Home Berries New Scandinavian cuisine. Scrabble Scandinavian cuisine

New Scandinavian cuisine. Scrabble Scandinavian cuisine

The new Scandinavian cuisine, well-known all over the world, came about thanks to the unification of chefs from northern European countries into one team.

The best representatives of the profession, honoring the traditions of their ancestors, able to appreciate and use what nature gives, laid the foundations of a new culinary ideology more than 10 years ago.

Revival of traditions

Although in each country of the European north the national cuisine has its own characteristics, the culinary traditions of these countries are in many ways similar.

Fish, rye bread, root crops, forest berries - that's what for many centuries was always at hand.

The twentieth century brought significant changes to the northern menu, generously diluting it with fast food, pasta, sushi and other foreign dishes.

This, of course, expanded the culinary horizons of the Scandinavians, but at the same time gradually relegated national dishes to the background. And besides, it led to the growth of diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Many people have problems with being overweight.

Large volumes of food imports have caused negative consequences for the environment. After all, the delivery of each batch of rice, for example, from China to Scandinavia leads to the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, that is, it has a "carbon footprint" that conscious Scandinavians are trying to reduce in every possible way.

All this together, and most importantly - the desire to revive culinary traditions - led to the emergence of New Scandinavian cuisine.

The idea originated in Denmark. The best chefs from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland and other regions of the European North met in Copenhagen in 2005 and, after many hours of negotiations, adopted a manifesto in which they proclaimed the main provisions and principles of the new Scandinavian cuisine.

This event firmly established the position of northern cuisine on the gastronomic map of the world. Here are the main ideas that formed the basis of it (the full version of the manifesto can be found on the website of chef Klaus Mayer).

Benefit for health

According to the ideologists of the project, nutrition should be balanced and include all the necessary elements. This approach allows not only to reduce the risks of diseases at the physiological level, but also to improve well-being, mental activity, and increase good spirits.

To prove this in practice, a number of studies were organized. Test participants were offered some time (usually several months) to eat dishes of the New Scandinavian cuisine, and then return to their usual food.

During the "experiment" the weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels were measured several times. The children were additionally assessed skills of concentration, reading, mathematical abilities. Studies have shown that in adults, dietary changes do have a positive effect on many physiological parameters and overall well-being.

Gastronomic potential

This term refers to the taste of dishes, their variety and attractiveness to consumers.

The composition of the dishes of the New Scandinavian cuisine includes wild berries and nuts, cabbage and root crops, legumes, potatoes, wild and domestic herbs, whole grains - barley, oats, rye.
Used fish, shellfish, seaweed. If the meat is of the highest quality, preferably with organic certification and in smaller quantities than everything else.

At first glance, the range of products is very limited. But with the help of local herbs, vinegars, various cooking methods, a variety of tastes is achieved. Ingredients are selected so that they can complement and set off each other's flavors.

Seasonality plays an important role. Autumn, winter and spring dishes differ from each other, both in the composition of ingredients and in calorie content. In the conditions of the northern summer - long daylight hours and low air temperature, vegetables and fruits ripen for a long time, and their taste becomes more saturated. In addition to the traditional methods of harvesting for the region - pickling, salting, drying - new ones are constantly being invented.


Products, their producers, cooking methods - everything should be associated with the region, be a kind of brand.

This gave impetus to the revival of small local farms. Now they receive state support and increased demand for their products - they supply high-quality, fresh products to shops and restaurants - because they do not need to be transported over long distances, and in most cases organic products.

Even carrots grown in different regions have different flavors. This leaves an imprint on the dish in which it is used, becomes a kind of culinary brand.

Environmental friendliness

The cuisine would not be Scandinavian if so much attention had not been paid to environmental issues. In addition to using locally produced products, which reduces the carbon footprint of the region, there are other nuances.

All products, if possible, should be grown according to the rules of organic farming - without the use of pesticides and other chemical fertilizers. The gifts of nature are actively used: wild herbs, berries, seafood.

I would like to say something about meat. Although the New Scandinavian Cuisine allows its use, it recommends using mostly game meat or free range animals. And the less the better. Ideally, in general, give preference to seafood and plant foods.

Tradition and modernity

At first glance, it may seem that after the adoption of the manifesto, the Scandinavians simply returned to their roots, to what their ancestors ate. Indeed, in both cases, the main emphasis is on the use of local products. But there are also significant differences.

New Scandinavian cuisine is the best of the region's culinary traditions, backed by the latest knowledge in medicine and nutrition.

For example, now less salt is used, less animal fats. In addition, there is practically no dairy products: the authors believe that proteins should be obtained for the most part from plant foods - nuts and legumes.

This is better for both humans and the environment. The New Nordic cuisine involves much more fruits and vegetables than the traditional Nordic cuisine.

Today, in every Scandinavian country there are restaurants that operate under the auspices of the manifesto, offering their visitors national dishes from local products.

Many of these establishments are Michelin-starred and hold top positions in authoritative rankings of the best restaurants in the world.

As for Denmark, where, in fact, the revival of culinary traditions began, the New Scandinavian cuisine has become the basis of the gastronomic tourism that is developing in the country.

Her ideas are actively supported and promoted, including at the state level - it is not surprising that interest in her is growing. Several dozen restaurants in Denmark offer the inhabitants of the country and numerous tourists the dishes of this new culinary direction.

This article is an occasion to once again plunge into the culture of the region in the north of Europe, which magically attracts travelers from all over the world. Fascinating fjords and forests, trolls, Vikings, storytellers Astrid Lindgren and Selma Lagerlöf, Hans Christian Anderson, Scandinavian design and Scandinavian cuisine, and much more cannot leave indifferent tourists.

Officially, the Scandinavian countries are called Norway, Sweden and Denmark, occupying the territory of the Scandinavian Peninsula, the Jutland Peninsula and the islands adjacent to them. But quite often in the literature there is a broader understanding of Scandinavia, which also includes Finland, Iceland and the islands of the North Atlantic.

Due to the rich historical and cultural heritage, washing by four seas (Barents, North, Baltic and Norwegian) and a rather cold climate, the Scandinavian region has long been formed its own, incomparable cuisine.

The basis for the cuisine of the Scandinavian countries is fish and seafood. But here there is no hint of Mediterranean cuisine, which is also rich in seafood delights. The fact is that Scandinavian dishes are quite hearty and nutritious, and this is already explained by the climate of the region. In cold weather, the body must receive more calories and nutrients so that the forces for internal and external maintenance of the body are equal. A special place in the cuisine of this region is also occupied by dairy products, meat (especially game), many types of bread and various cereals.

For example, in Denmark, various sandwiches and sandwiches are very popular, which many consider almost a national treasure.

Norwegians can’t live a day without herring and salmon, and Swedes love potato and turnip dishes.

But, despite the individual characteristics, the cuisine of all the Scandinavian countries is very similar and multifaceted.

Danish potato

300g potatoes (small size)

1.5 teaspoons pork fat

15g powdered sugar

3 sprigs of parsley

1/3 teaspoon nutmeg

Salt - to taste

Boil potatoes "in uniform". Then we clean up. We spread the fat on a preheated pan, then mix the powdered sugar, and immediately spread the potatoes, which we fry until the sugar caramelizes. After that, salt the potatoes and sprinkle with nutmeg. Sprinkle with chopped parsley when serving.

Kötbular (Swedish meatballs) is one of the most common dishes in Sweden.

