Home Berries What does 1 npu mean. Test for diagnosing the level of neuropsychic stability, the risk of maladjustment in stress. The text of the psychodiagnostic technique for determining the level of neuropsychic stability

What does 1 npu mean. Test for diagnosing the level of neuropsychic stability, the risk of maladjustment in stress. The text of the psychodiagnostic technique for determining the level of neuropsychic stability

Description of the technique. The technique is designed to determine the level of neuropsychic stability (NPU) and allows you to identify individual signs of personality disorders, as well as to assess the likelihood of neuropsychic breakdowns. A qualitative analysis of the answers allows you to clarify individual biographical information, behavioral features and the state of a person's mental activity in various situations. The technique can be used as a retest of the "Forecast" questionnaire.

The methodology contains 86 questions, for each of which the subject must answer "yes" or "no". The results of the survey are expressed as a quantitative indicator (in points), on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the level of neuropsychic stability and the likelihood of neuropsychic breakdowns. To conduct a survey, you must have the text of the questionnaire and registration forms. The examination takes about 20 minutes.

Instruction.“You are invited to answer 86 questions aimed at identifying some of your personality traits. Be frank, do not hesitate for a long time about the content of the questions, give the natural answer that comes to your head first. Remember, there are no “good” or “bad” answers. If you answer “yes”, put a “+” (plus) sign in the appropriate box of the registration form, if you chose “no”, put a “-” (minus) sign. Make sure that the question number of the questionnaire and the cell number of the registration form match. Don't miss the statements. "

Questionnaire text

    It happened that I gave up what I had started because I was afraid that I would not be able to cope with it.

    It's easy to argue with me.

    I avoid correcting people who make unsubstantiated statements.

    People show me as much sympathy and sympathy as I deserve.

    Sometimes I’m sure that other people know what I’m thinking.

    There were times when I did not keep my promises.

    At times I am completely sure of my worthlessness.

    I have never had any clashes with the law.

    I often memorize numbers that have no meaning to me (for example, car numbers, etc.).

    Sometimes I am not telling the truth.

    I am more impressionable than most other people.

    I am pleased to have significant people among my acquaintances, it kind of gives me weight in my own eyes.

    Certainly fate is not kind to me.

    I am often told that I am quick-tempered.

    I used to talk about things that I don't understand.

    I easily lose patience with people.

    I have no enemies who would really like to harm me.

    Sometimes my hearing becomes so acute that it even bothers me.

    It happens that I put off until tomorrow what can be done today.

    If people were not opposed to me, I would have achieved much more in life.

    In the game, I prefer to win.

    Often I cross the street to avoid meeting someone I don’t want to see.

    Most of the time, I feel like I did something wrong or even bad.

    If someone says something stupid or in any other way expresses his ignorance, I try to explain to him his mistake.

    Sometimes I have the feeling that so many difficulties are piled up in front of me that it is simply impossible to overcome them.

    When I’m away, I’m at the table better than at home.

    There are very nervous people in my family.

    If someone is to blame for my failures, I do not leave him.


    I must admit that at times I am worried about trifles.

    When I am asked to start a discussion or express an opinion on an issue in which I am well versed, I do so without hesitation.

    I often make fun of my friends.

    During my life, my attitude towards my


    It happened that when discussing some issues, I, especially without hesitation, agreed with the opinion of others.

    I often worked under the guidance of people who knew how to turn things in such a way that all the achievements in the work were attributed to them, and others were to blame for the mistakes.

    Without any fear, I enter the room where others have already gathered and are talking.

    It seems to me that in relation to me, they are especially often treated unfairly.

    When I am in a high place, I have a desire to jump down.

    Among my acquaintances there are people who I do not like.

    My plans often seemed so difficult to me to accomplish that I had to give them up.

    I am often distracted and forgetful.

    I rarely have bouts of bad mood.

    I would rather work with women.

    I am happiest when I am alone.

    Sometimes, when I am not feeling well, I am irritable.

    I often have dreams that it is better not to tell anyone about.

    My convictions and views are unshakable.

    I am a nervous and excitable person.

    It annoys me very much when I forget where I put things.

    It happens that I get angry.

    I like work that requires close attention.

    Sometimes I get so excited that I can't sit still.

    It happens that an indecent or even obscene joke makes me laugh.

    Sometimes such bad thoughts come to my mind that it is better not to tell anyone about them.

    Sometimes I take valerian, elenium, or other sedatives.

    I am a mobile person.

    Now I find it difficult to hope that I will achieve anything in life.

    Sometimes I feel like I’m close to a nervous breakdown.

    It happened that I did not answer letters immediately after reading them.

    Once a week or more, I get excited and agitated.

    It is very difficult for me to adapt to new conditions of life, work or study. The transition to new conditions of life, work or study seems unbearably difficult to me.

    Sometimes it happened that I was late for work or a date.

    My tin hurts often.

    I have led the wrong way of life.

    I drink alcoholic beverages in moderation (or do not drink at all).

    I often indulge in sad thoughts.

    Compared to other families, there is very little love and warmth in mine.

    I have frequent ups and downs of mood.

    When I am among people, I hear very strange things.

    I believe that I was often undeservedly punished.

    I am afraid to look down from a great height.

    It happened that I could not do anything for days or even weeks, because I could not bring myself to get down to work.

    I drink an unusually large amount of water every day.

    I had periods when I was doing something, and then I did not know what exactly I was doing.

    When I try to do something, I often notice that my hands are shaking.

    I think that I am a doomed person.

    I have periods of such intense anxiety that I cannot even sit still.

    At times it seems to me that my head is working slower.

    It seems to me that I feel everything more sharply than others.

    Sometimes, for no reason at all, I suddenly have a period of extraordinary gaiety.

    Some things excite me so much that it's hard for me to even talk about them.

    Sometimes my nerves let me down.

    I often have the feeling that everything around me is unreal.

    When I hear about the success of a close friend, I begin to feel that I am a failure.

    It happens that bad, often even terrible words come to my mind, and I just can't get rid of them.

