Home Berries Leisure entertainment for the summer average group. Entertainment in the middle group on the topic "Hello summer red" material (middle group) on the topic. "Magic Summer Umbrella"

Leisure entertainment for the summer average group. Entertainment in the middle group on the topic "Hello summer red" material (middle group) on the topic. "Magic Summer Umbrella"

Leisure "We play, we meet red summer" 4-5 years

Author: Botvenko Svetlana Gennadievna, musical director of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 27", Kamen - on - Obi, Altai Territory
Creating a joyful mood in children
Develop communication, creativity of preschoolers
Dummies of berries, mushrooms, baskets, handkerchiefs, leaves.
Material description: the material is designed for children 4-5 years old (middle group), it can be useful for music directors and educators. Games can be conducted as entertainment, or included in any activity with children as a fragment. Leading:
Summer red has come
Everyone has fun!
We will rest in the summer
Dance and play noisy games!
Song "Hot Summer"
We are all going to play, are we going to guess riddles?
Sweet berry flavor
Calls everyone to the garden today.
We will help mom
And collect them from the bushes.
The basket is already full -
We have good ... (raspberries)!
They stand on a hillock 33 Egorki,
Whoever passes - everyone bends down. (wild strawberry)
Game "Who will bring more berries"
2 baskets, dummies of berries, 2 teams. Collect more berries in 1 minute. Whose team completes the task faster will win.
I have a fun ball
He likes to jump immediately.
We will play with the ball,
Jump with him and catch up.
Game "Catch the Ball"
Children stand in two teams one after the other, hands are raised up. On command, they begin to pass the ball over the head. Whose command is forward.
One leaf, two leaf,
Three four five.
We will play with the leaves,
Collect in your baskets.
Game "Colored Leaves"
4 baskets, 4 teams, each collects leaves of its own color in a basket, who will cope with the task faster - the winner.
All Antoshka -
Hat and leg.
It will rain -
It will grow up. (Mushroom)
Dance "Mushroom train"
Now don't yawn
And pick up the fungus.
Game "Who will take the mushroom first"
On the floor, dummies of mushrooms are placed in a circle. Music sounds, children move in a circle. The music stopped, you need to quickly take the fungus.
Take me in your hands
Start jumping quickly.
One jump and two jump,
Guess who I am, buddy? (skipping rope)
Download game
Who is the first to count to the cap and back.
Everyone is good today
Summer with us.
We smile, we all
And we sing loudly.
The song "Smile"
I'm in a hurry to the holiday
I hold them by the thread:
Red, yellow, blue -
Are floating overhead
Better not for kids
Than balloons (balloons)
The game "Carry the ball"
Carry the balloon on a plate and do not drop it.
Summer is a lot of light
The sun shines brightly,
We are all very hot.
Let's lie on the sand and listen to a funny song about a turtle with a lion cub.
The song "The Song of the Lion and the Turtle"
Flowers bloom in the summer, they are apparently not visible, but how they smell and delight all of us with their colors. I have three flowers: red, yellow and green. When I pick up a green flower, you can run, jump; a yellow flower can be moved quietly, a red flower can freeze in place and not move.
Game "Flowers"
Summer is fun, noisy games. But there are many interesting poems about summer, let's listen to them.
It's good for all of us to play
I invite everyone to dance.
Dance "Friendly couples"
We played a little today, had fun. Summer continues, and we will continue our fun games.

Scenario of a summer holiday in the middle group "Summer time for entertainment"

Target: creating an atmosphere of joyful mood during the entertainment.



Expand children's understanding of summer sports and outdoor activities.


Strengthen the ability to navigate in space.

Develop the musculoskeletal system, dexterity, dexterity.

Reinforce knowledge of the clear implementation of the transfer of the baton.


teach to listen carefully to the teacher and the answers of other children, not to interrupt a friend. To cultivate love for native nature.


tape recorder, audio recording of children's songs, Whatman paper, brushes, paints, cans of water, toy trucks, wooden spoons, basins, hoops, jump ropes, colorful balls, buckets.


Dunno (junior teacher of the group)

Preliminary work:

1Viewing illustrations about summer

2. Learning poetry about summer

3. Practicing the skill of passing the baton

Course of the lesson

Songs about summer are being played.

