Home Berries What sound does the letter y refer to? Consonants and letters. Consonant sounds of the Russian language

What sound does the letter y refer to? Consonants and letters. Consonant sounds of the Russian language


Taқyryp / Topic: Sound [th]. Letter y

Оқы-трбиеістаніңмасаттары мінедтері / Educational and educational goals and objectives: Provide students with an introduction to sound [th].

1.Bilimdilik / Educational: To teach how to find and highlight this sound in words, to characterize it, to designate it with the letter and.

2. Damytushylyқ / Developing: Development of speech, thinking, memory.

3. Turbielik / Educational: Educating personal hygiene skills

Құral-zhabdyқtar / Equipment: pictures of cheerful little men, Moidodyr, a portrait of Chukovsky, the fairy tale "Moidodyr", personal hygiene items (towel, tooth powder, comb, soap).

Sabaқtүri / Lesson type: combined

Sabaқbarysy / Lesson progress:

1.Organizational moment

2. Statement of the problem, announcement of the topic of the lesson.

Funny toddlers came to our lesson. We remember one of them when we get scared and cry out. (Ouch). Another - when we smile and shout. (Ay). Third - when we are angry and grumbling. (Ouch). Fourth, when we call out to someone. (Hey)

Guess their names and find these little ones.

What do the names of these names have in common and how do they differ? (Common - letter and, capital letter; differ - first sounds.)

How many sounds are there in each name? (2). Let's make the first sounds. What are these sounds? (Vowels). Why? Are we familiar with these sounds? What sound are we talking about today? State the common sound in all names, [th].

Lesson topic: Sound [th]. Letter J.

When a meeting with a new sound occurs, what questions arise? (What is this sound and how is it indicated in the letter?).

3. Learning new material.

So, I say the name of the baby, and you highlight the last sound. What is it - vowel or consonant? Why? What do we know about consonants?

What is it - hard or soft, sonorous or dull?

What letter is indicated in the letter?

4. Calligraphy... They opened their notebooks and circled this letter.

Find this letter on the ribbon of letters. Why is it highlighted in green?

What does this letter look like?

Today I brought an unusual bag to class. And it is unusual because there are things that are well known to you. You need to put your hand into the bag and, without reaching for the object, determine what it is. (TOWEL, SOAP, TOOTHPOWDER, SCALCH).

What are these items for? How many of you are friends with these items?

Where do these things come from? (From the fairy tale "Moidodyr").

Portrait of Moidodyr. Who is Moidodyr?

What can you tell us about this word?

What does Moidodyr have to do with our lesson topic?

And how did the name of this fairytale hero come about?

My holes! _ What is this? (Offer). Prove it. What is this proposal? What does it mean to wash to the holes?

5. Physical education.

6. Work with the fairy tale "Moidodyr".

Who wrote Moidodyr? (Chukovsky). I show the book "Moidodyr".

Who remembers how the fairy tale begins? ("The blanket ran away, ..."). Why did all things run away from the boy? Have they returned to him? Why? When should you wash your face? (in the morning and in the evening).

How does Chukovsky speak about this? "We must, we must wash in the mornings and evenings, and the unclean chimney sweeps are ashamed and disgraceful."

What glorifies Chukovsky in this tale? Which things?

Let's read the passage in the primer.

7... Working with an excerpt... Coming up with words with th.

Long live fragrant soap,

And the towel is fluffy

And tooth powder

And a thick scallop.

Underline the nouns in this passage. Prove it.

What are the signs of these items?

Find the words in which the sound [th] lives, (thick, toothy).

What else? (well, fragrant, fluffy). What have you noticed? (There is a sound, but there is no letter y).

Thick, toothache. Where is this sound? (at the end of a word). Come up with words for this sound to be at the end, (tea, may, tram, museum)

Mystery. Boil, - comes the steam

And whistles, and radiates heat,

He claps the lid, knocks.

Hey, take me off! - shouts. (Kettle).

