Home Useful Tips Sofia igorevna meaning. The meaning of the name sophia, character and fate. Sonya's personality traits in childhood

Sofia igorevna meaning. The meaning of the name sophia, character and fate. Sonya's personality traits in childhood

It is difficult to meet people who would not be worried about the future, and many believe that it cannot be changed, fate itself will decide who and how to benefit. Regardless, there are several ways to improve future events, and this can be done easily if you choose the right name for your baptism. What positive or undesirable events can happen if the daughter was given the name Sophia, the meaning of the name, character and fate for girls?

The meaning of the name Sofia for a girl is brief

A beautiful name that adults often choose for their baby - Sofia, the meaning of the name, character and fate are of interest to them first of all, because too much depends on the right choice. That is why it is necessary to find answers to all questions in order not only to avoid troubles or unforeseen situations, but also to give your child all the best.

The meaning of the name Sophia for a girl is short - "wise". The relatives of the baby will be convinced of the veracity of this interpretation very soon, because already in childhood she will be distinguished by making the right decisions. This will be greatly facilitated by a wonderful intuition that will not allow you to make a mistake.

Parents will quickly get used to consulting their daughter on any occasion, and even in solving difficult issues they will certainly listen to her opinion. More often than not, it will be the most correct. At school, too, teachers will learn to rely on the girl's prudence, and will often trust her to make the most responsible decisions in the class.

What does the name Sofia mean for a girl according to the church calendar

What pleasant surprises will please the parents who have chosen this wonderful and promising name, saints for their baby? What does the name Sophia mean for a girl according to the church calendar? These questions are often the most important for adults, because every father or mother wants only pleasant events in life for their baby, therefore they are extremely responsible for the choice of the patron saint.

Sofia, the meaning of the name, character and fate - Orthodox literature can tell a lot to adults who are going to baptize their baby. The meaning of this name does not change even in the church calendar, which indicates that its main interpretation is “wise”.

The baby will have no shortage of patron saints, she will be able to celebrate the name day twice - in June (4th) and September (30th). The most powerful is Sophia, the mother of Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov. It is she who is most often robbed of the patroness of her child, relying on the kindness and mercy of the great martyr.

The mystery of the name Sophia - beliefs and omens

What are the mysteries of the mystery of the name Sophia? Many women consider the day of this holy great martyr their holiday and call it Baba. On their holiday, they gather for gatherings, collectively do handicrafts, discuss outfits, rural news to their heart's content, and then sit down for a gala dinner. The most delicious dishes are certainly present on the table, there is plenty of booze. Men on this day are not supposed to scold their faithful, she has the right to sit with her friends once a year and have fun.

The Sofia Autumn Festival is the day when the crops in the fields and gardens must be fully harvested. The owner is considered bad if he could not manage the garden or fruit trees in a timely manner. After this holiday, the first frosts may already appear. That is why good owners try to cope with the work on time, so as not to be known as a lazy person, and not to be left for the winter without supplies.

There are many signs associated with Sofia's day, and one of them is about the weather. If during the day it is dry, then the winter will be frosty, without thaws. If it rains, then the winter season may come with a delay and will be warm.

The origin of the name Sofia and its meaning for children

Like the most common names, Sophia originated from ancient Greece. It is in the legends and myths of this country that you can find many women called by this name. Most often they are wise, persistent, loyal and fearless.

The origin of the name Sofia and its meaning for children - parents often try to find out in advance everything that can somehow help in raising a baby. It should be borne in mind that much here may depend on the great martyrs who patronize the baby. Their guardianship is felt from childhood - the saints take part in the upbringing of the baby.

From an early age, she will certainly show remarkable abilities in her studies. Sofia will learn to read and count early, she usually goes to school already prepared. That is why she will be quite inattentive in class, which can lead to poor grades. Over time, the girl will understand how important it is to listen to the teacher, her success will increase significantly.

Little Sophia is an excellent hostess, although she is often lazy to clean her room. The toys can lie scattered about for several days, so mom needs to prepare for the fact that she will have to teach the child to order. Here, in the kitchen, the girl will prove herself just wonderful - she loves to cook, and she prefers to pamper homemade ones not with simple dishes, but with culinary masterpieces, which she will gladly look for in magazines and on the Internet.

The character of a girl named Sofia

How difficult will the character of the girl named Sofia be? From childhood, the baby will clearly show both her best qualities and shortcomings. Of course, she has much more positive traits, among them:

  1. livability;
  2. conscientiousness;
  3. delicacy;
  4. compassion for people;
  5. helpfulness;
  6. dedication;
  7. wisdom.

One of the negative qualities of a girl is excessive shyness. This often prevents her from getting to know her peers, and over time can become an obstacle in establishing relationships with young people. Most likely, relatives will not be able to cope with this trait, so it is better to leave everything as it is.