    Often, even when everything is going well for me, I feel that I do not care.

Processing of results the method is performed using special "keys" (table 3.2.). The sum of points for each scale is calculated. For each correspondence of the answer of the subject with the key, 1 point is awarded. The processing begins with a sincerity scale, which is used to assess the reliability of the responses. The resulting number corresponds to the value of the sincerity scale in points. If the subject received 10 or more points, then it is not recommended to use these questionnaires, and the reasons for insincerity should be clarified during the conversation, followed by a conclusion about the level of neuropsychic stability.

Then the number of matches with the "key" is calculated on the scale of neuropsychic stability. Based on the scores obtained, the results are interpreted according to the table "Scale of NPU".

Table 3.2.

Keys of the "Forecast - 2" methodology




Ordinal numbers of statements corresponding to the scale


1, 6, 10, 12, 15, 19, 21, 26, 33, 38, 44, 49, 52, 58, 61

Scale of neuropsychic stability

2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86

4, 8, 17, 24, 30, 35, 41, 46, 50, 55, 64

NPU scale

Table 3.3.

Results (NPU)

NPU level





5 or less 6

1 - high


2 - good


3 - satisfactory


4 - unsatisfactory


33 and more

Interpretation of results.

1st level of NPU. High neuropsychic stability is characterized by a low probability of mental disorders, a high level of behavioral regulation. In the presence of other positive data, it can be recommended for work in positions requiring increased NHRI.

    th level of the NPU. Good neuropsychic stability is characterized by a low probability of neuropsychic breakdowns, adequate self-esteem and assessment of the surrounding reality. Single, short-term violations of behavior are possible in extreme situations with significant physical and emotional stress. Mental breakdowns are unlikely

    th level of the NPU. Satisfactory neuropsychic stability is characterized by the possibility in extreme situations of moderate disturbances in mental activity, accompanied by inadequate behavior, self-esteem and (or) perception of the surrounding reality. Neuropsychic breakdowns are likely in extreme situations, with significant physical and mental stress.

    th level of the NPU. Unsatisfactory neuropsychic stability or neuropsychic instability is characterized by a tendency to disturbances in mental activity with significant mental and physical stress. A very high probability of neuropsychic breakdowns. An additional examination by a psychiatrist and a neuropathologist is required.

The technique was developed at the L.V. S.M. Kirov and is intended for the initial selection of persons with signs neuropsychic instability... It allows you to identify individual pre-painful signs of personality disorders, as well as assess the likelihood of their development and manifestations in human behavior and activities.

It is necessary to answer 84 questions "yes" or "no" within 30 minutes. Analysis of the answers can clarify individual biographical information, behavioral characteristics and state of mental activity in various situations.

Test instructions

You are offered a test of 84 questions, for each of which you need to answer "yes" or "no". The suggested questions are about your well-being, behavior or character. There are no "correct" or "wrong" answers here, so do not try to ponder them for a long time - answer on the basis of what is more consistent with your condition or ideas about yourself. If your answer is yes, then fill in the “yes” box above the number of the corresponding question; if the answer is no, then fill in the box with the answer no. If you are at a loss with the answer, then fill in both rectangles, which corresponds to the answer “I don’t know”.

The task is given 30 minutes.

Test Material
  1. Sometimes such bad thoughts come to my mind that it is better to Fr. not to tell them to anyone.
  2. I rarely have constipation (or not at all).
  3. At times, I have fits of laughing or crying that I just can't cope with.
  4. There are times when I do not keep my promises.
  5. I get headaches often.
  6. Sometimes I am not telling the truth.
  7. Once a week or more, for no apparent reason, I feel hot all over my body.
  8. I used to talk about things that I don't understand.
  9. It happens that I get angry.
  10. Now I find it difficult to hope that I will achieve anything in life.
  11. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.
  12. I gladly take part in meetings and other social events.
  13. The hardest fight for me is the fight with myself.
  14. Muscle cramps and twitching are rare (or not at all).
  15. Sometimes, when I am not feeling well, I am irritable.
  16. I'm pretty indifferent to what will happen to me.
  17. When I’m away, I’m at the table better than at home.
  18. If I don't face a fine and there are no cars nearby, I can cross the street where I want to, and not where it's supposed to.
  19. I think my family life is just as good. like most of my friends.
  20. I am often told that I am quick-tempered.
  21. As a child, I had a company where everyone tried to always stand for each other in everything.
  22. In the game, I prefer to win.
  23. For the past few years, I have been feeling good most of the time.
  24. Now my weight is constant (I do not gain or lose weight).
  25. I am pleased to have significant friends among my acquaintances, it kind of gives me weight in my own eyes.
  26. I would be pretty calm if anyone in my family was in trouble.
  27. Something is wrong with my mind.
  28. I am concerned about sexual (sex) issues.
  29. When I try to say something, I often notice that my hands are shaking.
  30. My hands are as dexterous and agile as before.
  31. Among my acquaintances there are people who I do not like.
  32. I think that I am a doomed person.
  33. I rarely quarrel with my family members.
  34. It happens that I gossip with someone a little.
  35. I often have dreams that it is better not to tell anyone about.
  36. It happens that when discussing some issues I do not really think about it, I agree with the opinion of others.
  37. In school, I learned the material more slowly than others.
  38. In general, my appearance suits me.
  39. I'm pretty sure of myself.
  40. Once a week or more, I get very agitated or agitated.
  41. Someone controls my thoughts.
  42. I drink an unusually large amount of water every day.
  43. It happens that an indecent or even obscene joke makes me laugh.
  44. I am happiest when I am alone.
  45. Someone is trying to influence my thoughts.
  46. I love Andersen's fairy tales.
  47. Even among people, I usually feel lonely.
  48. It makes me angry when they rush me.
  49. I am easily confused.
  50. I easily lose patience with people.
  51. I often feel like dying.
  52. It happened that I gave up what I had started because I was afraid that I would not be able to cope with it.
  53. Almost every day something happens that scares me.
  54. I am indifferent to questions of religion, it does not interest me.
  55. I rarely have bouts of bad mood.
  56. I deserve severe punishment for my actions.
  57. I had very unusual mystical experiences.
  58. My convictions and views are unshakable.
  59. I have periods when, due to anxiety, I lose sleep.
  60. You must register

    To see the entire material, you need to register or enter the site.

