Home Berries Proverbs and sayings about labor with decoding. See what "Small business is better than big idleness." in other dictionaries. Proverb, proverb - "You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty": explanation of the meaning, meaning of a proverb, sayings

Proverbs and sayings about labor with decoding. See what "Small business is better than big idleness." in other dictionaries. Proverb, proverb - "You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty": explanation of the meaning, meaning of a proverb, sayings

Small business is better than big idleness

Class hour

2 " A »Smirnova T.P. GOU SOSH number 156

Theme. "Small business is better than big idleness."

Target. Raising diligence, the desire to bring people joy and happiness with their work.


I. Organizational moment

II. Topic message

Teacher. Guys, today we will talk about hard work. How do you understand the meaning of this word?

Children. Hard work is love for work.

W. Who is said to be a hardworking person?

D. About a man who loves and knows how to work.

III. Introductory conversation

W. Do you think there are hardworking guys in our class?

D. Yes.

W. How did you know about this?

D. According to the actions that they perform.

W. Let's remember what kind, good deeds you have managed to do over the past year. There is a good saying: "A small business is better than a big idleness." How do you understand the meaning of this proverb?

The answers of the children are heard.

Of course, even a small business requires diligence, invention, interest in one's work, and a creative attitude.

ЧТД - alternation of traditional (creative) affairs.

Instructions are given to groups of children for a certain period (1 - 2 weeks).

What assignments and specific responsibilities are alternating with us today?

On the desk:

Group 1: "Clever men and clever men" - the owners of the class (HC).

Group 2: "Funny guys" - the squad of order (DP).

Group 3: "Rayons" - orderlies (C).

Group 4: "Ruddy cheeks" - athletes (F).

Group 5: "Stars" - flower growers (C).

IV. Work on the topic

W. The first to perform will be the group "Clever and Clever" - the class owners. It is still too early for our masters to clean the stairs and corridors of the school, but they certainly can keep clean, maintain order in their own class.

The "class masters" come out.

Student 1. I am on duty in the classroom, I make sure the desks are clean.

Student 2. I monitor the cleanliness of the windowsills.

Student 3. I keep my furniture clean.

Student 4. I take care of the cleanliness of the board and floor.

Everything ( in chorus ). And all together we distribute checked notebooks.

W. Let's play the game "Tell me a word". I will say the beginning of the phrase, and you will say the end of it.

    Clean your shoes from dirt, snow when entering ... ( premises ).

    Don't litter on ... ( floor ) , on... ( desk ).

    Keep everything in order ... ( things ).

    Wash chalk off the board damp ... ( rag ).

    Sweep the floor damp ... ( broom ).

    Ventilate often ... ( premises ).

W. The next group is "Merry Guys". We listen to the squad of order.
The guys in this group monitor how the students of our class follow the rules of conduct at school, observe the rules of politeness and culture of speech.
I want to check how you know the rules of conduct at school.
I offer you the game "And I". If I name the right thing to do, say, "And I." If not, keep quiet. Ready?

    I come to school neatly dressed.

    I rarely pick up a comb.

    I keep all school things in order.

    I come to school on time.

    Entering the school, I push, in a hurry to get ahead of everyone.

    I always say hello when I enter class.

    I never say hello to adults at school.

    I always say hello to adults when we meet.

    I always thank you for your help.

    I always pick up a dropped thing.

    I always take a toy away from a friend.

    I always interrupt the speaker.

    I always put my desk in order.

I see that you know the rules of school conduct and have learned how to follow them well. Let's remember the rules of conduct in the lesson. The guys from the "Merry Guys" group will tell you about them.

Student 1. If you are late for class and enter class after calling, ask the teacher for permission.

Student 2. If an adult enters the class, everyone stands up to greet the newcomer. You can sit down only after the permission of the teacher.

Student 3. During the lesson, sit upright. Hands are on the desk. If you look around, look around and talk in the lesson, you will not hear something important and interesting.

