Home Berries Election Commission of the Republic of Ingushetia. Election Commission of the Republic of Ingushetia Political activity: Vladimir Churov - Chairman of the Central Election Commission

Election Commission of the Republic of Ingushetia. Election Commission of the Republic of Ingushetia Political activity: Vladimir Churov - Chairman of the Central Election Commission

Explanation of the Chairman of the Central Election Commission of Russia V.E. Churov on the production of printed materials for the purposes of election campaigning using equipment belonging to electoral associations.

The State Duma
Federal Assembly
Russian Federation

V. G. Soloviev

Dear Vadim Georgievich!

Your appeal dated October 25, 2010 No. SVG-3/337 to the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation has been carefully considered.
As follows from paragraph 11 of Article 54 of the Federal Law "On Basic Guarantees of Electoral Rights and the Right to Participate in a Referendum of Citizens of the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law), organizations, individual entrepreneurs performing work or providing services for the production of printed campaign materials must submit to the appropriate commission information on the amount and other terms of payment for the work (services) provided by them no later than 30 days from the date of the official publication of the decision on the appointment of elections. However, the electoral associations themselves are not organizations that perform work or provide services for the production of printed campaign materials, in connection with which the requirements of paragraph 11 of Article 54 of the Federal Law do not apply to them.
In addition, the provisions contained in paragraph 2 of clause 6 of Article 59 of the Federal Law provide the electoral association that has nominated the list of candidates the right to use for the purposes of its election campaign without payment from its electoral fund the immovable and movable property in its use (including on lease) on the day of the official publication (publication) of the decision on the appointment of elections. The exception is securities, printed materials and consumables.
Thus, based on the above legislative norms, an electoral association, if it nominates a list of candidates, has the right to independently, without any notification to the electoral commission and publication of announcements in the media, produce printed materials for election campaign purposes, using equipment belonging to it for the day. publication of the decision on the appointment of elections. However, such activities can be considered legitimate only if the cost of consumables (paper, cartridges, etc.) is paid from the funds of the corresponding electoral fund, as well as the requirements of Part 3 of Art. 54 of the Federal Law on the provision of copies of campaign materials and other information to the election commission before the start of their distribution.

V. E. Churov

One of these heroes of the battle for Leningrad is Yevgeny Petrovich Churov, who was the first as a hydrographer to survey the fairway and conduct ice reconnaissance to create an ice route for the Road of Life; actions of submarines on Lake Ladoga.

Evgeny Petrovich Churov was born on March 1, 1918 in the village of Verkhne-Troitsk of the Belebeevsky canton of the Ufa province, in modern Russia there is now a rural-type settlement of Verkhnetroitskoe in the Tuimazinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. His father, Pyotr Andreevich Churov, graduated from the Kazan Veterinary Institute, served as a zemstvo veterinarian. In 1919 he died while serving in the Red Army. Mother - Maria Matveevna Churova (Sorokina), after graduating from the Sterlitamak women's gymnasium, worked in a rural school, taught mathematics. In 1929 M. M. Churova died. In times of famine, relatives were forced to send Zhenya to an orphanage, where it was much better and more satisfying. From 1929 to 1931 he studied at the Tuymazin school of collective farm youth, and from 1931 to 1932 - at the Tuymazin agricultural technical school. In 1932, after the dissolution of the technical school, he was transferred to the Aksyonovsk agricultural technical school, which he graduated with honors in 1935. In 1935-1936 he worked as a zootechnician for a horse in the Tuimazinsky regional land department and studied at the correspondence Youth Institute in the city of Gorky.

In July 1936 he was enrolled in the first year of the MV Frunze Higher Military Naval School. In the fall of 1939, the hydrographic department of the V.I. MV Frunze was transformed into the GK Ordzhonikidze Higher Naval Hydrographic School, the cadets, future hydrographers, including Yevgeny Churov, were transferred to the new school. In 1940, Evgeny Petrovich Churov graduated with honors from VVMGU im. GK Ordzhonikidze with a degree in naval hydrograph.

