Home Perennial flowers Choose the color of the car according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui car color. Feng Shui interpretation of lucky numbers

Choose the color of the car according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui car color. Feng Shui interpretation of lucky numbers

Feng Shui science more and more confidently enters the life of the most ordinary people. And if earlier this ancient teaching was something like a fashionable trend, now we can say with full responsibility that Feng Shui has become an important and significant part of human life. The Teaching gives clues about all areas of life, making it more harmonious and happy for every person. Does Feng Shui have information on how, for example, the color of a car affects a person's life? And does that make any sense? Of course have.

Moreover, the shade of the car affects not only how the fate of the owner will develop, but also, in general, how things will be on the road with this or that car, and to whom it is more suitable.

Therefore, all attention to Feng Shui car!

Feng Shui car color meaning: bright shades

Many women dream of a red car. But do they really know that not everyone is able to cope with such a machine. This color gives the iron horse a fairly large share of aggressiveness, so its owner should be a person with a quick reaction, with a focused and strong mind.

Also, the color is closely related to the theme of love and with the intimate sphere. The driver of this car will never have a problem with the amount of attention from the opposite sex. Someone will like it, but someone will not, because constant flirting also requires some effort. But this influence can be easily neutralized if you choose the right car number. So, the number should contain the number 3 or 7, and preferably both at once, so that the car does not get into accidents, since it is prone to this.

The orange-colored car is a symbol of explosive optimism and self-confidence. It's comfortable with him on the road. As a rule, people who do not like the color orange are people who are alien to romance and sentimentality. An orange car will bring good luck to its owner, especially from a material point of view.

It is not recommended to drive an orange car for young and unmarried women, as this lowers the chances of getting married, and there will be too many non-standard driving situations. Married people need not be afraid of the orange color, because it will only strengthen the existing relationship. The car number with the numbers 9 and 0 will reinforce the positive impact of the color.

The yellow color of the car is a kind of guarantee of calmness and love of life. The owner of a vehicle of this shade will not know what depression, blues or apathy are. On the contrary, a good mood will become a constant companion in life. You can add activities using the number 2 in the number. Additionally, the yellow color will protect the car from theft, despite its brightness.

A crimson or pink color of a car is unlikely to be chosen by a banal and ordinary person. Therefore, we can safely say that this is a car for active and creative people. By the way, it is with her help that they will significantly enhance their inspiration, imagination and creative power. Ideas will pour in as if from a cornucopia. And intuition will be noticeably sharpened. However, on the road, the car will periodically behave capriciously: stall, break, etc. It is good if the number contains the number 1 or 7. Numbers with the number 8 are contraindicated.

What will the other colors say about the car?

All shades of heaven give satisfaction with their own life, calmness and restraint. There is a feeling of relaxation when it becomes easy and joyful in the soul. Anxiety and anxiety disappear. This color of the car is shown to those who like to constantly exaggerate everything, who are worried about every occasion, even the most insignificant. These negative phenomena will be smoothed out. The number should include the numbers 1, 5 and 6.

A green car is the best choice for intellectuals. With the help of this color, they will sharpen their mental abilities, become more attentive and judicious. At the same time, the green color does not strain a person unnecessarily, does not “suck” all the energy out of him, and is very good for driving.

The choice fell on gray or metallic color? Feng Shui of the car says that it is a versatile choice that will suit very many. But more often than not, introverted people drive such a car. They are withdrawn, do not like large companies. But their inner world is very rich and rich, which makes them pleasant people for communication and relationships. For active and energetic people, gray and metallic colors will take away some of their enthusiasm. It is worth driving with great care.

According to Feng Shui, the black color of a car is an indicator of authority, authority and sometimes even rigidity. Well, such a car will suit those who seek to achieve a lot in life, as well as those who are looking for influential connections and outside support. In addition, the black car can serve as a kind of energy cover from external influences. Feng Shui brown is endowed with a similar action.

The purple color of a car according to Feng Shui is a symbol of satisfaction. And it is chosen by people who are happy with life. For the “dissatisfied,” purple color can be the beginning of a good period in life. An increase in influence will come along with the numbers 3 and 4 in the number. Driving will become a favorite pastime.

