Home Potato Deep-fried pork fillet and roast pork. Deep-fried meat dishes - traditional medicine recipes Deep-fried meat recipes

Deep-fried pork fillet and roast pork. Deep-fried meat dishes - traditional medicine recipes Deep-fried meat recipes

Meat dishes in a fryer.

Recipes for meat dishes for cooking in a deep fryer.

Pork escalopes
Serves 4: 4 thin slices of pork, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 1 egg, 1 lemon, 4 tbsp. flour, 4 tbsp. l. ground breadcrumbs, salt and ground black pepper to taste.
Salt and pepper the escalopes. Roll them in flour, dip them in salty English sauce. Then roll the meat in breadcrumbs.
Fry the escalopes in a deep fryer for 5-7 minutes at 180°C. Serve with lemon slices.

Lamb in batter

For 3 - 4 servings: 400 g lamb fillet, 3/4 stack. milk, 1 tsp vegetable oil, 1 egg, 100 g flour, ground black pepper, salt and thyme to taste.
Cut lamb into 8 pieces, pepper, salt and sprinkle with thyme. From eggs, milk, flour, butter and salt, prepare egg batter. Dip lamb pieces in batter and fry in a deep fryer for 4-5 minutes at 180 ° C.

Chopped meatballs
400 g beef fillet, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. l. flour, 1/3 stack. milk, salt and black pepper to taste.
Pass the beef twice through a meat grinder, add 0.5 stack. water, ground black pepper and salt. Mix the minced meat well and cut into meatballs. Dip them in an egg batter made from flour, eggs, milk and salt.
Fry the meatballs in a deep fryer for 6-7 minutes at 180 ° C.
Serve with potatoes, green onions, cucumbers. Decorate the dish with parsley.

Ham in chips
Serves 3: 400 g ham, 50 g potato chips-24 owls, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour.
Mash the chips well. Cut the ham into squares. Beat eggs in a deep bowl. Pour the flour into a separate plate, and the chips into a third. Quickly roll the ham pieces first in flour, then in the egg and then in the chips. Fry in a deep fryer for 5-7 minutes at 180 ° C.
Serve with green salad or cucumbers.

Unfortunately, pilaf cannot be cooked in a deep fryer. It is usually cooked in a cauldron or a special saucepan with a thick bottom. On the max-cook website, you can learn how to properly cook pilaf and see cooking recipes.

Sauces, breading and batter .

English sweet sauce
1 egg, 20 g powdered sugar, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
Beat the egg with vegetable oil and powdered sugar.

English salt sauce
1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, salt and ground pepper to taste.
Beat the egg with vegetable oil, add salt and pepper.

Breading in English
1 egg, wheat flour, ground white crackers, salt 10 to taste.
Roll in flour, then dip in beaten egg and roll in breadcrumbs mixed with salt.

beer batter
150 g flour, 1 egg, 3/4 cup. beer, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, salt to taste.
Combine all products and mix well.

egg batter
1 egg, 100 g flour, 3/4 cup. milk, 1 tsp. vegetable oil, 1 pinch of salt.
Separate the egg yolk from the protein and mix with flour, salt, butter and milk. To mix everything.
Beat the egg white into a thick foam and pour into the flour mass and mix gently with it.

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Deep-fried dishes (fast food)
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Deep-fried meat and poultry

Pork in sweet and sour sauce

Ingredients : 600 g pork, 2 garlic cloves, 2 pickles, 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 1 bunch of parsley and dill, 7 tsp starch, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon of salt, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of water, vegetable oil for frying, pepper, salt.


Meat cut into pieces. From flour, water and eggs with the addition of salt and pepper to taste, knead not too liquid dough. Dip the pieces of meat in the dough and quickly fry in boiling oil in a bowl (oil layer should be at least 4 cm). Do not put a lot of meat in deep fat at the same time.
After frying, put the pieces of meat on a sieve and let them dry.
Sauce preparation: 2 tbsp. Heat tablespoons of vegetable oil in a frying pan, add crushed garlic, lightly fry and remove from heat. Then add vinegar, sugar, herbs, diluted starch, chopped cucumbers, peppers. Boil the sauce and pour it over the pieces of meat.
Serve with rice or pasta.

Escalope veal a la Viennese

Ingredients : 600 g veal, 1 egg, 25 g crackers, 200 g pork fat, 1/2 lemon, pepper, salt.


The veal is beaten so as to obtain a very thin layer, seasoned with salt, pepper, dipped in an egg, rolled in breadcrumbs and deep-fried until crispy. Escalope must be completely dry.
When serving, put a slice of lemon on the escalope, decorate with lettuce salad.

Pork with bananas

Ingredients : 800 g pork, 250 g pork fat, 1/2 lemon, cumin, pepper, salt.


Cut the ham pulp into cubes weighing 35-40 g, salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice, add cumin, bay leaf, garlic and put in the cold. An hour later, deep-fry the meat.
Serve with fried bananas or fried potatoes and herbs.

Pork fried in tomato sauce

Ingredients : 600 g pork, 150 g pork fat, 250 g tomato paste, 150 g green peas, 100 g starch, 100 g broth, 20 g soy sauce, 50 g vodka, 1 egg (protein), 25 g sohor.


The peeled flesh of the hind leg or loin is cut into slices, moistened in a mixture of protein and starch diluted with cold water (1: 1), deep-fried until a pale crust forms and discarded.
At the same time, a pre-prepared mixture consisting of tomato paste, starch diluted with cold water (1: 2), burnt sugar, unseasoned chicken broth, soy sauce, vodka is poured into a very hot frying pan with a small amount of fat, stirring continuously, and boiled until thickening.
Lay green peas and fried pork, shaking, mix, and then pour in the melted lard.

Chinese Pork

Ingredients : 150 g lean pork, 1 egg protein, 30 g starch, 15 g onions, ) / 4 teaspoons of ginger, 10 g soy sauce, 5 g sugar, 1 g monosodium glutamate (1.5-2 g vegetative), 5 g of vinegar, salt to taste, half a glass of broth, a quarter of a glass of wine, 1 teaspoon of finely chopped pickles (small pickled vegetables); vegetable oil for frying.