Educator: Guys, Dunno came to visit us today, he does not know what summer is, since he lived on the moon for a long time. Let us introduce him to this wonderful time of the year.

(Dunno are shown illustrations about summer, and children read poetry).

What is summer?

What is summer?

It's a lot of light

This field, this forest

These are thousands of wonders

There are clouds in the sky

It's a fast river

These are bright flowers

This is the blue of the heights

There are a hundred roads in the world

For childish feet.


Summer is a ray of the sun

Warm rain from under the clouds

Summer - bright flowers

Unusual beauty

Summer is a warm river

Clouds flock in the sky.

Summer! Summer is coming to us!

Everything rejoices and sings.

Summer day

How good it is, it’s a summer day

The shadow plays merrily

A butterfly flutters in the garden

Chaffinch hums something,

By the bush of blooming roses

A flock of dancing dragonflies

And the bee buzzes all day

She brought sweet honey.

Dunno: Well done boys. I really liked the poems about the summer. Now I understand what summer is.

And what games you play in the summer is very interesting to me.

Educator: Now we are going to show you which games you can play in the summer. Will you play with us?

Dunno: Yes, of course, with great pleasure.

(For relay races, children are divided into two teams. Fun music sounds).

Relay with hoops

Two lines are drawn on the track at a distance of 20 - 25 m from one another. Each player must roll the hoop from the first to the second line, go back and pass the hoop to his teammate. The team that completes the relay earlier wins.

Three jumps

The participants are divided into two teams. Put the rope at a distance of 8-10 m from the start line. After the signal, the child, having reached the rope, takes it in his hands, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. Whose team will cope faster will win.

Unload the car

Children are invited to unload "cars" with "vegetables". Cars are parked against one wall, and two baskets are placed opposite them against the other wall. One player at a time stands up near the baskets and at the signal they run to the cars. You can carry vegetables one at a time. Vegetables must be the same in all machines, both in quantity and in volume. Then other participants can "load" the machines; In this case, the players get up at the cars, at the signal they run to the baskets and carry the vegetables into the cars.

"Catch a fish"

The first players in the team have a wooden spoon, they run to a basin of water, in which multicolored balls float, catch the ball, return to their team. The ball is placed in a bucket, the spoon is passed to the next participant, they stand at the end of the column. The winner is the team that "catches" their fish faster).

Dunno: Wow, you guys are all agile, fast and brave. I liked your relay races, and now I will play the same with my friends.

Educator: Dunno that's not all we offer you to play one more outdoor game "Rain".

Opened umbrellas of different colors are spread out in the clearing. The teacher invites children to hide under an umbrella during the rain. Children run and play to cheerful music. When the music ends, the sound of rain is heard. Children are hiding under an umbrella. The game is played several times.

Educator: We had fun with you. Please answer me the question what appears after the rain? (children's answers)

Educator: Right! A rainbow we can see

Rain, rain, don't rain

Don't rain, wait!

Come out, come out, honey

Golden bottom!

I'm on a rainbow arc

I will admire the escape -

Seven-color - color

I will lie in wait in the meadow.

I'm on a red arc

I can’t look around,

For orange, for yellow

I see a new arc.

This new arc

Greener than meadows.

And behind her is blue

Like mom's earring.

I'm on a blue arc

I can't see enough

And behind this purple

I'll take it and run ...

The sun went down behind the haystacks

Where are you, rainbow arc?

Educator: Guys, do you know why a rainbow appears after the rain? (children's answers)

Educator: Rainbow an extraordinary phenomenon of nature. And although we see her quite often, every time we rejoice at her appearance and beauty. A rainbow appears as soon as the cloud begins to leave, and the sun takes its place in the sky. It turns out that for some time the rain is visible to people as if "from the outside". The rays of the sun illuminate the rain cloud and, passing through the raindrops, change their color. The fact is that the sun's rays are not at all white and the same, as it seems to us. They all have different lengths, and each length has its own "color" . That is why the rainbow seems so colorful to us.

But the color of the rainbow is bright, and sometimes it is barely noticeable. And it depends on the size of the raindrops. If the drops are large, the colors of the rainbow will be vivid. If small - the celestial arc will be poorly visible. In the past, people could not explain the appearance of the rainbow. And it was difficult to find a person who would remain indifferent to her. Therefore, there are so many legends and beliefs associated with the rainbow. The ancient Slavs, looking at the rainbow, predicted the weather. If the rainbow was low and wide, the people expected bad weather. And high and narrow - promised good weather.

