Home Berries Space educational tasks for children. Mathematical problems using space topics. Why is that. "What planets are there?"

Space educational tasks for children. Mathematical problems using space topics. Why is that. "What planets are there?"

Homework on the lexical topic: "Space"

Explain to your child why April 12 is celebrated all over the world as Cosmonautics Day. Look at pictures and illustrations in books, newspapers, magazines depicting space, astronauts, and space technology. Tell your child about the first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin. Explain to your child what a rocket, satellite, spaceport, spacesuit, telescope are. Check how the child remembered what you talked about. Ask him to answer the questions himself, and if he finds it difficult, help him with the answers.

What holiday is celebrated on April 12?April 12 is celebrated as Cosmonautics Day.

What is space?Space is what surrounds the earth and other planets.What are people launching into space?People launch satellites, rockets, spaceships and stations into space.

What is the name of a person who flies on a rocket into space?A person who flies into space on a rocket is called an astronaut.

Who was the first astronaut?The first cosmonaut was Yuri Gagarin.

What is the name of the place from where spaceships are launched into space?This place is called a cosmodrome.

What does an astronaut wear for a flight into space?The astronaut puts on a space suit.

What is the name of the planet we live on?Our planet is called Earth.

What device does a person need to view the moon, distant stars and planets?To see the moon, stars and planets, man needs a telescope.

Game "One - many"(Plural): satellite - satellites ship - ... astronaut - ... star - ... planet - ... spacesuit - ... rocket - ...

Game "Yes - no"(genitive): cosmonaut - no cosmonaut satellite - ... ship - ... star - ... planet - ... spacesuit - ... rocket - ... communication - ...

The game "Count":one rocket, two ..., three ..., four ..., five .... one cosmonaut, two ..., three ..., four ..., five ...

Word game "Tell me a word."

An adult reads verse lines, but before the last word he pauses, inviting the child to finish the verse himself. If the child is at a loss to answer, tell him yourself. The game can be repeated several times.
There is a special spacecraft,
He sends signals to Earth to everyone,
And like a lonely traveler
Flies in orbit ...

The rocket has a driver, Zero gravity amateur In English: "astronaut", And in Russian ...(astronaut) .

On an air ship
Cosmic, obedient,
We, overtaking the wind,
We rush to ...(to the rocket).

The planet is blue
Beloved, dear,
She's yours, she's mine
And it is called ...(Earth)

There is a special pipe
The universe is visible in it,
See the stars as a kaleidoscope
Astronomers in ...(telescope).

The very first in space
Flew at great speed
Brave Russian guy
Our cosmonaut ...(Gagarin).

Lights the way at night
Keeps the stars awake
Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep
It won't fall asleep in the sky ...(moon).

, speech therapist, Asbest, Sverdlovsk region

Children need to know.

Nouns: earth, moon, month, sun, space, planet, hvezda, ship, lunar rover, rocket, astronaut, satellite, comet, constellation, station, cosmodrome, spacesuit, helmet, zero gravity, nebula, telescope, astronomer, eclipse, radiance, start, landing.

Adjectives: solar, lunar, terrestrial, stellar, space, artificial, interstellar, interplanetary.

Verbs: fly, fall, take off, land, land, reflect, observe.

Children need to know.

Name words that are opposite in meaning.

Far close.
High - low.
Fly away - ...
It's dark - ...

Pick up signs.

The astronaut is brave, strong, healthy, smart ...
The star is small, bright, yellow, beautiful ...
The sun - …
Space - …

Make sentences based on key words.

Rocket, space, fly, v.
The moon is, the earth, the satellite.
Moon, earth, less.
Moon, revolve, earth, around.

Determine what is superfluous and why.

Sun, moon, lamp.
Star, planet, rocket.
Land on the moon, land, be late.

Explain the meaning of words.

Takeoff, landing, start, landing, spacesuit, helmet, constellation, moon rover, astronaut, satellite, weightlessness.
  • Explain to the child why astronautics day is celebrated, what kind of holiday it is.
  • Consider pictures and illustrations in books depicting space, astronauts and space technology.
  • Tell your child about the first cosmonaut - Yuri Gagarin.
  • Observe the starry sky, try to find the polar star.
  • Ask the child why sometimes the stars are not visible, how they understand it, tell the correct answer.
  • Read stories, poems about space, guess riddles, try to compose riddles yourself.