Where is the sound [th]? Come up with words to make this sound in the middle

8. Physical education "Bunny".

Look at the picture in the textbook and find a subject whose name begins with the sound [th]? (iodine). Where is this sound? How is this sound indicated in the letter? What other words start with the letter y? (yogi). When will this word be capitalized? Come up with a sentence with this word. Make a diagram.

Our hero Moidodyr has friends whose names contain the sound [y]. Look at the picture and name these friends.

How did their names come about? Where is the sound under study located?

What letter is it indicated in the letter? Is this sound always indicated by this letter ?.


Let's say these words. What have you noticed? Why is that?

We have yet to answer this question.

9. Summing up the lesson.

You can often hear the question at school: “Is the letter k (d, p, v, and so on) hard or soft?”. For such students, their mistake should be explained: the letters do not have hardness or softness. Only sounds are endowed with this quality. Why? The word consists of letters and sounds. Letters exist for writing a particular word, text. A person pronounces sounds, making some effort to this, pronouncing them according to a special scheme inherent in each separately taken sound. At the same time, sounds that do not have ordinary content in themselves are of great importance in colloquial speech, since by pronouncing words and phrases clearly, a person conveys his thought.

Before answering the question of what kind of sound is the th sound, it is necessary to find out what sounds in general are.

Sounds are divided into vowels (a, o, y, s, e, e, e, i, u, i) and consonants (b, d, p, n, s, c, etc.). Vowels are pronounced freely, easily allowing air flow through the oral cavity. When pronouncing the vowels [a], [o], [y], [s], [e] give the consonants in front of them firmness (everyone, conversation, music); the sounds [e], [i], [e], [and] soften the consonants in front (spice, light, embossing). Each of these sounds stretch freely.

Looking ahead, it can be argued that the sound [’] is a voiced, unpaired, soft consonant sound.

Consonants are formed due to the position of the tongue and the tension of the larynx. When speaking, air from the lungs passes through the larynx, irritating the vocal cords and overcoming an obstacle in the form of a crack or bow. In this case, the tongue is either close to the upper / lower teeth ([s], [w], [h]), or pulled back a little ([b], [n], [t]). When pronouncing the sound [th], the tongue is pulled back a little, the air overcomes the obstacle when pronouncing; hence this sound is a consonant.

All consonants are divided into voiced / voiceless, paired / not paired, soft / hard.

  • Voiced / voiceless consonants are determined by the participation of noise and voice in their pronunciation. When pronouncing voiced consonants, the air not only passes the barrier, but also gives vibration to the vocal cords, which is accompanied by noise and voice ([f], [h], [y], [p], etc.). The deaf are pronounced only by overcoming the barrier, without irritating the vocal cords, that is, only due to noise ([p], [t], [f], [w], etc.) Therefore, the sound [y] refers to voiced consonants ...
  • Paired / unpaired sounds are distinguished by a single feature - their voiced pronunciation: b-p, v-f, g-c, d-t. ss, wsh. The sounds [h], [u], [th] do not have pairs. Hence the sound [th] is unpaired.
  • As for the hardness of sounds, they are distinguished by the position of the tongue during the production of the sound. So, when pronouncing soft sounds, the tongue is moved slightly forward, and its middle is slightly raised. Solid consonants are pronounced when the tongue is pulled closer to the larynx. The sound [y] refers to soft consonants, since the position of the language during pronunciation is the same as for all soft sounds.
  • In phonetic parsing, square brackets are used to determine the hardness / softness of a sound, in which the sound is recorded and their hardness is indicated. When writing a solid sound, only the letter ([b], [c], [k]) is written in brackets; a soft sound is indicated by an apostrophe next to the written letter ([b ’], [c’], [k ’]). All consonants in terms of softness / hardness are always paired, with the exception of three: [h ’], [u’], [th ’]

"Y", that is, "and short" is a vowel or consonant letter Or what?

