Home Kitchen garden on the windowsill How to protect your camera from burglary. Look with all your eyes. How IP and webcams are hacked and how to protect yourself from it. Protecting your webcam by disabling

How to protect your camera from burglary. Look with all your eyes. How IP and webcams are hacked and how to protect yourself from it. Protecting your webcam by disabling

Is it really that easy to hack the camera on your laptop? The author of Medialeaks, after reading the latest news about hacking millions of video cameras, hacking applications and sites on which the stream from hacked cameras from all over the world has become an analogue of reality shows, decided to study programs for hacking webcams, and also tried to find ways in which you can protect yourself from peeping anonymous and other online voyeurs.

Talk about hacking video cameras is no longer surprising these days. This has become so widespread that some hackers (crackers) maintain a website that shows broadcasts from unpaired surveillance cameras and webcams from all over the world, and other programs that allow you to remotely access various video cameras connected to the Internet.

In most cases, hacking of devices occurs due to the fact that their owners do not change the factory password of cameras by connecting them to a public network, but ordinary webcams on laptops do not fall into this category. To gain access to them, crackers need something more serious than the "admin admin" password, and there is nowhere to drive it.

Contrary to the popular belief that webcams are hacked by special services, it is much more common to stumble upon stories of hacks committed not by people in uniform, but by mere mortals. Moreover, in the comments on thematic sites often sit not even overly curious individuals trying to spy on their loved ones, but hackers-trolls. It makes little difference for them who to watch, but they can do much more harm to their victims, because they may not be limited to surveillance. Sometimes they take control of someone else's computer, destroying or modifying user data as a joke.

Even a schoolboy who has not reached puberty can hack a camera on a laptop: there are tons of videos on YouTube about hacking, the authors of which troll unsuspecting users by connecting to their webcams. There are many authors of such videos, but the essence of the videos is the same: to get access to the webcam, and then stream the expression on the victim's face while she tries to figure out why the wallpaper on the desktop suddenly changed or porn with sound turned on. Most often, such videos are shot by teenagers, and the title contains the words "funny", "troll", "we get lost", etc.

Schoolchildren are so familiar with hacking programs that they give full-fledged lessons on how to set up hacking programs on their channels, where between videos about hacking other people's computers they talk about their childhood hobbies like "growing a cactus" and "here's my favorite doll."

The webcam hacking trend has become very popular. Hackers (crackers) have created several specialized sites where they talk about various methods of hacking computers, share their discoveries and successes on the trolling field in the corresponding threads on the forums and create their own builds of burglars that will allow those who want to start mocking unknown people on the network without unnecessary problems with installing programs.

In addition to trolls, those who try to make real money by spying on strangers are also connected to the cameras. VKontakte has communities that sell access to various cameras. Most often these are surveillance cameras installed in rented apartments and public places. It is easy to connect to them: the owners often do not change the factory passwords, turning the camera into the network, and the only problem for the cracker is finding a device in the desired location - and if he works as an installer or configurator of such cameras, the task becomes even easier.

For example, the administration of the community “IVMS we distribute, we sell, we change / IP Camera” sells broadcasts from cameras from apartments in the group's built-in store on VKontakte, ranking them by cost. The prettier the victim of the broadcast (in the overwhelming majority of cases they are women), the more expensive it is to spy on her. The ceiling of the price does not exceed 400 rubles - for this money, the administrator offers anyone who wants to connect to the camera in the room of a young girl.

For starters, admins offer subscribers to watch life in some homes for free, where surveillance systems are installed in almost every room. Broadcasts are conducted around the clock, in some cases, admins sign them with comments in the style of "something good here." The groups also offer the installation of pre-configured surveillance cameras and even service, replacement and product warranties.

Most often, computers are hacked using completely legal utilities, which are usually used as a means of optimizing the work of system administrators and other IT employees in various large organizations - TeamViewer, RMS, LuminosityLink, Radmin and the like. The principle of their operation assumes that one of the computers on the network can be controlled by the other remotely and within corporate networks this can hardly be a problem: each computer on the network is associated with the “master” general settings, their connection is often password-protected.

Such programs can also be used by ordinary network users. All you need to do is to install on two or more computers the equipment connected to each other by the same predefined settings - the "client" utilities on the computers under management, and the server utility on the device that will be the master.