Finally, according to Feng Shui, white is the beginning of something new, a symbol of purity and naturalness. A white car can be chosen either by a person with the same qualities, or by someone who wants to appear as something he is not.

This is what color looks like. Correctly chosen shade of the car is the key to success not only on the road, but also in life.

Nowadays, with a variety of tastes and worldviews, the car has become not just a means of transportation, but as if an extension of us, a way with which we can demonstrate our individuality and personal attitudes.

Today, car manufacturers, wanting to please as many customers as possible, offer a huge variety of colors for their products. This choice has become so great that, sometimes, having decided to buy a car, it is difficult to decide on the desired color.

Someone prefers to focus on their own idea of ​​aesthetics, for someone, practical issues are important, such as the safety of a car on the road and "non-marking" of color. But, according to esotericists, the color of the car can significantly affect our material, physical and psychological well-being. And if you belong to the category of people who listen to mystical teachings, today we will tell you how to choose the color of a car using Feng Shui.

The ancient Chinese practice of feng shui, the purpose of which is to search for favorable flows of qi for the benefit of a person, has long had a system with which you can choose the luckiest and happiest color of a car.

For example, according to the feng shui system, if you lack drive and determination, a red car can bring a positively charged energy, attuned to committing bold deeds. On the other hand, a black or gray car will calm down and reduce the anger experienced towards other road users.

A similar application of the effects of color therapy in feng shui is based on the calculation of the Gua number, or as it is also called the number of fate, which is in charge of a person's compatibility with his home, car or workplace.

It should be understood that the Gua number, which is calculated individually for each person, car or room, has nothing to do with numerology, it just describes the energies in numbers, not Chinese characters, that should be taken into account for a favorable combination.

Therefore, in order to understand which feng shui car color suits you, you should, first of all, calculate your personal Gua number. Even if now you are not in a position to choose a car for purchase, having understood which number of Gua corresponds to you, you can add positively influencing elements and details of the desired colors (seat covers, pillows, etc.) to the existing transport.

What color of feng shui car suits you

The table below shows the years of birth and the corresponding Gua numbers. Please note that, according to the Chinese calendar, the new year does not start on January 1st, but on February 4th. Therefore, if you were born before February 4, then you should consider the previous year as your year of birth. Example: If your date of birth is between January 1 and February 4, 1973, your Gua calculation should be based on the year 1972.

Table for calculating the number of Gua, depending on the year of birth

The following table will guide you which car colors according to the calculated Gua number should be chosen to enhance the positive energy.

And we repeat: If you are not currently looking for a car to buy, adding some elements that are harmonious in color to your number can also bring good luck.

Auto Gua Number Color Matching Table

The following table lists the color combinations for the aspects of your life that you need to improve. For example, if you are an Uber driver, truck driver, or otherwise make a living from a car, enhance your Money and Success aspect by choosing a color that suits you. And if you think family is the main thing in life, strengthen the "family" aspect of the car.

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To follow this advice, you need to know exactly all the lucky numbers in Feng Shui:

  • Unit- has a positive energy. Even in the works of ancient monks there is information about the beneficial effects of this figure on a person and the surrounding reality. Helps you find yourself, your true path.
  • Troika- surrounds a person with a kind of aura of luck and success. Responsible for spiritual development, sensitivity, compassion. The special effect of the number 3 on lovers is also noted.
    • Five- fills the atmosphere around with harmony. The influence of this number is to create a general natural balance: each of the elements begins to influence a person exactly as circumstances require. The number 5 does not have a powerful force, but if there are other lucky numbers in Feng Shui next to it, then the strength of the combination will be very great.
    • Six- obligatory for use by those who are trying to achieve success in the material world. If you are trying to build your own business, then this number should always be with you - wealth, endless profits, monetary abundance are guaranteed to you.
    • Seven- strengthens the position in life, disciplines and helps to become more confident. Suitable for those who want to bring consistency into their lives, but cannot achieve what they want. This number will not allow you to hang in the clouds - it will direct your thoughts in the right direction.
    • Eight Is the luckiest number. It affects many aspects of a person's life - of course, only positively. Its impact extends to the home atmosphere (relationships with the family), and to work affairs (team, boss, wages), and social aspects (finding a common language, social well-being).
      • Nine- the final element that helps to become wiser. Suitable for those who seek to understand high matters, to grow spiritually. Endows with intuitive abilities. It is also noted that the number 9 strengthens the physical strength of a person.

