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Ugly is your name. Association name-sex. Funny rhymes for names

What religion was preached in those ancient times, when Christianity was still unheard of? The religion of the ancient Slavs, which is commonly called paganism, included a huge number of cults, beliefs and beliefs. It coexisted both archaic primitive elements and more developed ideas about the existence of gods and the human soul.

The religion of the Slavs originated more than 2-3 thousand years ago. The most ancient religious belief of the Slavic peoples is animism. According to this belief, any person has an incorporeal double, a shadow, a spirit. This is where the concept of the soul originated. According to the ancient ancestors, not only people, but also animals, as well as all natural phenomena, have a soul.
The Slavic religion is also rich in totemic beliefs. Totems of animals - elk, wild boar, bear, as sacred animals, were the subject of worship. Subsequently, each became a symbol of a Slavic god. For example, a wild boar is a sacred animal and a bear is Veles. There were also plant totems: birches, oaks, willows. Many were held near isolated sacred trees.

Gods in the Slavic religion.

The Slavs did not have a single god for all. Each tribe worshiped a different one. The religion of the ancient Slavs refers to common gods such characters as Perun, Veles, Lada, Svarog and Makosh.

  • Perun is a thunderer, patronized princes and warriors. Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich of Kyiv revered this god as supreme.
  • Veles - the god of wealth, the "cattle-breeding" god, patronized the merchants. Rarely regarded as the god of the dead.
  • Svarog - the god of fire and sky, is considered the father of other divine creatures, the supreme deity of the early Slavs.
  • Makosh is the goddess of fate, water and fertility, the patroness of expectant mothers. It was considered the personification of the feminine.
  • Lada is the goddess of love and beauty. She was considered the goddess of the "woman in labor", patronizing the summer harvest.

Idols of the ancient Slavs.

The religion of the ancient Slavs had not only its gods, but also its idols - sculptures that convey the image of a particular deity, which was revered more than others in the tribe. These were wooden or stone statues that were worshiped during religious ceremonies. Most often, idols were installed on the banks of rivers, in groves, on hillocks. They were very often dressed, they held a bowl or horns in their hands, next to them one could see rich weapons. There were smaller household idols that were hidden in dwellings. The ancient Slavs identified idols with the deity itself, so it was a great sin to damage the statue of an idol.

Ancient "Temples" and Magi in the Slavic Religion.

Those who lived on the territory of modern Russia never erected temples: they performed all ritual actions and prayers in the open air. Instead of a temple, they equipped the so-called "temple" - a place where idols were placed, an altar was located and sacrifices were made. Moreover, the religion of the ancient Slavs allowed any of the believers to approach the idols, bow to them and make some kind of offering. As a rule, various animals were used as sacrifices; the ancient Slavs did not practice human sacrifices.

Magi existed among the ancient Slavs as keepers of knowledge, seers and healers. They kept and passed on ancient myths from generation to generation, compiled calendars, predicted the weather, performed the functions of sorcerers and magicians. The Magi had a great influence on the Kyiv princes, who consulted with them on all important state issues.

Thus, it can be stated with confidence that the religious ideas of the ancient Slavs are a well-developed system, which includes a huge number of different pagan beliefs professed by the Slavs before the adoption of the Christian religion. She played a huge role in shaping the worldview, worldview and culture of the Slavic peoples. Its echoes are still present in our lives.

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When moving to a new house, carry an old broom with you - this belief is due to the fact that a brownie can live under a broom. But, in addition, the people have developed a difficult attitude towards the broom due to its mystical duality. On the one hand, a broom and a broom are the favorite tools of witches that fly on them, and shake off the dew with them, and induce damage, send diseases (thrown a broom after or threw it under the threshold - and you're done!). On the other hand, since with the help of a broom they get rid of dirt, they also attribute to it the ability to get rid of evil spirits (they sweep their way in front of the newlyweds, etc.). If the straw on which the deceased was washed was swept with a broom, such a broom must be thrown away. But when moving to a new house, they always took an old broom with them: firstly, to transfer the brownie; secondly, so that the thrown broom is not stepped on and thus does not cause trouble to the owners.

