Home Berries How to calculate a portrait characteristic using tarot. Psychological portrait of tarot layouts from Alicia Khszanowska

How to calculate a portrait characteristic using tarot. Psychological portrait of tarot layouts from Alicia Khszanowska

Part 1. characteristics of each arcana

Position 1. This position defines personality trait between the ages of approximately 0 and 25 years

A person has by nature an analytical mind, a developed intellect, the ability to master and process a huge amount of information. He loves to learn new things, explore, learn the action of various natural processes. His mind is constantly busy processing information and absorbing new knowledge. This is a student for life. He is fluent in the word, can perfectly express his thoughts, write.

If the Client has a Magician in his portrait and realizes himself in the field of journalism, advertising, marketing, coaching, pedagogy and in other areas where you need to “work with the word”, he realizes the abilities given to him by nature.

The task of a person with a lasso Mage in a portrait is to become a professional in his field. His spiritual purity is maintained by divine love; he must strive for integrity and mastery.

This is a bright, light, purposeful personality. A good leader who knows how to set tasks.

Information comes to him both from the unconscious sphere and from consciousness. That is, when he thinks about something, the decision can come by itself. It's like someone is putting thoughts into his head. He can be a "transmitter" of ideas to the earth, without realizing it, since he has a connection with the cosmic "warehouse" of knowledge. As a bonus from such service, he receives those thoughts that he personally needs.

This is a person with a pronounced active life position, active, energetic. The magician makes it possible to achieve his goals, relying only on himself and his abilities. He knows how to set goals and has all the tools to achieve them. The client must know that he is endowed with great mental abilities and is obliged to use this talent in life, otherwise longing awaits him, he will turn sour and intellectually grow old.

Mage is an individualist. He does not like to be controlled, because he has a remarkable intellect and he himself knows which way to choose to do this or that job. Therefore, the Magician makes decisions independently and is able to answer for them.

People-Mages are researchers, scientists, pathfinders. They have a unique talent for reading information from space and transmitting it further down to earth. Their job is to learn and spread knowledge. There is a risk of remaining an “eternal student”, but one must understand that in this way a person realizes the potential inherent in him.

He is self-confident, knows how to communicate with different people, regardless of gender and position; he is an educated person. He has good sexual energy, Magi are people with a great lust for life.

The magician is a great egocentric, so you can easily go to the stage of a “complete egoist”.

There is a risk of considering yourself the smartest in the world and therefore turning into a bore, a "nerd" who sincerely will not understand why no one wants to listen to him - after all, he knows so much. You can become a know-it-all, but at the same time knowledge will be superficial, since no one is given to know everything.

The other extreme is unwillingness to learn at all, lack of initiative, inactivity, self-doubt, lack of desire, depression; a person does not know them (and does not want to know).

These are people who can kill with a word, joke evil, forgetting that humor is when everyone has fun, and not ridiculing others. He has a great opportunity to become a "sharp-tongued", caustic, sarcastic person, but who can deal with such people of his own free will ?! Instead of a beautiful speech, he may well go into the field of verbal abuse, love obscenity and greasy jokes.

By the way, a person with an inverted Magician in a portrait is also an inspired liar, a virtuoso deceiver. It can become a charlatan or a swindler, but over time, spiritual discord and painful internal contradictions await him.

Such distortions of the energy of the lasso indicate a rejection of one's divine nature, a disregard for oneself and higher powers, a loss of oneself as a person. In other words, a person did not take a positive potential, but picked up the qualities of a Magician with a minus sign.

It's OK. You have enough power to fix everything. After all, now you know what personality flaws you need to work out in your current life.

Position 2. This position defines personality trait between the ages of approximately 25 and 50

Hermit (IX)

The lasso of the Hermit shows that this person is not new to the spiritual life. He has deep spiritual knowledge with which he has already come into this world. He does not need to be convinced of the existence of a higher power, he knows this in his soul.

He has protection from extraneous influences, so if you have firm faith, you will not knock him out of your position or point of view. At the same time, he has spiritual flexibility, knows how to give in - simply because he knows: everyone has their own truth.

This is a person who, having found and appreciated his spiritual power, is able to light the way for others, lead them to where he himself has reached. But only on condition that they turn to him. This is not the man who sits on the throne and people know where to find him. The hermit is in no hurry to share the secret right and left. He holds a lantern, and you must come to him yourself. He came to his depth through personal experience, there are no religious dogmas in him - therefore you will not expect orthodoxy from him. He sees and knows God more widely than confessions offer. This person may not belong to any religion: after all, he has already found and carries God within himself.

It combines heavenly and earthly, male and female, fire and water. He knows that they are not opposed to each other, but one with different qualities. He has this integrity in himself and it only needs to be revealed in this life.

This lasso leads a person inside the soul through spiritual practices, meditations, trainings - not for others, but for oneself. The Hermit Period is a period of voluntary loneliness to create or accept one's own values, to explore the inner aspects of oneself.

The hermit bathes in solitude. This is a person who is good with himself. He needs his own territory, his corner, his skete, where no one will disturb him. There he returns to his depth, which is so easy to lose in the secular world. If there is a Hermit in your portrait, know that your desire for silence, peace and solitude is vital for you. The main thing is to get out of your prison from time to time and enjoy life, otherwise why are you here with your depth? Enjoy the world!

This is a sincere person who does not know how to deceive. Lies are not easy for him. Deep down he knows the price of deceit. The hermit is always true to his beliefs. He has his own way, his own beliefs, his own life position.

This is a wise person, he lives according to inner high values; you can listen to his advice. These people are focused on details, can do quiet, calm work that requires scrupulousness and accuracy.

Hermits know how to work, it is important that no one drives them and gives them a sufficient field for activity. They are responsible and sincere. They are able to learn from their mistakes.

His task is to develop his spiritual potential, be true to himself, find himself and understand his depth. This is a person who will always be puzzled by existential questions.

Possible personality flaws

This person can drive himself into isolation, become the ultimate couch potato, withdraw into his own world. Of course, he feels good there, but there are also other personality traits that he needs to realize.

Can endure hardship for the sake of hardship, get away from people, turn his life into a joyless existence; fulfill some conditional duty to the family or society and demand the same renunciation of life from others. Become selfish and intolerant.

If a person needs little, he becomes ascetic, and to the extreme. Hence the development of greed, even stinginess. At the same time, material concerns come to the fore with such a Hermit. It can easily become a dull misanthrope who looks for flaws in small things (letter-eaters, “flea-searchers”).

There is a possibility of a superficial view of life, when a person sees only external manifestations, without bothering to understand the underlying cause of what is happening. And then these people find pleasure in condemnation, gossip, passing verdicts to neighbors and authorities, uncompromising assessment of others.

Complexity (including in sexual relations), life without earthly results, rejection of help, lack of growth and development (both spiritual and professional), guilt and fear, rejection of one’s spiritual essence, disbelief in the existence of Higher Forces and, as the result, the inability to turn to anyone for help - this is also a Hermit, but with negative manifestations of personality.

If you find a similarity with you, do not be discouraged, like a sad Hermit: you have a huge potential, start working on yourself and your shortcomings. You will succeed.

Position 3. This position defines character of a person aged approximately 50 years and above

Empress (III)

The second name of the card is "Mistress". This card represents happy femininity. The Empress is a woman with status (which means she is married); at the same time, she has property, this is a wealthy person who lives in comfort, he is relaxed, satisfied with his financial situation.

The Empress is the source of life, a woman giving birth, a caring mother. She has order in the house, the flowers are watered, the cake is baked. She radiates love and tenderness. This is a faithful wife, if a man builds a relationship with her on an equal footing and is worthy of her. However, she will not live with another. That's why she's the Empress.

A person with a lasso Empress has an exquisite taste, the aesthetics of life, beauty, grace are important to him. He appreciates beautiful things, comfort, aesthetics and brings these qualities into his life. Design, art in their highest sense is an important aspect of the sensual life of the Client. And if he underestimates this, he impoverishes his inner life.

In addition, this is an emotional nature that knows how to cope with emotions when necessary. But he can also cry, following the needs of his soul.

A self-sufficient nature that knows how to manage, ideally organize material (everyday) processes; has certain resources and is able to create a good life with their help. Money comes to the Empress in a harmonious way, as she is worthy of them, appreciates what she has been given and knows how to be internally grateful for it.

This person appreciates naturalness in relationships and manifests himself openly according to his nature.

If the lasso is present in the portrait of a woman, then this is also a sexually attractive woman who is not ashamed of the joys of carnal love, as she considers them a real gift from nature.

The opportunity to express your opinion is an important moment in the life of the Client, since self-expression is one of the main manifestations of the essence of the Empress. Often can manifest itself in verbal creativity.

Possible personality flaws

Pleasure and comfort become the main things in his life. Grated pans, starched tablecloths, sparkling glossy furniture - everything is done for the sake of external gloss; maintaining an ideal order becomes the main task of life. The house becomes like a museum, where it is beautiful, but empty and dull.

Manicure comes out on top, dust at home and grimy hungry children - this is also a manifestation of the inverted Empress. A person cares only about his appearance, loves going out, glamour; people are his entourage, and he is the main person of the ball. Usually, with such an approach to life, such Empresses either become domestic tyrants, where everyone revolves around them for the time being, or live alone, drinking expensive wine from a beautiful glass in the evening and contemplating their ideal reflection in glossy furniture.

Or, on the contrary, instead of the natural generosity inherent in the characteristics of the lasso, a person can show greed and even greed. Such people stop looking after themselves (how much money will be wasted!), they save on products by buying expired, but cheap ones; wear the same clothes for years, do not brush their teeth to save money, etc. Such a mother-victim can be overprotective of her children, “give them her whole life”, reinforcing her already powerful basic anxiety.

In addition, the inverted Empress in a female portrait can also mean infertility, lost sexuality, fear of intimate life, lack of creative manifestations in everyday life, dislike for women, denial of earthly femininity and the beauty of one's body.

If you find the minuses of the lasso in yourself, get to work! Change - and become a happy wealthy woman. You have everything for this.

Position 4. Subconscious position. This lasso is difficult to live. A person often does not recognize the quality of the lasso, he hides from himself. This is our dark side. Can be a powerful resource when developed

Wheel of Fortune (X)

This is a karmic lasso and, quite likely, this person is led through life by invisible forces. In other words, the Client is under supervision.

The events of his life can be predetermined. And in this case, it is important to accept and express an inner readiness to follow one's Destiny, no matter what its vicissitudes. And then everything will turn out right for you.

Such people can be called lucky, because they are lucky by the Wheel of Fortune, Luck itself! You will come across people who will agree with someone about you, get you a job, and then disappear from your path. Conditions will be created for constant movement further. You are not one of those who have been in the same workplace for 40 years. You have a different task: you need to go through too much and learn and feel more. It will give the impression that some forces have already thought of everything for you, created a team for you, working conditions, put an ad in front of your eyes - all so that you get this experience. And after passing it, they will move on. This is really wonderful, but on the condition that you accept absolutely everything that happens to you, without criticism and complaints about life. This is exactly what you can't do!

When the wheel moves, any of its external points will be either above or below. That is, you can have ups and downs, joys and sorrows, you can reach peaks and leave them; constant change is normal for you. Otherwise, the wheel will not move. And if the wheel does not move, it loses its main task, its meaning.

You must clearly understand that all trials are part of the life cycle: empires fall, new worlds are created and flourish, people die and are born, houses are built and destroyed, businesses fall apart, but new ones arise and other jobs appear ... everything is life-changing and everything matters .

Perhaps this person is working out his karma in this way (the Wheel of Fortune is a karmic lasso), which means that his soul has gained enough experience to cope with the constant course of events. Getting constant life lessons, revelations, awareness, skills is a way of growth for this Client.

His life situations may often not be the result of a conscious choice. Everything that happens is the laws of your spiritual development; you cannot give in to despair.

This lasso also speaks of material success, because fortune favors money. Winnings are possible, but be careful with gambling. Remember that at any moment the upper position of the Wheel can change to a lower one, success or failure. To prevent this from happening, be able to control the temptation of too easy prey, you can not achieve a high goal at any cost. Obey the laws - spiritual and legal.

In spiritual terms, a person needs to strive to occupy the position of the center of the wheel, its axis, to achieve inner balance, tranquility, to strive for connection with the eternal. Man needs to learn to rise from the lowest to the highest.

It is easy to communicate with a person with the lasso of the Wheel of Fortune, he is optimistic. Often acts unpredictably and boldly. With seeming frivolity, he has common sense, can be carried away, but can stop in time if he sees that his actions do not lead to results.

Possible personality flaws

Belief in one's Destiny does not mean complete fatalism. If a person chooses inactivity, then he will step on the same rake again and again. There is a risk of becoming weak-willed, apathetic, too submissive to fate, living a boring life.

Possible loss of orientation in life: What is good, What is bad, Who am I? Why am I here? Why does it all work out like this? In this case, you need to find those principles and moral principles, the observance of which will lead you further in life. Usually these are well-known human values. Live in harmony with them and gradually you will find your way, even if it was once lost.

An indicator of the loss of oneself and one's destiny can be a deplorable financial situation. A person can live his whole life in poverty if he does not believe in his strength and his fate. Appreciate what you have already been given, work hard and the Wheel of Fortune will take you higher.

Position 5. Consciousness. What a person knows about himself. This is his system of values ​​and morals, on which he relies; his mind, his consciousness

The Hanged Man (XII)

This person has a rich inner world. His faith in the Creator is so great that he is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of a great goal, which, in fact, is unknown to him.

However, the Hanged Man always knows that a reward comes with a test. He knows that he will pass all tests. Powerful intuition drives him through life and helps him choose the right decision.

This is a wise and prudent person with a strong character, who, if he decided to become a victim, then from deep inner motives. His patience is to be envied.

In everyday meaning, this card shows that a person, having great willpower, voluntarily gives himself up as a sacrifice, while being well aware of what he receives in return.

This person accepts his fate with absolute serenity. He has great willpower and an inner connection with God. To discover it, you need to go deep into yourself, in meditation. The hanged man in the portrait is a direct indication of spiritual practices, hanging, leaving for his own world for the very reward.

It is also the lasso of genius, huge mental capabilities, an original outlook on life. This lasso is often found among artists and other creative personalities.

The ability to look at everything from a different point of view gives the Hanged Man extraordinary joy. After all, only those who hang upside down can see “not like everyone else”.

Dissent is a hallmark of such a person. He can become a mystic or a medium.

In a personal portrait, the card indicates the depth of nature, the search for one's destiny (including spiritual), prudence, acceptance of one's mission and a strong belief in the correctness of one's choice.

Possible personality flaws

Laziness rules here. The task is complicated by the fact that one of the most favorite lines of behavior for the Hanged Man is inaction, freezing.

"I'm a victim," I don't care about the rest. Tell me what to do, I'll do it. Didn't work - so what? It's my fault? No, I did what I was told! I think it was your fault. And the victim easily passes into the role of the accuser.

But it's still half the trouble. The accuser is at least some kind of activity. The inverted Hanged Man is a man who boasts of his helplessness. He is incompetent, he needs to be “driven”, he is waiting for instructions and makes it so that he often needs to be redone. He doesn't learn from his mistakes; he likes to be dependent and even punished.

But remember? The Hanged Man always knows that trials are rewarding. They punished me, and then they gave me candy, they regretted it. Having voluntarily appointed himself a "scapegoat", a person expects a reward. But more often than not, it doesn't get it right. Who takes care of the scapegoats? No one really needs them!

This is a man who got into a dead end, and stayed there, not wanting to turn his head and find a way out. Voluntary isolation, alienation, egocentrism, indifference to one's own life; drugs, imprisonment, alcohol addiction - that's what the inverted Hanged Man entails if you don't come to your senses in time.

It is not easy to renounce such a Hanged Man. Jumping out of a state of hopelessness is more difficult for you than for other people, but this does not mean that it is impossible for you! It is you who will cope with this, having the strength of faith in yourself and the conviction of your uniqueness. You have a difficult task ahead of you if you find yourself showing signs of an inverted Hanged Man.

Develop the qualities of other arcana, send Laziness to retirement and do not succumb to its total influence, read, search, develop spiritually - and you will be able to jump out of the hole into which you have driven yourself.