Cut the pork into pieces about half the size of a matchbox. Moisten in a mixture of protein, starch and water, deep-fry, discard.
Put chopped onions into a hot frying pan, pour in the broth, add all the spices, pickles and wine, when it boils, pour in the starch dissolved in water (1: 2).
When the broth thickens to a jelly-like mass, put the fried meat, mix, put on a plate.

Salted pork with mushrooms

Ingredients : 200 g of meat, 0.5 kg of fresh (or 100 g of dry) mushrooms, 1 egg, 20 g of starch, 30 g of pork fat (or vegetable oil), 2 teaspoons of soy sauce, 2 teaspoons of vodka, 1 head of garlic , 20 g green onions, 10 g fresh ginger, 0.5 teaspoon monosodium glutamate.


Make a batter out of egg, water and starch. Cut the meat into thin sticks, dip in batter and deep-fry. Boil the mushrooms until half cooked, cut into small pieces and fry in a small amount of fat. Put the meat on the prepared mushrooms.
In a separate bowl, prepare the sauce in advance by mixing the broth (30--50 g), soy sauce, vodka, glutamate, green onions, chopped, finely chopped garlic and ginger, salt and starch diluted in cold water (1 teaspoon per 100 g of water).
After stirring well, pour this sauce over mushrooms with meat, mix and remove from heat after a minute. The sauce should thicken.

The same can be done with beef and lamb. Glutamate can be completely replaced with knorr cubes and the like.

Pork with potatoes and corn kernels

Ingredients : 1 cup corn kernels, salted pork pieces, 1 onion, 4 cups potatoes, 1 cup water, 1 cup milk or cream, salt and pepper.


Diced salted pork deep-fried. Sliced ​​onion, stew until soft. Boil peeled, sliced ​​potatoes in boiling water for 5 minutes, add fat and onions, cook the potatoes until soft.
Combine the resulting mixture with grains of young fresh corn and milk, bring to a boil, season with butter and pepper, mix with pieces of fried pork.
Serve corn kernels hot with salted pork and potatoes.

Barbecue kozon dulma

Lamb or beef (shoulder, brisket, hem) is cleaned from films and tendons, minced in a meat grinder along with raw bacon (beef or lamb) and raw onions. Raw eggs, salt, cumin, spices are added.
Mix well and form balls of 6 pieces per serving, stringing them on a wooden skewer, and deep-fry for 8-10 minutes. Garnish with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, pickled onions. In order not to burn deep-frying, it is made up of 30% beef or pork fat, 30% cooking oil and 40% vegetable oil.
Similarly to the Uzbek dulma, a dish of Azerbaijani cuisine, lyulya-kebab, is prepared, however, without zira and eggs. And they roast it over coals.

Lamb cutlets fried in batter and garnished with onion puree

Ingredients : 9 lamb cutlets, 50 g vegetable oil, 400 g Russian butter or deep fat, 50 g dry broth (5 bouillon cubes).
For the onion puree: 10 onions, 1 cup flour, 1 bottle of milk, 100 g butter.
For batter: 1 cup flour, 5 eggs, 6 tablespoons butter.


For making sauce Dissolve 50 g of dry broth in 1/2 cup of water, boil, pour over cutlets.
To make onion puree Boil 1 glass of flour and 100 g of vegetable oil five times, dilute with 1 bottle of whole milk, boil well. Peel 10 onions, cut into slices, pour in 2 cups of broth, boil until soft, wipe through a sieve. Put this puree into the prepared sauce, boil, add salt.
Cut the lamb cutlet part in the shape of a cutlet, leave a bone at each bone, knock it out well, cut off the veins. Dissolve 50 g of butter in a frying pan, fry cutlets on both sides in it, salt them, put them on a dish, cool.
Heat butter or deep fat in a saucepan to the hottest state, dip each cutlet in batter and fry 3 or 4 pieces; when browned, put on a dish in a circle, in the middle - mashed onions, pour over everything with sauce.

Veal escalopes

Ingredients : 400 g veal, 1 egg, 3 tbsp. spoons of breadcrumbs, deep fat, salt, pepper, spices.


Beat the veal into a thin layer, salt, add ground black pepper, dip in the egg, breaded in breadcrumbs and deep-fry until crispy (the escalope must be completely dry).
When serving, garnish with a slice of lemon and lettuce.

Austrian Stuffed Veal

Ingredients : 300 g veal, 50 g pork, 10 g Dutch cheese, 1/3 egg, 5 g flour, 20 g breadcrumbs, 20 g butter, 20 g frying fat, salt.


Cut cutlets from veal, beat off, salt and pepper. Put two pieces of boiled lean pork on one chop, between which a plate of Dutch cheese is laid, cover with the second chop, coat successively in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep-fry.
Serve with french fries and green peas, topped with 20 g butter in the form of a flower.

Beefsteak with rustic onion

Ingredients : 500 g beef, 30 g melted fat, 250 g onion, 30 g wheat flour, 10 g melted butter, 250 g garnish, pepper, salt.


Onion cut into rings, breaded in flour and deep-fried. From the thickened part of the tenderloin, cut steaks 20--30 mm thick, lightly beat off, sprinkle with salt and pepper, put in a hot frying pan with fat and fry on both sides until a brown crust forms.
When serving, put the fried onions on the finished steak. Serve boiled or poached vegetables, fried potatoes as a side dish.

Chinese pieces

Ingredients for 2 servings : lean pork - 300 g, wheat flour - 2.5 tbsp. spoons, fat and vegetable oil for deep frying, 2 egg whites, celery and parsley roots, carrots, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 1 incomplete teaspoon of ground black pepper.


Prepare batter. To do this, beat the whites into a high foam. Do not add salt: both the batter and the meat itself must be completely insipid.
Melt fat and butter in a frying pan approximately in a ratio of 1: 1, fry 20-30 g of finely chopped white roots and carrots in the resulting deep fat. This is done in order to flavor deep-frying. Then cut the meat into pieces of 2-3 cm, be sure to beat them off, dip in batter and put in deep-fried boiling over low heat, covering with a lid. After holding the meat under the lid for about three minutes, check whether the batter is reddened, turn the pieces over with a wooden spatula and fry further until cooked.
Serve the pieces to the table should be on a plate, where a hill of salt and pepper mixture is poured on the side, where it is supposed to dip each piece before use.