400g minced beef and pork

1 medium onion

1 egg

2 tbsp butter

1/3 cup cream

Sparkling water

For cream sauce:

- ½ cup cream

1 tbsp wheat flour

1 tbsp butter

Salt, pepper - to taste

For lingonberry sauce:

500g cranberries

1.5 cups sugar

Lingonberry sauce is made very simply and retains all the vitamins: 2/3 of the berries must be rubbed through a sieve. Then add sugar and the remaining ripe berries, mix until completely dissolved. To prepare a creamy sauce, flour is mixed with softened butter, cream is added, salt, pepper, and, stirring, bring to a boil. Onion sautéed in butter and a beaten egg are added to the minced meat. Mix everything and roll into small balls. If the stuffing is too thick, add a little carbonated water to it. Next, heat the remaining butter in a pan and lightly fry the meatballs (5-7 minutes). Cooked meatballs are laid out on a dish, poured with creamy sauce. Place a spoonful of lingonberry sauce on each plate. In traditional Scandinavian cuisine, kotbular is served with mashed potatoes or boiled new potatoes.

Porridge "Fledegred" with raspberries

This dish is the most ancient Danish delicacy known since the early Middle Ages. Despite this, Norwegians also consider this porridge to be their national dish.

1 cup wheat groats

3 cups cream

2 cups fresh raspberries

2 tbsp sugar

Salt to taste

The grits must be washed, placed in a saucepan and poured with cream, add sugar, mix. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook until tender for 45-50 minutes over low heat. After - remove from heat and salt. Put half of the raspberries in a bowl with porridge and mix well. Divide the porridge among bowls and garnish with the remaining raspberries.

Gravlax with mustard sauce

Even in the Middle Ages, Scandinavian fishermen began to make gravlax. The fish was rubbed with salt and buried in the sand, where it was not only salted, but also fermented. Because of this method of preparation, the dish was called "buried salmon."

1kg salmon (one piece)

1 bunch dill

6 tbsp sugar

3 tbsp sea salt

3 tablespoons ground white pepper

For sauce:

1 cup refined vegetable oil (NOT olive!)

3 tbsp French mustard

3 tbsp Dijon mustard

2 tbsp sugar

1 tablespoon of vinegar (real apple or wine)

Salt, ground pepper - to taste

Mix salt, pepper, sugar and chopped dill. Rub the salmon all over with this mixture. Put the fillet under the press, and leave for 2-3 hours at room temperature, then put in a cold place for a day or two, not forgetting to periodically turn the fillet over. For the sauce, mix mustard, sugar, vinegar and pepper in a blender. After - pour oil in a thin stream (at low speeds). At the end, add chopped dill.We clean the finished gravlax from the pickled mixture, dry it with a paper towel, cut into thin slices and serve with mustard sauce.

Swedish salad with veal liver

Scandinavian cuisine is considered quite conservative, but in the 20th century it was Swedish cuisine that was given special attention by French and Italian cuisines, which affected some modern dishes.

Scandinavian cuisine includes the national cuisines of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland, which have much in common with each other.
The basis of Scandinavian cuisine is fish and other seafood. Almost every day, Danes, Swedes, Finns and Norwegians have fish dishes on their tables. Salads, first and second courses are prepared from fish.
In Finland, especially in the east of the country, fish pies are common - fish pies (kalekukko),
In Denmark, the most popular types of fish are herring, mackerel, eel, flounder, salmon. They are eaten boiled and salted. Smoked and dried fish are less common. Some Copenhagen restaurants specialize mainly in fish dishes.
The most popular among Norwegians are cod, salted herring with potato garnish, fried cod, flounder and halibut. Favorite national dish - klipfiks - cod dried on the rocks and decapitated. In Norway, fish is also consumed in smoked and dried form.
Sandwiches have become widespread in the Scandinavian countries. In Denmark, for example, the sandwich is called the king of cuisine. There are up to 700 types of them here, ranging from a slice of bread spread with butter to a multi-story sandwich called "Hans Christian Andersen's Favorite Sandwich". It consists of several layers of bacon, tomatoes, liver pate, jelly and white radish, separated by slices of bread. Eat it, removing layer by layer. The following fact testifies to how popular sandwiches are in Denmark. In many cities of the country there are specialized shops selling sandwiches. One of the most famous restaurants in Copenhagen, Oscar Davidsen, specializes only in sandwiches and even receives orders for them from abroad.
Danish "multi-story" sandwiches are made from various seafood, lettuce, asparagus shoots, eggs, sauces, beautifully laid on a toasted slice of rye bread and decorated with herbs.
For the preparation of Swedish sandwiches, several types of bread are used: white, black with a sweetish aftertaste, juniper with caraway seeds and other spices, flatbread, bagels, crackers, crackers.
A prominent place in the diet of the peoples of the Scandinavian countries is also occupied by meat - beef, veal, pork. The main methods of heat treatment of meat for second courses are boiling and stewing. In Sweden, cold boiled meat, mainly veal, is served as an appetizer. Roasts and schnitzels are popular in Denmark and Norway.
Another feature of Scandinavian cuisine is the extensive use of milk and dairy products. In Denmark, for example, fresh milk is drunk several times a day. In Sweden, cereals, soups are prepared from milk, they drink it with potatoes, tortillas. Curd mass seasoned with spices, cheese, curdled milk, salted and caraway-flavored cream are prepared from milk. Finns drink milk, coffee with milk, kefir in the morning. In Norway, everyone drinks milk - both adults and children.
Scandinavian culinary specialists widely use various cereals. Traditional Danish dishes are cereals: wheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, semolina and rice. The most ancient delicacy of the Danes, known since the early Middle Ages, is wheat porridge on cream with raspberries, called fledegred. By the way, the Norwegians consider it their national dish. A kind of sausage stuffed with rice porridge with raisins is popular. The Swedes use barley, semolina, and rice groats to make a variety of soups.
The table of the peoples of Scandinavia is complemented by beans, a variety of vegetables, fruits, and berries. Wide range of potato dishes. It is used both as an independent dish and as a side dish. A particularly prominent place is occupied by potatoes in the diet of Norwegians and Swedes. In Sweden, for example, it is very common to cook mashed potatoes with milk; stewed potatoes seasoned with flour, sugar, eggs and butter; fried potatoes, potato dumplings with bacon and other dishes.
The favorite drink of the Scandinavian peoples is coffee. In these countries, it is drunk not only after breakfast, lunch or dinner, but also at any time of the day.
Of the intoxicating drinks, beer, whiskey, vodka, gin, and various liquors are popular.


Cold appetizers occupy a prominent place in Scandinavian cuisine. In Norway, the assortment of a cold table includes sandwiches, cold meat and fish, hard-boiled eggs, butter and bread. Salads prepared from salmon, eel, herring are distinguished by high calorie content, taste and external design. One of the features of the Norwegian cold table is that smoked fish is served with boiled eggs, and herring is usually marinated. In most cases, fish and vegetable salads are sweetened.
Widely known throughout the world is the Swedish "miss" - a table with a wide variety of snacks and dishes. A characteristic feature of the buffet is self-service and food depending on appetite and taste.
The buffet is also popular in our country.
Cheeses of different varieties, smoked, boiled, marinated fish, vegetable salads with mayonnaise and sour cream, shrimps, lobsters, herring pate and different types of fish, cold chickens, omelettes stuffed with shrimp, mushrooms (champignons and chanterelles), fish, dairy products - all this is the pride of the buffet cold table. A characteristic feature of Swedish cuisine is the abundant consumption of dill (it is put in both cold and hot dishes), as well as sugar: all dishes are slightly sweetened.

