Home Berries Has anyone ever gone through the looking glass. Portal to the mirror world. The mystical power of mirrors

Has anyone ever gone through the looking glass. Portal to the mirror world. The mystical power of mirrors

Mirrors have tremendous magical power! There is a parallel reality in them! But how to get into it and find something for yourself? Learn the mysterious technique!

Many esoteric sources say that mirrors are passages to other worlds, and what people see is only a "screen", a reflection in the mirror, behind which there is a parallel reality.

Recent scientific research begins to confirm the theory of the plurality of worlds¹; in this case, the mirrors may indeed be portals.

There is an opinion that the realities in the mirror are parallel to ours, but with slight differences: for example, today you woke up at 6 in the morning, and in the looking glass at 6.15. This influenced the course of reality: in the looking glass you could be late for work or, on the contrary, accidentally find money on the street.

How to find yourself in the looking glass and explore a new world? What can this give a person?

The ability to travel through the looking glass will allow you to see new opportunities that will in fact remain "overboard" of your attention. Parallel reality and the possibilities it contains can improve real life!


You should immediately warn that this experiment should not be carried out by people:

  • with an unstable psyche;
  • with severe heart disease;
  • with an unprepared consciousness;
  • with a weak nervous system;
  • if you don't know how to control your emotions.

All responsibility for possible problems and consequences associated with the performance of this experiment of moving through the looking glass lies with the practicing person!

Teleportation technique through the looking glass!

There are four requirements for undertaking a mystical journey. Looking for:

  • absolutely dark room;
  • large mirror;
  • completely calm and relaxed state;
  • absolute silence (you can use earplugs).

1. On an empty stomach, in the early morning or at night, the practitioner all alone enters an absolutely dark room.

It could be a bathroom or something like a darkroom. There should not be the slightest penetration of light. In advance, you should plug all the cracks from where light can penetrate.

2. A person sits on a chair in front of a mirror and prepares to enter an altered state of consciousness: he uses earplugs to exclude extraneous noises.

3. It relaxes the muscles of the body and face, consistently passing attention from head to toe. The practitioner will feel that he is immersed in a relaxed state of consciousness2. Then he focuses on his breathing, on the feeling of each inhalation and exhalation.

4. The practitioner continues to do this for 15 minutes. At this time, you need to ensure that the body remains as still and relaxed as possible.

5. Emotions and thoughts will calm down. Now the person directs his gaze to the black surface of the mirror. He stares deeply into the depths, into the dark abyss through the looking glass. You need to fully focus on the mirror.

6. After a while, the practitioner will begin to notice some kind of divorce. From the depths of the mirror, various images can begin to emerge: the faces of people and strange creatures.

The main condition for success and safety is the absence of fear! If it does arise, immediately, by an effort of will, command the consciousness to be fearless and repeat several times. This will give protection.

If, despite all the efforts of the will, it is not possible to stop fear, then it is necessary to stop the experiment and repeat it on another, more favorable day.

7. The person continues to peer attentively into the darkness of the mirror. It is necessary to fully focus on visions from the looking glass. At one point, he will see stains on the surface of the mirror, as if from a stone thrown into the water.

8. The practitioner continues to contemplate and to enter with his consciousness deeper and deeper into the looking glass. At some point, regardless of a conscious effort, the mirror will draw into oneself: a person will physically feel that he is on the other side of the mirror, in a parallel world of looking glass!

You don't need to go anywhere in the first exit: after you enjoy the extraordinary sensations, you need to go back to the real world from which you came. Logging out is done in the same way as logging in.

With experience, you can explore the space through the looking glass and travel, but you always need to go out through the mirror into which you entered!

Regular practice of such entrances will develop a strong concentration of attention, with the help of which you will learn to quickly move into the world of the looking glass. Be careful and attentive enough: parallel reality can contain many beneficial things for yourself and your development!