Kidneys with garlic

Ingredients : 500 g of kidneys, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 teaspoon of vodka, 1/2 teaspoon of monosodium glutamate, salt.


Process beef kidneys. After separating the ureas, external blood vessels, film and fat, each kidney must be cut lengthwise, rinsed well, poured with cold water (at a ratio of 1:4) and soaked for 5-8 hours (it is advisable to change the water every 2-3 hours). If after that an unpleasant smell remains, you should change the water again and bring to a boil. Or add 1 tbsp to the water for the last soak. a spoonful of ready-made mustard.
Then cut the processed kidneys into pieces, deep-fry. At the end, add chopped garlic, soy sauce, glutamate and salt to taste.

Spicy meatballs

Ingredients : 500 g minced meat, 1 egg, 1 chopped onion, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of soy sauce, 1 tsp, a spoonful of sugar, a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, deep-frying fat.
For batter: 100 g flour, 1 egg yolk, a pinch of salt, 150 ml milk, 1 teaspoon vegetable oil, breadcrumbs.


Mix minced meat, egg, chopped onion, soy sauce, sugar, salt. Form meatballs with a diameter of 2 cm, roll them in flour, dip in egg batter, roll in breadcrumbs and deep-fry at a temperature of 180 ° C for 4-6 minutes.
Let the oil drain and serve.

Chicken in batter

Ingredients : 250 g chicken breasts.
For the test: 2 tbsp. spoons of flour, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk, 2 eggs, 30 g of brandy.


Cut two boiled chicken breasts into small pieces. Add chicken pieces, salt, pepper to the prepared dough and mix. Shape into walnut-sized rounds with a spoon and place in the fryer basket Fry at 170°C for 3-5 minutes. Let the oil drain.
Serve on the table sprinkled with parsley.

Fried chicken fillet with peas

Ingredients : 1 chicken, 300 g green peas, 50 g pork fat, 1 egg, 40 g starch, 30 g vodka, 50 g green onions, soy sauce.


Chicken fillet, cut into thin strips, is moistened in egg white mixed with starch diluted in cold water (1: 1), fried in non-hot deep fat until a pale crust forms and discarded.
Green peas and green onions, cut into pieces 2 cm long, are placed in a very hot frying pan with a small amount of fat, vodka and soy sauce are poured in and, continuously shaking the pan, everything is fried.
Put the fillet and warm it up, shaking, then pour in the melted lard or chicken fat.

Chicken fried in marinade

Ingredients : 1 chicken, 1 onion, 1/2 lemon, 2 cloves of garlic, 40 g starch, 30 g vodka, 50 g green onion, salt, pepper, cloves.


Cut the chicken into portions. Prepare a marinade from lemon juice, chopped onion rings, grated garlic, bay leaf, salt, pepper and cloves, pour over chicken pieces and leave overnight.
Then deep-fry the chicken with onions, add boiling water and bring to readiness.
Pour the strained marinade over the chicken and let it simmer for another 5-10 minutes.
Serve with fluffy rice.

Chicken strips with mustard sauce

Ingredients : 250 g chicken fillet, 2 proteins, 1.5 g starch, 250 g vegetable oil for deep-frying.
For the sauce: 1.5 g mustard, salt, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate, vinegar to taste, 5 g sesame oil.


Cut the chicken fillet into strips, add two proteins and starch, mix well. Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil, put the fillet and, stirring constantly, fry so that the pieces do not stick together. For this deep-frying should not be very hot.
Throw the fillet in a colander, let the oil drain and cool.
Put the fillet in a salad bowl, pour over the sauce.

fragrant chicken

Ingredients : 240 chicken, 30 g lard, 10 g each ginger, onion, parsley, dill, starch, cloves, cinnamon, star anise, allspice, salt.


The whole boiled chicken is deep-fried until a crust forms, put in an earthenware dish, add coarsely chopped ginger and onions, cloves, cinnamon, star anise, pepper, parsley, dill, salt, pour in unseasoned chicken broth and steam until tender.
Prepare the sauce: the broth left after boiling the chicken is filtered, poured into a frying pan, brought to a boil, the foam is removed and, shaking the frying pan, starch diluted with cold water (1: 2) is poured in a stream.
The chicken carcass is placed on a dish and poured with sauce.

Fry chicken (fried chicken)

Ingredients : 1 chicken 800-900 g, 100 g flour, 1 egg, 2 tbsp. spoons of crackers.


Cut the gutted and scalded chicken into four parts, remove the brisket, rub the carcass inside and out with salt, roll in flour, dip in egg, breadcrumbs and deep-fry until golden brown (about 15-20 minutes).
After letting excess fat drain, put the carcass on a dish and garnish with lemon, fried potatoes and green salad, garnish with parsley.

Chicken legs fries

Ingredients : 300 g chicken, 50 g pork fat, 30 g starch, 1 egg, 5 g soy sauce, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of granulated sugar, 10 g of salt.


Chop off the legs of a chicken or chicken 1-2 cm below the knee joint and clean the bones. Then moisten the legs in a mixture of starch, eggs, soy sauce and sugar, deep-fry until golden brown, discard and put on a plate.
Put paper papillottes on the bones and serve.

Algerian pigeon cutlets

Ingredients : 1 pigeon, 50 g dried mushrooms, 10 g flour, 1 egg, nutmeg, salt.


Boil the prepared pigeon carcass and let it cool in the broth. Then cut the fillet out of it, give it the shape of a cutlet and lightly beat it off. Separate the meat from the bones, cut it into small cubes and add boiled and finely chopped dried mushrooms. Mix it all well, sprinkle with salt and nutmeg.
Separately, prepare a thick white base sauce and add the yolk to it. Mix the sauce with the prepared mass, heat a little, and then cool.
Smear the broken fillet pieces evenly on one side with the cooled filling, bread in flour, dip in the egg, bread again and deep-fry.
Garnish cutlets with various types of puree - from chestnuts, lentils, peas, potatoes.
Separately serve sauce with capers.

Marechal of hazel grouse under crayfish ragul

Ingredients : 3-4 hazel grouse, 1 egg, 5-6 crackers, 400 g deep fat.
For red sauce: 1/2 cup flour, 50 g butter, 6 pcs. fresh champignons, 1-2 pieces of truffles.
For the ragul: 2/3 cup flour, 12 mushrooms, 25 crayfish, 1-2 pieces. truffles, 100 g butter, salt.