Dishes and drinks recommended for tourists from the Scandinavian countries. For breakfast, tourists from Scandinavian countries are advised to offer cold milk or kefir, a double portion of butter, jam, coffee (hot milk must be served separately) and a fresh bun.
Lunch and dinner menus should be made up of common European dishes, considering that first courses should weigh no more than 300 g. More fish dishes should be offered. You should not offer dishes from cottage cheese and lamb. Finns don't like julienned potatoes.
From Russian dishes, Swedes, Danes, Norwegians and Finns love Ukrainian borscht, pancakes with sour cream, crumbly buckwheat porridge, fish delicacies, natural herring with hot round boiled potatoes. From cold snacks tourists from the Scandinavian countries can be offered caviar with butter, salmon or salmon with lemon, sprats, sardines, vegetable salads, marinated pike perch, aspic sturgeon, ham with garnish, boiled tongue with garnish, boiled fried poultry, cold cuts, egg with mayonnaise ; from first courses: soup with potatoes, broths with pies and kulebyaka, dumplings or fikadels, vegetables, cereal side dishes, cabbage soup, borscht, fish or meat hodgepodge, pickles, noodles with chicken; from the second course: boiled or fried pike perch, fried sturgeon, Moscow-style sturgeon, fish in dough, fish baked in milk sauce, natural meat dishes: fillet, beef steak, entrecote, rump steak, fried pork, various poultry, game and egg dishes, cabbage colored with butter, vegetable stew.
A variety of boiled and fried vegetables should be served as a side dish. For dessert: fresh fruits and berries, canned fruit compotes, ice cream, Guryev porridge, cracker pudding, jelly, mousses, apples in wine or baked in a puff, cakes and pastries.

(Soviet national and foreign cuisine. Tityunnik A.I., Novozhenov Yu.M. Moscow: Higher School, 1979)

Cuisines of the peoples of the world
The most remarkable dishes for the daily and festive table
This section will help make your table tasty, varied and attractive.
Here, in the selection of national recipes, the quality of dishes and the convenience of their preparation were taken into account.
Some peoples have a lot of such dishes, some have a few.
See also wonderful national dishes in the section.
See the world-famous section for many recipes for national dishes.
See all the richness of national cuisines in the relevant sections

Scandinavian cuisine differs from European in a large number of fish dishes in boiled, fried and baked forms.

Finns love herring with boiled potatoes, fish delicacies, as well as pancakes with sour cream, dumplings, sausages, crumbly buckwheat porridge with butter.

Of the first courses, they are very popular with fish soup, chicken or meat broth with pies, kulebyaka and various cereal and vegetable side dishes, as well as dressing soups. In the morning Finns drink milk, coffee with milk, kefir.

Rye black bread and wheat white bread are served at the table.

The Swedish "miss" is known all over the world - a cold table with a wide variety of snacks. Nutritious, pleasing to the eye, sandwiches and cold snacks made up of unusual combinations of products are the pride of Swedish cuisine.

A cold table - smergasbord - is served for the first and second breakfasts and for dinner, which in Sweden is served in the evening, at 7-8 o'clock. Breakfast includes coffee, hot milk, sour cream, jam, eggs, oatmeal, bagels and puff pastry rolls.

A lot of dishes, as in Finnish cuisine, are prepared from fresh Baltic herring, but pickled herring is not left unattended.

Cheeses of different varieties, smoked, boiled, marinated fish, vegetable salads with mayonnaise and sour cream, shrimps, lobsters, cold chickens, omelettes stuffed with shrimps, mushrooms, fish - all this makes up a cold table.

A characteristic feature of Swedish cuisine is the abundant use of dill, it is put in cold and hot dishes, as well as sugar - all dishes are slightly sweetened.

The Swedes' favorite side dish is spinach, which is especially often served with fish. Gravy and sauces are seasoned with sour cream.

Meatballs made from meat and fish are very popular in Sweden, they are served in mushroom sauce, fresh parsley, dill, chopped eggs and vegetables.

Hot dogs in Sweden are not usually served with stewed cabbage or mashed potatoes. Ketchup, horseradish, mustard, cucumber - a common seasoning for sausages, which are served on half a salted bun.

Swedes love thick pea soup with corned beef, beans with pork, flour tortillas with hot punch. Very often, pates are prepared from herring and different varieties of fish.

Pancakes are usually stuffed with fresh berries (blueberries, raspberries or fruit).

For the preparation of Swedish sandwiches, several types of bread are used - white, black, with a sweetish aftertaste, juniper with caraway seeds and other spices, flatbreads, bagels, crackers, crackers.

Danish "multi-story sandwiches" are made from a variety of seafood, lettuce, asparagus shoots, eggs, sauces, beautifully stacked on a toasted slice of rye bread and garnished with herbs.

Stewed whale meat, the so-called "sea beef", is also a feature of Scandinavian cuisine. Lunch usually ends with a cup of strong coffee. Coffee with cheese is a dessert common in Scandinavia.

In Norway, a country widely known in the world for its fisheries, fish is one of the staple foods.

Fresh and canned fish are widely represented on the menu of Norwegians. Snacks, soups and hot dishes are prepared from it. Salads made from salmon, eel, and herring are distinguished by high calorie content, wonderful taste and external design.

Despite the short summer, Norwegians grow high quality vegetables. Vegetable and fish salads in most cases are sweetened.

Smoked fish is served with boiled eggs. Herring is usually pickled.

Sandwiches, butter and fish, hard-boiled eggs and bread - this is the main assortment of the Norwegian cold table.

Fish, vegetable and meat soups are often seasoned with flour, cooked with fillet meatballs; boiled meat, poultry, with vegetable sauce; meat with vegetables, boiled cod with potatoes and butter, pates, game in sour cream with pickled lingonberries, cranberry or cloudberry jam or jam, boiled herring with potato garnish, whipped cream, fruit jelly - Norwegians love all this very much.

The most popular drink is milk, everyone here drinks it - both children and adults. Hot drinks include tea and coffee.

Norwegians also drink light and dark beer and homemade fruit wine.

200 g pasta, 1 small head of cauliflower, 1 small celery root, 2 carrots, 200 g ham or hunting sausage, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, 3 tbsp. spoons of mayonnaise, 1 teaspoon of mustard.

Break the macaroni and boil in salted water.
Cut the carrots and celery into cubes, divide the cabbage into small pieces and boil all the vegetables in lightly salted water, but do not boil.
Season chilled vegetables and pasta with mayonnaise, vegetable oil, vinegar, mustard, add ham or sausage cut into strips.

300 g of tender bean pods, 3 slightly salted herring, 3 boiled potatoes, 1 onion, 100-125 g of mayonnaise.

Break the bean pods into 2-3 parts, stew in a small amount of water.
Cut the herring 3 cm wide.
Peel potatoes and cut into thin slices.
Mix mayonnaise with grated onion and pepper and season them with cooked foods.

250 g fish, 1 pickled cucumber, 2 tomatoes, 1 small onion, 1-2 apples, 100 g mayonnaise, salt, pepper, mustard.

Boil the fish in a very small amount of water, remove the bones and cut into pieces.
Cucumber, tomatoes, onions and apples cut into cubes and combined with pieces of fish, season with salt, pepper, mayonnaise and mustard.

2 salted herring, 3 eggs, 1 onion, 3 tbsp. spoons of vinegar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of margarine, 1 teaspoon of mustard, a pinch of sugar.

Soak the herring well, peel and remove the insides, cut it first along, and then into cubes, but not too small.
Finely chop the onion and lightly fry in margarine.
Raw eggs (2 pcs.) Beat together with vinegar and pour the onion with this mixture.
Season with mustard and sugar.
Put the prepared pieces of herring in the cooled sauce.
Garnish with parsley and boiled egg slices.

125 g salmon slices, 2 hard-boiled eggs, 1 pickled cucumber, 2 cups boiled rice, 100 g mayonnaise.

Cut salmon into slices, cut eggs and cucumber into cubes, mix with boiled rice and mayonnaise.

1 cup boiled diced beets, 1 cup pineapple slices, 1/2 cup whipped cream.

Mix all products carefully.

