Home Berries Short stories with proverbs for children. A story by a proverb. creative work of students of the new humanitarian school. Composition according to the proverb In joy, know the measure, in trouble, do not lose faith

Short stories with proverbs for children. A story by a proverb. creative work of students of the new humanitarian school. Composition according to the proverb In joy, know the measure, in trouble, do not lose faith

Short stories with proverbs

Small stories-essays ending with a proverb are often given to children by teachers at school. How to write such a story yourself?The story "About the seed"
The author of the story: Iris Revue

About the seed - Iris Revue

Once Masha and Vanya found a small seed. It didn’t know how to speak, and the guys didn’t know what could grow out of it. They were still in elementary school, and they had not yet had to deal with seeds. Grandfather once read them a fairy tale about a tiny magic seed, from which a golden spike grew. The guys really wanted to know what would grow from the found seed, and they asked their grandfather about it. But grandfather didn't know. The next morning Masha and Vanya came up with this. They took a small rag, wet it with warm water and put a seed in it so that the sprout would hatch as soon as possible. The sprout appeared pretty quickly, and the children planted it in the ground. All the time, while the days were warm, they ran and checked how the plant was feeling, not forgetting to water it. And grandfather said that there is no need to rush things, and recalled the Russian proverb: "Everything in due time: the time will come, and the seed will grow."

The day off was dull and boring. I didn't want to do anything. At first, Mishka and I dreamed, then we tried to do our homework. But we decided to leave this matter until tomorrow. The game also somehow did not go well. In chess, we lost a piece, and for a long time we were looking for it around the apartment. But she didn’t come across. Then we sat on the couch, and both of us felt that we were feeling somehow wrong.

Mom invited us to help her clean up the balcony. It was not interesting, but we agreed. It was necessary to put things in order in the tools, building materials left over from the repair, and carefully fold the old toys. How to make everything fit compactly and beautifully? Mishka and I spent a long time thinking about what and how to deliver. Finally the balcony was tidied up. The mood became wonderful, but we forgot about the headache altogether. And my mother told us: "A person gets sick from laziness, but he gets healthier from work."

About helping mom

Mom needs help from the children. Mom is a person who needs to do a hundred things: cook food, put things in order in the apartment, harvest crops at the dacha, clean up the garden plot, work with the children, wash, iron ... But mother also works! In these conditions, her children's help is vital. And children are taught to work. Look closely at your mothers: maybe they need your help?

Small stories-essays ending with a proverb are often given to children by teachers at school. How to write such a story yourself? Examples of essays of this kind are given below.

The story "About the seed"
The author of the story: Iris Revue

Listen to the story

Once Masha and Vanya found a small seed. It didn’t know how to speak, and the guys didn’t know what could grow out of it. They were still in elementary school, and they had not yet had to deal with seeds. Grandfather once read them a fairy tale about a tiny magic seed, from which a golden spike grew. The guys really wanted to know what would grow from the found seed, and they asked their grandfather about it. But grandfather didn't know. The next morning Masha and Vanya came up with this. They took a small rag, wet it with warm water and put a seed in it so that the sprout would hatch as soon as possible. The sprout appeared pretty quickly, and the children planted it in the ground. All the time, while the days were warm, they ran and checked how the plant was feeling, not forgetting to water it. And grandfather said that there is no need to rush things, and recalled the Russian proverb: "Everything in due time: the time will come, and the seed will grow."

The story "Helpers"
The author of the story: Iris Revue

Listen to the story

The day off was dull and boring. I didn't want to do anything. At first, Mishka and I dreamed, then we tried to do our homework. But we decided to leave this matter until tomorrow. The game also somehow did not go well. In chess, we lost a piece, and for a long time we were looking for it around the apartment. But she didn’t come across. Then we sat on the couch, and both of us felt that we were feeling somehow wrong.

Mom invited us to help her clean up the balcony. It was not interesting, but we agreed. It was necessary to put things in order in the tools, building materials left over from the repair, and carefully fold the old toys. How to make everything fit compactly and beautifully? Mishka and I spent a long time thinking about what and how to deliver. Finally the balcony was tidied up. The mood became wonderful, but we forgot about the headache altogether. And my mother told us: "A person gets sick from laziness, but he gets healthier from work."

About helping mom

Mom needs help from the children. Mom is a person who needs to do a hundred things: cook food, put things in order in the apartment, harvest crops at the dacha, clean up the garden plot, work with the children, wash, iron ... But mother also works! In these conditions, her children's help is vital. And children are taught to work. Look closely at your mothers: maybe they need your help?

"In a hurry, you will make people laugh!"
There was a boy named Igor. He was in a hurry all the time. At school he solved examples quickly and incorrectly: 2 + 2 he got 5. And in the Russian language lesson he wrote: "I have the most beautiful momo." All the guys laughed for a long time, and then came up with a proverb: "Hurry - you will make people laugh!" / Arkhishina Julia /

"Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends!"
Once upon a time there was a boy. Once he went to the store, and there he was asked: "Why don't you go out with your friends?" "And money is dearer to me than friends," the boy replied.
One day he went for a swim and began to drown. Children came running and rescued him. And then he realized that friends are more valuable than money. / Katya Markeeva /

