs were one of the first products to disappear from the shelves. Many people who are accustomed to cooking scrambled eggs or scrambled eggs in the morning have been deprived of their usual product. However, a solution was soon found. In the American aid that has been received under Lend-Lease since 1942, there was also a place for egg powder - this ersatz replacement for eggs that have suddenly become a delicacy.

At first, people were suspicious of this piece of industrial cooking. But the Soviet authorities did not let this process take its course. One after another, Pravda and other newspapers published articles on the benefits of egg powder. It followed from them that the new product possesses all useful qualities known to mankind. And natural eggs, in contrast to it, are harmful, they contain pathogenic bacteria and fats that weaken the body.

But everything comes to an end. The military difficulties also ended. Already in the mid-1950s, eggs appear on the shelves more and more often. However, the people, frightened by stories about their harmfulness, at first bypassed these shelves. And I must say that the lend-lease supplies by that time ended long ago and all the powder supplies came to an end. It was then that the Soviet press was given the command to "turn back." "Natural eggs are very healthy and nutritious" - this idea suddenly struck their editors and journalists.

They say that after reading one of the first such articles, the outstanding actress Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya called her friends and happily exclaimed: “Congratulations, my dears! The eggs have been rehabilitated! "

The "harmfulness" of an egg is rather a fiction. It has long been proven that cholesterol in eggs is neutralized by lecithin and is not deposited in the body in the form of plaques. Eating eggs is not only not harmful, but also useful - they contain a large amount of amino acids. Simply, as with any product, you need to know when to stop: no more than two eggs a day.

Tuesday, 23 Jul 2013

Eggs are not suitable for human consumption. Good reasons to exclude eggs from the diet.

The truth is irrefutable. Fear can resent her, ignorance can ridicule her, malice can distort her, But she is ...

(Winston Churchill)

What are chicken eggs?

In reality, an egg is a hen's egg, i.e. cell of animal origin. So an unfertilized egg is just an abortion of a hen.

Why do eggs exist in nature?

In order for the birds to have children.

Is man an ovarian by nature?

This is a complete delusion.

Man by nature was not an egg-eater, like a vulture (eater of carrion) or a monitor lizard (eater of baby birds) or any other cold-blooded predator that feeds on the embryos of birds.

Scientists and naturalists, including Charles Darwin, agree that ancient people were vegetarians (they ate fruits, vegetables and nuts). Throughout human history, our anatomy has not changed.

Dr. Spencer Thompson also notes: "No physiologist would argue that a person should live on a vegetarian diet." Dr. Sylvester Graham writes: "Comparative anatomy confirms that man is naturally a herbivorous animal, sustaining its existence by fruits, seeds and mealy plants."

US therapist Michael Kleiper, in his talks about health, suggests the following: “If you believe that nature is destined to eat meat, try to run into the field, jump on the cow's back and bite her. Neither our teeth nor ours her nails can't even tear her skin. "

Despite the fact that human physiology (the structure of the body, intestines, teeth, etc.) suggests that the human body is ideally intended only for plant foods, many home-grown "vegetarians" eat eggs supposedly in order to enrich your diet with protein. However, eggs, like all other types of flesh, contain much less energy value than vegetarian food - moreover, a living creature is enclosed in the shell of an egg in the form of an embryo, which means that it contains dead folded protein and the same foods and bacteria for decay as in meat.

The food mafia has widespread a myth about the benefits of egg protein, but this is an ignorant lie justifying the business of death.

Eggs are not healthy food for the human body, as this "Liquid flesh" decomposes in the long intestine of a person even faster than meat.

Besides all this, eggs are the cause of the formation of foul-smelling ammonia gases in the intestines.

In addition to the emerging bacteria and toxins, eggs are breaking records for cholesterol levels, the excess of which is the cause of many diseases. Eggs contain twice as much cholesterol as cheese and three times as much as lard.

Cholesterol (steroid) is a type of fat present in our body that our body is able to produce on its own, without any need for animal fats. Cholesterol is necessary for the formation of bile salts and some types of sex hormones, and also participates in the work of some cell membranes. A person who monitors their health should stop eating animal products (meat, eggs, etc.) in order to prevent an increase in blood cholesterol. Despite the fact that milk fat also contains cholesterol, it does not accumulate in the human body, since milk contains lecithin, which destroys this very cholesterol.