3 large herrings, 1 glass of wine vinegar, 1 glass of water, 250 g of sugar, 1/2 teaspoon of pepper, 10 cloves, 2 small bay leaves, marjoram on the tip of a knife.

Soak herring for 1-2 days, then peel off the skin and remove the insides.
Mix vinegar with water, add sugar and spices and boil the herring.
Cut it into pieces 3-4 cm wide and pour over the cooled marinade.
Infuse during the day.
When serving, the appetizer can be sprinkled with onion rings or poured with thick sour cream, sprinkled with green onions in this case.

In order to cook shmerrebred you need to have:
1. Different types of bread: rye, white, crispbread, etc.
2. Various butter, pastes for spreading sandwiches: butter, whipped butter with grated horseradish, garlic, finely chopped herbs (dill, green onions, parsley, etc.) or the same whipped butter, but mixed with fish or fish rubbed through a sieve canned food.
For variety, you can add finely chopped eggs, different types of butter, lemon juice, salt, pepper, pickled cucumber.
3. Various Sandwich Coating Products:
meat, marinated beets, and in the middle raw yolk, pieces of smoked fish, ham, fried fish, slices of lemon, kidney pate, pieces of marinated herring and slices of tomatoes, Roquefort cheese, radish rings, sausages and pieces of anchovies, herring in jelly, decorated with thin red pepper slices, etc.
Sandwiches are served with salads and hot appetizers.

It is prepared very easily, preparation - 5 minutes, baking - from 4 hours (at a temperature of 120 ° C) to 8 hours (at a temperature of 80 ° C), salting (salting) takes 1-3 days.
In 2 liters of hot or warm, but always boiled water, dilute 2 cups (200 ml each) of salt, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, 1 teaspoon of saltpeter and salt the lamb in the cooked brine.
Turn several times during salting.
Put the lamb in a thick-walled metal oven deep frying pan (like a goose), close and place in the oven.
After cooking, cool, free from the crust formed on the surface (sintered fat, films, salt) and cut the inner soft part of the meat across the fibers into slices, like ham.
Serve with brown bread.

1 kg of meat, 1 kg of potatoes, 3 onions, 50 g of oil (fat) and allspice, "sausage salt" (ready-made powder, including saltpeter and flavorings), table salt, intestines (or their artificial substitutes).

Easy to prepare. Preparation takes 30 minutes, heat treatment 2-2.5 hours.
Boil the meat for 1.5 hours, chop finely.
Peel the potatoes, dip them in boiling water without slicing, boil for 5 minutes at a very strong boil, chop finely into slices, not allowing to cool, and immediately grease with chopped oil (fat).
Finely chop the onion, crush the pepper (not grind).
Mix all ingredients and season with salt. Fill the intestines with stuffing, tie it tight. Boil in water flavored with “sausage salt”, salt and pepper for 30 minutes.
Brown slightly boiled sausages in a pan, add garlic before serving.
Serve hot with salad.

100 g of rice, 150 g of barley (barley) groats, 2 onions, 100 g of ghee or margarine, 0.5 l of milk, 250 g of raisins, 100 g of molasses (berry), 1.5 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of ginger, 1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder, "sausage salt" (ready-made, industrial), small intestines (can be artificial), water.

Easily prepared. It takes 30 minutes to cut and 30-45 minutes to roast.
Boil the cereal until half cooked.
Finely chop the onion, wash the raisins in warm water.
Mix porridge, onions, raisins, spices and seasonings.
Fill each intestine halfway and, shifting the filling in portions, tie gently at intervals, and then cut into small sausages.
Chop the sausages, put them in a deep, thick-walled pan and pour a weak solution of molasses (pour enough water so that the indicated amount of molasses dilutes to an almost imperceptible sweetness).
Place the frying pan in the oven and bake the sausages at 150°C for 35-45 minutes.
Serve sausages only hot, when they are slightly browned, with soaked lingonberries.

8 pcs. large herring, 1 apple, 2 onions.
For marinade:
1 st. spoon of grape vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon of ground white pepper, 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 teaspoons of salt, 50 g of finely chopped dill, 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped green onion, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil.

This dish entered the Finnish national cuisine at the beginning of the 19th century, and has become popular in recent years.
It is prepared very simply. It takes 15 minutes to prepare, 2-6 hours to marinate.
Carefully free the herring from the bones, trying not to break the fillets.
Carefully place the fillet on a wide dish so that all the fish cover the bottom in one layer.
Peel the apple, cut into cubes, chop the onion as well. Put the cubes on the fillet.
Make a marinade, pour herring over them.
Serve the finished dish after 2-3 hours or later, when the herring is completely marinated.
Keep refrigerated.

6 eggs, 1 tbsp. tablespoon finely chopped green onion, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter or margarine, 150 ml of milk, 1 teaspoon of salt. Ground white (black) pepper to taste.

Crack eggs into a cup, beat them with milk, onion, pepper and salt.
Heat the oil in a frying pan, pour the egg mixture into it and heat until cooked.
Such an omelet is served with any smoked fish along with boiled potatoes.

Hard-boil eggs, cool in cold water, peel and grind with a fork until gruel.
Mix egg porridge with butter softened to room temperature, salt.
Egg butter is spread on bread, served with boiled potatoes, it is always at the festive table.

4 salted Baltic herring, 750 g boiled potatoes, 2 large onions, 250 g smoked meat, ground white pepper.
For refueling:
200 g heavy cream or sour cream, 4 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar, mustard to taste, salt.

Soak salted herring for an hour in water or in a mixture of water and milk.
Finely chop the onion.
Peel cold boiled potatoes and cut into cubes.
Cut the meat and filleted herring into small thin slices of the same size.
Mix all these ingredients.
Whip the cream with a mixer into a firm foam.
Dissolve sugar, mustard powder, salt in vinegar and add salad mixture.
Top with a heap of whipped cream and immediately refrigerate to ripen.
Serve no earlier than two hours later.

4 large turnips, 100 g of Savolak ham (boar, deer, bear), 200 g of canned green peas, a little rye dough, thinly rolled or foil, salt.

Peel the turnip from the peel and cut a recess in it in place of the tops.
Finely chop the ham, fill the recesses in the turnips with it and the peas, having previously greased the bottom and walls of the recesses with butter or ghee.
Season with salt and butter the top of the filling.
Wrap the turnips very tightly with dough or foil.
If dough is used, then it must be greased with oil.
Bake the turnips at 225°C and brush the pastry shell with oil during baking.
Let the turnips taken out of the oven stand for some time before serving, but serve them warm.

Peel the turnips from the peel, make indentations in it, fill them with lingonberries with sugar to the top, with a slide, wrap with rye dough, rolled out like for noodles or with foil.
Bake in an oven heated to 220°C.
Let stand for a while after baking, but serve warm.

Prepare the cheese mass, strain the whey from the clot through a sieve with gauze.
Rinse the cheese mass and, having formed from it, as it were, a large cheesecake, shift it into a mold.
Scorch with the flame of an open fire, keeping a little away from the heat, the cheese should become “tanned”.
In the process of frying, grease the surface of the cheese with melted butter.
Can be served hot or cold with coffee.

Gut freshly caught fish and simmer over low heat in a small amount of water until tender.
Remove the bones from the cooked fish, cut in two.
Finely chop the onion.
Salt, pepper the fish broth, add onion to it.
Put decoratively carved boiled carrots, capers on the bottom of a mold or an enameled dish, and put pieces of fish on them so that they cling to and cover the vegetables.
Then, carefully, so as not to move the fish, pour the broth into the mold and put the dish in the refrigerator.
Serve cold as an appetizer, inverting the form onto a plate.