Position 6. The main talent, resource, energies that accompany a person through life. If there is a conflict between the subconscious and the conscious, this resource may be unknown to the person. If positions 4 and 5 (subconscious and conscious) are worked out, the qualities of this lasso become the main resource of a person who carries it through life

The jester is always cheerful. He is so trusting in life that he does not think about anything. He is not afraid of danger, because he has never encountered them. This is the nonchalant, charming, slightly naive part of your soul. A child who rejoices in everything he sees and wants to taste everything.

He has a taste for life by definition, he does not need to be taught to enjoy. He is an epicurean, but an epicurean on the way. He moves forward without looking at his feet, enjoying every step he takes.

Carelessness, spiritual purity, spontaneity are wonderful qualities that make a person with the Jester lasso a charming everyone's favorite. He's sweet and unpredictable in a good way.

He has wonderful intuition. He loves freedom of expression, it seems to him that all paths are open to him. This is a man driven by curiosity and a thirst for unprecedented discoveries. He has no idea what awaits him in life, but it does not scare him. Come what may! - his motto, because, in fact, deep down he is sure that everything will be very good. He is capable of easy adventures without complications, as he simply loves risk.

This is a person who appreciates life, knows how to learn from his mistakes, easily moves through life. The jester is always eager for new experiences and he is not afraid of the unknown, he is ready for adventure. He is ready to fall, because he is sure that if babies were afraid to fall, people would not learn to walk.

This man has great potential, which he has yet to explore.

He loves to joke and can become a good comedian. Jokes, laughter and humor are his forte.

It is good for a person with the Jester lasso to engage in new projects; knowing the unknown and creating something new is his joy.

Possible personality flaws

Spontaneity tends to turn into a chaos of thoughts and actions. The jester is so eager to get enough of communication that this can lead to disorder in contacts and a motley company of friends. Where not very decent personalities can get in, ready to profit from the openness and gullibility of this person.

Recklessness can lead you into danger, don't be too naive. But you yourself run the risk of becoming an eccentric rude who takes advantage of the naivety of other people. A person with an unreliable environment, who only strives for an idle life and its pleasures, an egoist with uncontrollable behavior, a mercantile type, a bile humorist - where did our nice fellow go? Alas, this is also present in the character of a person with an inverted lasso Jester.

An insecure and irresponsible weakling who has lost his taste for life, turned his life into a bleak existence, complaining about missed opportunities - and these are also the minuses of the Jester.

If you found your description here, an interesting and exciting journey into the world of yourself awaits you; the restructuring, alteration and re-planning of your soul will exceed all expectations and you will noticeably change. You can change minuses to pluses if you want.

Part 2. psychological portrait, taking into account the interactions of the arcana with each other

It can be absolutely definitely said that this Client is a strict individualist with his own life position, which is not always clear to the rest. He only does what he wants; has an opinion on everything. He can be quite compliant in ordinary earthly situations. But if it comes to his personal space or an important choice, he will stand his ground, having enough inner strength and faith in his fate for this, no matter how strange it may seem to other people. He may not realize with his mind why he does this or that, but he has a fateful internal engine (the Wheel of Fortune) that guides him through life. Such a person must trust his fate and know that much is predetermined in his life. This does not mean that everything in his life will be smooth. But he must believe that everything happens for his good and there are forces that lead him in the right direction for him and take care of him.

He will accumulate only those knowledge that he considers useful and interesting for himself - this is his harmony. If such a child is forced to study a lot, and he does not see the point in this for himself, he will resist. Or vice versa, if a person himself is too keen on learning and cognition (becomes only in the position of a Mage) and does not hear himself from within (suppresses his Hermit), not allowing himself to be alone and in inner silence, he will from time to time "fall exhausted" - and only then allow yourself to rest. This harmonizes both of his arcana (the Magician and the Hermit).

The combination of the Magician with the Hermit and the Hanged Man, which this Client has, can extinguish activity and thirst for intellectual knowledge. You need to overcome your laziness, otherwise you risk becoming a poorly educated and uninteresting person who has ruined your powerful intellectual potential. Don't be afraid to learn!

The client has inner wisdom, which, combined with a thirst for knowledge, can lead him to prosperity and joy. He has a good aesthetic taste, he loves beautiful things and furnishings; looks after himself. Appreciates material comfort, knows how to create and maintain it.

This is a self-sufficient person, but without the development of the intellect and spirit there is a danger (with great potential) of not achieving anything. On the way to achieving the goal, laziness and lack of interest can become (The Hanged Man). It is important for this person to be active when he wants to be and be able to wait for the moment when he “pulls”. And when it pulls, get off the stove and act actively, completely trusting fate, as the Jester can do.

An active desire for independence, which, indeed, has deep foundations. The Client has a clearly expressed ability to lead, and it is filled with the wisdom of previous experience.

This person needs to let himself be alone from time to time, but remember that life is beautiful and amazing, so pull yourself out of your shell, otherwise you risk killing all your abilities, which means inner joy.

The ability to give without expecting in return is important for the Client. It is important for him to serve people (both financially and emotionally). If you begin to expect or demand something in return for your deeds, internal disappointments and even troubles await you. Let's be selfless! You will never be left empty-handed - you will always come from different sources if you build your life and relationships with others correctly.

In the portrait there are 4 lasso with male energies, one with neutral, one with female. This person has pronounced masculine qualities, such as a developed intellect, the ability to analyze, activity, brightness. This is a real man - with a rich inner world, love for material comfort, the ability to set goals and actively achieve them. The portrait has a "masculine spirit".

But at the same time, female flexibility, spiritual softness, the ability to enjoy life and earthly beauty, the ability to communicate with the heart, to feel are not alien to the Client. In addition, the female lasso indicates that this man can understand women well, get along with them, and support them in difficult times. And, of course, the representatives of the opposite sex will like him.

Too much is predetermined in the fate of this person. Belief in Fate should become the main life foundation. Much can come to him easily, unobtrusively, without effort on his part. Including - and material goods. But if you think that you achieve everything yourself and that your Higher Power has nothing to do with it, you will have to work hard and, mostly, to no avail. For this client, it is important to be grateful for the favorable twists of fate and it is absolutely impossible to complain about its vicissitudes, if any.

But if a person is true to himself, his trust in life will not let him slide down, but will gently lead in the right direction.

However, you need to know that the lasso Wheel of Fortune is in this portrait in the 4th position (subconscious). Most often, this position, which reveals the negative characteristics of the lasso.

So remember.

You cannot risk money, put everything at stake, gamble. And if you are going to the casino, then you need to make one bet and leave. If Luck takes you there, you win. If it is not fate to get money in this way - do not continue, the risk is too high to fall into the temptation and lose everything. Fight addiction to gambling, money disputes and similar flirtations with Fortune.

It is difficult for you to find a middle ground in relation to material wealth: either the thirst for money or the fear of wealth controls you. There may be difficulties in finding a balance between the material and the spiritual. It will not work to prefer one thing, you need to understand that without the spiritual there is no material, and vice versa. You can’t get hung up on one thing, you need to look for a balance between money and the development of the soul.

Perhaps you have karmic burdens that you need to work through in this life. Whatever happens, believe that everything is for the best! And for you it is.

Belief in one's Destiny does not mean complete fatalism. You can’t say: well, now let everything be decided and done for me, and I will sit on the stove and wait. There is a risk of freezing without movement and for a very long time. Your laziness and desire for inactivity will force fate to subject you to more serious tests than expected. You must act when you feel an inner call.

How to understand that this is a call? If it does not disappear, if you are drawn to do something, try to do it. If the call - everything will add up. You will find resources, people, advisers. Perhaps later you will consider this action a mistake, but it may be that this is the very experience that your soul needed. In any case, thank your heavenly guide for it.

Your task is to learn how to transform obstacles into success. The most important obstacle for you is disbelief in yourself and laziness, lack of desires. Look for something that interests you, that will show your desire to act.

This person is ready for a voluntary sacrifice for a great goal. This is what is embedded in his mind, his consciousness (The Hanged Man in position 5). He is ready for tests, and these can be both tests of the spirit and the body.

But there may not be a great goal in life, you will not need to be heroic at every step or rush into embrasures.

And then such a person is lost. Because, in fact, sacrificing yourself is easy enough. This means that one should not be held responsible for one's actions; anyone can be blamed: parents, boss, wife, country.

By and large, you understand this very well and follow the path of least resistance. Laziness of the mind is your main drawback. Favorite hobby is doing nothing. And that's great, but not forever.

Even a caterpillar must someday come out of its cocoon and turn into a butterfly. In order not to die from "hanging" while still in a cocoon, remember one thing.

You can’t feed your laziness, you have it already full.

In order not to fall under its omnipotent influence, look for something to do, entertain yourself, awaken interest in various activities. Learn, read, work with your hands, walk, run, get carried away with something! Feed your Mage! Engage in spiritual practices - they will help you get out of the impasse in which you will still fall from time to time: after all, you have the hanged man in your mind.

Trusting your fate, acting actively, resting from time to time in silence and loneliness, taking care of your inner world, you will eventually be convinced that you already knew very well: it is actually very easy to live!

The Arcanum Jester is the main resource of your soul, your basis of personality (position 6). You are a lover of joking, joking, amusing people, having fun. The ease with which he goes through life should offset the influence of your Hanged Man (if you have him in the negative).

The Jester has a very well developed instinct for self-preservation, but not always enough experience not to get into some kind of story. But, in principle, you have enough inner wisdom from the Hermit and the Hanged Man, so there is hope that they will save you from committing rash acts.

You know how to enjoy life without burdening yourself with unnecessary troubles. Trust and even naivety can often serve you where others will have to make a lot of effort. But don't overdo it so you don't look stupid.

You have your own destiny and the main thing for you is to remain a deep spiritual person, observe spiritual values ​​and moral principles, live easily, playfully, enjoy new opportunities, trust people and life, be sincere and open.

Whatever happens in your life, turn on your charming and friendly Jester, remember that everything happens for the best. Despite the ease, your soul is wise and deep, you are kind and sincere, gentle and tactful. Your soul has great depth, powerful spiritual potential; you need to develop it and follow true values. Your spontaneity and lightness help people, you decorate the world with yourself.

  1. Trust your own fate.
  2. Be grateful for all trials - they make you even stronger
  3. Engage in the development of the inner world (spiritual practices, psychotherapy, personal growth trainings, etc.)
  4. Recognize laziness and the desire for peace as your dark side and, in order not to stay in a cave, be active in life: travel, go to various events, meet people, go to the theater, play sports - all methods for an interesting pastime are good.
  5. Develop your intelligence (read, thoroughly study what you are interested in)
  6. Joking is fun, not evil.
  7. Don't get too carried away by the material, don't get too carried away by the spiritual.
  8. Give without expecting anything in return.
  9. Allow yourself loneliness, develop the depths of your soul, be in silence.
  10. Being light, cheerful, optimistic, cheerful is your basis for prosperity and inner harmony.
  11. Your path can be very diverse and unpredictable, which will lead you to new knowledge and integrity of the personality if you develop it.
  12. Your risk must be considered. The best improvisation is improvisation prepared in advance.
  13. Don't gamble.
  14. You have remarkable intellectual abilities, you know how to set goals and easily go to them. Take advantage of this talent.
  15. Work on all your arcana. Feed everyone. Cultivate positive traits and your life will be full-blooded

Part 4. External portrait (mission, method of its implementation, energy of soul rest)

4.1. External portrait

Mission: lasso Death (XIII)

Don't let the name of the lasso scare you. It does not mean in this case physical death as such. Here we are talking about death as a transformation of personality. Transformation is possible only when one person "dies", and the second is born, that is, changes.

Your task is to be able to change yourself as a person, to turn out of an outdated worldview, to clear your inner space. At the same time, both your environment and your external space can change, which is quite logical. You will have to complete the old for the new to be born; one should not be afraid of changes, new trends; on the contrary, welcome them: a change of scenery is necessary for the realization of your mission.

Considering your data from the base portrait (Hermit, Hanged Man), it is most likely about the mission of your soul, which needs constant spiritual growth. Fate will help you in this, immersing you in a variety of groups, situations, places where you will have to learn how to transform internally.

On another level, the lasso indicates that you need to help other people, show them altruism and respect for their needs. Help in trouble, in ordinary affairs, and disinterestedly - this is right for you. Remember this.

Mission realization : Hermit (IX)

You are already familiar with this lasso. This is a spiritual person who knows the truth. And this inner knowledge is already in you. This knowledge is difficult to formulate, but you know it well. This is your inner conscience.

This in-depth knowledge will help you find the right path in life and understand the laws of life. And you probably need to understand a lot, given the lasso Death in the position of the mission.

You will learn not only from your own experience, but also from the experience of other people, as well as the knowledge of your ancestors. A friendly and wise attitude towards older people is important to you, with whom you will always be on good terms. At the same time, adopting their wisdom, you will go through life along the path of your own destiny.

When the lasso Death will send you to different collectives, remember that you have respect for those who are older than you (not only in age). You are not allowed to criticize the leaders and express your disrespect to them.

The same goes for your older brothers or sisters. Whatever your relationship, it is important for you to learn how to communicate with them, respecting the hierarchy. Expressing your attitude to those who are older than you, you will always have support and a benevolent disposition from them.

Your gift is the ability to work on yourself, to enrich your inner world with eternal values. Read spiritual literature, communicate with wise people, attend trainings - you need to grow internally.

In order for your mission to be realized, from time to time, despite the upcoming changes, you need to allow yourself to be alone, one on one with yourself. So you can restore strength after another life perturbation.

Place of psychological harmony (energy of soul rest): Jester (XXII)

You already know what this lasso is.

In this position, it means that your soul will rest with friendly contacts, communication with children, new achievements.

Develop spontaneity, an easy attitude to life, rejoice in new beginnings (which Death and the Wheel of Fortune will provide you), trust everything that happens to you.

This is your fulcrum, your place of psychological harmony. Keep in touch with your inner child, joke, enjoy the little things, indulge from time to time, don't be too serious about life and its possible "surprises". Jokes and humor will be your faithful assistants. This is your element.

Part 5. How do you see yourself. How others see you

How do you see yourself : Strength (XI)

You have an athletic build, consider yourself physically strong and healthy. You have excellent immunity. Physical exercise is your must-have companion. Such a lasso often occurs among athletes and those people who are associated with the work of the body (dance, gymnastics, athletics, etc.), as well as those who work physically.

You have a strong character and developed willpower.

All this will be preserved, provided that you correctly use the physical and spiritual potential inherent in you, as well as the opportunities that appear.

If you have doubts about your strength, then you can quickly get sick. You should not be “dragged” into the disease, your task is to be able to recover quickly so that the slightest illness does not undermine your mighty health.

How other people see you : Devil (XV)

People perceive you as a person who is energetic, active, capable of dynamic activity. At the same time, noting your unexpected outbursts of enthusiasm as your active qualities. Outbursts of anger are not alien to you. You present yourself as a passionate person who approaches many things with enthusiasm and great energy.

Keep in mind that your sometimes non-standard, and somewhere radical views can often cause fear and anxiety in people.

In addition, you are a sexy and attractive person to the opposite sex. It is about you that they can say “damn attractive”, your powerful charisma is also a gift to you from above.

Appreciate your bright qualities, but do not go too far: the Devil can captivate you so much that you lose all your spiritual potential. That's why he's the Devil. But you have the Hermit, the Strength, and the Hanged Man, who should help you maintain an inner balance between temptation and morality. And the Magician will help you find the use of your energy through knowledge, intellectual activity, various life goals.

This does not mean that you have to crush your Devil. On the contrary, enjoy your beauty and activity, your lust for life and your ability to please. But always remember both the need for inner silence and the observance of moral values.

Part 6. Qualities for working out the mission of the soul

How to work with your mission: Strength (XI)

Recall that your mission is the lasso Death, that is, the ability to transform, adapt to various circumstances (without losing yourself, but developing the qualities necessary for different situations).

And the best that they could give you for such a test is the qualities of the Force.

You have enough inner power, fortitude, will to be able to transform your inner and outer world.

Arcana Strength is the ability to cope with your animal instincts, and gently, without pressure and tension.

You can also protect people from the manifestation of their dark side, associated with the manifestation of base instincts. You have sufficient delicacy so as not to poke his shortcomings in the eyes of a person, but at the same time you can convince him of choosing the right moral guidelines.

It is important for you to show your strength physically, so you need sports, exercise, training.

Fate has given you Strength, so support it so as not to lose both physical and spiritual strength. And then any transformation will be on your shoulder.

