Home Kitchen garden on the windowsill Figures according to feng shui car numbers. Road safety. Favorable car numbers. Energy cleaning of a used car

Figures according to feng shui car numbers. Road safety. Favorable car numbers. Energy cleaning of a used car

Many people spend several hours driving every day. The car has become a second home for them - and, like a real home, a reflection and extension of their personality. The car, like the human body, must be healthy and well-groomed. If you treat him well, he serves you faithfully.

It's no secret that some people talk to their cars not aloud, so mentally, and sometimes treat them almost like living beings. Some even light up their car as their second home.

Typically, a car follows the classic system of four guardian spirits. The back of it should be higher than the front, and there should be doors on both sides. It is better if there are four exit doors rather than two. Cars with a low rear end and a rear entry inspire uncertainty.

The rear lights of the car serve as a Turtle. Now this may sound ridiculous to you, but you want to apply classic feng shui in your car? =) Make sure that the rear lights are always clean and working. Replace burnt out lamps immediately.

Also, cars with folding seats are not very good, this may not have a very good effect on the driving style of the car owner. Therefore, be careful =)

Car decorations from the point of view of Feng Shui. For example, decals on the rear window - especially those such as "please keep your distance," "baby," or other polite warnings - reinforce the Turtle's stance. However, joking stickers and illegible lettering have the opposite effect. And, of course, all these stickers should not obstruct the rear view.

Avoid windshield decorations. It plays the role of a Phoenix, and any moving object on it, like a hanging toy, can create instability. But a clean windshield and headlights, on the contrary, allow you to clearly see the situation.

The vehicle interior must be well ventilated and clean. Fresh air connects the people in the car with the outside world and contributes to the normal circulation of energy in the limited space of the car interior. To freshen the air, it is best to use natural aromatic oils, which, among other things, lift the mood. Rosemary, neroli and lemon relieve irritability and promote clarity of thought.

The choice of color for the car. The color that we choose for our car will largely determine the attitude of drivers towards us. Therefore, when choosing a car, do not forget about the harmony of the five elements.

The color of the car should be in harmony with the color of the element, which corresponds to your year of birth according to the Chinese calendar, that is, to balance it.

For example, a young and somewhat aggressive young man born in the year of the Fire Horse should not choose red, because it will further enhance his element of Fire. It is better to opt for dark blue or black colors, which will "cool" the Fire a little. Or choose the colors of the element of metal - white or silver.

On the other hand, the driver who has problems with concentration and is born in the year of the Water Pig will be helped by the activating color of the Tree - green. Or also supporting metal colors - white or silver.

To make it easier for you to navigate, I will now describe in detail how all the elements affect each other.

Element: Wood.
Helps her: Water.
She helps: Metal.
Weakens it: Fire.
It weakens: The soil.

Element: Fire.

She is helped by: A tree.
It helps: Water.
It is weakened by: Soil.
It weakens: Metal.

Element: Soil.

Helps her: Fire.
She helps: A tree.
Weakens it: Metal.
It weakens: Water.

Element: Metal.

Helps her: Soil.
She helps: Fire.
It is weakened by: Water.
It weakens: Wood.

Element: Water.

Helps her: Metal.
It helps: The soil.
Weakens it: Wood.
It weakens: Fire.

How to choose a car number in Feng Shui? The Chinese avoid the number 4 because it sounds consonant with the word "death". But in the card of flying stars, 4 means love and talents, so it's up to you.

1 means the success of your endeavors.
2 - disease trauma.
3 - quarrels and enmity.
5 - all kinds of misfortunes.
6 - heavenly luck. And in vain everyone avoids 6s in the rooms =)))
7 - violence and theft
8 - prosperity. It is also similar to the word "happiness", which is why the Chinese love 8 and especially 888. Now, by the way, is the 8-ki period, so this is a good number.
9. is also a very favorable number.

To determine your lucky number, you need to bring the sum of ALL numbers into one number. That is, if your number is 235, then in total 2 + 3 + 5 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 In total they give 1, which means the success of your undertakings =))) Although individually these are not favorable numbers. Ideally, of course, it is good to have, for example, the number 888, where all the numbers taken separately together give favorable numbers.

