Home Perennial flowers How to please a boy at school - your first steps. The Big Change: How to Fall in Love with a Boy at School How to Make a Boy in Love with a Girl

How to please a boy at school - your first steps. The Big Change: How to Fall in Love with a Boy at School How to Make a Boy in Love with a Girl

If you are just tired of dreaming about when a big and bright feeling will burst into your life, or you urgently need to find out, how to please a guy, who does not want to pay attention to you, then try to take only 12 steps and see how easy everything will change in your life.

Just let's agree, the first 2 steps you change the way you think. As long as you do the next four, you do it. You take two more steps together with new hobbies and the final four - you flirt.

You probably know this incomprehensible feeling - you see the guy of your dreams, you know for sure that it is Him, but there is some distance between you that is so difficult to overcome. What to do?

Stage one: how to please a guy at school

1st step... You won't change overnight, so first, change the way of your thoughts, or rather their form, stop thinking like this: "I need a boyfriend." Better repeat to yourself: "I will have a boyfriend soon." You have to believe it.

2nd step... How often do you compare yourself to other girls? Hmm, this leg is longer, and that one has more beautiful hair, and Lisa has green eyes. Why don't you have those? And if there were, what would it change? You should not compare yourself with others - this is a useless exercise, we are all different, we are all not alike, you will not find a girl who is one to one similar to you anywhere in the world. You are unique and inimitable, stay that way! After all, you have your own advantages that no one else has, they just need to be emphasized. And comparing is just a waste of time.

Stage two: learn to take care of yourself

3rd step... Legs that have long been forgotten about depilation can be hidden by wearing jeans - this, of course, is the way out, but the trend itself is fundamentally wrong. After all, you will all the same know that they do not look perfect, and if there are several such “small flaws” in appearance, then you can forget about self-confidence, as well as about charm. And guys are the first to notice this.

4th step... The same rule applies to your clothes, even your underwear, you should like everything you are wearing. Even if no one will see that you are in cute shorts, and not in “grandmother's rarities,” but your gait will be completely different in exactly the kind of underwear you like.

5th step... Of course, it is much more important to put in order every day what everyone sees, so clean, beautiful hair, well-groomed nails and glowing skin will take effort on your part. And how they are able to change your inner sense of self - you can’t convey!

6th step... Fashion is so important to you now, I understand, but do not forget that clothes should be comfortable. Too short skirts and a lot of trinkets will hinder your movements, what kind of grace and beautiful gait can we talk about then? But in the question of how to please a guy at school, this plays an important role.

Stage three: go out to people

8th step... The school will provide you with the widest choice, of course. Blondes, brunettes, brown-haired, tall and not very, plump and thin - you can communicate with many and gradually come to an understanding of which of them you really like. But try to always give a chance to those of the guys who at first glance do not look perfect. Most often, it is they who turn out to be the real princes.

Stage four: how to please a guy at school? - Flirt.

9th step... Try to get over yourself and one day just nod or wink back at the guy who's been looking at you for a long time. This is the easiest and most effective way to let him know that you do not mind if he comes up and talks to you. True, do not expect him to say something that you will remember for a lifetime. Most likely, it will be some kind of banality or even stupidity, but you can always appreciate his courage (sometimes it is a feat for them).

Even if you don't like this guy too much, do it anyway, later he may turn out to be a good friend. Or maybe, after talking, you will understand that it is He who is (sometimes we do not immediately understand this).

10th step... Our thoughts are almost always embodied in reality. Therefore, sometimes (not during lessons) imagine how he is talking to you, smiling, holding your hand. Imagine what he looks like, what he is, what he is wearing. And such a guy will soon appear in your life (this rule does not work if you want to meet a famous movie hero, musician, or if you ignored the previous 9 steps).