How to work out karma: Tower (XVI)

This portrait position shows how you need to work off your karmic debt.

This lasso is similar to your mission lasso (Death). The tower symbolizes both destruction, collapse, catastrophes, and creation, building a new one on the ruins of the past.

A person with the Tower lasso in this position, in order to work off his karmic debts, needs to learn how to build and maintain relationships with people. This applies to close relatives, families, as well as various organizations and government agencies. Every monastery has its own rules. And you need to learn to respect them. First of all, by changing the internal attitude towards them, literally developing in oneself respect, acceptance of other people's rules, individual characteristics of other people.

You cannot impose your opinion on other people and destroy what does not correspond to your views. Rather, you need to learn to accept other points of view. This does not mean that you have to betray yourself. But it is important for you to learn to understand that all people are different and not to break them hard through the knee.

Do not be guided in relations with people by momentary whims, be able to restrain the impulse to educate and rebuild the personality of another person. It still won't work. Therefore, it is foolish to be offended by those who do not agree with your opinion. Just learn to accept other points of view, which are many in our world.

0 Jester


Child, beginning, short trip, meeting with friends.

Vice versa:

Problems with children, bad company, unsuccessful trip, too much trust in people.


Spontaneity, open person, gullibility, interest in the world and people.

Vice versa:

Problems in early childhood (from 0 to 7 years), psychological trauma from the subconscious, naivety, lack of contact with the inner child.

Floor– neutral

Sign- Aries

1 Mage


Adolescence, contacts with peers, siblings, primary and secondary schooling, intellectuals, intelligence, talent for beautiful speech, can write, talent for literature, a teacher who teaches well, harmony, short trips with family, visit relatives .

Vice versa:

Quarrels, use of obscene language, difficult relationships with peers, feel good with young or older (mature and immature people), mental retardation, learning problems, difficult relationships with brothers and sisters at any age, disharmony.


A person easily makes new contacts with people, proud, emphasizes himself, there are no problems with speech.

Vice versa:

Problems with puberty, does not come into contact with his peers, they do not understand him, does not love himself and his place in society, is worst of all or megalomania, is afraid to push a speech, problems with brothers and sisters - jealousy.

Floor- male

Sign: Twins

2 Priestess


Mature woman, mother with adult children, motherhood without a sexual aspect that came true, secret knowledge, patroness of tarot cards (The world is the patron of astrologers), keeper of secrets, guardianship, patronage of higher-ranking people, interest in nature

Vice versa:

Lack of connection between an adult child and his mother, gossip, a talker, problems from an older woman for an inquiring woman, a passion for civilization, no contact with nature.


Maternal instinct, positive relationship of an adult child with his mother, intuition, knowledge, good adaptation to external conditions.

Vice versa:

A mother who suppresses and destroys relationships, a lack of faith in one's intellectual abilities and capabilities, phobias and fears associated with nature.

Floor- female

Sign- Moon

3 - Empress


Motherhood, namely the period of childbearing, hostess, beautiful woman, young mother, good taste, interest in art, comfort, beautiful clothes, jewelry, femininity, taking care of the house (curtains, embroideries, etc.), fertility (many children), creativity, official partner, in the sense - the first wife.

Vice versa:

Problems with conception, with small children, this is not a childbirth process (childbirth is p Empress and p Strength, if + p Jester problems with children, + p ace - problems with conception), difficulties in relationships due to other women - mistress, mother , fortune teller or other women. If a woman asks about her husband, she will show her mistress, lack of taste, does not care about appearance, difficult material conditions, financial problems, the person himself is to blame. Doesn't know how to manage properly.


He understands well his pluses in character, maybe not only a woman, but also a gentle, handsome man, a smart approach to a partner.

Vice versa:

Does not recognize his femininity, or vice versa, extreme concentration on his femininity. If there is no jewelry or too much - problems with femininity.

For a man - excessive femininity, trauma associated with the moment of sexual initiation. The first encounter with eroticism, sexuality, even in childhood, when there was no physical contact yet. Lack of good taste.

Floor- female

Sign– Venus

4 Emperor


The owner is a young, energetic man, work, professional affairs, power, shoulder straps, stars on shoulder straps, military, police, masculinity, business, help from high-ranking people, official partner, husband.

Vice versa

Difficulties at work, dismissal, unemployment, uninteresting or low-paid work, difficulties in partnership because of a man.


A man who knows what his strength is, a strong woman, a person who knows his purpose, has his own profession, his own occupation.

Vice versa

For men - a man who refuses his masculinity, macho. For women - too tough character or problems of sexual initiation, the first moment of acquaintance with sexuality, not necessarily physical action, difficulties with power, a little Napoleon (secretary, who is more important than the owner). Lazy person.

Floor- male

Sign- mars

5 Priest


Genus, family, tradition, father, good relationship between an adult child and father, religion, morality, authority, prestige, institution, university, science, priest and spiritual path. Priest + Hermit - monk.

Vice versa

No conscience, morality, unethical behavior, difficult relationship between an adult child and his father, black teachers, problems in studies at the highest level, for example, will not go to college.


Honest, smart, the right example of a father, an objective approach to people, a positive teacher.

Vice versa

Bad father, problems due to the absence of a father (maybe he died, divorced, dad is working, far away and influence on the child is lost). In boys - 7-9 years and puberty, 16-17 years. Girls have puberty from 10 to 16. False authorities, does not distinguish between good and evil.

Floor- male

Sign- Saturn

6 Lovers


New love, charm, pair relationships, pleasure, the right decision, a way out of a difficult situation

Vice versa

The end of love, temporary separation, divorce, longing for a loved one. Wrong attitude, indecision, bad decision, choice, hopeless situation.


The good state of any pair relationship, the partners are right, the relationship is developing. A smart person, makes well-thought-out decisions on time.

Vice versa

Psychological trauma in a relationship, afraid to find a partner. Difficulties with making a decision, all the time pushes this moment.

Floor- neutral

Sign– Venus

7 Chariot


Successful career development, prosperity, fame, popularity. Opportunity to travel within your own country. Foreign trips go on the Mir map. Good news will come, news: letter, telephone, fax, but not electronic means of communication. The transmission of information through animals, such as pigeons. Events related to the machine, such as a purchase

Vice versa

Trouble in a career, failure, bad fame, scandals. Difficulties on the road, there may be accidents. Difficulties with the car, for example, a bad purchase. Bad news or no news if you wait.


A person is successful and this pleases him, the right sense of self-esteem, the right attitude towards a career, success will not spoil him.

Vice versa

Fear of popularity, it is better not to stick out, passivity, fear of standing out. A person who cannot say no agrees, even if it is not beneficial for him. Phobias associated with movement, fear of driving a car, train (on the ground). Afraid to drive, not just drive.

Sign– Uranus

Floor- male

8 Justice


Official cases, positive registration of cases with ranks, posts, documents. Court case won. Verdict in favor of the questioner. Can get a government job.

Vice versa

Judgment against the questioner, justice is blind. Unfavorable moment for paperwork, wait. Lose honor due to misbehavior, deterioration at work.


Internal balance, justice. A person accepts himself as he is and he is objective. A person works with his weak points.

Vice versa

A person misjudges himself, a great sense of guilt for reasons that do not exist. Incorrect actions blame themselves very much, fear of punishment for sins that really did not exist.

Floor- female

Sign- Scales

9 Hermit


Spiritual development, esoteric abilities, the elderly, grandparents. The questioner can go on business trips, not very long, business trips. Pension, insurance.

Vice versa

A person denies esotericism, there is no spiritual development. Problems with or through the elderly, loneliness. Difficult financial situation in old age. Nobody will help. Fines, monetary punishments. Will not go on the road for some reason, for example, due to illness.


The person is advanced in spiritual development. He learns from the mistakes of others. Great life experience, adequate positive self-esteem, pleased with himself. Optimist.

Vice versa

Fear of loneliness in women (more often), fear of old age. Complexes associated with low self-esteem. Inferior, fool, not worthy, very often repeats his mistakes.

Sign- Capricorn

Floor– neutral

10 Fortune


This is a karmic card, a positive study of a personal, indus card, success, improvement of business, increase in income, a good time for investment, good work, you can draw up banking

Vice versa

Unworked karma, deterioration of fate, money flowing away, big unexpected spending of money. The danger of theft. No need to invest.


A sense of material security, the right approach to money, calmly accepts the twists of fate, philosophically.

Vice versa

Man is afraid of poverty, poverty. Need to save up for a rainy day. Wrong approach to money.

Sign- Scorpion

Floor- neutral

11 Strength


Physical strength, sports talents, great potential, new opportunities will appear, good health, internal strength of the body. Energy map.

Vice versa

Weakness, health problems. A little aggression, there is no attack yet, but he defends himself, a tendency to fight, quarrel, adventure.


Faith in yourself, in your abilities. Willpower + character = a real person. He knows how to use his potentials. Every year has its five minutes that he uses, courage, bravery. Don't be afraid to fight for yourself.

Vice versa

A victim of physical aggression. Strict upbringing, husband beats his wife, lacks self-confidence. He starts and does not finish, he is scared, he will not cope. She is so beautiful, and I am not like that, a person does not see himself for real. Afraid of illness, personal weaknesses. When problems arise, they immediately get sick. Cowardice.

Floor- male

Sign- Sun

To understand the portrait, an interpretation of the Major Arcana of TARO is given according to the author of the technique

Alicia Khrzanowska.

(Arkan 0)

Blessed, Fool, Spirit of Ether.
Titles in other languages:
Il Matto, Le Mat, The Fool, Der Narr*.

Mercury and Gemini.
Kabbalistic meaning:
material life.
Occult Meaning**:
pendulum events.
Physical value:
Historical figure:
Joan of Arc.
fun party without a specific
occasion; hitchhiking,
new places.

rake; extravagance; Adventure; new impressions; enthusiasm; lack of internal discipline; immaturity; stupidity; the proximity of some new opportunity; ignoring material problems; a tendency to physical or mental exhibitionism; forgetting important circumstances, parties or travel; desire to experiment; desire to learn the mind-reason; naivety; childish idealism; lack of self-criticism; tendency to new beginnings without their preliminary analysis; surrounded by other Major Arcana, this card indicates the need to make a decision about what these cards are talking about, or the beginning of a new cycle of life, indicated by them.

a young extravagant person, who above all values ​​independence, who does not enter into any subordinate relationship; a child who learns from his own mistakes.
complications; bad advice; bad adviser; someone stupid can determine our fate; incorrect choice; unreasonable decisions; escape from reality; unnecessary expenses; inadequacy; avoidance of responsibility; a person prone to whims and whims; unwillingness to change and develop; indifference to one's own affairs; life in a world of illusions; wrong direction of action; impulsiveness; imprudence; unreasonable waste of energy, time and effort; many things at the same time, but none of them is brought to an end; the impossibility of a rational solution to the problem; fractures and other injuries; surrounded by other cards of the Major Arcana means hidden problems in the areas indicated by them.

deceiver; charlatan; someone who wants to play on our naivety and gullibility.
Psychological Significance:
start of a new cycle. Today is the first day of your new life, you can finally choose the direction of your development, go where your eyes look, and do whatever you want. Do not refuse this opportunity, move forward, even if you do not know what awaits you. How it all ends, you will think later. Don't look back, forget about the past and look to the future with a light heart. The unknown is not so terrible, especially compared to what we know well, but it torments us so much. Boldly go forward and do not be afraid to fall into the abyss. The jester, regardless of the circumstances, is always cheerful, so you don’t take everything so close to your heart. Learn to laugh at yourself, develop a sense of humor, and you will understand that life is in many ways a game, and you were sent to earth not as a punishment, but to improve yourself and enjoy everything that you can meet.

Other names: 2. MAG (Arkan 1)
Wizard, Circus,
Power Mage, Conjurer.
Titles in other languages:
Il Mago, Le Bateleur,
The Magical, Der Magier.
Astrological correspondences:
Pluto, Mars and Scorpio.
Kabbalistic meaning:
Occult Meaning:
father, spiritual teacher.
Physical value:
Historical figure:
Albert Einstein.
Research Institute; library; office for scientific work; exchange; doctor's office; a place where you can find harmony.

activity; creativity; creation; good health; search for a new idea; purposeful force; ingenuity; interest in the world; originality; love of freedom; spontaneity; the ability to be responsible for oneself and others; strength of will; strong character; knowledge of oneself, one's capabilities; good contact with other people; the science; rationalism; exploring your environment; initiative; spiritual development; fresh ideas; the power of the intellect; ability to adapt to new conditions; the beginning of a new important enterprise.
Type of person in a straight position:
a person who carries knowledge; a scientist working for the benefit of mankind; inventor; professional consultant.

deception; manipulation of people; lack of sensitivity; chaotic actions; the need to learn patience; the ability to achieve a goal, despite resistance; a violent mind that does not know how to adequately approach problem solving; lack of insight; loss of self-confidence; indecision; inadequate reasoning; inferiority complex; risky ventures; false direction of activity; use of force for destructive or evil purposes; loss of health and energy; lack of will; negligence in actions; talkativeness; gossip; inability to use their capabilities and talents; diseases of the sense organs, problems with hearing or vision.
Reversed person type:
charlatan; a person who uses knowledge for selfish purposes; a scientist working for the “war”.
Psychological Significance:
you are free and independent, therefore you yourself must make important decisions related to your life. No one will help you with this. You have enough strength, you are able to achieve everything that you dream of. The main thing is that you want to want. Your will, knowledge, the ability to find contact with people, the ability to take risks, the ability to embody your abilities are a guarantee of success in the area where you want to realize yourself. You understand other people well, but you also know how to take care of your own interests. Use it and you will achieve harmony.

Other names: 3. PAPESS

High Priestess, Gate of Sanctity, (Arcanum 2)
Priestess of the Silver Star.
Titles in other languages:
La Science, La Papesse,
The Popess, Die Wissenschaft.
Astrological correspondences:
Cancer and the Moon
Kabbalistic meaning:
thought, science, intuition.
Occult Meaning:
spiritual mother.
Physical value:
Historical figure:
Mother Teresa of Calcutta.
a place suitable for science and meditation; forest; free space untouched by civilization.
Predictive value in the upright position:
intuition; sentimentality; hope; development of higher feelings; service; subtlety; the ability to empathize and penetrate another person; tendency to closeness; platonic love; science in the full sense of the word; education; friendship; complicity; search for a secret; openness; unity; subconscious; comprehension of the former hidden; women's creativity; truthfulness; the ability to love selflessly.
Type of person in a straight position:
a woman who teaches to live; female caregiver or therapist; a man who has penetrated the mysteries of life; "leading" woman.
Inverted predictive value:
passivity; concession to people or fate; insufficient understanding of the world around; uncritical attitude to information of dubious origin; inadequate assessment of the situation; lack of depth; bustle; arrogance; superficial knowledge; fatalism; psychical deviations; phobias; nervousness; ignoring or inability to empathize; unforeseen circumstances that cannot be influenced; variability in personal relationships; unwillingness to listen to advice; unnatural behavior; tendentiousness; intrigues and secret actions; meeting with danger; fatalism; dishonesty in actions or problems resulting from insufficient discernment; diseases of the urinary organs.
Reversed person type:
bad woman; a person who uses black magic for selfish interests; a prostitute; sales person.
Psychological Significance:
try to discover the hidden factors that influence your life, look into your soul and check if such qualities as sensitivity, tenderness are alien to you. You are a person who unconsciously can have a strong influence on others - remember the responsibility for this. Don't forget also about intuition, develop it, it will help you not to look for explanations for the decisions you make. Trust your inner voice and it will not deceive you. You carry a great inner strength within you, thanks to which you can help others if you want. In any case, do not squander it on household trifles, appreciate every minute that you can devote to yourself or others. Be worthy of your destiny, but do not put yourself on a pedestal. Try to keep the sincerity of feelings and thoughts in yourself, avoid coldness in relations with people.