But the car number is rather secondary after everything else that is described in this article. First, of course, your driving skills and concentration are important. Apply feng shui in your life and be careful on the roads! =)

What can your Feng Shui license plate mean?

Do you believe the advice of Feng Shuya? Tell me, how would you feel about getting the number "999" for your car? For some reason, not all, but many, consider such a combination of numbers to be devilish. Have you delved deeper into this? I would like to acquaint you with very interesting material on this topic. Perhaps you will be interested in it and by comparing your numbers, you can change something in your life for the better.

an interesting article based on materials from the site: xaa.su/2Pv

When it comes to feng shui for a car, you need to remember that the car itself must be a favorable place for you. Streamlined cars are more suitable for the Eastern type of people. Square machines will be to the liking of Western people. This can be explained simply - streamlined forms are under the rule of the primary element of Water (as you remember, the forms of this machine with smooth lines, not having a definite shape or wavy). And square shapes are usually attributed to the primary element of the Earth. Feng Shui numbers in the car number. Numerology is an important part of our whole life. We constantly deal with numbers both at home and at work, we remember car numbers and phone numbers. And when we buy a car, we really hope that the numbers in the license plate will be happy for us. What combination can be considered successful? In Feng Shui we use numbers to describe the 5 elements in the formulas of the 8 Houses, and especially in the Feng Shui of Wandering Stars. Any numbers can be used to analyze the quality of the Chi energy of the space around us and to predict the future. But you do not need to mix these methods when choosing a license plate for a car. The interpretation of numbers will be completely different because it is a completely different direction. When buying a car, we need to focus our attention on how the numbers "sound" and use them to attract good vibration. So in Macau, Taiwan, Malaysia and China, people listen to the phonetics of all numbers, starting from the Cantonese dialect. For example, the numbers "9", "6" and "8" are considered the most favorable and lucky in any combination of "186", "9889" and especially "6666". Triples and deuces are also popular, with about 90% of buyers wanting to choose their own license plate. Usually, these are Indians or Chinese, but more indigenous Malays also show ingenuity and ingenuity, since a car with lucky numbers in a couple of years is much more profitable and easier to resell. Now I would like to dwell on which of the numbers should be considered lucky and which are not, in other words, we will understand the meaning of the numbers.

The number "8" is considered the happiest and most auspicious, especially regarding Feng Shui in the eighth time period, from 2004 to 2024. We are just living in this period. The Chinese are confident that the eight will bring prosperity and wealth. The eight symbolizes development and growth and is interpreted as "wealth here and now." So, one should not be surprised that the number "8" is so popular these days. For example, there was a Ford Econoline car, it had three eights “888” on its number, and in fact the number brought the driver a lot of luck. · The number "3" is in fact considered auspicious, because it symbolizes "life". In Cantonese, 3 phonetically sounds like sang, which means "to live" in translation. One of the most popular combinations of numbers is "328", which includes this very three. This combination means “a successful and easy way to do business. · The number "6" is a very auspicious number, because it sounds like an onion, which means "highly profitable" in translation. In addition, six is ​​a three times two, which can be understood as "doubling all your estates." If your car number is, for example, "1368", it means that "your wealth will always double." · The numbers "9" and "1" are very good numbers. Nine symbolizes longevity, and one symbolizes unity. These numbers can reinforce the auspicious meaning of other numbers, such as "1389" or "1998". · The number "2" is pronounced as yi, which means "easy". It brings good luck if it is placed before other numbers, for example, 28, 26 or 23. These combinations will mean "easy wealth and prosperity", "easy growth" and "easy income", respectively. But, we must avoid the combination 24, which is extremely unfavorable, because it sounds - "easy to die" - not at all what we want, right ?! · The number "5" is nang or "will not." The best thing is to combine a four with a five. Because 4 represents "death", then 54 means - "will not die." There is no need to combine the 5 with other favorable numbers, because they can reject luck. · The number "7" is pronounced - chat and means "confidence". Better to have 7 together with 8 or 2, this combination will mean "prosperity for sure." It is impossible for the number 7 to be combined with other unfavorable numbers, all the more so with a 4, because it will mean "he will surely die." · Number "4" - all Chinese try to avoid this number, because they want to live happily and long, because in Cantonese 4 means "death". However, the number 4 is not always unfortunate and unfavorable. For example, the combination 48- is very favorable, because it means "prosperity and wealth at all costs." And the combination 43 means "in case of death, you will still live." An important rule is that you cannot put the number 4 at the end of combinations. Therefore, if you choose a feng shui number, then you need to think over every number. It is also very good if the color of the car matches your favorable colors. If you have an Oriental type, then your car can be red, blue, black, green. If you have a Western type, then favorable colors are brown, silver, white, beige and yellow (all its shades), etc. etc.