Small sparkling dots.
They are visible only at night.
They live in the sky.

Big, warm, round,
Walking - wandering across the sky.
(The sun.)

Yellow, looks like a piece of cheese
Hanging in the sky.

Closing event: Game - quiz "This amazing space".

Target: activation of knowledge on the topic, the ability to use the knowledge gained in different types of activity, activation of the vocabulary, the development of coherent speech, to consolidate the ability to read a poem using a mnemonic table.
Dictionary: enrichment of the active vocabulary on the topic of the lesson.

Material: illustrations "Space", images of planets, mnemonic table, poetry, riddles about space, counting sticks, space music, laptop.

Game progress:

V: Our occupation today is not quite ordinary. We are here to embark on an extraordinary journey through this quiz game. And where we go, we will find out when we read the word by the first sounds - space.

Q: That's right, space.

Q: What else can you call (Children's reasoning)

Galaxy! Universe!

Q: So, the theme of our game is space. I invite you to dream and all play astronauts.

What do you think, is it easy to be an astronaut?

What character traits should he have (have good health, be disciplined, honest, truthful, be able to control a spaceship, jump from a parachute). And the main thing is to be able to be friends, because in space it is very important to have a loyal and reliable friend.

You have to complete many tasks that will help you remember everything that we know about space, the planets of the solar system, about what is necessary for a successful flight. It is important to remember that only friendship, ingenuity, and mutual assistance will help you win. And guys, I would like to remind you that every game has its own rules. Today you are allowed to think, discuss, respond and reason. But, in any case, do not quarrel, do not make noise, do not interrupt friends and do not shout out. Your task is to give as many correct answers as possible. For the correct answer you will receive a small rocket.

First competition: "Warm-up"


1- What do people fly on space? (on a rocket)

2- What is the name of the people flying in space? ( astronaut )

3- What do people do in outer space? (doing research)

4- What main characters flew to the people and returned safely?

(Belka and Strelka)

5. Which country was the first to send astronaut into space? (Russia)

6. Who was the first astronaut flying to space? (Yuri Gagarin)

7.What was the name spaceship, on which Yuri Gagarin made his first flight in space? ("Vostok-1")

8. What color was Yuri Gagarin's spacesuit? (White)

10. And how people are vouter space? (in zero gravity)

11. How do they eat? (using tubes)

12. What is the name of the equipment astronauts? (Spacesuit)

13. Which planet receives the most solar heat?

14.What planet never has the sun and is very cold there? Why?

15. Why is there life on planet Earth?

16. What is a telescope? Why did people come up with it?

17. What is the Moon? How she looks like?

18 Name the first astronauts.

19. What happens on the Earth due to the fact that it revolves around the Sun?

20. What is the name of the very first dog in space. (Like)

21. When do we celebrate Cosmonautics Day?

22. Under whose leadership were rockets and spaceships created?

23. Who of the scientists of our country is the founder of cosmonautics?

Q: Well done! We coped well with the first task. Next assignment: what does it take to fly into space?

A rocket is always built according to a special drawing called a blueprint.

I invite everyone to go to the tables and build a rocket according to a single drawing from sticks.

Q: Everyone did the job well. Well done. But in order to go to any planet, you need to learn about the living conditions on it. Now we will split in pairs and choose our planet. I will make riddles about the planets, and you, after consulting, raise the planet in question. Ready? Begin!

It's so hot on this planet

That it’s dangerous to be there, friends. (Mars)

The king of the sea gave the name of that planet,

He called her by his name. (Neptune)

And this planet is proud of itself.

Since it is considered the largest. (Jupiter)

And a terrible cold bound this planet,

The sunbeam did not reach her with warmth. (Pluto)

The planet is surrounded by rings

And this is all she distinguished herself. (Saturn)

And what kind of planet is green. (Uranus)

Two planets are close to planet Earth.

My friend, give them their names as soon as possible. (Venus and Mars)

And this planet is dear to all of us,

The planet gave us life… .Earth. (children answer all together)

Well done boys!

Well, well, we can go flying.

Q: Attention! I declare readiness number 1!

1 team - let's start! (Everyone puts their hands on their knees.)

Team 2 - starting readiness! - (Everyone slaps their knees.)

Team 3 - Start! (Everyone claps their hands over their heads and says -R-R-R)

Let's fly! (Space music sounds.)

Q: Attention!

