Home Grape Lean white sauce. Lean garlic sauce. Suitable for vegetables, cereals

Lean white sauce. Lean garlic sauce. Suitable for vegetables, cereals

When writing a lean menu, we often ignore all kinds. And in vain, because they help to diversify the modest diet and give our favorite dishes a new sound. We suggest discussing recipes for lean sauces.

Magic peas

Many people wonder if sauces can be eaten during fasting? It is possible if they do not contain animal products. Chickpea sauce is just one of them. Soak 150 g of chickpeas in water overnight and cook in fresh salted water for 2 hours. Leaving 50 ml of broth, puree the peas with a blender, add 80 ml of lemon juice, 3 tbsp. l. sesame seeds, 2 cloves of garlic and salt. Beat the sauce again with a blender and season with fresh herbs and paprika. Best of all, chickpeas complement vegetable snacks and salads.

Lightweight mayonnaise

Successfully replaces the classic variation. Whisk 400 g of canned white beans with a blender. Add 300 ml of sunflower oil, 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 1 tsp. dry mustard, ½ tsp. sugar and salt. We continue to beat the ingredients until a smooth paste. The lean bean sauce goes well with fresh and stewed vegetables. It can also be used as a dressing for soups.

Tenderness in white

Lean white sauce, based on the famous bechamel sauce, will delight gourmets with all the heart. We dilute 60 g of sifted flour in a cup of warm water and, stirring continuously, simmer over low heat for 5 minutes. Pour in 250 ml of hot vegetable broth and continue simmering until thickened. At the end, add 1 tsp. lemon juice, fresh herbs, a pinch of salt and nutmeg. This sauce will successfully emphasize the taste of baked vegetables.

Velvet mushrooms

Lean mushroom sauce is another interesting variation of bechamel. Fry the chopped onion until golden brown, mix with 400 g of chopped champignons and simmer for 15 minutes. Add 3 chopped garlic cloves, bay leaves, salt and spices. Separately brown 6 tbsp. l. flour, dilute it in 150 ml of water and pour in a thin stream to the mushrooms. After darkening the lean mushroom sauce for 7 minutes, add fresh herbs to taste. This gravy will transform the usual buckwheat and rice with vegetables.

Tomato extravaganza

Prepares quickly and without much hassle. Remove the skin from 6 large tomatoes in their own juice and grind the pulp. Pouring 50 ml of marinade, boil it until smooth. Put 2 cloves of garlic passed through a press, chopped bunch of basil and simmer the sauce for a couple of minutes. If you wish, you can thicken it with 2 tbsp. l. flour, pepper, add to taste. You can't find the best lean sauce for potatoes.

Soy fantasy

Favorite soy sauce in fasting can be used to create more complex seasonings. Combine in a saucepan for 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger root and orange peel. Add ½ head of chopped leeks, 250 ml of soy sauce, 125 ml of grape juice, 130 g of sugar, 2 stars of anise and ½ tsp. cinnamon. We boil this mixture over low heat for an hour, filter and pour into a jar with a tight lid. This sauce is most harmoniously combined with rice dishes.

Smoky garlic

Did you miss the bright spicy combinations? Make a lean garlic sauce. We peel the large head of garlic from the husk and, without separating the cloves, slightly trim them from above. Sprinkle the garlic with olive oil, wrap in foil and place in the oven at 200 ° C for 40 minutes. Beat the garlic with 4 tbsp with a blender. l. olive oil, juice of ½ lemon, 2 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce and 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger. This sauce is especially good when paired with green vegetables.

Spicy emerald

By the way, about the greenery. Lean spinach sauce is a great find for those who don't eat fast foods. Soak 30 g of almonds in water overnight, and in the morning remove the skin from it. Beat the nuts with a blender with 2 cloves of garlic, 40 ml of lemon juice, 30 ml of water into a homogeneous puree. Add a bunch of chopped spinach here, beat again, salt and pepper to taste. Dried cereal toast and spaghetti are delicious with this sauce.

Nut harmony

Do not forget about walnuts - they make amazing sauces during fasting. Grind 150 g of peeled walnuts with a rolling pin. Finely chop a bunch of cilantro, ½ a bunch of green onions, chop 4 garlic cloves and mix with the nuts. Season this mixture with 4 tbsp. l. wine vinegar, salt with a pinch of chili, beat into a thick paste. If desired, you can dilute it with water. The peanut sauce is ideal with green beans and broccoli.