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The many-worlds interpretation is an interpretation of quantum mechanics, which assumes the existence of "parallel universes", in each of which the same laws of nature operate and which are characterized by the same world constants, but which are in different states (

Mirrors played a special role: in fact, the role of a portal between worlds. It was believed that a mirror is able to reflect not only what we are able to see with our eyes, but also what remains outside of our perception: thoughts, feelings, soul, and at the same time "pull" it into ourselves, transfer it into the world through the looking glass... That is why, if someone died in the house, all reflective surfaces were covered with a thick cloth: to “close” the entrance / exit to another world.

Since many fortune-telling is associated with appeals to the spirits of ancestors, spirits in general, or simply at random to any entity "from there", mirrors were often used as a portal to obtain any information. A very famous fortune-telling with mirrors for the betrothed, when the mirrors, placed opposite each other, were supposed to show: who is the narrowed. To prevent the image of the betrothed from “jumping out”, the mirrors were placed opposite each other.

The mirror has always been an ambiguous subject: something on the verge of mysticism and science fiction. In fairy tales, mirrors are always magical. They either show something - the truth, a lie - or they allow you to move to another world.

A journey through the looking glass

In the field of science, the "Kozyrev mirror" is known, named after its inventor - N. Kozyrev. This is a sheet of aluminum polished to a mirror shine, which is rolled in a spiral. A person enters this spiral, and, being there for some time, experiences amazing visions: sometimes these are memories from his childhood, from the life of his parents, distant ancestors and even peoples of different times. Some of the participants in the experiments said that as a result of the experience, they moved to other spaces and worlds, left their bodies.

In the famous story of Gogol, "The Enchanted Place" is told about a certain place, stepping on which, a person moved to another space. The writer's story can hardly be called fiction, because there really are many such places in the world, which is confirmed by various scientific studies.

For example, once in the "field of action" of the Bermuda Triangle, ships and planes disappeared without a trace. They simply disappeared from the radar and the signal from them was never recorded again. Searches for the physical detection of sea and air ships also did not lead to anything. We can only guess where they ended up and whether they will ever return.

Holes in time

Most of these "entry points" do not work all the time: they turn on and off. In Y. Mamin's film "Window to Paris" the role of such a "point" was played by a window that allowed you to move from a St. Petersburg apartment to a Paris street only at certain periods of time, and then the window was closed, and you could only get home by the usual transport route.

There are also such "entry points", which, not only are not always "included", but they are also a portal to another world are not for everyone, but only for people with certain properties and qualities. These people do not have to be magicians or psychics - just different, not like everyone else from the point of view of this very "entry point".

Also known are "wandering entry points", i.e. those that do not have a fixed position in our space: they can appear in different places of a limited territory, but they can manifest their presence anywhere, with an arbitrary frequency.

So, in 1994, a case was described when a Norwegian ship found a baby in the sea, a girl who was tied to an old lifebuoy with the inscription Titanic. She was found exactly in that place of the Atlantic Ocean, where the ship sank in 1912. How did she get into our time? Since the child did not know how to speak, there was no other explanation other than that this was the result of the activity of the “hole in time”.

In the fall of 1880, a resident of the American state of Tennessee, David Lang, leisurely walked along the path to the house across the field. His wife was waiting for him on the porch and looked at her husband; suddenly she saw that David had just disappeared! At first she thought it seemed to her. But the most careful searches did not give anything - the husband disappeared, and as if forever.

However, even several years later, in the field, where David Lang disappeared without a trace, a dark circle with a diameter of about 5 meters was clearly visible, on which nothing grew and insects were absent. And when Lang's children ventured into the circle, they heard their father's weak voice, but did not understand what he was talking about.

Only many years later, Lang's widow received a letter from her missing husband in the mail, who said that he was in a place called the afterlife by people, and that everything was fine with him ...

Teleportation through the looking glass

October 25, 1593, when a confused soldier in foreign uniforms and with weapons in his hands appeared in Mexico City from nowhere.

Since the soldier spoke in Spanish, it was found out that he serves in a regiment, which is located in the Philippines, 5,000 kilometers from Mexico. It turned out that the soldier was on duty at the governor's palace in Manila, but how he ended up in Mexico City, he does not know. Many months later, people who arrived from the Philippines accurately confirmed all the details of his story ...