    1. No one will see your name or photo in the test results... Instead, only gender and age will be listed. For example, " Woman, 23" or " Man, 31“.
    2. The name and photo will be visible only in comments or other entries on the site.
    3. Rights in VK: " Access to the list of friends" and " Access at any time”Are required so that you can see the tests that your friends have passed and see how many answers you have matched as a percentage. Wherein friends won't see answers to questions and the results of your tests, and you will not see the results of them (see p. 1).
    4. By authorizing on the site, you give personal data to be processed.

    The key to the test
    Sincerity scaleNeuropsychic stability scale
    No (-) Yes (+) No (-)
    1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 22, 25, 31, 34, 36, 43 3, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84 2, 12, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24, 28, 30, 38, 39, 46, 54, 55, 58, 61, 68

    The NPL score is obtained by simply adding up the positive and negative responses that match the "key".

    Interpreting test results

    Characteristics of the levels of NHRIs according to the "Forecast" questionnaire

    29 and more- high probability of neuropsychic breakdowns. Additional medical examination by a psychiatrist, neuropathologist is required.

    14-28 - neuropsychic breakdowns are likely, especially in extreme conditions. This fact must be taken into account when making an opinion on suitability.

    13 or less- neuropsychic breakdowns are unlikely. In the presence of other positive data, it can be recommended for specialties that require increased NPU.

    Methodology for determining NPU

Proposed by P.I. Yunatskevich.

Registration form

Instructions: We ask you to answer the questions below. Underline your answer in the appropriate box on the registration form.

Full Name ____________________________________________

In your opinion, can life lose value for a person in some situations?

Is life sometimes worse than death?

In the past I have tried to die.

Many people love, understand and appreciate me.

It is possible to justify the hopelessly sick who chose voluntary death.

I don't think I can find myself in a hopeless position.

The meaning of life is not always clear, it can sometimes be lost or found.

How do you think, finding yourself in a situation where your relatives and friends betray you, can you move on?

I sometimes think about my voluntary death.

In any situation, I will fight for my life, whatever the cost.


The total number of answers matching the key is calculated

"Yes" (+) :1,2, 3, 5, 7, 9

"No" (-): 4, 6, 8, 10.

The estimated suicidal risk ratio (Sr) is calculated using the formula:

Sr = (N / 10), where

N is the number of matches with the key.

Sr values ​​can vary from 0 to 1. Indicators close to 1 - a high level of suicidal tendencies, close to 0 - a low level of suicidal tendencies.


Assessment of the level of suicidal tendencies:

up to 0.2 - low (5 points)

0.2 - 0.3 - below average (4 points)

0.4 - 0.5 - average (3 points)

0.6 - 0.7 - above average (2 points)

0.8 and more - high (1 point)

5.11. Questionnaire "Deviant behavior"

The technique is designed to identify a tendency to deviant (addictive and delinquent) behavior.

The questionnaire consists of 60 questions and includes 4 blocks of questions aimed at identifying the military-professional orientation (block "Military-professional orientation"), studying the propensity to addictive (block "Addictive behavior") and dilequential (block "Dilequeness") behavior , as well as the level of suicidal predisposition (block "Suicidal risk") of the examined persons.


Instructions: You will be asked 60 questions concerning some of your individual psychological characteristics. There are 4 answer options on the registration form. You need to carefully read the question and choose the most suitable answer option for you. All answers to questions are entered in the registration form. There is only one possible answer to each question.

1. I well understood the instructions for this technique.

2. People with whom I try to be on friendly terms very often hurt me.

3. I am absolutely not adapted for military service and it scares me very much.

4. "For the company" with friends, I can take a large amount of alcohol.

5. I believe that in some situations life can lose value for a person.

6. I am convinced that men should serve in the army (navy) only of their own free will.

7. I can be tough and cruel with others.

8. Sometimes my friends were able to experience unusual states: seeing colorful visions, hearing strange sounds, etc.

9. I think that the biggest difficulty for me during my service is the need to obey the commanders.

10. Among my friends there were some who led the wrong way of life.

11. It seems to me that those around me do not understand me well, do not appreciate or even dislike me.

12. Recently I have noticed that I have started to smoke a lot. This one somehow helps me, distracts me from worries and worries.

13. It happened that in the morning my hands trembled, and my head just “split”.

14. I have always strived for friendship with peers who were older than me.

15. I can not bring myself to quit smoking, although I know that it is harmful.

16. I don't like it when someone commands me. This gives me a feeling of protest.

17. In a state of aggression, I am capable of a lot.

18. It is not easy for me to adapt to new conditions of life.

19. Among my close relatives (father, mother, brothers, sisters) there were convicted persons.

20. Often I experienced a feeling of weightlessness of the body, detachment from the world around me, unreality of what was happening.

21. The education of young people is influenced by so many reasons that the efforts of parents and educators are often in vain.

22. If anyone is to blame for my troubles, I will find a way to "repay" him.

23. My parents and relatives do not like the friends with whom I am on friendly terms.

24. I believe that it is possible to justify people who choose voluntary death.

26. In civilian life, I drank alcohol once a week or more.

27. If someone has wronged me, I consider it my duty to repay him in kind.

29. I do not condemn young men who evade military service.

30. The meaning of life is not always clear, sometimes it can be lost.

31. I have friends who like to "watch cartoons" after taking different substances.

32. Where I lived, there were youth groups that were actively at war with each other.

33. It is more important for me to serve "quietly" in a "quiet place" than to carry out serious and dangerous assignments of the command.