Do not whistle in the house - there will be no money. You can’t whistle in the house, otherwise it will become empty - The people generally have a negative attitude towards whistling. Whistling is the entertainment of loafers. In addition, whistling sharply, you can scare a child, a pregnant woman, so this fun is dangerous. And mystically, this is associated with the whistle of the wind, which can take money and goodness out of the house. But the closest thing in this case is an everyday explanation: how can everyone else in the household like it when one of them constantly whistles? So they let him know: if you whistle, you will call misfortune on everyone, including yourself.

Washing or sweeping the floor immediately after the departure of a loved one or guest is the same as washing, sweeping it out of the house - A belief, the essence of which is in the mystical perception of a person and “traces from him”. The person left, but the atmosphere in the house where he stayed for some time still remains, as does a certain “spiritual trace” from the food on the dishes from which they just ate. It is not necessary to destroy these mystical traces immediately (unless, of course, we are talking about the "traces" of the enemy).

To forget any thing in a strange house - to return there soon - It seems that here it is clear without any mysticism: if you have forgotten something, then willy-nilly you will have to return. And since they usually carry the things necessary for every day with them (in our time - a telephone, an umbrella, etc.), it is logical that they will have to return as soon as possible.

A brick fell out of the oven - do not wait for good - This is due to the attitude towards the oven as one of the most important symbols of the house (not to mention the domestic danger of such damage). The oven in the minds of the people is not only warm and hot food, but also a place through which the house is connected to the outside world (we remember the stories about witches flying out of the chimney). Previously, they also slept on the stove, so dreams and the image of the stove were also combined. The fallen brick violates the integrity of the furnace as the boundary between the house and the open world. Through the resulting hole, evil spirits, the soul of the deceased, illness, sent damage, etc. can enter the house. Some beliefs associate the fallen brick with the penetration of the mythical fire serpent into the house. It seems that everyday meaning is also hidden in this, since we are talking about the increasing possibility of a fire.

To greet and say goodbye on the threshold - to a quarrel - The meaning of this belief goes back to the special role of the threshold in the house (like the stove) - the mystical border between the outside world and the dwelling (which we have already talked about). But the everyday meaning is clear enough: it is not good to start greetings before inviting a person to enter, or to continue the conversation when the guest is already leaving. That is, we are talking about the rules of decency, politeness.

The broom should stand in the corner with the handle down: this saves from the evil eye - the broom is perceived not only as an item for cleaning the house, but also as one of the important mystical symbols. Garbage was associated with the restless souls of the dead, and the broom was in constant contact with garbage. Broom - and one of the haunts of the brownie. At the same time, witches fly on a broom (on a broomstick), evil spirits cover their tracks with them, by means of a broom left somewhere by a negligent hostess, you can cause damage, send illness. Based on all this, the attitude towards the broom is ambivalent. Putting it with the handle down means using its protective function, namely, calling for help from the brownie and showing the enemies of the house that you are ready to take them out. In fact, thrifty housewives always hold the broom with the handle down for the simple reason that it lasts longer this way. And, finally, only a clean broom can be placed with the handle down, which this custom prompts implicitly.

To store broken dishes - unfortunately - Broken dishes symbolize inferiority, incompleteness (you can recall the custom of breaking dishes at a wedding, associated with the fact that the bride is losing her virginity). Therefore, storing broken dishes in the house can lead to discord, disagreement. From a household point of view, broken dishes are simply dangerous: you can get hurt. And therefore it is better not to provoke misfortune by gluing the shards, but to get rid of them. It is not in vain that the old belief has been preserved: "Dishes break - fortunately." Everyone has already forgotten that this has to do with the bride, and they repeat, just so as not to darken their mood because of a broken cup.

The doors began to creak - unfortunately - This belief can be explained in the same way as the beliefs about the stove or the threshold. The door is not only a real protection from outsiders, but also a symbolic obstacle to evil spirits. Naturally, her creak is perceived as a kind of warning. In reality, the creaking of the door inflates the situation more than any of its mystical interpretations. And the longer the door remains unoiled, the greater the likelihood of mutual claims and a possible quarrel, which is one of the manifestations of “unhappiness”.

