Home Berries Original matinees for March 8 in the dhow. Scenario of the matinee "March 8" outline of the lesson (younger group) on the topic. Adventures of flowers in the land of spring

Original matinees for March 8 in the dhow. Scenario of the matinee "March 8" outline of the lesson (younger group) on the topic. Adventures of flowers in the land of spring

01.03.2019 | We looked at the script 126 human

(The action takes place in a room. A boy is sitting and building a castle. Dad comes into the room with a travel bag.)

Dad: Well, son, do not forget that you remain the only man in the family! I'm leaving on a business trip. (puts things in a bag)

Son: Ugh! ...

On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates Mother's Day. This holiday exists in other countries of the world. Only each country has its own date of its holding. You say: "But what about March 8?". March 8 is International Women's Day. ...

A fun and interesting script for the holiday "Krosh and Nyusha" dedicated to International Women's Day on March 8

28.02.2019 | We looked at the script 200 human

The sun smiled sweetly at us
A holiday is coming, the holiday of our mothers.

Look how we dressed up
What a beautifully decorated room.
We invited the sun to visit,
To make mom's day shine.

We congratulate our mothers
And from...

28.02.2019 | We looked at the script 232 human

The phonogram "Mammoth's Song" sounds. Children enter the hall with their mothers in pairs, sit on the chairs.

Host: Good evening, we say to you. It is not by chance that we have gathered today, this November evening, in our cozy hall. After all, it is in November that we ...

Matinee for March 8 for the preparatory group: "Traveling around the countries in search of snowdrops"

26.02.2019 | We looked at the script 304 human

Today we are as comfortable as at home
See how many faces there are in the hall of acquaintances.
Moms came to us - we are glad to see all of you!
And we will start the merry holiday now.
It is dedicated to you - the sweetest and most tender,
Beloved, relatives - this is a holiday for everyone ...

Congratulations script for March 8 for preschoolers

24.02.2019 | We looked at the script 332 human

Children with tulips in their hands enter the hall to the music, go around it and become a semicircle.

Child reads a poem
Spring festival in the yard
Cheerful, warmest.
We are smiling lightly.
All grandmothers and mothers.
Crying streams are ringing.
Goodbye, ...

An interesting script for March 8 for preschoolers

22.02.2019 | We looked at the script 497 human

A ray of sunshine peeked into this room,
I gathered dear guests in our hall,
You are with us now - this is a great joy,
So let congratulations sound unceasingly!

1st child.

We dressed up today
We will sing and dance.
We shall be together...

Holiday script for March 8th

19.02.2019 | We looked at the script 499 human

Let it snow again
Yes, the frost is still naughty.
March climbed on the threshold
And spring looks out the window.
You can already see her first steps:
The blizzards have stopped howling
Everyone is ready for spring.

Song: "Solar drops" music. S. Sosnina

Scenario of the matinee for the Day of March 8

10.02.2019 | We looked at the script 439 human


Leader - adults
Organ grinder
Baba Yaga
A group of children runs to the cheerful music.

1st child:

Today all over the world
The holiday is big and bright.

Listen moms listen
Children congratulate you!

2nd child:


Theatrical performance for March 8 for children

02.02.2019 | We looked at the script 422 human

Host: This holiday was invented in 1910 by the German revolutionary Clara Zetkin. According to her plan, the day of March 8 was to become the day of the struggle of women of all countries for their equality. This holiday has long lost its political significance, and...

Natalya Kaptsova

Reading time: 11 minutes


A matinee in kindergarten is one of the brightest events for a child. These memories stay with the baby for life. This event is traditionally held to please the kids, to reveal dormant talents, to instill certain skills. And, of course, the joint preparation of children for the holiday is a serious experience of working in a team. How to create an interesting matinee in honor of March 8 in kindergarten?

Scenario selection- this is the main thing with which the preparation of any matinee in kindergarten always begins. The script should be given special attention. Both the script itself and the details matter - music, decorations, party atmosphere, costumes and various nice things.

Costume ball on March 8! How to choose costumes for children

What costumes will be relevant for the holiday of the eighth of March? Of course, first of all, flowers. Not every parent can afford to buy costumes in the store, therefore, in order not to injure some children with the richness of the outfits of others, let them all be the same. In this case, it is better for the teacher to discuss this with the parents.

