Home Berries How to celebrate the new year at work. How fun is it to celebrate the New Year in the office? Ritual "Seven Candles" by Olga Korepina

How to celebrate the new year at work. How fun is it to celebrate the New Year in the office? Ritual "Seven Candles" by Olga Korepina

In preparation for the New Year, someone reservations a table in a restaurant, and someone makes a festive menu ... But there are those who will work on New Year's Eve and provide a holiday for other people. the site learned what it is like to celebrate the New Year at the service of a flight attendant, hotel manager, McDonals employee, host and attendant of the Kiev metro.

Evgeniy, host of events, MC:

For me, celebrating the New Year at work is a familiar thing: for 14 years of work as a host for 7 years, I spend a festive night on stage, with a glass of champagne in my hands, which sometimes becomes the first and last for the whole New Year's Eve - it is not always possible to sit down and even catch my breath. I can't imagine the New Year in any other way. It's better for me to meet him at work than to sit in front of the Olivier basin and half-asleep to watch the 156th edition of New Year's Ogonyok, where every two minutes they show either Maxim Galkin or Nikolai Baskov!

And we usually get bored and do not have to sleep. By the way, the above listed artists sometimes celebrate the New Year with us! Each New Year brings new faces, new acquaintances, cities and impressions. And who else if not us, the presenters? Imagine if it weren't for us ?!

Working in the New Year is my job, and I am obliged to do it, just like the border guard, guide, doctor and others who help and make life easier for people. Many people think that this is "light bread". I bought myself a new suit, learned a couple of three toasts, and there - drink, dance and have fun with people. I will never agree with this! This is very hard work that someone has to do, as the same doctors, firefighters and others do it. Therefore, I will repeat: “Who if not us, the presenters ?!”.

It's better for me to meet him at work than to sit in front of the Olivier basin and half asleep to watch the 156 issue of the New Year's Ogonyok

Over time, you get used to everything. Both my friends and relatives have long been accustomed and adapted to celebrate this holiday with me, whenever possible. I usually book a table for friends and family at the venue where I perform. Although it so happens that such an opportunity does not fall out. In this case, the joint celebration is postponed to the first or second of January. In our country, all January "drink and walk" - continuous holidays.

Yes, during the night I drink one glass of champagne, with which you congratulate people at midnight. Usually he is the only one, since the work of the presenter implies sober thinking and clear pronunciation! Although it happens in different ways. It all depends on the contingent of people. It so happens that the guests themselves ask to sit with them in the breaks and celebrate this holiday.

I didn’t have time to make plans and didn’t even try. At this moment, I am busy with congratulating people on the New Year, and I make sure that they themselves do not forget to make a wish under the chimes.

Each New Year is remembered only for positive moments. Although the curiosities that happened on New Year's Eve are postponed in my head. One of them happened in one of the boarding houses of Yalta, where I was lucky enough to perform on New Year's Eve. At 11:50 pm, according to the scenario, all the guests left the restaurant to the nearby pool to celebrate the New Year. To the chimes, after my congratulations, according to the same scenario, there should have been a fireworks exactly at 00:00. Everything was smooth and without overlays. People came out, the President's speech was broadcast, the chimes, my congratulatory text, and finally the long-awaited fireworks. But it sounded, as it turned out, unexpectedly for Santa Claus and Snegurochka, standing behind me and a step from the pool. From fright, these New Year's characters fell into the pool. Nobody expected such a surprise. Naturally, people were very pleased, amused - and, I am sure, they will be remembered for a lifetime!

Natalia, stewardess:

We celebrate the New Year at work a year after a year, that is, if I was in the service in 2013, then I will celebrate 2014 at home. Usually it is never boring - after all, everyone is united by a festive atmosphere! Everyone has a family at home, relatives and friends, and those who go to the New Year's celebrations on a flight simply break away from despair. Our work implies teamwork, so the holidays are held in a very warm and friendly atmosphere!

We have the opportunity not to work on holidays, otherwise the work of the airline would have stopped for these days.