Overload on the ship! Remove unnecessary things! (rows of pictures appear on the board, one of them is superfluous, which has nothing to do with space).

Q: Well, let's see what is superfluous? Spacesuit, drum, rocket or star? (drum) Right. (similarly, 2 more rows of pictures) Well done!

The game "Build the Planets!"

Q: Well, now let's play. Everyone chooses their own planet (card with the image of the planet). You will move around the hall to the music. At my signal, "Build the planets!" you have to line up the way the planets are located in the solar system. Do you all understand the rules of the game? (Children are built in the order of the planets of the solar system)

Q: Now let's check our sun family with our favorite counting rhyme.

(children count the counting rhyme)

The stargazer lived on the moon

He counted the planets.

Mercury one, Venus two

Three-Earth, 4- Mars,

5-Jupiter, 6-Saturn,

Who does not believe, go out!

Q: And now- The key is in the answer, the answer is in the riddle.

A chain of space riddles for children.

To arm the eye
And be friends with the stars
See the milky way
We need a powerful ...

Telescope hundreds of years
They study the life of the planets.
He will tell us about everything
Clever uncle ...

Astronomer- he is a stargazer,
Knows everything!
Only the stars are seen better
The sky is full ...

Before The moon bird can't
Fly and land on the moon
But he can do it
Do it fast ...

Have rockets there is a driver
Weightlessness lover.
In English: "astronaut"
And in Russian …

Astronaut sitting in a rocket
Cursing everything in the world -
In orbit as luck would have it
Appeared ...

UFO flies to a neighbor
From the constellation Andromeda,
It howls like a wolf out of boredom
Evil green ...

Humanoid off course
Lost in three planets
If there is no star card,
Speed ​​won't help ...

Light flies the fastest,
Kilometers are not counted.
The sun gives life to the planets,
Warmth for us, tails - ...

Everything comet flew around
I looked at everything in the sky.
He sees a hole in space -
It's black ...

In black holes darkness
Busy with something black.
I finished my flight there
Interplanetary ...

Starship- steel bird,
He rushes faster than light.
Learns in practice
Star ...

A galaxies fly
In the loose as they want.
Very hefty
This whole universe!

Q: The game "Weightlessness" (music sounds) - Guys, we are in weightlessness. (We stand on one leg, swim, move as if in zero gravity)
Look, we're getting closer to Earth. It's time for us to land, to return to Earth. ("Earthlings" music sounds)

Q: Let's remember a poem about our planet And the mnemonic table will help tell it.

There is one garden planet

In this space cold

Only here the forests make noise

Migratory birds clicking.

Only on her one bloom

Lilies of the valley in the green grass

And dragonflies are just here

They look at the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet

After all, there is no other similar one. (J. Akim)

Lesson summary: Guys, how nice it is to return home, where they are waiting for you and love you. It is not for nothing that they say: "There is nothing more beautiful than our Motherland." Love our land, take care of it!

Q: Guys, you showed yourself worthy in the travel game and in memory of it and today's holiday you will receive such rockets as a keepsake!

Years will fly by, kids will grow up,

The ships will be taken on a space voyage.

And maybe they will remember from distant worlds

About us, kindergarten teachers.

Today we invite you to hold a thematic lesson dedicated to Cosmonautics Day. This will not be an ordinary activity, but a real trip to Space.

Space has always attracted people. In ancient times, people watched the stars. With the development of science, more and more opportunities to study space began to appear. But so far, a lot remains a mystery.

On April 12, our country celebrates a holiday - Cosmonautics Day. It was on this day in 1961 that cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin went on a flight in the Vostok 1 spacecraft. It flew around planet Earth, the planet we live on. It was a huge achievement at the time. Since then, many spaceships have been in space. Every year people open up new opportunities to study space.

Space-themed lesson

He is an example for all the guys. They call him a hero. The astronaut proudly bears this title. To become an astronaut - You have to work hard: Start the day with exercises, Study well!

Invite your child to look up to the sky. Ask what he sees. Perhaps you will see blue skies, or perhaps clouds or even stars. Ask if he knows what is behind these clouds? What will we see if we go higher, higher than airplanes fly?

Tell your child: “In fact, behind the clouds there is a huge wonderful world called“ space ”. It's very interesting to explore. It's very beautiful there. Many boys and girls dream of flying there. Do you want to go on a space trip? "

1. Physical education

Tell your child that in order to become a real astronaut, you need to be healthy, exercise a lot, because flying into space is not an easy job. You need to be strong and resilient. Therefore, all astronauts do exercises every day.