In the 20s of the 17th century, a nun from the Spanish city of Agreda - Maria - made several hundred teleportations to America, where she managed to convert a whole tribe of Indians to Christianity. This was noted by subsequent missionaries, who were very surprised to find aborigines believing in Christ in such a remote place, since no white man had yet set foot here.

It was possible to find out that they owe the acquisition of faith to the “woman in blue”. The Indians showed the monks crosses, beads and a liturgical vessel for the consecration of wine. Later it was established that the liturgical vessel was taken from a monastery in Agred. And when the missionaries returned to Spain, they met with Nun Mary, who confirmed everything that the missionaries learned from the Indians.

Academic science cannot explain the phenomena of teleportation, because it operates on research data that have been and are being carried out in the conditions of the ordinary reality of our world, and not in “ looking glass"Or other worlds. However, there are a number of laws of physics that seem to hint at the possibility of explaining such mysterious phenomena.

For example, the "law of conservation of energy" to some extent resonates with various popular beliefs; for example, that, in doing evil, a person must be prepared for the fact that evil will turn against him.

In this regard, one cannot but recall cosmic black holes, compressed spaces, the theory of infinity and many other scientifically confirmed discoveries and laws ...

There are many rituals, conspiracies and spells with which you can make contact with the other world, contact. The mirror surface invariably reflects all objects, all people who are only in the immediate vicinity of the mirror. But there are days, hours and even minutes when the wall separating the two worlds becomes thinner and other entities look at us from the looking glass world.

Reading these lines, many of you may be overwhelmed by a feeling of distrust: they say, what else through the looking glass, what is this Alice in Wonderland? But believe me, I know a lot of cases when people could contact the world through the looking glass. And there are probably even more cases that I do not know about, just people, for various reasons, prefer to keep silent about it. Some are stopped by a superstitious fear - what if the spirits will take revenge on me for my talkativeness, what if something bad happens to me, if only I hint about what happened? Some are afraid that others will consider them crazy and still will not believe in the reality of the events that happened to them ...

Raisa Nikodimovna from Leningrad swore in the memory of her beloved daughter that the story she described did not contain a single word of lies. One day she went to an ad to buy a wardrobe and dressing table. The door was opened by an old man who invited her to go into the apartment. Having carefully examined the wardrobe, Raisa decided not to take it, because it seemed too bulky to her. Her refusal upset the old man, and Raisa, feeling sorry for him, asked to show her the dressing table. However, the old man was in no hurry to fulfill her request, as if doubting something. After a pause, he said:
- Better buy a wardrobe, there it is, how strong it is. It is more than two hundred years old, but it will serve as much more. If the price is high for you, then I can concede to you. And the pier glass, you see, belonged to my late wife, and before that to her grandmother and even great-grandmother. I don't even know if I should sell it. Please buy a wardrobe, I really need money.
However, Raisa's wardrobe did not fit, and she, gently refusing, was about to leave, when the old man said with despair in his voice:

Okay, take the mirror. Zinochka would understand me, because I need money so much!
With these words, the old man trudged off to another room, inviting Raisa to follow him with a gesture.
The room Raisa found herself in was very small. The pier glass occupied almost the entire opposite wall, however, it was not possible to make out it - a huge piece of gray cloth was thrown over it.

As Zinochka died, I didn’t open it, ”the old man explained, removing the dusty cloth from the mirror.
Raisa's breath caught in her throat, not from the dust, but from the beauty of the carved frame into which the mirror was inserted. The woman realized that she would buy a mirror in any case, no matter what money the old man asked for it. The mirror somehow inexplicably attracted her, and Raisa no longer imagined that she could part with it.

Having put the money on the table, Raisa began to wipe the dust off the mirror surface. The old man was sitting in an armchair and, as if making excuses, talked about how his wife loved this mirror. From his story it became clear that the deceased could sit near him for hours. Looking at his treasure, the old man almost cried ...