Some people think that it is okay to eat fertilized eggs (which may contain a chicken) or so-called "domestic" ones.

The Vedas say: “If a person just stepped on an egg with his foot, walked, accidentally stepped on in the dark, he should immediately rush into the river in clothes”. Because the contamination is very great. And, of course, it doesn't say anything about what will happen if you put it in your mouth. It just isn't considered edible. Even the topic of karma is not discussed there.

What are the most desecrated places in an animal? Tails and hooves. They accumulate all the bad psychic energy of the animal. But some cook from them and eat jellied meat. Also, it turns out that some people like the fertile place.

As far as eggs are concerned, there is no difference - these are contaminated food, it passes through the lower centers. A everything that passes through the lower psychic centers (including urine) is defiled. Therefore, eggs are not suitable for human consumption. Such food defiles consciousness and is the cause of atherosclerosis.

However, we live in an age of degradation, so people are used to the fact that everyone eats eggs.

Karma. What does the egg eater get?

In chicken eggs, as well as in a person, there is also a soul. This is unconditional, because only the soul can create a body, give it life, consciousness.

The chicken emerges from the liquid in the egg. Have you ever thought about who creates the chicken?

It is created by the power of God - the soul. The soul creates its own shell in order to live in it.

When people break an egg, they interrupt the life cycle of the soul and the soul leaves the shell that was supposed to be its home.

This is the same as if a woman had an abortion, thereby interrupting the life cycle of the soul, which creates a shell for life on Earth, for life in a human body.

Of course, interrupting the life cycle of a soul born in a human body is much more difficult than interrupting the life cycle of a soul born in the body of an animal or insect, but this is also a murder, which is also a violation of the laws of the Higher Consciousness - Do not kill or harm!

Saints and Teachers of mankind (Zoroaster, Buddha, Mahavira, Jesus, Muhammad) from century to century reminded people of the existence of the Universal Law - karma (the law of cause and effect), which says: "What a man sows, that he will also reap!"

Great scientists, mathematicians, philosophers knew about this law. "Throw a stone into the sky, it will inevitably fall on your head."(Sir Isaac Newton).

Pythagoras, the great mathematician and philosopher, explained this law as follows: "All the suffering that man inflicts on animals will return again to man."

And Lev Tolstoy, the famous Russian writer, said: "As long as there are slaughter, there will be wars."

Albert Schweitzer, the 1952 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, succinctly explained the truth about nutrition: "Good - supports and cherishes life; Evil - destroys and hinders it."

A person who is an accomplice in a murder receives a just punishment. Therefore, now the death of embryos in the womb of women is so widespread, as well as the number of abortions, which is no less a crime than the daily breaking of eggshells.

The now widespread disease of "bird flu" is a reminder of the Higher Mind that a person is NOT an egg-eater by nature and that there are eggs - an act that is not worthy of a conscious, wise person.

Since when did people start eating eggs?

If you think that God created animals so that man, conceived by the Creator as the protector and patron of all living things, would run after birds like a savage, depriving them of future offspring, then your ideas about reality are greatly distorted.

Anthropologists claim that humans have moved away from a plant-based diet and began to consume meat and eggs since the last ice age, when ordinary food consisting of fruits, nuts and vegetables became unavailable, ancient people had to eat meat in order to survive.

Not so long ago, many scientists came to the conclusion that our ancestors were vegetarians who did not eat meat and eggs, except during periods of extreme crises (when plant foods were not available).

Unfortunately, the habit of eating meat and eggs persisted after the end of the ice age - either out of necessity (as among the Eskimos and tribes living in the far north), or due to tradition and ignorance. But most often, the reason for the persisting habit is the usual misunderstanding, not awareness of the actions being performed.

Over the past fifty years, renowned health professionals, nutritionists, and biochemists have uncovered compelling evidence that it is not necessary to eat meat to stay healthy, on the contrary - a diet that is acceptable to predators can be harmful to humans.

According to the theory of the Hyperborean origin of the representatives of the white race, we can safely say that initially, indeed, all people on earth did not eat animal products. Natural and climatic conditions were favorable for the growth of plants - meat substitutes. In our time, similar plants and fruits remained, but in small quantities. Even now, in more difficult climatic conditions, nature does not forget about its children and provides them with "daily bread".