11th step... If you have already met the one because of whom you are haunted by the question of how to please a guy at school, then you need to force yourself to say 2-3 phrases to him or ask at least one question. Are you afraid to freeze some nonsense while doing this? Try practicing first on other guys whose opinion you don't care too much. The skill of flirting is not given to us from birth, we acquire it with experience. Several recommendations for young men on this topic can be found in the article:.

12th step... If the guy of your dreams does not dare to speak first, invite him to go somewhere (to the cinema, cafe, on a date with you) yourself. Well, think, what's wrong with that? Will he refuse? If that happens, don't be sad, it's just not your boyfriend. Whatever you think, the meeting with the One is still ahead, he will appear in your life later (he always carries them somewhere when they are needed now!).

Just keep following the 12 tips and loneliness will never settle in your life.

How to fall in love with a boy you really like? At first glance, the question will seem strange, because the creation of an artificial attachment to a person is a priori wrong. We all would like for love to arise by itself and further develop into a great and bright feeling. Quite often it happens that not those who really like it are asking for dates and giving their attention. Why not become a blacksmith of your own happiness, not achieve the feelings of someone who is needed and interesting?

How to make a boy fall in love with you. Tips and Secrets

How to make a boy fall in love with you if you don't even know each other? Take the initiative and start communication first. Smile more, be friendly and cheerful in conversation. Be confident, but restrained, show that you are interested in him. At the first meeting, do not try to demonstrate to him all your dignity, do not behave vulgar and extravagant. After a successful first conversation, do not relax, the process of conquest is just beginning. At your next meetings, both random and specially set up, remain a mystery, play inaccessibility, keep intrigue and flirt. You shouldn't talk a lot about yourself, it is better to ask about him, about his life. Men love when they are listened to, when they are interested in their life and listen to their opinions. Before you start the process of seducing a young man, find out about his character, hobbies and habits. As a rule, men do not understand hints and views, so do not be afraid to be brave and tell him about your interest. Men, when they first meet with girls, pay attention to their appearance and only then reveal their personality. If a guy does not like the way a representative of the opposite sex dresses, her figure and grooming does not attract attention, then it is unlikely that he will be able to win him quickly. No man will fall in love with a "gray mouse" or "blue stocking", everyone needs a mystery and a twist, with their own style.

If your first meeting went well, the man will not hesitate with the second, but you do not rush to seem approachable. Refer to school, busyness, strict parents, but do not agree to a date right away. Now it's his turn to conquer you. How to make a boy fall in love with you? Show your inaccessibility. No man will like an easily accessible and ready for anything young lady. Whenever you interact with a guy, be unpredictable and spontaneous. Today - bold and funny, tomorrow - vulnerable and tender, next time - strong and independent. Surprise him, interest him and do not let him go. If you act according to your feelings, give in to the dictates of your heart, then everything will definitely work out, and the man will become yours.

If you are fond of astrology, then you know that each of the zodiac signs has its own approach. The recipe for how to fall in love with a Libra guy will be different from the instructions for conquering Aries. Fire signs are passionate and ardent, they need sex, they are attracted

Making a guy fall in love is not easy. First of all, there must be some kind of mutual attraction between you. If you have one, you can use body language to increase the likelihood that your boyfriend will look at you romantically. You can also increase his attraction by getting to know him better. Once things have turned into a relationship, you can use techniques that can help strengthen the bond, such as sharing secrets, expressing appreciation for him, and making time for yourself.


Use body language to connect

    Advice: If you are too shy to stare into your boyfriend's eyes, try to glance at him from time to time when you are together.

    Smile whenever you are near him. Smiling also promotes the development of love. Smile at the guy you like when you walk past him in the hallway, in class, or outside of school. At this stage, it is not necessary to talk to him. Just smile at him to show that you are happy to see him.

    • If you want to try to strike up a conversation, smile and say, "Hi!" If he smiles and answers you, stop to chat with him for a few minutes. Ask how his day is going and keep smiling as you talk.
  1. Mirror his body position. Mimicking another person's body position and actions can make them feel like the two of you are on the same wavelength, and this can lead to romance. Sit / stand in front of him or next to him and try to take the same body position as his. Also copy the guy's movements to reflect his actions.