Other names: 4. EMPRESS

Mistress, Lady, (Arcanum 3)
Mount of Omnipotence.
Titles in other languages:
L'Imperatrice, L'Imperatrice,
The Empress, Die Fruchtbarkiet.
Astrological correspondences:
Taurus and Venus.
Kabbalistic meaning:
need for adoration.
Occult Meaning:
hand; taking hand.
Physical value:
Historical figure:
Queen Victoria.
large gatherings of people; royal palaces; festivals and other public events of a similar nature.
Predictive value in the upright position:
the ability to manage people and encourage them to action; confidence in yourself and your actions; practicality; self-stability; independence; healthy ambitions in a professional career; powerful woman; the long-awaited final; making a decision based on the study and analysis of facts; desired pregnancy; femininity; harmony; calm; implementation of new plans; the fruits of past endeavors; wealth; material success; good taste; sophistication; a sense of beauty; sensuality; fertility; elimination of obstacles, stabilization of family relations.
Type of person in a straight position:
mother; elder sister; wife; a domineering influential person who, however, is benevolent and ready to help; a woman who has reached a high position.
difficulty in expressing feelings; lack of taste; selfishness; optional; nervousness; inability to concentrate; infidelity; too slow action; concern; doubt; inadequate assessment of the facts; frivolity; difficulty in making a decision; lack of activity at work; helplessness and loss; bad luck in the professional field; all sorts of obstacles; possessive feelings towards a partner; malicious character (bitchiness - approx. translator); avarice; lack of maternal love or maternal tyranny; problems in conceiving a child; struggle for power in the house; inability to use their abilities.
Reversed person type:
a woman who at all costs seeks to dominate, gain power over us and abuse this power, which has an extremely negative effect on our psyche.
Psychological Significance:
you have to carefully analyze what is happening. Perhaps you are just tired of the daily bustle and want to change everything, or you need additional incentives, but in any case, you are passive, do nothing and do not try not to change anything. Therefore, before you do anything, ask yourself: “What do I really want?” Really everything that you did before was forced and dictated by circumstances that do not depend on your desire? Have you lost your creativity? Are you in control of your life? To be happy here on earth, you need to accept yourself the way you are. You deserve happiness by the right of your birth, and now you just need to learn how to use what you have. Do not fight fate, but, like the Empress, majestically accept everything that she brings you.

Other names: 5. EMPEROR

Lord; Son of Tomorrow; (Arkan 4)
Ruler over Rulers.
Titles in other languages:
L'Imperadore, L'Empereur,
The Emperor, Der Weise.
Astrological correspondences:
Aries and Mars.
Kabbalistic meaning:
Occult Meaning:
breast (nursing).
Physical value:
master, patron, guardian.
Historical figure:
Polish King Bolesław the Brave
(Russian Tsar Peter the Great - approx.
a place that was significant in the old days, and still has not lost its significance; fortress; lock; ancient part of the city; town hall.

maturity; authority; perseverance in achieving the goal; ambition; mind control over emotions; common sense; power; management; subjugation of other people; fair assessment; masculinity; courage; initiative; dominance; seriousness; stability; life, subject to a strict routine, regime; development of clear rules; wisdom; sensitivity; the ability to choose; prestige; strength of will; confidence in the correctness of their own decisions.
Type of person in a straight position:
father; husband; Lord; a person with great authority and strong will; a man who is happy with public recognition of his merits.

emotional immaturity; egocentrism; poor control over feelings; lack of success; unlimited power; tyranny; negative external circumstances; loss of power and influence; political coup; low inclinations; bad results; randomness; impatience; kidnapping; foolish ambitions that do not correspond to the possibilities; rudeness; inability to implement the project as a result of lack of desire or determination; intolerance; squabbling, friction and misunderstandings due to the position “I already know everything better than others!”; dishonesty; mechanical accidents; headaches, head injuries, etc.
Reversed person type:
a man who wants to dominate and seeks power at any cost; tyrant, despot and madman.
Psychological Significance:
if your struggle with obstacles does not bring any results, you must come to terms with reality and adapt to it, but at the same time you must not suppress feelings and emotions. Listen to your inner voice, it will direct you in the right direction. Do not insist on the correctness of your path - it is possible that you have chosen the wrong path and the time has come to change it. Give yourself free choice! But do not forget that there are things in the world that are much more significant than you and your "Napoleonic plans." And remember that even if you make a mistake and go the wrong way, you can always go back and start all over again.

Other names: 6. PAPA (Arkan 5)

High priest; Hierophant;
Chief Priest; Mage of Eternity.
Titles in other languages:
Il Papa, Le Papa,
The Pope, Die Eingeburn.
Astrological correspondences:
Capricorn and Saturn.
Kabbalistic meaning:
tranquility (desire for tranquility).
Occult Meaning:
Physical value:
Historical figure:
Roman Pope Gregory IX.
temple, monastery and other places of official religious worship; a house with an ancient tradition; "Noble Nest".
Predictive value in the upright position:
the science; piety; search for higher values; following a single idea, plan or goal; rituality; ceremony; belonging to a tradition; fundamentalism; conservatism; hidden power or energy, the key to inner power; power dormant in the subconscious; orthodox approach to faith; the desire to help others, associated with the observance of tradition; a stern father who demands respect for the rules that exist in the family; rejection of material well-being for the sake of the search for spiritual values; strong moral convictions; evaluation of people without taking into account their motives.
Type of person in a straight position:
moral authority; revered spiritual person; a priest “from God”, a man of pure convictions.
Inverted predictive value:
lack of tolerance; religious fanaticism; imposing one's views on other people; self-confidence; inability to accept new ideas; orthodox way of thinking; lack of tolerance towards other people; a sense of infallibility and unattainability; tendency to exaggerate; falseness; lies; interpretation of facts only “from one's own belfry”; cynicism; hypocrisy; mockery, immoderation; inappropriate conclusions; lack of tact; rejection of any other points of view; lack of interest in eternal values; interest in sects; exposure to the influence of false prophets; interest in or dependence on black magic; diseases of the skeletal system and spine.
Reversed person type:
false prophet; guru; sect leader; a clergyman without a vocation, a klikusha.
Psychological Significance:
first try to identify yourself with one of those depicted on the card. If one of the monks turns out to be close to you, then look for a teacher and spiritual mentor - you have matured to the beginning of the path of spiritual development, so you need someone who will show the way to the truth. When you yourself are not able to solve your problems, do not be afraid to turn to people whom you respect and consider authorities for yourself, asking for help. If you identify yourself with the central figure of the map, then this means that you yourself can teach other people and solve not only your own problems. But think about it, is it not in vain that you rise so high. Remember also that by embarking on this path, you are taking on a great responsibility. Try to avoid the influence of "crazy gurus" and try not to become one yourself.

Other names: 7. LOVERS

Other names: 8. CHARIOT

wagon; Lord of the Triumph of Light; (Arcanum 7)
Child of the Almighty Waters.
Titles in other languages:
Il Caro, Le Chariot,
The Chariot, Der Wagen.
Astrological correspondences:
Aquarius and Uranus.
Kabbalistic meaning:
striving for victory, triumph.
Occult Meaning:
an arrow flying horizontally.
Physical value:
Historical figure:
Richard the Lionheart.
monuments; stations; airports; various kinds of vehicles; barracks and military units.
Predictive value in the upright position:
information; telephone; letter; telegram; important conversation; unexpected news; thoughts about the road; departure; the ability to determine the direction of action; endurance and perseverance in achieving the intended goal; successes; Work; extreme efforts; expansion; traffic; heap of circumstances; Lack of time; job change; overcoming obstacles or difficulties; positive motivation; improving the ability to rely on oneself; achieving a higher level of development; "taming of the flesh"; honour; sincerity in contacts with people; optimism; openness to new proposals; the ability to make decisions quickly; strengthening material well-being; Financial independence; courage; the birth of the desired child.
Type of person in a straight position:
soldier; leader; the head of the company; employer; lucky man.
Inverted predictive value:
delay in the implementation of plans; difficulties; indifference; unwillingness to solve current problems; contradictions; losses due to stubbornness in defending one's opinion; inability to readjust; impatience; loss of control over oneself, as well as over ongoing events; confusion; defeat; capitulation, undesirable results from earlier decisions; bad news; unexpected collapse of plans; lack of courage to take radical steps; travel cancellation; difficulties on the road; revenge; loss of position; adverse changes at work; job loss; worsening financial condition; indecent behavior; defeat; diseases of the nervous system; unwanted pregnancy.
Reversed person type:
a person who uses his position or receives a lot through “pull”; a person “walking over corpses”; och-sweeper; briber; coward.
Psychological Significance:
you are overwhelmed with energy, a desire for action, a craving for something new. You took on some unfamiliar business. You need something fresh, out of the ordinary, and that's great! So let this stage of your journey through life be the discovery of a new world for you. But remember that the Chariot moves fast, and there are many sharp turns and deep potholes on the road. Trust your wisdom to rule the Chariot, but leave a place in it for feelings, because without them it will not be able to maintain balance and will turn over. Use the chance that life gives you and do not reject anything just because it seems unfamiliar and unusual to you - because right now you can succeed in all aspects, including material ones.

Other names: 9. JUSTICE

Jurisprudence; (Arcanum 8)
Daughter of the Lord of Truth;
Ruler of Balance.
Titles in other languages:
La Giustizia, La Justice,
The Justice, Die Gerechtigkeit.
Astrological correspondences:
Libra and Capricorn, Venus and Saturn.
Kabbalistic meaning:
Occult Meaning:
Physical value:
Historical figure:
Alfred Dreyfus.
tribunal; court; Notarial office; the tax office, as well as institutions related to legal regulations.
Predictive value in the upright position:
pure, clear judgment; justice; legal consultation; life stabilization; problem solving at the expected level; constancy; good beginnings; the need to evaluate; solving old problems with the help of a competent approach; social activity; proper assessment of diligence; confession; independence; stability; understanding the motives of other people's behavior; the ability to forgive; rationality; self confidence; skillful solution of judicial or administrative problems; signing official contracts; wise advice; help from benevolent people; family harmony; an association; correcting injustice; impartiality; willingness to hear the truth, no matter how harsh it may be.
Type of person in a straight position:
a man with a great sense of justice; lawyer; member of the Constitutional Court; a person based on facts.
Inverted predictive value:
bureaucracy; tendentiousness; intolerance; lack of balance; unfair sentence; judgement mistake; unfounded suspicion; false accusation; undeserved curse; discrimination; difficulties in solving judicial problems; revenge; illegal activity; excessive gullibility; pangs of conscience; inability to make an objective self-assessment; sharp criticism; injustice; chaos; mess; disclosure of a crime; dogmatism; lack of a sense of reality; fanaticism; stubbornly defending one's opinion in spite of the evidence; difficulties in solving administrative issues; protectionism and bribery; underestimation of performance; lack of indulgence; inability to forgive; diseases of the vestibular apparatus, throat or spine.
Reversed person type:
a person who manipulates Justice for selfish interests; corrupt official; biased judge.
Psychological Significance:
every being has the right to self-expression and development, to seek freedom and independence, and you are no exception. You just need to be honest with yourself, because you know that you are fully responsible for everything that happens in your life. You yourself sought to know the truth, do not blame me if it deprived you of your last illusions. It is very painful, but do not despair. Pull yourself together and accept the world as it is. And in addition, think carefully: did you live right before? Maybe something needs to be changed? To make life more harmonious? But before embarking on a new path, pay off all old debts so that they do not get under your feet.

Other names: 10. HERMIT

Elder, Seeker, Prophet of Eternity, (Arcanum 9)
Mage of the Voice of Power.
Titles in other languages:
L'eremita, l'eremite,
The Hermit, Der Einsiedler.
Astrological correspondences:
Virgo and Mercury.
Kabbalistic meaning:
Occult Meaning:
the top of something, the roof.
Physical value:
Historical figure:
deserts; a place of voluntary seclusion; office of a scientist, artist; a place of performance of a religious ritual not sanctioned by the dominant religion.
Predictive value in the upright position:
search for higher values; wisdom gained by deep study and experience; loneliness; isolation; inner peace; patience; promptness; reflection; withdrawal from the world; a period of contemplation and deepening of spirituality; search for truth; far-reaching plans; abandoning old habits; interest in the occult and esotericism; well spent time at work; a promotion that brings loneliness; taking a well-deserved rest; the fruits of previous steps (dividends from investments); accuracy in actions; performance; skepticism; good health; callousness.
Type of person in a straight position:
St; sage; hermit; a person at a high stage of spiritual development; a strict but fair boss; pensioner.
Inverted predictive value:
immaturity; difficulties living together with other people; poor understanding of their needs and emotions; difficult life situation associated with insufficient activity; lack of fresh feelings and joy of life; misjudgment of facts; incorrect choice; confusion; the wrong time to take action; restrictions; pedantry; dryness; forced retirement; disability pension; self-isolation; self-deception; suspicion; belated or too slow implementation of plans; lack of progress in spiritual development; disappointment with the spiritual teacher and Master; empty talk or fruitless arguments; the need to adjust life plans; diseases of the digestive system, especially the intestines.
Reversed person type:
unsociable; eccentric; beggar; a man with persecution mania.
Psychological Significance:
it's time to discard petty problems and fuss, because they interfere with concentrating on your own soul. And it is she who now requires close attention. Each person needs a period of withdrawal from everyday life and other people. Try to be a little Hermit in order to finally understand yourself and your needs, to reflect on your problems. This is necessary in order to learn to see yourself from the outside, to realistically assess the level of your development and love yourself. Remember that he who does not love himself cannot love anyone. Do not consider the time spent in inactivity, solitude and contemplation as wasted, remember that the sword of the winner is forged in solitude. Calm analysis and comprehension of your plans will allow you to avoid mistakes in further actions.

Other names: 11. WHEEL OF FORTUNE

Wheel of Fate, Wheel of Fortune, (Arcanum 10)
Master of Life Forces.
Titles in other languages:
La Routa, La Roue de Fortune,
The Wheel of Fortune, Das Glucksrad.
Astrological correspondences:
Sagittarius and Scorpio
Jupiter and Pluto.
Kabbalistic meaning:
Occult Meaning:
pointing finger.
Physical value:
Historical figure:
Helen Keller.
casino; places of entertainment; adventure travel; prison; hospital; all places associated with movement.
Predictive value in the upright position:
a happy turn of events in important life circumstances; successful outcome of the situation; unique chance; development; implementation of plans; career advancement; favorable change; traffic; action; the end of a cycle and the beginning of the next; success; satisfaction; luck; abundance; change of fate; unexpected help; activity; receiving cash; pleasant journey; noisy party; happiness; favorable conditions in business, work, family life; a happy occasion, an opportunity; stability; concentration; good karma from previous incarnations; good omen; favorable inevitability, transformation.
Type of person in a straight position:
an expert in some area; a person who knows how to overcome obstacles; a person assigned to us by fate.
Inverted predictive value:
"thirty-three misfortunes"; the negative impact of fateful events; lack of emotional, physical, spiritual and material balance; unfavorable change of fate; difficulties and conflicts; a series of unfortunate circumstances; defeat; bad luck; inability to avoid trouble; stagnation; marasmus; problems in relationships with people; suspicion; envy; mockery; revenge; difficult fate; heavy karma from a past incarnation; fatalism; problems moving into a new stage from the old; financial losses; inability to use their chance; unpleasant circumstances in which you can get bogged down; consequences of past mistakes; anxiety; bitter truth; imposing someone else's will; diseases of the urinary tract.
Reversed person type:
amateur; coven; a man whom evil fate put in our way; a person who does not resist fate.
Psychological Significance:
it may seem to you that everything in life is mixed up and mixed up and you no longer understand anything. Do not forget, however, that everything returns to normal - feelings, thoughts, events. The Wheel of Fortune is gaining momentum, so be careful not to “put a spoke in the wheels”, do not make sudden movements - you may be carried! Try to keep close to the center of the Wheel, to its only fixed point, which is your own Self. Go deep into self-contemplation. In your inner world you will find answers to all your questions. Remember that sometimes you should not resist fate and go where it leads. Sometimes confronting fate only deepens the difficulties, so do not be afraid to go with the flow - let it take you out to sea.