It is unlikely that many hack victims deliberately install software clients for themselves that will allow them to be monitored. In most cases, the client is installed on the computer as a companion utility during the installation of a pre-modified program (most often it is something free and downloaded from an incomprehensible resource). With the help of such a Trojan installed in the torrent search engine MediaGet, in April 2016, one of the users of Dvacha for several days in a row.

In addition to official programs designed to make life easier for sysadmins, there are utilities geared specifically to secretly monitoring computers. These include, for example, RemCam and DarkComet. The latter suddenly became associated with the Syrian conflict: according to Wired, the government used DarkComet to spy on opposition activists, sending them a hidden link to its installation, disguised as a pop-up message box. After information about the actions of the Syrian government appeared in the media, the developer of the application officially stopped supporting it, saying that he never wanted the authorities to use it.

It is ironic that the creators of hacking applications, who tell on their website about how to hack into other people's computers, are also connected with communities on VKontakte, which report on information security and computer protection against various hacking methods.

Apps for Android work on the same principle, but the license protects users of mobile phones to some extent. For example, the GPP Remote Viewer application allows you to receive data from a computer in the same way as TeamViewer, but while you download it from the Play Market, you can trust a little more that Trojans will not be installed with it.

With Apple products, the situation is easier to manage and more difficult at the moment of hacking: modern remote access utilities on iOS often require synchronization via Apple ID, and this leaves even fewer opportunities for quickly hacking computers or installing a harmful utility on them that will transfer control to a third party ...

The editors of Medialeaks tested two common programs for monitoring via webcam and remote data management - legal RMS and "gray" RemCam2. The little table tried to hack into Tatyana's computer, throwing her PM in all sorts of incomprehensible files that were supposed to install the appropriate software on her computer. Everything on Windows, software was used for monitoring without user modifications.

RMS asked for a lot of different permissions at startup, which should be ignored if you run a version preconfigured by someone (or by you, if you are a Hackerman). In addition, to connect to the victim's computer, the program asked for a password that Tanya entered during installation. Silent hacking failed, besides, when we connected remote control of the camera, a corresponding notification was displayed on the victim's screen. Mamkin's voyeur was defeated, but only because he used a legally downloaded and unmodified utility.

RemCam2 turned out to be much more useful in this regard - it is a full-fledged Trojan, the installation of which even the user himself would not guess: no screens, the application was installed imperceptibly when Tanya clicked on the icon of a file with a stupid name in the chat. Having recognized her IP, the insidious Little Table began to observe the editor who was working at that time, instead of working on his own.

It was possible to remove the programs completely only after cleaning the registry. Don't do this at home.

Unfortunately, if you actively use the Internet, then it is simply impossible to completely protect yourself from peeping through the webcam and remote access to data. This does not mean that you have malware installed on your computer right now, but the more you download incomprehensible applications from various dubious sources (or follow links in letters from strangers), the more likely you will stumble upon one of these Trojans.

One of the most logical methods of protecting a camera from hacking seems to be to turn it off completely - this can be done through the Windows Device Manager. The camera will be in the Imaging Devices section. Double click on the camera, section "Driver", button "Disable". You can turn it back on in the same way.

But even if the camera is disabled, some Trojans may try to turn it back on, so those who are worried about possible spyware should check the computer with the trivial Program Manager utility - it shows what processes are running at the moment, and this will allow you to notice whether someone camcorder. It's not even worth writing about antiviruses.

It is because of the impossibility of achieving 100% security among many PC users that the tradition of sticking webcams is widespread - oddly enough, at the moment this is the most effective way to combat peeping. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and former FBI director James Comey have spoken about the benefits of sticking video cameras, and according to ESET antivirus vendors, about 17% of PC users use video cameras.

The use of electrical tape as a means of protecting against voyeurs has taken to a new level in recent years: enthusiasts are replacing it with special camera shutters, and some laptop manufacturers add shutters for cameras during their production stage. However, even in this case, hackers can spy on victims - if not spying, then at least eavesdropping using the built-in microphone. So when gluing the camera, think about that too.

In fact, an unsealed video camera also has its advantages: it can help a potential victim detect a hack, since the indicator of its operation on the laptop case indicates that an outsider has connected to the computer. In this case, the only correct solution is to turn off the Internet immediately, as soon as you see the video camera light flickering for an unknown reason for at least a second: this almost never happens by accident.

October 5, 2017

Our new webcam security feature shields you from prying eyes watching you over the internet.