Educator: Guys, look, is there a rainbow in the sky? (children's answers)

Educator: I suggest you draw it, and we will see what kind of beautiful and bright rainbow you get.

Each team is given whatman paper, brushes, paints, and a jar of water and children draw a rainbow to the accompaniment of cheerful music.

Educator: Well, guys, good fellows, what a beautiful and bright rainbow you have turned out. And I also want to invite you to dance a little to the funny song "dance of little ducklings"

Educator: Dunno, did you like our holiday?

Dunno: Yes, now I have learned a lot about the summer. And I liked you guys, you are so clever and funny and I have a gift for you - these are balloons. Children are given one ball to each and offered to play.

Summer Leisure Scenario for Middle Preschool Children

Summer entertainment scenario "Let's meet summer with forest dwellers"

Chernikova Natalya Valentinovna, teacher of MBDOU d / s No. 24 of the combined type "Polyanka", Kstovo, Nizhny Novgorod region
Material description: the material will be useful for teachers, music directors and physical education instructors when organizing summer leisure activities with children of middle preschool age. You can host an event for several different age groups (junior, middle and senior). Leisure is recommended to be spent on the summer playground at the very beginning of summer.
Target: creation of a favorable emotional state in children through the activation of cognitive, motor activity.
- to clarify and generalize the knowledge of children about summer, about the gifts of summer - berries;
- to consolidate knowledge of color;
- to form the ability to navigate in space;
- to develop attention, logical thinking, coordination of movements, dexterity and speed, the ability to act on a signal;
- to cultivate a benevolent attitude towards forest dwellers, towards the surrounding nature.
benches (3-4 pcs.);
artificial trees (3-4 pcs.);
an envelope with a letter;
pictures depicting berries;
dummy carrot (2-4 pcs.);
branches of flowers of different colors according to the number of participants;
spruce cones of large size and pine cones of small size (about 10 pieces of each type);
baskets (4 pcs.);
tape recorder with recordings of children's songs, songs from cartoons.
Methods: games, relay race, competition, use of music, round dance, poems about summer, riddles about berries.
Site registration: the site is decorated in the form of a forest clearing: there are artificial trees, a stump (there is an envelope on the hemp), a meadow with flowers sewn from fabric is on the ground, there are 3-4 benches along the perimeter of the site.
Leisure participants: presenter, children, hare, bear, squirrel.
Leisure course:
/ children sit on benches, the song about summer sounds, lyrics by Y. Entin, music by E. Krylatov /
Guys, today we have gathered with you to meet the summer. Do you love summer? (Yes)
Why do you love summer? (you can swim, sunbathe, pick berries)
/funny music sounds, a hare, a squirrel and a bear come out into the clearing/
Look, there is an envelope on the stump. Probably forty left mail for us.
I wonder what news we have in the woods.
We'll find out now.
/takes the envelope and gives it to the hare /
Read it, oblique. I can't see well.
/ opens the envelope and reads the letter/
We invite all forest dwellers to the summer holiday.
Children from kindergarten

The guys invite us to a holiday in a kindergarten.
How amazing! I've never talked to the guys before. They won't hurt us?
What are you, squirrel! The guys are kind. My mother-hare told me.
What is summer? I have never heard of him.
Now let's go to the children in kindergarten and find out.
/ go in a circle, a cheerful march sounds. They go out to the middle of the site, stand facing the children/
Hare, squirrel and bear
/chorus /
Hello kids!
Boys and girls!
Thanks for the invitation. We will gladly take part in the summer holiday.
Tell us what summer is.
/children recite poems about summer/
How much sun! How much light!
How much greenery around!
What is this? This summer
Finally he hurries to our house.

T. Bokova
Summer laughs again
Out the open window
And the sun and the light
Full, full, full!

T. Belozerov
The sun is shining brightly
It's warm in the air
And wherever you look,
Everything is light around.

I. Surikov
Do you want to see the summer?
They are allowed into the forest without a ticket.
Mushrooms and berries
So much -
Not to collect in a year!