Stand up straight, legs wider, Hands up, keep straight. Now let's make the inclines, Bend over, don't be shy. And now another jump, One, two, three, come on, buddy. We walk on our toes, We walk on our heels. Here we will check the posture And we will bring the shoulder blades. We will stomp with our feet, We will pat our hands. 2. The game "I want to become an astronaut"

We did our exercises, prepared for space travel. But what else do we need to go into space? Of course we need a spacesuit!

I want to become an astronaut! (hands up)

I put on a spacesuit (touch your fingertips and go up)

I will fly on a rocket (extend my arms and connect over my head)

And open up all the planets (make a big circle with your hands)

Try to make a spacesuit from whatever you find in your home. Imagine with your child.

Or take advantage of the master class from.

3. The game "Building a rocket"

We are now fully prepared for our space travel. But what are we going to fly?

From the Earth flies up into the clouds Like a silvery arrow. Flies to other planets Swiftly…. (rocket)

That's right, astronauts fly into space on a rocket. Where is this rocket located? Where does it take off from?

The launch of the rocket takes place at the cosmodrome - this is a special place from where the rockets take off. Let's make our spaceport and build a rocket.

Make a "rocket" out of the chairs. Space music can be played as musical accompaniment. Consider what the astronaut needs to take with him on the rocket.

Do you need, for example, pillows, blankets, spoons, forks. Invite your child to take whatever they need. And in the next tasks we will analyze whether these items are really necessary for the astronaut.

Fast rockets await us For flight to the planets. Whichever one we want - We'll fly to this one! 4. Riddles about Space So our rocket "UUUUU!"

See the people waving below. How fast we fly up. Hold on tight! We have a long flight ahead of us. In the meantime, let's fly, let's discuss what we will see in space. I will make riddles, and you guess.

Look at the window at night -

In the sky high We light up like the sun, Very far away. (Stars)

These stars are like sparks

Fall and go out quickly.

They light up in the middle of the night

Starry rain in the sky

Like these lights

The artist painted. (Meteorites)

I fly around the earth

Reflecting down a signal

So that viewers can

Receive a TV channel. (Satellite)

There are no wings, but this bird

Will arrive and land on the moon (moon rover)

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,

Flew into a flock of stars.

Our people built this

Interplanetary ... (rocket).

5. The game "Weightlessness" Here we are in space. But look, what is it?

Get up from your chairs and move freely throughout the space.

Explain to your child that this phenomenon is called "weightlessness." In Space, the forces that act on planet Earth cease to act on a person. On Earth, we are very firmly on our feet, because the Earth attracts us. And in space there is no force of gravity, so astronauts cannot stand on their feet, they seem to "float" in the air.

Now look at what items you took with you on your space journey. And tell your child that eating with a spoon and fork in space will not work. It is also impossible to put food on a regular plate, because it will scatter all over the ship. Therefore, astronauts take food in special tubes, similar to toothpaste.

You won't be able to sleep on pillows either, it will simply fly away from under your head. There are no regular beds in space either. Astronauts sleep in special sleeping bags that are attached to the walls of the spacecraft.

6. The game "Explore the Planets"

We need a telescope - a telescope that can be made from a base for paper towels.

And pre-cut circles from colored paper (planets of the solar system).

- yellow circle - the sun, - a small brown circle - Mercury, - a larger pink circle - Venus, - a blue circle (slightly larger than Venus) - Earth, - a red circle (the same size as Venus) - Mars , - gray circle (larger than Earth) - Jupiter, - white circle with a ring (the same size as Jupiter) - Saturn, - blue circle (the same size as Earth) - Uranus, - violet ( the same size as Uranus) - Neptune,

- a small white circle (The size is the same as Mercury) - Pluto (according to the latest data, Pluto is no longer considered a planet, so make it up or not, decide for yourself).

Invite your child to look at space. While he looks through the telescope, show him the circles and talk about the planets.

Say that all the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun. And show the sun (yellow circle).

All planets are of different colors and sizes. Show the planets and read the poem: In order, all the planets Will be called by any of us: One - Mercury, Two - Venus, Three - Earth, Four - Mars. Five - Jupiter, Six - Saturn, Seven - Uranus, Behind him - Neptune. He is eighth in a row. And after him already, then, And the ninth planet Called Pluto. 7. Making the application "Planets of the solar system"

We will need: black colored paper, white gouache, brush, circles pre-cut from colored paper.