Do not sit on the threshold - you will get sick - We have already spoken about the mystical role of the threshold more than once. In the everyday sense, everything is clear: sitting on the threshold, a person holds the door open and finds himself in a draft. In addition, the threshold is located close to the ground, to dampness, which also provokes the disease.

When moving to a new house, do not leave garbage in the old one: they can damage it - Very good advice, we say, especially if we imagine those words and thoughts of the new owners that will be addressed to the sluts. And the word, as you know, has physical power. Sometimes it is proposed to transfer old garbage to a new house, and then throw it away. It seems that this is excessive zeal; it is better to use such zeal for cleaning - then there will be no reason to induce damage.

Do not throw away garbage in the evening: they can rob - The mystical meaning of belief is associated with the danger of losing something, taking something away from oneself after sunset, when evil spirits begin to rule. Remained in this ban and a trace of the belief that garbage is a haven for restless souls; therefore, it is unsuitable to get rid of it at night looking, in the dark. For the same reason, the custom of throwing garbage on the road, at the crossroads has been preserved in some places (the author of these lines has observed this many times in Ukraine, in particular in Ilyinka and Znamenka, where the meaning of the actions was explained in this way). And for the same reason, it is not recommended to burn household, indoor garbage.

To protect the house from sorcerers and evil people, it is necessary to stick a pin or needle into the door with the point outward - Belief is associated with the attitude towards sharp objects as a mystical protection from the ill-wisher. It doesn't matter if he sees the needle or not. The main thing is that the owners are calm, knowing that the evil look is neutralized. Mystical power was also attributed to amulets, which either have thorns (thistle), or are capable of causing burning (nettle), or have a pungent odor (mint), pungent taste (pepper).

I moved into a new house - the ceiling does not need to be whitewashed for a whole year - During the year, the house gives a draft, the ceiling is deformed and the whitewashing will still be damaged. Having whitewashed the ceiling, the hostess will always walk with a broom and sweep (as is happening now in all new houses, especially urban ones).

Do not sit, girl, on the windowsill - you won’t get married - One of the prohibitive signs that should work if the normal explanation does not work that it’s not worth it for a girl to sit on the windowsill. First, it's dangerous; and secondly - from time immemorial, a girl should not have flaunted herself. About the girl sitting on the windowsill, who only does what she stares into the street, fame will go that she has only one thing on her mind: to get to know the guys, look out for the groom.

Do not start building a house in old age, otherwise you will die soon - There is another version of this belief: buying new clothes in old age - to death. Many, unfortunately, believe in this and deprive themselves of small human joys. Although, if you think about it, the belief is based on just an ordinary law: in old age you don’t know if you will finish building a house, how long you will wear new clothes.

In one day, do not sweep with two brooms: you will scatter wealth - Here you can see a mystical connection with the brownie, who is alone in the house and therefore cannot be immediately under two brooms. The everyday reason lies in the proverb: “Every broom sweeps in its own way”: That is, sweeping with different brooms, the hostess, against her will, can leave garbage somewhere.

If the house is swept with a broom of wormwood, evil spirits will not start - At the heart of the belief is the attitude towards wormwood as one of the amulets. It is believed that the pungent smell of this herb repels not only evil spirits, but also evil people, and also resists damage.

When you sweep in the house, sweep not to the threshold, but from the threshold, otherwise you will sweep all the wealth - Revenge to the threshold means moving beyond the boundaries of your home, your space. At the same time, along with garbage (which, as we know, was also mystified), you can sweep away something of your own - good, valuable. Even in the yard, after the removal of the deceased, the garbage was swept towards the house, motivated by the desire that all the living in the house remain.

There was a buzz in the chimney - the soul of the deceased is tormented - It was believed: if you close the stove damper, then the connection between the house and the outside world stops. This means that the soul that wanted to visit the house remained in the chimney and suffers there, howling. In this case, you need to pray for the dead.
The stove was closed with a damper when someone went on the road, so that home conversations about him would not fly out the chimney and would not be heard by “strangers”.