Ya. Akim

Hare, squirrel and bear
Thank you, we understood what summer is.
We also love when the warmth comes.
When mushrooms grow.
When sweet raspberries ripen.
Wonderful! We remembered and clarified what summer is.
We have a holiday today. And at the holiday it is customary to have fun and play.
Can I offer the guys my game?
Sure. The guys and I will be happy to take part in it.
I really like to run and jump. I want the guys to show agility and speed.

Relay "Pass the carrot"

/the presenter helps the children to line up in 2 columns. If there are many children (several groups participate), then you can line up the children in 3-4 columns or hold the relay several times. The last members of each team have a carrot in their hands. At the signal from the presenter: “One - two - three - come on! Pass the carrots quickly! " the participants begin to pass the carrot in front of the participant. Each child turns back to receive the carrot. When the carrot is in the hands of the first participant, he must lift it high up, demonstrating to everyone that the task has been completed. During the relay, funny music sounds. Forest dwellers can also take part in the relay/
Well done boys! You are fast and agile!
Fun, hare, you came up with it. I also want to offer you guys my assignment. / in 2 hoops there are pine and spruce cones, next to each hoop there are 2 baskets. The presenter calls 2 teams of 2 people to participate and invites them to collect cones in 2 baskets so that only spruce cones are in one basket, and pine cones in the other. The participants of the competition begin to perform the task at the command of the squirrel: “One - two - three! Collect the cones! " Cheerful music sounds. If there are many children (several groups participate), then you can scatter the cones over a larger area and offer to collect, for example, pine cones for girls, and spruce cones for boys/
Well done boys! Did an excellent job!
I suggest you play with me too. I don't like running. And I can't run fast either. But I like to pick berries. Now I will ask you which berries you know.

Ball game

/ children stand in a circle, the bear is in the center of the circle, he has a ball in his paws. He makes a riddle about berries, throws a ball to any child. The child who catches the ball must give the answer and throw the ball back into the bear's paws. If the answer is wrong, the bear can repeat the riddle and throw the ball to another child. The presenter can, with the correct answer, show a picture - a guess. Forest dwellers can take part in the game /
Riddles about berries
It is easy to pick a berry -
After all, it grows low.
Look under the leaves -
It's ripe there ...

These forest berries
They love brown bears.
Not rowan, not viburnum,
And with thorns ...

On a thin prickly branch
Kids in striped T-shirts.
A bush with thorns is not a rosehip,
What's it called?

Bright red, black, white
Try ripe berries.
The rural garden is their homeland.
What is it?

Not a joke, but seriously
The bush is overgrown with thorns.
Pick the dark berries.
What kind of bush?


Well done! You guys were attentive and smart. You know the berries well.
Bloomed in the clearing
White daisies,
Blue cornflowers,
Pink porridge.
All the flowers smiled
Stretched straight to the sun!

Guys, how beautiful the clearing is! How many flowers have blossomed on it!
/children, together with the presenter, come up to the meadow and look at the flowers/
Let's collect flowers in bouquets.

Game "Collect a bouquet"

/the presenter distributes a flower to the children. The twigs can be of different colors. In the middle of the circle are forest dwellers and the presenter, who also have a twig in their hands. Children walk to the music. When the music ends, children run up to that animal or presenter who has a branch of a flower of the same color, raise their hands with a branch up, forming a bouquet. Together they check the correctness of the assignment. The game is repeated again. Cheerful music sounds. When the game is repeated, the animals and the presenter can change places or twigs. The task of children is to be attentive /
Well done boys. Did an excellent job. Beautiful bouquets of flowers were collected. Now get up in a friendly round dance. Let's all rejoice in the summer together.
/participants of the holiday lead a round dance to the song "Smile" music by V. Shainsky, words by M. Plyatskovsky. The movements are shown by the animals and the presenter/

/forest dwellers say goodbye to the children and run away from the playground, the children stay on the playground, continue to play /

Site section: Lesson summary, GCD
Name: Ronzhina Olga Nikolaevna
Position: Educator of a mini - center of the 1st category.
Place of work: Republic of Kazakhstan, Rudny
KSU "School - Lyceum No. 4"
Title of work: Scenario of summer entertainment for the middle group "Look what summer is like"

Objectives: 1. To form the knowledge of children about the season - summer. Promote the development of creative self-expression.
2. To develop in children emotional openness, emancipation.
3. To cultivate love for the world around us, the desire to be better, respect for each other.
Equipment and materials:
1. Demonstration: slides about the summer, an exhibition of drawings, balloons, decoration of the hall with three-dimensional flowers and butterflies, clothes for Masha.
2. Handouts: masks for frogs, bees, cardboard flowers, soap bubbles.
Preliminary work:
1. Memorizing poetry, songs, dances.
2. Exhibition of drawings "Look what my summer is".
3. Production of attributes for the decoration of the hall.