The fact that eggs are not natural food for humans was not doubted by many of the greatest people throughout history (Leonardo Da Vinci, Pythagoras, Plutarch, Socrates, Leo Tolstoy, etc.)

Conscious people against egg-eating

Prominent American nutritionist Herbert Shelton, author of the book "Perfect Nutrition" states: "Naturally, neither meat, nor meat broth, nor eggs should ever be given to a child, especially up to 7-8 years old. At this age, he does not have the strength to neutralize toxins formed in these products ".

Dr. Valery Aleksandrovich Kapralov, head of the Moscow Naturopathic School of Health Improvement and Obstetrics, said: “For children to grow up really healthy, strong and stay that way all their lives, physical education alone is not enough. animal protein. Then the child's body will develop as it should be by nature, and such a person will avoid many diseases prepared for those who eat meat. "

The USDA and the American Dietetic Association strongly encourage parents to feed their children exclusively vegan food. Research shows that children who don't eat animal products are much healthier than their peers. They have a 10 times lower risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Indeed, already at the age of 3, children who eat normally have clogged arteries! Also, if a child eats meat, he is 4 times more likely to get cancer - and in girls, the risk of developing breast cancer increases 4 times!

Research published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association shows that children who have not eaten animal foods since birth have an IQ 17 points higher on average than their peers who eat meat, dairy, and eggs. The same study links dairy consumption in childhood to conditions such as colic, ear infections, insulin-dependent diabetes, constipation, and internal bleeding.

Dr. Frank Oskey, chair of the Department of Pediatrics at Johns-Hopkins University, says: "There is no reason to drink cow's milk at any age. It was intended for calves, not for humans, so we should all stop drinking it." Dr. Benjamin Spock argues that while cow's milk is ideal food for calves, it is dangerous for children: "I want to tell parents that cow's milk is dangerous for many children. It causes allergies, indigestion, and sometimes contributes to childhood diabetes."

The experience of nutrition in Siberia and St. Petersburg showed that children who switched to vegetarian or vegan meals compared to children on conventional mixed meals are practically very hardy both in school and in sports. They more easily solve the most difficult mathematical problems, master difficult subjects and sections. They have a desire for creativity: write poetry, draw, engage in craft (carving from wood, embroidery), etc. In addition, the parents of such children who have switched to clean food do not drink alcoholic beverages, therefore they are always balanced and pay great attention to their children. In such families, peace and love usually reign, which positively affects the development of children.

World experience (India) proves that vegetarian children are in no way lagging behind their peers, and even surpass them in terms of endurance and aversion to diseases.

The necessity of egg-eating is just a myth, which is completely far from reality, with which most people are "fed".

Conscious athletes against egg eating

Nowadays, the number of vegans is growing - people who refuse to eat food of animal origin (meat, fish, eggs, dairy products).

Veganism means consuming only the food that was available (as stated in the Bible) from the beginning of Creation (fruits of trees and greenery).

Vegan thinking implies that all artificial commercial products created by human hands using frying, cooking cannot in anything compare with the vital energy force of products that existed in the original environment created by nature itself.

Dr. David Ryde, Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery, Fellow of the Royal Society of Physicians states: “As a sports nutrition therapist, vegan and active person myself, I have my own personal and professional experience of how nutrition affects body performance. A carbohydrate, energy-rich vegetarian diet provides the body with exactly the food it needs. Get the advantage of giving up meat and winning! "

Athletes are vegans

Not everyone has realized the benefits of a vegan diet. Here are some of the first sports stars to embrace this winning experience:

Sixto Linares: Set the world record in the one-day longest triathlon and has shown outstanding endurance, speed and strength in many charity events. Sixto says that he has experimented with a dairy-egg diet for some time (avoiding meat, but using some dairy products and eggs), but now he does not eat eggs or dairy products and is feeling better.

Sixtoe broke the world record in one-day eventing organized by the Muscular Dystrophy Association by swimming 4.8 miles, cycling 185 miles and then running 52.4 miles.

Surya Bonaly: Vegan, Olympic champion in figure skating.