In order to cook this interesting old dish, which was enjoyed by the landowners during the time of Gogol, you must at least have a couple of hazel grouses, which must first be plucked and scorched.
Then remove two fillets from each hazel grouse, leave the bones of the wings along the first joint, then cut the fillets along the side, stuff, sew, roll in an egg, deep-fry or roll in an egg and breadcrumbs and fry on a wire rack.
Use red sauce as minced meat, namely: 50 g of butter and 0.5 cups of flour, dilute with 1.5 cups of broth, salt, boil two or three times, pour in a glass of Madeira, put chopped raw champignons 6 pieces, truffles 1 - 2 pieces, boil four times, cool, stuff the cut fillets.
Put the grouse on the dish, put the following ragul in the middle: season with white sauce, namely: 2/3 cup flour, 2 tablespoons of cancer oil made from crayfish peels, dilute with 2 cups of broth, put raw washed champignons 12 pieces, crayfish necks 25 pieces , boil it all together two times, you can add 1-2 pieces of chopped truffles or morels.

Zrazy with mushroom filling

Stuff the mass for cutlets made from chicken or veal with a mixture of a quarter of a chopped egg, 10 g of butter, 10 g of boiled mushrooms (you can also dry them).
Shape the patties into a rocket shape, roll in grated bread and deep fry.

Cutlets "Ala-too" (Kyrgyz cuisine)

Ingredients :
For minced meat: 170 g lamb, 30 g milk, 1 egg, 20 g butter, 30 g white bread, 3 g greens;
For breading: 5 g flour, 1 egg, 50 g milk, 50 g ghee for frying;
For garnish: 20 g of olives, 50 g of green peas, chopped greens, 50 g of squash, 10 g of oil for pouring, 100 g of french fries, spices, salt.


Cut the minced meat with the addition of milk and yolks into cakes; in the middle of each place the white of a hard-boiled egg filled with green butter. Form zrazy; grease them with lezon, bread them in breadcrumbs and deep-fry them.
Until fully cooked, the cutlets will need to be brought in the oven.
Serve on croutons with vegetables and herbs.

Cutlet "Altai"

Ingredients for 2 cutlets : 400 g pork, 1 onion, 20 g butter, 4 eggs, 4 slices of stale white bread.


THIS DISH LOOKS very impressive, as it resembles a large cedar cone.
Cut out of the loin one piece per serving, along with the rib bone. Beat off, salt, pepper on both sides to taste.
Prepare the filling for the cutlet: finely chop the onion and fry in margarine, add the chopped boiled egg and mix. Minced meat must be laid in the middle of the cutlet, wrapped and shaped into a bar. Bread cutlet in flour, dip in egg. Cut white stale bread into small cubes and roll the cutlet in them so that the bread cubes are evenly distributed.
Fry the cutlet in deep fat until golden brown, until fully cooked, bring in the oven.

Moscow cutlets

Ingredients : 500 g beef, 30 g water, 100 g fat, 1 egg, 50 g milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of bread crumbs, 1 onion, 50 g pickles, ground pepper, salt.


The meat is passed through a meat grinder, seasoned with salt and pepper, 1/5 part of the omelette is added and kneaded, then cakes are formed from the minced meat, the remaining omelette mixed with sautéed onions is placed on them, the cutlets are shaped like a cone, breaded twice in egg lezon and bread crumbs, deep-fried and brought to readiness in the oven.
Served with a complex side dish and pickles.

The Kiev's cutlets

Ingredients : 400 g of chicken pulp, 100 g of butter, 1 egg, 70 g of wheat crackers, 50 g of fat for frying, 400 g of potatoes, 100 g of green peas, salt.


The chicken fillet is beaten, stuffed, giving it the shape of a pear, with butter, dipped in an egg, breaded in breadcrumbs, this operation is repeated twice and deep-fried.
When serving, drizzle with melted butter. Cutlets can be served on toasted white bread, garnished with fried potatoes and green peas.
Instead of potatoes, you can serve carrots, porcini mushrooms.

Cutlets "Holiday"

Ingredients : 200 g beef or veal [front), 100 g fatty lamb, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 potato, 1 slice of white bread, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of milk, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raisins, 1 egg, salt, pepper, cumin, ground allspice, parsley and frying fat.


Cut the meat cleaned from films and tendons into pieces, salt and pass through a meat grinder. Then pass through the meat grinder again, adding potatoes, onions and bread previously soaked in milk. Mix the resulting mass with an egg, black pepper / cumin, finely chopped parsley, allspice ground pepper and form 8 small cutlets, placing 2 raisins in the middle of each. Roll cutlets in flour, deep-fry and remove with a slotted spoon. On a plate in which cutlets will be served to the table, put mashed potatoes, on it - 4 cutlets per serving.
Serve drizzled with the fat in which they were fried, with eggplant caviar, a salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, green onions and garlic.
Serve the cutlets only hot, until the lamb fat has set.

Tujum-dulma (Uzbek cutlets) Cooking

Cut the meat into pieces, beat off, salt, pepper, rub with garlic, put a little butter in the middle. Give the cutlet an oblong shape (like carrots), dip in a mixture of eggs, milk and flour, roll in breadcrumbs and place in a deep fryer for 10-12 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.
Serve with deep-fried potatoes, drizzled with butter and sprinkled with herbs.

Cutlets "Moskvoretskiye"

Ingredients : 400 g veal or pork, 150 g pikeperch fillet, 1 egg, 1/4 cup milk, 60 g butter, 4 garlic cloves, 2 tbsp. spoons of starch, 2 tbsp. spoons of breadcrumbs, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar, salt, pepper to taste.


Pass meat and fish twice through a meat grinder along with garlic. Add salt, sugar, ground pepper, starch, milk and melted butter. How to beat the minced meat so that it turns into a homogeneous air mass. Form into small meatballs, in the form of sausages. Bread them in breadcrumbs and deep fry.
Serve with fried potatoes, topped with tomato or sour cream sauce. Tomato sauce is best, but you can also serve this dish with mayonnaise with chopped garlic and red pepper.
A variant of this dish is Curly Wieners. Wieners or sausages are cut at both ends in the form of a cross and deep-fried. French fries and stewed cabbage can be served as a side dish.