Hacking a webcam is a simple matter, largely due to the simple instructions that are available to everyone on the first request in a search engine. Increasingly appear news about massive hacks of webcams and broadcasts of unsuspecting victims on the Internet. Sometimes you don't need to infect your computer with a virus to do this - many.

All this is not even in the public domain, and you also risk being there. Even Mark Zuckerberg and James Comey, a former FBI director, admit the reality of this threat, who glue the cameras of their laptops.

Don't want to permanently disable the webcam in the system because you use it from time to time? On the other hand, you don't want someone to spy on you or your children? After all, intruders can turn on the camera on your device without your knowledge without activating the glowing work lamp. In order not to feel uncomfortable with the electrical tape glued to the camera, we offer you an easy way to protect yourself from hackers without turning it off completely.

We are pleased to announce that the new version of our flagship antivirus Avast Premier has received built-in Webcam Shield to protect against surveillance. The new feature will alert you when potential intruders have turned on your webcam, which can prevent it. It also blocks unreliable ones, notifying about suspicious attempts to activate the webcam. Now you can safely use Skype and other familiar applications without worrying about your privacy.

Webcam protection gives you full control over your settings. For example, in Strict mode, all applications (even tested ones) will have to ask for your permission to enable it. No program, tested or malicious, can use your webcam without your knowledge. We have prepared a set of functions for the most sophisticated users. Now you can easily deactivate the webcam driver by disabling it so that no program can use it. And also turn it back in one click.

With all the uncertainty of the internet and the ongoing controversy over the dying privacy of personal data, we want to help you protect your privacy. Take back complete control of your webcam, preventing intruders and cybercriminals from entering your privacy. Our goal was to create an efficient and easy-to-use solution to a problem that you don't have to worry about anymore.

Update or download Avast Premier antivirus and take advantage of the new feature, blocking access to hackers.

Who hacks webcams?

It is a big misconception that special services are monitoring users. This option is possible if you are a very famous person. By the way, not so long ago there was a case when opposition activists in Syria were monitored via webcams. A big scandal arose, forcing the developer of one program to curtail product development. Otherwise, peeping is fun for schoolchildren or scammers.

The network is full of thematic forums and groups on social networks, where they talk in detail about hacking a webcam. Mostly children settle there, for fun hacking unprotected PCs and posting the filmed video to the public. It does not bring dividends, but the ego pleases. There are also those who are trying to sell a record or login details. The network is full of web portals with similar offers. Is it difficult to access the webcam?

Almost all hacks are the fault of the owners, who voluntarily open the entrance to the device. It is impossible to control a webcam without a program for remote access installed on the target PC, which can be either point-based - only to the webcam, or full-fledged - to the entire system.

If you download questionable software and open strange links that, at first glance, do nothing, then the risk of picking up a Trojan to connect to the webcam is great. The principles of social engineering work great, in which the user voluntarily allows a stranger to install malicious software on his PC or open access to the camera.

The hacker's task is to install a special utility on your computer: TeamViewer;

other. This can be done openly, or it can be done secretly. With the open version, you will have to somehow convince the victim to voluntarily install the software and open access. With the stealthy option, you will have to dig into the code so that the installation and confirmation windows are not displayed on the screen. How to avoid hacking your webcam Install an antivirus. Any good software will immediately notice that they are trying to connect to the webcam remotely, and will display a warning on the monitor. It is almost impossible to bypass such protection;

Turn on your firewall. Even the standard Windows firewall does not allow you to take control of your PC over the network. All suspicious traffic is suspended until the Administrator gives the go-ahead. We recommend watching a thematic video: Do ​​not install unverified software. Most often, cybercriminals distribute malicious code through ordinary, seemingly harmless programs. If the utility is not downloaded from an official source, the probability of infection is very high;

Don't click on suspicious links. In instant messengers and social networks, scammers regularly circulate links to viruses. Even if a friend drops a link with a request to watch / download, make sure that it was really a friend;

Cover the webcam. Masking tape or duct tape will save voyeurs from the picture, which means there will be no point in following you. Now manufacturers produce special shutters and even entire laptops with latches that cover the lens. Try not to close the indicator - if someone connects to you, it will light up. Disable the webcam. Go to Device Manager and disable your webcam if you rarely use it. At the same time, turn off the microphone, because you may be overheard. You can also use a special keyboard shortcut on your laptop (most often Fn + F12). None of the methods guarantee 100% protection. With a careful approach, a hacker can bypass any protection except duct tape. But, again, there will be a question with sound. Malicious code is capable of injecting its settings into the system and enabling disabled devices, so even a complete shutdown will not protect the owner. Useful content: Flashlight applications for Android that will "put out" your phone

A webcam is a real-time video communication device. But, unfortunately, like many modern high-tech devices, it can be used by intruders. They can get full access to the webcam and watch the broadcast from it without your knowledge or permission.