Judith Oakley: Vegan Cross Country Champion and 3-Time Wales Mountain Biking and Cyclocross Champion: “Those who want to win in sports need to choose the right diet for themselves. But what does it mean in this context "Right"? "Food for Champions" is a great guide that clearly shows why vegetarian diets give athletes a significant advantage. I know my vegan diet is a very important reason for my athletic success. "

Why is it dangerous for a person to eat eggs?

Unfortunately, eggs have become a common food in our culture and are blindly considered a valuable source of protein. However, they are also a source of chicken hormones and artificial hormones added to feed animals to increase egg production. Research has shown that early puberty in children in European countries may be related to the consumption of these hormonal supplements.

All of the above are good reasons to eliminate eggs from our diet altogether. When cooking or baking dough you can use sour cream, soy milk, or flaxseed oil and semolina instead of the eggs listed in the recipe.

In addition to significant health benefits for the body, the rejection of eggs means a high moral level of a person, because when buying unfertilized eggs from poultry farms, people fully pay for the torment and death of their mothers - chickens.

Bird flu

Avian flu is the punishment of humanity for being unreasonable. A person who consumes chicken eggs or products made with them can become a victim of this dangerous disease.

The disease, now known as "bird flu", is an infectious disease of birds caused by a strain of the type A influenza virus that is similar to the common human influenza virus. Scientists suggest that migratory birds, especially those that ply between China and the Far Eastern regions of Russia, play a key role in the spread of the infection. All birds are believed to be susceptible to this infection, although some species are less susceptible than others. For example, migratory water birds - most often wild ducks - are a natural reservoir of the avian influenza virus and these birds are least susceptible to infection. Poultry, including chickens and turkeys, are particularly susceptible to epidemics. The virus does not usually infect other animal species other than birds and pigs.

Of the 15 subtypes of avian influenza virus, the H5N1 virus is of particular concern to the World Health Organization. It is a highly pathogenic virus that is dangerous to humans.

In early October 2005, 460,000 chickens and chickens were eliminated due to H5N1 infection at the Utyat poultry farm in the Kurgan region of Russia.

In October, outbreaks of avian influenza increased in Southeast Asia as well as in China. In China, during a month, 222 thousand ducks and chickens were killed or eliminated in 4 provinces in the central part of the country, more than 14 million birds were vaccinated. In the northwest of China, in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, on November 11, about 1,500 chickens were killed in two regions, and another 200,000 poultry were destroyed within a radius of several kilometers from the epizootic outbreaks.

In Thailand, during October, 29 thousand died from the flu and another 68 thousand poultry were destroyed. Cases of illness and death among people infected with H5N1 viruses from sick or dead chickens in Thailand are associated with the consumption of blood and raw poultry meat. From the beginning of 2005 to October, 35 outbreaks of bird flu were identified in Vietnam, more than 1.5 million chickens and ducks were destroyed. According to official data from the Vietnamese Ministry of Agriculture, from 2003 to early November 2005, 91 people were infected with bird flu in Vietnam, of which 41 died.

In October 2005, experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) warned of the threat of the spread of "bird flu". They predicted that the virus was likely to spread to America, Africa and the Middle East in the future, but Asia is the most serious threat. It is there, according to experts, that the greatest probability remains that the virus will mutate into a form that is extremely dangerous for humans.

Homemade mayonnaise, tiramisu and other egg products and dishes are becoming potentially dangerous. Those who are very used to egg mayonnaise can replace it with lean or soy.

How are eggs produced?

In industrial breeding, chickens are very poorly treated. Each egg is the result of 22 hours spent by the chicken in most cases in a cage the size of a drawer. There are 5 chickens in one such cage. The cells are piled one on top of the other, those that are higher fall on the lower ones. Due to the forced immobility, lameness develops in birds, and due to the constant laying of eggs, osteoporosis (all calcium is spent on the formation of the shell).

The formation of each shell consumes two and a half grams of calcium, almost 10% of the chicken's normal body reserve. During the year, having laid 300 eggs, the chicken consumes 25 times more calcium than is usually contained in its body. The result is osteoporosis. Bones thin, become weak, and break very easily. This disease affects almost all laying chickens.