"Speak little, listen a lot, and the smart one even more"
Once upon a time there was one poor student. During the lessons he talked all the time. And the teacher gave him a bad mark. He came home, and his mother said: "Show the diary! I'll give you a chocolate bar." Mom saw a deuce and said: "You will get a chocolate bar when you fix a deuce" And he went to correct a deuce. And now he will no longer receive twos ... / Azmanova Vika /

"Smart without money is rich"
Once upon a time there was a stupid boy, and he had a smart brother. The stupid one wanted to become a billionaire. He asked his brother what to do for this? Smart replied:
- If I knew how to become a billionaire, I would tell you.
“I’ll get my way anyway,” said the stupid one. He asked his question to the teacher.
- Finish school, college, serve in the army. You need to study well. But for now, go to the blackboard. What is 60 times 5?
- Two!
- Here and get 2!
And my mother said:
- We need to learn the multiplication table. Your brother got an A plus.
- You just have to be an excellent student, and there, you see, and you will become a billionaire! / Serebryansky Dima /

"Not for the beard, for the mind they favor"
Once upon a time there were two sisters: the eldest is beautiful, but stupid. The youngest read a lot and did housework.
Once they went to visit their uncle, and on the way they were captured by robbers.
“Let me go,” the elder cried, “look: what a beautiful dress I have, my shoes, my handbag!
- Go away with your beauty, - the robbers got angry, - guess our three riddles - then let’s let go.
The younger sister guessed all the riddles, and the robbers let them go. "Not for the beard, for the mind they favor" / Stepanova Alina /

"Do not hope, grandfather, for someone else's dinner"
One boy was punished for deuces - his mother did not cook dinner for him; he went to visit a friend and dined there.
- Where were you? Mom asked.
- Away!
- If you want me to forgive you, sit down and think.
The boy thought about it and went to work on the mistakes. "To have good grades, you have to work well" / Kondrashov Misha /

Once upon a time there was a man. He decided to build a new house. And I was too lazy to clear the snow. When the snow melted, his new house collapsed. "You can't take a fish out of the pond without difficulty" / Bushuev Daniil /

"You can't take a fish out of the pond without difficulty"
One man was asked to paint a window brown. He was too lazy to go for brown paint. He painted the window black. People came and said: "How ugly it turned out!" The man felt ashamed, he bought a good paint and corrected his mistake. / Osipova Sophia /

I.V. Kozina, speech therapist; Lebedeva L.V., senior educator, preschool educational institution No. 2099, Moscow