At home, Raisa Nikodimovna wiped the wooden frame, cleaned the mirror to a shine, and now it shone, reflecting the bright rays of the sun, and on its surface there was not a single flaw, not a single black dot, which is usually found on old mirrors. The carved angels on the sides slyly pressed their plump fingers to their lips, as if calling to keep silent about some secret.

It was more and more difficult for Raisa to look away from the mirror. Whatever she did during the day - whether she cooked dinner, cleaned the apartment, the woman constantly strove to look in the mirror. Before going to bed, she went back to the mirror and gently stroked the frame. The gaze settled on its own reflection. And then, for a second, Raisa thought that the woman, reflected in the mirrored surface, looked much younger. Raisa looked more closely - indeed, she looked much better than in the morning. However, the woman was not surprised: she attributed everything to a good mood (after all, everyone knows that we look as good as we feel).

Raisa woke up in the middle of the night and, without thinking twice, went to the mirror. In the pale moonlight, her reflection was indistinct, but despite this, Raisa again thought that the mirror surface reflected the image of a seventeen-year-old girl. And this girl was she - Raisa! At the same second as the realization of the miracle that had happened to her came, Raisa was seized by a feeling of insane happiness. And it is not surprising, because she had long since said goodbye to her youth, resigned herself to wrinkles and gray hair, which grew more and more every day, when suddenly! .. Raisa raised her hands to her face - the mirror repeated her movement. The skin of her thin, ivory-like arms was smooth, without a single blemish.

God, - exclaimed Raisa and clearly heard a light knock, as if the door had closed.

In the same second, the mirror darkened and the beautiful reflection disappeared.

After that, Raisa did not leave the apartment for a long time and spent all the time next to the mirror. All her life she worked as a director of a department store, got used to being around people and, even after retiring, continued to lead an active lifestyle, and then it was as if she was replaced. Jumping into the store and buying the first groceries that came to hand, she hurried home. There she sat in front of the mirror and looked at the young, beautiful girl she once was. Nothing could bring her as much joy as this mirror.

One day, without knowing why, she removed the mirror from the wall and, laying it face down, began to carefully examine the back surface of the frame. Then, prying the frame with a knife, Raisa detached it and saw on the left side some strange letters, similar to Arabic. Taking a sheet of paper, she carefully copied all the letters, and then rushed to call her many acquaintances. So she found the person she needed.

Having bought a bottle of good brandy, Raisa went to visit the scientist, who supposedly could decipher the mysterious inscription.

A week later, the scientist called her and asked where she saw this inscription. Raisa, of course, did not tell him about her mirror and blabbed some nonsense. The scientist understood perfectly well that the woman was trying to evade an answer, therefore, having stopped questioning, he went directly to the matter:
- I, perhaps, did not quite accurately translate the text, because it turned out to be some kind of nonsense. Something like: "I will be where they look at me, I will be the one who looks into me, but the one who decides to break me will die only one moon later."

Then the scientist became curious again, and he tried again to find out her secret from Raisa:
- Maybe you can at least explain what all this means?

But Raisa, interrupting him in mid-sentence and quickly saying goodbye, hung up.
Perhaps someone else would have been afraid of the strange mirror, but not Raisa. In her life, she had to be afraid of many things: countless checks, OBKHSS and other no less formidable authorities. One SES was worth what! She could negotiate with everyone, cajole, suck up and even bribe, and then some kind of mirror, bought with her own money. Yes, and she saw herself in him young and beautiful, what kind of fear is there ...

As time went on, she did not even notice that she began to see in the mirror not only herself, but also the images of people she was thinking about at that moment. As if in the distance, covered with a translucent haze, she saw the face of her mother or sister, who had died many years ago.

This haze irritated, and one day Raisa decided to wipe the mirror, in the hope that after that she would be able to see more clearly the images of her people. Raisa rubbed too hard, and now the nail on which the mirror was hanging could not stand it and jumped out of the wall ... As in slow motion, Raisa saw a mirror falling to the floor. Then she heard a ringing sound, and thousands of tiny debris flew across the room.