Student 4. If the teacher asks the class a question and you want to answer, raise your hand. You have to raise your hand even when you want to ask the teacher something.

W. Everyone needs a change: both the children and the teacher. What is change? What is it for? What can a student do during recess?

The answers of the children are heard.

Let's listen to Boris Zakhoder's poem "Change". What is it about?

Change, change -
The call is flooded.
The first Vova will certainly
Flies out the door.
Seven are knocked down.
Is it really Vova,
Dozing the whole lesson?
Is it really Vova
Not a word five minutes ago
Couldn't tell at the blackboard?

If he is, then undoubtedly
With him - a big change.
You can't keep up with Vova!
But look, how disastrous!
He made it in five minutes
Redo a bunch of things:
He set up three steps
(Vaska, Kolka and Seryozha),
Rolled somersault
He sat astride the railing,
Famously plopped off the railing,
I got a slap on the head
I gave someone back on the move,
I asked to write off the tasks, -
In a word, he did everything he could!

Well, here - again the call ...
Vova is dragged into the classroom again.
Poor! No face on it!
- Nothing, - Vova sighs, -
We will have a rest in the lesson!

And now a word to the "Rays" group. They are orderlies.
The orderlies monitor the appearance of the children, check the removable shoes, cleanliness of hands before eating, keep order in the dining room, clean the dishes after breakfast, make sure that school supplies are neat.

W. Now we will find out what objects our children use to be healthy. To do this, you need to guess riddles.

Slips away like a living
But I will not release it.
Foaming with white foam
He is not lazy to wash his hands.

D. Soap.

W. There are many teeth, but he does not eat anything.

D. Comb.

W. I am not sugar, not flour,
But it looks a little like them.
In the morning I always
I get on my teeth.

D. Dentifrice.

W. The track says -
Two twisted ends:
"Wash yourself a little,
Wash the ink off your face.
Otherwise you're half a day
Dirty me. "

D. Towel.

W. Bone ponytail
And on the back there is a bristle.
It looks like a hedgehog
But he does not ask for food.
Runs through clothes -
The clothes will become cleaner.

D. Brush for clothes.

W. Laughing Egorka took up the cleaning.
I went to a dance around the room,
I looked around - a clean floor.

D. Broom.

W. If your hands are in wax,
If blots have sat down on the nose,
Who then is our first friend
Remove dirt from your face and hands?
What mom can't do without
Neither cook nor wash,
Without which, we will tell you straight
Should a man die?
To rain from the sky
So that ears of bread grow
To sail the ships
To cook jelly,
So that there is no trouble -
We cannot live without ...

D. Water.

A song about sports sounds.

W. And now "Ruddy Cheeks" - athletes are invited. They will tell about their affairs themselves.

All the guys ( in chorus ). We do:

Student 1. Gymnastics before class.

Student 2. Physical education in the classroom in the classroom.

Student 3. Board games, sports competitions.

Student 4. Outdoor games during breaks.

All the guys ( in chorus ). We have one desire:
We want to become real athletes!

A student reads a poem by Anatoly Kostetsky "Banister competition".

Call ...
Change ...
Today is the competition!
The fight is not for the timid
The fight is not for the frail.
Kind of sport -
on the railing.
Who will move out
never jumping off
way down,
to that - the title of champion
and a PRIZE!
Here comes to the start
vigorous Gena,
greet the noisy athlete.
And he
on the railing
climbs first -
and rushes!
Yes, so dashing
that the nerves are cold.
His whole class froze.
Span ...
U-turn ...
Hooray! Ay yes Genka!
The finish line is about to go!

W. Guys, do you think such a competition is dangerous? Why?

The answers of the children are heard.

Guys, name the games that you can play during recess.

D. Chess, checkers.
- Toy cars.
- Board games.
- "Stream".

Well done! Right!

W. The guys in our class are especially happy about their own green "garden".
The word goes to the "Stars" group. They are flower growers.