Chop the onion as finely as possible, tear the caviar bag, put the caviar in a deep bowl, free from films, accidentally crushed eggs, blood and fat inclusions, and carefully but carefully wipe the caviar with a fork on a sieve, the cells of which are slightly larger than the eggs, so that all films are removed.
Mix the peeled caviar with onion, salt and white pepper until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Gradually, with a spoon, pour the cream into the caviar and also gradually knead so that they are absorbed by the mass.
Add salt to the mixture and let the salt soak in about an hour before serving.
Serve as a gourmet appetizer for dinner, with hot boiled potatoes or on bread and butter.

500 g carrots, 500 g beets, 2 large onions, 250 g smoked meat, 3 salted herring and 1 herring, 1 teaspoon of salt.
For sauce:
200 ml water, 3 tbsp. spoons of wine vinegar from red wine or 200 ml of cream, 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of mustard, 0.5 teaspoon of salt, ground pepper to taste.

Boil carrots and beets until fully cooked and cool.
Chop the onion. Cut the smoked meat into small thin leaves.
Cut carrots and beets into small cubes.
Mix meat, carrots, beets, onions and salted fish cut into small pieces.
If salted fish is part of the salad, then it can not be salted, but if it is placed in the form of a fillet nearby, then it should be salted.
Serve the salad about an hour after mixing.

500 g of boiled carrots, 750 g of beets, 250 g of potatoes, 150 g of cheese - hailstones or 200 g of any cheese, salt.

Cut all vegetables into small cubes, mix and add part of a portion of cheese, mix lightly so as not to crush, salt, transfer to a dish and decorate with the remaining cheese, lay out the monograms of the host or hostess, and possibly the guest.

1 bottle of light beer, 1 bottle of dark beer, lemon peel or ginger, 1-2 tbsp. spoons of sugar, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour, 1 egg, 1 egg yolk, a little milk, salt.

Put the lemon peel into the beer and bring to a boil. 1 st. Dilute a spoonful of flour in cold milk and add to the soup.
Season with sugar and salt.
Mix the egg with flour, add a little milk, stir well so that there are no lumps, and pour into the soup.
Boil for 5 minutes and remove from heat.
Beat the egg yolk and a few tablespoons of soup well and add to the soup.

1 kg of beef (well-fed brisket and sugar bone or shoulder part), 2.5 liters of water, 1 tbsp. spoon (without top) salt, 10 white or black peppercorns, 2 onions, 2 carrots, 1/2 celery root, 1/4 swede, 1/2 parsnip, 6 medium potatoes, 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped parsley.

Rinse the meat, pat dry with a towel and place dry in boiling water.
Remove foam, put onion, salt, pepper.
When the meat is cooked, peel it from the tendons, cut into large pieces.
Put rutabagas, carrots, celery, parsnips and, last but not least, potatoes in the soup.
Shortly before the meat is ready, remove the bones, cut the meat into small pieces, dip into the soup, decorate the soup with finely chopped parsley.
Soup is eaten at lunch with good fresh bread, with kvass, sometimes washed down with milk.

2 liters of water, 250 g of peas and 2.5 liters of water for soaking, 350 g of pork meat and some pork bones with bone marrow, 250 g of beef, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 2 teaspoons of wheat flour.

Soak the peas overnight, changing the water once - before night, the second time - early in the morning.
Cut the meat into pieces and put in boiling water along with the bones.
Put the peas a little earlier already in slightly warmed, but not in strongly boiling water, and even better in cold boiled water.
After boiling, remove the foam, salt, with a slight boil, cook for 2-3 hours.
Season with flour (dissolve the flour in a quarter cup of boiled cold water and pour into the broth).

1 kg of sauerkraut, 0.5 kg of pork and, in addition, a little marrow and sugar bones, 1 bouillon cube, 2.5 liters of water, 10 peppercorns, salt to taste.

Rinse the cabbage with cold water or even soak it for half an hour.
Wash the meat, put it in boiling water, crush the bones, put them together with the meat and brain.
Remove the foam, salt, pepper, put the bouillon cube, then lay the cabbage in a high-boiling broth.
After a few minutes, reduce the fire and cook the cabbage soup over moderate heat for 2-3 hours.
Before serving, remove the meat, cut into small pieces and put back into the cabbage soup.

2 kg crushed brain bones of a deer, 2 carrots, half each of celery and parsnips, 2 liters of water, 100 g of oil, 2 large onions, 100 g of wheat flour, 1 cube of meat broth concentrate, 3 tbsp. spoons of chopped parsley, 2 teaspoons of salt.

Crush the bones so that the brain can be taken out and set aside by flooding them with cold water.
Peel carrots, celery, parsnips, cut into cubes.
Boil the bones in salted water with the addition of spices for at least 2 hours.
Cut the onion, fry it in oil, season with flour, add a cube of meat concentrate and add a little broth.
Pour in the dressing, continue to cook the broth itself for another half an hour on low heat so that it does not boil, but languishes slightly.
At the end of cooking, season the soup with finely chopped parsley.
Serve soup with croutons or small crackers.

4 potatoes, 100 ml cream, 2 tbsp. spoons of raisins, 3 eggs, 100 g of wheat flour, 1 teaspoon of salt, 0.25 teaspoons of ginger, 0.8 liters of water, broth of 3 meat stock cubes or 800 ml of strong meat stock, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped parsley.

Boil potatoes in their skins, peel, mash until it is hot, mashed potatoes, add cream, salt, ginger, raisins.
Beat the eggs well and gradually mix them into the mashed potatoes, while adding the flour and kneading the whole mass evenly.
Boil the broth in an open wide bowl, dip small dumplings into the bubbling liquid, taking them with a teaspoon.
Cook until they are cooked inside and all float to the surface.
Sprinkle the dumplings laid out on a dish with parsley, serve hot.

1.5 kg of beef or lamb, 2.5 liters of water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 2 onions, 3 carrots, a quarter of a swede, 1 celery, 10 medium potatoes, 12 allspice peas, 300 ml of dumpling dough (see previous recipe).

Boil the meat with onions and peppers, removing the foam. Cut the rutabaga, carrots, celery and potatoes into slices, dip into the broth.
An hour after cooking the meat, take it out, cut it into small pieces and put it back into the broth.
From the dumpling mass prepared by this time, form dumplings with a teaspoon, dip them into the soup, continuing to cook it.
When ready, when the dumplings begin to float, take them out with a slotted spoon into a heated dish left on the stove.
Remove scale from the finished soup, pour boiled dumplings into it, serve the soup to the table.

2.5 liters of water, 400 g of bone marrow or marrow bones, 600 g of veal brisket, 2 large onions, 4 medium carrots, 1 small swede, 8 allspice peas, 0.5 celery root, 1 stalk of leeks, 2 bay leaves, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 0.5 teaspoons of ginger and nutmeg.

Brain bone and meat put in boiled cold water.
Onions, carrots, turnips, celery, leeks, peeled and washed, whole, without cutting, put in a boiled broth.
Avoid boiling, cook on low heat for 6-8 hours. Strain the broth through cheesecloth soaked in cold water and wrung out and let it cool.
Remove fat from the cooled broth.
Pour into a jar, seal and use as needed, warming up.
Serve with pies, pies, cheesecakes as a hot snack dish.
Boiled hard parts of the broth should be used on the day of preparation.

100 g of butter, 100 g of barley flour, 100 g of wheat flour, 0.4 l of strong meat broth, 2 eggs, 1/4 teaspoon of ground ginger, cardamom and white (black) pepper.

Dissolve the butter in a frying pan, quickly add the flour to it, carefully stirring into a homogeneous mass, pour in the broth in small portions, continuously stirring until smooth.
Let it simmer for 10 minutes over low heat, while stirring. Cool down.
Pour beaten eggs into the resulting dough and add spices, mix well.
Form dumplings from the mass and boil them in the soup.
Use as one of the types of dumplings of a different consistency than potato dumplings.