The fear that she experienced at the same time could not be compared with anything. The words immediately surfaced in my memory: "Whoever decides to break me will die only one moon later."

Thoughts in a mad waltz swirled in Raisa's head: what is this - the moon? Perhaps one month? ..
Recovering a little, Raisa rushed to collect the fragments. A painful atmosphere hung in the apartment, as if someone had just died. Throwing a blanket over the remaining fragments, Raisa rushed to her neighbor:
- Listen, when the mirror beats - what's the point?
- Unfortunately, to the deceased, - the friend immediately answered her, but, seeing how Raisa turned pale, the woman immediately rushed to calm her down: - Don't worry, I had Stepanova's book somewhere, there, in my opinion, were something suitable conspiracies.

Raisa died exactly one month after breaking the mirror.

Prerequisites for working with the Looking Glass are extensive knowledge and a strong psyche. And most importantly, you should know by heart special powerful charms-charms so that an accidental mistake does not become fatal for you. Even harmless fortune telling on mirrors is fraught with a latent threat - that is why they use them to guess only on Christmas, when everything in the world is saturated with positive energy. And from the old legends and traditions we know that there were cases when girls died, undertaking to tell fortunes on the mirror at Christmas. My grandmother explained this to me by the fact that, apparently, the unfortunate ones came across crooked mirrors (with defects). In this case, the mirror during divination became a kind of portal through which other entities penetrated into our world.

Another reality or another dimension that exists parallel to our space, but nevertheless separated from us by an impenetrable wall, is figuratively called a mirror. However, it is believed that it is from there that ghosts, brownies, UFOs and any other evil spirits penetrate into our world. But is it possible to enter this strange world from our side?

In folk magic, mirrors were given a special role. An attentive attitude towards them is due to the fact that the mirror turns over the reflected space, which, as it were, continues inside the mirror. It seems that the mirror can reflect not only visible objects, but also the thoughts and feelings of a person, as well as take his soul into a breathtaking looking glass. It is for this reason that mirrors, and with them all reflecting surfaces, are usually hung or removed when there is a dead person in the apartment. The mirror is also of great importance in fortune-telling, where, as it is believed, a maiden of marriageable age can see her betrothed if the mirrors are positioned in a certain way. The mysterious role of mirrors has found its place as a supporting plot in such famous fairy tales as Alice in Wonderland, The Snow Queen and The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors. Of particular importance in the sense of teleportation is the so-called Kozyrev mirror, named after its inventor N.A.Kozyrev. The mirror is a sheet of aluminum polished to a mirror shine, rolled up in a spiral, inside which a person is placed. Experiments on the study of Kozyrev's mirror were carried out in the Siberian branch of the Academy of Sciences in the 90s of the XX century. It was found that the subjects placed inside the cylindrical spiral experienced special psychophysical sensations. Many of them became participants in past historical events and were transferred to another space, received the effect of "leaving their own body", etc.


Most readers are familiar with Gogol's story "The Enchanted Place", which talks about an anomalous zone, stepping on which a person moved to another space. Such places actually exist. An example is the notorious Bermuda Triangle, inside which many ships and planes disappeared without a trace. But where they have moved - God only knows. There are similar zones on land. However, their "strength", so to speak, turns out to be different. The overwhelming majority of such zones "turn on" only for a short time and teleport not everyone in a row, but only people with special psychophysical qualities and with a certain mood. There are also so-called "wandering zones", the place of which is not strictly fixed. There are not so many documented cases of displacement in the press. This indicates the rarity of this phenomenon.

For example, in 1994, a Norwegian seiner discovered a baby in the sea, a girl who was tied to an old life buoy with the inscription "Titanic" and was severely frozen. She was found exactly in that place of the Atlantic Ocean, where the ill-fated ship sank in 1912. How did she get into our time? The child did not know how to speak yet, so it remains to believe that the girl fell into a "hole in time", where the past and the future are somehow connected.