After graduating from college, Lieutenant Churov was sent to Lake Ladoga as the head of the hydrographic party of the Ozyorny region of the 3rd category of the hydrographic service of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. As the head of the hydrographic party, he carried out a detailed study and description of the northern part of the lake, carried out the tasks of sweeping Finnish minefields.

At the beginning of World War II, E.P. Churov, as a navigator of the landing detachment on the transport "Sovet" and a senior pilot on escort, participated from 22 to 27 July in the landing of the 4th Marine Brigade on the islands of Lunkulansaari and Matsinsaari. This was the first military operation of a young lieutenant in terms of service, but already having established himself as an experienced, competent and courageous officer. The crew of the motor ship "Sovet" performed the combat missions brilliantly, all the paratroopers quickly and without losses carried out the landing, then the ship carried out the evacuation of the wounded soldiers. The enemy countered with powerful artillery fire, the gunboat Olekma was hit by a shell in the stern, during the shelling of the Soviet on July 24, E. P. Churov was slightly wounded in the lower back from shell fragments, but remained on the Soviet until the end of the operation. From July 28 to August 29, he was a pilot on escorting convoys in the skerries of Lake Ladoga during the evacuation of the 19th rifle corps from the Kilpola island and the Rautalahti peninsula before and during the Putsal operation, including on August 14, along a narrow fairway at full speed, the Volodarsky "With 400 wounded, while avoiding damage and losses from enemy mortar fire.

E.P. Churov's diploma.

In September 1941, he took part in ensuring the landing in the Shlisselburg area and in laying the first controlled military fairway. During the war, our fleet in the Baltic and Ladoga was forced to create special communications that had air cover, protected from attacks by surface ships and submarines. Fairways were usually laid near their shores, within the range of coastal artillery, covered by aircraft, patrol ships, and minefields. To ensure safe navigation, the hydrographic service placed landmarks and illuminated buoys on the water. Lighthouses and leading signs were built on the coast and islands. By the end of September, two main military controlled fairways were created on Lake Ladoga - two arteries of the waterway of the Road of Life. The first fairway first passed between Osinovets and the Black Satama bay, then it began to connect Osinovets with Kobona and the Careji spit. The second fairway connected Osinovets with Novaya Ladoga. Food and fuel began to be delivered by water, but bread was sorely lacking.

In besieged Leningrad on November 20, the fifth reduction in food norms for the population of the city was carried out: 250 grams of bread a day were given out on work cards, and only 125 grams for the rest; people were dying. The sailors of the Ladoga military flotilla and the river workers of the North-Western river shipping company did everything possible to provide the besieged Leningrad with food, everything was mobilized for transportation: transports, barges, and warships. But every day it became more and more difficult, it was almost impossible to break through the ice on the lake. The delivery of food by the transport aviation did not solve the difficult situation. Ice tracks had to be created as soon as possible. Means for equipping roads were prepared in advance and brought to the shore of the lake, but there was no reliable information on the state of the ice cover.

