Home Berries How to determine the form of the verb perfect or. What is the aspect of the verb? What are the types of verbs. Verbs transitive and intransitive

How to determine the form of the verb perfect or. What is the aspect of the verb? What are the types of verbs. Verbs transitive and intransitive

The term "view". View is a verbal category that shows how an action occurs in time, expresses the relation of an action to its result. The aspect category in any form, all verbs of the Russian language have. Like, perfective and imperfective verbs.

Perfective definition Perfective verbs are verbs that answer the question “what to do?” and denoting the action of the subject, limited in time, completeness. Perfective verbs also denote an action that has already ended (or will end), an action that reports the achievement of a result (, run), an action that has already begun or will soon begin (talk, run), a single action (push, shout , jump - verbs with the suffix -nu).

Definition of imperfective verbsImperfective verbs are verbs that answer the question "what to do?" and denoting an action without indicating the result, as well as without limiting it in time, the action is long or repetitive (write, watch, speak, sit, stand).

Imperfective and perfective verbs form pairs by aspect. The aspect pair is made up of an imperfective verb and a perfective verb, which have the same lexical meaning and differ only in the meaning of the aspect: look - view, write - write, build - build, run - run.


on interspecific relations of verbs

Useful advice

to consolidate the studied material, it is necessary to select a large number of examples


  • Definition of verb types
  • perfect form of the verb

The Slavic languages ​​are sharply opposed to other Indo-European languages ​​in terms of the forms of expression of the categories of time and aspect. The modern system of species took shape in linguistics only at the beginning of the 20th century. In order to correctly determine the form of the verb in Russian, it is necessary to take into account a number of reasons.

The aspect of a verb is a lexical and grammatical category of a verb that expresses the relation of an action to its internal limit. An internal limit is a point in the course of an action when the action becomes inactive.

History of the verb aspect category

Until the 20th century In linguistics, 3 types were distinguished:

1. Indefinite view, coinciding with the modern imperfect view.

2. Multiple view. Examples are: sat, walked.

3. Single view, coinciding with the modern perfect view.

In modern linguistics, it is customary to distinguish between grammatical types of a verb on the basis of semantics, i.e. values.

In Russian grammar, perfect and imperfect types are distinguished.

It can be determined based on the following criteria:

1) Based on semantics.

Perfective verbs denote an action that has reached an internal limit (for example:, did). Imperfective verbs denote an action that has not reached the internal limit (for example: looked, did).

2) For questions.

Perfective verbs answer the question “what to do?”, and imperfective verbs answer the question “what to do?”. For example: (what did you do?) looked, (what did you do?) looked.

3) On the basis of word-formation.

The perfect form of verbs is formed with the help of prefixes, the imperfect form - with the help of suffixes. So, the perfective verbs "looked, did" have prefixes, and the imperfective verbs "looked, did" do not.

4) By compatibility.

Imperfective verbs are combined with adverbs "long", "slowly", with the words "every day" and others, and perfective verbs do not have such an opportunity. So, you can say “looked for a long time”, but you cannot use the expression “looked for a long time”.

5) By the difference in the set of word forms.

Perfective verbs cannot be in the present form, and imperfective verbs do not have 3 tense forms.

The form of the verb is one of the topics in the school curriculum that students forget or even “fly by”. Without a doubt, if you do not understand the easy rules of this section, you will not be able to understand the other, more complex ones. Students often confuse an imperfect verb with a perfect one, but they don’t even imagine, everything is so easy and simple, you just need to clearly sort out what is what.

View is such a unit, without which not a single verb in the Russian language can exist. It is worth remembering that it can always be determined! In some cases, the answer is on the surface, and in some you have to dig. In our language, there are two types of verbs: perfect (CB) and imperfect (NSV).

Perfect view

This is a form that denotes an already completed action, most often we use it in the past tense. If we draw a parallel with the English language, there the completed action can be indicated by such tenses as Past Simple and Present Perfect. It should be taken into account that the verbs CB direct us to the result, the end of the action or its beginning. For example: "He read a book." How can you know that this is not an imperfective verb? You just need to ask the question: “What did you do?”. Such a hint is given by teachers to children in almost all schools, explaining that if the predicate has the prefix “s” in the question, then this is a perfective verb.

This type can also be used in the future tense, questions to test: “what will (will) do?” etc.

You should take into account the fact that the present tense is completely absent from the NE, so if you saw the verb of this tense, know that it is NSV.

Imperfect species

The imperfective verb indicates the duration of the action, without emphasizing the result. The process can be regular, that is, someone does something every day. Or simply repetitive, in other words, someone does something infrequently. English also has process tenses, such as Present Continious. Adverbs in a sentence can also “give out” the imperfect form of the verb. Examples: constantly, often, always, regularly, usually, for a long time - they all indicate the absence of an end to the action.