      Feng Shui apartment (house) number

      Sometimes we try to create a cozy nest, but this does not work out in any way: sometimes constant quarrels with relatives interfere, then repairs do not allow us to calm down, then health does not allow. And all dreams come crashing down, and the reason for the failure is not at all clear.

      In this case, it is worth checking the apartment number in Feng Shui - quite often the negative impact of certain digital combinations does not allow a favorable atmosphere to reign in your home.

      Number 28 is the most successful option. He will not only fill the apartment with the desired warmth, but will also help each of the tenants to open up, find their own way, and realize desires. It is noted that the combination of two and eight attracts money - the owner of such an apartment will effortlessly increase his financial condition.

      There are several more options that have a beneficial effect on humans. According to Feng Shui, if your apartment number consists of 1, 6 and 8 (and it doesn't matter at all in what order these numbers are placed), your actions and undertakings will always be successful.

      Numbers 48 and 68 are responsible for financial well-being. But the first of them will bring you profit only if you are not lazy.

      According to Feng Shui, when choosing the number of your home, you should carefully consider the presence in it of 0. Some people think that the number absolutely does not affect any aspect of life. But, nevertheless, most of the experts are inclined to believe that 0 is harmony. Accordingly, such housing will always be calm, quiet and stable.

      Do not forget that subtle energetic matters affect the favorable atmosphere in the apartment no less than the organization of furniture and the layout of rooms. Managing them is not that difficult.

      When purchasing a house or apartment, you should immediately pay attention to the license plate on the door. It is more difficult to fix something in old housing, but there are still options.

      To protect yourself from the negative impact of certain numbers, simply fix the problem - remove the number. Of course, you will not completely get rid of its influence, but it will significantly weaken.

      A couple more Feng Shui tips.

      Black color has a special effect - it neutralizes energy radiation. Besides, black doors are a very good stylistic choice.

      As you know, a mirror surface absorbs all energy. By hanging a small mirror in the hallway, you can get rid of the negativity. The main thing is that there is no mirror opposite the front door .

      Feng Shui phone number

      This topic will be especially relevant for those who cannot imagine their own life without a phone. First of all, the Feng Shui phone number should be paid attention to those people who solve many business issues related to monetary profit during telephone conversations.

      The positive energy of a properly selected phone number can significantly increase business success, help you make the necessary acquaintances (beneficial in all plans), and improve your communication skills.

      Psychology is a rather complex science. Sometimes our actions are mysterious even for ourselves - the subconscious is triggered and begins to guide our actions.

      Why do we willingly answer some mobile numbers, and simply ignore some and even forget to call back? This is due to the combination of numbers that is displayed on the screen of the telephone set when there is an incoming call.

      On the basis of a variety of psychological studies, a certain pattern has been clarified. According to Feng Shui, a person is more likely to pick up the phone when the number contains a seven or nine. It is difficult to understand why these particular numbers are conducive to trust and dialogue, but this is true.

      But the number 4 repels - the incoming call, most likely, will not be accepted. This is also proven by practical experiments. A person's subconscious mind suggests that this number, according to Feng Shui, will not bring positive emotions, but rather quite the opposite.

      An interesting point: in the Eastern teachings, all the negativity existing in the Universe is associated with the four. But, even without knowing it, a person intuitively feels a negative charge of energy.

      It is believed that the eight can also affect a person's life, but it will be more effective if it is present in the room along with a stronger number.

      Try not to have two digits in your phone number: two and four. They will only create obstacles in your path, and destroy all pre-built plans.