Beat eggs with a mixer, salt, add sugar.
Mix egg mixture with rye flour. Add half a glass (100 ml) of milk to the resulting dough, beat, stir until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
Make dumplings out of the dough with your hands. Put the milk to boil.
At the moment of boiling, pour all the dumplings into it at once.
When they float to the surface and swell, the dish will be ready.

103 g chicken, 104 g cauliflower, 16 g green onions, 16 g carrots, 6 g celery, 34 g spinach, 89 g green peas, 1/4 egg yolk, 35 g cream, parsley, flour, pepper, salt, oil.

Cauliflower, green onions, celery, carrots are finely chopped and put in a bowl, adding green peas, a little broth and simmer until tender.
Spinach is finely chopped and stewed.
Prepare white sauce. Poached vegetables, spinach are placed in boiling chicken broth, white sauce is added and boiled.
Before serving, season with lezon at a temperature of 75-80 ° C (egg yolks are combined with cream) and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

110 ml of milk, 23 g of carrots, 17 g of turnip, 25 g of rice, 8 g of parsnips, 9 g of onion, 7 g of butter, pepper and salt to taste.

Parsnips, turnips, onions, finely chopped and sautéed in oil.
Then the vegetables are put into the broth, rice is added and boiled for 30-40 minutes.
At the end of cooking, put spices, pour in hot milk and mix.

60 g shelled peas, 116 g salted pork, 10 g bacon, 15 g onion, cloves and nutmeg.

Shelled peas are soaked for a day in cold water.
Then peas with salted pork, bacon and onion, sticking one clove into it, and grated nutmeg are boiled for about three hours on low heat.
The bow is removed.
When ready, the meat and bacon are taken out, cut into pieces and, when served, put in the soup.
Mustard is served separately.

Put a slice of cheese on a slice of ham, roll up a roll and bandage.
Fry in fat until crispy, serve with croutons, mashed potatoes or vegetables.

4 slices of beef (rump or buttocks), 3 large onions, 600 g potatoes, 80 g finely chopped bacon, 2 cups meat broth, salt, pepper, mustard, fat.

Beat the meat on both sides with a wooden mallet or chopper, spread with mustard and fry in margarine.
Dissolve the bacon in a saucepan, add the peeled and sliced ​​potatoes, the onion, cut into large slices, put the slices of fried meat on top.
Lightly salt and pepper each layer.
Pour the broth over the dish, close the lid and simmer for 20-30 minutes.
Serve in a pot.

2 fried sausages, 3 apples, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil, 50 g butter, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar.

Sausages put for 10 minutes in hot water, but do not boil.
Peel the apples, cut into slices and place in a greased fireproof dish.
Place sausages on top. Pour everything with vegetable oil, then spread small pieces of butter over the surface, sprinkle lightly with sugar and put in the oven for 20 minutes to bake at a moderate temperature.
Serve boiled potatoes or black bread with this dish.

500 g of lamb, 30-60 g of margarine, 1 kg of white cabbage, salt, 1 teaspoon of peppercorns, 2 tbsp. spoons of flour.

Cut the lamb into medium-sized pieces and fry in a pan.
Add a little water, salt and simmer until almost cooked.
Remove the meat, and in the sauce left over from frying the meat, stew the cabbage, after cutting it quite large.
When the cabbage is ready, transfer it along with the meat to a glass refractory dish.
Mix the liquid remaining from frying with flour, add salt, crushed pepper, add a little water, boil everything to make a rather thick sauce, and pour cabbage over it.
Put the dish in the oven for another 20 minutes.
Serve boiled potatoes with cumin for lamb.

500 g fresh herring, 6 black peppercorns, 1/2 bay leaf, 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar, dill, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of margarine, 1/2 cup condensed milk, lemon juice, salt.

Peel the herring, remove the insides. Cut each herring lengthwise and roll into a roll mops.
Boil in a small amount of salted water, adding bay leaves, peppercorns, vinegar and dill to it.
Mix the melted margarine with cream, mix the sauce well and add pepper, salt, and lemon juice to it.
Pour the rollmops with the prepared sauce.
Serve with boiled potatoes or vegetables.

Peel the herring, cut each in half lengthwise, lightly salt, sprinkle with vinegar and grease on both sides with mustard.
Roll first in flour, then in breadcrumbs.
Cut the bacon into cubes and melt.
In this fat, fry the herring on both sides.
Serve with potato salad or mashed potatoes.

Clean the herring, remove the entrails and pat dry.
Lightly salt and cut lengthwise.
From flour, water or milk and eggs (salt everything), knead the batter.
Dip halves of herring in the dough and immediately bake in a large amount of fat (the fish should swim in it).
Fry until a golden crust forms on the surface of the herring.

1 serving pork fillet, 1 apple, 50 g pitted prunes, 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons butter or margarine, 1/2 cup cream, 1 cup water or stock, starch, salt.

Cut the fillet lengthwise, beat with a hammer, put softened prunes and apples on it, cut into thin slices.
Roll the cooked meat along the length of the piece in the form of a roll and tie tightly with a thread.
Fry the resulting roll in very hot fat, then salt, add water and simmer until tender.
Release the roll from the thread, cut into slices 1.5-2 cm thick, pour over the sauce and serve with potatoes or crumbly rice.

1 chicken, 100 g of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 cup of grated pineapple, 1 glass of mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. spoons of cream, green salad leaves.

Put salt and sugar in 1.5 liters of water and boil. Cool down.
Gut the chicken, wash, divide into portions and pour in brine, stand for 2 days.
Turn the meat from time to time.
Then remove the chicken from the brine and boil in a small amount of water.
Separate the finished chicken from the bones and remove the skin from it.
Mix mayonnaise with cream and add a little pineapple juice.
Put the dish with lettuce leaves, spread chicken pieces on them, sprinkle them with grated pineapple, pour over the sauce.
Serve baked potatoes with chicken.

1 head of savoy cabbage, 500 g potatoes, 4 carrots, 4 stalks of leeks, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1 large onion, salt, pepper, 1-2 sprigs of cumin.

Cut the carrots lengthwise, cut the leek into 2 cm wide pieces, divide the savoy cabbage into small pieces.
Cut potatoes into cubes.
Heat vegetable oil, put vegetables in it, season with salt and pepper, add coarsely chopped onion, chopped cumin leaves, put pieces of meat or bacon on top.
Pour three glasses of water and simmer in the oven for one hour.

500 g fish fillet, 25 g bacon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of margarine, 1 large onion, 1 slice of bread, 2 tbsp. spoons of condensed milk, salt, red pepper, finely chopped parsley.
FOR the sauce:
1 st. a spoonful of butter, 1/4 milk, 1/8 sour milk or yogurt, 1 tube of capers, lemon juice.

Pass the fish fillet through a meat grinder, diced bacon, melt in a pan, add margarine and finely chopped onion and fry it lightly.
Soak a slice of bread and knead.
Mix all the ingredients, salt, add red pepper and parsley.
Shape into small dumplings and boil lightly in boiling water. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
Then remove the dumplings from the water and put in a warm place.
Dilute starch in milk, pour into broth and boil.
Then add capers, lemon juice, yogurt.
Boil the fish dumplings in the sauce over very low heat, serve with potatoes.

250 g minced meat, 250 g minced meat, 2 tbsp. spoons of breadcrumbs, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated onions, 2 boiled potatoes, passed through a meat grinder, 1 teaspoon of potato flour, 1 glass of milk, 1.5 teaspoons of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of pepper, fat.