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Famous chebureks or belyashi, donuts and donuts, french fries and many other dishes can only be cooked using deep fat. Deep frying (from the French friture - frying) is the process of frying in hot animal fat or vegetable oil. Now for deep-frying, vegetable oil or a mixture of vegetable and animal fats is usually used.

The principle of cooking food in hot oil or fat is quite old. It is known that in ancient Rome there were dough dishes prepared in this way. In China, since ancient times, meat and vegetable dishes have been prepared in a way similar to modern deep frying. In Russia, a technology similar to deep-frying is known, called yarn, but unlike yarn, in deep-frying, oil prevails over the product, which, as it were, is boiled in it.

Several types of food are fried or deep-fried: vegetables (in batter or without), meat, poultry, fish (in batter or dough), sweet dough dishes (donuts, donuts, curd balls). Deep-frying products should be cut so that their thickness does not exceed a centimeter. The same principles underlie the preparation of stuffed fish and meat dishes in batter, as well as pasties. The total mass of fat should be 4 times the mass of fried foods. When deep-frying, the products should not be crowded, individual pieces should move freely, not sticking to each other and not touching the bottom and walls of the dish. Brandy or vodka can be added to fat, then it will be less felt in ready meals.

For deep-frying, vegetable oil (peanut, corn, cottonseed, soybean, palm, sunflower) is most preferable, ideally olive oil. In addition, you can use beef kidney (interior) fat, lamb or melted pork fat.
Sometimes they make a mixture of vegetable and animal fats with a predominance of vegetable oils. Fat mixtures are built according to the following proportions:

  • 50% refined vegetable oil and 50% rendered beef fat;
  • 40% vegetable oil, 30% pork and 30% beef fat;
  • 50% refined vegetable oil and 50% cooking oil.

Unsuitable for deep fat: butter and margarine.

Sometimes melted butter is used to fry sweet donuts and other dough products. But its maximum temperature is low, and there is a risk of getting tasteless, oil-soaked balls, vaguely reminiscent of fragrant fried donuts.

The temperature of the deep-frying oil must be at least 130°C. The ideal temperature is 180-190°C. If you don't have a dedicated electric fryer, you can determine the oil temperature in a few simple ways. Dip a ball of dough or white bread into the hot oil, if the fat around the ball remains motionless - it has not yet warmed up enough; weak trembling of fat means a temperature of 130-140 ° C; if the fat around the ball boils - 150-160°C, if the ball starts to burn and emit a burnt smell - the fat is very hot (above 170-190°C).

Vegetables are fried in medium temperature oil. In hot fat - meat and fish dishes in batter. In very hot - dough products (brushwood, donuts, belyashi and pasties).

Do not use vegetable oil for deep frying more than once. The exception is olive, in which you can cook twice. In animal fat, it is also allowed to cook a second time. The allowable rate of continuous deep-frying is 40 hours (without letting it cool down). Therefore, it is logical to cook a lot at once in one serving of oil.

Do not heat fat above 200°C (smoke is a sign of excessive heat). If there is an unpleasant smell, darkening of the oil or finished products, bitterness in their taste, change the oil! Do not forget that animal fats that have undergone a long heat treatment increase the level of cholesterol in the blood, and their frequent use is difficult for the human body to tolerate. Animal fat for deep-frying can be used extremely rarely, as a special delicacy. Vegetable oil is much easier to tolerate by the human body and even has a whole range of useful properties. For example, vegetable oils contain a large amount of vitamin E, which protects cell membranes and reduces the risk of cancer. By the way, the calorie content of deep-fried foods in vegetable oil is relatively low and even lower than that of pan-fried foods. Hot oil seizes the surface, forming a crust, and heats the frying product strongly without penetrating inside. Deep frying lasts an average of 2-3 minutes. Therefore, deep-fried dishes are much less high-calorie and much healthier than their fried counterparts. This is true only if the temperature and time standards of cooking are observed, and the oil is not reused.

Deep-fried dishes are usually not prepared in childcare facilities (kindergartens, schools), as it is difficult to guarantee that underpaid cooks will comply with deep-frying technology, and children's bodies are especially sensitive to the consequences of improper deep-frying. Don't encourage your child to buy anything deep fried. Better cook the same at home.

Never dump used oil down the drain! Thickened oil can greatly complicate your life with plumbing worries at the most inopportune moment. Let it cool and pour it into a plastic container, and then dispose of it as household waste.

Deep frying is conveniently prepared in classic non-electric fryers that have an oval shape. They are made of durable stainless steel, have a thick bottom, a tightly ground lid and an internal mesh. As a rule, these are containers containing about two liters of oil.

It is much easier to find electric fryers for sale in beautiful cases, with double walls, timers, temperature control, oil filters and smoke traps. Electric deep fryers differ in the volume of the oil chamber, the convenience (or inconvenience) of removing cooked foods, the presence or absence of a replaceable air filter that protects your home from unnecessary odors. In more complex models, there are oil filters and timers. Remember that when the deep fryer gives a signal that the dish is ready, it must be removed from the hot oil. Even if the machine turns off the oil heating, food continues to heat up and may burn.

Nearly all industrially deep-fried foods are much tastier when cooked at home. For example, pasties. This delicious dish has lost its reputation precisely "thanks" to improper preparation. Try to cook chebureks yourself and you will feel the difference.

To prepare chebureks you will need:

2 kg flour
700 ml of water
1.2 kg of meat (equally equal beef (veal) and lamb),
2-3 bulbs
greens (parsley, dill), salt to taste.

Leave 300 grams of flour for sprinkling, and sift the rest of the flour through a sieve in a slide in the middle of the table. Make a depression at the top of the hill, put salt and pour in most of the water.

Knead the dough with the gradual addition of flour into the recess. Squeeze the lumps into a single whole, spraying from time to time with water. The dough will turn out tight, you will have to make considerable efforts to knead. Sprinkling lightly with water, ensure that the mass has a uniform structure. Wrap the dough in cling film and leave to proof for an hour.

At this time, prepare minced meat. Minced meat for chebureks is not cooked in a meat grinder, but finely chopped with a knife or hatchet. Cook half a liter of broth from scraps of meat, veins and bones - it will come in handy later.