There are several effective ways to prevent illegal access and keep your privacy high.

Quick solutions to the problem

As you know, the best solutions are the simplest ones. Let's say your camera is always on. If you do not want to do anything at all, then behave in front of the webcam accordingly, so that in the future your actions do not contain compromising evidence.

Cover or tape the webcam with a piece of duct tape or note paper. This is a very effective way to block unauthorized access to it.

Protecting your computer from malicious software

An effective way to combat a threat is to use antivirus software. One of the most common methods used by hackers to gain control of a computer is clickjacking. This method involves the introduction of malware into the victim's computer, therefore, using any reliable antivirus program, you can prevent their actions.

Use a firewall

Another great tool for preventing unauthorized access is the firewall. Most experienced hackers can bypass a firewall, but in most cases this protection is sufficient and effective. Note that every version of Windows since XP has built-in firewalls, so make sure that firewalls are enabled.

A firewall, a firewall is a complex of hardware and software in a computer network that monitors and filters network packets passing through it in accordance with the specified rules.

The main task of the firewall is to protect the network or its individual nodes from unauthorized access. Also, firewalls are often called filters, since their main task is not to pass (filter) packets that do not match the criteria defined in the configuration. https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9%D0%B5%D0%B6%D1%81%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0 % B9_% D1% 8D% D0% BA% D1% 80% D0% B0% D0% BD

Update the firmware

The webcam, like any other modern device, has a so-called "firmware". This is the software used to control the device. Keeping your firmware up to date is an important step in keeping your computer and peripherals safe.

In order for your webcam to have no vulnerabilities, you need to install free updates. Visit your device manufacturer's website to view and download webcam firmware updates.

Toronto-based Chelsea Clarke and her buddy watched movies on Netflix a few weeks ago while sitting comfortably in front of their laptop. This type of recreation is preferred by a huge number of people around the world. One fact makes this story out of the ordinary: there was someone else in the room with them.

Some people use adhesive tape over their camera peephole to protect their privacy.

As it turned out, the evening had an unpleasant continuation: when the next day Chelsea went to her Facebook page, she received a message from an unknown sender containing her intimate pictures taken last night. The man, who called himself Mahmoud Abdul from Cairo, uploaded the pictures with the comment: "Really cute couple!" Everything indicated that the pictures were taken using the laptop's webcam.

We've had to deal with similar users before. In March of this year, a young man came to the attention of the FBI and was sentenced to 18 months for hacking into Miss USA Young Cassidy Wolf's computer. For several months in a row, he watched her through a webcam on her laptop and took intimate pictures from her bedroom. He then tried to blackmail her, demanding a ransom and threatening to publish photos and videos if she refused.

You may also remember the stories posted on our blog about video nannies hacked in Ohio and Texas. In both cases, the attackers took full control of the device and shouted foul language while the little ones slept.

These stories make our hair stand on end, especially considering all our titanic efforts to protect ourselves and our homes from unauthorized intrusions. We lock doors and windows, install alarms and sensors that respond to movement - all just to protect ourselves from intruders. However, today the main danger is what we ourselves bring into the house.

Webcam protection

How to protect yourself from hacking and surveillance through a webcam and surveillance cameras

  • Use reliable antivirus solutions.
  • The best defense is to ensure that the latest updates are always installed on your computer. Always update your antivirus program to the latest version and keep the virus databases up to date, update web browsers and additional modules in them, install patches for third-party software in time, including well-known manufacturers such as Adobe, Oracle and Microsoft. Program SUMo can do the job for you.
  • Make sure your router is secure enough.
  • For example, if you have an outdoor security camera, do your best to learn how it works and how you can take steps to fully protect it. These measures may include changing the password or other default settings.
  • Many people stick a piece of paper or tape on their cameras when not in use.
  • Of course, do not follow the links in the email. letters or messages from senders unknown to you and simply suspicious-looking.

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