Often the paws of chickens grow into the wire floor, some birds die of hunger, because they cannot reach food. At the age of 2 years, the "egg reserve" of chickens is considered depleted and they are sent to the slaughterhouse. In the poultry industry there is no place for male chickens, and they are killed.

Back in 1948 L.F. Easterbrook wrote in a newspaper:

"Is it really true that birds are kept in such unnatural conditions, without movement, without sun, wind and rain, so weakened that they are unable to reproduce, that their bones are so fragile that they break like dry twigs?"

The fragile bones he wrote about are a direct result of chickens being forced to lay unnaturally large numbers of eggs under restrictions.

It is difficult to imagine the degree of suffering that must be experienced by millions of chickens who spend days and nights with broken bones, unable to properly rest or accept a position in which pain is not so felt. If you ever need confirmation that it hurts, you can contact the University of Edinburgh. As a result of all their scientific research on egg farms in 1991, they came to the conclusion that chickens on such farms are indeed suffering. This, however, can be guessed even without an academic degree. However, scientists said that such farming should be prohibited by law. They weren't the first to talk about it.

The terrible fact is that in order for one chicken to be in the cage on the farm, the other is killed. Chickens from which chicks are taken for farms usually carry the same number of male and female chicks. Chickens are specially raised to lay as many eggs as possible, and the birds should be thin and lightweight to keep their feeding to a minimum. But the cockerels also turn out to be thin, which means that they are not suitable as meat. They also do not lay eggs, in fact, they are not suitable for anything, not even for life.

When the chicks are one day old, a special worker determines their gender - hens on one side, roosters on the other. The boxed hens are then sent to cages where they remain until they grow up and are sent to egg farms when they are 18 weeks old. There they remain until they begin to lay fewer eggs, usually between the ages of one and a half to two years. Once this happens, they are cut up and used for soups, pâtés, bouillon cubes, restaurant meals, and even school lunches. Creatures that live in nature for at least seven years are deprived of life at the age of only two years, and during this time they are deprived of the opportunity to satisfy their most basic instincts.

The male chickens are thrown into the basket without ceremony. When it fills up and hundreds of chicks are piled on top of each other, with the chicks below trying to climb up, the basket is sent either to a carbon dioxide chamber or to a grinder, depending on which breeder prefers. These tiny creatures are destined to be fed to other animals in captivity, turned into a supplement or food for chickens and other animals.

The scale of this killing is breathtaking - according to research, 40 million one-day-old chickens are killed each year in Britain. There are numerous eyewitness accounts of how live chickens got out from under the dead bodies of their fellows after the gas chamber. One can only guess about their future fate.

There is no doubt that the authorities have a clear idea of ​​this bloody massacre. "We strongly recommend using 100% carbon dioxide." The constant drive to increase the output of animal products and to increase the consumption of animal products on a national scale emerged after the Second World War and has now reached its climax. It is not related to nutrition or needs, but at the heart of its financial turnover of invested capital.

For people who can invest money, raising cattle is no different from a bank or a building society. All an investor wants to know is how much profit he made. If the chickens are no longer profitable, the money will be invested in tobacco or weapons or cars. To keep investors happy, livestock breeders will do whatever they can to keep their profitability as high as possible. This means that animals are not taken into account. They turn into production units. The truth is that capitalism has absolutely no morality and the only force that can change something is public pressure by refusing to consume chickens and eggs.

There is no guarantee that eggs supplied from farms are free of fertilizer. Eating fertilized eggs is killing life in the bud.

In America and Europe, most of the eggs sold in the supermarket are artificially produced and therefore contain absolutely no nutritious living energy. These eggs are obtained by chemical insemination of chickens, and a live bird will never hatch from such an egg. But what benefit can such an egg give? Absolutely none. So why, then, is there something that is of no value and was instilled in us from childhood?

Holidays eggs

In addition to the widespread habit of eating eggs, making egg dough, the habit of dyeing and eating eggs for Easter has also spread.

How old is this habit?

Approximately 5 thousand years ago, the Jewish tribes celebrated Easter in the spring as a feast for calving cattle, then Easter was associated with the beginning of the harvest, and later with the departure of the Jews from Egypt. Christians mark it in connection with the resurrection of Christ. The day of the celebration of Easter was established by the First Ecumenical Council in 325: the first Sunday after the first spring full moon. Then it was decided to postpone the Orthodox holiday a week later than the Jewish one.