  • Boys flower suits. As you know, a flower is a green stem, green leaves and a bright colorful head-bud. Based on this, costumes are created. A green shirt can serve as a stem, and a flower hat created from bright red paper can serve as a tulip flower (go another flower, depending on the scenario).
  • Costumes for girls. For the stem, respectively, green dresses or sundresses are chosen. Flower hats are also made from paper.
  • Children can also be involved in the creation of costumes by planting butterflies drawn and carved by them on the “buds”.

Funny games on the holiday of March 8 in kindergarten

The original scenario of the matinee for March 8 in kindergarten

The performance for the holiday of March 8 can be anything - created based on a fairy tale, song or impromptu invented by the teacher and parents. The main thing is that it is interesting for children, and that there are no unused children left. For example, such scenario, how:

Adventures of flowers in the land of spring

The roles of the participants in the performance:

  1. Roses - girls dressed in flower costumes
  2. tulips - boys in flower costumes
  3. Sun
  4. cloud - one of the mothers or assistant teacher in a suit
  5. Gardener - a teacher in a suit
  6. Bee - one of the mothers (grandmothers) or an assistant teacher in a suit
  7. Aphid (a couple of characters) - one of the mothers or assistant teacher in a suit

The main idea of ​​the performance
Children play the role of flowers growing in the garden. The gardener carefully looks after them, the sun smiles affectionately at them, the cloud waters, and the bee flies for pollen. The enemies of flowers are aphids. They, of course, are trying with all their might to prevent the growth of flowers. The gardener himself, the sun, the bee and even the cloud are fighting against aphids - after all, mothers have a holiday on March 8, and they are waiting for flowers.

Equipment: a painted chest, bright handkerchiefs, a basket with mint gingerbread, a box with musical bells, a cockerel's hat, artificial flowers, paper cups painted using the "finger drawing" method, the soundtrack of the song "Top, top, stomps the baby" - lyrics. A. Olgina, music. S. Pozhlakova.

There is a chest on the floor near the central wall of the hall. To the soundtrack of the song "Top, top, stomp baby" children enter, sit down in their places.

1st teacher

With the first March ray

A holiday knocked on the house -

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers

We all like it very much!

We've been waiting for him for so long

And today in this room

We will sing for you, dance,

Congratulations on spring!

2nd teacher

We are all our congratulations

In this chest they put

Not a single song we

Not a dance was forgotten.

1st teacher

Now let's look into the chest

(Takes handkerchiefs out of the chest.)

And ... we will get handkerchiefs!

And with handkerchiefs now

We will dance for you!

"Dance with handkerchiefs" (optional)

2nd teacher

What is it that lies here

And quietly ringing?

(Pulls out a bell from the chest.)

That's who sings "ding-dong" to us.

(Rings a bell.)

Bell! It's him!

Play with me!

"Game with a bell" (optional)

1st teacher

We played and danced

But the poems were not read to you!

Who knows poems about mom?

May he read to us soon.

Children read poems about mother, about grandmother.

2nd teacher

I'll look into the chest

What will I find in it now?

(Pulls out gingerbread from the chest.)

mint gingerbread,

so fragrant,

We baked, we tried

For mothers to eat.

Children perform the song "Pies" (lyrics by T. Volgina, music by T. Popatenko).

1st teacher

What lies here in the chest,

In the furthest corner?

Oh, and here, guys,

The mystery is hidden.

Who gets up early

And sing songs?

Himself with spurs

Tail with patterns

Scallop on the head...

Who is this?

Children. Cockerel!

The game "Sleeping Rooster"

2nd teacher

Let's look in the trunk again

(Pulls out a flower from the box.)

And we'll get a flower.

Not one, but one, two, three...

(Pulls out flowers.)

Take them quickly

We are with flowers now

Let's dance for all of you.

"Dance with flowers" (optional)

After the dance, the teacher invites the children to pick flowers in

1st teacher. Who are we dancing for?

Children. For Mom.

2nd teacher. Who was the bouquet for?

Children. For Mom.

1st teacher

We congratulate our mothers

We give them our song.

Children sing a song about mom (optional).

2nd teacher

You little kids

Don't you want to dance?

Come to your mother

Let's dance with mommy!

The soundtrack of the song "Top, top, stomp baby" sounds. Children dance with their mothers.

1st teacher

We sang to you, danced,

How could you have been entertained.

2nd teacher

Let me look into the chest for the last time!