Student 1. Houseplants decorate living and office spaces. They especially delight us with their greenery, and sometimes with bright flowers in winter, when everything in nature is covered with snow.

Student 2. The creations of a wise and generous nature teach us to understand and cherish beauty. Wonderful, full of life, our green friends bring coziness and irreplaceable warmth to the classroom where we study.

Student 3. According to doctors, nothing has such a beneficial and healing effect on the state and mood of people as indoor plants. The green color of the leaves has a very beneficial effect on vision, relieves fatigue.

Student 4. Many plants heal the air and even kill harmful microbes, create a healing microclimate in the premises.

Children ( in chorus ). Indoor plants are our friends! And for this we should only be grateful to them.

W. Florists offer the following tasks:

1. Make a picture, name the plant and tell what you know about it.

Each group of students is given a cut picture of a plant.

2. With closed eyes, draw a flower.

Each group of students is given a blank sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen.

Children complete assignments. The result is being discussed.

V. Outcome of work

W. Are you comfortable working in groups? Are there any communication difficulties?

The answers of the children are heard.

Guys, in work, as well as in the game, it is very important that you know how to work together, together.

There are "Teamwork Rules". Let's get to know them.

Students read the Teamwork Rules handout.

1. Agree with your comrades about the general plan of work and its results. Listen to the suggestions of all the guys and choose what is interesting and important for everyone.
2. Distribute the work fairly among yourself. This means equally divide the interesting and the not very interesting, the easy and the difficult, the pleasant and the not very pleasant.
3. Everyone does their job on time and as best as possible, while all the time they have in mind not only their part of the work, but also the general one.
4. As you work, ask how others are doing.
5. Help someone who is not doing well.
6. Learn from others what you do not know how, willingly accept the advice of children, their help and support, if it is needed.

How do you understand the meaning of the proverbs written on the board?

On the desk:

The neatness of a person paints.

Every person is cognizable in deed.

Do all your work, do not nod at the other.

To live without business is only to smoke the sky.

The answers of the children are heard.

What new things have you learned today? What did you want to change in your life?

Children answer.

On this page we have collected sayings and proverbs about labor. Many of them have been familiar to me since childhood. I was raised by my grandmother. And from childhood she taught me to work. She did it so easily and naturally that it did not cause any negative emotions in me.

She taught me to be industrious not with long lectures and instructions, which a child does not like so much, but with the help of apt words and expressions, after which I was ashamed to "beat the thumbs up", as my grandmother put it. 🙂

It was much later that I learned that she was using proverbs and sayings. And then they were just "in the subject."

Today we are publishing proverbs and sayings for you that reveal the meaning of labor for a person.

Proverbs about labor

Do not teach with idleness, but teach with needlework.

Skill and work - they will grind everything!

The arable land is plowed - they do not wave their hands.

Firewood in summer, grass in winter.

A good start is half the battle.

To be held in high esteem - you need to love your work.

Sleep a lot - do not know the case.

Not the one who is good-looking, but the good one, who is good-looking.

There is patience - there will be skill.

Small business is better than big idleness.

If you don't heat it, you won't get warm.

Not the one who is stingy with words, but the one who is stupid in practice.

Work until you sweat, and you eat while hunting.

Easy to get - easy and lived.

Labor is a matter of honor. Be in the first place in your work.

He who loves to work does not sit around idle.

Work more - you will be remembered by the share.

Those who are not lazy to plow will have bread.

A tree is dear to fruits, and a person is dear to deeds.

Do not open your mouth on someone else's loaf, but get up early and get yours.

What goes around comes around.

Learning is the path to skill.

Sown - from a basket, and grew a little.

Work is good - there is something to boast about.

People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the acquired craft.

If you like to ride - love to carry sledges.

It remains to be seen tomorrow - consider yourself stuck.

The lamb is praised in the spring and the chicken in the fall.