You cannot live without proverbs - it was precisely and justly said by the people. In a short, figurative form, they reflect all aspects of human life. They contain the age-old wisdom, beauty and power of Russian speech.
When acquainting children with proverbs, special importance is attached to understanding the accuracy, accuracy of their language, comprehending the direct and figurative meaning. It is important that children can then use them in their speech.
Proverbs are characterized by the capacity of their content, therefore they are applicable to many similar situations. But only in speech do they acquire concrete meaning. This allows them to be used effectively when teaching children creative storytelling. The resulting stories are recorded, books are created, which are decorated with children's drawings and photographs.
Work on proverbs should not be limited to just classes. They need to be consulted constantly. They enrich our speech, give the language special acuity, strength and expressiveness.
Learning to draw up short creative stories based on proverbs using graphic diagrams.
Learning to understand the simple and figurative meaning of proverbs.
Formation of the ability to apply proverbs in different life situations.
Development of memory, imagination, abstract thinking.
1. Cards with pictures of the direct meaning of proverbs.
2. Exhibition of books on small folklore forms.
3. An envelope with proverbs and graphic images of stories.
4. Rebus.
5. Box with cubes.
6. Cube with names of children.
7. DVD-disc "Proverbs in Pictures", player, TV.
1. Reading, learning small folklore forms (with educators, musical director, parents).
2. Reading works of art (with educators) "If there is nothing to do" (LN Tolstoy), "You do one thing, you can't spoil the other" (BV Shergin).
* * *
Organizing time
Children are looking at a book exhibition.
Speech therapist. Our exhibition contains works of oral folk art - small folklore forms. Name them.
Children. Nursery rhymes, songs, phrases, teasers, tongue twisters, proverbs, sayings, riddles, rhymes.
Speech therapist. Today we will talk with you about proverbs. The people have a proverb for any occasion - a short wise thought, a lesson on how to act and how not to. What do proverbs teach us?
Children. They teach us courage, loyalty, friendship, hard work.
Selection of words-antonyms
Children choose antonyms for words. The dialogue uses a cube with the names of the children.
Speech therapist. Many proverbs were invented by the people. There are proverbs about good and evil, about truth and ...
Children. Lies.
Speech therapist. About labor and ...
Children. Leni.
Speech therapist. About the war and ...
Children. The world.
Speech therapist. About happiness and ...
Children. Grief.
Speech therapist. About parents and ...
Children. Children.
Speech therapist. About knowledge, mind and ...
Children. Nonsense.
Speech therapist. About conscience, honor and ...
Children. Dishonor.
Understanding the direct
and the figurative meaning of proverbs
Speech therapist. You already know many different proverbs. Drawings will help you remember some of them.
Children take turns taking cards with pictures that depict what the proverb says (direct meaning), name it and explain the figurative meaning.
Explain the meaning of this proverb.
How do you understand her?
How can you say otherwise?
Who are they talking about?
When do they say so?
What does it mean?
Viewing a video
Speech therapist. I invite you to watch a film in which Artyom told the children about the exhibition of children's drawings.
Children watch the video "Proverbs in Pictures".
What task did Artem give the guys?
Children. Come up with proverbial stories.
Word formation
Speech therapist. Let's think about where these stories might happen?
Children. In the garden, at the dacha, at home, on the street, in the forest, at a party.
Speech therapist. For whom are these proverbs suitable? If a person is playing pranks (fights, crafts, works, works, grumbles, mischievous, cowards, lazy), who is he? And she?
Children. Mischief, minx (brawler, foreman, worker, hard worker, grumbler, mischievous, coward, lazy person).
Game "Say the other way around"
Speech therapist. I propose to play with the proverbs in a fun game "Say the opposite." Your assistants are in the box. For the correct answer, you take a die. Dice for dice. The winner is the one with the higher tower. So here we go! Long ...
Children. Short.
Speech therapist. Lazy ...
Children. Hard-working.
Speech therapist. Long thread is a lazy girl.
Children. A short thread is a hard-working girl.
Similarly, work is carried out with the proverbs "Bored day until evening, if there is nothing to do", "It's simple for the young", "In whom there is no good, there is no truth in that."
Guessing the rebus
Speech therapist. Do you remember about Artyom's order? Your peers have invented stories for proverbs, wrote them down with the help of diagrams and passed them on to you. Here they are. (Shows an envelope.) But the envelope can be opened only when you solve the puzzle. What proverb is hidden here?
Children. The word is silver, silence is gold.
Children open the envelope. There are sheets with proverbs and diagrams to them. Their number is two times less than the number of children. They decide to do the task in pairs.
Man-age without friends, that de-re-in without roots.
For two hares, in-go-nish-Xia - you will not understand a single one.
The apple never falls far from the tree.
Drawing up creative
Speech therapist. You will need to not only come up with interesting stories, but also appreciate the stories of your comrades. What should be the story?
Children. Interesting, detailed.
Speech therapist. How should you tell?
Children. Expressively, clearly, loudly, without long pauses.
Speech therapist. Think about what life situation you can use these proverbs?
Children take turns making up short creative stories in pairs. Others evaluate them by explaining their decision. The speech therapist records the results in the protocol. The winners are announced.
Lesson summary
Speech therapist. You have good stories. Ancient proverbs live in our language today, decorate our speech. So what is a proverb?
Children. A short wise thought, a lesson.
Speech therapist. What does she teach us?
Children. How to act and how not to.
Speech therapist. Now we have an empty envelope. I suggest you draw your stories, put in it and give it to the guys. Do you agree?
Assignment to educators
1. Drawing in the footsteps of creative stories.
2. Consolidation of understanding of direct and figurative meaning of proverbs.
Explaining the meaning of proverbs by children
If you chase two hares, you won't catch a single one.
This means that you do not need to do two jobs at the same time, for example, draw and play with dolls. If you do a lot of things at once, nothing will work out. (Ruslan.)
The apple never falls far from the tree.
Children are always like their parents. This is because they always do a lot of things together. (Glory.)
A man without friends is like a tree without roots.
A person cannot live without friends. Friends help in life, they will always come to the rescue. It's fun and good with them. (Olya.)
Each sandpiper praises its swamp.
Sometimes people love themselves very much and praise only themselves, their things, toys, home.
And they say that others have bad things. (Nikita.)
Do you like to ride, love to carry sledges.
I like to play, paint, walk. But you need to clean up after yourself: things, toys, dishes. (Olya.)
Two are plowing, and seven are waving their hands.
It so happens that one works, while others do not help, are lazy, only interfere. (Masha.)
Proverbs in children's stories
The guys and I went fishing. We caught, caught, the fish did not bite. Time has passed. We look, and the bait is over. Misha and I went to dig worms, the rest of the guys didn't want to go. We dug up and came back to the river. The guys started asking us for worms, but we didn't give them. While two are plowing, seven are waving their hands. (Nikita.)
Masha saw a very beautiful construction set in the store. She asked to buy it. Dad bought a construction set and brought it home. Masha played with it, but did not want to remove it. Then dad told her: "You like to ride, love to carry sledges." (Valya.)
My friend Gosha says his bike is better. He has a bell and a handbrake. And I praise mine: "My bike has a basket, trunk, reflectors." It turns out that each sandpiper praises its swamp. (Vitya.)
My dad is a mechanic. He taught me how to work with a hammer, screwdriver, tape measure, wrench. We also changed the wheels on the car together. I want to become a mechanic too. After all, an apple falls not far from the apple tree. (Glory.)

Proverbs and sayings. 4

Proverbs and sayings in speech. eight

Conclusion. fourteen

References ... 15


The richness and diversity, the originality of the speech of the speaker or writer largely depends on how much he realizes what is the originality of his native language, its wealth.

The Russian language is one of the most developed and processed languages ​​in the world, with a rich book-written tradition. We find many wonderful words about the Russian language in the works, articles, letters, speeches of progressive public and political figures, outstanding writers and poets:

Should not interfere with the freedom of our rich and beautiful language.

(A.S. Pushkin)

Marvel at the jewels of our language: every sound is a gift, everything is grainy, large, like the pearl itself and, really, another name for the jewels of the thing itself.