Mexican passions

Guacamole sauce will organically fit into the lean menu. Dice the pulp of 2 avocados, mix with 2 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. l. lime and puree with a blender. Season the sauce with salt and spices to taste. Add meaty tomato, chives, cilantro, or other greens for a brighter flavor. Fans of delicious experiments can replace them with pear and light grapes. In any case, bread with guacamole and raw vegetables is simply delicious.

Ingredients (10)
multicolored penne 250 g
tomatoes 3 pcs.
onions 1 pc.
garlic 1 slice
vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
Show all (10)
Ingredients (10)
multicolored penne 250 g
tomatoes 3 pcs.
onions 1 pc.
garlic 1 slice
vegetable oil 2 tablespoons
Show all (10)

Ingredients (27)
Young cabbage or Peking cabbage - 1 head of cabbage
celery stalk - 1 piece
carrots - 3 pieces
onion - 2 pieces
tomato juice - 2/3 cup
Show all (27)
Ingredients (8)
500 g tomatoes
10 pods of red hot pepper
1 cup peeled garlic cloves
5 medium heads - onions
50 g chopped dill and parsley
Show all (8)

Ingredients (10)
Lean mayonnaise 1 glass
Capers 1 teaspoon
Pickled cucumbers ½ cup
Dijon mustard 2 teaspoons
Shallots 2 teaspoons
Show all (10)
Ingredients (23)
1 tsp coffee beans (espresso arabica)
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground cardamom
1 tsp lemon zest
Show all (23)
Ingredients (16)
For the meatballs:
large green lentils (ready-made, boiled) - 200 grams
champignon mushrooms - 100 grams
eggs - 1 pc.
medium carrots - 1 pc.
Show all (16)
Ingredients (8)
Soy milk - 1 l. I take dry and mix it to my liking.
Freshly brewed coffee - 0.5 tbsp.
Vanilla is on the tip of a knife.
Honey - 4 tablespoons (sugar is possible).
Gelatin - 3 tbsp. l.
Show all (8)
Ingredients (16)
Oyster mushrooms (legs) - 150 gr.
Vegetable oil - 120 gr.
Onions - 1 pc.
Flour - 3 tablespoons
Show all (16)
Ingredients (12)
3 onions
1 carrot
1 mango
2-3 fresh tomatoes
1 tablespoon tomato ketchup (optional)
Show all (12)
Ingredients (13)
5 large onions
1 can canned corn
salt to taste
1 cup flour (roughly)
For the sauce:

While people observe Orthodox fasts, they should not eat much. Such food is called modest food and it is completely excluded from the fasting diet for a while. Not many foods are allowed to eat. During the period of the pre-Easter fast, the list of permitted dishes is reduced even more, compared to the menu of other fasts throughout the year.

In order to somehow diversify your diet, you can prepare various sauces and gravies for various vegetable dishes, pasta, fish dishes (when they can be eaten). But do not forget that you cannot add to them everything that the soul desires, the ingredients must meet the requirements of the fast.

You can make lean sauce for fish dishes from almost anything. If you can eat fish during fasting, try to cook it for yourself in a new way every time, then the menu will not morally pressure and the body will receive all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which are so lacking in the fasting menu. It is worth trying to make a lean fish sauce based on a natural antiseptic. Sauce with this ingredient will perfectly complement not only fish dishes, but also salads and even soups. In addition, horseradish can soothe headaches, and although the lean diet says nothing about prohibiting drugs, it is still better to try to take natural pain relievers.

Lean sauce recipes are very varied, and almost anything can be used to make gravy, hot pasta, or spicy liquid mixture. You need to be careful about fried sauces, as they often have a creamy base, which is prohibited during fasting. Lean tomato sauce is widely used in cooking, even when you do not need to fast. The thing is that for its base they are fried in vegetable oil, they are perfectly “friends” with all herbs and spices without exception, so there is always a chance to make an original sauce to your taste. Tomato sauce is always based on tomatoes, onions, vegetable fat, spices, herbs, broths or decoctions are often added. In all recipes, you must first fry the onions with tomatoes in oil, and then add spices, herbs, and other vegetables to the finished base. It goes well with tomatoes,. To give an oriental touch to tomato gravies, they add cilantro,. Even simple pasta or in such a union will not leave anyone indifferent.