Diplomas and certificates of E.P. Churova

From November 15, EP Churov acted as the head of the hydrographic section of the Osinovets naval base and the head of the ice-road detachment of the KBF hydrographic department along the Ladoga ice route. And it was he who, as a hydrograph, was the first to survey the ice on the route Osinovetsky lighthouse - Zelentsy islands, Osinovetsky lighthouse - Kobona, Kobona - Careggi lighthouse - Osinovets on November 15-17. The results of this reconnaissance served as the basis for the equipment by the Leningrad Front of the Kokkorevo-Lavrovo ice route, that is, the Road of Life. The reconnaissance was ordered to be carried out by two hydrograph specialists - E.P. Churov (group commander) and V.I.Dmitriev. Around midnight on November 15, a five-man reconnaissance party set out on an assignment. While the ice was strong, we walked at a distance of 10-15 steps from each other. Every mile Churov and Dmitriev, together with the Red Navy men, punched a hole, measured the thickness and strength of the ice, determined the air temperature and the wind speed vector. When the thickness of the ice decreased to a decimeter, they were forced to crawl over a number of sections, tying themselves with a line (in order to be able to rescue those who fell through the ice). And all this at a temperature of minus 15 degrees, moreover, they carried on themselves and carried on sleds equipment, two-meter poles - milestones, weapons. Hydrographers put milestones at each checked point. By the morning of November 16, the group was near the island of Bolshoi Zelenets, when Lieutenant Dmitriev severely injured his leg on the hummocks and could not go further on his own. How difficult the situation was (strong wind, hummocks, cold) that even a career, well-trained officer could not protect himself. The commander decided to return to Osinovets. First they drove V.I. Dmitriev on a sled, then E.P. Churov put him on his back and carried him to the lighthouse. Of the specialists, only Evgeny Petrovich remained, three sailors were extremely exhausted, so the commander picked up other physically strong young guys and, sincerely thanking the sailors of the first exit, sent them to bed. At noon on November 16, he himself set off again with three other sailors. The frost increased to 20 degrees, but the group spent the whole day and all night exploring the future route. By 4 o'clock in the morning on November 17, they reached the coast at Cobona. After a short rest, the reconnaissance party set off along the route Kobona - Kareji - Osinovets, laying another ice reconnaissance line. The study lasted all day and evening on November 17, it was difficult, as on the first day of reconnaissance, late at night they returned to their base. All night, the collected materials were processed by Senior Lieutenant V.S. Kupryushin and lieutenants A.A. Anischenko and S.V. Duev. By the morning of November 18, the maps of the routes were ready: Osinovetsky lighthouse - Zelentsy islands; Osinovetsky lighthouse - Kobona; Kobona - Careji - Osinovets. E.P. Churov wrote an explanatory note and, at about noon on November 18, reported to the command about the completion of the assignment and handed over all the materials.

The collected information served as the basis for the decision taken on November 19 to organize a permanent communication on the ice of Lake Ladoga. In a uniquely short time frame - 48 hours - E.P. Churov and his subordinates completed the task - they conducted reconnaissance of the future ice track of the Road of Life. The first crossing on the ice of the lake took place on November 20, 1941 - 350 teams of a horse-transport regiment left on the ice of Ladoga. The ice bent and cracked, but all the teams returned to the besieged city on November 21 and delivered the first 10 tons of flour. On November 22, three days ahead of schedule, the first 60 vehicles came out on the ice, and regular transportation began.

In 1942, E.P. Churov takes an active part in hostilities. On June 27 - August 1, he took part in the organization of artillery support by armored boats No. 99 and 100 of the 311th division of the 54th army of the Volkhov Front at the final stage of the Kirish offensive operation, he secretly led the boats to the position and provided the initial data for firing. From August 7 to September 1, he performed the duties of a supporting hydrograph in the raiding operations of boats of the "Sea Hunter" type (the landing of a sabotage group on the island of Gange-Pa, actions on enemy communication routes). During the raid on the island of Gange ¬-Pa on August 12, he was slightly wounded by a fragment of an aerial bomb in the left hand.

Ships of the Ladoga military flotilla. Photo from the personal archive of V. E. Churov

On September 1, 1942, Yevgeny Petrovich Churov was awarded the rank of senior lieutenant; on November 6, he was awarded the first military order - the Red Star. In 1942, a special manual “Description of the skerries of Lake Ladoga” prepared by EP Churov was published. The author collected part of the materials before the war, the other part was obtained during military campaigns to the islands captured by the Finns in the north of the lake. The manual has become a kind of handbook for the commanders and navigators of the ships of the Ladoga military flotilla.

In 1943, EP Churov supervised the reconnaissance activities of the M¬-77 submarine, was its navigator, and participated in all the submarine's combat campaigns. In October, a new appointment - the commander of the operational part of the 4th (Reconnaissance) department of the Headquarters of the Ladoga military flotilla. It is especially worth noting the excellent basic training and personal diligence of Evgeny Petrovich Churov, during the war years he was able to master a number of naval specialties and brilliantly complete the assigned tasks. In November 1942, Senior Lieutenant Churov was awarded the first Order - the Red Star.