      Feng Shui expert advice:

      • The numbers 3 and 5 in the phone number are conducive to a happy family life. A couple of people in love will retain a wonderful feeling of love for many years if these numbers are contained in their mobile number. The troika helps to become good parents, find a common language with children, and become an authority for them. Five gives a person peace of mind, destroys egoistic inclinations, helps to achieve harmony in the emotional plane.
      • Those who dream of their own business and huge profits are recommended to take advantage of the one effect. Her presence will give you confidence. The result will be even more successful if, together with 1, there are 8 and 6. But two and four are able to destroy all positive radiation - avoid them.
      • For people who have devoted themselves to the creative path and believe that the main thing is spiritual, not material, number 7. If your phone number contains a seven, then you will easily achieve spiritual growth. The truth hidden in the centuries will penetrate your mind and give you incomparable wisdom.

      Feng Shui car number (auto)

      The car number, which consists of auspicious numbers, will serve as a talisman for the vehicle owner. The Universe will always lend a helping hand in difficult situations on the road and will not allow serious accidents or breakdowns.

      The car with the lucky number will begin to absorb positive energy. It begins to function on special vibrational waves.

      It is believed that the most dangerous number for drivers is the four. She creates many dangerous situations around herself. In the majority of accidents occurring on the roadway, cars with numbers 4 are involved. Therefore, if possible, such license plates should not be used.

      Feng Shui experts say that even one four can lead to terrible accidents, and if there are two or more, the consequences will be irreparable. Be sure to change the number of your own car, if this is your case. Only by eliminating the cause, you can secure your life.

      There are numbers that reinforce the negative effect of the four. For example, this is 2. If these two numbers stand side by side, then constant stress, setbacks, and, most importantly, problems with transport are provided. And in this case, even numbers with a charge of positive energy are not able to affect the overall negative background.

      There are two opinions about the number 0: some experts attribute it to auspicious symbols, while others do not see the point in using it. Nevertheless, a Feng Shui number that contains "zero" still carries a certain meaning, which is important to remember. This figure symbolizes the unity, integrity of all living things, union with the Universe, so there will definitely be no harm from it.

      The luckiest number for motorists is one. Since ancient times, she personified the beginning of everything. It brings success, as it helps to awaken the intuitive abilities of the driver, to become more sensitive. The number 1 contributes to the fact that the one who is behind the wheel feels like one with the car. If the Feng Shui car number contains one, the road will always be easy.

      They have a positive effect 8 and 9. They are especially suitable for those drivers who start their own business, as they are responsible for their financial position, respect in society and stability. Such a number will guarantee the long-term service of the car - your iron friend will be faithful to you for a long period of time. Eight and nine clear the road from obstacles, from inadequate drivers.

      The combination is considered the strongest in terms of energy when the number eight is surrounded by two nines (989). This is the most successful car number in Feng Shui, as it provides maximum safety.

      If you follow all the recommendations of experts, you can easily protect yourself from unpleasant situations on the roadway. Sometimes the right approach when choosing a license plate saves life - do not ignore this moment in any case.

      In this short video (04:50) you will find out which Feng Shui machine is best for you.

      Live Feng Shui!

      Alexandra Kalashnik,specially for the site ""


Feng Shui, as we all know, is a science that uses energetic forces to create harmony between people and heighten positive feelings and energy levels. This form of science originated in China and spread throughout the world because it was effective for people from different walks of life. How to choose the right feng shui car?

Choosing the correct license plate

Feng Shui is based on the energy of forces. As living beings, we emit a certain unique kind of energy, and when this energy is combined with the energies emitted by other living beings, including trees, air, etc., a certain amount of chemistry or "mixing" is released. Depending on the strength of each energy, it can create a positive or negative environment around us. When a negative environment arises, we feel angry and depressed. In addition, we may get sick or something may go wrong in our life due to the presence of this negative environment.

By slightly altering these forces, we can turn a negative environment into a positive one, which in turn bodes well for us. In such a positive environment, there will definitely be happiness, and all good things will happen. Your love life will flourish, you will get the money you want, and, as a rule, your dreams and desires are more likely to come true.