Mix all products well, let stand for 10-20 minutes.
Form meatballs the size of a nut and fry in very hot fat (shake the pan often so that the meatballs are fried evenly on all sides), do not put them too tightly in the pan so that they can roll.
Can be served both cold and hot.
Make a gravy for hot meatballs from 1 cup of sour cream, add a little mustard, sugar, salt, pepper.

500 g of scraped meat, 100 g of boiled potatoes, cut into small cubes, 100 g of pickled beets, 2 tbsp. tablespoons grated onion, 2 tbsp. spoons of capers, 2 eggs, salt, red pepper, mustard, fat.

Mix all the products and form steaks 1.5 cm thick from the minced meat.
Fry the steaks in hot fat and serve with fried potatoes.

100 g beef, 100 g lean pork, 100 g veal, 2 cold boiled potatoes, 40 g well-soaked herring, 1 onion, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon salt, 0.5 teaspoon pepper, a few tablespoons of milk, fat .
For sauce:
2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flour, 2 teaspoons of cinnamon, 1 cup of meat broth, 0.5 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sugar, salt, pepper, 1 teaspoon of oil.

Meat, together with potatoes and herring, pass through a meat grinder twice.
Mix with finely chopped and fried onion, egg, a little milk, add spices.
Form steaks and fry them in fat in a very hot frying pan on both sides, until a crust forms on the surface.
Sauce preparation.
Put sugar in a small saucepan, put on fire and cook caramel, add vinegar and broth.
Add cinnamon berries to the resulting sauce and boil everything.
Fry the flour in a pan in 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, add broth with cinnamon.
Before serving, add the rest of the oil to the sauce.

500 g of lamb, 2-3 black peppercorns, 1 bay leaf, 1 teaspoon of salt.
For sauce:
30 g butter, 1/4 l meat broth, 30 g flour, 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 egg yolk, 2 tbsp. tablespoons finely chopped dill, salt, pepper.

Rinse the meat, rub with salt, add spices and dill, pour in a small amount of water and simmer for 1.5 hours under the lid.
Remove the cooked meat, cool slightly, cut into slices and put back into the hot broth.
Add flour to the butter melted in a pan, fry lightly and dilute with broth.
Season the resulting gravy with vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper.
Beat the yolk with a few tablespoons of broth, pour into the sauce, add dill.
Put the meat into the prepared sauce and boil over low heat.

Peel the potatoes and cut across into thin slices, but not completely, so that the potato looks whole on the outside.
Lubricate the form from the inside with oil and place the potatoes in it, sprinkle with salt and pepper on top, put a piece of butter on each.
Sprinkle grated cheese on top.
Put the mold in the oven with medium heat for baking.
Serve golden brown potatoes with green salad, meat or fish stew.

1 hare of medium size, 125 g of bacon, 3 tbsp. spoons of margarine, 1 full teaspoon of salt, 0.5 teaspoon of pepper, 2 cups of broth, 1 cup of cream, 2-3 bottles of beer.

Remove the skin from the hare and gut it. Pour beer and stand for two days.
Then take out the hare, dry it and stuff it with strips of bacon, previously salted and peppered.
Put the hare in a frying pan with its back down and fry in very hot oil.
Then add a little water and simmer under the lid until tender, pouring the resulting juice from time to time.
Shortly before the meat becomes quite soft, pour in the warmed cream. Serve the hare on a hot plate.
Separately, serve a strong sauce, garnished with red cabbage and lingonberry compote.

1 kg mackerel, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar, 1 slice of lemon, 1 bunch of dill, 1 onion, 1 glass of mayonnaise, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of cream, a little green onion, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped parsley, 1 hard-boiled egg, 1-2 tomatoes.

Peel the mackerel, put it in water boiling over low heat, add salt, vinegar, a slice of lemon, dill, and then an onion cut in half; mackerel should never be boiled.
Leave the fish overnight in the water in which it was boiled.
After that, remove the skin from the fish and divide it into two halves.
Put the fish on a dish. Dilute mayonnaise with cream, add finely chopped greens, pour mackerel with the resulting sauce.
Sprinkle the remaining herbs on top of the finished fish.
Decorate the dish with quarters of hard-boiled eggs, serve with boiled potatoes and cucumber salad.

1 kg fish fillet, 50 g sausages, 50 g bacon, 2 slices of white bread, 1 large onion, 5 tbsp. tablespoons of milk, 1-2 teaspoons of capers, 1/2 cup finely chopped herbs, vinegar, salt, 1/4 liter of sour cream, 2 eggs.

Peel the fish fillet, sprinkle with vinegar, salt and stew in its own juice.
Then cool, pass through a meat grinder along with sausages, bacon, onions and a soaked slice of bread.
Mix parsley and capers with minced meat and season everything with vinegar and salt.
Fill a greased form with fish mass.
Whip the cream with the yolks, beat the egg whites separately. Combine everything and pour over the minced fish with the resulting mass.
Put the dish in a moderately heated oven and bake for 20 minutes.
Serve potato or green salad with the pie.

200 g rye flour, 200 g wheat flour, 60 g butter, 500 g fish fillet (usually take sea fish), 200 g bacon, 2 onions, salt, pepper, 2 tbsp. spoons of cream, 1 yolk, lard.

Pour water into a glass, pour it gradually into flour, knead the dough, adding oil and salt. Roll out the dough and fold in half.
Put it in the cold for 1/2 hour. Cut the bacon into cubes, coarsely chop the onion and fry everything together. Then pass the onion fried with bacon and washed and prepared fish fillet through a meat grinder, mix the minced meat with cream, salt and pepper. Those
roll out into a not too thin rectangular layer, put minced meat on one half, cover it with the other half and pinch the edges, and then grease them with yolk.
Bake the cake on low heat for 3 hours.
From time to time, the cake should be greased with lard.
Wrap the finished calecucco in a napkin so that the crust is not too hard.
Then cut the pie into pieces, drizzle with toasted butter and serve.

Wash the fish, cut into finger-thick slices, salt, put on a greased frying pan, pour milk and put in a hot oven.
Drizzle with toasted butter before serving.

For the test:
120 g flour, 100 g butter or margarine, 2 tbsp. cream spoons.
For filling:
60 g cooked ham, 50 g Emmental cheese or a handful of mushrooms, 2 eggs, 1 full teaspoon of flour, pepper on the tip of a knife, 1/2 cup of cream.

Despite the fact that the descendants of the ancient Vikings have successfully integrated into the system of modern culinary values ​​and young people are happy to swallow Big Macs and Nuggets, traditional dishes in Scandinavia are still very popular. They are also appreciated in other countries.

Let's start with the fish. Anyone who considers himself a lover of it, acquaintance with Scandinavian cuisine will bring deep satisfaction. The usual, for example, herring in Finland is fried, steamed, boiled and served with berries. In Norway, "Aunt Gerda's Herring" is popular - in a marinade of tomato puree, olive oil, pepper, salt and sugar. In Denmark - honey herring in a mixture of sour cream, mustard, brandy and, of course, honey. In Sweden - "Glazier's herring" in a transparent and, as it were, glassy sugar crust, as well as surströmming - strongly fermented pickled herring, the smell of which terrifies foreigners and truly delights the natives.

Another popular fish is salmon. The king of the table, having power over anyone who understands at least something about food. In Norway, they prepare a dish called graavilohi - salmon marinated in salt, sugar and dill. In Denmark, this fish is placed in a pot full of honey and kept underground for several months. In Sweden, a hearty warming soup is prepared, the recipe of which seems to be dictated by the local climate - not hot and not kind.

We must not forget about another component of Scandinavian cuisine - meat: beef, veal, lamb, horse meat and, of course, pork. The Danes prefer to eat it with stewed red cabbage. In Finland, no holiday is complete without a baked ham with rutabagas, carrots and potatoes. And in Norway, ribbe is strongly respected - a fried pork belly. In addition, Scandinavians love sausages - they are even made here from venison, elk and bear meat. And, of course, juicy meatballs and meatballs will be served on every decent table - the hostess's legitimate pride.