Relatives and friends understand that this is work and there is no escape from it, even on such a day.

We are not allowed to drink at work, it is strictly forbidden! But if you flew on a business trip and there was at least a day before the next flight, then yes! Before departure, we go through a doctor, and even one glass of champagne can be easily identified.

The commander of the ship usually warns of the approaching New Year and informs the passengers. And we treat everyone with a glass of champagne, recharge ourselves with positive emotions from our clients and wait for the arrival to celebrate this holiday ourselves.

The celebration usually takes place according to the standard program, but according to the traditions of the country we are actually flying to. The coolest thing is probably to celebrate the New Year at an altitude of 10,000 meters, somewhere over the ocean. I have never experienced this, but colleagues told me that it is unusual and cool!

Igor, hotel manager:

New Year is a holiday that has a special meaning for me, and I am used to spending it with my family or with friends. But there are also exceptions to the rule when you have to spend New Year's Eve at work. Of course, celebrating the New Year with our team is a pleasure, and if you maintain such a mood, then this night will also become a festive one for all employees.

It so happened that from year to year it is impossible to guess whether I will have a change or not. It all depends on the schedule.

Family and friends understand that if I do not go to work, I will substitute my team. It was my choice when I applied for a job, and I was clearly aware that I would have to work during the holidays.

Yes, there is an opportunity to drink champagne on New Year's Eve, but the higher the position I got, the less time there was for the holiday.

Every New Year at work was memorable. Many friends tried to come to visit me at work, but it's good that I managed to dissuade them in time.

Evgeniya, Kiev metro station attendant:

It's fun to celebrate the New Year at work, it's never lonely, and you always hear congratulations from employees and passengers. And in the end, the question disappears: "Where to celebrate the New Year?"

I go to work on schedule. There is round-the-clock duty in the metro, so some shift still has to celebrate the New Year not at home. The family treats work with understanding. And my husband did not want to stay at home and came to my work, and they celebrated it.

Yes, I managed to drink a glass of champagne at midnight (but it's a secret!). I made a wish. It has not come true yet, but everything is heading towards that.

In the end, if you are at work on New Year's Eve, the question disappears: “Where to celebrate the New Year?”.

I remember how at 00.00 they congratulated all passengers at the station on the New Year over the loudspeaker, and tangerines were given to the drivers of each train.

Sergey, McDonald’s employee:

Few know that McDonald’s employees work until 10 pm on New Year's Eve. But on the eve of the New Year, the service is really fun. Firstly, you are surrounded (until 22.00) by those people with whom you work all year, and everyone is in a cool mood. Everyone is happy, and the work is going faster. Personally, on New Year's Eve, I worked only 1 shift (I saw off 2012).

I went to work on December 31st, according to the schedule. As you put it, you work. The relatives reacted calmly. They just said to come home faster and help set the table.

I had a chance to drink champagne before leaving home. There was the traditional opening of champagne and cotton, the director or the senior on shift would say a toast, and then they all drank quickly, because they had to hurry home.

The funniest thing is to work on January 1st. We open at 11 am this day. You take orders from visitors, you see their happy faces (you are a little jealous - you’re at work), they congratulate you and ask in surprise: “How do you work? Come with us to celebrate the New Year! "

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1. Set an unusual New Year's table

If you can't give up at home gatherings, at least diversify the table with treats that you have never tasted. Let not a single familiar dish and drink be on your table. Try the cuisine of another country, ask your friends for delicious recipes and make your own cocktails - alcoholic or not.

There is still a lot of time before the New Year, so you will have time to create an unusual menu.

By the way, if you decide to cook traditional dishes of other nations, why not celebrate the holiday in the style of the country whose cuisine you have chosen?

2. Join the traditions of another country

This is another way to celebrate the New Year with relatives and friends, but make it unusual and memorable. Decorate your home in a different country style. For example, Japanese kadomatsu or Chinese lanterns and pictures with wishes.

Give each other special gifts like homemade candles in Sweden, dogwood sticks in Bulgaria, coupled items like cups or candles in China.