Easter eggs were used sporadically in the 19th century.

The custom of dyeing chicken eggs for Easter is not very ancient among the people, but among the representatives of the urban population and the privileged class, it can be attributed to the early 1800s. Later in this century, the custom was spread throughout the world.

The custom of giving eggs came from central Europe. Easter cards appeared in the late 1800s. The oldest Easter card in the National Museum dates back to 1888.

Gradually, the custom of eating eggs took root in the habits of most people.

So people became addicted to another type of product - store and home eggs, which means have become addicted to a new ignorant business.

It is worth noting that Jesus and the apostles were vegetarians, just like the early early Christian communities (in Palestine, Byzantium, Greece, and Egypt). They could not even think about eating animal food, so in Christian fasting the ban on the use of eggs is still preserved, although it was somewhat "lightened" due to the fault of history.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans:

"For the sake of food, do not destroy the works of God: everything is clean, but it is bad for a person who eats for temptation. It is better not to eat meat, not drink wine and do nothing that makes your brother stumble, or is tempted, or fatigued."

(Romans 14: 20.21)

"... Do not kill neither people, nor animals, nor what will become your food. For if you accept living food, it fills you with life, but if you kill your food, dead food will kill you also. For life comes only from life. and death always comes death. For everything that kills your food also kills your bodies. And everything that kills your bodies also kills your souls. And your bodies become what your food is, as well as your spirit. your becomes what your thoughts are. "

(Gospel of Peace from the Essenes)

Perfectly there should not be eggs in the diet of a conscious and wise person.

It is worth noting that the dependence of people on any types of animal products is due to a low level of CONSCIOUSNESS, NOT KNOWING the truth, and also not the ability to reason logically.

Many people just never think that habits ingrained in society can be ignorant and destructive.

Many simply do not have enough time to conduct a thorough investigation and find the truth about a particular vital habit. That is why FALSE knowledge about the so-called "benefits" of an ALIEN PRODUCT is so rooted in the very life of society that some people can not even imagine now that baking is possible without eggs, and with invaluable quality, taste and benefit.

One of the benefits of egg-free doughs is their low cholesterol content.

There are a sufficient number of books with recipes for baking without eggs (books on Vedic culinary art, in particular, Cynthia Stummers' book "Bake Without Eggs", etc.)

It is worth noting that during the time of the Ancient Vedic civilization, people possessed much greater knowledge than they do now. This is confirmed by the most ancient scriptures of the world - the Vedas, preserved on the territory of India. According to them, our ancestors who lived 5 thousand years ago were much more advanced than the existing civilization and did not eat eggs.

Historians acknowledge that the Vedic scriptures are the world's oldest source of knowledge.

The reliability of the information of the scriptures is confirmed by the fulfilled predictions contained in them about the appearance of Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, etc.

The uniqueness of the Vedic scriptures lies in the fact that they describe the prophets and saints who will appear not only in India, but also beyond its borders.

Vedic literature is not focused only on its own tradition, like most religious texts. This proves the universal nature of the historical and prophetic descriptions contained in the Vedas.

The Vedas contain knowledge that modern humanity for the most part cannot yet use. This knowledge is striking in its complexity and universality and affects literally all aspects of human life: physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, architecture, cosmology, medicine, technology, music, literature, and many others. Sometimes they even surpass modern scientific knowledge. Only in the last few decades have scientists begun to find confirmation of many previously mythological facts. Some scientists, such as Professor Valitov, have only recently recognized their undeniable authority.

One of the Vedic books on nutrition, "Ayurveda" or as it is called "The Book of Long Life", claims that carnivorous food makes people stupid and bestial (aggressive, evil, mentally unstable); one who eats meat cannot become a philosopher, a sage. Only thanks to plant food does the human intellect become clearer, refined and sharpened.

Plant food, according to the most ancient knowledge, is highly conducive to a sublime way of thinking and divine contemplation. It provides more vitality than animal food. Fresh fruits, salads and raw vegetables, cheese, nuts, barley, honey, dates, almonds are extremely useful. Raw food improves the quality of blood, and therefore it should make up 80% of food.

If you are not weak-minded, give up eggs, opt for healthy food, stop the ignorant business!

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