Of course, do not forget about sandwiches - simple and complex ones like Hans Christian Andersen's Favorite Sandwich. Fabulously delicious, multi-storey. It is supposed to be eaten, removing layer by layer, starting from the “attic” and ending with the “foundation”. Well, for dessert, you can offer pies with berries, Danish cookies sprinkled with sugar, Finnish Runeberg cake with sour cream and jam, Danish dream mez flese, thick blackcurrant jelly with whipped cream and delicious fledegröd wheat porridge, hot and tender.

In conclusion, it should be said that not too many spices are used in Scandinavian cuisine: local chefs are convinced that the natural taste of fresh products does not need to be interrupted by extraneous aromas. We agree with this: striving for the best, it is important not to spoil the good.

Salmon baked with asparagus

For 2 persons: salmon fillet - 500 g, olive oil - 4 tbsp. l. (3 for fish and 1 for asparagus), lemon juice - 2 tsp, green asparagus - 400 g, garlic - 1 clove, Provence herbs, basil, dried dill, salt, pepper

Mix olive oil with lemon juice, Provencal herbs, basil and dill. Cut the fish into portions, rub with salt, pepper, 3 tbsp. l. cooked fragrant oil and set aside. Wash the asparagus, peel and cut about 2 cm from the bottom. Finely chop the garlic. Lubricate the foil with 1 tsp. oil, put asparagus and garlic on it. Salt, pepper, roll so that the oil and garlic are evenly distributed. Bake salmon on the middle rack at 180 ° C, asparagus on the lower rack for 15 minutes.

253 kcal
Time for preparing 30 minutes
4 points

Pork baked

For 10 persons: pork (carbonade) - 1.5 kg, garlic - 4 cloves, grated horseradish - 1 tbsp. l., mustard - 2 tbsp. l., rosemary - 4 sprigs, salt, pepper

Wash the meat, dry it, stuff it with garlic cloves cut into quarters, rub with salt, pepper and horseradish. Top and bottom put two sprigs of rosemary torn into pieces, pack the meat in a bag and put in the refrigerator for 14-15 hours. Remove the meat, fry on all sides in a very hot frying pan. Put fresh rosemary on the meat, wrap in foil and put in the oven, heated to 200-220 ° C for two hours. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, unfold the foil and allow the meat to brown.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 268 kcal
Time for preparing 3 hours
Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 4 points

Scandinavian herring

For 4 persons: salted herring - 2 pcs., dry red wine - 400 ml, wine vinegar - 1/2 tbsp., sugar - 3 tsp., onion or red salad - 1 pc., cloves - 3 pcs., bay leaf - 2 pieces, mustard seeds - 1 tsp, coriander seeds - 1 tsp.

Prepare wine marinade: mix dry red wine and wine vinegar in a small saucepan. Pour prepared spices - coriander grains, mustard seeds, bay leaf and sugar. Put the saucepan on the fire, bring the wine to a boil, boil the marinade for 5 minutes over medium heat. Cut the herring fillet into portions of a suitable size and put them in a deep dish or in a food container in layers along with onion rings and spices. Pour wine sauce over, cover with cling film, refrigerate for 1-2 days. Serve with slices of boiled potatoes, pre-garnish to taste.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 222 kcal
Time for preparing 20 minutes
Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 3 points

swedish meatballs

For 6 persons: minced pork - 800 g, milk - 190 ml, eggs - 2 pcs., butter - 75 g, garlic - 2 cloves, flour - 50 g, meat or chicken broth - 600 ml, ground allspice - 1/4 tsp. l., fresh bread crumbs - 1 cup, salt, dried dill, ground black pepper

Put minced meat, finely chopped garlic, lightly beaten eggs, bread crumbs and spices in a bowl. Add 10 ml of milk, stir until smooth. Form meatballs the size of a small tangerine from minced meat, put on a baking sheet covered with foil and send to the oven preheated to 220 ° C for 15-20 minutes. Prepare the sauce. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the flour and fry, stirring, for 2-3 minutes. In a thin stream, stirring constantly, pour in the milk, and then the warmed broth. Salt and cook, stirring, until thickened. Put the finished meatballs in a deep bowl and pour over the sauce.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 190 kcal
Time for preparing 1 hour
Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

lingonberry pie

For 8 persons: oatmeal (hercules) - 1 cup, sugar - 200 g, butter - 50 g, eggs - 3 pcs., flour - 2 cups, baking powder - 1 tsp, cranberries - 1.5-2 cups.

Put oatmeal in a pan with 100 g of sugar and butter, fry, stirring constantly, until golden brown.
Cool down. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Grind the yolks with sugar, add 3/4 cup of water, then flour with baking powder, mix until smooth. Beat the whites until a thick foam. Gently add the fried oatmeal, berries and whipped proteins to the dough. Pour the dough into a mold previously greased with oil. Bake at 200°C for about 30-40 minutes.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 350 kcal
Time for preparing 1 hour
Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 5 points

sandwich cake

For 4 persons: whole grain bread - 4 slices, smoked salmon fillet - 200 g, cucumber - 1 pc., curd cheese - 420 g, dry dill - 2 tbsp. l., olives, black olives, sun-dried tomatoes, herbs, salt

Divide cottage cheese into three parts. Remove the skin from the cucumber, remove the seeds, cut into small cubes. Put one part of cheese into a blender, add cucumber, dill, a little salt. Mix and set aside. Mix the second part of the cheese with fish fillet slices and also mix in a blender. Assemble the cake by successively layering slices of bread first with salmon, then with cucumber, and finally with ordinary curd cheese. Press lightly on top, trim the edges and refrigerate for a couple of hours. Before serving, cut into four pieces with a sharp knife, garnish with sun-dried tomatoes, olives and olives.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 290 kcal
Time for preparing 30 minutes
Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 3 points

Creamy soup with salmon

For 8-10 persons: whole salmon - 2 kg, onion - 2 pcs., bay leaf - 1 pc., vegetable oil - 20 ml, wheat flour - 10 g, dill - 20 g, carrots - 200 g, allspice - 5 pcs., salt - 2 tsp, potatoes - 300 g, butter - 20 g, cream 20-22% fat - 300 ml

Cut up the fish. Pour head, tail, skin, spine with cold water and put on a big fire. Bring to a boil, remove the foam, add the whole onion, pepper and salt. Cook for half an hour at a low boil. Strain the broth, salt, discard the onion. Peel and cut carrots and onions, fry in vegetable oil until soft. Bring the broth to a boil, put in it peeled and cut into small cubes potatoes. Heat the butter in a frying pan, put a tablespoon of flour there and pour in a little broth. Fry, stirring quickly so that there are no lumps. When the potatoes are boiled almost to readiness, add onion-carrot and flour frying to the pan and immediately after that - washed and cut into large cubes of fish fillet. Add cream to soup. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and serve.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 134 kcal
Time for preparing 2 hours
Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 4 points

Porridge "Fledegred" with raspberries

For 3 persons: wheat groats - 1 cup, cream 20% fat - 3 cups, sugar - 1 tbsp. l., salt, fresh raspberries - 2 cups

Rinse the grits, put in a saucepan, pour over the cream, add sugar, mix. Bring the mixture in a saucepan to a boil and cook over very low heat until tender, 45-50 minutes. Remove from heat, salt to taste. Wash the raspberries thoroughly, let the water drain. Put half of the berries in a saucepan with porridge, mix gently. Arrange the finished porridge on plates, decorate with the remaining berries and serve.

Calorie content per serving per 100 g 250 kcal
Time for preparing 1 hour
Difficulty level on a 10-point scale 3 points

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