Another unpleasant trait is some recklessness. Sofia is capable of unpredictable actions, which often lead to difficulties in life. The only thing that can be done in such cases is to learn to restrain herself and think over every step, which is bad for her.

The fate of a girl named Sofia

Already from childhood, the baby is firmly moving towards the goal, because she already definitely knows which specialty she will choose. What profession will please the fate of a girl named Sofia? She can become:

  1. critic;
  2. a musician;
  3. choreographer;
  4. public figure;
  5. publisher;
  6. a writer;
  7. critic.

Much depends on the parents here, so you should not refuse your daughter's help - even if she does not need it, it is important to show that she is not alone and there are people nearby who are not indifferent to her future. Adults should also carefully monitor what hobbies the girl will have at school age. If she expresses a desire to learn how to play a musical instrument or take up dancing, be sure to help her with this.

In translation- wise (Greek).

The patron planet of Sofia: Venus, Pluto.

Favorable colors for the owner of the name Sophia: silver, purple.

Sofia's favorite color: White.

Sophia's mascot stones: marble, agate.

The meaning of the name Sophia

The name of a person is impulsive, deep and serious enough.

Sofia is by nature purposeful, hardworking, very careful, modest, scrupulous, distrustful, power-hungry, suspicious, overly jealous, calculating. Sofia is prone to loneliness, melancholy. Fate is not supportive of Sofia, she, as a rule, has a hard life. But Sofia is a very pretty and strong-willed woman. And this helps her to survive in difficult conditions.

In family life, she will strive for leadership, her strong will is able to subjugate a man, but she will do it all quietly, without unnecessary screams, although very persistently. Sofia is very emotional, and you should not overly trust her restraint. Take a closer look: behind the external calmness of Sofia lies a volcano of passions. Sofia is extremely cunning, and you can expect anything from her.

Sophia's behavior is the behavior of a person who has good volitional qualities and tries to drive emotions into depth. But after all, feelings cannot be completely drowned out - sooner or later they will break through like steam escaping from a boiler, or they will gradually poison a person's life, manifesting themselves in strange actions or a gloomy mood.

Nevertheless, despite all her negative qualities, Sofia is a talented and wise person, which fully corresponds to the meaning of her name.

Sofia is getting a good education. She can work as an editor, doctor, artist, engineer. Sophia is assiduous and pedantic, she is always respected in the service. If she chooses a profession in the field of exact sciences, medicine, chemistry, then she will certainly achieve success. A career in the field of a financier and manager will also turn out well. She has an excellent memory, great capacity for work, an iron will.

Sofia has no real friends. She does not know how to be sincere to the end, and her friends feel it. Sofia can come to the rescue, but not always. In other words, Sofia cannot be a pure, sincere, ingenuous friend, which is why she has no friends.

In numerology named after Sophia the number 3 corresponds, symbolizing versatility, gaiety, a penchant for science, art.

Known in the history of Sophia

The day of September 30 is revered among the people as “world-wide women’s name days” in memory of the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda, Lyubov and their mother Sophia, who lived in Italy in 137 and openly confessed faith in Christ. Upon learning of this, the emperor Hadrian wanted to force them to offer sacrifice to the goddess Artemis, but the young virgins endured the most severe tortures, not betraying the Christian faith. Sofia, having buried her daughters, died 3 days later at their grave, and the believers buried her in the same place.

Sophia has an innate sense of superiority over others, which is not justified by her personal qualities, she feels superior just because she is. The name Sophia was borne by crowned persons who received superiority over other people from the moment of birth. In the history of Russia, the name of Sophia (Zoya) Paleologos has been preserved - the niece of the last Byzantine emperor Constantine XI, the wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III. As the spouse of the last Byzantine princess, the Grand Duke of Moscow became the successor of the Byzantine emperor, who was considered the head of the entire Orthodox East, and Moscow, as the heiress of Constantinople, became the Third Rome, the last and eternal kingdom of the entire Orthodox world.

Another crowned person named by this name is Sophia Alekseevna, an energetic and ambitious princess, ruler of the Russian state in 1682-1689. After the death of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, Sophia achieved the proclamation of both young brothers as tsars, and she herself began to rule as "the faithful empress Princess Sophia Alekseevna." She managed to suppress the turmoil raised by the "schismatics" in Moscow, restore discipline in the rifle regiments, and make peace with Poland. But when the boyars, "amusing" regiments, foreign servicemen and part of the archers took the side of the matured Peter, Sophia refused to fight and was imprisoned in the Novodevichy Convent.