The front corner in the house is cracking - bad luck for the owner - The corner for the Slavs is not only a symbol of your own home (to have your own corner), but also one of the habitats of the brownie. In some areas, it is believed that evil spirits generally live in the corner (hence the fumigation of the corners of the house to expel illness and all evil spirits). Water was poured under the outer corner of the house, which was used to wash the deceased, and the garbage left after the funeral was burned there. Such a mystical attitude to the corner explains the beliefs associated with it. Unexpected sounds - crackling, knocking - coming from the corner were considered a sign of otherworldly forces. The everyday explanation of the belief is that the owner simply needs to pay attention to the condition of the corners of the house. If they settle (it is because of this that a crack is heard), then it is certainly unfortunate - not only for the owner, but for all household members.

The rooster shook his head - to be in trouble - Belief is based on a dual attitude towards the rooster. On the one hand, it is a prophetic bird capable of fighting evil spirits. On the other hand, he himself, having grown old, becomes a representative of the devilish forces (he can even “lay an egg”, from which a “little one” is born, which then brings the owners to death). As a rule, the old rooster begins to shake his head. Therefore, in belief, a recommendation is fixed to get rid of it as soon as possible. The fact that the old rooster is not needed on the farm is unequivocal. And superstition is a reason to part with it in the name of well-being in the house.

Knocking in the house for no reason - to someone's death - The basis of belief is the same as in the case described above with a crash in the corner, It is believed that someone's soul has come and warns of the imminent dead in the house.

Sweep out the rubbish from the house where the deceased lies before it is taken out - that means sweep all the living out of the house - Since part of the aura of the deceased is preserved in the household rubbish, garbage (as in all objects and in the very air of the dwelling), the garbage does not need to be swept out until the body is in the house. If this is done earlier, then the soul of the deceased will be restless: part of it is already being swept away, as if in a hurry to get rid of it. The everyday explanation lies in the fact that it is really necessary to clean up after the removal of the body, and not in haste, but as it should.