Cut the onion, salt with coarse salt and crush with a press or beat with a hammer to release the juice. Do not mix meat with onions yet.

Cut the dough into 3-4 pieces and roll them into thick sausages. Tear off (do not cut) 50 grams of dough from each sausage and form even balls out of them on the table. Sprinkle with flour and set aside. Make sure the balls don't stick together!

Add onion, chopped greens (if desired - dill, parsley, cilantro) and black pepper to the minced meat. Pour in the broth and stir.

Roll out the dough balls with a rolling pin (the thinner the better), put one and a half to two tablespoons of minced meat on one half, cover with the other half and roll up the edges with a rolling pin (not with your hands!). The edges should become a single whole, without bumps and gusts. The filling of the cheburek should not get into the oil during cooking, otherwise it will have to be changed. Trim the edges with a curly knife if they are large.

Before frying, remove the remaining flour from the pasties so that the oil does not burn. Fry pasties should be 3-5 minutes at the highest temperature. Don't let them fall to the bottom. Take out the finished cheburek, let the oil drain and place on a paper towel.

One of the simplest dishes that can be deep-fried is donuts. These can be small or medium-sized balls of dough, with or without filling. A kind of donut is a donut, the same donut, but with a hole in the center (in the form of a donut). There are hundreds of varieties of this dish in the world. In ancient Rome, these were grobules - dough balls sprinkled with poppy seeds and smeared with honey. In medieval Europe, krapfen were prepared - S-shaped donuts with fruit fillings. Donuts and German Berliners are popular in America.

Deep frying donuts is usually done dipping and eaten hot. They are prepared quite simply. Yeast dough should be left for 2 hours. During this time, it is necessary to “knead” the dough several times so that it increases in volume. When the dough is ready, form balls of small diameter (2-3 cm). Jam or fresh berries can act as a filling, but you can do without it. Fry each serving for 2-3 minutes. The oil temperature in deep fat should be 180-195°C.

If you have a deep fryer, stock pot, wok or broiler, you can cook in simmering oil with ease. Fill a container with a high-burning oil (such as vegetable oil or canola oil), heat the oil to 175°C, and add the food cut into even-sized pieces. In just a few minutes, the products will have a golden crispy crust and an irresistible smell.


How to choose dishes

    Try cooking in an ovenproof dish with high rims. It works best in an electric deep fryer, stock pot, deep frying pan, wok, or Dutch oven. However, any other utensil that can hold a few glasses of oil (and food) and can handle the heat will work.

    • The most convenient way, of course, is to use an electric fryer.
    • If you don't have special cookware, use a pot or wok with high rims. This will make it easier for you not to splatter the oil all over the kitchen.
  1. Select an oil with a high soot point. This means that the combustion temperature of the oil should be as high as possible. This oil is the best for frying. Commonly used vegetable oils, peanut and corn.

    Prepare a special deep-frying thermometer, as well as tongs or wooden spoons. With a thermometer, you can control the temperature throughout the cooking process. This will achieve the perfect taste and golden crisp. You will need tongs or a spoon to stir the food during cooking and to remove it from the oil.

    • If you don't have a thermometer, a wooden spoon will help you control the temperature. Dip the tip into the oil. If bubbles appear around the spoon, this means that the oil has not yet warmed up to the desired temperature.
    • Do not use plastic spoons. The hot oil will instantly melt them!
  2. Prepare a cooling pad or paper towels. It is best to use racks to cool fried food, but regular oven racks will work as well. If you don't have either, take a large plate and line it with several layers of paper towels.

    How to deep-fry

    1. Pour enough oil into the container so that it covers the food at least to the middle. The amount of oil depends on the food and the container you are cooking in. Typically, deep-fried foods need between 900 milliliters and 1.9 liters of oil.

      • Ideally, use a large container and completely cover the food with oil.
      • The oil should not reach the edge of the container by at least 2-3 centimeters so that splashes do not fly around the kitchen.
    2. Heat oil to 150-190°C. If you have an electric fryer, turn it on and select the desired temperature. If you have a different type of cookware, put it on the stove. Most recipes call for 160-180°C. If the recipe does not specify a cooking temperature, stay within 150–190 °C.

      • If the temperature is below 150 °C, the food may become soft and not cooked through. If the temperature is above 190 °C, oil and food may start to burn.
      • Different products are suitable for different temperatures. To understand what temperature you need, read the instructions for deep-frying.
      • Keep flammable objects and substances away from the working fryer.
    3. Cover foods with breadcrumbs or batter to make the crust crispy. Dense breading or batter will make the taste and texture of the products more interesting. Cover the entire surface of the piece with breading or batter and dip in oil.

      • If you decide to make a breading, dip a piece of product in a mixture of 3-4 beaten eggs, then dip in flour or breadcrumbs, or both.
      • You can also make batter. Mix together 120 milliliters of milk or other dairy product, 80 milliliters of water, 60 grams of flour, 60 grams of cornstarch, one and a half teaspoons (10.5 grams) of baking soda, and add salt and pepper to taste.
      • You can enhance the flavor of a batter or breading by adding a little spice, salt, onion or garlic powder, black or cayenne pepper, paprika, or oregano.
    4. Slowly and carefully lower the food into the fryer. To reduce splashing, lower food with tongs or a slotted spoon. It is important to add foods slowly and in small amounts. Throwing in too many pieces at once will lower the temperature of the oil, causing the food to cook poorly and absorb too much oil.

      Stir the pieces so they don't stick to each other. Do this every few minutes with tongs or a wooden spoon. If the pieces are too close together, they will stick together and the crust will be uneven.

      • If you are frying a large piece that is only half covered in oil, turn it over during cooking so that each half is covered in oil for an equal amount of time.
      • To avoid burning yourself, do not hold your hand over the fryer for too long.
    5. Take the food out of the fryer when it is golden brown. Different products need different amounts of time (from 30 seconds to several minutes), so it is best to determine the degree of doneness by the color of the crust.

      Remove the pieces from the butter with tongs or a slotted spoon. When the pieces are golden brown, remove them from the oil with tongs. If you have a lot of small pieces, use a metal slotted spoon or a slotted spoon. Gently shake off excess oil and place on a surface to cool.