Sailing submarines on Ladoga, performing combat reconnaissance missions by crews is a unique naval experience, taking into account the specifics of the complex Ladoga lake conditions. In June 1943, two submarines M-77 and M-79 were transported by rail from Leningrad to Osinovets. Transporting the boats is not an easy task, but the railwaymen and sailors coped with it: they prepared special platforms with an extended base, temporarily removed the wires along the entire route, and built inclined slips on Ladoga for launching boats into the water.

Lieutenant-Commander E.P. Churov in the fall of 1944 at the Meripoega in Helsinki. Photo from the personal archive of V. E. Churov

Submarines and boats on Lake Ladoga carried out reconnaissance activities, and the idea of ​​using submarines can be described as ingenious and effective. The submarine approached the observation point, raised the periscope and conducted observations for many days. The history of world wars knows many facts, when intelligence helped save the lives of thousands of soldiers and officers. Therefore, a lot of attention and effort is always paid to conducting reconnaissance, gathering and information. Then, from the submarines, they began to land on the territory occupied by the enemy, groups of scouts. The boat approached, studied the situation through the periscope and secretly landed the scouts. After the appointed number of days and time, the submarine picked up our sailors, but the most amazing thing was the possibility of capturing the "tongues" directly from the submarine or boat. In fine weather, Finnish soldiers went out to the lake to fish. And suddenly, suddenly, something large, gray and slippery, with a cannon on its nose appeared in front of them. Shock, fear, panic in the enemy; probably, in this situation, many would be frightened. Brave Russian sailors emerge from the boat, explaining that there is no need to shoot and make noise, but to put machine guns and fishing rods on the bottom, cut through the bottom with knives and quickly go aboard the Soviet submarine. It should be noted that the Finns understood everything and followed orders in a disciplined manner. EP Churov personally took one "language", his reconnaissance groups - five more.

In 1944, from 15 to 21 May, EP Churov led a reconnaissance landing to the enemy-occupied island of Verkkosaari from the MO-¬228 boat, accompanied by the MO-199 boat. During the removal of reconnaissance troops from the island on May 21, he was seriously wounded by shell fragments in the thigh of his right leg and several minor wounds in other parts of his body. After spending two months in hospitals and not finishing treatment, Yevgeny Petrovich returned to his native Ladoga military flotilla, which by that time had become the Red Banner Flotilla. From August 16 to August 26, he commanded reconnaissance and raiding actions of the BKA-101 and BKA-102 armored boats to liberate the islands of the Valaam archipelago.

Research vessel of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR the steamer "Mikhail Lomonosov" in 1958. Photo from the personal archive of V. E. Churov

The Order of the Red Banner was awarded to EP Churov on September 22, 1944, and on September 30, he was awarded the title of "Lieutenant Captain". In October, the wounds opened, and he was sent to the hospital by order. Then a new appointment as a senior hydrographer of a separate detachment of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. In his new position, he carried out hydrographic and pilotage works in the skerries of the Gulf of Finland and the Abo-Aland archipelago. Submarines (including the famous "S-13" by A. I. Marinesko) entered combat positions along the fairways he explored.

In January 1945, he was appointed head of the hydrographic party of a separate detachment of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet. In the spring and summer, he carried out the mission of the reconnaissance command of the island of Bornholm (Denmark) as part of a group headed by Rear Admiral EE Shvede. As a result, the group compiled a complete military-geographical description of the island.

The third military order - the Patriotic War I degree was awarded to Yevgeny Petrovich Churov on July 17, 1945. After the war, EP Churov graduated with honors, a gold medal and a marble plaque from the Naval Academy of Shipbuilding and Weapons. In 1953 he defended his Ph.D. thesis in the Department of Naval Sciences, dedicated to ship radar photography. In 1957 he began to deal with the use of space vehicles in the interests of the Navy. He wrote two notes to the leaders of the state and command: in February 1957 - under the heading "Navigation of the near future" and in December 1959 - with the title "Information on the current state of research in the field of navigational use of artificial earth satellites." Participates in the first research works on this topic. On November 5, 1957, he was awarded the title of "Captain 1st Rank".