(Approaches the chest.)

What is this? look,

You look in the chest.

(Pulls out a cup.)

What kind of cups are

Bright and colorful!

1st teacher

Eat with a flower

(Picks up the "cups" from the chest.)

There is a circle.

2nd teacher

Blue, red...

The cups are wonderful!

Take your cup

Gift for dear mom!

Calm music sounds. Children approach the teachers, receive a painted cup made with them, and give it to their mother.

Target: Creating a joyful festive atmosphere for children and parents. Encourage parents to actively participate in games with children.
Tasks: Teach children not to hesitate to speak in front of the public.
Show the ability to perform songs, round dances and dances in character.
To interest children in friendly communication with each other in competitions and attractions.

To the music, children enter the hall and stand at the central wall.
Today is a special day, so many smiles in it.
Gifts and bouquets and affectionate thanks.
Whose day is this, tell me? Well, guess for yourself!
Spring day on the calendar, whose is it? Of course…
Children: Mom!
1 child:
On a spring day, joyful
Congratulations mom!
Long joyful life
I sincerely wish!
2 child:
Let the songs ring everywhere
About our beloved mothers.
We are for everything, for everything in the world
We say Thank you!
3 child:
Mom, mom, mommy
I love you.
I give you spring
I'll sing a song!
The song "There is a mother at the kitten" is performed.
The phonogram of the song "Spring-Red is coming" sounds. Spring enters the hall with a basket in her hands (disguised teacher).

Hello my friends.

I'm glad to see you all!
Hello Spring freckle, cheerful girl!
We have been waiting for you and are very glad to see you.
You probably recognized me by my signs:
I knocked on the window with rain - (children) knock-knock-knock,
A brook in a groove - (children) zhur-zhur-zhur,
Grass at the threshold - (children) shuh-shuh-shuh,
A bird on a branch - (children) chiv-chiv-chiv.
What's in your basket, so beautiful, bright?
What did you bring to our holiday?
Funny gifts! Each item from my basket is a gift for our mothers and grandmothers. (Pulls out a rattle.)

Oh yes, it's a rattle!
Let's have fun dancing together on our holiday!
The song-dance "Our ringing toy" is performed.

Spring is a freckle, what else do you have in your basket?
March 8 is a women's holiday, and all women love flowers. Children, let's collect bouquets for our mothers


The attraction “Collect a bouquet for mom” is being held. Several mothers with their children are called to the middle of the hall. Artificial flowers are scattered on the floor. On command, to the music, the children take flowers one at a time and give them to their mother. There are no winners. All mothers receive bouquets.
Here we played nicely, and now let's have a rest and read poems for mothers and grandmothers.
Children read poetry.
Spring is a freckle, and what gift do you still have in your basket?
Spring takes glasses out of the basket.

What's this?
And these are the glasses of my beloved grandmother! The guys need to congratulate our grandmothers on the holiday.
Let's sing a beautiful song to our lovely grandmothers.
The song "About Grandma" is performed.
Here the children are happy.
And now let's all stand together in a circle,
A fervent dance awaits us.
Look what scarlet handkerchiefs I brought you! (Pulls out handkerchiefs from basket)
A dance with handkerchiefs "Here are good handkerchiefs" is performed.

Spring, we sang and danced, and let's play with our grandmothers.
A competition is held among grandmothers "Who will wind up the ball faster."
These are the skillful and perky mothers and grandmothers we have. The best gift for them is their children and grandchildren. And the kids are like chickens.
Chickens come out and dance for everyone here.
The dance "The chicken came out for a walk" is performed.
Well, my dears, my gifts from the basket have run out.
It's time for me to go. I have a lot to do now. It is necessary to warm the earth, but bring joy to people! Goodbye! (leaves).
And so our holiday comes to an end!
On International Women's Day!
Let your mood be
Always blooming like a lilac
May your life be beautiful
And the children are always happy
Let your house be a full cup!
Good luck, happiness and kindness!
And at the end of our holiday, I want mothers and their children to perform a dance.
A dance of mothers and children is performed to the song “I walk along the path, I lead my mother”

Presenter 1: Spring, spring walks through the yards

In rays of heat and light

Today is our mothers day

And we enjoy it.

Presenter 2: Our kindergarten

Congratulate happy

To all mothers on the whole planet

"Thanks!" mothers are told

Both adults and children.