Invite your child to now make his own applique, which will depict all the planets.

Glue the Sun first and then glue the planets in order. Tell us about each planet:


This smallest planet is closest to the Sun. At the same time, almost all the time it turns to the Sun with one side. Therefore, it is very hot on one side of Mercury and very cold on the other.

Venus has no air at all. It's very, very hot on its surface. There are no plants or animals on this planet.

This is the planet we live on. Animals, people, fish live here. There is a huge amount of oxygen here that we breathe.

Red little planet. It has very little oxygen and almost no water, although scientists suggest that Mars once had a lot of water. This is one of the mysteries of this planet.

The largest planet in the solar system. On its surface, storms and whirlwinds of winds constantly occur, and the planet itself, despite its size, rotates very quickly around its axis.

A beautiful and unusual planet, the sixth from the Sun. Its amazing feature, which can be seen from Earth through a telescope, is a ring around the planet. The ring looks like a disk, only in reality it is not a solid disk, but thousands and thousands of small stones, asteroid fragments and dust.

Uranus has an unusual blue color and looks like a round ball with a flat surface.

The icy planet is very cold, it is very far from the Sun, so the sun's rays hardly reach the surface of this planet.

It is the planet farthest from the sun and the smallest in size.

Now take a paintbrush and white paint and paint in the stars.

8. Cartoon

At the end of the lesson, watch the cartoon about Space "Why Much: What Planets Are There"

We wish you a pleasant space journey!

If you liked space travel, then we invite you to another one, together with the girl Dasha.

The child is interested in the topic of space, then I propose to spend a thematic week about space. TN "Cosmos" and others notes for conducting thematic weeks.