  1. Soft consonant sound.
  2. A consonant of course! A vowel letter is when the sound does not change, for example "O ... o", and Y is heard and.
  3. well, well, well
  4. th vowel
  5. Neither vowel nor consonant. But most likely we can say a semi-vowel.
  6. I go nuts, the impression is that everyone skipped school, starting from grade 1.
    Vowels are A O U Y E Ya Yu E. All the rest are consonants, except for the soft and hard signs.
    Y is a consonant letter !! ! Those who say "eeeeeeeeee" and think that it stretches are wrong. There is no such letter "iiiii". There are many Y's and one Y's at the end. The letter Y is a consonant, comrades Losers ...
  7. Multiplication: Buoy ... Bui ..
  8. Consonant
  9. The concepts of "letter" and "sound" are different. The letter is just a sign for sound. Speech sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. The main difference between vowel sounds and consonants is that when pronouncing vowel sounds, the exhaled air passes freely without encountering obstacles (the sound will last as long as your breathing allows), and when pronouncing consonants, the exhaled air encounters an obstacle. From this point of view, d is a soft consonant sound, and the letter Y is a sign for this sound.
  10. the consonant was in school ... :))) and now as you like it more ... I want a vowel, I want a consonant .... :))))) choose any option! 🙂
  11. Is neither a vowel nor a consonant ...
  12. consonant
  13. In ancient times, the letter I denoted not only an ordinary vowel and, but also a non-syllabic short vowel sound and a consonant th close to it; to distinguish them from the 16th century in Russia, a special diacritic mark, the so-called short, has been used. In the Church Slavonic language, a consistent and obligatory distinction between the use of styles I and I has been legalized since the middle of the 17th century; translation of Russian letters into civilian script in 1708-1711 abolished the superscript characters and re-combined I and Y; it was restored in 1735 (although it was not considered a separate letter of the alphabet until the 20th century).

    In the Bulgarian and Macedonian scripts, style is also used and # 768; it serves to distinguish homonyms, for example: and the union and; and # 768; pronoun her, etc. In some computer fonts and encodings and # 768; exists as a separate sign, although at present it is not an independent letter.

  14. consonant ...
  15. vowel
  16. consonant.
  17. consonant
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  3. Loading ... The vast territories of North America and Eurasia are home to mixed and deciduous forests. Zones of these green areas are located in the temperate geographic zone of the Earth. The list ...
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  5. Loading ... Female images of the novel "Quiet Don" are unusually expressive: proud and courageous Aksinya, hardworking and meek Natalya, majestic and wise Ilyinichna, spontaneous and young Dunyasha. Work...

What sounds are called consonants?
What does a consonant sound consist of?
What are consonant sounds?
How many consonants and consonant sounds are in the Russian alphabet?
Which consonants are always hard and which are always soft?
What letters indicate the softness of a consonant sound?

Sounds, during the pronunciation of which the air meets an obstacle in the mouth, are called consonant sounds... A consonant sound consists of noise and voice, or only noise.

Consonants are divided into voiced and deaf... The voiced ones consist of noise and voice, the deaf ones only of noise.

Sounds consist only of noise: [k], [p], [s], [t], [f], [x], [c], [h], [w], [u]. These are voiceless consonants.

Many consonants form pairs by voicingdeafness: [b] [n], [in] [f], [g] [k], [d] [t], [z] [s], [w] [NS].

To memorize voiced consonants, you can learn the phrase: “ LEO AND TOAD HAVE MANY FRIENDS».
See all phrases for memorizing voiced and voiceless consonants.

Voiceless consonants are easy to remember by the phrase: “ STEPKA, DO YOU WANT SCHETS?Ugh!».

Consonant sounds are indicated by letters:


In total, the Russian language has 21 consonant letters.

Consonant sounds are also hard and soft.

Hard and soft sounds differ in the position of the tongue when pronouncing. When pronouncing soft consonants, the middle back of the tongue is raised to the hard palate.