    • For example, if the guy you like is sitting cross-legged on the floor, sit in the same position across from him. If he is leaning against a cabinet or wall, stand next to him and also lean against the cabinet.
    • You can also imitate minor movements, such as removing hair from your eyes, putting your hand in your pocket, or taking a sip of a drink. Most importantly, try to do it immediately after it or simultaneously with it.
  2. Wear something red to get his attention. If you want a guy to notice you and think of you in a more romantic way, red is your best friend! Red is a color men often associate with romance, so add this shade to your wardrobe to grab the attention of the man.

    • Try wearing a red dress or blouse to school when you're ready to strike up a conversation with him.
    • Or, to be less obvious, try wearing a red scarf, red lipstick, or a pair of red shoes.
  3. Touch his arm, shoulder, or back from time to time. A light touch can make him feel attached to you. Try touching his arm or shoulder if you need to ask him a question during class, or touch his chest for a moment after he says something funny.

    • This strategy is not for everyone. Don't do this if you are still uncomfortable with touching him or if you think he might not like it.

    Get to know him better

    1. Ask him questions about himself and listen what will he say. Showing a genuine interest in a person is a great way to bond. If you've never spoken before, start with the basics, such as asking what he prefers to do in his free time, what kind of music he listens to, and what school subjects he enjoys the most. When the guy answers, listen carefully and give him your full attention!

      • For example, put your phone down and look your guy in the eye. Smile and nod as you listen to what he has to say.
      • Continue the conversation by asking him questions in accordance with his answers, for example, “Oh, I've never heard of this group. What kind of music do they play? "- or:" I also really like the lessons of literature from Alla Petrovna. Which book from the curriculum did you like the most? "
    2. Spend a lot of time with him. The more often he is around you, the more likely he will develop romantic feelings for you. How often you are in the immediate area is also important, so try to sit next to him in class, at lunch, or during extracurricular activities.

      • For example, if you have a choice of seating yourself in class, try sitting next to or in front of a guy you like so that he is by your side and sees you every day.
      • If you travel home on the same bus, try to sit next to it.
    3. Identify common interests and values. The more you have in common, the more likely you are to get along. Once you get to know a guy better, find common interests with him and emphasize them in your conversations. It can be something as simple as a favorite movie or band, or it can be a shared value or belief.

      • For example, if a guy you like mentions that he really likes Imagine Dragons and this is one of your favorite bands too, tell him so! Or, if he shares with you that he loves horror movies (just like you), do not be silent!

      Advice: do not pretend that you like something that you are not really interested in. It will look fake, and fake will alienate people.

    4. Tell your guy a secret about yourself. Once you're in a relationship, show vulnerability around him to move things forward. Try to tell him a secret about yourself, and tell him that it is a secret. Pick something personal, but not so personal that it embarrasses him.

      • For example, you can admit to him that you are afraid of heights or that you sometimes walk in a dream.
      • Don't share potentially offensive information about yourself, such as that you have plantar warts on your feet all the time, or that you once described yourself on a roller coaster.

A sudden feeling of falling in love often overtakes girls at a very young age, when all experiences are beyond the control of the voice of reason and are torn from the heart. And then the question of his whole life becomes: what to do to please him. Indeed, in real life, not everything is so wonderful, and you can stumble upon the absence of complete reciprocity.

Of course, a girl should not act as boys in love behave, who are trying to attract attention to themselves with strange and impudent actions. In order not to rack your brains over how to fall in love with a boy you like at school, take note of a few sensible tips that will definitely not bother you.