Mathematical problems using space topics. Azizova Sabina Ravilovna, primary school teacher, Secondary School No. 2, Narimanov, Astrakhan Region Task 1 The first artificial Earth satellite was launched in 1957. After 4 years, a spacecraft with a man on board went into space. How many years ago did this event take place? Solution: 1) 1957 + 4 = 1961 (d) 2) 2011 - 1961 = 50 (l) Answer: 50 years ago this event happened. Problem 2 In June 1969, two American astronauts landed on the moon. In total, they spent 300 hours on the moon. How many days and hours is it? Solution: 1 day = 24 hours 300: 24 = 12 days 12 hours Answer: American cosmonauts spent 12 days and 12 hours on the Moon. Problem 3 A celestial body consisting of frozen water and gas mixed with particles of dust and stone is called a comet. Comets move at great speed. For example, comet Biela - at a speed of 17 km / h. In how many minutes will it fly the distance of 5,100 km? Solution: t = s: v 5100: 17 = 300 (h) = 18,000 minutes Answer: In 18,000 minutes it will fly 5,100 km. Problem 4 There are 9 planets in the solar system, and they have 40 more satellites. How many planets with satellites are there in the solar system? Solution: 1) 9 + 40 = 49 (s) 2) 9 + 49 = 58 Answer: 58 planets with satellites in the solar system. Problem 5 The speed of light propagation is the highest in nature - 300,000 km / s. There was a flash on the sun. How long will it take for e to be seen on Earth if the distance from the Earth to the Sun is 150,000,000 km? Solution: t = s: v 150,000,000: 300,000 = 500 (s) Answer: In 500 seconds they will not see them on Earth. Problem 6 In ancient times it was known that the largest planet - Jupiter - has 4 satellites. But this turned out to be only ¼ part of all discovered satellites. How many satellites does Jupiter have? Solution: 4 * 4 = 16 (s) Answer: 16 satellites of Jupiter. Problem 7 Light from the Sun to the Earth lasts 8 and 1/3 minutes. How many seconds will sunlight reach Earth? Solution: 1 minute = 60 seconds 1) 60 * 8 = 480 (s) 2) 60: 3 * 1 = 20 (s) 3) 480 + 20 = 500 (s) Answer: In 500 seconds, sunlight will reach the Earth. Problem 8 The radius of the Earth is 6 371 km. The radius of the Sun is 109 times larger. What are the radius and diameter of the sun? Solution: 1) 6 371 * 109 = 694 439 (km) 2) 694 439 * 2 = 1 388 878 (km) Answer: Radius of the Sun - 694 439 km Diameter - 1 388 878 km Problem 9 Every 76 years a large comet. It is called Halley's comet. It was last observed in 1986. In what year will Halley's comet appear near Earth next? Solution: 1 986 + 76 = 2 062 (d) Answer: In 2062, Halley's comet will appear near the Earth. Problem 10 Petya counted 7 stars in the sky, and Misha - 12. How many more stars did Misha see than Petya? Solution: 12 - 7 = 5 (h) Answer: Misha saw 5 more stars than Petya. Problem 11 On the Moon, the force of gravity is 6 times less than on Earth. Therefore, you would weigh 6 times less there. Knowing your weight on Earth, find out how much you would weigh on the Moon? Solution: Weight - 60 kg 60: 6 = 10 (kg) Answer: 10 kg would be the weight on the Moon. Problem 12 The first Soviet planetarium was built in 1929 in Moscow. How old will this planetarium be this year? In what year will the Moscow Planetarium celebrate its centenary? Decision: 1) 2011 - 1929 = 82 (d) 2) 1929 + 100 = 2029 (d) Answer: the planetarium will celebrate 82 years this year; in 2029 will celebrate its centenary. Problem 13 The mass of the second artificial satellite of the Earth is 508 kg, it was 425 kg heavier than the first artificial satellite. What is the mass of the third artificial satellite if the mass of three Earth satellites is 1,918 kg? Solution: 1) 508 - 425 = 83 (kg) 2) 508 + 83 = 591 (kg) 3) 1 918 - 591 = 1327 (kg) Answer: the third artificial Earth satellite weighs 1327 kg. Sources: T.A. Lavrinenko Developmental assignments in mathematics. Saratov: "Lyceum", 2001 Volkova S.I. Cards with math tasks. Moscow: Education, 1990 Ordynkina I.S., Volkova S.I. Maths. Tests. M .: ARKTI, 2000 http: // first - ever.ru/images/2009/05/sputnic.jpg http://docvid.ru/_nw/3/83339.jpg http://img.dni.ru/ binaries / v2_articlepic / 515875.jpg http://sciencemagic.ru/wp - content / uploads / 2009/09 / 42367787.jpg http://www.vokrugsveta.ru/img/cmn/2006/11/20/001. jpg http://skipavilion.ru/wp - content / uploads / 2008/06 / 1207532659_solnce1 - 300x225.jpg http://www.bobthealien.co.uk/halleys.jpg http://nevski.belastro.net/photo /gallery/M45_300_10.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/_NkffXgkQPM0/TUJoGmYklCI/AAAAAAAABw4/PG9d4JNmz4o/t humb.jpg http://img1.1tv.ru/imgsize460x32G13: 2010100 .com / 2011 - 01 - 17 / fmt_73_22802.jpg http://img11.nnm.ru/a/b/0/6/f/e6541dad80ded5ca9a71823bca0.jpg http://www.interesno.name/files/images/nature / sun - earth.jpg T.A. Lavrinenko Developmental assignments in mathematics. Saratov: "Lyceum", 2001 Volkova S.I. Cards with math tasks. Moscow: Education, 1990 Ordynkina I.S., Volkova S.I. Maths. Tests. M .: ARKTI, 2000 http: // first - ever.ru/images/2009/05/sputnic.jpg http://docvid.ru/_nw/3/83339.jpg http://img.dni.ru/ binaries / v2_articlepic / 515875.jpg http://sciencemagic.ru/wp - content / uploads / 2009/09 / 42367787.jpg http://www.vokrugsveta.ru/img/cmn/2006/11/20/001. jpg http://skipavilion.ru/wp - content / uploads / 2008/06 / 1207532659_solnce1 - 300x225.jpg http://www.bobthealien.co.uk/halleys.jpg http://nevski.belastro.net/photo /gallery/M45_300_10.jpg http://lh5.ggpht.com/_NkffXgkQPM0/TUJoGmYklCI/AAAAAAAABw4/PG9d4JNmz4o/t humb.jpg http: // img1. 1tv.ru/imgsize460x345/PR20101003221329.JPG http://img.1tvrus.com/2011-01-17 / fmt_73_22802.jpg http://img11.nnm.ru/a/b/0/6/f/e6541dad80ded5ca9a71823bca0. jpg http://www.interesno.name/files/images/nature/sun - earth.jpg

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