(N. V. Gogol)

You can work wonders with the Russian language. There is nothing in life and in our minds that cannot be conveyed by the Russian word. The sound of music, the spectral brilliance of colors, the play of light, the noise and shade of gardens, the vagueness of sleep, the heavy thunder of a thunderstorm, a child's whisper and the rustle of sea gravel. There are no sounds, colors, images and thoughts - complex and simple - for which no precise expression could be found in our language.

(K. G. Paustovsky)

Not only the number of words, their polysemy, their derivational capabilities, grammatical features, synonymy, but also phraseology testifies to the richness, originality and originality of our language.

The phraseological composition of the Russian language in the broad sense is divided into:

phraseological units or phraseological units;

proverbs, sayings;

winged words and expressions.

Proverbs and sayings

A proverb is a short, rhythmically organized, figurative saying that is stable in speech.

A proverb is the property of an entire people or a significant part of it and contains a general judgment or instruction for some occasion in life.

A proverb is the most curious genre of folklore studied by many scientists, but in many respects remained incomprehensible and mysterious. A proverb is a popular saying in which not the opinion of individual people is expressed, but the people's assessment, the people's mind. It reflects the spiritual image of the people, aspirations and ideals, judgments about the most different aspects of life. Everything that is not accepted by the majority of people, their thoughts and feelings, does not take root and is eliminated. A proverb lives in speech, only in it a capacious proverb acquires its specific meaning.

Created over the centuries, passing from generation to generation, proverbs and sayings supported the way of life of the people, strengthened the spiritual and moral image of the people. It is like the commandments of the people, regulating the life of every ordinary person. This is an expression of the thoughts that people came to through centuries of experience. A proverb is always instructive, but not always instructive. However, each leads to a conclusion that is useful to take into account.

Life changed, new sayings appeared, old ones were forgotten, but indisputably valuable settled, which was also significant for subsequent eras. The widespread and longevity of proverbs was facilitated by the fact that some of them, losing their direct meaning, acquired a figurative meaning. For example, the proverb Two are afraid of the Broken Bow, lived for a long time, changing the direct meaning to a figurative one, although the people had long changed their weapons. But there were also such proverbs that initially appeared in a figurative sense, for example, the proverb Shoot at a stone - to lose arrows was never understood in the literal sense, attributed to different objects and phenomena. Whatever is said in proverbs is always a generalization. The figurative reflection of reality in the proverb is also associated with an aesthetic assessment of various phenomena of life. That is why proverbs are funny, sad, funny and bitter. Here is how V.I. Dahl: a proverb is “a collection of folk wisdom and superstition, these are groans and sighs, crying and sobbing, joy and gaiety, grief and consolation in faces; it is the color of the people's mind, an original article; it is an everyday folk truth, a kind of legal code, not convicted by anyone ”.

The form of proverbs is also peculiar. It is characterized by a rhythmic organization, a special sound design. The proverb is short, there are no superfluous words in it, each word is weighty, meaningful and accurate.

So, a proverb is a short, rhythmically organized dictum that has entered the speech turnover and has an instructive meaning, in which people have generalized their socio-historical experience over the centuries.

A proverb is a widespread figurative expression that aptly defines any life phenomenon. Unlike proverbs, sayings are devoid of a direct generalized instructive meaning and are limited to a figurative, often allegorical expression: it’s easy at sight, like snow on your head, to beat the thumbs - all these are typical sayings, devoid of the character of a complete judgment.

In speech, a proverb often becomes a proverb and vice versa. For example, the proverb It is easy to rake in heat with someone else's hands is often used as a saying To rake in heat with someone else's hands, that is, a figurative image of a lover of someone else's labor.

Sayings, due to their peculiarity of figurative expressions, more often than proverbs, approach linguistic phenomena. There is more national, national significance and meaning in sayings than in proverbs. All the properties of linguistic phenomena are often inherent in sayings. This is the expression to put a pig on, that is, to make someone a nuisance. The origin of this saying is associated with the military system of the ancient Slavs. The squad became a "wedge", like a boar's head, or "pig", as the Russian chronicles called this system. Over time, the meaning put into this expression in antiquity has been lost.

In general, already in the nineteenth century, scientists drew attention to the fact that the proverb indicates the era in which it appeared. So, for example, the proverb is Empty, as if Mamai passed, which clearly indicates the time of the enslavement of Russia by the yoke. Although there are much fewer proverbs associated with some historical events than expressions that were born in a person's everyday life.

So, the main source of folk proverbs and sayings is precisely the life social and historical experience of the people.

Some of the proverbs arose from artistic creativity: fairy tales, legends, anecdotes. These are such sayings as The beaten unbeaten is lucky, At my request, at the behest of the pike, and others. Other proverbs originated from church books. For example, the saying from the Bible Lord gave, Lord and Father was translated from Church Slavonic into Russian: God gave, God took.

With the advent of secular literature, the number of proverbs and sayings increased; these are the so-called proverbs and sayings of literary origin. Especially great is the merit of Russian writers, who composed proverbs and sayings on the basis of folk. For example: Bypass us more than all sorrows and lordly anger, and lordly love (A.S. Griboyedov), At the Broken Trough (A.S. Pushkin), Like a squirrel in a wheel (I.A.Krylov) and many others.

The number of popular proverbs includes expressions not only of Russian writers. For example, the expression A king is naked! belongs to the pen of G.Kh. Andersen from the fairy tale "The New Dress of the King"; Bashmakov's expression has not yet been worn out (that is, little time has passed since some event, and the person has already changed in convictions and intentions), belongs to Hamlet, the hero of Shakespeare's tragedy.