  • Do not forget that you are primarily an attractive girl, and your clothes and shoes, regardless of the chosen style must always be neat.
  • Choosing an outfit, don't chase heels, mini and daring neckline, choose the style that suits you. This way you have a much better chance of getting attention.
  • Knowing which ones at this age, do not get hung up on your appearance and skillfully demonstrate your dignity. Feel free to share your vivid emotions and hobbies with him.
  • It will be useful find out what he values ​​in people and in girls in particular, to know how much you meet his ideals, and he is yours.
  • If you are in the same class, then try to be close to catch his eye more often... If this is not your classmate, try to be where you are most likely to meet.

For these wise advice to work for sure, you need be sure to take into account the age the boy you like.

How to make an 11 year old boy fall in love with you

At this age, the boys are not yet in love. And to interest him, sometimes just keep him cool company in a fun game, watching an interesting movie or eating your favorite treat.

Be open and friendly, manage to surprise and interest him with your imagination and activity. Then you will definitely become his close friend and you can count on falling in love on his part in the future.

How to fall in love with a 12-year-old boy

It is at this age that the guys finally gradually look at their friends and classmates, highlighting from them usually the brightest and most beautiful. So it's time to get a trendy hairstyle and dress up. If you’re already friends, it increases the chances of getting his closer attention and showing that you are an attractive girl, and not just a "shirt-boy" for companionship.

Communication manners will also have to be corrected, but at the same time do not overdo it with coldness and arrogance and remain sweet and friendly. If you are still unfamiliar, then do not be afraid to stand out among your friends with attractiveness and charm. In this age easy to play on jealousy, demonstrating communication with other equally interesting boys. To do this, you should first select him from the general circle and show your interest, and a little later you can ignore him a little.

But do not get too carried away with this game, so as not to think later, as this can offend him and push him away. And of course, do not focus only on friendly relations, since your chosen one is already ready to perceive you not only as a friend.

How to make a 13-year-old boy fall in love with you

Slightly forgotten by adults, the time of the most violent love, for which girls make many sacrifices. The main thing here is not to overdo it with feats for the sake of achieving your love and stay to love and respect yourself in these relationships for who you are.

Of course, you can correct your appearance for the better. For skin beauty - reduce fatty and sweetness. For a figure - connect the pool and sports. For style - change hair color and hairstyle. And yet, do not ignore several important advice of harmful adults: do not forget to study, do not be rude to your loved ones, as their support will still be useful to you.

AND the most important thing: do not do stupid things because of love about spice, alcohol and other permissiveness of adults, even if the guy of your dreams likes it. This is a risky love that is not worth your future and health. In general, in order not to be afraid to take the initiative in a joint pleasant pastime. You will immediately understand that he is interested in you if he wants to communicate with you in a more open and warm atmosphere.

How to make a 14 year old boy fall in love with you

It is at this age that a young man is one hundred percent capable of perceiving you as a potential couple, and your society will prefer his hobbies. In this case, appearance will be the determining factor, although much depends on the character of the chosen one. Watch yourself and find your original and natural style in clothes that will favorably distinguish you among your friends. Moreover, do not overuse cosmetics and inappropriate adult outfits, as they will not be able to emphasize your femininity, but will simply make you much older.

Appreciate yourself and your style in your comfortable sneakers, and you will become unique and attractive to your boyfriend. Do not be afraid to make it clear with the help of your views that you are interested in him, but do not think around the clock about how and how to fall in love with him. Live your full life, be yourself, and he will probably be interested in what you are doing, because confident and happy girls are always attractive.

How can a 15-year-old boy fall in love with you?

The best, but hectic time to build a relationship with the boy you like. At this age, the perception of the world and the feeling of openness and sincerity from others are sharpened. Therefore, to attract the attention of a guy you like, there is one flawless advice - stay yourself, do not give in to someone else's influence and you will be happy.