The first person to enter a new house is an old person - Belief primarily reflects respect for elders. But it also has a mystical meaning. It is connected with the fact that the beginning of a new business, a new stage of life requires sacrifice. The role of the victim was taken on by the old man, since it was believed that the one who was the first to cross the threshold of a new house or spend the night in it would be the first to die. The cat is the first to be let into a new house - In essence, this custom is based on the same as the previous one. But one more interpretation is added to it: the cat is able to find the healthiest, most comfortable place in the home. The house is entered after the cat settles down in this place. Usually they put a bed there for the young, and after the birth of a child - a cradle. I specifically observed the further fate of the cats that were the first to be admitted into the new home. There were no deaths among them. Moreover, one lived a fantastically long life - about twenty years. On the first night in a new house, you need to lock up the rooster - It is clear that the reason for this belief is the same as the previous ones. The main thing is to make a sacrifice, and it is desirable that it be as less "bloody" as possible, not human. In addition, the rooster in Slavic mythology was credited with the ability to disperse evil spirits (three times the rooster crowed, announcing the dawn, and the devils fled). A rooster is also allowed into the house for the reason that it was considered one of the symbols of fertility. Consequently, his stay in the new hut provided the new settlers with the appearance of children and wealth.
Do not take Fedora out of the hut copy - In every hut there is a "grandfather", "owner" - a brownie. He lives where he wants to - behind the stove, or in the closet, or under the threshold. His favorite item in the house is a broom. On Fedorin's day, the brownie does not come out from under the broom, so the hostess must be careful not to throw out the "grandfather" with the garbage, otherwise he will be offended and start playing dirty tricks.
When moving to a new house, carry an old broom with you - This belief, like the previous one, is due to the fact that a brownie can live under a broom. But, in addition, the people have developed a difficult attitude towards the broom due to its mystical duality. On the one hand, a broom and a broom are the favorite tools of witches that fly on them, and shake off the dew with them, and induce damage, send diseases (thrown a broom after or threw it under the threshold - and you're done!). On the other hand, since with the help of a broom they get rid of dirt, they also attribute to it the ability to get rid of evil spirits (they sweep their way in front of the newlyweds, etc.). If the straw on which the deceased was washed was swept with a broom, such a broom must be thrown away. But when moving to a new house, they always took an old broom with them: firstly, to transfer the brownie; secondly - so that the thrown broom is not stepped on and thereby does not cause trouble to the owners.
Do not whistle in the house - there will be no money. You can’t whistle in the house, otherwise it will become empty - People generally have a negative attitude towards whistling. Whistling is the entertainment of loafers. In addition, whistling sharply, you can scare a child, a pregnant woman, so this fun is dangerous. And mystically, this is associated with the whistle of the wind, which can take money, goodness out of the house. But the closest thing in this case is an everyday explanation: how can everyone else in the household like it when one of them constantly whistles? So they let him know: if you whistle, you will call misfortune on everyone, including yourself.
Washing or sweeping the floor immediately after the departure of a loved one or guest is like washing it out, sweeping it out of the house - A belief, the essence of which is in the mystical perception of a person and "traces from him." The person left, but the atmosphere in the house where he stayed for some time still remains, as well as a certain "spiritual trace" from the food on the dishes from which they just ate. It is not necessary to destroy these mystical traces immediately (unless, of course, we are talking about the "traces" of the enemy).
To forget any thing in a strange house - to return there soon - It seems that here it is clear without any mysticism: if you have forgotten something, then willy-nilly you will have to return. And since they usually carry the things necessary for every day with them (in our time - a telephone book, an umbrella, etc.), it is logical that they will have to return as soon as possible.
A brick fell out of the oven - do not wait for good - This is due to the attitude towards the oven as one of the most important symbols of the house (not to mention the domestic danger of such damage). The stove in the minds of the people is not only warmth and hot food, but also a place through which the house is connected to the outside world (we remember stories about witches flying out of the chimney). Previously, they also slept on the stove, so dreams and the image of the stove were also combined. The fallen brick violates the integrity of the furnace as the boundary between the house and the open world. Through the resulting hole, evil spirits, the soul of the deceased, illness, sent damage, etc. can enter the house. Some beliefs associate the fallen brick with the penetration of the mythical fire serpent into the house. It seems that everyday meaning is also hidden in this, since we are talking about the increasing possibility of a fire.
To greet and say goodbye on the threshold - to a quarrel - The meaning of this belief goes back to the special role of the threshold in the house (as well as the stove) - the mystical border between the outside world and the dwelling (which we have already talked about). But the everyday meaning is clear enough: it is not good to start greetings before inviting a person to enter, or to continue the conversation when the guest is already leaving. That is, we are talking about the rules of decency, politeness.
The broom should stand in the corner with the handle down: this saves from the evil eye - the broom is perceived not only as an item for cleaning the house, but also as one of the important mystical symbols. Garbage was associated with the restless souls of the dead, and the broom was in constant contact with garbage. Broom - and one of the haunts of the brownie. At the same time, witches fly on a broom (on a broomstick), evil spirits cover their tracks with them, by means of a broom left somewhere by a negligent hostess, you can cause damage, send illness. Based on all this, the attitude towards the broom is ambivalent. Putting it with the handle down means using its protective function, namely, calling for help from the brownie and showing the enemies of the house that you are ready to take them out. In fact, thrifty housewives always hold the broom with the handle down for the simple reason that it lasts longer this way. And, finally, only a clean broom can be placed with the handle down, which this custom prompts implicitly.
Store broken dishes - unfortunately - Broken dishes symbolize inferiority, incompleteness (you can recall the custom of breaking dishes at a wedding, associated with the fact that the bride is losing her virginity). Therefore, storage of broken dishes in the house can lead to discord, disagreement. From a household point of view, broken dishes are simply dangerous: you can get hurt. And therefore it is better not to provoke misfortune by gluing the shards, but to get rid of them. It is not in vain that the old belief has been preserved: "Dishes break - fortunately." Everyone has already forgotten that this has to do with the bride, and they repeat, just so as not to darken their mood because of a broken cup.