Holiday progress:
Music sounds: F. Kirkorov's song "Look what summer"
General dance.

How much sun!
How much light!
How much greenery around!
What is this? This summer.
Finally he hurries to our house.
Songbirds discord!
The fresh scent of luscious herbs
Ripe ears in the field
And mushrooms in the shade of oak groves.
How many delicious sweet berries
In a clearing in the forest!

Masha: Oh-oh-run, run, run
Host: Who is in a hurry to visit us? Do you guys know?
Children: No.

Girl Masha runs out
Masha: Ka-a-ak !!! Didn't you recognize me? It's me - Masha.
Host: Where are you in such a hurry?
Masha: How where? On the holidays. I really like to have fun, and here such beautiful music was playing. Come on, let's have fun.
Host: Well, stay with us, Masha. The guys and I are celebrating the coming of summer.
Masha: Why celebrate it. Summer comes and goes by itself.
Presenter: And the guys and I decided that how we will meet the summer, will it be so? Really guys.
Children: Yes-ah!
Masha: So what is summer?
Presenter: Children, who knows what summer is?

Children read poems and point their hand at the picture of the summer slides.
1 child: What is summer?
These are seagulls over the river
The sun-drenched coast
Warm golden rain.

2 child: But thunderstorms also happen.
The sky sends threats
In the clouds, a terrible thunder rumbles,
He wants to scare someone.
The rain is pouring down like a bucket.
And the earth screams: "Urrrah!"

3 child: What will you give me, summer?
- Lots of sunshine!
Rainy-arcane in the sky!
And the daisies are easy!
- What else will you give me?
- The key ringing in silence,
Pines, maples and oaks
Strawberries and mushrooms!
Presenter: And we all love summer: to run, have fun and meet friends.
Song: "Song of Friends"
Presenter: Guys, but it is not always sunny in summer, sometimes it rains, but you know how to call rain?
Children: Yes-ah!
Presenter: How?
4 children: Rain, rain,
Cap and drop,
Don't drip for a long time
We're running down the street
We shout loudly and cheerfully.
5 child: Rain, water the rain,
There will be a loaf of bread
Rain, let it rain!
Let the cabbage grow.
Presenter: Well, the rain has come, and now he wants to play with you.
Game: "Rain"
Children move in a circle, and a child - "rain" inside a circle.
The rain walked in the yard
And the guys scared everyone
Drop, drop, drop, drop,
Run who - where
Presenter: Look, flowers bloomed in the clearing after the rain.

Girls in hats - flowers are distributed throughout the hall, sit down with their heads down. They get up in turn, read poetry and sit down again.
Poems about flowers:
Carries a dandelion
Yellow sarafan
Grow up and dress up
In a little white dress
Light, airy
Obedient to the breeze.

Look from the window
I am a daisy
Drop of the Sun.
Tear off the petals
And find out your fate!

The bell is blue.
Bowed down to you and me.
They are very polite. And you?

Only the sun will rise
The poppy will bloom in the garden.
Cabbage butterfly,
Will fall on the flower.

Masha: And I want to tell you a poem - a riddle. Guess which flower I like.
Presenter: Tell us, we will be very happy
Masha: Yellow color on the leg.
Seeds a little
Claws will remind you
What's on the paws of a cat.
The flower seeds are lightweight.
Those flowers - ………. (Marigolds)
Masha: What good fellows.
Now I will wave my handkerchief
And I command flowers to everyone
Show us a dance here
So that the summer is happy to meet.

