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Dali and Gala met in 1929 when she was married. Three years later, she became the wife of El Salvador

She went down in history under the name Gala - a brilliant muse, companion, adored and beloved woman. Almost a goddess. Her biographers are still perplexed: what was special about her, how could she, not possessing either beauty or talent, drive creative husbands crazy? Gala's union with Salvador Dali lasted half a century, and we can confidently say that it was thanks to his wife that the artist was able to show all the strength and power of his gift.

Some consider her a calculating predator who cynically used the naive and inexperienced Dali in everyday affairs, others - the embodiment of love and femininity. The history of Gala, who appeared in this world under the name of Elena Dyakonova, began in Kazan, in 1894. Her father, an official Ivan Dyakonov, died early. Mother soon married lawyer Dmitry Gomberg again. Elena considered him her father and took a patronymic by his name. The family soon moved to Moscow. Here Elena studied at the same gymnasium with Anastasia Tsvetaeva, who left her verbal portrait. Even then, our heroine knew how to impress people: “In a half-empty classroom, a slender long-legged girl in a short dress is sitting on a desk. This is Elena Dyakonova. Narrow face, light brown braid with a curl at the end. Unusual eyes: brown, narrow, slightly set in Chinese. Dark thick eyelashes are so long that, as her friends later argued, you can put two matches next to them. In the face is stubbornness and that degree of shyness, which makes the movements abrupt. "

Elena herself was sure that her destiny was to inspire and charm men. She wrote in her diary. “I will never be just a housewife. I will read a lot, a lot. I will do whatever I want, but at the same time maintain the attractiveness of a woman who does not overwork herself. I will shine like a cocotte, smell like perfume and always have well-groomed hands with manicured nails. " And the first chance to try her spell soon presented itself to her.

Holiday girl

In 1912, Elena, in poor health, was sent to the Clavadel sanatorium in Switzerland to receive treatment for tuberculosis. There she met the young French poet Eugene Émile Paul Grandel, whose father, a wealthy real estate dealer, hoped that the healing air would knock out poetic whims from his son. However, the young man also acquired a love affliction: he lost his head because of this unusual, mysterious girl from distant Russia. She introduced herself as Galina, he also began to call her Gala with an emphasis on the last syllable, from the French "festive, lively". Relatives did not encourage his passion for poetry, and in the person of his beloved he found a grateful listener. She also invented for him that sonorous pseudonym by which he would gain fame - Paul Eluard. The boy's father did not share his admiration: “I don’t understand why you need this girl from Russia? Are there not enough Parisian ones? " And he ordered the newly-made Paul to immediately return to his homeland. The lovers parted, but their feelings for each other only grew stronger. For almost five years (!) This romance lasted at a distance. “My dear beloved, my darling, my dear boy! - wrote to Eluard Gala. "I miss you as something irreplaceable."

She addressed him as a boy - even then in young Elena there was a strong motherhood. She felt in herself a desire to instruct, protect, patronize. And it was not by chance that she subsequently chose lovers who were younger than herself. Realizing that nothing can be achieved from an indecisive Paul, and a novel in the epistolary genre cannot last forever, Elena decided to take fate into her own hands and went to Paris. In February 1917, when the revolution shook her homeland, the enterprising girl married a young Frenchman. By that time, Paul's parents had already come to terms with his choice and, as a sign of blessing, even presented the newlyweds with a huge bed of bog oak. “We will live on it and die on it,” said Eluard. And I was wrong.

Cupid de trois

At first, life in Paris made Gala very happy. From a shy girl, she turned into a real l'etoile - bright, brilliant, seductive. She took delight in bohemian entertainment. But household chores caused boredom. The family, being sure that Gal was in fragile health, did not bother her too much. She did whatever she wanted. Either, referring to migraines or abdominal pain, lay in bed, then read, then alter outfits or wander around the shops in search of another original little thing. In 1918, the couple had a daughter, Cecile. But the appearance of the baby did not particularly affect the mood of the Gala. She gladly entrusted the care of the child to her mother-in-law. Paul watched with dismay as his wife plunged into melancholy. "I'm dying of boredom!" - she declared and did not lie. So the acquaintance with the artist Max Ernst added fresh colors to the hateful family life. According to the testimony of contemporaries, Gala, although she was not a beauty, had a special charm, magnetism and sensuality, which worked on men without fail. Max could not resist either. Gala's romance with the artist developed with the tacit approval of her husband. Soon the couple stopped hiding altogether, and Paul himself joined in their sexual pleasures, who was very excited by the presence of another man. The relationship "de trois" so captivated the spouses that later, after breaking up with Max, they sometimes looked out for some kind of victim - an artist or a poet who admired both of them. In the meantime, Ernst moved to the Eluards and began to live with them under the same roof, "in the torment caused by love and friendship." Paul called him brother, Gala posed for him and shared her family bed with him. The spicy alliance proved to be very fruitful for inspiration. During the relationship "de Trois" Eluard and Max released a collection of jointly written strange poems "The Misfortunes of the Immortals." But then the idyll came to an end. Feeling that in his wife's heart he gradually fades into the background, Paul put the question point-blank: he or I. Gala did not dare to leave her husband. But she could not finally break with Max. For another couple of years, they corresponded and sometimes met. The final break occurred only in 1927, when the artist married Marie-Berthe Aurenche. However, as before, Éluards financially supported the former lover by buying his paintings.

Serving the body of the muses

Gala and Dalí met in 1929 when the Eluard couple paid a visit to the artist in Cadaqués. He claimed that he saw his goddess, his muse much earlier, in childhood, when he was presented with a fountain pen with a portrait of a black-eyed girl wrapped in furs. In an effort to appear original, the owner decided to welcome the guests in an unusual way. He tore off his silk shirt, shaved his armpits and dyed them blue, rubbed his body with a mixture of fish glue, goat droppings and lavender, and inserted a geranium flower behind his ear. But when he saw his guest through the window, he immediately ran to wash off this splendor. So before the couple Eluard Dali appeared almost a normal person. Almost - because in the presence of Gal, who so shook his imagination, he could not conduct a conversation and periodically began to laugh hysterically. The future muse looked at him with curiosity, the artist's eccentric behavior did not scare her away, on the contrary, spurred her imagination. “I immediately realized that he was a genius,” Gala later wrote.