By the way, lean pasta sauce can be made not only from tomatoes. For example, sweet and sour dressings are much tastier when paired with pasta if you have a seafood dish. In the recipe for such a sauce, an exotic product for our cuisine is a mandatory ingredient -. It is the pineapple sweetness that most subtly emphasizes the taste of unleavened foods. It is great if fresh fruit is added to the dish, but it is also possible to use the usual store fruit - the taste will not change from this.

The lean sauce for vegetable lasagne is also very tasty. Instead, a decoction of vegetables, onion frying and a little spices are added there. It turns out a kind, permissible for use on the days of fasting. You can even make a gravy for lasagna or pasta ahead of time. Unlike the classic bechamel, it does not lose its taste in the least.

Mushrooms are another favorite of Slavic cuisine. Lean mushroom sauce is a classic dish that replaces meat for many. Mushrooms have proven themselves both fresh and dried. Pickled mushrooms can spice up a ready-made dish with any neutral sauce. If you prepare a sauce with dried mushrooms, then they will need to be boiled, if with fresh ones, then fried. Well, pickled mushrooms should be added at the very end to add freshness and spice to the taste of the dish. Greens and onions are obligatory companions of mushrooms. As a rule, if you fry mushrooms, then only together with these ingredients. This will make the dish more aromatic and tasty. For a more viscous and thick texture, you can add flour to the lean mushroom sauce. The consistency of the gravy will turn out to be very appetizing. During those periods when the rules of fasting are allowed to use, it is better to darken the dish on a small amount of dry white Chardonnay. The taste will acquire brightness and festivity.

Lovers know firsthand that even during Lent you can eat varied and very tasty every day. Garlic sauce is a favorite among those who love fried or baked potatoes. It is prepared as easy as shelling pears - oil is added to the garlic pulp, and in such proportions that a thick consistency is obtained. This is a Moldovan recipe called “husbands” in the homeland. For mashed potatoes, the lean sauce is best done as a gravy. This is a thinner sauce based on the liquid in which the main course was previously boiled. For example, for mashed potatoes, flour, tomatoes, bell peppers are added to the liquid where the potatoes were cooked and they all simmer a little over low heat.

By the way, you can also make an excellent substitute from the potatoes themselves. Lean mayonnaise sauce is needed for salad dressing. The recipe for this mayonnaise is very simple:

  • medium-sized chopped potatoes along with chopped onions and pour over any boiling vegetable broth and cook for about 10 minutes;
  • hot ingredients are turned into mashed potatoes with a blender, a decoction and a glass of vegetable oil are added to it;
  • the resulting liquid puree should be boiled, cooled and seasoned to taste with spices, salt, etc.

Features of flour sauces

Lean sauces and dressings taste better if flour is added to the base during their preparation. Flour dressings are quite viscous, they are nutritious and satisfying, moreover, they easily replace oil in dry and unleavened cereals. Both red and white sauces can be made on the basis of flour. Here are some tips on how to ideally prepare them:

  • strong fire is the enemy of flour sauces, flour begins to burn and take in lumps, so always use the smallest fire;
  • if, according to the recipe, the flour in the dish does not need to be fried, then it is worth diluting it a little with water or vegetable broth and boiling along with the base of the dish;
  • sifted flour will give a silky texture, so it is always best to sift the flour before adding it to the dish;
  • when frying flour for a white sauce recipe, it should not be allowed to darken, but for dark gravies it should acquire a brownish-golden hue;
  • flour sauces become tastier from prolonged boiling, but simmering them on the fire is not worth more than 25 minutes;
  • slices of vegetables, fruits and herbs add flavor to your meals.

Flour-based gravies and dressings are very diverse. There are classic or basic recipes for such dishes. The recipe for flour red sauce is very simple:

  • heat a spoonful of vegetable oil in a frying pan, pour a spoonful of flour into it, stir constantly and bring the flour to the desired color;
  • boil several glasses of mushroom or any other lean broth and pour into a frying pan with golden flour;
  • everything is cooked together, boiled, and then filtered;
  • at the end, the sauce must be salted, add fried onions and herbs, lemon juice and, if you can and want, white wine.

White sauce is prepared in the same way, only the degree of flour roasting is different. These are the basics of flour sauces, and if you need to cook something special, then it is in them that other ingredients are added.

Bread and nut sauces for fasting

It turns out that even on the basis of and crackers, you can make excellent sauces. On fast days, these foods help you avoid hunger and add flavor to monotonous meals. Sometimes, to make a lean sauce from crackers, just them and vegetable oil are enough - just brown the crackers in a pan and add spices. This addition will perfectly emphasize the taste of traditional vegetables - cabbage, potatoes, asparagus. In addition, it can be cooked and eaten even on strict days of fasting, which is very rare.