10. Celebrate the New Year on the plane

As a rule, plane tickets rise in price on the eve of the holidays, as people tend to celebrate the New Year already on the spot. And on the dates of the holidays themselves, on the contrary, tickets become much cheaper.

If you buy tickets for December 31, you will kill two birds with one stone: save money on the road and get an unusual experience of celebrating the New Year a few kilometers above the ground.

The more interesting you spend this day, the more chances you have for a New Year's miracle.

How did you celebrate your brightest and most memorable New Year? Share your experience in the comments.

In our country, you will not surprise anyone by celebrating the New Year at home. For the most part, such gatherings end with overeating. We have prepared several ideas on how to meet the coming year at home in an interesting way.

This article is for people over 18 years of age.

Have you already turned 18?

How to have a fun New Year at home?

How to celebrate the New Year, in what company, and even so that the guests do not get bored? This question haunts many, because everyone knows the proverb "As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it." That is why everyone prepares for this holiday very carefully, planning in advance what to wear and what to put on the table. But there is no time left for the festive scenario. But in vain, because interesting contests and funny jokes can replace 1001 salads and other delicacies that hospitable housewives prepare in such quantities that they cannot even try everything.

Celebrating at home is a great way to celebrate the New Year with your family or organize a meeting with old friends. And believe me, it is not at all necessary to reduce its holding to an Olivier and a concert on TV. Light exotic dishes can be prepared instead of traditional salads and snacks. Also organize some fun contests, play Crocodile, Twister or another interesting game in which you can involve all your family members and guests.

Another way to celebrate the New Year in an interesting and unusual way is to make it themed. There are an incredible number of options for organizing a fun celebration, because the topic can be completely different. Love to cook - arrange for your family and friends a culinary journey to Italy or France. If your family has a favorite movie in common - bring it to life at the New Year's holiday. However, when choosing a theme for a party, it is worth remembering that this idea should be supported by all family members. It will also be good if you divide the preparation responsibilities between them - everyone, without exception, should be involved (entrust the kids with the decoration with thematic drawings).

If you do not know how interesting it is to celebrate the New Year at home with your family - arrange a dream holiday for them. This is especially important if you are celebrating with children. Try to find out what your loved ones dream about and bring it to life. A bit of creativity and all your loved ones will certainly not forget this New Year.

How to celebrate the New Year at home together?

People in love usually do not notice anyone around, so they hardly need a company for the New Year. If you are going to spend a festive night with your beloved (or beloved) - take care of a romantic setting. The muffled flickering of candles, which is reflected in the New Year's tinsel, light background music, an interestingly decorated table, delicious dishes and just the two of you - this will surely not fade from memory. Forget about electric lights and TVs this evening - they can dispel the New Year's magic. But light romantic comedies on an old projector are quite appropriate (it is quite possible to rent it).

As for the snacks, they should be as light and interesting as possible. A couple of salads, a hot dish and dessert - this will be enough, because the point of a joint celebration is not at all in a table crumpled with food.

It's also worth remembering about entertainment. It can be both innocent entertainment such as "Twister", and "adult" blocks or cards. It doesn't matter which option you choose - you definitely won't be bored.

How to celebrate the New Year at home?

Is it possible to celebrate the New Year alone, leaving all the noisy festivities outside the door of your apartment? Alone, of course, in our country it is not customary to meet the beginning of the calendar year - it just so happened that noisy companies are in vogue. But this does not mean at all that it is impossible. Such a holiday is a great opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle and devote time to yourself. A huge plus of such a celebration is that you can cook several of your favorite dishes, wrap yourself in a warm blanket and watch all your favorite films. Or you can celebrate the New Year in a warm bath with foam, fruits and champagne (or cocktails) - it only depends on your personal preferences and desires. And most importantly - no overeating and a painful state in the morning.

How to celebrate the New Year with friends?