The main rule for car feng shui is to keep the car in good condition and perfect cleanliness, therefore, do not forget to diagnose your car more often. For example, see how it can pass. It will not take you much time, but you will always be on wheels, without downtime. Your car will not let you down.

How often do we use feng shui in everyday life. At home, at work, to attract good luck and health, to create comfort and positive energy around you. But many people spend a considerable part of their time in a car, which in our time is. A car is not only a means of transportation, it can be said to be a “living creature” with its own character, which requires attention, love and care. And for many feng shui and the car are one whole, this is another opportunity to create comfort and tranquility, which is so lacking on the road. The most important thing to do is Feng Shui.

Feng Shui and the car

The very first thing you need to start is deciding for yourself what kind of car you will take - new or used, or maybe Feng Shui?

Choosing a car in Feng Shui - you will be accompanied by excellent energy

In order to rid your car of the negative energy of the previous owners, you need to wash the car interior with a saline solution. Salt is able to extinguish negative energy. You can also put some salt (preferably large) into the cabin, which can be easily removed with a vacuum cleaner while cleaning the cabin along with negative energy. They worsen the energy of the car and your attitude towards it. You should not scold your car, because it can take offense and then the consequences will be deplorable, quarrels and foul language in the cabin also worsen the energy of your car, so it is better to sit behind the wheel with a smile and a good mood.

How to choose a car color

The color of the car according to Feng Shui is selected for each person individually, the color of the car should be in harmony with the color of your element, which is determined by your date of birth.

There are five elements: wood, water, fire, metal and earth. It is better for people of the element of wood to choose a car of green color - this color calms and gives a feeling of character stamina. Who has the element of Water, a black car is more suitable, which will give its owner restraint and prudence, or blue or light blue. For people of the element of Fire, a red car is suitable - which will give confidence; but for the element of Metal, silver and white; people of the elements of the Earth - it is better to choose a car of yellow or beige color.

Also, color harmony should be between the interior and. If your car is of calm colors (blue, white), then the interior of the car should be in calm colors, and not flashy, bright ones.

Protect Feng Shui and the car

An important role in Feng Shui is played by talismans and amulets that will help protect the car from breakdowns and accidents.

One of these amulets is Fu dogs. There must be two dogs. In the car, they should be placed with their muzzles to the front doors. They will take all troubles away from you. There is also a large coin amulet that will bring you good luck on the road.

Another amulets in China is the black turtle, which symbolizes a slow but constant movement forward. A quartz crystal will help protect you and your iron friend from misfortune, but it must be hidden from prying eyes.

You should not decorate the car interior with bulky things, toys, as many car owners like to do, these things will distract your attention. It is better to choose one or two amulets, which are more to your liking, and believe they will bring you good luck and protect you and your car.

Feng Shui license plates

After reading this article, many of you will think that all this is nonsense. But after counting the time spent behind the wheel of your beloved car, you can think about whether everything suits us in the car, is it comfortable for us to be in the cabin, is the environment annoying us? So, with the help of Feng Shui, you can choose a car for yourself that will please the eye, and license plates will bring longevity and wealth, and trips on it will be more comfortable and attractive, because the choice of a car in Feng Shui is very simple.

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Road safety.

Feng Shui of your car.

Since ancient times, travel has been full of dangers. The world does not stand still, and a modern driver or autotourist getting behind the wheel of a car may think that he is completely safe. But is it. A horseshoe that fell off a horse was hardly a bigger nuisance for our ancestors than a car breakdown for us. And our roads leave much to be desired. When driving on a bad road in adverse weather conditions, we cannot feel fully road safety.

Ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from trouble, perhaps, appeared even earlier than the first travelers took the road. People turned for protection to the gods or the forces of nature, a variety of materials capable of bestowing strength or their own energy. In general, as many people as there are opinions.

Feng Shui is the practice of auspicious development of space, which allows you to find favorable energy flows and use them for the benefit of a person. Numerous admirers of this ancient Taoist practice, which in itself can be called a universal amulet, are still hotly debating whether it is possible to create harmonious feng shui in a car. How to identify the sectors in the car? How to strengthen your road safety?

Laws of feng shui car.

First of all, you should remember that according to the laws of feng shui the car itself should be favorable for you. What are the criteria for this? Everything is very simple - for the eastern type of people, a streamlined car will be optimal, for people of the western type, a square-shaped car.

How to choose an auspicious color for your car?

Favorable car color no less important - red, blue, green and black colors are recommended for the oriental type. Western - white silvery brown, all shades of yellow and beige.

How do you identify the sectors in the car? But this, unfortunately, is not possible - after all, the car does not have a constant position in space. Today you parked it with the hood to the east, and tomorrow to the south. However, make driving as much as possible safe it is quite possible .. To do this, it is enough to place protective talismans on the windshield and rear window of the car, which will help to avoid accidents, take thieves and other ill-wishers away from you, and most importantly, lure Good Luck, which will accompany you on the way.

Mascots for the car.

There are no special protective talismans for a car in feng shui practice. However, it is possible to use talismans such as the yin-yang sign or knots of continuous luck in the car. An umbrella can be placed against the rear window, which is a powerful talisman of protection. In addition, you can print hieroglyphs with the meaning of "protection" and place them on the glass (so that they do not interfere with the view on the road).

What are the car-friendly numbers?

Rooms your car may be more or less car-friendly and affect road safety no less than forms or talismans. In order to find out if the number of your car is favorable, you need to add all the numbers of the numbers (including the number of the region) and letters, so that the result is a single-digit number from 1 to 9. Below is a correspondence table so that the result is a single-digit a number from 1 to 9. Below is a table of correspondence between letters and numbers.

A B V G D E Yo F Z
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

For example. Your car number is o625nzh. region number 25. Find the numerical values ​​of the letters according to this table Letter O = 7, letter H = 6, letter F = 8. Now add all the numbers 7 + 6 + 2 + 5 + 6 + 8 + 2 + 5. As a result, we get 41 But this number is two-digit. To bring it to an unambiguous one, we add the numbers of which it consists of 4 + 1 = 5. This number will be the key for decoding the favorableness of the license plate.

1-favorable number, the car will last a long time;

2-risk of accidents and minor accidents;

3-car will "help" you, very good for businessmen;

4-will be followed by frequent breakdowns (especially the engine);

5 is a good number, however, minor accidents are possible;

6 - just a magnet for accidents! Awful room;

7 is a favorable number, but unexplained minor breakdowns are possible;

8-threat of car theft or theft of things from it;

9-long life of the car.

As you can see, not all license plates promise your car a long and trouble-free existence. And we got the number 7 - it means the number is good, but there will be minor accidents.

The car has already firmly entered our life and now it is no longer a luxury for many families, but a necessary means of transportation, and Feng Shui does not bypass it. A teaching that teaches a person how to organize their space in the house, in the office, in the garden, as well as in the car.

Feng shui car

The car is not only an "iron friend" who can take you to any place, but also a source of increased danger. Therefore, let's figure out how to reduce the risk of these very dangers with the help of Feng Shui.

If you want to create a favorable feng shui for a car, then the first thing to consider when choosing a car is its color. Here we will not dwell on the description of the color of the car, as this is a big topic. You can read about this in more detail in the article

Here we will consider other aspects of choosing a car, such as: what you need to know when buying a car, how to protect yourself and your "iron horse" with the help of Feng Shui talismans from accidents and other tips in order to properly organize a favorable Feng Shui car ... So, first things first.

What you need to know when choosing and buying a car

auspicious feng shui car

Firstly, if you buy a used car, then do not forget that along with it, the energy of its "past life" is transferred to you.