God sent a job, but the devil took away the hunt.

While the lazy one straightens up, the diligent one will return from work.

From disorder, everything is shaky.

You will get bitter, but eat it sweetly.

You need to bend over to drink from the stream of water.

Labor sayings

The master's work is afraid.

Skill destroys a rock.

Laziness without salt slurps cabbage soup.

An inept seamstress and a needle and thread get in the way.

The desired job is brighter than the sun.

Whoever made the lock will make the key.

Without rest, the horse does not gallop.

It is pointless to shoot an arrow without a target.

It reaps without sowing, threshes on other people's currents.

Get down to business, exactly uncouth.

Summer day feeds the year.

First you drive me, and then I'll ride you.

He's out of his skin.

On the catcher and the beast runs.

These nuts are too tough for me.

Every bird is fed with its beak.

A sleepy cat does not catch mice.

In words here and there, but in deeds - nowhere.

Every business has its time.

Weaves lace with a tongue.

You will not be full from conversations.

Songs cannot plow a field.

The mouth is wide open, the tongue is on the shoulder.

For the affairs of the day is not visible.

Fields are not sown with words.

The wolf's legs are fed.

Dawn showered with gold.

The master's work is afraid.

Human labor feeds.

It is not the oven that feeds, but the field.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

It is not the gods who burn the pots.

The ant is not great, but it digs mountains.

These are the wonderful proverbs and sayings about work that the people have invented over the course of several centuries! When I read them, I am amazed at how much wisdom there is in these simple and short expressions. I often used these truly unique sayings in communication with my children, and now with my grandson, and I realized that the meaning of most proverbs and sayings fully reaches the consciousness of children. They easily perceive the morality that these "winged expressions" carry and often use them in their speech. Sayings and proverbs about work did their job - my children grew up to be hardworking people.

Proverbs and sayings about labor. Proverbs and sayings about craftsmanship.

Proverbs and sayings about the value and importance of labor, and that without work, there is no life. Proverbs and sayings for preschoolers. Proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren

Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people about labor, about skill

To live without business is only to smoke the sky.

There is no work without hunting.

Rest is not sweet without labor.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Business - time, fun - an hour.

It went like clockwork.

You can't take a fish out of the pond without difficulty.

Do not open your mouth on someone else's loaf,

Get up early and get yours.

A good start is half the battle.

As the master is, so is the work.

Finished business - walk boldly.

Bored day until evening, If there is nothing to do.

Great in body, but small in deed.

It is not without reason that it is said that the master's work is afraid.

Don't say what you did, but say that you did it.

Human labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

Gruzdev called himself get in the body.

Down and Out trouble started.

The first pancake is always lumpy.

And Moscow was not being built all of a sudden.

Whoever eats quickly works quickly.

Patience and work will grind everything.

Every bird is fed up with its nose.

Pick up a berry, pick up a box.

What goes around comes around.

It is not the gods who burn the pots.

Strike while the iron is hot.

A good deed praises itself.

They don't go after business for advice.

Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.

Don't say gop until you've jumped over.

I knew how to start, know how and finish.

The end is the crown of the work.

To eat a fish, you have to climb into the water.

Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the world about labor, about skill

Sweeter than all fruits is the fruit of labor. (Armenian.)

It is useless to put a pattern on the water. (Taj.)

Whoever starts a lot ends up a little. (German.)

There is no work in the world without labor. (Armenian.)

Though the pens are black, the work is white. (Belarusian.)

Whoever collects a lot of things will not do a single one. (Bolg.)

There is no such thing as impossible work. (Azerb.)

With time and patience, a shirt is made from the hemp stalk. (German.)

Whoever dug the ditch knows where the source is. (Azerb.)

Craftsmanship is improved by diligence, And it is lost by idleness. (Whale.)

They study hard work for three years,

Leni - three days. (Whale.)

Hurry up - and tonight will have evening. (Cast.)