Most consonants form hard-soft pairs:

The following hard and soft consonants do not form pairs in terms of hardness-softness:

Solid [f] [NS] [c]
Soft [h❜] [uch❜] [th❜]

Table "Consonant sounds: paired and unpaired, voiced and deaf, hard and soft" (grades 1-4)

Note: in elementary school, hard consonants are indicated in blue, soft consonants in green, and vowels in red.

Hardness consonants are indicated in writing with vowels A , O , Have , NS , NS .

Softness a consonant sound is indicated in writing with vowels E, E, I, Yu, I and also the letter B(soft sign).

Compare: nose[nose] - carried[n❜os], injection[injection] - coal[úgal❜].

Unpaired voiced sounds [y❜], [l], [l❜], [m], [m❜] [n], [n❜] [p], [p❜] are called sonorous, which translated from Latin means "sonorous".

The sounds [w], [w], [h❜], [u] are called hissing... They got this name because their pronunciation is similar to hiss.

Sounds [w], [w] are unpaired solid hissing sounds.
The sounds [ч❜] and [ш] are unpaired soft hissing sounds.

Sounds [c], [c❜], [h], [z❜], [c] are called whistling.

Consonant can not be percussive or unstressed.

In Russian, there are more consonant sounds (36) than consonant letters (21), since one letter can denote paired hard and soft sounds: for example, the letter L (el) denotes the sounds [л] and [л❜].

Attention! A consonant can form a syllable only with

Spelling "Y" and "I" after prefixes
In order to accurately write the vowels "Y" and "I" after the prefixes, it is necessary to remember that after the Russian prefixes ending in a consonant, not "I" is written in the roots, but "Y" in accordance with the pronunciation.
This rule does not apply to:
1) on words with foreign prefixes DEZ-, SUB-, KONTR-, TRANS-, POST-, PAN-, SUPER- SUPERIGRA, OSTIMPRESSIONISM);
2) on words with Russian prefixes MEZH- and SUPER- (MEZHINSTITUTSKY, SUPER INTERESTING);
3) on compound words (SPORTINVENTAR);
4) on an exception word BRAKE, in which the sound [and] is pronounced after the prefix ВЗ.

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Consonant combinations

Ch reads like "x": Loch [goof] - hole,
chs reads like "ks": Fuchs [fuchs] - fox,
sch reads as "sh": Schrank [shrank] - wardrobe,
sp / st at the beginning of a word or at the beginning of a root are read as "sh / pc": spontan [spontane] - spontaneous / Stuhl (shtul) - chair,
tsch reads like a hard "h": Deutsch [Deutsch] - German, Quatsch [kvach] - nonsense,
ck reads like a hard "k": drücken [dryuken] - to crush,
qu reads as "kv": Quatsch [kvach] - nonsense,
The suffix -tion (always stressed) reads like a cross between "zion" and "tsion": Station [staff] - station.

Vowel combinations

Ei reads "ay": Weimar [Weimar] (city name in Germany),
ie reads like a long "and": Liebe [libe] - love,
eu reads like "oh": heute [hoyte] - today,
äu also reads "oh": Häuser [heuser] - at home.

The stress in German words almost always falls on the first syllable, except:
1) words with unstressed prefixes (be-, ge-, er-, ver-, zer-, ent-, emp-, miss-);
2) loan words (Computer);
3) some other exceptions (like warum).

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1 Test your knowledge of Russian
1. In which word is the letter denoting a stressed vowel correctly highlighted?
A. donelz
B. took
B. Citizenship
G. up

2. Give an example with a misspelled word form.
A. lie down (on the floor)
B. their work
B. hot soups
G. six hundred students

3. Indicate the grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
Speaking of the richness of the language,

A. discussion began in the audience.
B. I have an interest in this problem.
B. specific examples are required.
G. we had in mind mainly his vocabulary.