Other names: 12. STRENGTH

Power, Might, (Arcanum 11)
Daughter of the Flaming Sword.
Titles in other languages:
La Forza, La Forze,
The Strength, Die Kraft.
Astrological correspondences:
Leo and Sun.
Kabbalistic meaning:
Occult Meaning:
tightly clenched fist.
Physical value:
human strength.
Historical figure:
Louis the Fourteenth.
parliament; places associated
with power, police station; military headquarters.
Predictive value in the upright position:
physical activity; victory; Believe in yourself; control over the situation; the determinism required to solve the problem; the ability to oppose oneself to unfavorable circumstances; positive thinking; successful struggle with obstacles and difficulties; spiritual and physical strength; energy, vitality; endurance; perseverance in overcoming bad luck; taming baser instincts; strength of will; well-deserved reward or praise; Creative skills; discovery of hidden talents and opportunities; hobby; the ability to distinguish between truth and falsehood; physical work, sports; good health and the desire to have offspring.
Type of person in a straight position:
a person who loves physical labor; sportsman; body-builder; a person who cares about his form; a person who strives to achieve a high position by his own efforts.
Inverted predictive value:
lack of control; a stubborn desire to “break through the wall with your head” (here in the original Polish word, which in short can be translated as you just read - translator's note); use of abilities and talents for dubious purposes; meanness; rage; physical and mental aggressiveness; attack; hatred; susceptibility to base instincts; sadism; pessimism arising from insufficient self-confidence; a dangerous situation requiring careful action; misuse of positive influences or exposure to negative influences; loss of good reputation; decadence; unwillingness to take responsibility; the inability to make an effort to competently finish the case; struggle with a more powerful and wiser opponent; victory of physical energies over spiritual ones; diseases of the heart and circulatory system; infertility.
Reversed person type:
one who allows himself violence; the villain; criminal; a person who cares too much about his physical form; a man possessed by a lust for power.
Psychological Significance:
do not think that the main thing in you is the mind. To use it properly, you need good health, an obedient body. Do not forget about his needs, try to understand what he wants from you, and try to satisfy his requirements. Give it the opportunity to accumulate the necessary amount of energy so that it can provide the work of your mind. And then he will be able to overcome his doubts and find contact with the subconscious - after all, only it will give you the most correct advice on how to live on. It will also help you to discover abilities and talents that have not been shown before, to become a more creative and active person. Only harmonious development will allow you to gain integrity, that is, to unite the body, soul and mind and live a long and happy life.

Other names: 13. HANGED

Spirit of Mighty Waters, (Arcanum 12)
Titles in other languages:
Il Penduito, Le Pendu,
The Hanged Man, Die Selbstlosigkeit.
Astrological correspondences:
Pisces and Neptune.
Kabbalistic meaning:
an experience.
Occult Meaning:
open hand.
Physical value:
Historical figure:
Freddie Mercury.
those places where we go out of necessity; ponderous speech; disgusting work; tortured relatives or friendly gatherings.
Predictive value in the upright position:
self-denial; refusal; repentance; the desire to “cry into someone’s vest”; understanding of suffering as a necessity that can bring benefits over time; self-isolation from the world; complete cessation of activity; contemplation; meditation; prayer; striving for peace and harmony; refusal to participate in all life situations; resignation to fate; spiritual and intellectual development; a big step forward in spiritual development, and then an abrupt stop; the implementation of a conscious change in attitude to life; selfless service; service; cooperation; tact and diplomacy in actions; self-knowledge, achieving inner peace; abandonment of the old lifestyle; lifestyle change; thoughtfulness; reflection.
Type of person in a straight position:
a person contemplating life; diligent but unproductive worker; student devoted to his teacher.
Inverted predictive value:
emphasized keeping calm; throwing; difficulties in realizing hopes and aspirations; hard work and dissatisfaction with one's social or professional position; work performed as needed; unwillingness to strain; loss of trust; loss of time; monetary losses; self-deception; disgust; escape from reality; absolute rejection of any obligations; senseless waste of energy; unrealistic plans; pretentiousness; idleness; treason; pathological jealousy; inability to remain calm; lack of frankness with other people; formalism; too much attention to detail; lack of methodology in actions; disturbed internal balance; mental illness; escape from reality into the world of narcotic dreams or into an alcoholic dope.
Reversed person type:
a person living according to a strictly defined once and for all plan; refined or too orthodox person; one who uses a variety of stimulants.
Psychological Significance:
something new has happened in your life, and so far it seems strange to you, difficult to comprehend. Strange and incomprehensible things happen to you - things that really cannot be. But this should not scare you, try to be open to everything new, look at the world with different eyes. If the familiar world has turned upside down, remember that you can do the same. Learn to observe, but at the same time try to maintain clarity of thought and peace of mind. It is even more important for you to maintain a balance between what is in you and what is happening outside. Do not try to withdraw into yourself and confine yourself to the world of your own experiences. Wait patiently for developments. Yes, you stopped for a while, but soon life will carry you forward again - try to be psychologically prepared for this.

Other names: 14. DEATH

Scythe, Child of Great Change, (Arcanum 13)
Lord of the Brotherhood of Death.
Titles in other languages:
La Morte, La Mort, The Death, Der Tod.
Astrological correspondences:
Pluto and Scorpio.
Kabbalistic meaning:
love and destruction.
Occult Meaning:
Physical value:
change in the direction of energy.
Historical figure:
Father Maximilian Kolbe (man,
who died to save the children in Os-
Venice during World War II. Danko from the story of M. Gorky or the legendary Ivan Susanin can be attributed to the same type. - Approx. translator).
new place of residence; new country or city; own house, in which revolutionary changes take place.
Predictive value in the upright position:
transformation; transition from one life stage to another; rejection of old problems; rebirth, restoration, regeneration of energy; change in the value system; deep inner change; radical changes in worldview; implementation of long-term plans and projects; independence; new perspectives; possibility of unforeseen change; instability of the situation; mental and emotional maturation; release from old obligations and debts; new perspectives; visions; unconventionality; the beginning of something new and unexpected; rupture of unpromising relations; recovery; convalescence; improvement in health status.
Type of person in a straight position:
a person after a difficult experience; a person who has undergone tremendous changes; an old man.
Inverted predictive value:
stagnation; stagnation; passivity; loss of a job or position; dismissal or resignation; termination of friendly relations; lack of internal stability; defeat; boredom; depression; problems that cannot be solved; conservative outlook; inability to accept the new; lack of harmony; fear of death or illness; routine; conservatism; ignoring development; robbery; material losses; the need to part with loved ones or adapt to undesirable conditions; forced change of residence; lack of harmony and internal balance; conflicts with older people; suicidal thoughts; real threat; fatal and incurable diseases; risk of contracting a serious infectious disease; under certain circumstances - death.
Reversed person type:
seriously ill or deceased relative, close person.
Psychological Significance:
another stage of your life is coming to an end, a completely new personality is maturing in you, the way of thinking, beliefs, feelings and reactions is changing. You can become a different person, but at the same time remain yourself, but in a completely transformed state. You will have new hobbies, a new value system, new friends and acquaintances. Only that part of you, which is called the soul, will not undergo change. In essence, only she is the creative force that can really create something new and discard the old, since only she has enough strength to carry out the transformation and make us develop spiritually. This is the only and immortal thing in us that passes from one incarnation to another.

Other names: 15. RESTRAINT

Equilibrium, Daughter of Unity. (Arcanum 14)
Titles in other languages:
La Temperanza, La Temperance,
The Temperance, Der Geist.
Astrological correspondences:
Libra and Sagittarius, Jupiter and Venus.
Kabbalistic meaning:
Occult Meaning:
Physical value:
fetus (child - translator's note).
Historical figure:
Albert Schweitzer.
big farm; beautifully furnished house; own; estate; thriving firm.
Predictive value in the upright position:
moderation and patience; the ability to adapt; what can be achieved with perseverance and patience; return home, to the family; domostroy; completion of old cases; temperance; taming passion; good influence of well-disposed people; fixture; contacts with real friends; updating old links; modesty; accuracy; skill; attachment; slow development of feelings; feeling of internal stability; the ability to look at things soberly and from the outside; successful partnerships; mutual understanding in a couple; property care; the ability to manage the inheritance well; promotion to a higher social position; prestige; vitality; maintaining good physical shape; achieving a state of internal balance.
Type of person in a straight position;
balanced person; secular or spiritual mentor; a person who develops spiritually.
Inverted predictive value:
waste of energy; prodigality; too much charity; internal disharmony; impatience; a protracted case in which there is no hope for the expected result; a goal that is reached very slowly; struggle with difficulties; giving up effort conflict of conflicting interests; hostility of someone close; cooperation that does not bring any results and satisfaction; difficulty understanding other people; conflicts with others; helplessness or fatigue; missed chances; pleasing yourself, inability to deny yourself something; misunderstandings in the house; anger and tension; excessive sensitivity; perverted sensuality; liver or kidney disease.
Reversed person type:
an unbalanced person with a sick psyche; one who can't handle anything; a person who ignores the need for spiritual development.
Psychological Significance:
Think carefully about whether your approach to life and other people is adequate; Are you disturbing the balance of another person or your own by your behavior? Try to give at least a little love to your loved ones and yourself. You are in a continuous process, which in human language is called life. Now is a good time to stop and think about what you want to take from the past with you on your future journey. Weigh this carefully so as not to overload yourself with unnecessary ballast and transfer unnecessary problems and complexes into the future. Resist the temptation to remain forever suspended between the past and the future, because then life itself will begin to push you forward and this may be too painful. Remember that you are not alone in the world - people live around you too.

Other names: 16. DEVIL

Satan, Devil, Child of Time. (Arcanum 15)
Titles in other languages:
Il Diavolo, Le Diable,
The Devil, Der Teufel.
Astrological correspondences:
Scorpio and Pisces, Pluto and Neptune.
Kabbalistic meaning:
secret sciences, occultism.
Occult Meaning:
an arrow flying in a circle.
Physical value:
physical life.
Historical figure:
Marquis de Sade.
cemeteries; mausoleums, suspicious dens; brothels; places of dubious entertainment; meeting places for drug addicts; raspberries.
Predictive value in the upright position:
passion; noisy party; the bad influence of the material world; a strong involuntary release of energy, a brilliant insight that allows you to realize your ambition; growth of self-esteem; struggle with temptations; selfishness; materialism; lack of imagination and intuition; success achieved in a not quite noble way; manifestation of new opportunities, the use of which can give a variety of results; the possibility of making a profit at someone else's expense or as a result of someone else's misfortune; excessive introspection, inability to understand the problems of other people; lack of a broader perspective; too free style of life; ignoring social norms; fanaticism; racism; orthodox approach to life.
Type of person in a straight position:
handsome but empty person; Miss World; Mister Universe.
Inverted predictive value:
black magic; Satanism; susceptibility to sect influences; abuse of force; rape; accident; a sharp surge of emotions; susceptibility to all kinds of temptations; hatred; ruthlessness; mockery; sadism; uncontrolled strength; destructive tendencies; gossip; slander; irresponsibility in actions; criminal profit; trafficking in drugs and live goods; prostitution; a danger that is difficult to avoid; curse and evil eye; loss of freedom; self-destruction; hatred for people; radiation of destructive energy; theft, robbery, dubious adventure; connection with a destructive partner; serious sexual perversion; the threat of physical violence; lack of faith in higher values; tyranny; totalitarianism; health problems in the nervous system and psyche.
Reversed person type:
excessive moralist; man ignoring his body, naked sex; Satanist; sexual pervert; member of a mafia group; alcoholic and drug addict; gambler.
Psychological Significance:
Do you really think that the Devil has finally taken possession of your soul and now it is already impossible to break out of the vicious circle? What if you once made a mistake or stupidity, then forever mired in it? It is not true! Being tempted and sinning, you yourself put on the chains, but you yourself can throw them off. Whatever it is: gambling, alcohol, sex, drugs, dealing with it is in your hands. Believe in your strength and see how strong you are. You can break your shackles with one movement and become a free person again! But temptations will accompany you all your life, and only by learning to deal with them will you retain your freedom. Of course, a person should have pleasures, but one must know the measure in everything and not allow them to completely capture you.

Other names: 17. TOWER

Leader of the Mighty Army; (Arcanum 16)
Titles in other languages:
La Casa del Diavolo, La Maison de Dieu,
The Tower of God, Der Turm.
Astrological correspondences:
Pisces and Neptune.
Kabbalistic meaning:
fear, fear of God's punishment.
Occult Meaning:
material binding
Physical value:
falling into the material world.
Historical figure:
Fridtjof Nansen.
Mountain peaks; high buildings; skyscrapers; minarets; belfry; ruin; ashes; conflagration.
Predictive value in the upright position:
individual development; deepening of spirituality; the ability to devote oneself to others; humanism; unexpected change in the sequence of events; an unexpected offer or help in a difficult situation, wisdom born of experience; bold plans for the future; gambling hope; the ability to resist temptation; struggle with temptation; opportunity to start over; repeating everything anew; the destruction of the old order and the construction of a new one; change in public opinion; understanding that all the bad things are over; recuperation; time to correct the value system; real spirituality; patronage of higher powers; achieving a high level of self-awareness; the ability to see small problems from the outside; excess strength to deal with serious problems.
Type of person in a straight position:
a person experiencing a spiritual emanation; a person capable of the highest Initiation.
Inverted predictive value:
catastrophe with heavy material and human losses; unexpected misfortune that destroyed previous plans; tragedy; ruin; drama; danger; loss of life stability; depression; inability to deal with the trials of fate; mental shock; insurmountable difficulties; initially false intention; the collapse of the old system of values ​​due to ongoing events; serious financial difficulties; frustration; doubt in oneself and in others; divorce; family loss; constant worries; stagnation; monotonous life; shameful defeat; isolation from people; withdrawal from the world; mental illness and leg disease.
Reversed person type:
one who inflicts terrible suffering or who himself is in decline and crisis; a person who does not know how to understand others.
Psychological Significance:
It's time to learn the whole truth about yourself - pleasant and unpleasant. Only by honestly looking at yourself can you break the chain of adversity and difficulties and get rid of frustration. What you have achieved before, your whole life, your home, family, career are just castles in the sand. The whole building of your life was an illusion and could collapse at any moment, like a house of cards, despite your best efforts. And if this happens, do not try to restore the deceased - it is useless. It’s better to wait it out, survive the crisis, listen to your feelings, but don’t be afraid of what you hear from them, and don’t give in to them. Remember that you are not alone. There, from a height, Someone looks at you and will not leave you in trouble. When the acute pain subsides, without listening to anyone, take out your old tools and start building a new home, a new life. And soon you will feel a surge of new strength. The wiser you have become, thanks to what you have experienced, the more difficult it will be to break you now. The changes that have taken place have made your spirit unbending.

Other names: 18. STAR

Mountain of Heaven Living Among the Waters. (Arcanum 17)
Titles in other languages:
La Stella, L'Etoile,
The Star, Der Stern.
Gemini and Libra
Astrological correspondences:
Mercury and Venus.
Kabbalistic meaning:
the beauty.
Occult Meaning:
tongue and lips.
Physical value:
Historical figure:
Bridget Bordeaux.
blooming gardens and parks, greenhouses; countryside; quiet and cozy corners; art galleries; vernissages and exhibitions; Philharmonic; theatre, cinema and other places related to the arts.
Predictive value in the upright position:
spiritual love; platonic love; hope; justified optimism; impulses and impulses; pleasure; relief; well-deserved rest; love, full of warmth and understanding; artistic hobbies; fruits of previous efforts; pleasant pastime; outdoor recreation, in the countryside, away from people; the ability to find a golden mean in solving any problems; the ability to combine opposing energies that control the world; expectation; increased opportunities in every direction of development; development of intuition; good news; the ability to manage your feelings; good understanding of self and others; cosmic harmony.
Type of person in a straight position:
enamored; a person who is aware of his own feelings; talented painter.
Inverted predictive value:
lack of self-confidence; one-sided view of problems; pipe dream; lost; excessive sensitivity; fatigue; lack of rest and rest; displeasure; pessimism; periods of frustration and inhibition; trust in the unworthy; lack of clarity; identification of erroneous judgments and opinions; laziness and lack of motivation, making any action and any step impossible; unwillingness to change; poor understanding of oneself and one's own psyche; relationships with a partner in love, friendship, family, at work, in business that do not bring satisfaction; extravagance and eccentricity; diseases of the respiratory system and diseases of the hands.
Reversed person type:
Chatterbox; a person who scatters positive energy over trifles; one who “does not see the forest for the trees”; a person who does not realize his talents.
Psychological Significance:
a good knowledge of yourself and your own psyche will allow you to better use your innate talents and abilities. Don't be surprised that when you go deeper into yourself, you will feel a surge of creative energy and inspiration that you have not felt before. You will be captured by new thoughts and ideas. You know very well what you want and what you are striving for. You try to create harmonious relationships with others. You are ready to give yourself and your work to other people. Sometimes you see that not everyone needs it, but for you it should not change anything. Continue to serve others, and your strength will not run out - what you give will return to you a hundredfold. And what is hidden from others will perish forever, without bringing any benefit to either you or those around you.