A woman named Sophia feels a great need to devote herself entirely to some kind of business, be it caring for the welfare of relatives or social activities. She is managerial, has the ability to live and organize life. At the same time, it seems to her that disobedience to her will is disobedience to the right and proper. An example of this is Sophia Tolstaya, the wife of the great writer, the mistress of the “glass” house, “open to all passing by,” the mother of thirteen children and the grandmother of twenty-five grandchildren. Sophia Berge, a beautiful, slender brunette, got married at 18. Leo Tolstoy, shortly after the wedding, will write in his diary: "She is so impossibly pure and good, and whole for me ..." The young wife, for her part, constantly strove to reach the level at which her husband stood in her eyes. “Feeling,” she wrote, “the overwhelming superiority of Lev Nikolaevich in everything: age, education, mind, life experience, not to mention his genius, I was drawn with all my strength to spiritually approach him ... I felt my powerlessness” ... Even during working hours, Tolstoy did not part with his wife. She sat silently on the sofa with needlework while he wrote, and in the evening she began to rewrite the sheets that had been written during the day. She never missed this job and considered it one of her main responsibilities. Tatyana Sukhotina-Tolstaya wrote about her mother, explaining the reasons for the subsequent family tragedy: “The first big grief in her life was the discovery of her husband's past single life. Until her death, she could not come to terms with the idea that she gave him all her love, while he loved other women before her.<...>And she is jealous of everything and everyone: “I read the beginning of his works, and wherever there is love, where there are women, I feel disgusting, hard, I would have burned everything, everything ... And I was not sorry for his work, because from jealousy I am becoming a terrible selfish. "

The writer's spiritual interests have changed over time. He decides to start a new life, give up property, distribute property and live by the labor of his hands, as peasants live. Sofya Andreevna did not understand why it was necessary to destroy the happy, calm life of the family, but she did not agree to part, because the family, the well-being of the children had always been something sacred to her. In addition to caring for the children, Sofia Andreevna was on the shoulders of Yasnaya Polyana's household, she also did business with publishers, booksellers, and answered a huge number of letters. All of Russia read her appeals to public opinion during the famine of 1891-1893.

In Sofia Andreevna's refusal to go after her husband, there was no ill will or self-interest. She believed that giving up property rights would deprive her children and grandchildren of their livelihoods. After forty-eight years of family life, Tolstoy still left his home ... Sofya Andreevna survived her husband for nine years, endlessly repenting that she could not fully understand and share his beliefs.

Sophia always makes decisions on her own. Having set himself a definite goal, he can move mountains to achieve it. Sophia Kovalevskaya, a Russian mathematician, author of the novel "Nihilist" and the drama "The Struggle for Happiness", undoubtedly possessed such character traits. She received a comprehensive education and early discovered outstanding mathematical ability. But women had no access to St. Petersburg University at that time, so she took private lessons in mathematics from the famous teacher A.N. Strange love. In 1868, in order to be able to engage in science, Sophia entered into a fictitious marriage, which later became de facto, with the famous paleontologist V.O. Kovalevsky and left for Heidelberg, where she was able to continue her education. Then she moved to Berlin and worked for Weireshtrass for 4 years, who agreed to give her lessons, because women were also not allowed in the University of Berlin. Several times Kovalevskaya tried to get a place at Moscow and St. Petersburg universities, at the Higher Courses for Women in Paris - and everywhere she was refused, but finally, in 1884, she was offered the position of assistant professor and then professor at Stockholm University.

For 8 years of work, Sofia Kovalevskaya taught 12 courses. She became the first woman - a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

Sophia (Sonechka) Marmeladova is the name of the heroine of Fyodor Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment. Transgressing the most important moral line for her and saving her father and his family from starvation, she becomes a public woman. But it is she, “the eternal Sonechka Marmeladova,” who opposes the inhuman theory of the protagonist Rodion Raskolnikov in the novel, defending the impossibility of anyone else to dispose of human life, recognizing only one sacrifice - her own happiness and well-being. For Sonya, who seemed to be so poorly educated and far from philosophical research, every person is valuable. Therefore, she will be able to separate Raskolnikov himself from his theory and help him start a new life. Many women with the name Sophia have a purity of soul and morality, which was characteristic of Sophia Marmeladova.

One of the most outstanding actresses of our time is the Italian Sophia Loren. Starting with participation in a beauty contest in Naples in 1949, she then began to appear in episodic roles. Fame brought her participation in the film "The Gold of Naples". The external data of the actress was noticed, and she was invited to act in Hollywood. Her versatile talent allowed her with equal success to create dramatic and comedic characters in the films: "Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow", "Trip", "Marriage in Italian", "An Unusual Day", "White, Red and ...", " Bridge of Kassandra "and others. Many of her works were awarded the" Oscar "and special prizes at international festivals.