It was lightning that struck both. “Her body was as delicate as a child's. The line of the shoulders was almost perfectly round, and the muscles of the waist, outwardly fragile, were athletically tense, like a teenager. But the curve of the lower back was truly feminine. The graceful combination of a slender, energetic torso, wasp waist and gentle hips made her even more desirable. " This is how Dali described the subject of his adoration. I must say that before meeting the Eluards couple, the 25-year-old artist did not have bright novels. Nietzsche's admirer shunned and even slightly feared women. At a young age, El Salvador lost his mother and, to some extent, found her in the person of Gala. She was ten years older and took her beloved under her tender care. “I love Gala more than my mother, more than my father, more than Picasso and even more money,” the artist admitted. This time Paul did not interfere with the happiness of others, packed his suitcases and left home. He took with him his own portrait, painted by Dali. The painter decided in such a strange way to thank the guest from whom he had taken his wife. Dali and Gala officially registered their marriage in 1932, and the religious ceremony took place only in 1958, out of respect for the feelings of Eluard. Although he acquired a mistress, dancer Maria Benz, he still wrote tender letters to his ex-wife and hoped for a reunion. “My beautiful, sacred girl, be reasonable and cheerful. As long as I love you - and I will love you forever - you have nothing to fear. You are my life. I kiss you all furiously. I want to be with you - naked and tender. The so-called Paul. P. S. Hello baby Dali. "

At first, the Dali couple lived in poverty, earning hard work. The Parisian socialite turned into a nanny, secretary, manager of her brilliant husband. When there was no inspiration to paint, she forced him to develop models of hats, ashtrays, decorate shop windows, advertise goods. “We never gave up before failures,” Dali said. - We got out thanks to the strategic dexterity of Gala. We didn't go anywhere. Gala made her own dresses, and I worked a hundred times more than any mediocre artist. "

Gala took all financial affairs into her own hands. Their day was structured according to the scheme, which she described as follows: "In the morning El Salvador makes mistakes, and in the afternoon I correct them, tearing up the agreements he had signed lightly." She became his only female model and the main plot of inspiration, admired Dali's works, never tired of repeating that he was a genius, used all her connections to promote his talent. The spouses led a public life, often appeared on the pages of magazines. Gradually, things went smoothly. Dali's house began to be besieged by crowds of wealthy collectors, eager to acquire paintings consecrated by the genius. In 1934, Gala took the next step to popularize Dali's talent. They went to America. The country, in love with everything new and unusual, enthusiastically accepted the extravagant artist. Art connoisseurs responded to the most incredible ideas of Dali and were ready to pay huge sums of money for them. The journalist Frank Whitford wrote in the Sunday Times: “The Gala-Dali couple were somewhat reminiscent of the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. Helpless in an everyday sense, an extremely sensual artist was captivated by a tough, calculating and desperately striving upward predator, which the surrealists dubbed Gala-Chuma. It was also said about her that her gaze penetrates the walls of bank safes. However, in order to find out the state of Dali's account, she did not need X-ray abilities: the account was general. She just took the defenseless and undoubtedly gifted Dali and turned him into a multimillionaire and a world star. "

The journalists did not see the main thing: the touching affection, almost maternal tenderness of Gala towards her impractical spouse. Sister Gala, Lydia, who visited them, wrote that she had never seen such a reverent attitude of a woman to a man: “Gala fiddles with Dali like a child, reads him at night, makes him drink some necessary pills, takes him apart with him nightmares and with infinite patience dispels his suspiciousness. "

Everyone found in this union what he was looking for. No wonder they lived together for half a century in perfect harmony, until the death of Gal. Although their union was not an example of loyalty to each other. The aging diva changed young lovers like gloves. Her latest hobby was singer Jeff Fenholt, who starred in the rock opera Jesus Christ Superstar. Gala took an active part in his fate, helped start a career and donated a luxurious house on Long Island. Dali looked through his fingers at his wife's intrigues. “I allow Gala to have as many lovers as she wants. I even encourage her because it excites me. "

In the last years of his life, Gala wanted privacy. At her request, the artist presented her with the medieval castle of Pubol in the province of Girona. He could visit his wife only with her prior written permission. “The day of death will be the happiest day in my life,” she said, devoured by old age. He surrounded himself with young favorites, but none of them managed to touch his heart.

In 1982, at the age of eighty-eight, Gala died in a local hospital. The Spanish law, passed during the plague epidemic, forbade the transport of the bodies of the dead, but Dali fulfilled the last will of his beloved. Wrapping his wife's body in a white sheet, he put it in the back seat of the Cadillac and brought it to Pubol, where she bequeathed to be buried. The artist was not present at the funeral. He entered the crypt only a few hours later, when the crowd dispersed. And, gathering the remains of courage, he said: "Look, I am not crying ...".

Those who read Greek myths cannot help but remember the myth of Galatea. A talented sculptor named Pygmalion sculpted such a beautiful statue that he fell in love with it. Thanks to his strong feeling, the statue was able to come to life. Elena Dyakonova, the heroine of this article, was also in a sense this Galatea. During her life, she was the muse of several geniuses. But, at the same time, she was for them something and Pygmalion. In any case, one of them owes his success to her.

Do not forget that this woman was called not only Galatea. She was both a witch and Cinderella ... But she entered the history of world art precisely as Elena the Beautiful, Gnandiva, the divine and incomparable Gala.

Living by consumption

The origin of this enchantress and the first seventeen years of her life gave absolutely no hope that the girl was promised a brilliant destiny. She was the daughter of a humble Kazan official who died early. The family moves to Moscow. Here a misfortune happens to the girl - she gets sick. The diagnosis does not inspire hope: it was common for those years consumption, tuberculosis. Her stepfather (lawyer) helped to heal. The family raised some money, and Elena Dyakonova leaves for a mountain sanatorium in Switzerland.