A bad dancer always says the ground is uneven. (Vietnam.)

Not having a job is also hard work. (Azerb.)

The source of life is in work,

And success lies in skill. (Mong.)

Haste does not help matters. (Japanese.)

The hardworking barns are full,

The lazy man's dishes are empty. (Buryat.)

One day replaces three

Who knows how to do everything on time. (Whale.)

Better to think about the day

Than working a week in vain. (Finnish.)

You wave your scythe - peace will be sweet. (Bolg.)

Experience is the best mentor. (Latin.)

Your business is lighter than cotton wool,

And someone else's business is heavier than a stone. (Uzbek.)

Himself saws crookedly, but blames the saw. (Vietnam.)

Bad dancer and boots get in the way. (Belarusian.)

Rimma Nikolaevna Odintsova
Labor education lesson for younger schoolchildren "A small business is better than a big idleness"

The course of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment:

Good day! We start our class, and we will start it by defining our mood. To do this, I have emoticons of different colors and with different facial expressions. I'm going to ask you to post a picture of your face that matches your mood on the board.

Well done. I wish you on activities to be active, attentive and hope that class it will be interesting to you and you will learn a lot of new things.

2. Topic message:

What do you think our class? (Answers of children)

Our lesson about labor is called: «» , as the proverb says.

Why do you think I called it that class? (children's answers)

You have little ones just learn to work, so that becoming adults can be able to do a lot, and then it will be easier for you in big world.

Goal setting:

Guys, what would you like to know and what to do on our occupations?




Memorize your desires, and at the end classes tell me, - have we done everything.

3. Updating the reference knowledge:

Think and tell me what is work. (Answers of children)

Oh sure, work is work, a business.

Guys, what are the proverbs about work you know? (children's answers)

Look at the screen, read the proverbs and say how you understand them.

(children's reasoning)

What kind labors, such are the fruits.

Not the one who is good who looks good, but the one who work.

Without starting business - think and starting business - do.

Let's remember what our last were classes.

Look at the screen and remember what we did on these classes and tell... (children's stories about making handicrafts, repairing books, planting indoor plants)


Become a warm-up!

Spin right and left

Count the turns

One-two-three, keep up (Rotation of the trunk to the right and left.)

We start to squat - (Squat)

One, two, three, four, five.

Now walking is in place

Left-right, stop one-two. (Walking in place.)

And they sat down again,

We get down to a business. (The children sit down.)

4. Purchase of new material

Guys tell me what kinds labor you know? (Answers of children)

Work there are physical and mental. What is physical work? (Answers of children)

Physical labor is a type of work activity associated with the application of human physical efforts.

Guys, what are you doing physical labor? (Answers of children)

-Of course: you clean the area, watch the dining room, take care of houseplants, dust off, etc.

And what is mental work? (Answers of children)

Mental work- This is an intellectual activity, in the implementation of which the brain is the working organ.

What is intelligence?

Intelligence - the thinking ability of a person

What are you doing mental labor? (lessons, read books, learn poems, come up with crafts, drawings)

Please tell me, when doing one thing, we can do physical and mental labor? (children's answers) Well done! Of course, we first invent, and then we do.

Mental and Physical work- these are two interconnected aspects of human activity.

I really like the statement of one scientist about labor, read it on screen:

“As in nature itself, the head and hands belong to the same organism, so in the process labor connects mental and physical work»

How do you understand this statement? Well done. What labor trains? (Answers of children)

Yes, labor trains the intellect, improves health.

Now I suggest you solve the problem. What kind labor will you deal with solving them? That's right, mental labor.

We have three tables, and you are 10 people, how many people should sit at each table. (Answers of children)

Well done! Three people will sit at two tables, and four at one.

Before we sit down at the tables, tell me what I have in my hands? Why do we need a bell? Are we ready for the Christmas tree toy? No, we need to finish it.