It doesn't matter if you are the three of you or in a big noisy company. The main condition is that it should be fun, incendiary and interesting. Preparing for the New Year is not a matter of one day, so it makes sense to get together with the same company two or three weeks before the holiday and discuss the main organizational issues. This is the theme of the party, and the distribution of dishes (for example, the hostess prepares only hot dishes, and guests bring everything else with them) and music with contests. Celebrating together means sharing responsibilities among all guests. Home decorating, cooking festive dishes, writing a script for the holiday. The correct distribution of roles will not only make the celebration perfect, but also bring you closer together (this is especially true in companies where unfamiliar people meet).

Home scenes for the New Year

If you are celebrating New Year at home, this does not mean at all that you do not need any contests. On the contrary, in order for the celebration to turn out not boring, special attention should be paid to entertainment. At both a children's and an adult's party, it is equally appropriate to invite guests to play small mini-performances. They are included in most of the New Year's programs offered by event agencies, as well as thematic forums on the Internet. Everyone will surely like this entertainment, because it is supposed to work together on a production or concert.

To act out this or that scene, you will need funny texts, masks and a little acting art.

A lottery will also help to diversify the festive feast, where mandatory tasks will be played. Even the most ridiculous actions that guests can pull out will arouse lively interest on New Year's Eve and will definitely not let you get bored (for example, on a piece of paper there may be a proposal to depict the symbol of the coming year or its habits).

If you want to celebrate the New Year with your family, you can “do it yourself” to organize a whole home performance with many quizzes and contests. A festive auction, where you will “sell” their own previously hidden things for a rhyme or song, can cause special interest among loved ones.

Home quests for the New Year are also incredibly popular. These are a wide variety of riddles, solving which guests receive not only a lot of positive emotions, but also small souvenirs. You can do the development of a scenario for a home party quest yourself or find it on the Internet.

The same applies to contests for the New Year, which you want to hold at home. For a home company, both old, well-known contests and more exotic ones are quite suitable. For the sake of fun, guests will gladly agree to participate in any experiments and the craziest contests.

Home photo zone for the New Year

To organize a photo zone, beautifully decorate the Christmas tree, put figures of the Snow Maiden, the Snowman and other heroes near it, elegant boxes with gifts, and also prepare New Year's hats, in which your guests can make a festive photo session.

Scenario New Year 2018 in a cozy home

A large number of scenarios for home celebrations can be found on the vastness of the world wide web. Their theme and scope depends mainly on whether you are celebrating with a noisy company of bosom friends or with your family. Holiday scenarios are sure to come with ready-made contests, tasks and interesting games. If you yourself want to write a script for the celebration, then you must definitely take into account that all the entertainment is for both children and adults, so that not a single guest gets bored. They should not have low or vulgar humor - all this is inappropriate at such an event. But cool contests for a large company are only welcome, but they are not at all suitable for children's pastime. In general, be guided by the situation and try to take into account all the wishes of small and large guests, and then your home holiday will definitely turn out to be fun.

New Year's at home is not only a familiar feast, but also an opportunity to have fun with family and friends.

Many firms arrange corporate events, but still some employers skimp on great fun. But you really want a holiday! Is it possible to celebrate the coming New Year in the office with a close company? As far as possible!

The most popular way to celebrate is to chip away at the entire department, and buy all kinds of goodies. Many people do this, including sales manager Alexander and his colleagues:

I have been working in this company for three years already, in this department. So far, the CEO has never gone broke to host a banquet, so we create the mood for ourselves. This year, spontaneously, they suddenly decided to celebrate the New Year in advance - at the beginning of December. We dropped off a few hundred, bought all kinds of cuts, a cake, champagne with cognac. My immediate supervisor let me go home to park the car. Well, from three o'clock they were quietly celebrating - on Friday there is still no work anymore, so our quiet "libations" passed unnoticed. Another employee had to stay behind the wheel, so they gave him a bottle with him. Somehow, in a family way, we celebrate the New Year.