To easily determine the imperfective verb, one has only to ask him the question: “What to do?” (the question does not contain the letter “s” indicating NE, therefore, this is NE). For example: Marina loves to sing (what to do?).

The verbs of this group can be both the present tense (what do (do)? Etc.), and the future (what will I do (will I do)? Etc.) and the past (what did (do)? Etc.). d.).

One-dimensional verbs and verbs with two forms

Many verbs in Russian have a pair of the opposite form (to give (SV) - to give (NSV)). They are formed by alternating vowels and consonants and syllables:

  • o / a - late / late (SV / NSV);
  • o / s - sigh / sigh (SV / NSV);
  • I / them - raised / will raise (SV / NSV);
  • at / them - took out / took out (SV / NSV);
  • d / w - escorted / escorted (SV / NSV);
  • t/h - answered / will answer (SV/NSV);
  • p / pl - strengthened / strengthened (SV / NSV);
  • st / u - treated / will treat (SV / NSV).

In addition to such verbs, there are also monospecies, which in no case can have a pair, they have only one form of the two: imperfect or perfect. Among them: to be, to be present, to be absent, to be inactive (only NE), and also: to scream, to be needed, to gush, to find oneself (only NE).

Examples of imperfective and perfective verbs

As it turned out, NE and NE are quite easy to find on the question, however, most often, students begin to understand the topic only after the teacher analyzes it with examples.

Imperfect appearance: boils, takes, takes care, will play, sheared, searched, sawed, interfered, I will sleep, etc.

Perfect view: pour, score, clean, bought, disappeared, displaced, opened, sit down, etc.

These are just some examples of perfective and imperfective verbs.

Verbs are either perfective or imperfective. The types of verbs differ in meaning.

Imperfect verbs

Imperfect verbs what to do?:

sit, talk, play

Imperfective verbs have three tense forms: past, present and future compound. In either tense form, they denote a repetitive or continuing action, without indicating whether the action has been completed. For example:

(what have you been doing?) pushed - elapsed time, perhaps the action was repeated several times and it is not known whether the desired result was achieved

(what do they do?) read - present, ongoing action, since it is not known how long the action has already lasted and how much more it will last

(What will I do?) I will draw - future difficult time, perhaps the action will be repeated and there is no indication that it will be completed

Imperfective verbs can also denote actions that have started, are starting or will start:

I'm on fire, I'm on fire, I'm on fire

Perfect verbs

Perfect verbs indefinitely answer the question what to do?:

Perfective verbs have two tense forms: past and future simple. In any tense form, they denote a completed (finished) and non-repeating action. For example:

(What did you do?) sat down - past tense, the action is completed and was done once, that is, it was not repeated

(what will they do?) will talk - future simple tense, the action will be done completely and will not be repeated

Perfective verbs can also denote actions that have already begun or are about to begin:

spoke, speak

Species formation

Perfective verbs can be formed from imperfective verbs in different ways. Consider the ways of education:

  • Adding a prefix:

    write - under write, sit before sit

  • Dropping suffixes, for example:

    Yes wa t - give, save a t - save

  • Replacing suffixes, for example:

    double willow t - double and th, resh a t - resh and th, jump a t - jump well be

  • Replacing suffixes and alternating sounds in the root:

    about shcha t - pros ti th, zas s X a t - zas about X well be

Aspective pairs of verbs

Many verbs can be perfect or imperfect. Two kinds of the same verb form species pair.

The aspect pair of verbs is often formed by deriving one aspect from another, for example:

speak - speak

decide - decide

Some aspect pairs have different bases, but denote the same action:

Separate aspectual pairs of verbs differ only in stress:

fall asleep - fall asleep

cut - cut

cut off - cut off

Some verbs, depending on the sentence in which they are used, can be both imperfective and perfective:

Anna now (what is she doing?) telegraphs sister about the time of arrival.(present tense, imperfective)

She tomorrow (what will she do?) telegraphs about your departure.(future tense perfective)

Such verbs are called two-species, These include: telegraph, seize, spend the night, injure, marry, execute and some others.

Good afternoon, dear student! Today we will look at types of verbs. Very often my students wonder why there are so many different verbs in Russian, how to determine their tense and why some verbs are used with prefixes and some without. To understand all these issues, let's look at perfect and imperfective verbs.

You will find the form of imperfective verbs in the dictionary, the verb in this case denotes an action, and perfective verbs are formed from this form. It should be noted that there are a lot of these methods, here are some of them:

With help prefixes, compare:

Imperfect species Perfect view
To read Read Has red
To write Has written
Prepare Has cooked
To buy Buy

Please note that we have an exception word that is formed in perfect form without a prefix - this is the verb "Buy". In its imperfect form, this verb is used with the prefix -po.