How do you think what kind labor you will perform? Clever girls! Of course, you will finish the craft mentally and physically. labor... What's missing in our bell? Clever girls, what we are going to hang our bell on the Christmas tree is lacking. Now you will be doing this.

Each seat is signed and you need to find your last name and sit next to it.

Please have a seat.

Creative work "Bell"

You have everything on your tables that you need in order to finish the craft. Get to work. (Finishing the Christmas tree decoration)

Well done! Your bells are wonderful. Now we will carefully put them in a box, and then we will hang them on the Christmas tree.

And now I will ask you to fulfill the physical work... Clean up your work area.

Sit on the chairs.

Look, I have a chenille wire in my hands.

Chenille (translated from French "Caterpillar")

This fluffy fabric wound on a Chenille base is used for upholstery.

If you take wire as a basis, you get a chenille wire.

What does it feel like? Various crafts can be made from this wire. I have in my hands a snowflake made of chenille wire, with which we will conduct the experiment.

Snowflake experience

I will ask you to get up and come to the table. What do you see? Yes, there is water and salt on the table.

Now I will teach you how to make an artificial "snow" from water and salt.

Pour water from a bottle into a jar and add salt and stir everything. What did we do? (children's answers) Yes, we got salt water.

What do you think will happen to the snowflake if we put it in salt water? How long does a snowflake need to lie in salt to get "Snow"? "Snow" we hardly see it in the jar, but if we dip a snowflake made of chenille wire into salt water and leave it for a while. The snowflake will grow overgrown with a salty coating, and we will get it in "Snow"... I kept a snowflake in salt water for several days and see what I got. What does it feel like now? I got a snowflake in "Snow"? We will leave our snowflake in salt water for a week and see what we get.

Sit on the chairs.

5. The final part

Our the lesson is coming to an end... Let's remember the name of our class.

« Small business is better than big idleness»

This proverb fits our occupation? Why do you think so? Yes of course you do little things that teach you to work and great independent life in which there is no place idleness.

What new did you learn and what did you do today at occupations? And remember what you wanted to know on occupations? Have we done everything?

Now, I'm going to ask you to attach an emoji with a facial expression that matches your mood. Look and tell me, has your mood changed? Well done. You are all on occupations worked in all kinds labor, were active and tried to answer with complete answers, made a wonderful bell. Thank you for a great job at occupations.

6. The bottom line. Well, our the lesson is over but this is not the last labor lesson, we will make Christmas decorations and crafts, get acquainted with labor of adults.

7. Work

Before leaving, I will ask you to take the material that we used on classes and take to the group... Lined up. Thanks to all!

Thanks! Until next time!

Proverbs and sayings about work, hard work

Proverbs and sayings bring up diligence and perseverance in a person. They praise the toilers and ridicule the lazy. Man has been done by labor, without labor a man cannot exist. Labor plays an important role in human life. Parents teach their children to work, explaining with the example of proverbs that without labor there will be no results. Proverbs and sayings say that laziness is a bad and depressing occupation, work is good and useful for a person.