Indeed, it is the most economical way to celebrate a holiday. In addition, if you have a small department, such gatherings can unite much more strongly than large-scale corporate events. The same Alexander recalls that he used to work in a very large company, the management of which rented huge banquet halls in order to please thousands of its employees:

And the artists were cool, and the food was not cutting, but something more complicated. But that sincerity was definitely not there. We wandered around this restaurant, and, I must confess, I personally felt out of place. It was uncomfortable. Lonely somehow. Now we have everything a hundred times more modest, but the New Year is a family holiday, so I think we celebrate it very correctly. Joy, at least, remains from such evenings.

Hot holiday

Alexey, the head of a small agency selling air tickets, said this:

Every year my friends and I go to the bathhouse ... No, really! Not on December 31, of course, but earlier, but - yes, we celebrate the New Year in the bathhouse. We have a relatively family business, which consists of nine old friends, mostly male. A few years ago we found a great place near the office - without any nonsense, for which all the capital's baths and saunas are now famous. By the way, in this bath we celebrate not only the New Year, but also other holidays - the company's birthday, for example. I speak from my position, but I hope my eyesight does not let me down: no one seems to feel any inconvenience about celebrating in such a ... familiar atmosphere. Well, yes - the boss is sitting, wrapped in a sheet and with a red nose - so what? It should be simpler!


We celebrate the New Year already in January, - said the designer Irina. - In December, we meet him at a large corporate party, and as we go to work, on the Friday next to January 13 (Old New Year), we also celebrate with a department. We have a tradition for this occasion - everyone tries to wear something on this day that should please the animal of the coming year. This time we will look for the symbolism of the dragon - I can't imagine what kind of masquerade it will be! Yes, I agree - it's childish, childhood, but it's a lot of fun!

The holiday is not in Russian

Margot works in an esoteric store, and December 31 from January 7 are very conditional holidays for her and her colleagues.

As they say, insofar as. We celebrate the Chinese New Year according to all the rules of feng shui. It occurs around February, on the second new moon after the winter solstice. Last year, the menu was very special - with a lot of fruits and vegetables (especially cabbage and carrots - as rabbits like, the year of which was 2011), and they chose clothes “wisely” - they put on only white and gold, and cleaning they made something special - they drove away evil spirits with incense and firecrackers. They celebrated with the whole store - that is, they treated visitors too. In general, it was fun, in a mood!

How can you celebrate the New Year in the office? Gather at the festive table? Invite artists? Visit the restaurant opposite? No, it’s all already happened. I want something new, unusual, unforgettable…. "Women's Passion" will tell you how to organize an original holiday on your own!

New Year's Eve is a magical time when dreams come true. Forget at least for this time about urgent matters and daily duties. That you are a middle-level manager and you still have a million projects to develop, or you are just an ordinary employee and whole mountains of documents await you.

Allow yourself to become a carefree child for at least one evening.

Try to create a fairy tale with your team or visit some fictional unfamiliar country. Feel like a queen at a ball next to a handsome prince. Go on a trip to other planets, get acquainted with their culture and customs. Or just visit all the islands of the planet Earth in one evening. But is it really possible? Yes! Everything is possible on New Year's Eve! The main thing is to really want it.

Where to begin

On New Year's Eve, everyone wants a dream come true, but do not forget: everyone has their own. When choosing a place and a celebration program, do not forget to take into account the age and interests of all members of the team.

Ideally, all employees are about the same age. In this case, you can easily choose a place for the celebration and a program that will suit everyone's taste. But, as practice shows, such situations are extremely rare. Basically, enterprises employ people of different ages and, accordingly, different interests.

Olya, a young and energetic employee of the marketing department, shared her ideas with us: “I would like the New Year celebration to be fun and active. I really love sports, movement, and I think it would be great if the employees had the opportunity to participate in various competitions and games at the holiday! "

As for the older employees, they have different wishes. Vera Stepanovna, head of the accounting department, advises to hold the New Year's event more calmly. “During the year I am so tired that even a 28-day summer vacation does not help. Now at work I have to learn a lot of new things, go to refresher courses. And there are enough worries around the house. So, with great pleasure I would celebrate the New Year in a restaurant and watch the performances of the artists "- our heroine complains.