She had already come to terms with the fact that she would not survive. This affected her character: the girl became unsociable, very harsh, she did not trust people. But there was a man who managed to melt this thick shell of ice. He was a charming young Parisian, Eugene Grendel. He wrote poetry. Eugene's father considered lyrical nonsense and forbade him to study literature. But the son did not listen to him. He came to Elena and read her poems of his own composition. And she gradually softened. Gradually she began to believe. It was in those days that she began to call herself Gala (she emphasized the last syllable). Perhaps from the French word meaning "holiday, revitalization."

Way back home

Elena Dyakonova (Gala) returns to Russia a year later. She recovered and fell in love. Eugene wrote her letters full of passion and love. They were also in poetry. Gala answered him with the same strength of feelings. It is unlikely that in those bright days she thought that with the same words that she now calls Grendel ("my child", "my chick"), she will call the rest of the geniuses in her life.

Meanwhile, Eugene publishes his first collection of poems under a pseudonym, which later became known in all corners of the world - Paul Eluard. Galu's premonition did not deceive: life pushed her really against a great man.

And the First World War began in the world. Paul wanted to go to the front. Elena in letters begged him not to risk his life and health. But besides the war, Grendel's father was on the way to their happiness. He did not want such an alliance: his son and some kind of Russian! But then Elena Dyakonova, whose biography is imbued with a feeling of love for her geniuses, for the first time in her life was able to show worldly wisdom and grasp. She began to write warm and tender letters to Eugene's mother, who turned out to be so kind that she supported the young.

Wedding of lovers

February 1917. Elena Dyakonova (Gala) moves to Paris and is married to her beloved poet. They vow to be together always, every minute. For the wedding, her husband's parents gave them an oak bed. The young people made a vow to die together in it when their hour comes.

After just a year, little Cecile was born to them. The couple will live together for twelve years. Many years will be unusually happy, but the first problems will begin already in 1921.

24 months threesome

The life of a successful poet and his beautiful wife in winter was spent in theaters, salons and cafes, and in summer only in fashionable resorts. They also spent that summer of 1921 at the resort. Here they met the German artist Max Ernst and his wife Lou. All four were brilliant and young. And husbands will soon become recognized all over the world.

And then life gave them an unexpected turn. A feeling arises between Gala and Ernest. They both understand that this is not adultery, but something more. Max breaks up with his wife, but Paul could not. He stayed with Gala and Max.

It is truly incomprehensible and surprising, but Gala manages to love both. In different ways, but love. Passionately and sincerely. This fragile Paul can not stand it and one day he simply disappears.

Looking for a husband

Ernst and Elena Dyakonova, whose photo is a mixture of beauty, grace and luxury, are sought all over the world and found in Indochina. Taking him out of there, the three of them also return to Paris, home. But this is only outwardly three of us. At this point, Gala had already fallen out of love with Ernst. This caused him incredible pain. On the other hand, Eugene, whom she now loved even more than before, was also deeply and permanently wounded.

Now in Eugene's head obsessions wander about to master her not only in the presence, but also with the participation of another man. He writes her many letters in which he describes his erotic fantasies of love in threesomes. Even after their separation, Paul will be obsessed with these fantasies, despite the fact that he himself will have a new muse, and will marry again Gala. The photo of Elena Dyakonova will always be with him until the end of his life.

Helena's next husband Paul himself will bring to their house.

Extravagant loser

In the late twenties, friends introduce Elena and Eugene to a strange young Spaniard who was an artist. He was incredibly skinny, with a very long and ridiculously curled mustache. He was very fearful and shy. He seemed like some kind of freak. He laughed almost constantly. He literally rolled on the ground as his laughter choked him.

Who was he - a madman, a psychopath, or an ordinary loser, seeking to hide his difficult life behind such an appearance? The spouses were unpleasant for the extravagance in his clothes - beads on the neck, women's puffs on the shirt ...

But Elena's incredible intuition helped her see genius in this strange man. What drove her then? She was never able to explain. Together with her husband, they accept the invitation to go to the artist in Spain. The journey took place in the very heat. And this despite the fact that Gala always preferred coolness. To many later, she claimed that she immediately realized that she would be the wife of this man. During that period of her life, she was very lonely. Yes, she was married, she and her husband allowed themselves light intrigues on the side. But there was nothing serious about that. But Elena Dyakonova considered her loneliness the greatest misfortune.

In one of them he took her for a walk in the mountains. And there, over the sea, he began a decisive assault on the beauty. The Spaniard pressed his greedy lips to her and asked what she would like him to do to her. She asked the artist seriously enough to blow it up. This artist was the great Salvador Dali.

Gala and Dali are the most important in the whole world!

Many years later, being already a famous and wealthy person, the artist wrote in his diary that Gala and Dali are the most important in the world. Dali is in second place. On the third - the rest, and Gala, and Dali.

Lena Dyakonova, Dali's muse, unconditionally believed in her fate and the genius of El Salvador. She decided to leave her rich husband and stay for several years in a rural Spanish house, fully devoting herself to this strange man. This time she was no longer a dowry. She was the queen of Parisian bohemia, who gave her attention and care to the poor.

The first time they spent in complete seclusion, even Gala sewed dresses for herself. Dali was sure that he was destined to live and die in complete poverty. But Gala did not give up: she went around museums and exhibitions with his drawings. And she won. Believing her literally at her word, the Viscount de Noailles sent almost thirty thousand francs to Dali's name for a painting that he had not yet painted. After just a year, Dali became famous!

He was now a renowned artist. And she, his muse, Lena Dyakonova, Dali's wife, looks from many of his canvases. Finally, Gala's dream came true: the great master immortalized her image! After all, since childhood, she dreamed of exactly this.

Cruel time

Unfortunately, only images in pictures can be immortal. The day comes when Lena Dyakonova, whose date of birth is September 7, 1894, feels that she has begun to age. For her, this was the beginning of the end. Now her every day was devoted to different cosmetic procedures. And love. Only now, exclusively for psychotherapeutic purposes. Elena Dyakonova has changed a lot internally. Now she needs young men.

