Home Berries Ready-made family wish map with examples of affirmations. The most powerful affirmations for attracting love. The sector of relationships and "love affairs" - the right corner from above

Ready-made family wish map with examples of affirmations. The most powerful affirmations for attracting love. The sector of relationships and "love affairs" - the right corner from above

The Assistants and Travels sector is located in the near right corner relative to the front door.

Useful people and travel are associated with the trigram "I-Ching" Qian, which means "Heaven". The most active of all trigrams, associated with yang, Heaven has the qualities of strength, synchronicity, inspiration and confidence. Qian reminds us that our lives are shaped by action. Right action comes from the harmonious combination and use of intuition and intellect. We know that we are on the right track when we perceive people as "angels" and a place as "paradise". When people and place are in sync, they inspire and guide us, setting auspicious milestones along the path of life, and allowing us to realize our personal destiny.

Many of us have many stories to tell about how our lives have been enhanced or transformed by the words and actions of a mentor, client, bus driver, employer, or even a stranger. Touched by the heavenly experience of synchronicity, we suddenly realize that we are in the right place at the right time, or meet the right person at the right moment. It is at such times that we feel that the heavenly forces act in direct contact with us, easily and imperceptibly moving us to the next step.

Strengthen the Helper and Travel sector when you:

  • you want to find yourself new mentors, clients, buyers, employers, colleagues - useful people of various kinds;
  • would like to go on a trip in general or go to a specific place;
  • would like to feel a closer connection with your spiritual or religious beliefs, with those from whom you expect guidance - in other words, from "useful people" in the highest sense of the word;
  • want to move to a new home or take on another job.

You can activate this sector with:

  • posters, paintings, collages, photographs, images of spirit guides, deities, saints and angels, helpful people and guides in your life, places you have traveled or where you are going to go;
  • objects of white, gray and black colors;
  • quotes, statements or sayings related to spiritual guidance, useful people and travel;
  • Items that you personally associate with your spiritual or religious beliefs, useful people such as teachers, mentors, benefactors, clients, customers, and employees, places of special significance to you.

Along with placing various objects in certain sectors, the School of Black Hats also recommends the use of certain statements that will help you achieve your goal faster, because. give more direction to thoughts. This School of Feng Shui works with thought forms, which are then brought to life.

Examples of statements (affirmations) for this sector can be the following.

I constantly attract helpful, generous, loving people.

All the people with whom life confronts me love and support me.

Many useful people have made me happy, and I am glad, in my turn, to be a useful person for them too.

Great opportunities and favorable circumstances constantly arise in my life.

I travel as much as I want, to the places I want to visit.

I am at the right time in the right place and meet the right people at the right time.

You can come up with any statement that best suits your goals, write it and post it in this sector. Just do not forget that it is necessary to read it thoughtfully, imagining that what is written about actually exists.

Everyone's desires and dreams are different. Sometimes they seem unrealistic, but is it really so? How can we influence the fulfillment of our innermost desires? Affirmations for the desire map by sectors will help you with this! Do you want to know more about the wish card, how to make it and how to activate it?

What are affirmations for a wish map by sector

The map of your dreams is a dialogue between you and the whole Universe, an open conversation about your secret wishes, which you express in a drawn form, following a special Feng Shui technique.

How it works?

The principle of operation of the wish card is the Bagua grid (Feng Shui practice). It visually displays the division (albeit conditional) of the space of life into sectors of influence. The location of these sectors on the map strictly depends on the cardinal points:

  • North - success in work.
  • South - personal self-realization, coming to fame.
  • West - kids and creative hobbies.
  • East - relatives, friends and "family nest".
  • The center is well-being.
  • Northwest - tourism, close friends and other environment.
  • Southeast - finance and well-being.
  • Northeast - skill and wisdom.
  • Southwest - relationships and marriage.

We can conclude that all your wishes and hopes depend on certain areas of life, for which one or another zone is responsible.

Want to make your dreams come true? Then learn how to correctly submit an “application for happiness” to the Universe. More precisely, you should not send your dreams "to nowhere", but by taking aim - send them to the right areas of influence. The right areas are those areas in whose power to fulfill your desires.

What role do affirmations play for a wish map by sector?

By using the map as a visualization tool - imagining dreams in all their colors - you help them come true. With affirmations, you program yourself to complete the necessary tasks and steps.

Ready to make a map? Begin!

Wait for the time of the growing moon and only then proceed! You will need a sheet of plain white paper. What it will be, it does not matter (any shape and any size) - everything is at your discretion.

Your sheet should have nine equal sectors: draw lines on the sheet like a tic-tac-toe game. When they intersect, you get zones corresponding to the cardinal points in the Bagua grid. Now let's move on to filling the map.