Presenter 1: So as not to offend the holiday

We want to see you all

Who did you come here for?

Congratulations brought

Moms, moms, get up

And show the kids.

Together: Congratulations on Women's Day!

We wish you happiness, joy!

Presenter 2: And on this spring day

We are not too lazy to dance and sing!

Children read poetry.

invited to visit us

We are grandmothers and mothers

We promise, we promise

You won't be bored here!

How much sun, how much light

Brought spring for everyone

Songs and dances are heard everywhere

There is loud laughter.

Everything is ready for the holiday

So what are we waiting for.

We are a cheerful song

Let's start our holiday.

Presenter 1: In the clearing near spring

Flowers are blooming

Unprecedented beauty

And lead their round dance. Here!

Dance with flowers.

Finally came to us

festive day

We are with a flower in our hands

Everyone got into a circle.

Don't be lazy my friend

You circle with a flower

And now over your head

Show your flower.

One by one we go

We have fun walking

We carry our flower

We sing songs.

Collect in a big bouquet

We are our flowers

With them in the hall more fun

It's more beautiful in the hall with them.

Children sit on chairs, cheerful music sounds, Carlson appears.

Carlson: Hello guys!

Girls and boys!

Hi girls! Salute boys!

Did you recognize me?

Children: Yes!

Carlson: Good Carlson has come to you!

Eat, drink tea, well, where is your cake,

sweets and ice cream, jam, chocolate and

tasty marmalade?

Feed me soon!

After all, I am Carlson, the most cheerful in the world, therefore

I like adults and children.

Presenter 1: Wait - ka, wait - ka, Carlson!

Of course we are very glad to see you.

on our holiday, but why are you

just said hello to the guys.

Presenter 2: Look how many beautiful, elegant guests are in our hall today!

Carlson: Oh, really, what wonderful guests.

Allow me to introduce myself - Carlson! Which the

lives on the roof, the most beautiful, educated,

smart and well-nourished.

Carlson! In his prime!

Carlson! Very interesting interlocutor!

Oh, and you don’t happen to have candy?

So I want sweets, I'm losing weight right before my eyes!

Presenter 1: Wait, wait, Carlson! Do not rush! Especially since you haven't been visiting us for a long time!

Carlson: Do you know ... how many houses I flew around, with

how many kids met!

And how many different sweets ate.

Presenter 2: Yes, Carlson! You are still the same fidget and sweet tooth. But you guys are welcome! True guys!

Carlson: And how glad I am! 'Cause I'm living on the roof now

your kindergarten, and once flying

past the window, I saw that the children were preparing for

holiday. Just what holiday?

I didn't understand!

Presenter 1: Guys, what holiday are we celebrating?

Presenter 2: And now the guys will tell you what kind of holiday it is.

Children read poetry.

What an elegant kindergarten

It's mother's day for the guys

Congratulations to mom from the bottom of my heart

The kids congratulate mom.

A wonderful holiday for grandmothers and mothers

Gives you his smiles.

holiday morning

Knocking at our house

Holiday of our mothers!

mother golden ray

I love to play with you

I miss you

My mother is a swallow!

Mom my mom

Mom, I love you

The best

Mommy is pretty.

I watered the flower

My flower is beautiful

I give it to my mom

Mom I love you.

Outside the window a song

Heard all day

Who came up with the song?

Sun and spring!

sings a song

Our cheerful choir

And the sun laughs

Chief Conductor.

Children sing a song "Sun".


The sun is radiant

smiled cheerfully

Because mommy

We sang a song.

A song like this la-la-la

A simple song la - la - la.

Sparrow outside the window

Nodding cheerfully

Because mommy

We sang a song.

spring streams

rang merrily

Because mommy

We sang a song.

First snowdrops

Nodding cheerfully

Because mommy

We sang a song.

Presenter 1: Well, now, Carlson, you understand what

Carlson: Yes! I understood why the children sang so loudly

everyday. They were rehearsing! So that at the holiday their mothers, grannies, sisters smile and are satisfied. Will there be food at your party?

Presenter 2: Of course it will, but it still needs to be earned!

You sing to us or dance, then we'll see whether to treat you or not!

Carlson: What are you, I'm shy!

Presenter 1: We'll have to rescue you.

Guys, let's all dance together

"Happy Pole"

Children dance a dance, then sit down on chairs, and Carlson falls.