34. Recently, in order not to "break", I had to take sedatives.

35. I tried to free myself from some addictions.

36. I do not judge people who make attempts to die.

37. Drinking alcohol, I often exceeded my norm.

38. My parents and relatives have expressed concerns about my drinking.

39. I am experiencing more and more frustrations in relation to military service.

40. It is unlikely that I want to devote my whole life to the military profession (to stay on long-term service, to enter a military school).

41. I've been under stress lately. Therefore, I took tazepam, elenium and other sedatives.

42. The choice of voluntary death by a person in ordinary life can certainly be justified.

43. In our school (college) the ritual of "registration" of newcomers was adopted, in which I willingly took part.

44. Recently, I have a depressed state, the future seems to me hopeless.

45. I had some troubles during my studies (at work) due to the use of alcohol.

46. ​​During the service, I will try to avoid performing complex and responsible tasks of the command.

47. It is unpleasant for me to remember and talk about some cases that were associated with alcohol consumption.

48. My friends are good at “relaxing” and enjoying themselves.

49. The oath of allegiance to the Fatherland in modern conditions has lost its relevance.

50. One can agree that I am not very inclined to comply with many laws, considering them unreasonable.

51. Among my close friends there were some who often left home, wandered, etc.

52. I believe that my father abused (abuses) alcoholic beverages.

53. I love to gamble. They provide an opportunity to "shake things up", "to catch your chance."

54. I understand people who do not want to live on if they are betrayed by their relatives and friends.

55. I do not judge friends who smoke weed.

56. There is nothing reprehensible that people try to experience some unusual states on themselves.

57. I think that any provision of laws and military regulations can be interpreted in two ways.

58. My friends often shied away from educational activities (educational activities), considering them boring.

59. In our family there were cases of voluntary departure from life (or attempts to leave).

60. With some of my habits, I can no longer cope, even if I really want to.

Registration form

No it is

not this way

Perhaps so


Quite right

No it is

not this way

Perhaps so


Quite right

Processing of results: The processing of the results is carried out for each block separately using "keys", as well as for the entire methodology as a whole, by summing up the points. In this case, the answers are evaluated as follows:

0 - no, it is not;

1 - perhaps so;

2 - true;

3 - quite right.


VPN - the level of military-professional orientation: 3, 6, 9, 16, 18, 29, 33, 39, 40,46,49.

ADP - the level of propensity for addictive behavior: 4, 8, 12, 13, 15, 20, 26, 28, 31, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 45, 47, 48, 52, 53, 55, 56, 60.

DP - the level of propensity for delinquent behavior: 7, 10, 14, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 32, 43, 50, 51, 57, 58.

SR - the level of suicidal risk: 2, 5, 11, 24, 30, 36, 42, 44, 54, 59.

During further processing, the "raw" values ​​for all four scales (VPN, ADP, DP, SR) are summed up and the total score (tendency to deviant forms of behavior) is determined, which is then translated into a 10-point scale of normal distribution (stans) and conditional categories of professional suitability.

Converting raw points to stans

The name of the scales of the DAP method


Cumulative Assessment: Deviant Behavior

Military professional orientation (VPN)

Addictive behavior (ADP)

Delinquent behavior (DP)

Suicidal risk (SR)


Interpreting high values

(10 - 8 walls)

Interpreting averages

(3 - 7 walls)


low values

(2 - 1 walls)

High and sufficient level of military-professional orientation. Desire to serve in the Armed Forces. Ability to obey the demands of commanders and superiors. Willingness to perform official duties, including in special conditions of activity.

Average level

military - professional orientation. Desire to serve in the Armed Forces. Forced submission to the requirements of commanders and superiors.

Low level of military-professional orientation. Lack of desire to serve in the Armed Forces. Unwillingness to obey the demands of commanders and superiors.

No signs of addictive behavior.

Lack of clear signs of addictive behavior.

Signs of addictive behavior. Experience of drinking alcoholic beverages (possibly experience of using drugs).

No signs of delinquent behavior. Focus on compliance with generally accepted norms of behavior, group and corporate requirements.

Lack of clear signs of delinquent behavior. Generally accepted norms of behavior are respected.

Signs of delinquent behavior. Aggressiveness. Failure to comply with socially - approved norms of behavior.

No suicidal risk.

Suicidal tendencies are not expressed.

The presence of signs of suicidal tendencies.

5.12. Predictive questionnaire of conflict and role in the opposition for military personnel (POKROV)

The COVER method is intended for forecasting:

    conflict and the most likely role of the opposing parties in the process of a possible conflict;

    the success of professional activity;

    suicidal tendencies.

It is based on many years of experience in studying the clinical and psychological characteristics of military personnel - participants in situations of hazing and suicides.

As evidenced by observations, any conflict from the standpoint of its participants has two opposing sides (opponents of the conflict), which are in a state of contradiction (confrontation, opposition). The role of the participants in the conflict is not the same: some initiate it, showing aggressive tendencies (aggressors), others are the injured party (victims, victimized). The latter, as a rule, reveal three tendencies:

    insufficiently developed mental and physical abilities of self-defense.

    unconscious properties to provoke aggressiveness from others.

    suicidal tendencies.

The present division of the opponents of the conflict is to a certain extent conditional, however, it allows predicting the main tendencies of the subject in a possible conflict with his participation. In this regard, the questionnaire predicts:

    the likelihood of participation in conflicts with the predominant tendencies of the aggressor - scale "A";

    the likelihood of participation in conflicts with the victim's predominant tendencies - scale "P";

    equal probability of participation in conflicts with the predominant tendencies of the victim-aggressor - scales "A", "P";

    suicidal tendencies - scale "P";

    normal adaptation in interpersonal relationships, low conflict and suicidality - the "K" scale;

    sincerity in relation to research - scale "L".

This technique allows not only to predict the behavior of a serviceman, but also to establish the role of opponents in the conflict in the absence of information from the command, which makes it possible to choose the correct strategy in the process of investigations carried out in units on cases of hazing.