Important! Pay attention to the zones of influence, which are described above, in order to properly position your affirmations:

Your health sector is in the center

The central square of your map is your health, personality. Here you need to attach your photo (be sure to choose the one that is associated with pleasant moments in life). You must be smiling in the photo, so official "photos" from documents will not work.

You can place more than one photo in this sector, but several. Why not make a collage? Come up with happy affirmations for your photos. For example, “my dream to be!”, “Everything is fine in my life!”. Feel free to show how you love yourself - show the Universe that you deserve it, and then it will fulfill all your dreams!

Sector of finance and wealth - upper left corner

In this part of the map, if you follow the teachings of Feng Shui, you need to place your wishes regarding well-being, financial prosperity and increased income. In this sector, “put” all your financial associations: increasing profits, raising salaries, repaying loans, etc.

Important! All sorts of talismans and visual symbols are widely used in this practice. It is in this sector that you need to lay out a lot of specifics. For example, “I want to get rid of all debts this year”, “I want my salary to be raised by 15,000 rubles”, etc.

Self-realization sector - central upper corner

Everyone has their own concept of glory. Someone secretly dreams of becoming a popular star, being known in all countries, having a bunch of fans, while the other wants to quickly climb the career ladder. What do you want in this life? What success do you want to achieve? This is indicated in this section.

The sector of relationships and "love affairs" - the right corner from above

If you are currently looking for your love, pay special attention to this sector! Try to concentrate and think a little, imagine your future chosen one. How do you imagine it? Maybe you are attracted to brown eyes and a “chiseled” figure? Or do you have wishes regarding the specifics of the work of your future life partner? All this you need to describe in detail in this sector.

You already have a loved one, but now you have relationship problems? Post here a joint photo in which you are happy! Write positive affirmations for them. For example, “we will always love each other”, “everything will work out for us”, “we will always be together”, etc.

The sector of your family and the “family nest” is the left middle corner

Family is support and support. The family includes all distant relatives, and it doesn’t matter what kind of relationship you have. But, in any case, harmony with loved ones will not be superfluous. Therefore, why not reward your loved ones with a similar affirmation: “Long live the family of the Ivanov family!” etc.

The sector of your children and their creative success is the right middle corner

It happens that even the most loving people cannot give birth to a baby for inexplicable reasons. To make this dream come true, you can write the affirmation “we are waiting for replenishment in the new year.” Concentrate on this thought, and you will succeed!

Add happy photos of parents and little children to this sector, and perhaps very soon a new life will be born in your family.

Children are not the only direction of this sector. You can also declare to the Universe about your abilities, and write, for example, "I dream of surpassing Michael Jackson" or "to succeed in literature"!

Sector of Wisdom - lower left corner

If you are constantly drawn to something to study and learn, this corner will not remain empty for you! Why not post a positive selection of photos from your school here? If you are continuing your studies, write the affirmation “I want to study for 5”, “I want to pass the exam”, or “I want to master this material”.

Career sector - lower central square

Success at work will never be superfluous. How to achieve a really high level in your life? You will learn about this in the course.

Write about your desire to fly up the career ladder and the Universe will definitely hear you. Write, "I must become a general", "I will be a director".

Tourism and close friends sector - lower right corner

Have you always dreamed of traveling but never got around to it? Do you want to visit the most beautiful places on our wonderful planet? Why not announce it to the Universe, and soon your dream will come true!

In addition to wishes about foreign countries, this sector will help in relation to your friends, people who help you - thank them, leave wishes.

Have you drawn a wish card? Now let's activate it!

Mapping your as-yet unfulfilled dreams is not all you have to do. Give it at least five minutes every day, but in general - the more the better.

Think about what you can do today to fulfill the dream in each sector? Let this be a small step forward!

You must fully concentrate on your dreams, give yourself completely to them, and then all your most unrealistic dreams will surely come true thanks to the necessary affirmation for the desire map by sectors.

Here is a list of basic Bagua affirmations. You can use them or come up with your own.

wealth zone

Money flows to me easily from all sides;

I always have money;

I am very attractive for money;

I give and receive money easily and joyfully.

Zone of glory and success

I succeed;

All my plans are realized;

I love and respect myself and my talents;

People look at me with delight and admiration;

I deserve all the best in this world and I accept it with delight.

Love and marriage

I have the most beautiful partner in the world;

Everyone loves and adore me;

I love myself and approve of all my actions;

I trust my partner;

The more love I give, the more I receive;

I create a beautiful loving world in myself and spread my love to the whole world.

Children and creativity

I am free and joyful in my creative work;

My children are my best friends;

I have excellent, harmonious relationships with children;

I love and support the child in me.