If possible, do not buy a car that was in accidents, knocked over people, was connected with crime or the owner, which was sick with a serious illness.

Like all things, the car tends to accumulate energy, both positive and negative. Therefore, Feng Shui strongly recommends energy cleaning of a supported car.

Energy cleaning of a used car

This can be done using sea salt or (if not) ordinary table salt. To do this, make a saline solution, and then wipe all surfaces of the car with a cloth soaked in this solution. Salt has the ability to extinguish negative energy.

As for the seats, here you can sprinkle dry salt on them and after a while remove it with a car vacuum cleaner. Such cleaning can be carried out periodically, even during your use of the car.

salt for car cleaning

Another cleaning method is to take and "ring the car", while at the same time imagine how new energy enters your car. If you do not have a special feng shui bell, take any other. The most important thing is the metallic ringing, which cleans the surrounding space with the help of subtle vibrations.

A similar "cleaning" of the car (this is more according to Western traditions) is its lighting. In our country (in Russia), for this most often they invite a priest who conducts this ceremony. From the point of view of purifying space, this is also a good way, which takes place.

turtle feng shui

What you need to know when buying a new car

Release date

If you are purchasing a new car, then it is best to find out the date of its release. It's the same birthday for a car as it is for a person. It is important that the car is released on an auspicious day. This will initially improve the car's feng shui, and its life will be trouble-free and long.

We calculate the number of Gua

By the date of release of the car, you can calculate it and determine the element to which it will belong. Ideal - if the element of the car is compatible with the element of the owner. Compatibility is determined according to the Spawn cycle. Water nourishes Wood, Wood nourishes Fire, and so on. Read more about the Spawn cycle in the article, and how to find out how to determine the corresponding element in the article on the color of the car.

Shopping day

An equally important factor in purchasing a car is its day of purchase. It is desirable that this day was favorable for you, there was a good mood. There were no quarrels or other stresses that day.

First route

doggy fu

The first route is just as important. A positive attitude of the owner and an unobstructed route are important. Here an analogy can be drawn with the phrase: "As you meet the new year - so you will spend it." What does it mean? This means that what will be your first trip on this car, so, for the most part, will be subsequent trips.

Feng Shui talismans and amulets for the car

Mascots for the car should be chosen from the point of view of safety and, accordingly, long life.

The following amulets are perfect for this:

  • Various feng shui good luck charms

You can also add here:



A symbol of endurance, long life and success in business, slow but sure progress. You need to place it on the back of the car, or you can hide it from prying eyes under the rear passenger seats.

Fu dogs

There should be 2 of them. They represent courage, courage, protection and safety. They must be placed "facing" the front doors. The male should be on the right and the female on the left.

Octagon Bagua

You can print an image of it or draw it yourself and place it in front of the car above the windshield, so that the south is at the top. It is desirable that fewer people see it.

In general, as you may have noticed, the list of car amulets is quite large, the most important thing is not to overdo it when using them. Everything is good in moderation.

order in the salon

Keep order and cleanliness in the car, remove empty bottles, magazines, etc. Bad feng shui - if various things move around the cabin (for example, bottles roll around the cabin)

Let there always be a bottle of water in the cabin. This is a good talisman on the road, not only will you always be able to quench your thirst, but also water "will help" you to get to your destination without obstacles. In order not to violate the previous paragraph, keep it in the glove compartment or fix it in any other place.

Love your car. Some people give their cars names and talk to them. Car Feng Shui supports this. It is believed that a machine is like a "living organism". Therefore, establish a warm relationship with your "iron friend", do not scold or beat him, and in return he will work properly and serve you faithfully.

Place the talismans in the glove compartment. Do not hang, for example, talismans of good luck or any trinkets (especially things carrying negative energy - crosses, skeletons, etc.) in the windshield area, as this only distracts from the road and scatters your attention. And on the road, it is important to be concentrated.

Observe the above rules of Feng Shui, choose the right color and number of the car in Feng Shui. And on the road you will always be lucky. and read in the following articles. I wish you success and prosperity, and as the saying goes "neither a nail, nor a rod" on the road!

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