The undoubted advantage of the questionnaire is its secrecy, i.e. by the nature of the statements that make up the methodology, it is impossible to guess about the goals facing the researcher. The work of the subjects is strictly individual and does not allow communication during the research process. The objectives of the study were not disclosed.


Instructions: Carefully read each statement and mark “YES” or “+” in the registration form opposite its serial number, if it suits you; sign "NO" or "-" if it does not fit; sign "0" if you cannot give an unambiguous answer. Attention! For statements marked in the questionnaire with a "!" (1 - 20, 24, 50, 53, 54, 64, 73, 78), it is necessary to give only unambiguous answers "YES" or "NO". Indefinite answers ("0") can be given to other statements, but no more than 15 times.

1. ! As a child, I was a lively, energetic child.

2.! As a child, I was mischievous, combative, desperate.

3.! As a child, I was a demanding, boastful.

4. ! I sometimes brag a little.

5. ! As a child, I was stubborn.

6.! I am sometimes stubborn.

7.! As a child, I was modest, indecisive, shy, timid.

eight. ! As a child, I was withdrawn, uncommunicative.

nine. ! As a child, I sometimes had outbursts of strong, uncontrollable excitement for sometimes insignificant reasons.

ten.! I was rude in my family and school, or sometimes ran away from home.

eleven.! By the time I was called up, I had smoked for over four years.

12.! At times I was lagging behind in my studies (at school, vocational school, technical school).

13.! In my family there were frequent conflicts due to excessive alcohol consumption by one of the parents or their extreme incontinence.

fourteen.! Until the age of seven, I was brought up only by my mother.

15.! Until the age of seven, I grew up without parents.

16.! My parents live separately.

17.! My parents loved me very much, pampered me, allowed a lot.

eighteen.! My parents raised me very strictly, or, on the contrary, they did not take care of my upbringing and I was left on my own.

19.! I suffered severe head injuries after being in the hospital or unwell for a long time.

twenty.! As a child, I grew up sickly, often had colds.

21. I feel unwell after grief.

22. My mood spoils from the expectation of possible troubles, anxiety for loved ones, self-doubt.

23. My mood is very dependent on the society in which I find myself.

24.! I sometimes laugh at indecent jokes.

25. My dream is rich in vivid dreams

26. I can regulate my sleep.

27. I wake up easily when I need to.

28. I have a good appetite, but I'm not a glutton.

29. At times I drink willingly, at times I am not drawn to alcohol.

30. Alcoholic drinks scare me.

31. Sex drive bothers me a little.

32. My shyness hinders me greatly.

33. I would never forgive treason.

34. For me, the main thing is that the clothes are neat, comfortable and clean.

35. I often think that others judge me for the way I am dressed.

36. Lack of money annoys me.

37. I do not like to calculate all expenses in advance, I easily borrow money, even if I know that it will be difficult for me to repay by the deadline.

38. If they borrowed from me, I hesitate to remind about it.

39. I am very afraid of being left without parents.

40. I love my mother very much and am afraid that something will happen to her.

41. My parents oppressed me too much and imposed their will on everything.

42. For me, it is not just one friend that is important, but a friendly good team.

43. I appreciate a friend who knows how to listen to me, cheer me up, inspire confidence, calm me down.

44. I feel so sick that I have no time for friends.

45. I have no desire to have a friend.

46. ​​Those around me envy me and therefore hate me.

47. I quarrel easily and quickly reconcile.

48. I am ashamed of strangers and afraid to speak first.

49. I can't stand loneliness and always strive to be among people.

50.! I always reply to emails after reading them.

51. I am convinced that all my wishes and plans will come true in the future.

52. I don't like to think a lot about my future.

53.! I am completely free from any prejudice.

54.! I am not putting off until tomorrow what can be done today.

55. I love changes in my life - new impressions, new people, new surroundings.

56. I am afraid of changes in my life, the new environment scares me.

57. New is pleasant, if only it promises something good for me.

58. I experience my failures myself and do not seek sympathy and help from anyone

59. I love all sorts of adventures, even willingly take risks.

60. I do not like adventure and avoid risks.

61. I like only fun adventures and those that end well, but I don't like taking risks.

62. I weigh the pros and cons a lot, and still do not dare to risk it.

63. It happens that risk and excitement completely intoxicate me.

64.! I prefer winning more than losing.

65. I love being the first in the company, leading and guiding others.

66. There are always people who obey me and recognize my authority.

67. I do not listen to objections and criticism and always do my own way.

68. I try to respond correctly to criticism.

69. I willingly listen to those instructions that relate to my health.

70. I try to listen to helpful instructions, but I don't always succeed.

71. I always follow the rules and laws.

72. As a child, I was like all children and was no different from my peers.

73.! As a child, I always did what was ordered immediately and without complaint.

74. I attended school regularly and was always involved in community service.

75. At school, I tried to accurately complete all assignments.

76. I lack cold judgment.

77. I suffer from the fact that I am not understood.

78.! I have never lied in my life.

Registration form

No - "-"

I can't give a definite answer - "0"

To statements marked with "!" (1 - 20, 24, 50, 53, 54, 64, 73, 78), it is necessary to give only unambiguous answers "YES" or "NO". Indefinite answers ("0") can be given to other statements, but no more than 15 times.


Stage 1. At the end of the work, the sum of raw points is calculated for each scale ("L", "A", "P", "K") in accordance with the table below. Answers with a score of "0" are not counted in the calculation. Attention! 9 points are added to the total of the raw points of the "K" scale.

The results of the method are considered reliable if the "L" scale does not exceed 10 points.

Attention! If the sum of raw points on the "K" scale exceeds the sum of points on the "A" scale and on the "P" scale, a conclusion is made about the normal adaptation of the subject in interpersonal relationships, low conflict and the absence of suicidal risk. In this case, no further calculation is made.



"Yes", "+"

"No", "-"

"Yes", "+"

"No", "-"

Stage 2. It is necessary to compare among themselves the indicators obtained on three scales ("A", "P", "K"). When comparing, the emphasis is on the largest indicators (if the indicators are not equal).