Bread crumb can also make a good gravy. If you can eat fish dishes during fasting, such a sauce will be very useful. It is very simple to cook it, it is enough to boil bread without a crust and zest in fish broth. The dish turns out to be delicious and very aromatic.

On fish days, the variety of gravies and dressings you can make is great. To add to the dishes, you need to prepare nut sauces. There are a lot of their recipes, it is better to use those nuts that most of all impress in taste, and supplement them with products that have a pronounced aroma. For example, in nut and bread sauces, recipes often include vinegar, onions, and herbs. Sometimes nut sauce is also prepared on the basis of tomatoes, it turns out very tasty and unusual. Many fasting people who know the recipes for sauces for all occasions, even after the end of the fast, continue to prepare them for ordinary speedy meals. It is very difficult to refuse a tasty sauce, because it makes the taste buds perceive the usual food in a new way every time and brings a sense of conviviality to the everyday menu.

With caraway seeds and horseradish root

In wine vinegar, diluted to taste with cold boiled water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of caraway seeds scalded with boiling water, 1-5 tbsp. tablespoons of grated horseradish. Add the juice of 1 lemon. Mix everything thoroughly and use for colored beans with boiled vegetables (beets, carrots and others to taste).

Garlic salad dressing

Well crush 3 - 4 cloves of garlic with a garlic, grind it with salt and add 3 tbsp. tablespoons of cold boiled water and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of hot vegetable oil. Mix the whole mixture thoroughly and use for simple salads or boiled bean snacks.
This dressing can be prepared spicy. To do this, crush the peeled garlic with a garlic or crush thoroughly. Pour into preheated heavily heated and then slightly cooled vegetable oil and simmer slightly over very low heat so that the garlic adds all the juice to the oil, but does not burn. Add ground red hot pepper, mix well, pour everything into a glass jar and use to add to soups or salad dressings to taste.

Salad dressing

Mix together 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of table or better wine vinegar, add salt, ground black pepper and chopped dill and parsley or cilantro to taste. Mix well, let it brew a little, season salads and appetizers from green peas or lentils.

Tomato dressing with onions

Pour hot salted water into the fried finely chopped onion, sprinkled with red ground pepper, and boil lightly. Then add tomato slices (fresh or canned), simmer everything together for another 15-20 minutes.
Use a dressing of colored beans or yellow peas.

Spicy oil filling

Mix olive oil, wine vinegar, salt, ground black pepper and chopped dill to taste, place in a bottle, shake well, cool. This dressing can be used for a boiled or stewed bean snack.


Products for the main sauce: half a glass of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice, 0.5 teaspoons each of sugar and salt, ground black pepper to taste. Mix all components thoroughly in a glass container and beat. The sauce can be prepared with a margin, be sure to shake it before each use. To this basic sauce you can add:
for onion sauce - 1 teaspoon of grated onion or chopped leeks thoroughly pounded with salt; for mustard sauce - 0.5-1 tsp of ready-made table mustard and another 0.5 tsp of sugar; for tomato sauce - 1 teaspoon of tomato paste or 2 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato juice and 0.5 tsp of grated onions;
for green sauce - 1.5 teaspoons of finely chopped parsley, 1 teaspoon of chopped dill and 0.5 teaspoons of chopped green onions.

Red tomato sauce

Saute 3 tbsp in oil. tablespoons of flour, dilute with 1 glass of mushroom, vegetable broth or boiling water, stirring so that the mass is free of lumps, and boil over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Separately fry finely chopped roots (carrots, parsnips, parsley) and onions, taking them to taste, 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of tomato paste, pepper, bay leaf and add everything to the sauce.
Cook the sauce for another 5-10 minutes, strain, rub the mass through a sieve, add 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, bring to a boil. Use hot or cold sauce.

Garlic Sause

Separately, in a frying pan, prepare a thick white sauce from flour and boiling water, sautéed in butter, lightly salt and pepper. When ready, add 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour. Can be diluted with cucumber pickle. Add crushed garlic with salt to the hot sauce and, covering the pan with a lid, let stand for 3-5 minutes.