While this may sound abstract, if this is your first time hearing about feng shui, many believe in it because, after all, everything around you is energy in one form or another. This is why people are making changes to their homes and offices to create a supportive environment that will be of great benefit to them. The same can be done with your cars, so the chances of accidents are significantly reduced and you have peace of mind behind the wheel of your car.

When purchasing your license plate, consider not only the number coding, but also its spiritual implications. Here are some tips for choosing numbers from some feng shui masters:

  • 0 - means money;
  • 1 - luck;
  • 2 - it is easy to prosper or make money, even in a dream;
  • 3 - means forever;
  • 4 - means death;
  • 5 - means "I";
  • 6 - means the path;
  • 7 - means a conflict;
  • 8 - means double prosperity;
  • 9 - means doubling.

This is why the Chinese love the feng shui car number "168", which means "the path to good luck and double prosperity." But sometimes it can be tricky to get the numbers you want, so don't worry. To fix this, you can take the "168" sign and stick it on to avoid bad luck.

Car color

Feng Shui machine color is an important part of science. Again, this stems from the belief that each color emits a specific energy, which is why some colors are preferred over others in some environments. While you may have personal preferences, be sure to keep the feng shui colors in mind.

Here is a list of some of the colors and what they mean:

  • Orange is stimulating, outgoing, active and cheerful because it represents the element of fire.
  • Purple - nobility, abundance and dignity; you guessed it, purples create a soothing and cozy environment; also suitable for romantic life.
  • Gray is a neutral and quiet color that lacks energy and can make you feel depressed, dull, and sluggish.
  • Brown is considered a stable, reliable and comfortable color, represents the earth, and therefore can give you more stability in life.
  • Red is stimulating and represents passion and love.
  • Yellow - happy and uplifting, most ideal if you need mental support.
  • Green - This color has a calming, balancing, relaxing and healing effect on your body, representing nature, growth and prosperity.
  • Blue stands for healing, calming and relaxation, and represents reliability and safety.
  • Black - able to enhance introspection and mystery, is an element of water and is ideal for travel, career and knowledge.
  • White stands for purity, spirituality, hope and openness, it is a metallic element and a good choice for travel and creativity.
  • Pink - calms and relaxes, represents love and romance.

Based on these aspects, you can decide which color suits your feng shui vehicle. It is best to stay away from the elements of fire, because this is not something you want to have in your car. On the other hand, black and white are excellent choices.

According to personal feng shui, each person has an individual feng shui number based on their date of birth. This number, also called the kua number, is associated with color. By choosing the right color for a particular person's feng shui number, the driver will experience great luck because the color is in harmony with that person.

Use your personal feng shui to choose a “success” color that can be helpful when buying a new car. There is the color of money and family. Both are identified by the kua number. To determine the kua number and, accordingly, use the instructions below to choose the color of success or family.

The calculation is as follows:

  • Take the year of birth, for example, 1971.
  • Add the last two years together (7 + 1 = 8).
  • For males, subtract the number from 10 (10-8 = 2 kua).
  • For women, add 5 to the number (5 + 8 = 13. 1 + 3 = 4 kua).
  • For years like 1982, which have a double digit, be sure to reduce to one number (8 + 2 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1).
  • 10-1 = 9 (Kua for men).
  • 5 + 1 = 6 (Kua for women).

Kua number 1:

  • Money / success - green, purple.
  • Family colors are red, purple, burgundy.

Kua number 2:

  • Family colors are silver, gold, white, pearls.

Kua number 3:

  • Money / success - red, pink, burgundy.
  • The family color is green.

Kua number 4:

  • Money / success - blue, black, purple.
  • Family colors are dark green, brown.

Kua number 5:

  • Money / success - yellow, brown, beige.
  • Family colors are gray, silver, gold, white.

Kua number 6:

  • Money / Success - Gray, Silver, White.

Kua number 7:

  • Money / success - gold, silver, white pearls.
  • Family colors are yellow, brown, beige.

Kua number 8:

  • Money / success - yellow, brown, beige.
  • Family colors are gold, silver, gray, white.

Kua number 9:

  • Money / success - dark green, brown.
  • Family colors are blue, black, purple.