      • Do not pick up burnt pieces that float on the surface of the oil.
    6. Lay the food out on a cooling surface and let it dry. While the pieces are still hot, place them on a wire rack, rack, or paper towels. There, the products will dry out and cool to a temperature at which they can be eaten. Food should lie down for at least 2-3 minutes.

      • When you take the food out of the oil, it will be very hot. Do not touch them until they are cold. Remember that even if they are cold on the outside, they can be very hot on the inside.
      • If you wish to season the product, do so while cooling. Seasonings are best placed on warm food and soak it.
    7. Reuse the oil or discard it in a separate container. When finished cooking, strain the oil through a coffee filter into a large heatproof container. Store at room temperature. The oil can be used for deep frying again. If you want to use fresh oil, discard the used oil in a sealed container.

      • Cooking oil can be stored in metal cans, bottles, and thick-walled plastic containers. If you plan to throw away the oil, put it in a container you don't mind (such as a drinking yogurt bottle).
      • Reusing oil will save you money.

    How to choose products

    1. Make french fries if you want a quick snack. Potatoes do not require special preparation, so you can train on them. Open the package with the cut pieces and fry the potatoes for 5-10 minutes. You can also cut your own potatoes.

    2. Cook chicken if you're craving familiar food. Chicken is perfect for deep-frying. Roll the pieces in homemade breading or dip in batter. Then dip the chicken into the oil and keep it there until golden brown. A whole chicken can be fried in 30-45 minutes in one simple pot, if you put one piece at a time.

      • You can even try deep-frying a whole chicken or

Try cooking french fries, for example, in a regular frying pan. You may be able to do it, but it won't be like McDonald's or other fried potato establishments. And we bet your dish will burn!

Cooking in a fryer

Before you begin to study this topic in detail, you should first understand what deep fat is and what dishes can be prepared using this method.

Different dictionaries give their own definition of the concept of "deep frying", but we will focus on the cookbook. It says that deep fat is a hot fat or oil in which culinary products or products are fried. It is absolutely logical that the next question arises as to where deep-fried products can be processed. In a deep frying pan? Yes. In a heatproof pot? Yes. But the best thing for deep frying in boiling oil is a special invention - a deep fryer. What can be cooked in it? You know, literally everything! Starting with and ending with vegetables, fruits.

Using an air fryer to cook food adds a unique flavor and texture to foods. The stereotype that kitchen know-how prepares unhealthy and fatty meals is a thing of the past. Today, it is quite easy to create a complete meal that is low in calories and fat. But more on that later.

The process of cooking in an air fryer is simple, but it requires some attention and focus. Otherwise, you can easily overcook food. Buying an air fryer will add a lot of new foods to your diet. And even if you are strict about your health, you can easily prepare healthy and tasty treats according to your favorite recipes. A little practice, patience - and you will easily answer the question of what can be cooked in a deep fryer.

Deep fryers: cooking in oil or without it?

Having understood a little about the issue of frying, we proceed to the following points. We have to find out how safe modern deep fryers are, or how to cook deep-fried dishes without injuring yourself and others? Let's start in order.

Today, the home appliance market is replete with all sorts of new products, and recent advances in technology make it possible to highlight a number of advantages of modern oil frying appliances. Firstly, all elements of harvesters are now made of stainless steel, which makes them more reliable and durable. Secondly, there are double fryers. Due to the presence of two compartments in them, they allow you to cook several dishes at once, and the smells do not mix. These deep fryers are suitable for all types of frying. And deep-fried cooking turns into a real pleasure.

But still, the air fryer will be the best gift for the hostess. This is one of the latest innovations. And its peculiarity lies in the fact that it allows you to cook your favorite dishes with little or no oil. This is possible due to the circulation of hot air, which envelops the products from all sides, evenly baking them until they are fully cooked.

Six easy steps to safe frying

Now let's touch on the issue of safety in the kitchen during deep-fried cooking. First of all, you need to be careful. Drops of hot oil sometimes behave unpredictably and can get on the skin.

As mentioned above, frying is cooking food by completely immersing it in hot oil. The process is not safe, so many people avoid it for reasons of caution. But there are a few simple recommendations, following which, you will not doubt whether it is worth deep-frying. A deep fryer is a great helper. What you can cook in it, we will tell later, but for now we will describe some rules.

1. The fryer must be in good condition, not wet. Important! No matter how strange it may sound, put a fire extinguisher next to your desk in case of an emergency.

2. It will be right to choose a quality deep-frying oil. Peanut or rapeseed is best. They have a high melting point, so they won't let your food burn and the room fill up with smoke.

3. Be sure to pour the oil into a cold, completely dry container, and fill it exactly half way, 2/3 maximum. Keep in mind that as you lower the food into the fryer, the oil level will still rise.

4. Deep-fried food should be lowered carefully, in small batches, in order to prevent splashing. In addition, overfilling the pan causes the temperature of the oil to drop, and the food turns out to be too oily.

5. You need to take out cooked foods with a slotted spoon or special tongs, and then immediately put them on a paper towel that will absorb excess fat.

6. And finally, after frying, the oil should be allowed to cool down, then carefully pour it into a container with a tight-fitting lid and discard (in exceptional cases, this fat can be used up to three times).

Which oil should be chosen?

It is important to know not only what can be cooked in a deep fryer, but also in what oil it is more correct to do this. When choosing it, you should pay attention not so much to taste as to usefulness. There are different varieties of this product, we will consider the main ones that are found in our stores:

1. olive. Let's just say it doesn't fit. It is the worst oil for deep frying because it has a relatively low breakdown temperature (191°C). Despite its exquisite taste, it is suitable only for dressing salads, and from hot types of cooking - for stewing.

2. Peanut butter. It has a neutral flavor, is affordable, and makes great deep-fried dishes. French fries will be crispy, and turkey will be remembered for a long time. This type of fat is often used in Chinese restaurants for the purpose of deep frying. The high heat on the fire eliminates all the peanut proteins, making it safe for those who are allergic to the peanut. And in combination with balsamic vinegar, it exudes a pleasant aroma.

3. Sesame oil. It has a nutty taste, refined is better for deep-frying. Often it should not be used, as it has a high content of polyunsaturated fats (41%), which turn into carcinogens. In addition, it is expensive enough to fry in such quantities.