For example:

The results on the "A" scale - 81 points, on the "P" scale - 73 points, on the "K" scale - 66 points. Therefore, when comparing we get: A> P (81> 73), A> K (81> 66), P> K (73> 66);

The results on the "A" scale - 81 points, on the "P" scale - 81 points, on the "K" scale - 66 points. Therefore, when comparing we get: A = P (81 = 81), A> K (81> 66), P> K (81> 66)

Stage 3. It is necessary to highlight combinations of inequalities (as much as possible, there are three combinations). In our examples:

1 example 2 example

1. (A> P) and (P> K) 1. (A = P) and (A> K)

2. (A> P) and (A> K) 2. (A = P) and (P> K)

3. (P> K) and (A> K) 3. (A> K) and (P> K)

Stage 4. Determine the role position in accordance with the following matrix for the diagnosis of the role position (at the intersection of inequalities).

A- forecast of the role position of the aggressor;

NS- forecast of the role of the victim and suicide;

P / A- forecast of the role position of the victim-aggressor and suicide;

TO- forecast of a non-conflict role position;

N- the forecast is not defined.

In our first example:

1. At the intersections (A> P) and (P>

2. At the intersections (A> P) and (A> K), the role position A is obtained — the aggressor;

3. At the intersections (P> K) and (A>

Based on this, a conclusion is made on the prediction of the role position: "The victim is an aggressor (with a predominance of traits of aggressiveness), is prone to suicidal actions."

In the following example:

1. At the intersections (A = P) and (A> K), the role-playing position P / A is obtained - the victim-aggressor and suicide;

2. At the intersections (A = P) and (P> K), the role-playing position P / A is obtained - the victim-aggressor and suicide;

3. At the intersections (A> K) and (P> K), the role-playing position P / A is obtained - the victim-aggressor and suicide.

Based on this, a conclusion is made on the forecast of the role position: “The victim is an aggressor with an equal probability of participation in conflicts, both as an aggressor and as a victim. (Not prone to suicidal actions, because the value of the K scale is less than the values ​​on the A and P scales).

Stage 5. It is necessary to establish the probability of the forecast obtained. For this, the indices of the difference between the scales are calculated according to the algorithm "subtract the smaller from the larger" and set the maximum excess of any of the scales over the "K" scale. We estimate the result according to the table below.

In our first example:

A-K = 81-66 = 15

A-P = 81-73 = 8

P-K = 73-66 = 7

Consequently, the maximum excess over the "K" scale has the "A" scale, since difference (A-K) = 15, which is greater than the difference (P-K), which is 7.

In our second example:

A-K = 81-66 = 15

A-P = 81-81 = 0

P-K = 81-66 = 15

Consequently, the maximum excess over the "K" scale is 15 (both on the "A" scale and on the "P" scale).

In our examples, the maximum excess on the "K" scale is 15 points, therefore, the percentage of forecast reliability is 95-98%, which is interpreted as a high estimate of the forecast probability and a high degree of risk.

Stage 6. Based on the survey results, we determine the recommendation codes according to the following table.

Forecast probability

(degree of risk)





Needs special measures of a medical and pedagogical nature. Mental disorders are possible. If the scale "P" is exceeded: a high degree of likelihood of suicidal behavior.

Needs tight control from the commanders. If the scale "P" is exceeded: a significant degree of likelihood of suicidal behavior.

Needs isolation by dispersing in different departments from persons with a presumptive and high likelihood of engaging in bullying (HBO). If the scale "P" is exceeded: a significant degree of likelihood of suicidal behavior.

Subject to close observation to clarify trends identified during the study. If the P scale is exceeded: the estimated degree of likelihood of suicidal behavior.

It needs to be isolated by being dispersed in different departments from persons with a significant and high degree of probability of participation in IEE.

It needs to be isolated by scattering in different units from persons with a significant and high probability of participation in IED with a forecast of the role position of the aggressor or victim-aggressor.

Needs much less supervision.

Can be seen as a likely candidate for junior commander positions.

Thus, a complete interpretation of the research results for our first example will be:

Predicted role-playing position “victim-aggressor” (with a predominance of aggressive traits), predisposed to suicidal actions;

The reliability of the forecast is reliable (95-98%);

Needs tight control from the commanders;

Needs isolation by scattering in different departments from persons with a presumptive and high probability of participating in HBO;

5.13. The method of psychodiagnostics of suicidal intentions PSN - "A"

Description of the technique. The technique was developed at the St. CM. Kirov and is aimed at determining the neuropsychic stability, the risk of maladjustment in stress. Recommended for the selection of persons suitable for work in extreme situations.

Instruction. Read the statements and answer yes or no.

Questionnaire text

    Sometimes such bad thoughts come to my mind that it is better not to tell anyone about them.

    As a child, I had a company where everyone tried to always stand for each other in everything.

    At times, I have fits of laughing or crying that I just can't cope with.

    There have been times when I have not kept my promises.

    I get headaches often.

    Sometimes I am not telling the truth.

    Once a week or more, for no apparent reason, I suddenly feel hot all over my body.

    I used to talk about things that I don't understand.

    It happens that I get angry.

    Now I find it difficult to hope that I will achieve anything in life.

    It happens that I put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today.

    I willingly take part in all meetings and other social events.

    The hardest fight for me is the fight with myself.

    Muscle cramps and twitching are very rare for me.

    Sometimes, when I am not feeling well, I am irritable.

    I'm pretty indifferent to what will happen to me.

    When I’m away, I’m at the table better than at home.

    If I don't face a fine and there are no cars nearby, I can cross the street where I want to, and not where it should be.

    I believe that my family life is as good as that of most of my acquaintances.

    I am often told that I am quick-tempered.

    I rarely have constipation.

    In the game, I prefer to win.

    For the last few years, I have been feeling good most of the time.

    Now my weight is constant - I do not gain or lose weight.

    I am pleased to have significant people among my acquaintances, it kind of gives me weight in my own eyes.

    I would be pretty calm if someone in my family was in trouble for breaking the law.