In 1963 he defended his doctoral dissertation in the department of technical sciences, devoted to the development of satellite systems. From October 1963 to February 1972, he was the head of the Department of Space Technology (military-space equipment) of the Naval Academy of the Order of Lenin, created at his suggestion. The scientific works of EP Churov formed the basis of the first space navigation system of the Navy "Cyclone-¬B". In June 1965, he was awarded the academic title of professor at the Department of Space Technology.

March 1, 1972 - E.P. Churov said goodbye to the staff of the Department of Space Research of the Naval Academy when retiring to the reserve. Photo from the personal archive of V. E. Churov

For military activity during the Great Patriotic War and post-war naval service, Yevgeny Petrovich Churov was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner, two Orders of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and twelve medals. Among the medals, the most revered in the war years and in our time "For Military Merit" and "For the Defense of Leningrad".

Since 1972, after retiring, until the end of his life he has been working at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Control Processes of Leningrad University. At the faculty in 1974 he created the department of the theory of control systems, where he continued research in the field of satellite applications, and also began to solve problems in the theory of large systems.

Evgeny Petrovich Churov passed away on February 11, 1981, and was buried in the Northern Cemetery in St. Petersburg. A life well lived.

Vice-Admiral Viktor Sergeevich Cherokov and Admiral Yuri Alexandrovich Panteleev left us their memories, which give a high assessment of Evgeny Petrovich Churov and, first of all, his feat, accomplished in exploration of ice to create an ice route for the Road of Life. Recall that during the war, V.S.Cherokov was the commander of the legendary Red Banner Ladoga military flotilla, and Yu. A. Panteleev was the commander of the Leningrad naval base, people are sincerely respected in our country, and their opinion is meaningful and objective.

On November 5, 1986, in accordance with clause 15 of the Regulation "On the procedure for naming and renaming state objects of union subordination and physical and geographical objects", approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated November 29, 1966, No. 914, the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences decided to assign the name "Mountain Churov "seamount located at 17 ° 29 'south latitude and 009 ° 53' west longitude, 1880 meters. Let us express the opinion that in memory of Yevgeny Petrovich Churov his name should be immortalized in our city.

Publication cover: Lieutenant E.P. Churov in 1940

S. Morozov.

Photo from the personal archive of V. E. Churov


V.E. Churov's interview

for the socio-political youth magazine "Vash Vybor"

- In one of your interviews, you said that you have set a certain bar for yourself: the elections will be successful if the voter turnout is at least 60 percent. According to your forecasts, what kind of activity can be expected from young people in the upcoming elections?

It seems to me that young people are becoming more socially and politically active. So you shouldn't be skeptical about the fact that it is among the youth that the electoral turnout will be really high. I can state this not even as the Chairman of the CEC, but as a citizen of Russia. Naturally, every young person imagines himself as a creator of the world, a demiurge. And he not only wants to create and change the surrounding reality, but must do it. For example, go to elections and thus change the world around you and choose the future of your country.

Some people are skeptical that their voice will be heard. This is largely due to our age-old traditions. But I declare with full responsibility that we have one of the best electoral systems in Europe. And everyone has to make a choice. I recently read the phrase that there are subjects in Russia, but no citizens. So - it's time for all of us to become citizens. Overcome childish stubbornness and learn to take responsibility for your actions. Not voting is also a definite choice. But then there is no need to complain that the state is run by the "wrong" people. Because if you are not involved in politics, then politics is involved in you.

I really hope that the younger generation has grown up quite independent. It was devoid of rigid frameworks, the state system did not press on them as much as on their parents. They didn't have to learn to be consolidated. They were born that way. There is no skepticism of the older generation in them. Young people are romantics, and it is romantics who make the biggest transformations. Quite often their romantic aspirations and categoricalness characteristic of youth rest against the reasonable arguments of the older generation. But this is a normal life situation. However, no one should feel isolated and alone.

At the elections, we all decide our fate together. I appeal not only to young people, but to all voters - come and make your choice!