To stand out from the crowd, you don’t have to wear what your friends wear, dye your hair blonde or adopt bad fashion habits, it’s enough to have your head on your shoulders and your view of the world around you. The time for love is also strongly limited by the upcoming exams. But here social networks come to the rescue, making the task much easier. Subscribe to the publics that interest him, discuss with him and communicate, but do not forget about your own opinion.

If your points of view on many things are different, then it is not a fact that it is worth developing these relations. And if you have a lot in common, then you are on the right track, and soon you can count on mutual tender feelings. You are a smart, attractive, self-sufficient girl. Go for it, and you will succeed.

Although many young girls dream of wonderful romantic feelings, love can flare up suddenly and bring complete confusion and confusion into their lives. The main thing is to try not to idealize your chosen one and not get carried away with this game so much as to understand how similar your views and tastes are. It is not surprising that such a crush rarely ends in something very serious. But this unique state of mind allows you to feel special and unique, so you should fall in love and fall in love with yourself in order to live a happy and fulfilling life.

First of all, it should be noted that love is a conditional concept. Within the framework of this article, she is considered as some kind of feelings of two people, as an easy falling in love. You also need to know that many guys may not understand any hints from girls, and also not notice even the elementary trifles. So, forewarned means forearmed!

  1. No wonder they say that men love with their eyes. If they don't like something about the girls, they don't have to expect special attention from them. In order to attract the attention of a guy, you must always look extraordinary, standing out from the crowd of other girls. You should not dress too sexy and defiant, because in this case there is a risk of prematurely causing his carnal feelings, and we are talking about feelings.

  2. Attention! Don't be attracted by your pretentious and extravagant behavior. It's too much. For some boys, this state of affairs may simply push away from the future object of sighing. You should behave as discreetly as possible, but at the same time confidently. To fall in love with a boy, you must at least learn to maintain this balance.

  3. When meeting a guy, you need to try to interest him in this or that conversation. The main thing is that the topic for the conversation is interesting to both.

Everything. The first step has been taken. Now you need to think about how to surprise the guy seriously and for a long time.

How to surprise a guy you like?

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remain a mystery to him. You should not rush from the very first acquaintance to lay out everything about yourself in the spirit.

  2. The intrigue will be to give him some information about himself in small portions. As if by chance, in passing. Do not reveal your innermost secrets!

  3. To have at least some ground under your feet, you need to find out about the interests of the boy you like. This surprises some guys in earnest.

When this stage is also passed, the time will come to play on his emotional-sensual state. It may not be easy, but the results should pleasantly surprise both. So how do you make a boy fall in love with you?

Knight's move!

  1. You should refuse the first "official" meeting with him! This will not be easy, but possible. Waiting will only increase mutual interest. In most cases, boys in such a situation only do what they think of an early meeting with their newly-made darling: such a knight's move will significantly strengthen his still fragile love.

  2. To fall in love with a boy, you should show a genuine interest in his hobbies, even if they are uninteresting. This will expand the range of common topics for discussion. For example, you can ask him about football, asking about the fate of Russian football clubs in the Champions League, and also find out the current composition of the Russian youth team.

  3. When he succeeds, the path to his heart will be practically open! Just do not need to surrender to his hobbies without a trace. Otherwise, you can turn from a potential lover into a girl friend.

  4. By the way, for greater expressiveness, you can make sure that some part of doubt in the feelings of his chosen one remains in the guy: you need not stop being a mystery to him, but also know when to stop! The main thing is not to overdo it.

  5. It is recommended to devote every meeting to him, but at the same time not to be intrusive and annoying.

  6. You can be capricious, but also in moderation. There is no need to place increased demands on a boy in love and exorbitant requests for him.

Basically, that's all. It is important to understand that falling in love with a boy who really deserves it is not a matter of one day or even one week.

To please a guy (at school, at the university, in the yard), you need to be ready to show him your inaccessibility. After all, it is this psychological nuance that has a greater effect on the aspect of a person than the banal seduction of your boyfriend on the very first date.

The main thing is to believe in yourself!

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