    Something is wrong with my mind.

    I am concerned about my sexual (sexual) problems.

    When I try to say something, I often notice that my hands are shaking.

    My hands are as dexterous and agile as before.

    Among my acquaintances there are people who I do not like.

    I think that I am a doomed person.

    I rarely quarrel with my family members.

    It happens that I gossip with someone a little.

    I often have dreams that it is better not to tell anyone about.

    It happened that when discussing some issues, I, especially without hesitation, agreed with the opinion of others.

    In school, I learned the material more slowly than others.

    In general, my appearance suits me.

    I'm pretty sure of myself.

    Once a week or more, I get very agitated and agitated.

    Someone controls my thoughts.

    I drink an unusually large amount of water every day.

    It happens that an indecent or obscene joke makes me laugh.

    I'm happiest when I'm alone.

    Someone is trying to influence my thoughts.

    I loved Andersen's fairy tales.

    Even among people, I usually feel lonely.

    It makes me angry when they rush me.

    I am easily confused.

    I easily lose patience with people.

    I often feel like dying.

    It happened that I gave up what I had started because I was afraid that I could not cope with it.

    Almost every day something happens that scares me.

    I am indifferent to questions of religion - they do not interest me.

    I rarely have bouts of bad mood.

    I deserve severe punishment for my actions.

    I had very unusual mystical experiences.

    My convictions and views are unshakable.

    I have had periods when I lost sleep due to anxiety.

    I am a nervous person, easily excitable.

    It seems to me that my sense of smell is the same as that of other people (no worse).

    Everything turns out badly for me, not as it should.

    I almost always feel dry mouth.

    I feel tired most of the time.

    Sometimes I feel like I’m close to a nervous breakdown.

    It annoys me very much that I forget where I put my things.

    I am very attentive to how I dress.

    I like adventure stories more than love stories.

    It is very difficult for me to adapt to the new conditions of life and work. The transition to any other conditions of life, work, study seems unbearable.

    It seems to me that in relation to me, they are especially often treated unfairly.

    I often feel unjustly offended.

    My opinion often does not coincide with the opinion of others.

    I often feel tired of life, I do not want to live.

    I get noticed more often than others.

    I have headaches and dizziness due to worries.

    I often have periods when I don't want to see anyone.

    It's hard for me to wake up at the appointed hour.

    If someone is to blame for my failures, I will not leave him unpunished.

    As a child, I was moody and irritable.

    I know of cases when my relatives were treated by neurologists and psychiatrists.

    Sometimes I take valerian, elenium, and other sedatives.

    I have convicted relatives.

    When I was young, I was taken to the police.

    It happened that I was threatened to leave school for the second year.

Processing of results. The sum of points for each scale is calculated. For each correspondence of the subject's answer with the key

1 point is awarded. Summing up should begin with checking the sincerity of the respondent's answers: if on this scale the respondent scores 5 or more points, the survey results are unreliable, because the person wants to appear better, and not as he is.

Scale for testing the sincerity of responses:

"YES" - questions: 1, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15, 17, 18, 22, 25, 31, 34, 36, 43.

Main scale:

"YES" - questions: 3, 5, 7, 10, 16, 20, 26, 27, 29, 32, 35, 37, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 57, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84;

"NO" - questions: 2. 12, 13, 14, 19, 21, 23, 24, 28, 30, 33, 37, 38, 39, 46, 49, 54, 55, 58, 61, 68.

Interpretation of results. Neuropsychic

instability is the greater, the more points are received. The score obtained must be correlated with the conventional scale of the NPU. It is in the range from 1 to 10 points. The higher the value of the item on the conventional scale, the greater the neuropsychic stability. The higher the value of the NPU scale, the greater the neuropsychic stability and the lower the risk of maladjustment in stress

Table 3.1.

NPU scale

Results (NPU)

NPU Group


Raw scores


5 or less 6

1 - high


2 - good


3 - satisfactory


4 - unsatisfactory


33 and more

Questionnaire "Forecast-2-02"

Developed by V.Yu. Rybnikov. It is designed to determine the level of neuropsychic stability (NPS) in military personnel and allows you to identify individual signs of personality disorders, as well as assess the likelihood of neuropsychic breakdowns. A qualitative analysis of the answers allows you to clarify individual biographical information, behavioral features and the state of a person's mental activity in various situations.

The methodology contains 86 questions, for each of which the subject must answer "yes" or "no". The results of the survey are expressed as a quantitative indicator (in points), on the basis of which a conclusion is made about the level of neuropsychic stability and the likelihood of neuropsychic breakdowns.

To conduct a survey, you must have the text of the questionnaire and registration forms. The examination takes about 20 minutes.

Instructions for the surveyed

“You are invited to answer 86 questions aimed at identifying some of your personality traits. Be frank, do not hesitate for a long time about the content of the questions, give the natural answer that comes to your head first. Remember, there are no “good” or “bad” answers. If you answer “yes”, put the “ + "(Plus), if you chose the answer" no ", put the sign" - " (minus). Make sure that the question number of the questionnaire and the cell number of the registration form match. Don't miss the statements. "

Registration form for the "Prognoz-2-02" questionnaire

Full name .___________________ Date of examination _____________

Text of the questionnaire "Forecast-2-02"

1. It happened that I gave up what I had started because I was afraid that I would not be able to cope with it.

2. It's easy to argue with me.

3. I avoid correcting people who make unfounded statements.

4. People show me as much sympathy and sympathy as I deserve.

5. Sometimes I am sure that other people know what I am thinking.

6. There were times when I did not keep my promises.

7. At times I am completely sure of my worthlessness.

8. I have never had any clashes with the law.

9. I often memorize numbers that have no meaning for me (for example, car numbers, etc.).

10. Sometimes I tell lies.

11. I am more impressionable than most other people.

12. I am pleased to have significant people among my acquaintances, it kind of gives me weight in my own eyes.

13. Definitely fate is not favorable to me.

14. I am often told that I am hot-tempered.

15. I used to talk about things that I don't understand.

16. I easily lose patience with people.

17. I have no enemies who would really like to harm me.

18. Sometimes my hearing becomes so acute that it even bothers me.

19. It happens that I put off until tomorrow what can be done today.

20. If people were not opposed to me, I would have achieved much more in life.

21. In the game, I prefer to win.

22. Often I cross the street to avoid meeting a person I don't want to see.

23. Most of the time I feel like I did something wrong or even bad.

24. If someone says nonsense or in any other way expresses his ignorance, I try to explain to him his mistake.

25. Sometimes I have the feeling that so many difficulties are piled up in front of me that it is simply impossible to overcome them.