4. In which row in both words is the letter I written in place of the pass?
A. pronounce .. you, transform .. my
B. you are ... dissolute
V. overlook ... you notice ... you
G. perekin..you, broke..nny

5. In which sentence NOT (NOR) is written separately with the word?
A. Autumn has come with (un) endless rains, wet roads, with longing in the evenings.
B. Don in the place of the crossing is far (not) wide, only about forty meters.
V. (No) anyone in the play disagrees with Chatsky that it is immoral to serve.
D. Somewhere here, a few steps away, the (un) forgettable trills of a nightingale were heard, and the silence was filled with wondrous sounds.

6. Separate the commas.
The first exhibition of the Itinerants (1), which opened in 1871 (2) convincingly demonstrated the existence in painting (3) of a new direction that developed during the 60s (4).

A. 1, 2, 4
B. 1, 2
B. 3, 4
G. 1, 2, 3, 4

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In the negative form, the first negative particle ne (n 'before a word starting with a vowel or with an h) is placed before the auxiliary verb, the second (pas) after the auxiliary verb. The participe passé is placed after the second negative particle:
Il N'est PAS tombé. - He didn't fall.

In the inversion, the subject and auxiliary verb are swapped:
EST-IL tombé? - He fell?

All unstressed personal pronouns-additions in difficult tenses are placed before an auxiliary verb:
Il M'a écrit. - He wrote to me.

Adverbs beaucoup (a lot), peu (little), assez (enough), trop (too much), bien (good), mal (bad), déjà (already), encore (more), referring to the verb, in difficult tenses BECOME BETWEEN AUXILIARY VERBS AND PARTICULARS:

J'ai BIEN comprised cette règle. - I understood this rule well.
Je n'ai pas ENCORE lu ce livre. - I have not read this book yet.
M'avez-vous BIEN comprised? - Do you understand me well?

* The rest of the adverbs are placed after the participle:
Je suis revenu TARD. - I came back late.

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Lip charger

A special set of exercises should be done daily, 5-10 minutes. Repeat each movement 5 - 6 times:

1. Opening your mouth, expose your front teeth. Pull the upper lip up, holding the nasolabial folds with your fingers.

2. Take a lot of air in your mouth and snort.

3. Lift your upper lip so that your upper teeth and gums are exposed.

4. Open your mouth slightly and stretch the corners of the mouth to the sides, exposing the upper teeth.

5. Stand in front of the mirror and pronounce the vowels for one minute: a, o, and, y, s. This is the final touch to say goodbye to the sad corners, giving the lips a firmness. 6. And in order that over the years, a clear line of lips does not leave us, the following is especially suitable: during

6. Blow the fluff off the imaginary dandelion for seconds, then relax, opening your mouth, and finally smile.

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How to enlarge lips at home !!!

Now let's talk about special masks that allow you to enlarge your lips at home.
Ingredients for the mask:
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon granulated sugar;
1 teaspoon squeezed lemon juice;
1 teaspoon of petroleum jelly (or other very fatty cream);
0.5 teaspoon glycerin.
We place all the ingredients in a container, and heat them in a water bath for 5-7 minutes, stirring all the time. Cool the resulting mask to body temperature and apply it on the lips for 15 minutes. Then wash off the mask with cool water. The result lasts for several hours. There is also an opinion that the plumpness of the lips can be given by applying honey on them, infusion of red pepper, or a contrast shower (alternately applying ice and hot water). However, such methods give short-lived results.

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Before feminine nouns denoting the name of countries (continents, regions, provinces), as well as masculine nouns beginning with a vowel, the preposition EN is used when indicating a place or direction. After the preposition en, the article is not used:

Je vais en Suisse (f); en Irak (m). - I'm going to Switzerland; to Iraq.
Il fait ses études en France (f). - He is studying in France.

Masculine nouns beginning with a consonant are preceded by the preposition А WITH ARTICLE:

Je vais au Japon. - I'm going to Japan.
Il fait ses études au Canada. - He is studying in Canada.