The figurativeness of proverbs and sayings differs from the figurativeness of epics, fairy tales, songs and other genres of folklore. The principles of creating an image in a proverb and a saying are associated with the specifics of this genre. One of the most common forms of expressing imagery is allegory. For example, the proverb From an apple tree - apples, and from a pine - cones are perceived not literally, but in a figurative, allegorical form. However, some proverbs are used in the literal sense: They meet according to their clothes, they see them off according to their minds.

The first collection of Russian proverbs and sayings that has come down to us dates back to the end of the 17th century. These are "Stories or proverbs of the whole people in alphabetical order." The compiler remained unknown, but was included in the collection of over 2500 proverbs and sayings.

In the 19th century, a collection of V.I. Dahl "Proverbs of the Russian people", which already included 30,000 proverbs and sayings, which were grouped by topic.

Proverbs and sayings in speech

The richness of speech is evidenced by the presence of proverbs and sayings in it.

Proverbs and sayings are clots of folk wisdom, they express the truth, tested by the centuries-old history of the people, the experience of many generations. “And what a luxury, what a meaning, what is the use of every proverb of ours! What a gold! " - this is how Alexander Pushkin spoke about Russian proverbs. “A proverb is not said for nothing,” says popular wisdom. They express joy and sorrow, anger and sadness, love and hate, irony and humor. They generalize various phenomena of the reality around us, help to understand the history of our people. Therefore, in the texts, proverbs and sayings take on special meaning. They not only enhance the expressiveness of speech, give sharpness, deepen the content, but also help to find a way to the heart of the listener, the reader, to win their respect and favor.

Writers, publicists, orators often turn to the pearls of folk wisdom. Researchers have calculated that only in the novel "War and Peace" by L. N. Tolstoy there are 47 proverbs and sayings, in "Quiet Don" by M. A. Sholokhov - 112.

What is the function of proverbs and sayings in speech, what is the peculiarity of their use?

First of all, folk sayings allow the speaker:

Describe a person, object, phenomenon, action, state: A cat smells whose meat it has eaten. The millstones themselves do not eat, but people are fed. A formidable enemy is just around the corner, and more formidable behind. From the bow - not we, from the squeak - not we, but to grin your teeth, scratch your tongue - you cannot find against us. Work - while away the day; to rest - to free the night. The heart is a prophet: it senses both good and bad;

Reveal the relationship between people: A stupid son and his own father will not sew a mind. Children are good - a crown for a father, a mother, thin - for a father, a mother. The pans will twitch, the forelocks of the Cossacks are shaking. The well-fed does not understand the hungry.

Give advice on how to act in a given situation, what to watch out for: Do not open your mouth on someone else's loaf, but get up early and start your own. Gruzdev called himself get in the body. Two dogs are squabbling, the third don't get in the way. He brewed the porridge himself, and take it out on his own. Look for a friend, but you will find - take care.

Proverbs serve as a means of characterizing a character, convey his thoughts, feelings, and emphasize his connection with the people. The image of Platon Karataev, one of the heroes of the novel "War and Peace", is indicative in this respect. In his speech, most of all there are folk sayings (out of 52 proverbs in the novel, 16 are uttered by Karataev). He talks about the difficult life of the peasants: Our happiness is that the water is delirious: if you pull it, it puffs up, but you pull it out.there's nothing; Do not give up your bag and prison; hoping for the best: Hour to endure, and a century to live; about the attitude to work, people, family: You can't kill lice without tackle; Persuader is a brother to business; The full hand is tartar, dry, unyielding; Whichever finger you bite, everything hurts; Wife for advice, mother-in-law for greetings, but no dearer dear mother.

As a means of characterizing his characters, he uses proverbs M. A. Sholokhov. There are especially many of them in the speech of Grigory Melekhov, the main character in "Quiet Don" - 22 proverbs, ie a fifth of all the proverbs in the novel. Proverbs give a special flavor to his speeches, a special significance to his judgments. For example: “They call us Denikin's assistants… who are we? It turns out that there are assistants, nothing to be offended. True-uterus stabbed her eyes… " they do not bring to Kiev, and right up to field courts and hundreds of penalties. " “Bad will is better than a good prison. You know, as the people say: the prison is strong, but the devil is happy with it. " Grigory Melekhov turns to proverbs and sayings when he wants to confirm something, compare, convince the listener, and prove his case. In such a function, the expressions appear: What has fallen from the cart is gone. You cannot glue the cut off crumbs. On the brutal field, friends are not guessed. Wherever you throw - everywhere a wedge. Wait and catch up is the most hateful thing. The steep hills were rolled up. From the heat and the stone bursts.

Proverbs and sayings enliven the statement, create a certain psychological mood. The following excerpt from BV Gnedich's lecture contains shorthand notes showing the audience's reaction to the lecturer's words.

There is an ancient wonderful saying in Uzbekistan. It goes something like this: “Human, before letting out the words from the bottom of your head, let them pass through the top” (laughter, animation in the audience). In this case, of course, we are talking not only about what you need to think before speaking, but also about what you need to think always, and especially when it comes to the expenditure of funds belonging to society. And often we refer to these means too freely, easily and do not care about their rational use.