Different views on the New Year's program can even lead to conflicts.

How can you make sure that both young people can have plenty of fun and older people have a good rest?

Experts recommend: in addition to the large room where the main action will take place, provide for the presence of a small, quieter hall. It should set the table for the adherents of silence. If there is no opportunity to retire, then the team may simply split: some of the employees will leave the event early and continue the celebration in a more relaxed atmosphere in the cafeteria opposite.

Scenario # 1 "Winter Hunt"

Irina Andreevna, head of the personnel department

“This is a simple, but very funny way of organizing a holiday. We try to come up with something new every year. But the team liked this idea so much that we have been spending this way for the 3rd New Year in a row.

Despite the fact that the scenario is the same, the holiday is always different and never repeats. To begin with, we turned our office into a "magic forest". We acquired forest toy inhabitants: bunnies, chanterelles, rabbits, bear cubs, wolves. A piece of paper was attached to the abdomen of these fidgets (thick fabric is also possible), on which a letter is depicted.

The animals were well hidden in various and unexpected places. I found mine quite by accident when I went to look for the TV remote control. Looking closely, I saw a forest dweller hiding behind him. At the entrance to the forest (office), we split into two teams, came up with a name and slogan.

For about half of the evening we gathered animals and tried to put together a funny word. At the beginning of the event, a competition was announced: whose team will come up with a funny word / phrase will receive a prize! We were literally missing a few letters and couldn't find them anywhere. But you could buy them in a fabulous shop for money.

The means of payment could be obtained by participating in various competitions during the celebration. Each competition, depending on the degree of complexity and originality, brought the participants proportionate capital. Our money was called newies. You can fantasize and name them, for example, restiki (from the word rest - rest), or clausics, frosts, in honor of the New Year.

Let your imagination run wild and play with your company name. Our team won! We won a prize in the amount of 1000 newies, divided it equally among ourselves and went to buy souvenirs in the New Year's shop. This fabulous commercial structure worked all night.

A characteristic feature of our company is staff turnover. Although we try to create good working conditions for the staff, such a negative trend is still present. For me, this way of celebrating is a lifesaver. If my task is to unite the team as quickly as possible, I use this method.

Only instead of letters I dress the animals in T-shirts with a picture of an employee. You can use a more creative idea and make a soft toy copy. The found double must be identified and taken to the owner. A more "budgetary" option would be to create a prototype from salt dough.

Depending on the style of behavior, some character traits, almost every person resembles one or another animal. You can make animal doubles. Sometimes it is very interesting to know which animal you associate with. But do not forget that the line between funny and offensive is very thin and easy to cross! "

Scenario number 2 "Island Party"

Lyudmila, accountant

“We have a small recruiting company that has existed for only 3 years. In our office space, there is no way to gather all employees in one room. Each department is located in a small room. But we are not upset, and skillfully use the space that at first glance is unsuitable for celebration.

Last time we had a holiday in the form of "island parties". Each department is some kind of island: Ferdy, Galapagos, Bali, Hawaii, Seychelles, Polynesian. We chose ourselves which island we want to represent.

Island residents (employees), dressed in fictitious national costumes, represented their habitat. You can dream up and imagine the island of your dreams. In this case, you need to give it a name. Also, each team prepared a short performance, told about the peculiarities of their culture.

A prerequisite is treating guests with a branded drink. You can also invent the recipe and name yourself. This task contributes to team building, since everyone takes an active part in its creation and execution.

If the team has chosen an existing island, then it should learn as much as possible about it, look on the Internet, ask friends. If this is a fictional place, then the flight of fantasy is not limited here.

In both cases, there is a common task, and the team is working on its implementation. In a certain sequence, the inhabitants of the islands came to visit each other. After such an unusual "trip around the world", the best island is chosen according to the results of the general vote. The winners receive a prize.