Gala's feeling of greed intensifies as she grows old. All the money that fell into her hands, she counts several times and hides, like a peasant woman, behind the bodice of her dress. After her death, under the bed where she slept, they will find a suitcase full of banknotes.

The end of her life was completely sad. As an elderly woman, she began to fall frequently. As a result - a fracture of the femoral neck. She ends up in the hospital. She dies on June 10, 1982. This was Lena Dyakonova (born September 7, 1894).

Salvador Dali survived her for several years. All this time, every morning he began with the fact that the helpers rolled the carriage with him into the round tower located above the crypt in which he rested, only his Gala.

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The autobiography of Salvador Dali "The Diary of a Genius" begins with these words: "I dedicate this book to my genius, to my victorious goddess Galle Gradive, my Elena Troyanskaya, my Saint Helena, my brilliant as the surface of the sea, Gala Galatea serene". Elena Dyakonova, who called herself Gala, which means "holiday" in French, is considered by some to be the very great woman behind every great man, while others are considered the evil genius who turned the artist's talent into a means of earning money.

Although Dali called Elena Galatea, site took the liberty of assuming that in their pair it was she who was the real Pygmalion. What do you think?

From Elena Dyakonova to Gala Dali

Elena Ivanovna Dyakonova, known throughout the world as Gala, was born on August 18, 1894 in Kazan. A few years later, her father died, and her mother remarried and the whole family moved to Moscow.

Elena loved her stepfather very much - so much so that she even took a patronymic by his name - Dmitrievna. Like a butterfly from a chrysalis, Dali's future muse turned from Elena Ivanovna to Elena Dmitrievna, from Elena Dyakonova to Elena Dyakonova-Eluard, then to Gala and, finally, to Gala Dali.

In Moscow, Elena entered the gymnasium, where the Tsvetaev sisters studied with her. Marina Tsvetaeva, with whom Elena was friendly, described her as follows:

“A thin, long-legged girl in a short dress is sitting on a desk in a half-empty classroom. This is Elena Dyakonova. Narrow face, light brown braid with a curl at the end. Unusual eyes: brown, narrow, slightly set in Chinese. Dark thick eyelashes are so long that, as her friends later argued, you can put two matches next to them. In the face is stubbornness and that degree of shyness, which makes the movements abrupt. "

In 1912, 17-year-old Elena fell ill with tuberculosis and the family sent her to the Swiss sanatorium Clavadel. There she met the still unknown poet Eugene Grendel - later her first husband. Elena herself was destined to become a muse and inspire the one whom the whole world recognizes under the pseudonym Paul Eluard to write the most ardent love poems. So Elena discovered her, perhaps, the most important talent in herself - to be a muse.

The couple got married in 1917, and a year later they had a daughter. In 1921, Elena and Paul came to Cologne to see the artist Max Ernst - and this was the beginning of the type of relationship that is commonly called a love triangle. Unlike most similar stories, their romance for three was open - so much so that they lived, without hiding, under one roof.

It is not known how long this unusual union would have lasted if in 1929 Paul Eluard and his wife had not gone to the Spanish city of Cadaques to visit the 25-year-old artist Salvador Dali. "I immediately realized that he is a genius", - Gala will write later.

"I love Gala more than my mother, more than my father, more than Picasso and even more money."

Paul Eluard left his home in Cadaqués without his wife, taking his portrait, painted by Dali, as a small compensation. “I felt that it was my duty to capture the face of the poet, from whose Olympus I had kidnapped one of the muses,” the artist will say.

From that moment on, Gala and El Salvador were inseparable, and in 1932, when she finally divorced Eluard, the couple officially got married. Their marriage from the very beginning was rather strange: he was terrified of women, and, most likely, intimacy (some believe that Gala was the only person who could touch Dali), she was also voluptuous and passionate.

However, Dali was also passionate - but only in her fantasies and creativity, and she quenched her thirst with numerous young lovers from among the local sailors.

For many decades, Dali painted Gala in different guises: in his paintings, she is depicted either naked in a half-decent pose, or in the image of the Madonna. However, some art critics believe - and, most likely, there is a large grain of truth in this - that Gala was not a silent model: she acted as a co-author, helping to build the composition of the future canvas.

Gala contributed to Salvador Dali's break with the surrealists, but at the same time, thanks in large part to her talent and entrepreneurial spirit, the artist was able to reasonably declare: "Surrealism is me."

By the way, precisely because of one of the founders of surrealism, the poet André Breton, who hated Gala with all his heart, after her divorce from Eluard, she acquired the dubious fame of a debauchery and a love of money (which, of course, was a significant amount of truth). Later in the newspapers she was dubbed "the greedy Valkyrie" and even "the greedy Russian whore." However, neither Gala nor El Salvador was touched by this: for him she was Gradiva, Galatea, golden.

However, this phrase from the memoirs of Gala's sister Lydia speaks best about the relationship of the spouses:

“Gala fiddles with Dali like a child: she reads him at night, makes him drink some necessary pills, deals with his nightmares with him and dispels his suspiciousness with infinite patience. Dali threw hours at another visitor - Gala rushes to him with soothing drops: God forbid, he will have a seizure. "

Avida dollars

In 1934, the couple went to America, as always, obeying Gala's unerring instinct: she believed that only there her genius husband could gain real recognition, and, of course, become rich. And she was not wrong.

It was here, in America, that El Salvador began to correspond as much as possible to the nickname coined for him in Europe by the same Andre Breton - Avida Dollars. It was made up of the letters of his name, which translated roughly meant "hungry for dollars." The couple arranged numerous performances, and each of their appearance in the world furnished with great fanfare: descending from the ship to American land, Dali carried a two-meter long loaf in his hands.

6 years after the first visit to the USA, Gala and El Salvador returned here and spent a whole 8 years here. They both worked incessantly. He wrote pictures, scripts, created the scenery for the film of Alfred Hitchcock and even worked on the cartoon for Walt Disney (which was released only in 2003), decorated the windows, - in a word, he did everything that brought income and multiplied fame. And she arranged all this with irrepressible energy and entered into new contracts. But she did not forget about her own needs, constantly making new lovers much younger than herself.