An effective technique is considered to be the technique of "stringing" proverbs, when several proverbs and sayings are used simultaneously. It was especially often used by A.M. Gorky, in individual articles, whose works of art there are from two to ten adjacent proverbs and sayings. Let's take as an example Bortsov's reasoning from the story “Shepherd” about who is called a good person: “Okay, let's agree: We need a good person. A- what is he, if he is good? Let's just say: he doesn't rob people-residents, gives alms, manages diligently - this will be the best. He knows the laws: don't touch someone else's, take care of yours; do not eat everything yourself, give a piece to the dogs; dress warmly then hope in God- that's what he knows. "

N. Ostrovsky, defining the essence of human life, calling for selfless labor for the good of the Motherland, also uses several proverbs. He writes: “In our country, being a hero is a sacred duty. Only lazy people are not talented here. A nothing is born out of nothing; a rolling stone gathers no moss. He who does not burn smokes... Long live the flame of life! "

In order to focus attention on a proverb, slightly change its meaning, tonality, writers and speakers sometimes alter the proverb, replace words with others, expand its composition. For example, the proverb you won't be full of promises in newspaper headlines it looks like: "You will not be full of politics", "You will not be full of riot police", "You will not be full of slogans." The proverb hungry to a well-fed is not a comrade served as the basis for newspaper headlines: "Cucumber is not a friend to a tomato" (about growing vegetables under film), "When a goose is a dog's friend" (about a dog's friendship with a goose), "A hungry Rottweiler is not a friend of a pig" (like a pig killed a Rottweiler who was trying to take food away from her).

The success of using proverbs in speech depends on how well they are chosen. No wonder they say: "A good proverb is in harmony and in suit."

Today we have at our disposal a significant number of collections of folk sayings. Among them is the collection of V. I. Dahl "Proverbs of the Russian people". Dal, according to him, all his life collected "bit by bit what he heard from his teacher, living Russian." The named collection - the result of thirty-five years of work - contains more than thirty thousand proverbs, sayings, sayings, jokes and riddles. The proverbs are arranged according to themes: Russia is the homeland, the people are the world, learning is science, the past is the future, etc. - more than one hundred and seventy topics in total. Here are some proverbs on the topic "Language - speech": Do not rush with your tongue and hurry with your deeds; Speak boldly for a just cause (stand boldly); For a great deed - a great word; To win with a living word; good speech is good and listenable; You can hold a horse on the reins, but you cannot turn back a word from your tongue.

Compiled in the middle of the 19th century. the collection continues to serve now.

The "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language" by V. I. Dal is also rich in folk sayings, in the dictionary entries of which there are about thirty thousand proverbs. For example, for the word truth in the dictionary, the following proverbs are given: Truth is the light of reason; Truth is brighter than the sun; Truth is more frequent than the clear sun; Everything will pass, one truth will remain; a good deed - to speak the truth boldly; Whoever lives by the truth will make good; Without truth, not life, but howling; Do not sue for the truth: throw off your hat and bow down; The truth is not to be afraid of the court; There is no judgment on the truth; Fill up the truth with gold, trample it in the mud - everything will come out; The truth is what was in the bag: you can't hide it; In whom there is no truth, in that there is little good and etc.

Thematic collections of proverbs and sayings are of particular interest. They help to find the necessary material on a specific topic. Known collections of proverbs and sayings about labor (There is no good without labor: Proverbs and sayings about labor. M., 1985), about agriculture (The land is rich in labor: Proverbs, proverb, catchphrases about agriculture and peasant labor. Rostov n / A , 1985).

In 1994, the Shkola-Press publishing house published the educational dictionary Russian Proverbs and Sayings. Folk sayings in it are united by themes: "Man", "Life", "Love, friendship, family", "Prosperity", "Trade", etc. The originality of the dictionary lies in the fact that the dictionary entry combines not only the meaning of the entire expression if it is not transparent enough, but the meaning of individual words is also clarified, outdated grammatical forms are combined.

It is important not only to know a certain number of folk sayings, but also to understand their meaning in order to correctly apply them in speech practice. This purpose is served by the "Dictionary of Russian Proverbs and Sayings", which contains about 1200 folk expressions. The dictionary explains the meaning of proverbs and sayings that have a figurative meaning, provides examples of their use in speech. For example, " To shoot at a stone - only to lose arrows. Doing something deliberately unfeasible means wasting time and effort. Wed: Pound water in a mortar - water will be ».

The sister treated this man's weaknesses with half-disdainful condescension; as a woman not stupid, she understood that to shoot at a stone is only to lose arrows. (M. Gorky. Varenka Olesova).

Also useful is the dictionary "Russian proverbs, sayings and catchphrases" by V. P. Felitsyna, Yu. E. Prokhorov. It contains 450 of the most common proverbs, sayings and catchphrases in the modern Russian language. Here is a sample of the vocabulary entry "Time for business, hour for fun":

Expression of the Russian Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (1629-1676), written by him on a book dedicated to falconry.

Fun (colloquial) - fun, entertainment.

Most of the time should be devoted to business, and less to entertainment.

It is said usually as a reminder to a person who, having fun, forgets about business.

The teaching began - now you cannot go to visit ... This was carried out with us very strictly; business time, fun hour. During school hours, no entertainment, no guests. ( V. Veresaev. Memories.).

It goes without saying that I am not against entertainment, but according to the conditions of our reality, entertainment needs restrictions: "time is for business, fun is an hour" (M. Gorky. About anecdotes and - about something else.).