Firstly, it is really fun and interesting, and secondly, thanks to this, the employees of our department have become much closer to each other. Now we are truly a team! This year we are planning to make a "tribal" party. The conditions remain the same. Our department has already chosen which tribe we will represent. Now we are at the stage of developing the script for the speech. For this, I and several of my employees signed up for a belly dance. We would like to make a surprise for our colleagues. Only for now it's a secret! "

Scenario number 3 "Carnival ball"

Maria, secretary

“On New Year's Eve, more than ever, you want changes in your life. Someone buys a car, someone goes on a trip, and someone changes their image.

Psychologists are convinced that on New Year's Eve, everyone can afford what they would not dare at any other time. Let's take advantage of a wonderful occasion - New Year's Eve and plunge into a fairy tale.

We had an original outfit as the entrance ticket to the New Year's party. It was unusual! At first, I was indignant where I would look for a New Year's outfit, and what an additional waste of time and money it was. But then I realized how long I had not felt like a real lady and how I miss it.

Each participant had to present their outfit and tell why he chose it. I was the queen and my companion was the king. We have prepared a mini performance. Everyone liked our idea and execution. In the end, we won and went to Paris for a few days. It was unforgettable!

Very often men and women do not understand each other, and all because they are different. No better and no worse - just completely different. In order to find a common language with the opposite sex, our psychologist Anastasia advises to play a rather funny game this year.

On New Year's Eve, we will switch roles. Representatives of the strong half of humanity will have to dress in women's clothing, and beautiful representatives in men's. Upon entering the main hall, you need to divide all the participants into groups and play some funny life situation. Having been in a particular role / situation, you better understand the point of view of men / women. And the conflict just disappears! "

Scenario number 4 "Crazy Hands"

Elena Nikolaevna, executive director

“Our company is going through hard times now and cannot allocate money for organizing parties. But we try to spend every holiday together and create it on our own. Last time the entrance ticket to the celebration was a self-made dish.

For the female half of the team, this is a great reason to prove themselves, and for men to appreciate the efforts of their fragile employees. The men also had to prepare something for the holiday.

For a month our electrician Vladimir Anatolyevich went constantly sleepy. Nobody could understand what happened to him. As it turned out later, he wrote poetry at night for each section. And we did not even suspect that he was writing. He has talent!

According to statistics, people around the world spend a lot more money in December and are more active than in other months of the year. They are more liberated and take part in such undertakings with pleasure.

Psychologists note that the holiday in the creation of which you took an active part is emotionally perceived and remembered. And in this regard, it is advised not to miss such a wonderful occasion to bring the team closer together.

As a rule, employees spend a lot of time at work, solving current monotonous tasks. Work is associated with stress and problems, there are no positive emotions. In this case, the motivation of employees falls, which entails a decrease in productivity and the quality of performance of assigned tasks.

There is a direct connection between how the holiday went and the productivity of the work. People absorb positive emotions that give strength to effectively complete tasks and increase labor productivity.

I also noticed: the likelihood of changing jobs after a good holiday is much lower. If relations between someone deteriorate, I use the holiday as a means of reconciliation.

I try to find out what our employees are doing after a hard day, maybe someone has some kind of hobby or talent. You need to give the person a chance to express themselves.

I also recommend filming all corporate events, taking photos and creating your own film library, distributing copies to participants. As practice shows, these records keep positive for many years.

A person can review the recording, mentally return to that time, recharge with good emotions again. It is best when the operator starts his work from the preparation stage. There are moments of joint creative work in the film. All this brings the team closer and increases loyalty to the company! "

What you don’t need to do ...

The purpose of recording an event is to capture positive emotions.

There is no need to take photos that the person does not like, may embarrass or compromise him. It is necessary that everyone has positive emotions from the event. And the record / photo is just a thing that triggers memories.

Security must be present at the celebration. It is very important that no showdown occurs on the territory of the celebration - one such small episode can spoil the positive mood. If management or employees are aware of the strained relations of some colleagues, it is better to warn the guards about this. Alcohol affects people in different ways, and it is better to prevent the occurrence of unpleasant moments.

Dividing or zoning the team should be avoided on departments, job statuses or on any other grounds. Either the team celebrates together, or each department separately and at different times.

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