The doors began to creak - unfortunately - This belief can be explained in the same way as the beliefs about the stove or the threshold. The door is not only a real protection from outsiders, but also a symbolic obstacle to evil spirits. Naturally, her creak is perceived as a kind of warning. In reality, the creaking of the door inflates the situation more than any of its mystical interpretations. And the longer the door remains unoiled, the greater the likelihood of mutual claims and a possible quarrel, which is one of the manifestations of "unhappiness."
Do not sit on the threshold - you will get sick - We have already spoken about the mystical role of the threshold more than once. In the everyday sense, everything is clear: sitting on the threshold, a person holds the door open and finds himself in a draft. In addition, the threshold is located close to the ground, to dampness, which also provokes the disease.
When moving to a new house, do not leave garbage in the old one: they can damage it - Very good advice, we say, especially if we imagine those words and thoughts of the new owners that will be addressed to the sluts. And the word, as you know, has physical power. Sometimes it is proposed to transfer old garbage to a new house, and then throw it away. It seems that this is excessive zeal; it is better to use such zeal for cleaning - then there will be no reason to induce damage.
In the evening, do not throw out the garbage: they can rob - The mystical meaning of belief is associated with the danger of losing something, taking something away from oneself after sunset, when evil spirits begin to rule. Remained in this ban and a trace of the belief that garbage is a haven for restless souls; therefore, it is unsuitable to get rid of it at night looking, in the dark. For the same reason, the custom of throwing garbage on the road, at the crossroads has been preserved in some places (the author of these lines has observed this many times in Ukraine, in particular in Ilyinka and Znamenka, where the meaning of the actions was explained in this way). And for the same reason, it is not recommended to burn household, indoor garbage.
To protect the house from sorcerers and evil people, you need to stick a pin or needle into the door with the point outward - Belief is associated with the attitude towards sharp objects as a mystical protection from the ill-wisher. It doesn't matter if he sees the needle or not. The main thing is that the owners are calm, knowing that the evil look is neutralized. Mystical power was also attributed to amulets, which either have thorns (thistle), or are capable of causing burning (nettle), or have a pungent odor (mint), pungent taste (pepper).
I moved into a new house - the ceiling does not need to be whitewashed for a whole year - During the year the house gives a draft, the ceiling is deformed and the whitewashing will still be damaged. Having whitewashed the ceiling, the hostess will always walk with a broom and sweep (as is happening now in all new houses, especially urban ones).
Do not sit, girl, on the windowsill - you won’t get married - One of the prohibitive signs that should work if the normal explanation does not work that it’s not worth it for a girl to sit on the windowsill. First, it's dangerous; and secondly - from time immemorial, a girl should not have flaunted herself. About the girl sitting on the windowsill, who only does what she stares into the street, fame will go that she has only one thing on her mind: to get to know the guys, look out for the groom.
Do not start building a house in old age, otherwise you will die soon - There is another version of this belief: buying new clothes in old age - to death. Many, unfortunately, believe in this and deprive themselves of small human joys. Although, if you think about it, the belief is based on just an ordinary law: in old age you don’t know if you will finish building a house, how long you will wear new clothes.
In one day, do not sweep with two brooms: you will sweep away wealth - Here you can see a mystical connection with the brownie, who is alone in the house and therefore cannot be immediately under two brooms. The everyday reason lies in the proverb: "Every broom sweeps in its own way": That is, sweeping with different brooms, the hostess, against her will, can leave garbage somewhere.
If the house is swept with a broom of wormwood, evil spirits will not start - At the heart of the belief is the attitude towards wormwood as one of the amulets. It is believed that the pungent smell of this herb repels not only evil spirits, but also evil people, and also resists damage.
When you sweep in the house, sweep not to the threshold, but from the threshold, otherwise you will sweep all the wealth - Revenge to the threshold means moving beyond the boundaries of your home, your space. At the same time, along with garbage (which, as we know, was also mystified), you can sweep away something of your own - good, valuable. Even in the yard, after the removal of the deceased, the garbage was swept towards the house, motivated by the desire that all the living in the house remain.
There was a buzz in the chimney - the soul of the deceased is tormented - It was believed: if you close the stove damper, then the connection between the house and the outside world stops. This means that the soul that wanted to visit the house remained in the chimney and suffers there, howling. In this case, you need to pray for the dead.
The stove was closed with a damper when someone went on the road - so that home conversations about him would not fly out into the chimney and would not be heard by "strangers".
The front corner in the house is cracking - it’s not good for the owner - The corner for the Slavs is not only a symbol of your own home (to have your own corner), but also one of the habitats of the brownie. In some areas, it is believed that evil spirits generally live in the corner (hence the fumigation of the corners of the house to expel illness and all evil spirits). Water was poured under the outer corner of the house, which was used to wash the deceased, and the garbage left after the funeral was burned there. Such a mystical attitude to the corner explains the beliefs associated with it. Unexpected sounds - crackling, knocking - coming from the corner were considered a sign of otherworldly forces. The everyday explanation of the belief is that the owner simply needs to pay attention to the condition of the corners of the house. If they settle (it is because of this that a crack is heard), then it is certainly unfortunate - not only for the owner, but for all household members.
The rooster shook his head - to be in trouble - Belief is based on a dual attitude towards the rooster. On the one hand, it is a prophetic bird capable of fighting evil spirits. On the other hand, he himself, having grown old, becomes a representative of the devilish forces (he can even "lay an egg", from which a "little one" is born, then bringing the owners to death). As a rule, it is the old rooster that begins to shake his head. Therefore, in belief, a recommendation is fixed to get rid of it as soon as possible. The fact that the old rooster is not needed on the farm is unambiguous. And superstition is a reason to part with him in the name of well-being in the house.
Knocking in the house for no reason - to someone's death - The basis of belief is the same as in the case described above with a crash in the corner, It is believed that someone's soul has come and warns of an imminent dead person in the house.
Sweep out the rubbish from the house where the deceased lies, before taking it out - that means sweeping all the living out of the house - Since part of the aura of the deceased is preserved in the household rubbish, garbage (as in all objects and in the very air of the dwelling), the garbage does not need to be swept out until the body is in the house. If this is done earlier, then the soul of the deceased will be restless: part of it is already swept away, as if in a hurry to get rid of it. The everyday explanation lies in the fact that it is really necessary to clean up after the removal of the body, and not in haste, but as it should.