In 1948, the Dali spouses returned to Spain: Salvador loved his homeland very much and always missed it. They had everything: fame, fortune, success, but one circumstance darkened Gala's life - she was getting old. And the older she got, the younger and more numerous were her fans: she spent fabulous money on them, gave them jewelry, cars and even pictures of her husband.

Despite all this, in 1958, Gala and Salvador Dali entered into a church marriage. For more than half a century history of their union, Elena Dmitrievna gave a lot of interviews, but never revealed the details of living together with her husband. Dali himself assured that for 4 years his wife kept diaries in Russian, but no one knows where they are and whether they really exist.

In 1964, Gradiva turned 70, and she and her husband were increasingly distant from each other: she spent most of the time with fans, and he - in the company of his platonic beloved singer Amanda Lear. In 1968, Dali performed one of his "Dalian" actions - he bought his permanent beloved Pubol Castle, which he was allowed to visit only with the written permission of Gala.

All the last years, which were overshadowed by the struggle with ailments and attempts to resist the inevitable old age, Gala spent in the castle. In 1982, she broke her hip neck, and after several days in the hospital, Gala Dali, nee Elena Ivanovna Dyakonova, died at the age of 88.

Dali buried her in the crypt of the Pubol castle, in a coffin with a transparent lid. He lived without his only love for another 7 years, suffering from major depression and progressive Parkinson's disease. In 1989, at the age of 85, Salvador Dali died. He left his entire fortune, including paintings, to the one whom he loved almost as much as his unique Gala - Spain.

Of course, one can relate to Gala in different ways, but one thing remains completely clear: if the fateful meeting of the artist with his Gradiva had not taken place in 1929, the world would hardly have known who Salvador Dali is. The one that is surrealism.

One of the most mysterious women, Gala Dali, died thirty years ago. She knew how to evoke insane passion in men's hearts, did not recognize fidelity, knew no boundaries in carnal pleasures, knew no shame. And the affection of men for her smacked of masochism.

Paul Eluard, the poet, Gala's first husband, loved to take pictures of her naked. He showed these pictures to friends. He took pleasure in seeing the men drool over the details of his woman. Unfortunately, and perhaps luckily, he once showed such a photo and Salvador Dali. The perfect contour of slender thighs, softly rounded buttocks, wasp waist and small breasts - this was the ideal of the young artist. He called such forms "sweet". The woman he saw seemed to him the embodiment of his dreams, this is exactly what he portrayed long before he saw Gala, in the painting "Remains". Paul noticed the impression his wife made on Dali. But this only provoked him. He took particular pleasure in sharing her with other men.

Before marriage, she kept her virginity. But becoming a woman at 23, she gave free rein to her penchant for fornication. With Paul, they agreed immediately: in their marriage, fidelity is taboo. Their relationship was diversified by viciousness, and they treated each other's love affairs with delight.

“Understand and make him understand too, I want us to have you together somehow, as agreed,” Eluard wrote to his Gale, upon learning about her new affair on the side.

However, he himself did not remain in debt. And he informed his wife about this: “Dear Gala, I am making love here a lot, too much. But whatever I give for one night with you! " In another letter, he asked Gala not to come to him during menstruation, so as not to spoil the mutual pleasure. And this pleasure consisted in mutual masturbation. The spouses went to any experiments for the sake of thrill. For a long time, Max Ernst, an artist, settled in their bed. Years later, Gala recalled this “wonderful marriage of three” with nostalgia and regretted that some “anatomical features” did not allow her to come into simultaneous contact with two men.

Showing the photo of Gala to Salvador Dali, Paul understood that she would cause a storm of feelings in him. Eluard wanted to share sex with a brilliant artist.

Gala and Dali met in Cadaques.

- Eluard constantly told me about the handsome Dali. I felt that he was just pushing me into his arms even before we met, - she confessed.

“Having met Gala, Dali changed beyond recognition,” recalled the Spanish director Luis Buñuel in his memoirs. “He was busy with one thing - talking about Gala, he repeated her every word.”

According to Bunuel, the artist was bewitched by her and walked like a madman.

By the age of 25, when he met Gala, Salvador was still a virgin. According to his own recollections, he was constantly in a state of erotic depression. I found a way out only in masturbation. And so he met a woman as shameless as he was bashful himself. And with great relief, Dali learned that Gala also loves masturbation.

The young genius came into Gala's field of vision at the right time. Her husband's fortune had already been squandered. And the lack of money was very burdensome for her. And here is a young, brilliant, promising artist.

Salvador was delighted with his mistress: Gala helped him improve the technique of masturbation, which made it easier to achieve ejaculation. And this delight is reflected in many of his immortal creations.

Gala left her husband for Dali. They lived together for over forty years. Having become Dali's wife, she, of course, did not change her sexual predilections ...

And even at 70, she still wanted love. The more she got older, the more she craved sex. Gala seduced anyone who got in her way. She convinced that El Salvador did not care that each of them lived their own lives. Yes, and Dali did not refute anything.

“I allow Galya to have as many lovers as she wants,” he said. - I even encourage her, because it excites me.

Gala gave young lovers pictures of Dali for bed with her, bought them houses and cars. And Dali did not get bored, inspired by creativity in the society of young beauties.

In 1968, the artist bought a castle for his wife. She forbade him to visit her without prior written permission. Gala lived for 88 years. In recent years, love has gone from her life. This is probably why she said that the day of death would be the happiest for her.

A diet for dysbiosis is a way to restore the impaired functioning of the digestive tract. Consider the features of nutrition for intestinal upset, tasty and healthy recipes, menus.

An imbalance of microbes in the intestinal microflora is quite common. This disorder occurs in both adults and children. Dysbacteriosis is a symptom of other pathologies, that is, it is not an independent disease. Its appearance can be caused by a violation of the diet, prolonged antibiotic treatment, vitamin deficiency, and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The main reasons for the violation of beneficial intestinal microflora:

  • Reduced immunity.
  • Various infections.
  • Long-term use of antibiotics.
  • Reduced acidity.
  • Pancreatitis (chronic form).
  • Bowel obstruction.