Peanut sauce

1.5 cups of shelled walnut kernels, 0.5 cups of pomegranate juice, or 1 tbsp. a spoonful of wine vinegar, 3/4 cup water, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cilantro greens, 1 teaspoon of ground spicy herbs and ground red pepper, 0.5 teaspoons of saffron and coriander each, salt to taste.
Grind in a meat grinder and grind to a thick uniform mass peeled kernels of nuts, pepper, garlic and salt. Add all the other spices and grind the mixture again.
Mix pomegranate juice with boiled water and dilute the resulting spicy mass with the mixture, without stopping stirring. Use the sauce cold.

Mustard sauce

Fry 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour with 1 tbsp. spoon of butter or vegetable oil, dilute with 2 cups of water, boil, strain.
Add 1 teaspoon of prepared mustard, pour in a little vinegar, season to taste with salt, sugar and boil again.

Nut seasoning

Thoroughly chop and grind the kernels of 20 walnuts, add the chopped cloves of garlic (half a medium head) and grind well again. Add 100 g of bread without crusts, soaked in water and well-pressed, and grind the whole mass in an enamel bowl, adding a little 1/2 cup of vegetable oil. When the mass thickens, pour 1 teaspoon of vinegar or 1/2 lemon juice into it and mix well.

Bechamel sauce

A glass of vegetable broth, 2 tablespoons of wheat flour, spices, a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
In a frying pan, boil a glass of rich vegetable broth, dilute the flour in a cup with warm water and pour in a thin stream into the broth boiling over low heat. With constant stirring, cook the sauce until it thickens and separate bubbles appear - a boil will begin. Cool the sauce, season with spices to taste.

Bean sauce

2 cups soybeans, 1 liter of water, 3 onions, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, red pepper, ginger, bay leaf.
Soak the soybeans for two days, changing the water from time to time. On the third day, drain the water, add fresh water and put the beans on fire. Cook the beans over low heat, adding water if necessary. After 1.5 hours, pour out the water and fill in a new one. Boil for another 1-1.5 hours, then discard the beans in a colander, and in the broth in which they were cooked, prepare the sauce. This will require a glass of broth, but do not pour out the rest of the broth - it will come in handy for the soup.
In a glass of broth, add beans with finely chopped onions, bay leaves and herbs. In the sauce with beans, add 2 tablespoons of tomato paste and a tablespoon of dried spicy herbs. Remove from heat, mash some of the beans with vegetable oil and add to the sauce.

Step 1: prepare the garlic.

Take the right amount of garlic and peel it. Then we wash the cloves under running water from any kind of contamination, dry them with paper kitchen towels and put them in a small bowl.

Step 2: prepare the sauce.

We turn on the stove to the middle level, put a kettle on it with the required amount of pure distilled water and bring the liquid to a boil. Then we remove the kettle from the stove and in its place, put a saucepan with the right amount of vegetable oil. When the fat is hot, add a couple of tablespoons of sifted wheat flour into it and, stirring the ingredients with a whisk, fry the flour for 1 - 2 minutes so that it takes on a light golden hue.
Then pour into a saucepan 500 milliliters of boiling water and, continuing to stir the liquid mass with a whisk, bring it back to a boil and thicken. After the base for the sauce boils, using a garlic press, squeeze the cloves of garlic into a saucepan, add salt and black pepper to taste.
Now we screw the temperature of the stove to the smallest level, cover the saucepan with a lid so that there is a gap, and simmer the sauce still 1 - 2 minutes... Then turn off the stove and let the finished "gravy" infuse 45 minutes.
After helping yourself with a tablespoon, pour the sauce into a gravy boat or pour it over any lean dish and serve it on the table.

Step 3: Serve the lean garlic sauce.

After cooking, the lean garlic sauce is infused for 4 - 5 minutes so that the garlic can completely dissolve its spicy aroma. This incredibly tasty "gravy" can be poured over stewed or baked vegetables, boiled pasta or rice.
Also, with such a dressing, it is pleasant to savor croutons from lean bread or lean buns.
It is better to store such a sauce in the refrigerator, no more than 2 - 3 days, after pouring it into a sterilized, dry jar and closing it with a tight lid. The cold makes it thicker and can be used as an addition to vegetable sandwiches. Cook with love and enjoy! Bon Appetit!

- - If desired, you can add any spices you like to this type of sauce that will embellish its aroma, for example, a set of French herbs, dried dill, parsley, basil, red pepper.

- - If the sauce seems too bland to you, you can dilute it to taste with concentrated lemon juice.

- - If desired, cucumber pickle can be used instead of pure distilled water.

- - Any other vegetable fats such as corn oil or olive oil can be used instead of vegetable oil.

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