Dance: "Dance of the Flowers" (Music "Dance of the Flowers" Relax)

Presenter: Guys, we know that flowers are not only decoration of fields, flower beds, holidays, but they are very necessary ... to whom?
Children: Bee
Presenter: For what?
Children: To collect nectar.
Presenter: That's right, and then healing honey is obtained from it
Let's see if all the bees can find their flower and collect nectar.
(Boys become bees. Girls - flowers move around the hall to melodious music. While the music is playing, bees fly, as soon as the music ends, the bees must stand up to their flower. Then the presenter “picks” one flower and there are fewer and fewer of them).
Presenter: Guys, look who sits there under the bush and trembles. Come on out. Doesn't want to.
And guess what, it’s a mystery who sits here furtively.

Who lives in the swamp?
Loud croaking, singing?
They sleep in water lilies -
without a pillow?
It's visible (Frogs)

Song "Two frogs"
Presenter: The frogs amused us so much that musicians came to us
"Musicians are Funnier" (music by S. Sosnin)
Children are given musical instruments.

Masha: Children, tell me the sun in the summer, which one?
Children: Red, yellow, hot, fun.
Masha: Let us also compose our big sun from small parts.

Game: "Make up the sun"
(Three come out and make a drawing of the sun from parts on the carpet).

Masha: Oh, what good fellows! Let's clap them guys.

Presenter: Let's give the sun a song

Song - dance: "A merry song"

Masha: Well, guys, well done! Well rested, thanks! I liked your place so much that I decided to give you such a gift, with the help of which you will always smile and see the colors of the rainbow in the summer. Guess what it is? No .. Then look.

Pulls out soap bubbles. Distributes to children and offers to organize a festival of soap bubbles.
The holiday ends with cheerful music.

Summer project for children of the middle age group "Colors of Summer"

Author: Makarova Irina Vyacheslavovna, educator at MKDOU No. 23 "Golden Cockerel" in Zheleznogorsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory.
Target: Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children, taking into account their individual characteristics.

Cognitive speech development:
-Continue to develop speech and verbal communication of preschoolers;
-stimulate children's interest in learning about the world around them through ideas about nature and man;
- to educate in children interest, attention, a benevolent attitude towards the world around them.
Physical culture and health improvement:
-Continue work on health promotion, development of motor abilities and qualities (dexterity, speed, strength, flexibility);
-form children the need for daily physical activity;
- to educate cultural and hygienic skills.
Artistic and aesthetic development:
- to form in children the ability to create the simplest images, encouraging the transfer of images in the drawing, sculpting applications;
-to develop in children the ability to listen to literary works, to take part in telling their favorite fairy tales;
-to cultivate a steady interest in various types of artistic activities.
Social and personal development:
- to form the skills of communication and behavior, feelings of love, sympathy, benevolence;
-to cultivate a friendly relationship in a joint game.

Expected results:
- Decrease in the incidence rate among children;
- Development of social, moral, communicative qualities of the child;
- Increasing interest in the beautiful world of nature, in its knowledge;
- The manifestation of such qualities as kindness, mercy, care.

Wellness and physical development. Morning exercises. Gymnastics after sleep. Folk and outdoor games. Sports games with elements of football and pioneerball.
Hardening procedures. Walking barefoot. Sunbathing. Dousing and washing your feet. Walking trips.
Development of curiosity. Observations. Excursions. Experimental activities.
Artistic and aesthetic development. Painting. Application. Theatre.
Labor skills. Flower garden. Garden. Cleaning of the territory. Crafts.
Working with parents. Heading "It is interesting for you, it is useful for children", Consultations:
Outdoor Games, Sunstroke, Be Careful.

Implementation ways:

Sunny week
From July 1 to July 5.
Purpose: Formation in children of elementary ideas about the Sun, interest in the world around them.

Development directions:

Monday "Curious"
Conversation "Where the Sun lives"
Purpose: Expanding children's ideas about the diversity of natural phenomena.
Reading by K. Chukovsky "The Stolen Sun"
Purpose: Development of perseverance, attention, the ability to correctly perceive the content of the work, to empathize with its heroes.
Reading, memorizing "Sun", "Sun bunny"
Purpose: Development of attention, memory, desire to reproduce the text.
A cloud hides behind the forest
The sun is watching from heaven.
And so pure
Kind, fragrant.
If we got it,
We kissed him.

"Sunny Bunny"
The sunny bunny is frolicking.
Climbed to the ceiling
Looked into our crib
And jumped gallop and gallop.