Determining the Gua number for buying a car

If you love decorating your car, you can put on the signs or symbols that you like. For example, if your zodiac is a monkey, you should avoid a tiger-like subject. For more information, you can refer to the list below, where the signs and the corresponding animals of the zodiac are indicated:

  • rat - monkey, dragon;
  • bull - snake, rooster;
  • tiger - horse, dog;
  • rabbit - goat, pig;
  • dragon - rat, monkey;
  • snake - bull, rooster;
  • horse - tiger, dog;
  • goat - rabbit, pig;
  • monkey - rat, dragon;
  • rooster - bull, snake;
  • dog - tiger, horse;
  • pig - rabbit, goat.

Believe it or not, feng shui does exist, so take these tips into account and use them.

Keep order

Keep the machine clean. This not only makes your car attractive, but also clean and comfortable. Anyone who gets into your car will feel that they are traveling with you clean. Plus, a clean car will help keep germs and insects out.

Imagine scraps of food lying on your chair and floor. It looks messy and unkempt and is also an open invitation for bugs to get into your car. This is definitely not what you want, right?

Aside from being clean, Feng Shui also recommends that your vehicle be clutter-free. Believing that your car is clean makes your mind so too. Cluttered thoughts will go away and you will be more relaxed while driving. In turn, this will help you stay focused and avoid accidents while driving. So, clean your trunk and remove every piece of dirt and dust from your car, and find out how it will affect your life.

Clean and fresh air

Have you ever got into a new car right after? How does it smell? If you think it smells great, then it's time to realize that what you breathe is nothing more than the chemicals that are used to create the scent. In fact, a car is full of chemicals, whether it's new or old. If this is an old car, the musty smell will definitely linger in it.

You must remove all chemical contaminants from your vehicle. Open the windows and let the clean, fresh air drive out all odors. Again, circulating fresh air is beneficial to your health as opposed to stale air. Such clean air will undoubtedly lift your spirits, and you will feel happy and calm while driving.

If clean air is not possible due to weather conditions, choose essential oils, the scent of which is known to have a positive effect on your health. For example, the scents of lavender and chamomile are soothing and relaxing, while mint and lemongrass are known to lift your spirits.

Energy facilities

There are many objects known to increase the positive energy in your vehicle. For example, minerals and hematite that can be stored in your car.

For many people, the term "feng shui" is misleading, as marketers often use it to sell dangling knick-knacks that don't affect your car in any way. In fact, such dangling trinkets are unfavorable because they distract you from driving. This can significantly increase the likelihood of accidents.

Remember that real feng shui is keeping things in the car, preferably in less visible places, so that they create positive energy around you. You can keep hematite or rock crystals in your car's glove compartment to create positive energy. Other minerals you can store in your car to boost positive energy include:

  • Agate - This mineral is known for energizing and harmonizing the body, mind and spirit; cleans and stabilizes the aura and removes negative energy.
  • Amethyst - This stone is known to prevent diseases associated with bones, especially knees, spine and shoulders; believed to help the wearer stay away from any form of psychic attack.
  • Citrine - removes negativity in your mind, especially problems such as depression induces positive energy in the environment.
  • Quartz - emits strong energy; it is known to expand the human energy field and have a positive effect on all parts of the body.
  • Hematite - This stone has a magnetic force that can heal blood pressure ailments and even kidney problems.
  • Jade is known to support the healing of your entire physical body.

In addition to these stones, your car can also have decorative items that will greatly enhance the positive energy. There are no special items, and it can be anything that you store at home or work to ward off evil forces. Make sure you do not store these items in such a way that they distract you while driving. As long as you keep them hidden and out of sight, any object of any size will have a positive impact.

Music is another important aspect of boosting energy. Listen to good music that will calm you down and help you focus better. There are many tracks specially designed around feng shui and they are known to have a special impact on those who listen to them. Look for these tracks and play them as often as possible to generate good vibrations in your car.