The intestinal microflora is a complex ecosystem that includes the mucous membranes of the digestive tract, intestinal bacteria, viruses, fungi, and food elements. During a meal, the food is processed by gastric juices and broken down. This speeds up the work of the intestines and the secretion of juices, forms amino acids and vitamins, breaks down fiber, improves the absorption of vitamins, folic acid and other elements responsible for blood formation.

The appearance of stool disorders, abdominal pain, bloating, increased gas formation for a long time indicate the development of dysbiosis. In addition, there is a deterioration in general well-being, fever, joint pain, weakness. A balanced diet restores the growth of beneficial bacteria and improves well-being.

Diet treatment of dysbiosis

The imbalance between opportunistic and obligate intestinal flora causes a number of unfavorable symptoms. Diet treatment of dysbiosis is the most effective and at the same time the safest method of eliminating the disorder. The disease itself is characterized by a protracted, difficult process. Therefore, without medical intervention it can become a serious problem.

Treatment depends on the intensity of the disorders, which are divided into three large groups depending on the age of the patient and the results of stool analysis. Let's consider the main characteristics:

Therapy should be comprehensive and carried out by a gastroenterologist in the following areas:

  • Determination of the causes of the disorder and their elimination. At this stage, the patient can be prescribed pathogenetic treatment (enzyme preparations) to eliminate the inflammatory process and restore the motor functions of the intestine.
  • At the second stage, it is necessary to normalize the digestion process and eliminate acute painful symptoms. Particular attention is paid to diet therapy for the normalization of intestinal activity - dietary table No. 4.
  • Based on the test results, the doctor corrects the composition of the intestinal microflora. For this, the patient is prescribed intestinal antiseptics, probiotics and prebiotics, bacteriophages.
  • At the last stage, measures are taken to increase the protective properties of the immune system, the use of immunomodulators, vitamin complexes.

As a rule, the diet is developed in accordance with the causes of dysbiosis. The patient is prescribed viscous, fresh, slimy food with a minimum amount of salt. If the disease is accompanied by diarrhea, then a more strict diet is prescribed. In addition to food, attention should be paid to the drinking regimen. To normalize the digestive tract, you need to drink 30-40 minutes before meals and 2 hours after meals. It is strictly forbidden to consume alcohol and fermented drinks (homemade wine, kvass). The right diet can help you manage your bowel upset without any problems.

The essence of the diet

There are many factors contributing to the disruption of the normal intestinal flora. An unhealthy diet rich in preservatives and processed foods, hot food, alcohol or spices can lead to the development of the disease. To eliminate the consequences of such violations, the patient is prescribed a special diet. The essence of the diet lies in restoring a healthy intestinal flora and improving the body. When compiling a therapeutic diet, factors such as:

  • Features of the course of the underlying disease.
  • Elimination of signs of dyspepsia.
  • Prevention of hypovitaminosis and food allergies.
  • Creation of favorable conditions for the growth of healthy microflora.
  • Elimination of diarrhea and constipation.

Nutrition is individual for each patient. The doctor makes a diet, focusing on the intolerance of certain foods, the age of the patient and the severity of the symptoms of the disease. It is very important to adhere to 5-6 meals, that is, fractional meals. The diet should be balanced in terms of protein and energy composition.

  • If dyspepsia is accompanied by flatulence, that is, fermentation processes, then carbohydrates, milk and raw vegetables should be excluded. It is recommended to eat protein foods: eggs, chicken, cottage cheese, various cereals, boiled vegetables.
  • With the predominance of putrefactive processes, meat and fats should be limited. The main diet should be cereals, dairy products and boiled vegetables.
  • For dyspepsia with constipation, the diet must be enriched with fiber, that is, raw vegetables, fruits and herbs. These foods speed up the passage of food through the intestines.
  • If the disease is accompanied by diarrhea, then you should eat grated or boiled food at room temperature. Healing properties are possessed by compote from bird cherry, blueberry, pomegranate and a decoction of oak bark.

Along with the diet, the patient is prescribed probiotics and prebiotics to restore the intestinal microflora. Probiotics contain lactic acid microorganisms, that is, bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which live in a healthy intestine. Prebiotics are substances that create a favorable environment for the growth of beneficial bacteria. So, for recovery, it is sufficient to restore a healthy microflora that will destroy pathogenic bacteria.

Diet for dysbiosis with diarrhea

In many patients, dysbiosis is accompanied by diarrhea, which complicates the course of the disease. Diarrhea can be a symptom of colitis or chronic gastrointestinal diseases. For treatment, drugs with lacto / bifidobacteria and proper nutrition are used. The diet for dysbiosis with diarrhea begins with a short fasting for 2-3 days. During this period, it is recommended to drink more tea, herbal and berry broths, but without sugar. When using berry or fruit compotes, they must be filtered.

Basic nutritional rules for dysbiosis with diarrhea:

  • It is forbidden to eat fatty meat and fish, canned food, pickles, sausages, baked goods, fresh vegetables and sweets. The diet should contain cereals with fiber, broths, fresh compotes and berry jelly.
  • You need to eat regularly, often and in small portions. Systematic meals normalize digestion and metabolism.
  • The diet should consist of foods with coarse fiber and fiber, as they normalize the motor functions of the intestines. Particular attention should be paid to fermented milk products, they contain live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

A properly formulated diet restores intestinal motor function and flora balance.

Diet for dysbiosis with constipation

An upset bowel often causes many side effects. Patients may suffer from constipation, diarrhea, increased flatulence and even vomiting. To eliminate the disease, both drug therapy and medical nutrition are used. The diet for dysbiosis with constipation should be rich in fiber, which is found in vegetables and fruits. To improve intestinal motility, it is recommended to eat bran, fermented milk products, rhubarb compote.