Or here's another case. In the fall of 1880, a resident of the American state of Tennessee, David Lang, walked leisurely along the path to the house across the field. His wife was waiting for him on the porch and looked at her husband. Suddenly, she saw that David had simply disappeared. At first she thought it seemed to her. But the most careful searches did not give anything - the husband disappeared, and as if forever. However, even several years later, in the field, where David Lang disappeared without a trace, a dark circle with a diameter of about 5 meters was clearly visible, on which nothing grew and insects were absent. And when Lang's children ventured into the circle, they heard their father's weak voice, but did not understand what he was talking about. Only many years later, Lang's widow received a letter from her missing husband in the mail, who said that he was in a place called the afterlife by people, and that everything was fine with him ...


A reliable case of teleportation on October 25, 1593 was documented, when a confused soldier in foreign uniforms and with weapons in his hands appeared in the city of Mexico from nowhere. Since the soldier spoke in Spanish, it was found out that he serves in a regiment, which is located in the Philippines, 5,000 kilometers from Mexico. It turned out that the soldier was on duty at the governor's palace in Manila, but how he ended up in Mexico City, he does not know. Many months later, people who arrived from the Philippines accurately confirmed all the details of his story ...

Another similar case occurred with a nun named Maria from the Spanish city of Agreda, who in the 20s of the 17th century made several hundred teleportations to America, where she managed to convert a whole tribe of Indians to Christianity. This was noted by subsequent missionaries, who were very surprised to find aborigines believing in Christ in such a remote place, since no white man had yet set foot here. It was possible to find out that they owe the acquisition of faith to the “woman in blue”. The Indians showed the monks crosses, beads and a liturgical vessel for the consecration of wine. Later it was established that the liturgical vessel was taken from a monastery in Agred. And when the missionaries returned to Spain, they met with Nun Mary, who confirmed everything that the missionaries learned from the Indians.


It is known that academic science, despite all its achievements, cannot explain these phenomena, since they relate to a different reality, while science deals with laws that relate exclusively to the physical world ...

Despite the fact that the very idea of ​​a plurality of inhabited worlds has existed for a very long time, being played up in fairy tales, myths and science fiction, it was first scientifically substantiated by the American physicist Hugh Everett in 1957 in his doctoral dissertation. All the worlds, in his opinion, are nested one into another, like a Russian nesting doll, that is, they can be inside us, and not only on distant stars.

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Through the looking glass is a figurative name for another reality or parallel dimension, which invisibly permeates our usual reality.

This other reality is very close, but at the same time, it is impossible to get into it at will and easily. If the way to the looking glass is closed for an ordinary person, then various entities like brownies, ghosts and UFOs are believed to come from there. But maybe there is still a way to get into this mysterious world?

In folk magic, mirrors played a special role: in fact, the role of a portal between worlds. It was believed that a mirror is capable of reflecting not only what we are able to see with our eyes, but also what remains outside of our perception: thoughts, feelings, soul, and at the same time "pull" it into ourselves, transfer it to the world through the looking glass. That is why, if someone died in the house, all reflective surfaces were covered with a thick cloth: to “close” the entrance / exit to another world.

Since many fortune-telling is associated with appeals to the spirits of ancestors, spirits in general, or simply at random to any entity "from there", mirrors were often used as a portal to obtain any information. A very famous fortune-telling with mirrors for the betrothed, when the mirrors, placed opposite each other, were supposed to show: who is the narrowed. To prevent the image of the betrothed from “jumping out”, the mirrors were placed opposite each other.

The mirror has always been an ambiguous subject: something on the verge of mysticism and science fiction. In fairy tales, mirrors are always magical. They either show something - the truth, a lie - or they allow you to move to another world.

In the field of science, the "Kozyrev mirror" is known, named after its inventor - N. Kozyrev. This is a sheet of aluminum polished to a mirror shine, which is rolled in a spiral. A person enters this spiral, and, being there for some time, experiences amazing visions: sometimes these are memories from his childhood, from the life of his parents, distant ancestors and even peoples of different times. Some of the participants in the experiments said that as a result of the experience, they moved to other spaces and worlds, left their bodies.