- The Central Election Commission of Russia intends to fight against "black PR". Can youth associations and youth media help you with this?

I would expand the scope of the question. This is our common civic responsibility. We, as citizens, must make our choice honestly. That is, they must vote with truthful information about the voters. Those who are engaged in "black PR" manipulate our choice, deceive us and force us to make the wrong move. Therefore, anyone who knows about such offenses should immediately inform the public. And the perpetrators must be punished. All media, not only youth media, must provide voters with accurate information. The press is a sensitive barometer showing the interaction between the authorities and society. Through the media, society learns about the activities of the authorities, and representatives of the authorities receive feedback from voters on their actions. Youth mass media should speak about the problems of elections in an accessible, understandable language for readers. We often find it difficult to “reach out” to young people through the business press. Young people trust those who communicate with her in her language, understand her. And here it is necessary to explain that young people are not by themselves, but a part of society. With that choice we make today, we all live for the next five years. Military, teachers, retirees and - youth.

- Some parties are now introducing the so-called youth quota into their party lists. How do you feel about this?

Youth are the future of our country. These are not just words. And like everyone else, they should have a say. Parties that introduce a youth quota secure their future. In five years, young people who have come to government bodies will become real professionals in their field. They will better understand how the state mechanism works, how the state and society interact. On the other hand, it is easier for them to speak with a youth audience than politicians, whitened with gray hair. They understand the hopes of their peers, find a common language with them and understand the problems of concern to young citizens.

Even the smallest man in our country should feel like a citizen. Being one means not only receiving support from the state and understanding what rights it imposes, but, above all, feeling responsible and knowing your responsibilities.

To be in power is to be obliged: to society, to voters, to your family and to your conscience. This is not winning the lottery. And hard daily work. Service. Young people should understand and feel for themselves what it is.

- Why are there so few women in power and should the state take measures to address this issue?

I can't say about all government agencies. But a third of the members of the CEC of Russia are women. And this is quite a lot.

Why are there few women? - this is a question not so much for me as for the parties that put forward the lists, and for the voters. The state cannot force voters to vote for anyone. Society must decide for itself who represents its interests.

- Do you admit the possibility that a "color revolution" may take place in Russia?

A “color revolution”, like a revolution in general, occurs when insurmountable barriers arise between the state and society. That is, when they do not hear each other. Nowadays, power is more open than ever. "Color revolutions" occur when the government does not hear the voice of the people. The authorities, on the contrary, are now convincing society to make their choice - to come and vote.

- Do you think Russian elections will ever be held via the Internet?

I do not exclude this possibility. But at the expense of the near future, I very much doubt it. Firstly, in our country, the Internet is not available to the entire population. Secondly, the problem of security arises closely. We live in a country of immense length, and even the slightest malfunction or virus will be enough for the data to be lost or distorted.

- More than 40 city, district and village youth parliaments have already been elected in the Rostov region. How do you feel about such associations?

Youth should be present in power. And the authorities should be as close as possible to their voters. Young people often do not imagine the responsibility that MPs bear. And work in such parliaments will demonstrate to them, not in words, but in deeds, the complexity and responsibility of the authorities, when they will have to answer not only to themselves and their conscience, but also to their voters.

- In the Rostov region, there has been a practice of functioning of youth precinct election commissions for 4 years. What is more important for the work of the CEC - experience or youth initiative?

Experience without initiative is a dead weight. You probably know the biblical parable about the talent buried in the ground?

Initiative without experience is like a child who wants to run but hasn't even learned to crawl yet. Both are important. Like two hands in a man. Tell me, which hand is more important: right or left? Maybe you will say that you are right, but are you ready to cut off the other for yourself? Of course not. And here the same thing. Experience and initiative must become mutually communicating vessels. Experience gives the initiative direction, and the implemented actions multiply the experience.

- How did you see your future at the age of 20-25?