Various fruit purees, dairy products and juices normalize the passage of feces through the intestines and relieve constipation. Boiled vegetable salads, especially those with cabbage, beets and prunes, are excellent for defecation problems. In order for the diet to be effective, you need to follow the diet. 5-6 meals a day and drinking 2 liters of liquid a day is the key to a healthy body and normal functioning of the digestive system.

Diet for dysbiosis in adults

Patients of all ages face such a problem as intestinal microflora imbalance. Pathology can be caused by improper diet or appear as a result of long-term treatment with antibacterial drugs and other medications. A diet for dysbiosis in adults is considered an effective and proven method of restoring the normal functioning of the digestive tract and intestinal microflora.

Diet therapy is based on strict adherence to the diet. You can eat only permitted foods that have a beneficial effect on the digestion process. Consider the rules for compiling a diet for an upset stomach in adults:

  • Eliminate the use of any alcoholic beverages, soda, store juices with preservatives, as they have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the body.
  • Fatty foods, spicy, smoked foods, as well as canned food, sausages, various spices and sauces are banned. Fresh greens are excellent at fighting pathogenic microflora, so it is worth increasing its amount in the diet.
  • Limit the use of baked goods and sweets. It is allowed to eat dried fruits, if there is constipation, then prunes and dried apricots will help to cope with it. Fresh fruits, berries, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, marshmallows, marmalade and preserves are allowed during the diet.
  • The diet should contain a lot of protein foods (boiled meat and fish, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir). White bread should be discarded, and stale and semi-rough baked goods should be preferred.
  • Immediately after eating, do not drink water, since the liquid that has entered the stomach neutralizes the gastric juice. This complicates the process of digesting food.

Along with the diet, patients may be prescribed probiotics and prebiotics. These preparations improve bowel function and restore a healthy flora.

Diet for nursing mothers with dysbiosis

After giving birth, many women are faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as dysbiosis. To diagnose the disease, they are tested for microflora. But sometimes even without tests, the appearance of characteristic symptoms indicates a disorder. The disease can appear due to various infections, endocrine and allergic diseases, lesions of the genitourinary system or the digestive tract.

A diet for nursing mothers with dysbiosis is the only way to eliminate the malaise. This is due to the fact that antibiotic therapy is undesirable during lactation, which may be prescribed to eliminate the root cause of indigestion. Consider the basic recommendations for compilation:

  • You need to adhere to the diet, that is, eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. This normalizes the digestive tract, speeds up metabolism and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.
  • The basis of the diet should be porridge rich in fiber. Protein foods will be useful, for example, boiled meat and fish, egg whites, lentils.

  • The menu should include vegetables, fruits, berries and herbs. Vegetables are recommended to be steamed, boiled or baked. Various purees, compotes and fruit drinks can be prepared from fruits.
  • Fresh bread should be discarded. Better to eat yesterday's baked goods, baked goods made from wholemeal flour and rye. Cakes and pastries with cream fillings should not be used, as they will aggravate the symptoms of dysbiosis.
  • Do not forget about the drinking regimen. It is better to drink 30-40 minutes before meals and 1-2 hours after. Do not take liquid during meals, as this will dilute the gastric juice and impair digestion.
  • Various spices, condiments and sauces should be limited as they irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa. Sauces should be prepared on their own, for example, mayonnaise, ketchup. Artificial food additives can be replaced with fresh herbs and spices that are good for the body.

In addition to diet, women are prescribed gentle medications that eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and populate the body with beneficial bacteria. To do this, use Linex, Bifiform, Hilak-forte, Duphalac and medicines with lactobacilli.

Diet for dysbiosis in children

The child's body is unprotected from various viruses and infections. It is children who most often suffer from intestinal microflora disorders. A diet for dysbiosis in children is prescribed by a pediatrician. The doctor focuses on the age of the child and the causes of the discomfort. During treatment, it is contraindicated to give the child any semi-finished products - store cereals and food, juices, various purees. Dairy products will be useful, that is, natural yoghurts without additives, kefirs. On their basis, you can cook porridge, for example, oatmeal, buckwheat or millet.

If the symptoms characteristic of the disease appear in infants, then breast milk is considered the best treatment. With its help, it is possible to restore a healthy microflora in the intestines of the baby. To do this, mom needs to eat right. Vegetables, fruits, herbs, dairy and protein products, cereals will be useful. The diet must be diluted with useful decoctions of chamomile, fennel, rose hips, dill.

If the disease occurs in older children, then salty, spicy and spicy dishes should be excluded from the diet. Various smoked meats, fried foods, canned food, sausages and, of course, sweets fall under the ban. The children's menu should include boiled vegetables, mashed soups, liquid and slimy cereals, fermented milk products and low-fat drinks. To normalize digestion and prevent constipation, the child can be given salads from boiled beets, baked apples, prunes and jelly. During the period of dietary therapy, the child should be monitored by a pediatrician.

Diet after dysbiosis

For the treatment of intestinal dysfunction, both drug treatment and diet therapy are used. But after the restoration of the natural microflora and the normal functioning of the digestive tract, do not forget about the nutritional rules. Diet after dysbiosis prevents its recurrence and is the basis of a correct, that is, healthy diet.

  • After recovery, do not forget about the diet. Regular meals are a guarantee of normal stomach function. It is strictly forbidden to overeat, especially with various convenience foods.
  • You should not abuse alcohol and any alcoholic beverages, they negatively affect the work of the digestive tract.
  • Spicy, peppery, salty, fried and fatty foods are not recommended for consumption. Such food can provoke not only dysbiosis, but also disorders in the liver.
  • Don't forget about your drinking regimen. You need to drink about 2 liters of liquid per day. You can drink 30-40 minutes before meals and an hour after. If you drink with food, it will lead to flatulence and mild abnormalities in the stomach.

The above recommendations are not strictly limited. But everything that goes beyond their limit can provoke a relapse of the disease. Various dietary irregularities during treatment can cause even more upset stomach, malfunction of the gallbladder and liver, cause nervousness, headaches and irritability. If the diet is followed according to all the rules, then diarrhea stops, normal stool is restored, heartburn, colic, flatulence and abdominal pain disappear. Another plus of medical nutrition is the improvement of the body and a small weight loss of up to 3 kg.