Helpers and travel

I get help and support from everywhere and from everyone;

People always help me;

I am always safe when traveling;

When I travel, I meet many friends and helpers;

I always feel help and support from my friends.

Career and life path

Everything in my life is beautiful now and always; I am in harmony with the flow of life;

My life is harmonious and ideal for me and is constantly improving;

The experience of my life is constantly improving;

All my best dreams become reality;

I know my calling and my career is thriving.

Bagua affirmations. Knowledge and wisdom

I am calm and relaxed;

I always make the right decisions;

My intuition is great;

I always find a way out of all life situations;

I trust the Higher Knowledge, which is always with me, and therefore I always make the right decisions;

My knowledge is growing every day.

A family

All the members of my family bring me great joy;

Joy and happiness reign in my family;

I am calm, happy and live in peace with my family and the entire universe;

All members of my family are always protected, healthy and happy;

My family is a source of love and self-confidence.

Bagua affirmations. Health

My health is excellent;

With each passing day, the duration of my life increases;

I am in harmony and peace with the Universe;

My strength and self-confidence is constantly growing;

I'm getting younger every day;

The enjoyment of health and the joy of life strengthen my faith in myself;

I am ready to receive joy and happy surprises every day.

You can repeat these affirmations one at a time or separately. It is believed that the most harmonious is the repetition of affirmations by a multiple of three: 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.

I often receive questions about the activation of various zones in Feng Shui. Although I am an adherent of the classical Schools of Feng Shui, I do not deny the possibility of a positive effect of visual stimulation on certain aspects of your life.
In 1999, when there was practically no information about Feng Shui in Russian, I published on my website a partial translation of Tera Catherine Collins' book "Feng Shui for Your Home", which is dedicated to the simplest Feng Shui School - the Black Hat School. But lately there have been some problems with access to the only remaining mirror of my first site - so I decided to move them here so that these tips are not lost. In addition, I hope that many subscribers to site updates, as well as all ordinary readers, will find this information useful and interesting.

On the eve of graduation and entrance exams, the topic of education becomes especially relevant, so the first council will be devoted to the sector related to this.

Sector of Knowledge and Self-Improvement

Sector of Knowledge and Self-Improvement - the northeast or the left near part of the room (if you look inside the room, standing at the front door to it).

The trigram "I-ching" Kan, which means "Mountain", is associated with knowledge and self-improvement. This teaching suggests that there is a direct connection between a cold mind and an enlightened mind. Concentrating the mind on acquiring new knowledge is a manifestation of courage. However, we accumulate knowledge most fruitfully when we can calm the movement of thought by regularly practicing some form of "peace", such as meditation, contemplation and immersion in ourselves. The mountain symbolizes the ascent up to the heights that rest within us, the observation of our own experience and the constant return, enriched by ascent and observation. This is the process of self-improvement. The acquisition of true knowledge is much more difficult than the simple accumulation of information. Knowledge is seen as the seed of wisdom. It grows, fueled by learning and contemplation. The I Ching reminds us that when we climb a mountain, a generous and abundant field of knowledge opens up before us.

Strengthen your zone of Knowledge and Self-Improvement if you:

A student studying a particular subject;

Looking for guidance or leveling up;

Want to develop a calmer mind and lifestyle.

Choose one or more of the items listed below to personally enhance your Knowledge and Self-Improvement zone:

Books, tapes, and other materials you are currently working on;

Posters, paintings, collages and photographs of mountains and peaceful places, images of teachers and wise people from those with whom life confronted you, who mastered the art of meditation, contemplation and peace;

Items in black, blue or green;

Quotes, statements and inspirational words related to knowledge and self-improvement;

Other items related to knowledge and self-improvement for you personally.

Statements Concerning Knowledge and Self-Improvement

Choose any statement below that resonates with you, write it down, and place it in the Knowledge and Self-Improvement zone of your home, work, desk, or anywhere else you work with. You can also use these sentences as examples to create your own that have personal meaning for you.

I easily and joyfully absorb new knowledge, new information.

I believe in the process of learning.

Knowing that I am constantly learning and growing, I can relax at any moment.

Sharing knowledge with other people, I feel peace and tranquility.

I am a wise, educated person.

In any situation, I know what to say and what to do.

No fluff or pen to you and your children in the exams!

P.S. By the way, it would be very interesting to know how you activate the Knowledge Sector? What affirmations do you use? Perhaps, your option will seem to someone the most suitable. I will wait for your answers in the comments.

about the author

Feng Shui Master Anna Kumacheva has been practicing Feng Shui for over 20 years. In 1999, her site became the first Feng Shui site in Russian. Currently, Anna continues to give Feng Shui consultations both for residential premises (apartments, houses) and for any type of business (offices, shops, restaurants, beauty salons, medical centers, etc.).