Tuesday "Hard worker"
Application "Multi-colored sun"
Purpose: Development of interest in the application, complicating its content and expanding the possibilities of creating a variety of images.
Drawing "The radiant sun"
Purpose: Formation of the ability to draw individual objects, to consolidate ideas about the form.

Work on the site
Purpose: Formation of a responsible attitude towards the assigned task.

Environment "Microsha" (experimentation)
Watching the sun
While walking, draw the attention of children to how the sun affects plants, birds, people.
Didactic game "The Sun and the Cloud"
Experimental activities with mirror, foil, glass, metal (sunbeam)
We sunbathe (solar vitamins).

Physical culture and recreational activities using natural factors.
Physical education on the street.
Football elements.
An outdoor game "The Sun and the Rain".
Finger gymnastics:
"Sun bunnies"
The sunbeams are playing on the wall.
I will beckon them with my finger, let them run to me.
Well, catch it, catch it soon
They ran away quickly.

Friday "Chudinka"
Watching the cartoon "Red, red, freckled"
Hearing songs about the sun:
- "The sun is radiant" from the film. "Lion and Turtle"
- "The sun is shining for everyone",
- "The sun came out."
Show of the fairy tale "My Sun"
Concert by the forces of children (poems, songs).

Soil week
From 8 July to 12 July
Purpose: Expanding children's knowledge about soil, interest in nature; talk about the beneficial properties of the soil and its inhabitants.

Development directions:
Monday "Curious"

Conversation (conversation) "What is under our feet?"
Purpose: To indicate the role and significance of the land.
Examination of pictures "Human helpers"
Purpose: Introducing children to the tools that help to cultivate the land.
Proverbs about the earth
Goal: Enriching children's speech with new words
"Earth is a plate, what you put in, you take it";
"What you sow, you reap";
"If you dig, you will find it";
“Where there is no land, there is no grass”;
"The earth loves labor";
"The earth feeds and clothes."
Reading the poem by S. Ostrovsky "About pebbles"
Purpose: Development of the ability to listen to a poem.

All the brook laughs
And does not laugh
It flows over the pebbles
And the stones tickle.

Look what a kid-
Round smooth nude!

Tuesday "Hard worker"
Labor in a flower garden (loosening, watering the earth)
Drawing with chalk on the asphalt "Magic Fields", "What grows on the earth"
Modeling "Multi-colored stones"
C / r game "Vegetable garden"

Wednesday "Microsha"
(experimenting with earth, clay, sand)
Journey to the underworld
Purpose: Acquaintance with the inhabitants who live in the earth (ants, worms), teach to reflect on questions.
"What is hidden in a lump" (about stones)
Purpose: Acquaintance with the variety of stones on the site.

Thursday "Zdorovichek and Zdorovinka"
P / game "Empty space", "Run quietly"
Gymnastics after sleep "Path of health"
Physical education lesson

Friday "Chudinka"
Remember proverbs
D / games "Collect the picture", "On the ground and in the ground"

Working with parents: newspaper "The World through the Eyes of Children"

Week "Pollen on variegated wings"
From July 15 to July 19
Purpose: Expanding children's knowledge about insects.

Development directions:
Monday "Curious"

Insect conversation with illustrations showing
Purpose: Acquaintance with the variety of insects.
Reading "Cabbage White" K. Ushinsky
Riddles about insects

Tuesday "Hard worker"
Drawing "Color the butterfly" (ladybug)
Application "Butterfly on a flower"
X / household labor
Purpose: Formation of the ability to independently maintain order in the group and on the site.

Wednesday "Microsha"
Anthill observation
Experience: Which path will the ants take (sweet or salty)

Thursday "Zdorovichek and Zdorovinka"
Physical education lesson
Health trail
P / game "Find where it is hidden"
CGN upbringing in regime moments

Friday "Chudinka"
The game "Journey to the Magic Lawn"
Purpose: Arouse children's interest in everything living on the lawn
Theatrical performance "Tsokotukha Fly" K. Chukovsky
D / game "Lotto"

Working with parents:
Exhibition of children's works
Memo “Assisting with insect bites”, “Folk remedies for mosquito bites.