Other names: 19. MOON

Moon, Child of the Sons of Might. (Arcanum 18)
Titles in other languages:
La Luna, La Luna
The Moon, Der Mond.
Astrological correspondences:
Cancer and the Moon
Kabbalistic meaning:
Occult Meaning:
Physical value:
hidden enemies.
Historical figure:
Diana, Princess of Wales.
lakes, seas, rivers, swamps;
ladies' boudoir; children's; studio; film or television studio.
Predictive value in the upright position:
a herald of important and beneficial changes in outlook; development of intuition; activation of the imagination; a discovery or surprise that may bring pleasure; unexpected support; justified risk; new approach to work; access to other levels of energy functioning; depth in the secret sciences; understanding the true motives of what is happening; concentration on home and family problems; settling accounts with the bad influences of the past; release from complexes; good relations with women; close relationship with mother or wife; femininity; establishing good contact with the subconscious; using the subconscious for self-development.
Type of person in a straight position:
mother; wife; mistress; a person dedicated to home, family, work or other people.
Inverted predictive value:
illusions; the collapse of empty dreams; work for others, bringing disappointment, fulfilling the desires of other people; trick; deception; complexes; the negative influence of the past; "Castles in the air", unrealistic plans; the fading of hope due to the inability to withstand the trials of fate; mistakes in assessing people or situations; a life that does not bring satisfaction; too much exposure to the influence of a wife or mother; gossip; secret relationship; sadness; fear; bad influence of bad people; self-deception; unwillingness to face the truth; mental passivity; lack of contact with the subconscious, diseases of the stomach and gastrointestinal tract.
Reversed person type:
stepmother; neurotic; a person who is especially sensitive to himself; a person incapable of understanding himself.
Psychological Significance:
you may have thoughts and images coming from the depths of the subconscious. Don't be afraid of them. They will help you answer the questions that have been tormenting you for a long time: who are you? where are you from and where are you going? what should you do to be happy? And this will give you the opportunity to feel harmony and interconnection with the Higher Forces that rule the world. You will come closer to knowing the truth, and only your own fear can hinder you on the way to it. Reject it and open the doors to your subconscious. You've already come a long way to turn back. Now - only forward and deep, to reach the essence of all things. But remember that you can not limit yourself to just looking at them superficially.

Other names: 20. SUN

Possessor of the World Fire. (Arcanum 19)
Titles in other languages:
Il Sole, Le Soleil, The Sun, Die Sonne.
Astrological correspondences:
Sun and Leo.
Kabbalistic meaning:
Occult Meaning:
Physical value:
absolute truth.
Historical figure:
Abraham Lincoln.
fertile productive lands;
rich firms; well stocked shop; dean's offices and administrations in higher educational institutions; elegant apartments.
Predictive value in the upright position:
successful resolution of the case; success; satisfaction; fulfillment of desires; successful marriage; family comfort; tenderness; perfect contact with a loved one; the joy of life; vitality; energy; luck; reward for previous efforts; satisfaction from the implementation of plans; maturity; high social position; recognition and respect; property growth; ambition satisfaction; power and influence; triumph; justified sense of pride; freedom to use the results of one's own labor; clarity of thought; establishing new promising contacts and acquaintances; completion of an important stage in scientific work; acceptance of life and what fate brings; the discovery of a new idea that encourages exploits and creativity; creative attitude to life; premium; victory; good health; perfect physical and mental form, complete self-acceptance.
Type of person in a straight position:
leader by nature; a realized person, full of vitality and energy; one who deserves a high position.
Inverted predictive value:
misfortune; loneliness; unnatural manifestation of feelings; lack of vital energy and desire to live; lack of closeness with family, lack of friends; short-lived success and subsequent defeat; destruction of close relationships or marriage; cancellation of plans; neglect; uncertainty about the future; false sincerity in relations with people; misunderstanding from friends and relatives; inability to solve the problem; inability to be sincere; absolute egoism and egocentrism; idleness; indecency; dominance; self-confidence, leading to stupid mistakes and negligence, and possibly to financial losses; too close attention to the material side of life; stagnation in professional affairs; lack of motivation and incentives for action; diseases of the heart and circulatory system.
Reversed person type:
psychopath; a person with suicidal tendencies; a person who lives in conflict with himself and with his inclinations.
Psychological Significance:
you have reached the highest level of self-consciousness, you see your bad and good sides, you know how to overcome shortcomings and deepen your virtues. You have a rich, wise and experienced soul that has experienced a lot in this and in previous incarnations. You have known happiness and were able to leave your mark on our land. You know what the mission with which you came to earth this time is, and you do not refuse to fulfill it, because by realizing it, you are realizing yourself. You have already paid off your karmic debts, worked out everything that you had to work out in this incarnation. Your character did not break under the blows of fate and you did not succumb to trivial temptations. Now you can earn good karma for yourself, and also help others in this. About people like you, in esotericism it is said: "Initiate."

21. JUDGMENT (Arkan 20)

Supreme Court, Spirit of the Primordial Fire.
Titles in other languages:
L'Angelo, Le Jugement,
The Judgment, Die Wiedergeburt.
Astrological correspondences:
Sagittarius and Capricorn, Jupiter and Saturn.
Kabbalistic meaning:
immortality, eternal life.
Occult Meaning:
human head, skull.
Physical value:
changing the course of things.
Historical figure:
Dalai Lama.
deserts; monasteries of all religions; streets and squares of big cities; the places we mourn; places of our childhood.
Predictive value in the upright position:
condescension; forgiveness; assessment of the realization of one's capabilities and the fulfillment of the mission with which a person comes into the world; honesty to oneself as the basis of success; conversation leading to agreement or finding the essence of problems; settlement of the dispute without prejudice to the parties; medium abilities; vision of the world or the philosophical and religious system not distorted by fanaticism; the ability to understand others; family happiness; kindness; good news; important information; consideration and evaluation of their actions; getting a good job; fracture; making a decision that can change life for the better; implementation of long-term plans; unexpected perks; the highest form of "self"; the transition of consciousness to a higher level; desire to serve people; way to God; intervention of the Higher Forces; Divine grace; spiritual development; striving for Initiation; good karma.
Type of person in a straight position:
an idealist who realized his ideas; one who strongly believes in everything he does; reached the pinnacle of spiritual development.
Inverted predictive value:
fear of criticism; ignoring the news and the difficulties that may be associated with it; lack of notice; unsociableness; inability to solve the problem; unwillingness to use the help of a neighbor; inability to face the truth; family problems; gap; poor contact with children; frivolous attitude towards people; heavy obligations and unwillingness to fulfill them; loss of social status or material well-being; the danger of a hasty judgment; incompetence; failure of plans due to false hopes; disappointment; obstacles; lost chances; difficulty in making decisions; atheism; aversion to God; half life; fading of spiritual development; heavy karma; diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, liver and pancreas.
Reversed person type:
crazy; besotted person; fanatic; a person who imposes his views and beliefs.
Psychological Significance:
something new arises in your life again and you begin to see everything in a completely different light. What seemed to be difficult to resolve and problematic suddenly lost its former drama. Now you look at things more broadly. You have already outgrown your own “I” and think more globally. You know that you have contributed to the existence of mankind, and when you leave this world, having gone through another transformation, your mark will remain on earth. You are no longer a speck of dust that could be blown off her face by the slightest breath of wind. You have become a part of a great whole, a conductor and transmitter of cosmic energy. Carefully peer into the signs of fate, listen to the voice of God, which from now on abides in you. Now you are His messenger, an instrument of the Higher Power. Try to understand the significance and meaning of the message handed to you, try to fulfill it with honor and dignity. Remember also that “it hurts more to fall from a height.”

Other names: 22. WORLD (Arkan 21)

Great In The Night Of Time,
Crown of Mages.
Title in other languages:
Il Mondo, Le Monde,
The World, Die Krone.
Astrological correspondences:
Aquarius and Uranus.
Kabbalistic meaning:
Occult Meaning:
Physical value:
holiness at its highest
hierarchy levels.
Historical figure:
Jesus Christ.
abroad; foreign state; world; sky; another dimension; space; Universe; cancellation of the space-time continuum; a place that gives inner stability.
Predictive value in the upright position:
knowledge; Vera; supreme happiness; wisdom and thoughtfulness; end of anxiety; freedom from worries; goal achievement; meeting with a loved one after a long separation; humanity; insight; unexpected understanding; dreams come true; implementation of plans; favorite work that brings not only material satisfaction; pleasure from everything around; a favorable solution to the "housing problem"; satisfaction of ambitions; success, giving public recognition and material gain; a sense of stability and harmony with the world and space; strong and happy personal relationships; wonderful family life; adequate use of knowledge gained by experience; expansion of the horizons of consciousness; scientific research and travel; productive contacts with foreigners; good health; the victory of spirit over matter; spiritual freedom; high level of spiritual development; dedication; reaching the top.
Type of person in a straight position:
a person who in his development has surpassed all conceivable and inconceivable limits; ideal and perfection in human incarnation; Dedicated.
Inverted predictive value:
obstacles; difficulties; errors; failure to; lack of freedom; stiffness; housing problems; homelessness; vain devotion to love or family; abandoning the goal at the very end of the path; loss; bitterness; defeat through one's own fault; success that came too late and can no longer please, because. too much effort was expended to achieve it; lack of tolerance towards people; unwillingness to help others; self-centeredness; callousness; lack of recognition and success; fear of change; unwillingness to make decisions; the desire to maintain the "status quo"; pleasing yourself; rejection of the possibility of spiritual development; coding in a certain sect or a false prophet (“black teacher” - approx. translator); stubborn desire for the material world; lack of faith, hope and love.
Reversed person type:
strong destructive personality; false prophet; a person who tempts others to take the path of evil.
Psychological Significance:
your life has reached perfection. You comprehended everything and, without doubting your destiny, do what is required of you. You freed yourself from illusions, recognized the world as it is, found your own place in it. You learned that everything that exists is love, that God does not divide people by skin color, gender, nationality and origin. You realized that everything is interconnected, and there, in Heaven, there is also no separation. You have become a Man, the Son of God, you joyfully and boldly walk through life, spreading love, faith, and hope. May God's grace light your path! (Amen! - Translator's note.)

In the images of the Golden Tarot card

PORTRAITS OF TAROT according to the system of Alicia Chrzanowska

This topic is quite interesting, as it concerns the tasks and ways of realization in this incarnation, talks about what is given to us from above, talks about the past incarnation and much more, based on the moment of birth chosen by our soul.

My colleagues and I constantly use this calculation at the reception and I would like as many people as possible to have this wonderful information.
Using Tarot cards, we can find a certain code in the date of birth, which will tell about the most important motive that passes through a person’s whole life, about his inclinations and abilities, as well as events that significantly affect the development of a person. Thanks to the analysis of the date of birth, you can better understand a person, find out the reasons for his behavior, help him understand what drives him in life, discover his purpose in this life.
So, what gives a portrait?

Analysis of individual inclinations and abilities;
- identification of human fears and complexes hidden in the subconscious;
- deciphering hidden talents in a person and his spiritual patrons;
- definition of a person's mission in this life and the way of its realization;
- determination of the main life direction in the development and important events in this area;
- determination of the essence of the contradictions between the internal and external perception of a person;
- determining the conditions in which a person feels most comfortable;
- determination of the previous ircarnation;
- analysis of the most effective ways of karmic working off;
- characteristics of cases, plans most suitable for implementation on a particular day;

1. The 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot are taken as the basis, where 22 is the Jester card. Therefore, if the calculation results in a number greater than 22, it is necessary to subtract 22 from this number. For example, I was born on the 25th, therefore, in order to calculate the Major Arcana responsible for my first position, I must subtract 22 Major Arcana from 25 and in the end I will get 3 Arcana, which corresponds to the Empress card.
2. If there are two identical Arcana in the portrait from positions 1 to 6, then this Arcana is considered as a reverse or negative value. They show areas where a person has problems. But they also move a person, give the opportunity to fight, develop through the passage of difficulties.

Arcana in 4 positions are interpreted as inverted, because. this is the problematic point.
And if there are three such Arcana (identical), then we consider it as a doubled positive one. Triple (repeating) cards in the inner circle (pos. 1 to 6) are interpreted in accordance with the position and, in addition, they show improvements, relief in life. Relax, because everything in life comes easy. People are happy, but they don’t want to achieve something special.
Positions 1-6 can be influenced by people. This is an internal potential and we can work through and use the information received, or we can not change anything in ourselves. Positions 7 - 12 cannot be changed.
When interpreting the portrait, the influences and interactions of neighboring positions, their combinations are considered.
For clarity, we will consider an example and calculate the Portrait together. So, we have a date of birth 04/02/1980 and this is a man, this is how his portrait will look like, these six positions are called "pot".
FIRST POSITION will tell us about the beginning of life's journey. Childhood, youth, the beginning of an independent life. It lasts up to about 25 years (but this is individual, for some, maturity comes earlier, and someone remains a child until the end of old age. The neighboring Arcana will tell you). The first position is the birth number of a person: in our example, this is the number 2, which corresponds to the second Arcana of the Tarot PRIESTESS.
SECOND POSITION - adult life from 26 to 50 years old (this is approximately, because everyone moves from one position to another in due time, but we can say that this is the second part of life out of three). In our example, this is the number 4, which corresponds to the EMPEROR
THIRD POSITION - the last part of life, mature age from 51 years old to the limit. In our example, we add 1+9+8+0 = 18 and this is the Major Arcana of the MOON.
FOURTH POSITION: our subconscious, the main hidden fears, complexes, the most painful common internal point, the subconscious, the main fears, complexes, something that is not realized by a person: the calculation is done in this way we add 1p + 2p = 4p. In our example, 2 + 4 = 6, which corresponds to LOVERS
FIFTH POSITION: Consciousness, what we consciously strive for, what is important to us, our value system, what we know, profession, plans, morality, conscience, what is important to us: 2p + 3p = 5p. In our example, this is 4 + 18 = 22, which corresponds to the SHUT card.
SIXTH POSITION: super consciousness, hidden talents, abilities, spiritual patrons: 4p + 5p = 6p. In our example, this is 6 + 22 (0) \u003d 6, which corresponds to the LOVERS Arcana.
4p, 5p, 6p - warehouse, "composition" of a person, psyche, state of mind.
SEVENTH POSITION - the task, the mission of a person with which he came to Earth and which he must fulfill: 1p + 5p or 3p + 4p = 7 position. Our example is 6+18=24-22=2 - PRIESTESS. Those. the mission of our hero is connected either with a mistress or with writing, with secret knowledge, with predictions, it can also be issues of ecology, healing through natural tools (herbs, stones, etc.).
EIGHTH POSITION - talents, abilities, opportunities, methods that a person received from above to fulfill his task. etc. - “tools” with which a person can complete his task, the mission of the SEVENTH position: 2p + 6p. Our example, 4+6=10 (WHEEL OF FORTUNE). We can say that this person's "nuh" is developed for money and this will be very important for him, the person will achieve financial well-being through his work. He came in this incarnation to fulfill his karma and came with a store of knowledge that would help him to carry out everything planned.
Positions 7-8, they cannot be consciously influenced.
TWELVE POSITION - the card of "Mental Harmony", shows in what conditions a person will feel more comfortable, a point of comfort. For analysis, it is very important from which Arcana it consists: 7p + 8 \u003d 12 p, So our example is 2 + 10 \u003d 12 (HANGED)
cards in positions 1-6 are our inner portrait, something that we can consciously influence.
If there are two Jesters in the portrait, then this means two children.
Double Magician - abilities in literature, writing talent that a person does not realize, or does not want to use. It also gives excessive talkativeness or a tendency to lie. Ability to medicine, pharmacology. Possible block to work with hearing, stuttering in children. The double Sun in the portrait gives problems in paired relationships, low self-esteem.
The Double Hermit is either an excessive immersion in esoteric sciences and spiritual practices, or a complete renunciation of the world, and if it is not worked out, then in old age it threatens with loneliness.
Double Lovers - Difficulties in making decisions, most often in personal life, but sometimes in career. For a man, difficulties in pair relationships, for a woman - sacrifice in pair relationships.
All cards in the bucket that are in contact affect the characteristics of those lying nearby, strengthening or weakening their positions. The card in clause 1 with the card in clause 2, it, in turn, with the card in clause 3. The card in clause 2 is in contact with clause 1, clause 3, clause 4, clause 5. The card in clause 3 is in contact with the card in clause 2, clause 5. The card in clause 4 is in contact with the cards in clause 6, clause 5 and clause 2, the card in clause 6 is in contact with the card in clause 4 and clause 5