Well, business time, fun hour! - said the teacher. - It's time to take lessons.

Everyone began to sit down at their desks, take out notebooks and books. (B. Izyumsky... Scarlet shoulder straps.).

A cheerful view of the world does not contradict empathy and sympathy. Of course, according to the proverb - business is time, fun is an hour, we must distinguish when and in what issues this whole view is appropriate ( N. Akimov... About the theater)


A proverb - from the simplest poetic works, what a fable or a proverb is, they can stand out and independently pass into living speech, the elements in which thicken their content; it is not an abstract formula of the idea of ​​a work, but a figurative allusion to it, taken from the work itself and serving as its substitute (for example, "a pig under an oak tree", or "a dog in the manger", or "he takes dirty linen out of hut").

Dahl's definition of "a folding short speech, popular among the people, but not a component of a complete proverb" is quite suitable for the proverb, noting at the same time a special and very widespread type of proverb - a common expression, underdeveloped to a complete proverb, a new image replacing an ordinary word (for example . "Bast does not knit" instead of "drunk", "I did not invent gunpowder" instead of "fool", "pull the strap", "all clothes have two matting, but a festive sack"). There is no proverb here, just as there is still no work of art in an emblem that has only one meaning given once and for all.

A proverb, unlike a proverb, does not contain a generalizing instructive meaning.


1. Anikin V.P. A step towards wisdom.- M .: Children's literature, 1988.- P.175.

2. Arutyunova N.D. Types of language values. Grade. Event. Fact. - M., 1988 .-- p. 200.

3. Barley N. Structural approach to a proverb. // Paremiological studies. M .: "Science", 1984.- p. 214.

4. Begak B. The proverb does not pass by. // Preschool education. - 1985.- №9.-С.54-56.

5. Bromley Yu.V. Essays on the theory of ethnos. M. "Science", 1983.- p. 283.

6. Vavilova NS Once again about proverbs. // Primary school.-1994, No. 3, p. 68 - 69.

7. Vvedenskaya L. A. Proverbs and sayings in elementary school. - M .: Education, 1963 - S. 120.

8. Dal V. I. Proverbs of the Russian people. - M .: Publishing house Eksmo, Publishing house NNN, 2003, - P.616.

9. Dal V.I. Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language. T.1-4.- M., 1955.

10. Kabinetskaya TN Study of proverbs and sayings in elementary school: Methodological guide. - Pskov: POIUU. 1994, S.Z-51.

11. Tupitsina TS A proverb - an assistant to all minds. // Primary school, 1991, no. 7, p. 44.

For work, they do not beat, but give awards.

The iron would boil, and the hammers would be found.

Deeds cannot be replaced by words.

Fight for a labor penny, fear an unearned penny.

Birds of a feather flock together.

The master's work is afraid.

What you undertake with diligence, everything will shine.

He who works uses it.

If you don't know how to sew with gold, you hit it with a hammer.

The sun paints the earth, and man's work.

Small business, but screams loudly.

Not everyone plows, but everyone eats.

Gold is not gold without being under the hammer.

And he forges and blows - he himself does not know what will happen.

Knowledge and labor give a new way of life.

What works, such are the fruits.

You can't get a fish out of the pond without difficulty.

Where they build, there they dig.

What is the labor bill, such is the honor.

The gusli are those, but the hands are not the same.

Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

A significant number of proverbs once directly adjoined the story, from which they separated over time and began to exist independently. The process of separating a proverb from a story can be accomplished in various ways. It usually happens that first there is a fable or story, and at the end, as a logical consequence or as a vivid living image, clothed in a well-aimed sonorous form, an expression is given, which is destined to later become an independent proverb or proverb. It is impossible to draw a well-defined border between a proverb and a saying. The proverb is associated with the interest of the minute, with a number of preceding thoughts in the conversation, the proverb in practice has a deep meaning as an answer to an everyday question, as a saying of confirmation, testimony, belief. The meaning in the proverb is first of all, beauty and folding in second place. The latter play a major role in a proverb, which is thus a kind of proverb, in which form takes precedence over content. A proverb every time refers to some specific fact, is applied to everyday practice, a proverb is applied to a word - it not so much confirms a thought, but colors, spices up speech, brings animation and playfulness into it. “A proverb,” says Dahl, “is a devious expression, a figurative speech, a simple allegory, a bluntness, a way of expression, but without a parable, without application, judgment; this is one first half of the proverb. A proverb replaces only direct speech with a devious one, sometimes does not name things, but conventionally, very clearly hints ”(for example: he is smart - he is seven inches in the forehead).

An essay on the topic About proverbs and sayings " On a free topicP. 1

« Red speech proverb».


    To generalize the knowledge of students about folk proverbs.

    Replenish the active vocabulary of students with proverbs and sayings,

    Clarify the meanings of some of them; develop students' creativity, work in groups, exchange information,

    Maintain a conversation, be able to express your point of view and justify it; analyze and evaluate your own creative and business opportunities.


Proverbs poster, “Book of Proverbs; cards with proverbs for each group, the game "Romashka", books with proverbs, TCO.

W. What we are going to talk about, you will know when you read these sentences. On the desk:

- So what is it? In what one word can we combine these sentences?

Children. Proverbs.

W. That's right, and the topic of our lesson is: "Proverb - not without reason".

A proverb is a genre of folklore, a short wise saying that has an instructive meaning.