26. Away I hold the table better than at home.

27. There are very nervous people in my family.

28. If someone is to blame for my failures, I will not leave him unpunished.

29. I must admit that at times I am worried about trifles.

30. When I am asked to start a discussion or express an opinion on an issue in which I am well versed, I do it without hesitation.

31. I often make fun of my friends.

32. During my life, my attitude towards my profession changed several times.

33. It happened that when discussing some issues, I, especially without thinking, agreed with the opinion of others.

34. I often worked under the guidance of people who knew how to turn things in such a way that all the achievements in the work were attributed to them, and others were to blame for the mistakes.

35. Without any fear, I enter the room where others have already gathered and are talking.

36. It seems to me that in relation to me, they are especially often treated unfairly.

37. When I am in a high place, I have a desire to jump down.

38. Among my acquaintances there are people who I do not like.

39. My plans often seemed so difficult to me to accomplish that I had to give them up.

40. I am often distracted and forgetful.

41. I rarely have attacks of bad mood.

42. I would rather work with women.

43. I am happiest when I am alone.

44. Sometimes, when I am not feeling well, I am irritable.

45. I often have dreams that it is better not to tell anyone about.

46. ​​My convictions and views are unshakable.

47. I am a nervous and easily excitable person.

48. It annoys me very much when I forget where I put things.

49. It happens that I am angry.

50. I like work that requires close attention.

51. Sometimes I get so excited that I can't sit still.

52. It happens that an indecent or even obscene joke makes me laugh.

53. Sometimes such bad thoughts come to my mind that it is better not to tell anyone about them.

54. Sometimes I take valerian, elenium or other sedatives.

55. I am a mobile person.

56. Now it is difficult for me to hope that I will achieve anything in life.

57. Sometimes I feel like I’m close to a nervous breakdown.

58. It happened that I did not answer letters immediately after reading them.

59. Once a week or more, I get excited and agitated.

60. It is very difficult for me to adapt to new conditions of life, work or study. The transition to new conditions of life, work or study seems unbearably difficult to me.

61. Sometimes it happened that I was late for work or a date.

62. My head hurts often.

63. I have led the wrong way of life.

64. I drink alcoholic beverages in moderation (or do not drink at all).

65. I often indulge in sad thoughts.

66. Compared to other families, there is very little love and warmth in mine.

67. I often have ups and downs of mood.

68. When I am among people, I hear very strange things.

69. I think that I was often undeservedly punished.

70. I am afraid to look down from a great height.

71. It happened that I could not do anything for days or even weeks, because I could not bring myself to get down to work.

72. I drink an unusually large amount of water every day.

73. I had periods when I was doing something, and then I did not know what exactly I was doing.

74. When I try to do something, I often notice that my hands are shaking.

75. I think that I am a doomed person.

76. I have periods of such intense anxiety that I cannot even sit still.

77. At times it seems to me that my head is working slower.

78. It seems to me that I feel everything more sharply than others.

79. Sometimes, for no reason at all, I suddenly have a period of extraordinary gaiety.

80. Some things excite me so much that it's hard for me to even talk about them.

81. Sometimes my nerves let me down.

82. Often I have the feeling that everything around is unreal.

83. When I hear about the success of a close friend, I begin to feel that I am a failure.

84. It happens that bad, often even terrible words come to my mind, and I just can't get rid of them.

86. Often, even when everything is going well for me, I feel that everything is indifferent to me.

Processing of results the technique is performed using special "keys" (table 1).

Table 1

"Key" for data processing according to the "Forecast-2-02" method


Ordinal numbers of statements corresponding to the scale



neuropsychic stability






Processing is carried out using "keys", which are made in the amount of three pieces of transparent plastic (film). The plastic is covered with a grid that matches the grid of the registration form. The slots in each of the "keys" must correspond to the numbers of the statements, grouped into scales. One "key" is prepared for calculating points on the scale of sincerity, two - on the scale of neuropsychic stability (for evaluating positive and negative statements).

The processing begins with a sincerity scale, which is used to assess the reliability of the responses. The "key" is superimposed on the completed registration form, after which the number of minuses that are visible through the slots in the "key" is calculated. The resulting number corresponds to the value of the sincerity scale in points. If a soldier received 10 or more points, then it is not recommended to use these questionnaires, and the reasons for insincerity should be clarified during the conversation, followed by a conclusion about the level of neuropsychic stability.

Then the number of matches with the "key" is calculated on the scale of neuropsychic stability. The number of "raw points" received by the serviceman is converted into "points" according to table 2 and is evaluated according to table 3.

table 2


assessment of neuropsychic stability according to the "Forecast-2-02" method

Table 3

Characteristics of the levels of neuropsychic stability of military personnel,

soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen who are conscripted for military service, and the corresponding results of psychological examination in points of a 10-point scale

10-point scale

Unsatisfactory NHRI- characterized by a tendency to mental disorders with significant mental and physical stress

Satisfactory NHRI- characterized by the possibility in extreme situations of moderate mental disorders, accompanied by inappropriate behavior, self-esteem and (or) perception of the surrounding reality

Good NPU- characterized by a low probability of neuropsychic breakdowns, adequate self-esteem and assessment of the surrounding reality. Possible single, short-term violations of behavior in extreme situations with significant physical and emotional stress

High NPU - characterized by a low probability of mental disorders, a high level of behavioral regulation

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