The three positions 1, 2 and 4 are three cards that will talk about relationships and marriage. And based on our example, where we have a PRIESTESS, EMPEROR LOVERS - we can say that a person will be influenced by a woman older than him in age, in childhood it is most often a grandmother, or with a late birth of a child, an elderly mother can act. This man marries a woman older than himself in age, gets to know her at work and in a relationship he will appreciate maternal care in a woman. As long as a woman admires him, cares and shows herself like a mother, she will be the best for this man. Knowledge and energy will ensure promotion; the interests of the spouses will coincide. In a relationship, a man will want to show himself as a leader, he will strive for this, but his partners will constantly deceive him, and because of which we will analyze a little later. Also, the Priestess in the first position for a man can speak either of a mistress or of writing.
Next, consider positions 2,3,5 - these positions together will give us an idea of ​​how a person will manifest himself in work, what he will do, what he strives for, what will move him.
Consider our example: EMPEROR + MOON + JOKE. The Emperor and the Moon tells us that this person is imaginative, he will approach and perform creative work, he is a visionary and he will always have far-reaching professional plans. He will constantly open up new professional opportunities; he will be able to take a high post; he will take new initiatives concerning the work; and he will have acquaintances in high positions; this person will dream a lot and dreams will be realistic, and there will also be plans and projects; this person will dream of a child and eventually he will have one. Based on the general picture of the position of the portrait, we can say that a person will do something where many women will participate, and we can assume that this will be esoteric. That a person will be the master of his business and he will be connected with something new.
Cards in positions 4, 5, 6 - the human psyche
Positions 4,5,6 will tell us about what a person must find a way out through, i.e. the most important. In our example, these are two cards of the Lovers (we interpret them as inverted) and the Jester. They indicate difficult housing conditions that must be addressed; that plans related to personal housing are difficult to implement; that an adult child does not have his own apartment; as well as that a person is impulsive in his decisions. These cards in this example will indicate that a person does not know how to choose and he has difficulties in partnerships and that his best partners will always be those who are younger than him in age (JOKE in the position of encouragement and achievement).
Two LOVERS cards, the Emperor and the Jester, tell us that this person will have several marriages, and the Priestess and the Lovers tell us that relations with older women in marriage will not be favorable.

All the cards of the Major Arcana are also considered for the elements, in our example we see two elements of Fire and Water, which together give dreams, illusions, irascibility. We can say that the owner of this portrait is too hot-tempered, but often hides his emotions (the Priestess and the Moon speak about this, as well as the hanged man in a position of comfort).

POSITION of fears and complexes (4)
The card that points us to the complexes, fears and psychological blockades hidden in the subconscious is a card for the 4th position of the Inner Psychological Portrait (Potty). We calculate the data for this position by summing the components in positions 1. and 2. This is a rather difficult position to interpret, as it indicates things that a person is most often afraid to admit to himself, or does not know about their existence (after all, this the subconscious, and it is there that psychological processes suppressed by a person are hidden), or does not want to realize and accept them. To make it easier for you, Reader, below I will give examples of the most common fears and complexes indicated by the Major Arcana, but I want to warn you that there can be much more of them, and also note that the influence of neighboring cards can drastically change the value of the card in the 4th position.
Jester (XXII) - indicates the problems that took place in early childhood (from birth to 7 - 8 years), as well as the events that he experienced between the moment of birth and the beginning of schooling. Very often this concerns situations that we do not remember, and the Portrait gives us the opportunity to bring out of the shadows of various kinds of problems buried deep in the subconscious. This map also points to the inner child that lives in each of us (no matter how old we are 0 or 60), and the fact that we often ignore his problems because we do not find time to listen. in a thin and helpless voice that from time to time tries to inform us of its needs. In this regard, the card can inform about the problems of spontaneous manifestation of oneself, insufficient ability to have fun, a tendency to strange and even dangerous entertainment.
Magician (I) - talks about the problems associated with adolescence, about difficult relationships with brothers and sisters (relatives and cousins), peers (regardless of a person's age), as well as problems in perceiving oneself and finding one's place in society. Often informs about the immaturity of a person or in general about infantile behavior. If from the 1st position the Empress (applies to women) or the Emperor (applies to men) affects the card, then this will be a signal that a person may have problems identifying his own gender. May indicate problems in making accurate statements, presenting one's views, or fear of public speaking.
The High Priestess (II) - informs about the problems that arise in relations with the mother, about her destructive influence on the human psyche. It can be an authoritarian mother, but also too malleable, who, instead of raising a child, spoiled him. In most cultures, respect for parents is the primary duty of a child. Christians even have a commandment “Honor your father and mother” (Zap. 5.16). However, people living in the 21st century often have many problems in their relationship with their mother. On the one hand, we feel the need to follow cultural and religious traditions, and on the other hand, there is an increase at a rapid pace in the number of mistakes that a mother makes during the upbringing of her child. An infant, a small child, and even a teenager are dependent in their relationship with their mother. If the relationship between them is problematic, then very often it is the child who takes the blame. It doesn't even occur to him to blame his mother for anything. Children love disinterestedly and the more painfully they perceive the insults that adults inflict on them. Additionally, the card may report a lack of contact with nature, a violation of the biological rhythm and blockades caused by the influence of teachers, educators or other women related to the person's occupation.
Empress (III) - this card, like the next one, should be interpreted separately for women and separately for men. If we do an analysis of a female portrait, then she points out problems with femininity, or rather, ignoring her, or vice versa, excessive attention to her appearance. Perhaps a woman perceives herself solely in the role of a lover or mother, without taking into account any other roles that can be tried on in the game of life. As for men, in their case, the card speaks of an excessive femininity of character, problems associated with identifying one's own sexuality, and even a castration complex. Often indicates simply problems in relations with women, the fear that they cause in a man. In relation to both sexes, the card can signal an inability to perceive beauty, a craving for everything ugly.
Emperor (IV) - this card (like the previous one) is interpreted separately for men and women. In the case of the Portrait of Men, she will talk about ignoring her own masculinity, or about the “macho” type, who is sure that vulgarity and brutality make him a real man. With regard to women, the card indicates excessive masculinity in character or sexual problems that may affect the relationship in a couple. Often the card also indicates problems in relations with members of the opposite sex. In relation to both sexes, the card signals problems associated with power, the desire to manipulate and control other people. Often indicates that the person is inherently a workaholic.
High Priest (V) - informs about problems in relations with the father, both in the past and in the present, about his destructive influence on a person. He often says that a person is influenced by false prophets and "gurus", that is, there is a need to have in front of him an object to follow, authority, which, unfortunately, his father did not become in his time. That is why a person easily falls under the influence of various kinds of "teachers" and leaders of sects. It can also indicate problems with learning, complexes caused by the lack of the necessary education, or, conversely, the rejection of the values ​​\u200b\u200bthat give good knowledge.
Lovers (VI) - first of all, speaks of the problems associated with creating the right partnerships, the continuation of destructive relationships, the tendency to obsessive passion. Most of us dream of meeting a partner with whom we could build a strong relationship, find support and support in difficult moments of life. That is, to find a person thanks to whom you can feel loved. That is why this part of life gives people the most problems, brings pain. Lovers in the 4th position show that a person either does not know how to build healthy relationships, or subconsciously seeks a partner with whom he cannot initially build one. In addition, the card may indicate that this person is indecisive, hesitant and unable to make his own choice.
Chariot (VII) - indicates the fear of success, becoming famous, popular, gaining recognition, and on the other hand - a person who can sit on his head. Such a person does not know how to say "no" without feeling guilty or "yes" without anger that he was forced to answer like that. Today, many people could achieve success, but their inner fears do not allow this, but only stop halfway or at the very beginning of the path undermine faith in themselves and their own success.
Justice (VIII) - speaks of problems with the perception of oneself as a person, carries information that a person is overwhelmed with guilt and is prone to self-criticism. In some cases, it may indicate fear of punishment for sins and, as a rule, for those that he himself invented, and not those that he actually committed. Most often, a person develops such an attitude towards himself during his life. A common cause of this kind of problem is the upbringing methods that were used in childhood in relation to a person, both at home and at school, but mainly in religion classes, where instead of talking about the love of the Almighty, they scare students with hellish fire. The analysis of such problems is especially difficult in terms of separating in which cases a person feels guilty for imperfect sins, and in which cases his feelings are quite fair, because each of us has ever felt guilty for the mistakes that we have made.
The Hermit (IX) - signals, first of all, the fear of loneliness or the fear that one cannot do anything alone, the certainty that a person feels doomed. It additionally informs about the complexes associated with an underestimation of oneself and one's knowledge. A person thinks that he is more stupid than the rest, mainly those who are in his immediate environment. The problems that this card signals can also relate to a person’s spirituality, his attitude towards elders and the inability to use the experience gained, which further aggravates the self-esteem of the individual.
Wheel of Fortune (X) - signals a lack of a sense of security and material instability. May mean a gambling addiction. Additionally, it may indicate karmic burdens, but we will talk about this a little later. We all face material problems, but not everyone in the 4th position of Portret has this card. And yet, if it is present, then this is information that a person cannot find a golden mean in relation to money: he is either afraid of them or madly craves them. A person who has the Wheel of Fortune in his Portrait in the 4th position cannot find a balance between the material and the spiritual. The situation is aggravated when the Wheel of Fortune in this position is affected by card XXII from positions 1., 5. or 6. (means such an influence that problems related to money were taken out of the parental home and such problems are more difficult to work out than problems acquired later).
Strength (XI) - is a signal that a person lacks faith in himself and his strength, speaks of fear of weakness and disease. Unfortunately, this is not the only meaning of this card in this position, it can also indicate that a person was or is a victim of violence, aggression. The number of problems of this kind, instead of decreasing, on the contrary, increases every year more and more, and those who have encountered or are facing them, instead of defending themselves, seeking help, on the contrary, hide their misfortunes, hide them into the subconscious and even try to justify such actions of the aggressors against them. Often this card is a reminder that perhaps a person was abused in childhood, which a person is afraid to admit, because it is easier to forget about such a period of life than to admit to oneself that parents or guardians have been cruel since childhood. treated you. Additionally, the card can serve as a signal that a person does not want to monitor his body and its condition.
The Hanged Man (XII) - informs about the lack of emotional stability of a person, about his tendency to withdraw into himself, and can also be a signal that the analyzed person is prone to the use of stimulants that affect a change in the state of consciousness (alcohol, drugs, psi chotropic drugs). Very often, the card indicates that a person experiences a feeling of so-called toxic shame, that is, feels guilty for something that has nothing to do with it (for example, the wife of an alcoholic is ashamed of the actions of her drunken husband and therefore hides his kicks from his parents and acquaintances). In extreme cases, it can talk about a strong emotional disorder.
Death (XIII) - most often speaks of such problems as the fear of taking responsibility for one's life, the fear of making any changes to it, the fear of old age and death. By the way, this is not such a rare problem as it seems at first glance. We live in the time of an unnaturally created cult of youth. This is endlessly broadcast by various kinds of advertisements that make a whole tragedy out of one wrinkle. Feature films shown on screens in which only young-looking actors play, job advertisements in which the main condition is that the future employee must be as young as possible. Today they do not appreciate the experience acquired with age, the wisdom of life, which is the prerogative of mature people. And although I personally am not ashamed of any of my wrinkles, each of which reminds me of the competition I won with the vicissitudes of fate, nor of my age, which is a guarantee that I have life experience, many have problems with this, which is what the Death card informs on the 4th position of the Portrait.
Moderation (XIV) - speaks of problems in finding the golden mean in life, the lack of a sense of proportion and harmony between internal and external content. Informs that a person is prone to irresponsibility and stagnation, namely: that even if he would like to do something, he still waits until he is shown the direction and told what needs to be done, or better, they will do the work for him. him. Such a person often expects a miracle and does not want to understand that it depends only on him whether something in his life will change or remain the same gray. It can say that a person does not have his own opinion, but adheres to what neighbors and acquaintances will say, which greatly complicates the process of self-realization.
Devil (XV) - this card indicates very destructive and difficult problems to work through. Informs about grievances associated with sexual harassment, violence, as well as exposure to the influence of sects and criminal gangs, that a person may be engaged in black magic. It may indicate a strong sexual addiction, a tendency to perversions and deviations in this area, or vice versa, a tendency to completely abandon this part of life, excessive scrupulousness, deceit, false shame, which can affect the intimate life of partners. It is very difficult to overcome such problems without the help of psychologists and sexologists. Even if one could work with a person who has
such problems, just with the help of cards, it would be difficult to establish contact with the client, since in our country, conversations on such topics are still not accepted in society and remain at the level of inappropriate jokes. In a milder sense, the card may indicate that a person does not know how to properly use his energy: either he spends it in vain, or hardly uses it.
Tower (XVI) - indicates a tendency to depression, nervous disorders and nervousness. In this case, it is better to advise the person to undergo a course of clinical treatment. In addition, it says that a person does not know how to finish what he started and allows the past to influence him. Many of us cannot forget about negative memories, experienced mental traumas. If something doesn’t work out for us, we justify ourselves by saying that we had a difficult childhood, we were influenced by bad people, we complain about fate, living conditions, or we put all the blame on the bad luck that haunts us. The card can also indicate the unconscious destructive actions of a person that he directs at himself, which leads to the destruction of his own affairs.
Star (XVII) - informs that a person has problems in the sphere of feelings, is afraid to openly express them, and especially those that are considered to be “bad” (anger, anger, hatred, etc.). Additionally, it speaks of a blocked creativity of a person, a cynical attitude towards such feelings as love, friendship, sympathy. That a person is not able to express his needs in these directions. It is quite easy to meet such people who do not know how to explain what they feel in this or that situation, and all the decisions or actions they make either fail or are not brought to the end. This is often due to the fact that such decisions do not reflect true needs, but rather cause discouragement, since they are not what the person really needed. Blocked creativity, in turn, does not allow a person to fully show their talents. There is no possibility to demonstrate them in public.
Moon (XVIII) - speaks of a tendency to live in a world of illusions and fantasies, a significant or complete isolation from the real world, a lack of contact with reality and one's own subconscious, as well as the fact that a person knows nothing about his own psyche and the processes taking place in it. It may be evidence that a person has lost himself in life and does not know what is happening to him, does not understand his reactions. The moon also indicates increased emotional sensitivity and empathy, which leads to the fact that a person is deeply worried not only because of his own problems, but also because of the problems of other people, even if he has nothing to do with what happening. Sometimes there is a reverse situation when a person is confident in his uniqueness and thinks only of himself, which is why he is generally not capable of sympathy, although more often this applies to men. In the case of women, it can speak of fears and blockades associated with the conception of a child, pregnancy or childbirth.
Sun (XIX) - indicates not low self-esteem and lack of self-esteem. He talks about the fear of seeming ridiculous, depending on the opinions of other people about himself. Informs about blockades that complicate the demonstration of one's own merits to society. A person who has the Sun in the 4th position of his portrait does not believe in himself and his strength, easily loses the meaning of any of his undertakings, and often the meaning of life. As a result, it can reach complete disappointment and inner emptiness. Such a person is happy with anything, has no aspirations, and considers himself a failure and a mistake of nature. Although the reverse situation is also possible, when an ordinary person behaves like a leader who does not accept any comments, and perceives those who dare to criticize him as his enemies.
Court (XX) - speaks of excessive responsibility, blockades that have arisen as a result of a specific hierarchy of values ​​​​(a conservative approach to religion or philosophy of life). Informs about complexes related to family or origin. Everyone knows that the value system that a person has created for himself affects his views, approach to life and personal choices. A person with a Court card in the 4th position very often adheres to the value system that he “carried out” from his parental home, forgetting that it may not correspond to the current situation. Can also talk about the tendency to explain and justify all their actions, regardless of the result,
with good intentions, everything was allegedly done for the sake of the “higher good”.
World (XXI) - first of all, informs about various kinds of phobias (for example, claustrophobia), nervousness, obsessive behavior (for example, excessive overeating or weakness for shopping). In a milder form, it speaks of the fear of living and the person's concern about whether he can cope with everything himself. Often indicates a fear of going abroad and communicating with foreigners, rejection of everything foreign. It happens that it says that a person does not understand and therefore is afraid of modern technology, tries not to use a computer, the Internet, a mobile phone. And if this is understandable in the behavior of older people, then for young people it greatly complicates life and career growth.