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5 interesting facts about the Czech Republic:
1. Not far from Pilsen is the smallest town in the Czech Republic and the whole of Central Europe - Rabstein. There are only 10-15 permanent residents here.
2. In the Czech language there are words without vowels, you can even make sentences from them. The accent is also placed on consonants.
3. One of the oldest professions in the Czech Republic is begging. Once there was even a "society of beggars", whose members were mostly elderly miners.
4. You won't see satellite dishes on the rooftops in the historic center of Prague and other cities in the Czech Republic. This is prohibited, as it spoils the look of old cities. It is also impossible to replace old frames with double-glazed windows.
5. In cafes and bars on the tables there are often plates with salty beer pretzels. All eaten pretzels will definitely be included in the bill.

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Mannik with cherry
Mannik is a very light, tasty and, most obviously, versatile baking. You don't feel the semolina here at all and you can add whatever you want to it: berries, nuts, raisins or cinnamon. By using different baking tins, you will always get a unique result. And to completely distract from the semolina, you can cook delicious muffins with bananas.
So, you will need:
- one glass of kefir, semolina, flour, sugar;
- 150 grams of butter / margarine;
- one teaspoon of soda slaked in vinegar;
- two eggs;
- 50 grams of pitted cherries.

How to enlarge lips at home?

Let's start with the first group of methods. How can you enlarge your lips yourself?
We bring to your attention a set of exercises aimed at increasing the size of the lips.
Pull your lips forward as far as you can. Close them. In doing so, you should experience tension in the lips, cheeks, cheekbones and other parts of the skin. Then we bring the lips back and relax the muscles of the face.
We drive with closed lips to the right and left. We describe them as an eight and the letter O. We repeat the same actions, but only with lips extended forward. We return to the starting position and let the muscles of the face relax.
We open our mouth as wide as we can. And we stick out our tongue (also as much as possible). We linger in this position for a few seconds and return to the starting position. We relax the muscles of the face.
Take a mouthful of air (some people prefer to do this exercise with water, but this is not necessary at all, there is enough air) and release it through the lips in such a way that your lips tremble (if there is water in your mouth, it will be sprayed into fine dust, so our mothers used to moisten the laundry before ironing).
Whistle. It is advisable to whistle a melody so that sounds alternate, and, accordingly, tension in the lips.
Sing the vowels. First just like that, then open your mouth very wide and chant them again. After that, stretch your lips forward and sing all the vowels again. Relax.

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- Do not forget the sticks from above!

How the Russian language was invented:

How the German language was invented:

- Better add letters!

How the Japanese language was invented:

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How the French language was invented:
- And let's half of the letters will be read, God knows how, and half will not be at all!
- Do not forget the sticks from above!

How the English language was invented:
- Come on, there will be few letters, they are all simple, but let the vowels be read at random.
- And so that the meaning of the word changes unpredictably depending on the prepositions and social status of the speaker / writer!

How the Italian language was invented:
- Let's all words end in vowels!
- And wave your hands. It's hot.

- Let's have fun with the Italian language!

Russian language:
- Let's write the words in random order, and convey the meaning in intonations!
- Don't forget prefixes and suffixes!

Bulgarian language:
- Let's have fun with the Russian language!
- Exactly! Let's talk like Russian children.

Polish language:
- Let's speak Slavic, but according to Western European rules?

- Why do we need spaces?
- Add letters!

- Let's use the sounds of nature instead of words!
- Look at what I drew a kalyaku-malyaku. Here, as it were, the Sun, here the bulls plow the Earth. Let that mean a table!

Japanese language:
- Let's say all the sounds with the same intonation?
- Like a dog barks. For everyone to be afraid.

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How languages ​​were invented. Just for fun.

How the French language was invented:
- And let's half of the letters will be read, God knows how, and half will not be at all!
- Do not forget the sticks from above!

How the English language was invented:
- Come on, there will be few letters, they are all simple, but let the vowels be read at random.
- And so that the meaning of the word changes unpredictably depending on the prepositions and social status of the speaker / writer!

How the Italian language was invented:
- Let's all words end in vowels!
- And wave your hands. It's hot.