Diet menu for intestinal dysbiosis


  • Breakfast: boiled potatoes with sour cream and herbs, rosehip broth or green tea.
  • Snack: cottage cheese with honey.
  • Lunch: chicken pâté, boiled beetroot salad.
  • Snack: tea with croutons from yesterday's bread.
  • Dinner: boiled fish with rice soup.
  • Second supper: yogurt.
  • Breakfast: wheat porridge with jam, green tea.
  • Snack: biscuit biscuits, compote or fruit drink.
  • Lunch: chicken broth soup, buckwheat with meatballs, boiled carrot salad.
  • Snack: baked apple with dried fruits.
  • Dinner: pumpkin puree with honey and raisins.
  • Second supper: kefir.
  • Snack: stale bread rolls with boiled beetroot salad with prunes.
  • Lunch: borscht, mashed potatoes with steam cutlets.
  • Snack: fruit juice, biscuit biscuits.
  • Dinner: fish soup.
  • Second supper: yogurt.
  • Breakfast: boiled wheat porridge in milk, green tea.
  • Snack: carrot salad with cheese and sour cream.
  • Lunch: soup with barley, boiled potatoes with sour cream.
  • Snack: tea with marshmallows.
  • Dinner: boiled egg, meatballs.
  • Second supper: kefir with biscuit.
  • Breakfast: oatmeal with milk, green tea.
  • Snack: curd casserole with raisins.
  • Lunch: stewed cabbage with meat, pasta.
  • Snack: baked apple, compote.
  • Dinner: baked fish with cheese and baked vegetables.
  • Second supper: yogurt.
  • Breakfast: rosehip broth, baked pumpkin with honey.
  • Snack: cottage cheese with sour cream.
  • Lunch: noodle soup, chicken cutlets, buckwheat porridge.
  • Snack: green tea, biscuit biscuits.
  • Dinner: protein pasta casserole with chicken.
  • Second supper: a glass of kefir.


  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge with milk, tea.
  • Snack: salad of boiled carrots with vegetable oil and walnuts.
  • Lunch: rice soup, rice with meatballs.
  • Snack: fruit puree, compote or fruit drink.
  • Dinner: baked eggplant with minced meat, lentil porridge.
  • Second supper: kefir with biscuit biscuits.

Observing such a menu, do not forget about the drinking regimen. You need to drink up to 2 liters of purified water per day. Drink a glass of water half an hour before a meal, this will prevent overeating. It is not recommended to drink during lunch, as this will dilute the gastric juice and worsen the symptoms of the malaise.

Diet recipes for intestinal dysbiosis

In order for the therapeutic diet to be not only useful, but also varied, there are diet recipes for intestinal dysbiosis. Consider simple and delicious meals:

  1. Kefir soup with vegetables
  • Low-fat kefir 1-1.5 l.
  • Carrots 1 pc.
  • Cucumber 2 pcs.
  • Dill.
  • Red bell pepper.
  • Salt, black pepper, garlic (minimum for flavor).

Place kefir in a saucepan, add spices and refrigerate. Wash the pepper, cucumber and carrots and cut into small strips. Mix vegetables with kefir, pour into bowls and sprinkle with dill.

  1. Rice garnish
  • Rice 1 kg.
  • Beef or chicken 500 g.
  • Bell pepper 1 pc.
  • Carrots 1 pc.
  • Tomato 1 pc.
  • Eggplant 1 pc.
  • Butter 20 g.
  • Vegetable oil for frying vegetables.
  • Allowed spices to taste.

Chop the meat and send to stew in a pan with vegetable oil. Wash all vegetables, chop and add to the meat. Pour boiling water over the rice 2-3 times and rinse. Stir vegetables with meat, put rice on top, pepper, salt. After 10 minutes, stir vegetables with rice, add butter, cover and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

  1. Meat pudding
  • Lean meat 200 g.
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Semolina porridge 250 g.
  • Butter 20 g.

Grind the meat thoroughly using a blender or meat grinder, mix with semolina. Add the beaten egg to the minced meat and place in a greased skillet. Cook until tender over medium heat. Serve with sour cream sauce with herbs.

  1. Apple pie
  • Rye flour or oatmeal flour 250 g.
  • Low-fat kefir or yogurt 200 ml.
  • Honey 50 g.
  • Butter 20 g.
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Green apple (banana, raspberry, cherry) 2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Breadcrumbs.

Melt the butter and stir in the honey and egg. Gradually add kefir and flour to the resulting mixture. Knead the dough thoroughly, which should resemble sour cream in consistency. Wash the apples, peel and cut into thin slices. Sprinkle a baking dish with breadcrumbs and pour over the dough. Place apples on top of the dough and sprinkle with cinnamon. The pie is cooked in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

  1. Vitamin smoothie
  • Low-fat kefir 500 ml.
  • Cottage cheese 50 g.
  • Dill.
  • Spices to taste.

Using a blender, mix kefir with cottage cheese, add finely chopped dill and spices. Stir well again and refrigerate.

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  • Low-fat dairy products and fermented milk drinks.
    • Yesterday's bread, uncomfortable pastries and rye flour baked goods.
    • Kissels, fruit drinks, natural juices, herbal decoctions.

    If the list of approved foods contains those to which the patient is allergic or intolerant, the doctor prescribes a substitute of equivalent nutritional value.

    What can not be eaten with intestinal dysbiosis?

    Most of the prohibited foods for dysfunction of the digestive system are contraindicated in other diseases. Consider what you can't eat with intestinal dysbiosis:

    • Fried, fatty, spicy and smoked.
    • Alcohol.
    • Various spices, peppers, vinegar, hot sauces.
    • Canned food, sausages, pickles.
    • Onions, garlic, mushrooms.
    • Bran.
    • Seafood.
    • Yeast bread baked goods.
    • Sour varieties of berries and fruits.

    After recovery, that is, the restoration of microflora, these products must be introduced into the diet gradually. If there are chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and a predisposition to their development, then it is worthwhile to abandon these products in the future, so as not to cause an attack of the disease.

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