At twenty, I was a student at the Physics Department of Leningrad State University. At twenty-five, I not only graduated from the university with a degree in physics, but also the faculty of journalism. So I can say with full responsibility that physicists are also lyrics. But seriously speaking, I, like almost all young people, wanted to be useful to society. Of course, at twenty and twenty-five I also had no idea that I would become the Chairman of the Central Election Commission. I wanted to and became a teacher, worked in the scientific field - in the Design Bureau of aerospace equipment "Intergal" Leningrad State University.

- Have you ever been to the Rostov region, what are your impressions of the Don land?

I had to be. I associate the Don land, first of all, with the Russian expanse, with the immense territory, with the breadth of the Russian soul. In some ways, I agree with Gumilev, who argued that the territory affects the psychology of the people inhabiting it. The endless breadth corresponds to the spaciousness and hospitality of our people. All Rostovites with whom I happened to meet are exactly such people: honest, courageous and open.

- What advice would you give to our young readers?

Don't be afraid to do things. But to know that for every act, you will have to bear responsibility. We make our choice every day. And the absence of an act is also a choice. We are responsible not only for ourselves, but also for our loved ones. And our actions not only relate to us in and of themselves, they relate to our loved ones, and sometimes to completely unfamiliar people. If we talk about elections, then, perhaps, the future of our entire country will depend on only one vote.

(p. 17.03.1953)

Deputy Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of the City Hall

St. Petersburg (chaired by V.V. Putin); Chairman of the Central

the election commission of the Russian Federation from 27.03.2007 in the second presidential term V.

V. Putin.

Was born in Leningrad. Grandfather Vladimir Brezhnev was the boss

Department of artillery of the Academy. M.V. Frunze, father - a famous scientist, military

hydrograph, one of the creators of space navigation and communication systems for

The Navy; mother - a publisher. Educated at

Faculty of Physics, Leningrad State University (1977) and at

biennial journalism faculty of Leningrad State University. In 1977-1991. worked as a presenter

engineer, team leader in the Design Bureau of aerospace equipment "Integral". V

1991-1993 Deputy of the Leningrad City Council. Since 1991, in the Committee for External

relations of the administration of St. Petersburg, since 1995 Deputy

Chairman of the Committee - Head of the International Cooperation Department.

After the August 1991 crisis, the House of Political Education in St. Petersburg,

belonging to the Communist Party, was transferred to the city. One half of the building houses

International business center, in the other - communist organizations. By

According to V.E. Churov, there was a flagpole on the roof of the house. The communists decided

use it for its intended purpose and posted a red flag. “And every time

leaving Smolny, the city authorities saw him. The flag was perfectly visible

from office windows and Sobchak, and Putin. It was terribly annoying, and Putin

decided to remove the flag. Gives the command - the red flag is removed. But the next day he

appears again. Putin again gives the command - the flag is removed again. And so the struggle

went with varying degrees of success. The communists began to run out of flags, and they

hanging something completely obscene, one of the last options was

not even red, but brownish brown. This is Putin's final

baked. He pulled up a crane, and under his personal supervision, the flagpole was cut

autogenous "( From the first person. Conversations with Vladimir Putin. M., 2000.

P. 86). According to V.E. Churov, the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg Mayor's Office,

headed by V.V.Putin, began with the opening in the city, for the first time in the country,

representative offices of western banks. With the most active participation of V.V. Putin

branches of BMP Dresdner Bank and Bank Nacional de Paris were opened, and

investment zones were also created, a faculty of international

relationships. In June 2003, he was nominated for the position of a member of the Federation Council

from the Leningrad region (won 7 out of 50 votes). Since December 2003

Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the fourth convocation, was elected by federal

the list of the Liberal Democratic Party. Was Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on CIS Affairs and

relations with compatriots. He was a member of the LDPR faction, but he was not a member of this party.

was. As an observer, he was at the elections in Belarus, Ukraine (during

during the "orange" revolution of 2004), Kyrgyzstan (during the "revolution

tulips "2005). Since 27.03.2007, Chairman of the Central

the election commission of the Russian Federation. Elected on an uncontested basis. Changed in this

positions A. A. Veshnyakova. He stated that he is not a member of any parties and does not

is an anti-communist. In his biographies, he emphasizes the “Orthodox

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