4. Sunflower or vegetable. Familiar to everyone, we fry on it most often. This oil is neutral in taste, withstands high temperatures, but contains harmful fats for our body. Should not be abused.

5. Ghee. It has a unique flavor and can turn a dish cooked in it into a culinary extravaganza, but do not forget that it promotes the formation of cholesterol and increases the level of LDL (low density lipoprotein). That is, problems with the cardiovascular system are provided to you.

6. Good options for deep frying include oil almond. It is considered one of the most beneficial for health. Does not contain trans fats, cholesterol. It has a high smoke point - 216 ˚С, is a source of phytosterols, as well as vitamins E and K. Its mild nutty aroma enhances the taste of deep-fried foods.

Deep Fryer Recipes

What kind of food can be cooked with an air fryer? In order to answer this question, let's turn to recipes. I don’t want to dwell on banal and well-worn options, so let’s take the usual products for deep-frying, but we will try to cook original and rare dishes from them.

Potatoes (roses)

It would seem that an everyday product, unremarkable, but! How much it can change if you cook it deep-fried.

We will need:

Potatoes (not young).
- Skewers or toothpicks.
- Oil for frying.


Cut future rose petals as thin as possible. We make them almost transparent. It is more convenient to chop potatoes on a special grater (1 mm). We also cut a few pieces into cubes - this is for the central buds, around which the petals will curl. Next, all the ingredients, including toothpicks, are soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water so that they are more "compliant". After that, we begin to fold the buds, adhering to the rule: one petal is clockwise, the next is against it. We constantly unfold the petals, as if a rose has blossomed. We fix each twisted component with a toothpick. Then we put the "semi-finished products of roses" on a paper napkin, give time to absorb excess moisture and fry. We lower each rose with a bud down and make sure that it bakes evenly on all sides, for this we periodically turn it over. We take out the finished product on a napkin, let the excess fat drain. Sprinkle with salt. Serve hot.

Deep-fried chicken

Deep fryer dishes, the recipes of which can be found in cookbooks, in magazines, most often talk about options for cooking chicken. Among them, the most famous are: chicken wings fries in sweet and sour sauce, buffalo leg breast, nuggets. You can also bake a whole chicken in a similar way.

Deep-fried cutlets in Kiev are often fried. This recipe is unique in that it is made with the addition of green oil (composition: butter, dill and parsley, hot red pepper). Sometimes, after frying in a deep fryer, cutlets languish in the oven for some time. But here everyone decides for himself whether it is worth doing it, since chicken meat runs the risk of being overdried.

The main recipes from poultry are listed above, but if they are deep-fried, they can turn into non-standard, and most importantly, into delicious dishes of the everyday or holiday menu.

Seafood and Deep Fry

In the deep fryer, you can cook a variety of products, and seafood is no exception. Especially good in it is fish of different varieties or shrimp. Let's turn to one of the most delicious recipes - Buffalo shrimp with


Flour - 1 tbsp.
- Light beer - 1 tbsp.
- French mustard - 2 tsp.
- Pickled cucumbers - 1 tbsp. l.
- Shallots - 1 tbsp. l.
- Parsley - 1 tbsp. l.
- Mayonnaise - 2/3 tbsp.
- or sauce "Buffalo" - 3 tbsp. l.
- King prawns - 700 g.
- Peanut or vegetable oil for deep frying.

First we prepare the sauce. For him, mix: mayonnaise, part of the hot sauce "Buffalo", mustard, cucumbers, shallots and parsley. We put it in the refrigerator to infuse.

While the seafood is soaked in batter, heat the oil in a deep fryer. Then, with a slotted spoon, lower a few things into it. Fry until golden brown for two to three minutes. Transfer the finished dish to a paper towel, leave for a while. Serve warm with prepared tartar sauce.

How to make deep fried bacon?

A deep fryer helps create a lot of dishes. What else can be cooked? You probably would never think, but it is very good to fry bacon in it. This product is already a fat, on which various dishes are often prepared. But, nevertheless, bacon is also deep-fried. It turns out very appetizing and unusual in this version. This is done as follows: we heat the oil to room temperature and begin to lay the pieces of bacon strictly one at a time, as it will be instantly and intensively fried. We also take out separately and immediately put it on a paper towel in order to remove all unnecessary fat. This method is well suited if you need to fry a large amount of bacon and, most importantly, do it quickly.

Dough products

An amazing thing - the know-how of our time - a deep fryer! What else can be cooked in it, if not dough products? Who said that pies, donuts, brushwood and other goodies can only be fried in the oven or in the notorious frying pan? Who? Unknown. But this man was deeply mistaken! It is the dough products in the deep fryer that turn out to be especially tasty and surprisingly crispy.

Flour - 2 ½ tbsp.
- Milk - 3 cups.
- Yeast - 2 tbsp. l.
- Warm water - ¼ st.
- Eggs - 3 pcs.
- Sugar - 1 tbsp.
- Cinnamon - 3 tbsp. l.
- Vanillin - 2 tsp

Dissolve yeast in water with sugar. Add eggs, vanilla and milk. Sift flour, cinnamon, knead a smooth dough. It should be a little sticky. Then let him "rest" forty-five minutes.

To form donuts, use special tools or blind them yourself. Fry the delicacy until slightly brown and on both sides. After cooking, lay the donuts on a paper towel. Serve with powdered sugar or maple syrup.

Whatever recipes you choose for the deep fryer, remember that you need to follow a few basic rules: do not forget about safety, use only fresh products, and it is advisable not to use deep-frying oil more than once.


So what is a fryer? What can be cooked and produced in this miracle technique? Contrary to the opinion of the majority, in boiling oil you can cook not only the famous potatoes, but also other products: vegetables, poultry, meat, fish, dough dishes and even some fruits. In other words, this type of kitchen utensil is suitable for anything that can be fried. And these are whites, pies, pasties, donuts, brushwood, cutlets, seafood and much, much more.

If you like to cook, do it with pleasure, a lot and often, if you like to receive guests and treat them with unusual dishes, then a deep fryer is a very useful thing for you! She will become a real lifesaver and a faithful friend in your kitchen.

Enjoy but do not forget about health. Bon appetit everyone!

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