How the Spanish language was invented:
- Let's have fun with the Italian language!

How the Russian language was invented:
- Let's write the words in random order, and convey the meaning in intonations!
- Don't forget prefixes and suffixes!

How the German language was invented:
- We are thrifty people, why do we need extra spaces?
- Better add letters!

How the Chinese language was invented:
- Let's use the sounds of nature instead of words!
- Look at what I drew a kalyaku-malyaku. Here, as it were, the Sun, here the bulls plow the Earth. Let that mean a table!

How the Japanese language was invented:
- Let's say all the sounds with the same intonation?
- Like a dog barks. For everyone to be afraid.

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Business Partner14 Basic Rules for Expressive and Persuasive Speech

1. When talking, it is necessary to give the body a comfortable and free posture (the muscles of the neck and shoulders are not tense, the shoulders are laid back and are at the same level).
2. During the speech, you should keep naturally, it is desirable to look at the interlocutor.
3. Before speaking, take a breath (while inhaling, do not raise your shoulders) and immediately begin to speak on a smooth exhalation, slowly, together.
4. Articulate clearly, pronounce vowels with a drawl, make vocal support on them.
5. Pronounce consonants easily, freely, without tension.
6. In each word, highlight the stressed vowel sound, pronounce it louder and longer than the rest of the vowels in the same word.
7. Speak the first word in a phrase in a low voice, a little slower than usual.
8. Divide long sentences into semantic segments. Pronounce all the words inside the segment and short sentences as one long word.
9. Take a clear pause at the end of the sentence and between its semantic segments.
10. Avoid monotony. Speak emphatically.
11. Maintain an even, moderate tempo and rhythm of speech. Speak confidently and calmly.
12. Do not rush to answer. Consider the statement first.
13. If you fail, stop, calm down, and continue speaking more slowly until you feel confident in speaking.
14. Constantly control yourself: do not make unnecessary movements with your arms, legs, head, torso.

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A few words about how languages ​​were created.

Russian language:
- We will write words in random order, and convey the meaning of the phrase in intonations!

Ukrainian language:
- Let's take the Russian language and make it sound funny!

- Let half of the letters be read incomprehensibly, and half will not be at all!
- And add sticks on top!

- So, sir ... Let's leave a few letters, but let the vowels be read at random!
- And so that the meaning of the word changes unpredictably, depending on the prepositions and social status of the speaker!

Italian language:
- Let all words end in vowels!
- And when talking, you will have to wave your hands, otherwise it is very hot.

- Let's take Italian and make it sound funny!

- Remove all spaces. Why do we need empty spaces? Better to add letters!
- And more articles!

- We will use the sounds of nature instead of words!
- Look at the picture I drew. Here I have - the Sun, here - the bulls plow the Earth. Let this mean "table"!

Japanese language:
- We will pronounce all sounds with the same intonation!

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A bisector is a rat that runs around corners and bisects corners.

The median is a monkey, it walks along the sides and divides the sides in half.

Pythagorean pants are equal in all directions.
Russian language

Cases: Ivan gave birth to a girl, ordered to drag the diaper!

Do not confuse dress-put on: Put on clothes, put on Nadezhda.

For memorizing voiceless consonants (a very useful thing for phonetic parsing of words): STEPKA, WANT SHCHETS? Fi! (STPKKHCHSHSCHTSF)

The ramrod, prim and blinkers,
seam, gooseberries and gluttons,
chocolate, highway, chauffeur -
that's the whole set.

In a children's fairy tale Kolobok
could roll on the grass
no boots, no boots,
no socks and no stockings.
Six hectares of oranges
Apples, pears and tangerines,
eggplant - five beds,
tomatoes cannot be picked.

Respect a person
among the Turkmens, Tatars, Uzbeks,
among Tajiks and Armenians,
among the Mongols and Gypsies,
among the Yakuts and Tungus,
among the Bashkirs and Belarusians,
among the Kyrgyz and Georgians,
among Buryats and Ossetians
Unstressed vowels at the root of a word

If the vowel letter caused doubt -
You put her under stress immediately!