Overall, all of the above tips are simple and effective. It can go a long way in removing negative energy and filling your immediate environment with more positive energy, which in turn bodes well for your body, mind, and spirit. Try these tricks and decorations to see the difference they can make in your life by balancing and harmonizing your body and mind. If you use any other feng shui techniques in the car, tell us about them in the comments below the article.

Red car

Cars are now very firmly entrenched in our lives. For many people, the car has become a source of income and people have to spend a considerable part of their time “on wheels”. When choosing a car for ourselves, we use various criteria. And the color of the car is not unimportant. Feng Shui has not spared this aspect of a person's life and gives a number of recommendations for choosing the right color for a car.
Let's take a closer look at what the color of a car according to Feng Shui should be, so that you are in harmony with your "iron horse" and are less exposed to various risks.

Feng Shui car color

car color orange

Probably the first thing we pay attention to when choosing a car is her. Feng Shui says that colors significantly affect a person's life. Whether it's the color of clothing, interior or car.

In order to choose the right feng shui car color, you need to refer to your date of birth, or rather to the year of your birth, and determine which element you correspond to. In total, Feng Shui distinguishes five elements - Wood, Fire, Water, Earth and Metal. Belonging to a particular element is determined by the last digit of a person's year of birth.

pink car

Metal Release - 0 or 1

Element Water - 2 or 3

Release Wood -4 or 5

Fire element - 6 or 7

Release Earth - 8 or 9

So if you belong to the elements Wood, then your car color, according to Feng Shui, is green or blue. If to the elements Of fire then red or orange. To the elements Water- black or blue car color for you. The elements Earth, it is best to have a brown, beige or yellow car. If you are a person who belongs to the elements Metal, then your feng shui car color is white, silver or gray.

blue car

The meaning of color for a Feng Shui machine

The red color of the Feng Shui car. This is the color of Fire that will attract attention and require quick reaction, focus and a strong mind from its owner. Weigh the pros and cons, and decide for yourself whether you need it? Another color in Feng Shui is associated with a love theme. With such a car, you will not be deprived of attention from the opposite sex.

yellow car

Orange Feng Shui car. This color for their car should be chosen by people far from romance. It is more suitable for people with an explosive character, optimistic, self-confident. It is better for unmarried girls not to choose orange for their car, as this can lower the chances of marriage, and can also lead to unusual situations on the road. For married women, on the contrary, it will bring good luck in marriage. The orange color of the car will bring material wealth to its owner.

green car

Yellow color of the car according to Feng Shui. The color of the car, which will bring its owner a good mood, calmness and vitality.

Crimson or pink the color is suitable for the car of creative and active people. The energy of this color will help such people, enhance imagination and creative power. As for the behavior on the roads - the car can periodically break down, stall. In one word, be capricious.

gray car

The feng shui blue color of the car, as well as its shades, will bring you calmness and restraint. Both in life and on the road.

The green color of the car according to Feng Shui, as well as all its shades are perfect for intellectuals. This color will help to strengthen mental abilities, and become more attentive and judicious.

Color metallic or gray color for the machine according to Feng Shui are universal. Since it suits so many people. But most of all these colors are suitable for introverts (people, closed, experiencing everything inside, outwardly calm, with a rich inner world). This color will most likely cool active people.

black car

The black color of the Feng Shui car. This color of the car will be in harmony with those who strive to achieve a lot in life and are looking for influential connections and support. This is an indicator of power, authority, and even toughness. The black color of the car will protect its owner from external negative influences.

According to Feng Shui, brown for a car has all the qualities of black.

The purple color of a Feng Shui car is perfect for successful people who have achieved a lot in life and are quite satisfied with it. If you are not yet one, then the purple color of the car can attract corresponding luck to you and help in the implementation of plans.

white car

Feng Shui car white color. Acts as a symbol of purity and naturalness. As a rule, this color suits people with the same qualities or people striving for them.

In conclusion, I would like to add that when choosing the color of the car according to Feng Shui, you need not only to choose the right body color, but also to choose the color of the interior trim accordingly. You cannot combine colors from different elements. Otherwise, they will not complement each other, but conflict with each other.

Good luck with choosing a car and may it never leave you on the road!

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