Psychological Harmony Card (12)
The Psychic Harmony Card can be calculated in two ways: by summing up the numerical values ​​of the cards in the 4th, 5th and 6th positions, or by summing up the 7th and 8th positions, the result will always be the same. This card describes situations and conditions in which a person feels most comfortable or, in other words, happy. This card is always in position number 12. and we write it on the side of our inverted pyramid
A very important information is that only even cards can stand in this position. This happens because psychic harmony is the dominant of female energy, which is contained in even cards.
Jester (XXII) - harmony is achieved through work with children, the development of spontaneity, the joy of life, friendly contacts and new beginnings. A person with the "Jester" card in the 12th position feels happy when he has established contact with the inner child.
High Priestess (II) - harmony is achieved through communication with nature, work on the land and other activities in nature, trips to the village, to the forest, to nature, as well as through helping people and good relations with the mother. Happiness can also bring secret knowledge (for example, Tarot).
Emperor (IV) - harmony is achieved through vigorous activity, career growth, a high level of professionalism, thriftiness and the wise use of available funds, obtaining status and recognition in society, as well as contacts with men.
Lovers (VI) - harmony is achieved through an agreed and complete partnership in every sense of the word, joint work with a person, mutual love, tolerance, understanding of others, as well as through the ability to make the right choice.
Justice (VIII) - harmony is achieved due to the desire for justice, both internal and external, contact with highly moral and educated people, social work for the benefit of the environment, following the rules adopted in society, excluding any unseemly deeds from own life.
Wheel of Fortune (X) - harmony is achieved due to a sense of material stability, providing oneself with a stable income and work that will bring the necessary income, wise disposal of earned funds, prudent investment and capital investment, as well as through working out karma.
The Hanged Man (XII) - harmony is achieved thanks to:
. rich spiritual life;
. meditation;
. contemplation;
. trance states;
. prayer;
. listening to your inner voice;
. maintaining contact with your superconsciousness;
. direct contact with God, understanding His promptings, accepting His help;
. development of one's own psyche, work on understanding feelings, emotions, desires and aspirations. These people are not recommended to smoke and in general to use any drugs that induce an altered state.
Moderation (XIV) - harmony is achieved through:
. balance between external and internal content;
. surrounding yourself with calm and balanced people;
. positive contacts with the environment, work for its benefit;
. good contacts with neighbors, acquaintances and other people;
. balanced relationships in the family and at work.
Tower (XVI) - harmony is achieved through:
. rejection of everything old and obsolete and finding the best, modern, more effective;
. finding your place in life (in the family, at work) and improving your life in all its directions.
Moon (XVIII) - harmony is achieved through:
. the development of the feminine: the preservation and support of the family hearth, healthy care for its inhabitants, good cuisine, decorating the house and keeping it clean;
. development of intuition, imagination and creativity.
Judgment (XX) - harmony is achieved through:
. close and warm, open and sincere relationships in the family, with loved ones and relatives;
. wise and mature value system.
Peace (XXI) - harmony is achieved through:
. broad outlook;
. deepening into other cultures and traditions;
. understanding people and tolerant attitude towards them.
Let me remind you that the card of Psychic Harmony in the Portrait has a clearly designated place for it.


There are many ways to find the answer to the question: “what is my life task, my purpose?” You can turn to an astrologer or numerologist, you can take tests or find out the answers from Tarot cards. A professional will definitely give you an answer to this question, but very often you want to look behind the veil of secrecy on your own, with one eye. In the end, having received valuable information, you can think it over and turn to a specialist, already having a list of questions in your hands, for example, such as: “in what profession can I be most effective in order to realize my task”, “what mistakes do I make, and what moves me away from my goal”, “what ways exist for the realization of my destiny”, “what abilities and talents do I have, and what needs to be developed in order to realize myself”, etc.

The list can be continued indefinitely. But let's get back to the definition of the problem. I will show you a simple way to calculate the problem from the technique "Psychological portrait on tarot". This technique allows you to find out everything about a person (well, or almost everything :-)). And, of course, after the count, you can read my brief interpretations of each number - just a small part of the information that I can tell you about you, but so valuable!

Let such cards as the Hanged Man, Death, the Devil, the Tower not scare you - there are no bad cards, each card has a positive and negative side. You just need to know the key to this card in order to use its energies for your own benefit.

Attention! If you calculate the task of a child's life, then be careful with the conclusions, because, focusing on only one of the tasks of life, which will be discussed below, you can harm the child without noticing his other abilities and capabilities. To talk about the task of the child, it is necessary to analyze the entire "Psychological portrait of a person by date of birth." In addition, a large number of people do not work in those areas that they are "prescribed" by the task, but at the same time they perfectly fulfill their "life mission". After all, the personality of a person is multifaceted and unique, and it is simply impossible to fit it to the meanings of just one archetype, but of course you can take a quick look. Started?


1. Write down your date of birth in the format: day, month, year. For example, 12/26/1978. If you were born between the 23rd and 31st, subtract the number 22 from the date. 26 - 22 = 4.

2. Write down the numbers of the month. In our case, 12.

3. Add all the digits of the year together: 1+9+7+8 = 25. If the sum is more than 22, subtract 22. In our case: 25 - 22 = 3.

4. Sum up the received numbers: 4 + 12 + 3 = 19. The sum of the day, month and year will tell you about your life task. So, the task for a person born on December 26, 1978 is 19.

5. If the sum is more than 22, subtract 22. For example, 12/11/1991 = 11 + 12 + 20 = 43 - 22 = 21. If the sum is again more than 22, subtract 22 again.


If you got a number:

1. Mag. Your task is to convey information to people, help with wise advice and create harmony and beauty through the word. A conversation with you can leave a deep imprint in the hearts of people, because you can touch the strings of the soul with words. You need to learn to accept yourself as anyone and work on your development. It is necessary to establish contacts with the immediate environment, neighbors, brothers and sisters, as well as with peers. You can find yourself in a business related to the word, speech, information (both oral and written).
People with the number 1 in the task often become journalists, writers, translators, psychologists, esotericists.

2. High Priestess. Your task is to get to know your inner world, learn to hear your intuition and work with large amounts of information. Your attention should be directed to matters related to the natural sciences, nature, including the protection of animals. Strive to understand other people and help those who have lost their way to find their guiding star. You should be a good parent to your child, wise and just, and a caring son or daughter to your mother.
You may be suitable for such professions as: ecologist, psychologist, doctor, teacher of secret knowledge, analyst, diagnostician.

3. Empress. First of all, your attention should be drawn to such areas as: beauty, culture and art. You need to take care of your appearance and the appearance of your loved ones, the decoration of the house, and also ensure that your family lives in harmony and material prosperity. But, building your own business or striving for the masterpieces of world culture, you need to look for a golden mean between the material and spiritual worlds. And yet, at a higher level, you need to become a “mother”, both in the literal sense - by giving birth and raising a child, and figuratively - to create a work of art or know-how, that is, to make something that will live after you.
Women need to reveal their femininity, and men need to learn to understand women and live in harmony and harmony with their spouse. You can find yourself in such professions as: stylist, interior designer, artist, jeweler, art critic, educator. And you can also become just a good parent.

4. Emperor. Your task is to realize yourself in your profession and leave your mark as a professional. But the most important thing is that you need to become the master not only in the house, but also in your life, learn to be responsible for what you do and for those who are under your command. It is necessary to set goals and achieve them, to develop the right attitude towards power. You need to learn to understand your true desires from false ones. A man should pay attention to his masculinity, and a woman should not suppress a man, get married and learn to live in harmony with her husband. People with the Emperor in the task can become businessmen, directors, administrators, officers.

5. High Priest. Those who get an “A” in the task can become very good teachers, whom students will remember as wise, fair and interesting personalities. In life, you are prescribed to receive knowledge and pass it on to others, engage in scientific research, study the history of peoples and their customs, preserve the traditions of your family and be their spiritual successor. Many people with this card, in addition to the teacher's path, choose professions related to history, philosophy, become leaders of social movements and scientists.

6. Lovers. Your task is to learn to choose with your heart, to make independent decisions based on your own choice. You need to love with all your soul and every cell of your body. You must know all the facets of love: caring maternal, sexual and passionate, sublime and platonic - and find their ideal recipe in a relationship with a partner in order to become a harmonious partner in your love union. It is also important to learn not to divide people along material, social and racial lines, understanding that every person deserves to be loved and happy. People who have discovered in themselves all the facets of the "six" can become good doctors, actors, confidants, loving and beloved spouses.

7. Chariot. You must strive to change the world around you through your own successes, professional achievements and recognition. You cannot be a gray mouse and hide behind a plinth, you and your results of work should be visible to others. Learn to work with many contacts, large amounts of information, be mobile and mobile, but not fussy. You also need to learn how to say “no” to what prevents you from achieving results, and to those who use you to the detriment of your interests. Many people with a "seven" in the task find themselves in business, in professions related to transport, with a lot of contacts and movements, in military affairs and politics.

8. Justice. Your task is a deep understanding of justice, care that the rights of other people are respected, and protection of these rights. You should not pass by situations where someone is treated unfairly, whether it be your house or the street. You can't hide your head in the sand when someone else is suffering from dishonesty. You also need to learn to be responsible for all your actions, understanding that any of your actions will have consequences, all the shoots of your deeds will sprout. Sow good deeds - reap good; sow bad deeds, you will reap bad deeds. You also need to learn endurance and the ability to maintain peace of mind when even the little things infuriate you.
You can find yourself in professions related to the judicial and legal system: lawyer, judge, animal rights activist, human rights defender - as well as in professions where the main work is related to paperwork, or where care and accuracy are required.

9. Hermit. The task of your life is spiritual development, constant work on yourself, gaining wisdom and experience, which, ideally, should then be passed on to others. You need to learn from the mistakes of others, respecting the experience of previous generations. You should also study ancient cultures and traditions. You must treat the elderly with great attention and respect, help them. People with a "nine" in the task can become good teachers, esotericists, philosophers, scientists, historians, social workers who help the elderly and lonely people.

10. Wheel of Fortune. You need to learn how to properly manage money and find a balance between the spiritual and physical worlds, understand that constancy is only in the cemetery, but everything changes in life. Your task is to provide material support for yourself and your loved ones, and then - material assistance to other people. In no case should you behave dishonestly in financial matters or live at the expense of others. You have to be careful in gambling in order to stop in time. On a more subtle level, you need to consciously repay karmic debts, realizing that everything you do will come back. You also need to pay attention to recurring situations, understand their lesson and correct mistakes. You can find yourself in professions related to money, becoming an economist, banker, businessman, accountant, and also a specialist in reincarnation.

11. Strength. You have two main tasks in life - taking care of your physical body and true love in its earthly manifestation. You need to play sports, keep your body in good shape and help others in this. You also need to develop in yourself such qualities as strength, courage, courage, you need to get rid of fears and learn to defend your beliefs and be a real leader, whom you want to follow voluntarily. You need to understand that love is a synthesis of the spiritual and physical aspects, and feelings without sex and sex without feelings are an inferior relationship between a man and a woman who call themselves a couple. People with the Force in the task find their place in law enforcement agencies and military organizations, become athletes, massage therapists, as well as experts in the field of dating and couples.

12. Hanged man. Your task is to learn to control your emotions and experiences, get rid of fears and insecurities. You need to learn how to assess situations from different angles, developing a multifaceted vision. Another of your tasks is the development of mediumistic abilities and the ability to subtly feel the beauty of the world, music, the human soul. You also need to learn to sacrifice a little for something bigger and at the same time move away from the position of the victim. You should not be addicted to alcohol and other drugs, on the contrary, you need to get rid of bad habits yourself and help those who need help in this. You can find your way in science, psychology, philosophy, art.

13. Death. Your task is to learn how to correctly and calmly respond to sudden changes, let go of the old and obsolete, cleanse the inner and outer space. You must develop altruism in yourself and help other people in extreme and difficult situations completely disinterestedly. You cannot pass by someone else's suffering without trying to help. People with the thirteenth lasso of the tarot in the task often become doctors, nurses, veterinarians, social workers, find their place in professions associated with the risk to life and saving people (firefighters, policemen, stuntmen).

14. Moderation. Your task is to bring harmony to your environment, find a balance between the inner and outer worlds, and learn to do everything in a timely manner. You need to learn to find compromises and a middle ground in any situation. You can become a good guide for others and a liaison between two people or a group of strangers to bring them together, to introduce them. People with Temperance can become good mediators, peacemakers, social workers, guides, guides, watchmakers, healers.

15. Devil. You got a difficult card, and you have many tasks in life. You need to learn how to control your energy and distribute it correctly. You should get rid of all sorts of temptations and addictions that fetter you, bypass the world of crime and avoid black magic. You need to understand the difference between the forced victim and the position of the victim. You need to understand the role of sex in life and learn how to manage sexual energy. You can have healing and various esoteric abilities, so it is important to learn how to treat this correctly and direct your energy to help other people. You can do business, become a healer, an esotericist, a showman, a psychologist and ... a sensual and skillful sexual partner.

16. Tower. Your task is to build: your life, character, house - in a word, everything that is to be built. But the most important thing is to learn to leave in the past what has already become obsolete, what prevents you from moving forward, so that something new and relevant comes to the place of the old and obsolete. Starting to build a new one, it is necessary to bring what has been started to the end and delete programs that have already been completed. The biggest mistake you can make in life is the desire for stability and the desire to not change anything, using old and sometimes unviable programs. You can find your place in administrative work, in architecture, website programming and organizations with a wide branch network, or simply in building your own house.

17. Star. You definitely need to develop your artistic or artistic talent, be creative in any business and learn to feel the beauty. You must fill this world with beauty, and it does not matter how this beauty manifests itself: in musical works, in art canvases or in home decoration. You can be a good friend, and friendship will always take center stage in your life. People with a Star can become famous artists, art historians, astrologers and wonderful friends.

18. Moon. Your task is to get rid of fears, insecurities, work on the development of intuition and imagination. You need to learn to understand yourself, to see the clues that the subconscious sends you. Your areas in which you can draw energy are home comfort, cooking, caring for children and loved ones. You must create comfort and coziness for other people, satisfy their needs for warmth, create a harmonious atmosphere in the team where you are. You cannot ignore other people's feelings, treat them dryly and formally, and create a mess in your home. You can realize yourself by becoming a cook, a psychologist, a doctor, an adviser, an astrologer, a fortune teller, a good parent and a wonderful host.

19. Sun. Your task is to become the sun for yourself, and then for others: to warm, help, inspire confidence and charge with optimism. You need to form the right self-esteem, without distortions towards egocentrism and self-abasement. You should develop in yourself such qualities as: nobility, kindness, honesty, the ability to lead. You need to give up the desire to know what others will say or think about you. You can realize yourself in politics, in leadership work, in creative professions.

20. Court. Your task is to create and maintain harmonious relations in the family, help parents and relatives. You need to learn the history of your family, your kind and pass it on to future generations. Another of your tasks is to create your own system of values, which will be based on universal justice and humanism. But at the same time, you should not impose your values ​​on others rudely and fanatically. With the Court in your task, you can choose the profession of a historian, family psychologist and family doctor, work in the judicial system, and, of course, you can become a loving and beloved family member.

21. Peace. Your task is to be open to everything new, unusual, “foreign”. You need to learn a tolerant and unbiased attitude towards different peoples, races, social strata of the population. Another task of yours is to create a harmonious space around you and achieve a state of peace. Your role in this life is to work with foreigners in order to unite people of different cultures, study "overseas" traditions and foreign languages, and introduce new products into life. People with this card in the task choose the professions of translators (or just learn languages), travelers, experts in the cultures of different peoples, become specialists in the field of modern technologies.

22. Jester. Your task in life is to work with children, create new and unusual travel. You definitely need to take the initiative in your own hands, act with enthusiasm, spontaneously, easily and cheerfully look at life. You must bring joy to the people around you, maintain a childish spontaneity and contact with your inner child, be open to everything new and unusual. You can find yourself in professions related to children, laughter and travel. Also, people with a Jester in the task often choose some unusual professions or introduce an element of non-standard into their usual activities.

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