edited news VENDETTA - 13-03-2012, 16:11

Slavic beliefs say that when a person is born, three spirits come to his cradle: grief, lack and grief and send suffering to the child. They spare neither the poor nor the rich. But they have a sweet tooth, and if you put a saucer with honey, a sweet bun and a cup of red wine near the cradle of a newborn or on a closet in the same room, then grief, lack and grief will attack sweets and spare the newborn
. Subsequently, evil spirits approach the tables of people celebrating a birthday every year to mischief. Therefore, there must be honey or mead, sweet pies and red wine on the table. A sign is associated with the appearance of evil spirits, according to which one cannot celebrate a birthday earlier or later, but only on the day when one was born. After all, if the celebration is postponed, then grief, lack of happiness and grief, having appeared at the festive dinner, will remain hungry.

After the evil spirits have eaten and gone about their demonic deeds, good spirits come to the newborn: will, share and delight. They are majestic, beautiful and never in a hurry, so the evil spirits always have time to fuss earlier. But you should not think that if the will, share and delight of profits, then they will immediately endow the newborn with patronage. Their patronage still needs to be earned. For this, the birthday boy should be beautifully dressed, preferably in red. Cleanliness and order should reign in the rooms, the music of stringed instruments should sound, and the newborn himself should be in a good mood. Thus, if he is not in the spirit, then, looking at the gloomy physiognomy, the spirits can leave. Hence the sign that on your birthday you should not indulge in sad thoughts and quarrel. There is another sign: if the birthday man does not thank the guests, then good spirits may not send him profit. Previously, there was a custom according to which the birthday celebrant had to give each guest a gift. In our time, this custom has been lost and has been preserved only in some countries of the East.

A pie with eggs and buckwheat porridge is broken over the head of the birthday celebrant. In addition to good luck, this ritual brings money, profit, health. Pie is then not eaten. In the old days, after the holiday, it was given to the poor or taken to the crossroads. The fact is that, according to popular beliefs, an evil spirit lives on the left of a person, and a good one on the right. The crossroads is their meeting place, and both will receive their half of the pie there.