Like 987
  1. Rest is not sweet without labor.
  2. You can't get a fish out of the pond without difficulty.
  3. There is no perfection without labor.
  4. Nothing is given without labor.
  5. God loves work.
  6. If there was a hunt, all work would go well.
  7. It is fun to live - the work is getting along.
  8. Took up the tug - do not say that it is not hefty.
  9. Every master in his own way.
  10. Every work of the master is praised.
  11. Every craft is honest, except theft.
  12. Every skill is given by labor.
  13. Where there is desire, there is skill.
  14. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.
  15. Words cannot replace deeds.
  16. To do it somehow, and will not be in any way.
  17. The master's work is afraid.
  18. The case teaches, torments and feeds.
  19. Business - time, fun - an hour.
  20. His craft went on water, went on water - floated water.
  21. Iron does not rust at work.
  22. They undertake everything, but not everything succeeds.
  23. To undertake everything - to do nothing.
  24. And that is the craft who knows how to make a paddle.
  25. And the Shvets, and the reaper, and the gamer on the pipe.
  26. To each - according to his deeds.
  27. As said and done.
  28. As the master is, so is the work.
  29. Rolling stone shaggy will not be.
  30. Who cares, and the blacksmith to the anvil.
  31. To whom work is a burden, he knows no joy.
  32. Finished business - walk boldly.
  33. If you dig it, you will find it.
  34. Whoever runs is catching up.
  35. Who does not work shall not eat.
  36. Whoever gets up early, God gives.
  37. Lazybones and the sun does not rise at the right time.
  38. Lazy - for dinner, zealous - for work.
  39. To cut a forest - do not spare your shoulders.
  40. Do you like to ride, love to carry sledges.
  41. People work, and a quitter sweats.
  42. Small business is better than big idleness.
  43. Hinder business with idleness - you will not go crazy.
  44. The ant is not great, but it digs mountains.
  45. There is a lot of hay making on the sharp scythe.
  46. It is not the gods who burn the pots.
  47. Do not take on your own business, and do not be lazy about yours.
  48. It is not the needle that sews, but the hands.
  49. Without spoiling things, you will not be a master.
  50. It is not the boiler that cooks, but the cook.
  51. If you don't heat it, you won't get warm.
  52. Without bowing to the ground, you cannot raise a fungus.
  53. Do not work, and bread will not be born.
  54. Not work is expensive - skill.
  55. Do not crunch a nut - do not eat the kernels.
  56. Do not rush with your tongue, rush with deeds.
  57. Not so much dew from the sky as sweat from the face.
  58. Not so expensive as red gold, or expensive as a good master.
  59. Not that concern, that there is a lot of work, and that concern, as there is none.
  60. Not the one who is stingy with words, but the one who is stupid in practice.
  61. I didn't know how to sew with gold, so hit it with a hammer.
  62. Do not teach with idleness, but teach with needlework.
  63. It is not difficult to do, but difficult to invent.
  64. Nobody is nice when things are sickly.
  65. The legs are carried and the hands are fed.
  66. From boredom to all trades.
  67. They get healthier from work, and get sick from laziness.
  68. Postpone idleness, do not postpone business.
  69. Arable land is plowed, so they do not wave their hands.
  70. For work and pay.
  71. Know about work and employee.
  72. In service - neither friend nor foe.
  73. Work and hands are reliable guarantees in people.
  74. Work is with teeth, and laziness is with tongue.
  75. Work more - you will be remembered by the share.
  76. Work until you sweat, and you eat while hunting.
  77. Work, don't yawn: summer is a guest, winter is a hostess.
  78. The craft does not ask for food and drink, but feeds itself.
  79. The craft is the golden breadwinner.
  80. Work for hands, a holiday for the soul.
  81. You can't reach out, and you can't get it off the shelf.
  82. Start with God, finish with your hands.
  83. With bad mows, mowing is also bad.
  84. You won't be lost with craft.
  85. Do not postpone today's work until tomorrow!
  86. No sooner said than not proven, it must be done.
  87. Locksmith, carpenter - a jack of all trades worker.
  88. Advice is good, but business is better.
  89. It’s a terrible thing to start.
  90. Patience and work will grind everything.
  91. The ax is sharper, so it's faster.
  92. Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.
  93. Labor created man.
  94. Know how to do business, be able to have fun.
  95. Skill will find application everywhere.
  96. Good work has lived for centuries.
  97. They recognize a good bull under the yoke.
  98. If you want to eat rolls, do not sit on the stove.
  99. Man works - the earth is not lazy; man is lazy - the earth does not work.
  100. A person loses weight from care, not from work.
  101. The more difficult the case, the higher the honor.
  102. What goes around comes around.
  103. What you sink, then you burst.
  104. That we work, we will eat.
  105. What's said is done.
  106. To eat a fish, you have to climb into the water.

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