With the help of different suffixes:

So, if we want to say that the action happens regularly, we need an imperfective verb. If the action happened 1 time at some point or day / hour, etc. and we know about its result, then we are dealing with a perfective verb. These verbs answer the question what to do?"

If we are talking about repetitive actions, then we not only use imperfective verbs that answer the question " what to do?", but we also use various additional information in the form of adverbs, which just show this repetition. For example,

Anastasia can't cook what to do?), she's cooking rarely. Anastasia cannot cook, she cooks rare.

I bought (what did?) beautiful dress, it is for me goes very well! (result visible) I bought a new dress, it suits me much.

In order to correctly determine the aspect of a verb, you can remember some adverbs that will help you correctly decide whether this or that verb belongs to a particular aspect:

Imperfect species
What are they doing? When? How often?

  1. Nikita watches a movie Every morning/evening/day, regularly, often, rarely, sometimes, usually.
  2. Vitaly buys newspapers
  3. We play volleyball
Perfect view
What did they do? When?
  1. Nikita watched the film "Titanic" Yesterday, in the evening, in the morning, today, once, on Friday, 2 days ago, already, not yet.
  2. Vitaly bought the newspaper "Izvestia"
  3. We played volleyball very well
From these examples it can be seen that adverb words can greatly facilitate the definition of one or another type of verb, the main thing is to learn questions and remember these words. To practice, correct these sentences by giving the verbs the correct verbs. The sentences are misspelled:

I finished my porridge and went for a walk.
Students stayed at the university, but still mastered the material.
She redid the report for a very long time.
Tanya cried a lot and did not calm down.
The children laughed a lot and the teacher decided to play with them some more.

Remember Please, that imperfective verbs have 3 forms: past, present and future:

Perfective verbs have only 2 tense forms: past and future

Watched and will watch

The form of the past tense changes by numbers:

Ran (singular) and fled (plural) He ran and they ran.

Dear visitors, readers of my site. There are many options written on it that help people heal from corruption. But not every one of you can accurately determine and say with certainty that such and such an option is yours.

I will write to you how you can accurately determine the damage that you have. Start by looking at the options for damage, you are not in a hurry to scroll through option after option. Find the one that you think is exactly what you have.

Carefully start reading what is written, and if during the reading of prayers and a conspiracy in one version you have a yawn, possibly very strong, tears can flow on their own during a yawn, this option is yours, then there is damage and that option, on which you react in this way is yours, start to be treated according to it. But you can look through all the options, and make sure that you don't have any other damage.

If there is a yawn while reading any of the options, apply it. Thus, you will get rid of all kinds of damage that you have. You can also determine the type of damage from your relatives, what has been done and how to treat it, just do not say your name while reading prayers and conspiracies, but the name of the one you want to help. Learn to help yourself, your family and friends with the word of God and protect your family from the tricks of sorcerers and witches who do not live in peace, but only to harm people. All the best to you on your journey of life and God bless you all.

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comment 31 on “How to determine what type of spoilage you have”

  1. Elena writes:

    Hello. Please help. We buy goods for 10,000 rubles. in a day instead of earning a loss. it was 10,000, it became 6,000. My husband and I save on everything, but I can’t understand why it turns out like this. Everything was fine before. my husband has a stroke. I don’t know who we are disturbing to live with. But even people began to ask why everything turned upside down with us. HELP

  2. mila writes:

    Hello, I know what he did for a drink, when he drank, he went crazy over her, immediately called her, his eyes were not his, but I vomited when I caught him when he spoke to her, I was tormented by terrible migraines, I was just dying , now he lives with her, but we have been married for almost three months, and when he left the migraines stopped, once every two weeks it happens to me that I cry just like that, everything is on fire in the solar plexus and terrible anxiety, I I don’t know what it is. I didn’t find a prayer on how to determine what kind of damage, thanks.

  3. mila writes:

    Tell me how to remove a love spell from my husband.

  4. Mila writes:

    Sorry, but I still don’t understand how to determine what type of damage I have, sorry.

  5. mila writes:

    Three people told me that there was a love spell, and they filmed me, but since he lives with her, she pours on him again, and I saw from him, I’m already so confused that I don’t understand myself, in three months he came once and I didn’t see happiness on his face, he looked like a beaten dog, and he was sick, and he had nightmares, and he couldn’t find a job, and he drank heavily, and when he drank he couldn’t not call her, he just went crazy. And with me I couldn't sleep and I saw how he was in pain.

  6. mila writes:

    Is there a ritual to make sure there is a love spell on her husband?