Entry points to another world

In the famous story of Gogol, "The Enchanted Place" is told about a certain place, stepping on which, a person moved to another space. The writer's story can hardly be called fiction, because there really are many such places in the world, which is confirmed by various scientific studies.
For example, once in the "field of action" of the Bermuda Triangle, ships and planes disappeared without a trace. They simply disappeared from the radar and the signal from them was never recorded again. Searches for the physical detection of sea and air ships also did not lead to anything. We can only guess where they ended up and whether they will ever return.

Most of these "entry points" do not work all the time: they turn on and off. In Y. Mamin's film "Window to Paris" the role of such a "point" was played by a window that allowed you to move from a St. Petersburg apartment to a Paris street only at certain periods of time, and then the window was closed, and you could only get home by the usual transport route.

There are also such "entry points", which, not only are not always "included", but they are also a portal to another world are not for everyone, but only for people with certain properties and qualities. These people do not have to be magicians or psychics - just different, not like everyone else from the point of view of this very "entry point".

Also known are "wandering entry points", i.e. those that do not have a fixed position in our space: they can appear in different places of a limited territory, but they can manifest their presence anywhere, with an arbitrary frequency.

So, in 1994, a case was described when a Norwegian ship found a baby in the sea, a girl who was tied to an old lifebuoy with the inscription Titanic. She was found exactly in that place of the Atlantic Ocean, where the ship sank in 1912. How did she get into our time? Since the child did not know how to speak, there was no other explanation other than that this was the result of the activity of the “hole in time”.

In the fall of 1880, a resident of the American state of Tennessee, David Lang, leisurely walked along the path to the house across the field. His wife was waiting for him on the porch and looked at her husband; suddenly she saw that David had just disappeared! At first she thought it seemed to her. But the most careful searches did not give anything - the husband disappeared, and as if forever. However, even several years later, in the field, where David Lang disappeared without a trace, a dark circle with a diameter of about 5 meters was clearly visible, on which nothing grew and insects were absent. And when Lang's children ventured into the circle, they heard their father's weak voice, but did not understand what he was talking about. Only many years later, Lang's widow received a letter from her missing husband in the mail, who said that he was in a place called the afterlife by people, and that everything was fine with him ...

October 25, 1593, when a confused soldier in foreign uniforms and with weapons in his hands appeared in Mexico City from nowhere. Since the soldier spoke in Spanish, it was found out that he serves in a regiment, which is located in the Philippines, 5,000 kilometers from Mexico. It turned out that the soldier was on duty at the governor's palace in Manila, but how he ended up in Mexico City, he does not know. Many months later, people who arrived from the Philippines accurately confirmed all the details of his story ...

In the 20s of the 17th century, a nun from the Spanish city of Agreda - Maria - made several hundred teleportations to America, where she managed to convert a whole tribe of Indians to Christianity. This was noted by subsequent missionaries, who were very surprised to find aborigines believing in Christ in such a remote place, since no white man had yet set foot here. It was possible to find out that they owe the acquisition of faith to the “woman in blue”. The Indians showed the monks crosses, beads and a liturgical vessel for the consecration of wine. Later it was established that the liturgical vessel was taken from a monastery in Agred. And when the missionaries returned to Spain, they met with Nun Mary, who confirmed everything that the missionaries learned from the Indians.

What science is silent about

Academic science cannot explain the phenomena of teleportation, because it operates on research data that have been and are being carried out in the conditions of the ordinary reality of our world, and not in the "looking glass" or other worlds. However, there are a number of laws of physics that seem to hint at the possibility of explaining such mysterious phenomena. For example, the "law of conservation of energy" to some extent resonates with various popular beliefs; for example, that, in doing evil, a person must be prepared for the fact that evil will turn against him.
In this regard, one cannot but recall cosmic black holes, compressed spaces, the theory of infinity and many other scientifically confirmed discoveries and laws ...

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