Flies over the flowers
Nectar collects. (Bee)

Near Christmas trees made of needles
On a summer day I built a house
He is not visible behind the grass,
And there are a million tenants in it. (Ant)

There was a flower and suddenly woke up.
He stirred, roused himself.
I didn't want to sleep anymore,
Soared up and flew away. (Butterfly)

Who is upside down above us? (Fly)
What kind of bows fly over fields and meadows? (Butterflies)
A blue airplane landed on a white dandelion. (Dragonfly)
Not a fisherman, but lays out nets. (Spider)
Not a beast or a bird, but a nose like a spoke. (Mosquito)

Flower week
C22 July-26 July

Purpose: Creating conditions for expanding children's ideas about the world around them. We continue our acquaintance with garden and forest plants (flowers). Replenishment and activation of the dictionary.

Development directions:
Monday "Curious"
A conversation about garden flowers.
Purpose: Acquaintance with the names and care of garden plants.
Reading the poem by E. Malenkina "Daisies"
Memorizing a poem: "Dandelion"
Wears a dandelion yellow sarafan,
Grow up, dress up in a little white dress.
White, airy, obedient to the breeze.
Riddles about flowers

Tuesday "Hard worker"
Weeding and watering garden plants.
Drawing "Chamomile"
Modeling "Blooming flower bed"

Wednesday "Microsha"
Experience "Properties of water in nature"
Watching flowers growing in the shade and sun

Thursday "Zdorovichek and Zdorovinka"
Hardening procedures - we sunbathe!
Acquaintance of children with parts of the body and with the senses.
Outdoor game "Ball through the net"
Posture exercise: "Pose of half lotus" (L.I. Latokhina)

Friday "Chudinka"
Round dances: "Top and Clap" - Muz. Nazarova-Medtner, "Handkerchief" -Ukr. bunk bed round dance
Didactic game-lotto "Flowers"
Learning the song "Why flowers don't grow on my head"

Working with parents:
Individual conversations about children's health and healthy lifestyles.
Consultation “Caution! Poisonous plants! "
Exhibition of children's works.

Zoological week
July 29-August 2
Purpose: Formation in children of knowledge about domestic and wild animals and their babies.

Development directions:
Monday "Curious"

Pet talk
Reading the fairy tale "Goby - straw barrels"
Talk about wild animals
Reading "Zoo"
Riddles about wild and domestic animals
Reading the story: "About the girl Masha, about the dog Petushka and the cat String" A. Vedensky

Tuesday "Hard worker"
Drawing "Kitty" from circles, triangles
Purpose: Development of the ability to portray pets.
Application "Bunny" or "Chanterelle"
Objective: Development of the ability to accurately use glue.
Labor: Tidy up the closets and toy shelves on the veranda.

Wednesday "Microsha"
Guess the Smell Experience

Thursday "Zdorovichek and Zdorovinka"
Physical education on the street
Outdoor games "Run quietly", "Cat and mice", "Bear in the forest"
Articulation gymnastics
Hardening activities

Friday "Chudinka"
Playing musical instruments
Listening to the fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"

Working with parents:
Outdoor play consultation
Weekend visit to the zoo with the whole family.

Vitamin week
August 5 - August 9
Purpose: Development of an understanding of the necessary vitamins for a person, habits for a healthy lifestyle.

Development directions:
Monday "Curious"

Conversation "Where do vitamins live"
Objective: Securing the names of fruits and vegetables
Riddles about fruits and vegetables
Reading the fairy tale "The Tale of Fruit"
Conversation about the benefits of juices, fruit drinks, compotes ("What is made of what")

Tuesday "Hard worker"
Drawing "Fruits", "Vegetables"
Drawing on the pavement "Guess what is drawn"
Dough sculpting "My favorite fruits and vegetables"
Labor in nature "We clean up the territory of the site"

Wednesday "Microsha"
Using experience to find the truth.
Cooking orange juice. Compare apple - orange
With orange skin
Like a ball
But the center is not empty
But juicy and tasty!

Thursday "Zdorovichek and Zdorovinka"
Finger game "Orange"
Breathing exercise "Fragrant strawberry"
Outdoor game "Over the Bumps"

Friday "Chudinka"
Ecological quiz "Try and guess"
Theater on flannelgraph "Turnip"
The game "Wonderful bag"
Etude "Tasty emotions"
Role-playing game "Vegetable store"

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