  7. Catherine writes:

    Hello. I have the same problem, I've been feeling bad lately. I did a bunch of tests, all good. I checked for the evil eye, out of 9 matches 3 were drowned, then for damage. I held the egg in my hand for 2 minutes, then broke it into a glass of water and supported it for another 3 minutes, and put it on the head of the bed. There were a lot of threads and bubbles. Tell me what to do?

  8. Sergei writes:

    Where are the options presented? Thank you!

  9. Svetlana writes:

    At work, an employee put a tangerine in a prominent place (on a rack), 2 skewers were stuck on top and left to dry for 2-3 weeks, she put it on the battery to dry faster, what does this mean, she also said that she reads protection prayers in the morning, I lost my job as a result

  10. Valery writes:

    Maybe I’m completely stupid, but I can’t find point-blank where to read in order to determine what type of damage I have.
    “Carefully start reading what is written, and if during the reading of prayers and a conspiracy in one version you have a yawn, possibly very strong, tears can flow on their own during a yawn, this option is yours, then there is also that option, to which you react in this way is yours, begin to be treated according to it. Where to read prayers and conspiracies? You can give a direct link as a particularly "gifted" one. Thank you.

  11. Anya writes:

    Hello Valentine. The situation is this: I and my daughter (6 years old) have stuttering. Over the past few years, my stuttering has been on the rise, before that it hardly bothered me. My 2 year old daughter stutters. In my personal life, it’s also nonsense: I experienced animal dependence on my first husband (son’s father), as if against my will someone forced me to be with him. Although I saw that he was not a good person, my will seemed to be fettered, I was drawn to him and that’s all. One person even said: “the spirits force you to be with him, you are like a puppet in their hands.” Only after the birth of the child, even in the maternity hospital, she felt “liberation”, as if “cut off”, she was immediately able to leave him. The second marriage is the opposite: initially she was disgusted with her husband, she did not love and do not love, but she married him for some reason. As a result, all 8 years of marriage are continuous torment.
    And one more thing… my grandparents were friends for several years with a woman who was 2 times younger than them. And as it turned out after the death of my grandfather, this woman conjured so that the grandfather and the woman would rewrite their apartment not for me (legitimate granddaughter), but for the daughter of this woman. Either the pads were under the door, then the grandmother’s gold ring disappeared, then it appeared, then other things from the house disappeared. My skirt is gone. My relationship with my grandfather and grandmother at that time also deteriorated greatly, my grandmother thought that I was stealing things. In general, we “figured out” that woman, sold the apartment. But I think that suddenly she “pointed” something on me (it’s not for nothing that my skirt disappeared). Therefore, I have such nonsense in my life and with my daughter’s health. Or I myself am so bad). The ring, by the way, is kept by my mother in the closet, no one wears it. Can the ring be cleaned somehow?

  12. Natalia writes:

    Good afternoon! I never found prayers, conspiracies for the definition of damage, only one article. Print if it's not difficult for you again. Thank you in advance!!!

  13. Olga writes:

    Good afternoon. Thank you very much for your site, it has become a godsend for me.
    I'm sure my husband has a curse on poverty. I would like to apply everything that you recommend, but I have one question. My husband is an Arab, belongs to the Assyrian branch of Christianity. I'm orthodox. Will prayers be effective for him. I will read them, and ask for him.

  14. Tatyana writes:

    Hello, I want to describe my story and hear your advice. In 2011 I met a man, they began to live as a family, a citizen marriage, in 2013 I gave birth to a son, this is my third child, this is his only. I am now 50 years old, M-46, my son is 4 years old. In February of this year, at night I saw an old woman standing under the window on an empty neighboring plot (private house) and looking at our bedroom window, I immediately realized that she was doing something, in the morning she told everything to her husband, but we did not attach any importance to this. It seemed to me that I was sleeping, but at the same time it was real! In April, my husband began to say that I cook tastelessly, then there was nothing in bed, and in May he brought the situation to the point that I had to pack my things and leave, with his tacit consent. Now he claims that I myself packed my things and left! Now he lives with another woman, he abandoned his house. I turned to a fortuneteller, but I told her this story, I forgot about it. She worked with me, I also saw her work as if it were real and as if in a dream, she says that we will be together, it has been 5 months since my husband and I separated, she rarely visits her son, two days off a month, the fortune teller has been working with me for 2 months, but I don’t see positive results (((what would you advise me to help myself on my own ??? I really hope for advice))) thanks in advance !!!

  15. Svetlana writes:

    Good afternoon. Please tell me what's wrong with the baby! Girl, 11 years old, something incredible has been happening for the last month. She sees dirt all around, she constantly washes her hands, does not allow her grandmother and dad to touch her, if one of them touched her clothes, she starts to hysteria, demands to wash. He starts to get nervous, cry, scream. What is it?

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