In the proverb, the people's mind, the people's truth, are wise judgments about life and people. The proverb teaches, warns, advises and instructs.

We divide the class into two teams (chips of different colors are given, children take one for themselves and teams are formed according to the color of the chips.

1 competition

Stories about proverbs (each team will read a story, it is necessary to choose the meaning of proverbs

Everything has its time

Once upon a time there was a boy named Petya Solntsev. He was neither smart, nor stupid, nor an excellent student, nor a poor student, nor lazy, nor hardworking. The middle one was a little boy.

Once Petya was given many lessons. But he was so overwhelmed by laziness that he first read a book for an hour, then watched TV for thirty minutes, and then went to play football with his friends. He played for so long that, when he came home, he had neither the strength, nor the time, nor the desire to do his homework. And Petya decided not to do them. The next day, when the boy went to school, there was a test. Petya got a deuce because he did not learn lessons at all.

At home, my mother said: "Everything has its time."

Some people, when they are late for work, break the rules and pass at a red traffic light. For this they are stopped by a traffic police officer and fined. And they are even more late for work.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends

Once upon a time there was a poor artist. He had many friends. One day he fell ill. He needed an expensive operation, but he had no money. Then all his friends brought money. The artist underwent surgery and recovered.

What other proverbs fit these stories?

Small business

On Tikhaya Street there lived a Little Deal.

And Big Idleness lived and lived on Noisy Street.

The Great Idleness has always boasted:

- Look how big I am! And you are small fry. You can't even be seen under a microscope.

Little Cause was silent and looked at the calendar: spring is coming.

- Are you still looking at the calendar? - the Big Idleness did not cease. - Do you think the sun will bake, the rain will pour down, and there will be more of you?

Spring has come. Little Deed took a little shovel. He dug up a small bed and planted small seeds.

Big Idleness took a large blanket, spread it on a large clearing, took a large magazine, The Weekly of Idlers, and rested.

And when small sprouts sprout and magnificent flowers were born from them, all passers-by admired: what a scent! They thanked Little Cause and said: the spool is small, but expensive.

When the scent of flowers reached the Big Idleness, it turned unhappily on the other side and grumbled:

- And still I'm better!

U. What do you guys think?

E. Small business is better than big idleness.

2 competition

Finish the proverb:

- What fell from the cart, then ... (lost)

- Live and learn)

- One in the field ... (not a warrior)

- Not knowing the ford, ... (do not go into the water)

- The work of the master ... (afraid)

- When I eat ... (I am deaf and dumb)

3 competition

Remember the proverbs and sayings in which numbers occur.

(Try on seven times, cut once.

Seven don't wait for one.

Seven in the shops.

For seven miles of jelly slurp.

Seventh water on jelly.

Don't have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Mind is good, but two is better.)

4 competition

What proverb of our country corresponds in meaning to the proverb of the peoples of the world, what they teach.

Look back at yourself three times a day. This Japanese proverb teaches you to watch your behavior.

The Mongolian proverb “And a journey to ten thousand countries begins with the first step” says that any big business starts with a small one.

When an innocent person suffers, the Arabs say: "The sea has quarreled with the wind, and the boat has suffered."

"Salt makes you thirsty." This means that everything needs a measure.

The Russians say: "Don't dig a hole for another - you yourself will fall into it." And the Ossetians say: "Do not throw stones from the glass house."

The French advise not to despair and say: "Having suffered defeat, start over."

When Indians do not cherish friendship, they are told: "Do not rudely break the thread of friendship, for if you have to tie it, then a knot will remain." The Russians will say, "You can't glue a broken cup."

If not only you, but also the majority of your classmates will receive a “two” for the test, then it would be appropriate to use the Latin proverb: “Consolation for an unfortunate person is to have comrades in misfortune”.

"The word is silver, and silence is gold," a Russian will say, and a Bengali: "Whoever talks a lot begins to lie."

Correlate a Russian proverb with a foreign proverb.

Language will bring to Kiev.

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

Tears of sorrow will not help.

The morning is wiser than the evening. He will not get lost who does not ask.

Whether it is East or West, but home is better.

One hour in the morning is better than two in the evening.

It is useless to cry over spilled milk.

5 competition

Insert the picture into the proverb.

Don’t look ... in the mouth. (To the horse.)

When ... whistles on the mountain. (Cancer.)

... chop - chips fly. (Forest.)

Don't ... don't hum. (Cow.)

Do not spit in ... - it is useful to drink water. (Well.)

Great ... - great swimming. (To the ship.)

6 competition

Collect the parts of the proverb.

- no matter how much wolf you feed

- live forever

- you like to ride

- better late

- seven troubles

- for demand

- he keeps looking into the forest

- learn a century

- love and sleigh to carry

- than never

- one answer

- they don't take money

7 competition

Relate the drawing and the proverb

8 competition

"Guess the proverb"

W. Here we will see how you can work together. I give each group two cards with words from the proverbs. You must remember them.

Children receive word cards and blank sheets of paper on which they write down proverbs.

The scythe is a stone. D. Found a scythe on a stone.

Shiloh is a bag. D. Sheela cannot be hidden in a sack.

Language is business. D. Do not rush with your tongue, hurry with deeds.

The case is a master. D. The work of the master is afraid.

Labor is laziness. E. Labor of a person feeds, and laziness spoils.

Summing up the results of the work. Scoring.

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