In the city of Bordeaux
on Borovaya street,
the sunset is big and big.

Veranda Veter
On the showcase Toys.

Troll walked along the sidewalk, who ate the Otlet.

Letter Y after C at the root of the word

The gypsy stood on tiptoe and poked at the chicken.
The gypsy on tiptoe stole the chicken and said "Chick!"

To correctly determine the initial form of the verb:

Do not change the view, -SI do not lose.

Questions answered by adverbs: where,
when, where, where, how, why and why.
Hyphen in indefinite pronouns

That, something, or, something - do not forget the dash.

Either, something, something, something, - \
Don't forget
As a preposition with the word from.

(from behind, from under)

Something, either, then, something
Don't forget the dash
But the particles, whether, would
Write it down separately.

Either, something, then, or something you need to pull off with a dash!
N and NN in adjectives

Onn, enn - write two N; an, yang, in - write N one!

Adjectives with the -ЯН- suffix: exceptions: look at the window to remember which adjectives the double H is written in: glass in the window, a wooden frame, and pewter latches and handles.
Sizzling adverbs - exceptions

Already unbearable to marry.
Unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word

And terrible and dangerous
It is useless to write the letter T!
Everyone knows how adorable
The letter T is appropriate to write!

Not wonderful, not wonderful
And terrible and dangerous
It is useless to write the letter T.


How to declare surnames?

There are no problems with the declension of surnames like "Ivanov", "Dubinin" or "Ostrovsky"

How to declare surnames?

There are no problems with the declension of surnames like "Ivanov", "Dubinin" or "Ostrovsky". But what about surnames like "Kucher" or "Gogunava"?

Often the owners themselves do not want to persuade them, claiming that the names allegedly do not obey the rules. How they obey!

Here are the declension rules:

1. Surnames that end in a consonant (Reznik, Kulish, Thompson, Doumer)

Male surnames are necessarily inclined: the victory of Mikhail Botvinnik, the resignation of Mechislav Grib, the authority of Charles de Gaulle.

Women's surnames are not inclined: the filmography of Tatiana Bozhok, the songs of Anna German, husband of Adele Strauss.

2. Surnames that end with [a]. (Kalancha, Mosca, Miyazawa)

They bow both in men (to the famous Bogdan Stupka, a novel by Yukio Mishima) and in women (the voice of Tatiana Shulga, the career of Lyubov Sliska).

True, Sliska herself will not agree with us, because her surname comes from a Polish adjective, but in this case Sliska's surname has long been Russified.

Exceptions: French surnames like "Dumas", "Delacroix", "Benoit" are not inclined in any way.

3. Abkhazian (Italian, Estonian and similar) surnames are inclined if the penultimate sound is a consonant (Sotkilava - Sotkilava, Kantaria - Kantaria).

If the penultimate sound is also a vowel (Gamsakhurdia), then the surname is not declined.


Ressam - artist, painter
Öğrenci - ()

Personal affixes. (Predicability affixes. Present tense).
Ressam - artist, painter
Öğrenci - student, pupil
Doktor - doctor, doctor
Köylü - peasant, villager, redneck

Note to the table:
1) If the word ends in a vowel, then before the affix of 1 person sing. and plural the consonant -Y- is put.
2) There is no grammatical category of gender in Turkish.
3) In colloquial speech (-DIr) - the affix of the 3rd person singular. and many others. numbers are omitted.

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The very words

The longest nouns are misanthropy and eminence.

The longest animate nouns are eleventh grader and clerk.

The longest adverb recorded by the dictionary is unsatisfactory.

The word "accordingly" is both the longest preposition and the longest conjunction.

The longest verbs are to be reexamined, substantialized, and internationalized.

A word with 5 consecutive vowels: Chihuahua (a city in Mexico).

Words with 7 consonants in a row are countermeasures.

A word in which three pairs of identical letters go in a row is a telegram apparatus.

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