Carlson: All! The dance, of course, is very good, but I'm so weak, I'm sick, give me at least something sweet faster.

Presenter 2: Oh, and Carlson ... It seems to me that you mixed everything up, and came to the sweet tooth holiday,

And today we have a holiday of mothers and grandmothers!

Carlson: I didn't mix anything up.

I even prepared a surprise for you.

Presenter 1: Surprise! It's great!

Tell us about it!

Carlson: Guys, do you like to play?

Children: Yes!

Carlson A: Here's my surprise for you. It's a game!

Let's play a game "Collect a Flower"

Children collect flowers from different parts on magnetic boards.

Presenter 2: You guys are good, they played from the heart.

Thank you Carlson for a good game

and for the flowers!

Carlson: How cool are you here!

Girls and boys dressed up

And mommies are so sweet.

Presenter 1: Carlson, look at the holiday, not only mothers came to us, but also grandmothers.

Carlson: Yes! Yes! Every day I see from my roof that your grandmothers love you grandchildren very much.

They buy you toys and bring you to kindergarten!

That's how good your grandmothers are.

Presenter 2: Our children prepared a surprise for their grandmothers.

All children love good grandmothers

Our congratulations to the good grandmothers.

Children read poems to grandmothers.

I help my grandmother, I'm already big

The grandmother smiled - she became young.

Young grandmother - people say

I am very, very happy for our grandmother!

Next to our grandmother

We don't know boredom.

After all, our grandmother

Skillful fingers!

There are many different songs

In the world about everything

And now we have a song for you

Let's sing about grandma.

Children sing a song "Grandmother"

For my grandma

I'll sing a song

Because grandmother

I love it very much! La-la-la!

Grandma, grandma

I will hug you

kiss grandma

Gently smile! La-la-la!

Carlson: Guys, do you help your grandmothers?

Do you listen to your grandmothers?

Grandmothers love you very much, they try to make sure that you come to kindergarten clean and tidy every day.

Now our grandmothers will show what craftswomen they are, what golden hands your grandmothers have.

Competition for grandmothers "Sew on a button"

Presenter 1: Oh, yes, grandmothers

Hey, masters!

Carlson: We played fun, and grandmothers had fun.

That's great! Well done!

Guys, do you know how to play together?

Let's split into a boys team and a girls team.

Relay game in progress "Engine".

Presenter 2: And now we will dance for you.

Dance "We stomp our feet"

Carlson: And now we will play and amuse our mothers

May their bright smiles make us happier.

The hosts invite mothers to come out and sit on the chairs.

Carlson: So, attention, dear viewers

Now you will see a modern fairy tale

"Teremok in a new way"

Presenter 1: There is a miracle - a teremok, it is neither low nor high

Whoever lives in it, He is known as an assistant.

Presenter 2: In order to collect assistants, you need to beat a fairy tale.

Carlson: How a frying pan runs across the field

She hurries to the tower of cast iron

She can't wait to be a helper

She began to knock on the door insistently.

Presenter 1: Who's there?

Pan: I am a frying pan, let me into the teremok

I have excellent quality, I bake pancakes decently.

Presenter 2: Come, let's try your pancakes.

Mom, with a frying pan in her hands, sits on a chair next to the tower.

Carlson: Noise and din on the path

This pan is in a hurry to us

Loudly with its lid

She strums.

Pot: look at me

Let me into the teremok

I will faithfully serve

And cook soups and cabbage soup.

Presenter 1: Come visit us soon

We are very happy to have guests.

Mom with a saucepan in her hands comes to the tower.

Carlson: Across the field on a thin leg

The ladle jumps briskly.

ladle: What kind of tower is a tower

I'll knock on it once (knocking)

In the tower you let me go

And use it in the kitchen.

Mom with a ladle approaches the tower.

Presenter 2: Can't do without you

Come and sit down in the tower.

Carlson: Sieve runs across the field in a hurry

She stopped at the door and screamed.

Sieve: I don't sit still

I'll sift everything, I'll filter

Let me into the tower.

Mom with a sieve comes to the tower.

Presenter 1: All helpers in place

So let's all get together

Let's fry and cook

And feed your guests.

Moms take out treats from behind the tower, put them on the table.

Carlson: Today I was invited to visit

We are our grandmothers and mothers

We decided to please them

And everyone did something himself.

Children give gifts to mothers.

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