The tradition that makes you listen to a lot of congratulations on your birthday dates back to the times when you had to admire verbosely at the cradle of a newborn: "Smart, Beautiful, Happy." Such praising of the baby was a spell for his luck: if you don’t praise him, he will grow up unhappy. But when the child grows up, praise, of course, needs to be moderated. The rite of praise applies only to very young children. An adult on his birthday also needs to hear kind words addressed to him. Best of all - in verse, because rhymes and rhythm attract positive energies much more actively than a brief wish: "Good luck to you and Health."

“When a person is born, a new star lights up in the sky to illuminate his path,” says the legend. The star is a symbol of the human soul, hope and strength leading it. This is a guardian angel that protects from misfortune, gives strength to life and fulfills the cherished desires.
On earth, the symbol of the guiding star is the flame of a candle. This tradition is associated with the custom of lighting candles for birthdays and extinguishing them, making a wish, with your breath. The number of candles, equal to the number of years to come, shows the accumulated potential, experience, without which the fulfillment of desire is impossible. Candles, arranged in a circle, create a "Ring of Power" and endow with the energy necessary to fulfill a desire. Well, if a person put out the candles, the desire began to come true.
It is considered bad luck when one or two candles do not go out, although the person blows and blows. You can attribute the failure to the quality of the candles, the presence of drafts, but in reality this shows that the fulfillment of the desire is being delayed.
Now some authors write that you can’t put candles in a cake if a person turns 3, 9, 12 or 18, 40, 95 or 100 years old. This very controversial sign works if you believe in it. In this case, you can buy one candle, writing on it the number of years lived.

In no case should you buy a gift for yourself, and then give it to someone so that the person gives it as if on his own behalf. This erases the energy of good luck inherent in each gift. There are things that are forbidden to give, as this can lead to misfortune.
Of course, on a birthday, none of the vases should have an even number of flowers. And an odd number of flowers presented to the birthday man symbolizes changes for the better in his fate, successful overcoming of difficulties.

Dishes broken during the festival are not thrown away until the last guest leaves the house. This custom is associated with the idea that broken dishes, spilled salt mean that one of the guests brought trouble with them. Therefore, immediately after the departure of the last guest, the broken dishes are taken out of the house so that troubles and troubles leave the house with it.
And finally, about those "Security Measures" that it is desirable to take so that your birthday is not overshadowed by annoying troubles. Only if a person needs a set of bed linen or a set of towels, he can ask to give these items, but then you need to give a symbolic amount of money for a gift - "Piglet". Once upon a time, the piglet was a good luck talisman and an analogue of the fiat ruble from fairy tales, which brings profit and neutralizes evil will.
To tears and anxiety - give handkerchiefs, toothbrushes, soap, washcloths, brushes, mops, washing powder and other detergents and cleaning products.
To quarrels - give sharp, piercing and cutting objects, including forks and electric razors.
To separation - to give watches, including electronic, decorative water and hourglasses.
By parting - give jewelry with amethyst, onyx, moonstone.
Again, if five kopecks are given for such gifts, then signs may not work.
On a birthday, a birthday person can neither borrow money nor lend. According to popular observation, "you give in debt - you give back (well-being is implied), in debt you borrow - you accept someone else's misfortune".
You can not celebrate a birthday earlier or later than the actual date.
Forty years for a man, fifty-three years for a woman, and thirteen years for a child are not celebrated in crowds.
Never invite guests in the amount of nine, thirteen, eighteen, twenty-one, fifty, ninety-nine and one hundred people. These numbers shorten the life of the birthday man.
Thus, if you want to put candles on the table for beauty, avoid this number: three, nine, twelve and eighteen candles. It's better not to light candles at all!
It is not advised to serve pancakes on the table at name days if a rice dish is planned for a hot meal (pilaf.
They don't put a pig's head on the table, they don't eat pigeons. These dishes - to the death of the birthday man.
Thus, if you have a dog in your apartment, then consider the following: guests can sing, and some dogs have a habit of howling when people sing or play musical instruments. On any other day, it would be touching: they say, the dog also sings. However, know that a howling dog calls death to the birthday man. Only in the event that you decide to celebrate your birthday in a cafe or canteen, ask if they celebrated a commemoration here the day before after the funeral. If you celebrated, look for another place or celebrate at home.

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