Affirmations for health

o I love food that is healthy. I love every cell in my body.

o I look forward to a healthy old age because I am taking care of my health now.

o I am constantly looking for new ways to improve my body.

o I return my body to its optimal state of health by providing it with everything it needs.

o I am free from pain. I am completely in sync with the rhythm of life.

o Healing is happening! I release my thoughts from problems and let the mind of my body take over the natural healing process.

o My body does its best to maintain excellent health.

o My life is balanced: work, leisure and entertainment - everything has its time.

o I am happy that I live today. I was lucky to have another wonderful day.

o I am not afraid to ask for help when needed. I always choose qualified medicine that suits my needs.

o I trust my intuition. I always listen to my inner voice.

o I have a healthy, sound sleep. My body appreciates my taking care of it.

o I have a Guardian Angel. The Lord protects and protects me.

o Health is my Divine Right, I can claim it.

o Part of the time I help others. This is good for health.

o I am grateful for a healthy body. I love life.

o Only I can control my eating habits. I can always refuse something if I am free to choose.

o Water is my favorite drink. I drink a lot of water to cleanse my soul and body.

o The shortest road to health is to be filled with joyful thoughts.

o Thoughts of good are the key to excellent health.

o I am in harmony with the part of me that knows the secrets of healing.

o I breathe deeply. I breathe life itself. I am full of energy.

Affirmations for the wealth sector

1. I am always in the right place at the right time.

2. I always get everything that is the greatest good for me.

3. Money flows to me easily.

4. If others can be rich, I can too!

5. I am a money magnet.

6. I always get what I want for myself.

7. I am full of ideas to make money.

8. I earn 100,000 rubles a month.

9. Unexpected income makes me happy.

10. Money flows freely and easily in my life.

11. I am a magnet for money, and money is a magnet for me.

12. I am very successful.

13. My prosperity thoughts create my prosperous world.

14. My income is growing all the time.

15. My life is filled with love

16. I'm in charge of my life

17. Love in my life starts with myself.

18. I am a strong woman

19. I do not belong to anyone: I am free, I strive to learn new things in life

20. I deserve love and respect

21. I stand firmly on my feet

22. It's good for me to be alone

23. I am aware of my strength and use it

24. I enjoy everything I have.

25. I like other women, I love and support them.

26. I love and appreciate myself

27. I am completely satisfied with my life.

28. I like being a woman

29. I radiate love in all its diversity

30. I like that I live here and now

31. I am a very strong woman, worthy of love and respect.

32. I fill my life with love

33. I feel my own worth and perfection

34. I perceive life as a unique gift.

35. I am safe, all is well around me

36. I want to see myself in all its splendor

37. My future is bright and beautiful

38. Now I am independent and independent in choosing decisions

39. I am called to fulfill a grateful mission on this planet.

40. I can safely grow and improve

41. I provide myself with everything I need

I am a money magnet. Well-being in any form is attracted to me

I think in terms of scale, and I receive more goodness from life.

Any of my work is deservedly appreciated and rewarded.

Today is a great day, money comes to me from supposed and unexpected sources.

I have unlimited choices. Opportunities are everywhere

I sincerely believe that we are here to make each other happy and rich. This confidence is reflected in relationships with others.

I support others in their quest to be successful, in turn life supports me.

Now I'm doing what I love and it pays well

It's nice to deal with the money that I have earned (a) today. I'll spend some, I'll save some

I live in a loving, harmonious, rich universe, and I am grateful (a) for this

I am joyfully open (a) to the unlimited good that surrounds us everywhere.

I let money into my life!
I release all my fears and doubts about money.
I invite money into my life!
Money and abundance come to me easily.
I choose a happy and rich life.
I choose to always think about money only well! I love money and they love me.
Money comes into my life easily!
I respect and appreciate money and they are attracted to me like a magnet!
Money channels are opening up for me right now!
Money always comes to me at the right moment!
I always have enough money!
Money comes to me from the most unexpected sources!
Money brings me joy and happiness!
Every day I have more and more money!
My wealth is limitless!
My income is growing every day!
Money flows to me like a river!
I manage my money wisely!
I make money easily!
Money easily comes into my life and stays in it!
I earn more and more and do it with pleasure and ease
I always have enough money for everything that I want to have
I always have money.
Wealth is my natural state.
I attract money, wealth and prosperity like a magnet.
I enjoy my wealthy life!
Being rich is great!
Money comes to me easily, I spend it with pleasure, it makes my life comfortable!
Money gives me financial support in life! I feel great among rich people!!
I choose happiness with money!
Money is happiness, health, success!
I am a rich and successful person!

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