She is still one of the most popular women in the world and one of the first beauties. Perhaps Sophia Loren's secret is that she, unlike others, does not look young and does not hide her age, and therefore looks natural and attractive.

In life, as many of her acquaintances say, the actress keeps herself simply, does not suffer from star fever or arrogance - in this she is similar to many women named Sophia. When she was once asked how she manages to stay young, she replied: “All people get old, you just need to take care of yourself, dress with taste, go in for sports.”

Sofia Vitovtovna - wife of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily I; in the early childhood of her son Vasily II, she ruled the principality; in 1451 she led the defense of Moscow against the Tatars.

Sophia Perovskaya is a revolutionary, populist, organizer and participant in the assassination attempt on Emperor Alexander II.

Sofya Smidovich is a leader of the Russian revolutionary movement, a participant in three revolutions.

Sophia Parnok is a poetess and literary critic, the addressee of Marina Tsvetaeva's poetic cycle "Friend".

Sofia Pavlova - actress of the Theater. Ermolova, played Anyuta in the film "Communist".

Sofiko Chiaureli - film actress, starred in the films "The Tree of Desire", "Look for a Woman", "Arevik".

Sofia Rotaru - pop singer, played the main role in the film "Soul".

Sophia Magarill - theater and film actress, starred in the films "Enemies", "Masquerade".

Sophia is a name that says that its owner is endowed with an extraordinary mind, literally it translates as "wise".

Origin of the name

A nickname appeared in Russia even at the time of the adoption of Orthodoxy, then it sounded like Sophia, only the daughters of aristocrats were given this name. The name became available to the common people only in the 19th century.

general characteristics

Sonechka is a little fidget, she is a very active child, which is not so easy to keep track of. The baby grows up friendly and extremely sociable, there are always many friends around her. The girl tries to show her best qualities, children are drawn to her, adults adore this smart and inquisitive baby.

Sophie rarely cries, asks for help only when it is necessary, preferring to cope with minor problems on her own. She will not distract her elders over such trifles as an untied shoe lace or a small scratch.

At school, Sophia tries to get good grades, her phenomenal memory helps her to succeed in her studies. Teachers never tire of praising the girl and setting an example for other children.

However, like any person, Sonya has disadvantages. She is selfish and stubborn, she oppresses her line to the last. These qualities can be overcome if relatives notice their manifestation in time.

Parents should try, raising their daughter, to instill in her patience and philanthropy. The girl should understand that all people are imperfect, and one should not expect the impossible from them, then she will learn to close her eyes to other people's shortcomings, and will be less critical of herself.

Positive character traits

Sonechka always acts honestly, her conscience does not allow her to deceive anyone, even in small matters. The girl does not hide the diary from the teachers, she honestly tells her parents if she got a bad mark. Conscientiousness remains with her in adulthood.

The feeling of compassion brought up in Sonya makes the girl kind, delicate, able to empathize with friends. Without hesitation, she will rush to the aid of a person in trouble, even a stranger.

Sofia has an analytical mindset, in her clever head everything is laid out on the shelves. This wise woman is able to find an answer to any life question.

Negative character traits

Sociable as a child, Sonechka can become shy as a teenager. If the family does not help the girl regain her confidence, she will remain shy forever. This quality will interfere with Sofia in getting a job and when communicating with people.

The owner of the name is so attached to her own mother that she can completely obey her instructions, being already an adult and independent. This behavior will not have the best effect on Sophia's personal life.

Passions are raging in Sonya's soul, but she hides her true feelings from those around her, embarrassed to express them. A girl can follow the lead of a momentary impulse and commit a rash, stupid act.

Sonya is also inherent in excessive seriousness. She is often too demanding of herself and picky about everyone around her.

Zodiac sign


Sofiyushka, Sofiechka, Sofiyka, Sonya, Sonya, Sonya, Sofyushka, Sofa, Solnyshko, Sonya, Sofia, Sofushka.

According to Florensky

Being intuitive, Sophia has her intellect (weak or strong - in different cases, differently) as a service organ of the spirit and therefore does not experience sharp collisions between intuition and reason. Reason, which does not have a desire for autonomy, does not tempt her to rationalism and always observes, to one degree or another, fidelity to the true impressions of life. Intuition, on the other hand, always having with it the organ of its self-separation and self-expression, is not inclined to tear apart consciousness as a sub- or superconscious.

Before it manifests itself, the subconscious gradually ascends through the forms of the mind, filtering and balancing in them. Therefore, the very concept of antinomy is hardly accessible to Sophia, in her consciousness she deals with the products of processing perceptions, but not with raw perceptions. She knows intuition as a special taste of consciousness, but does not know the subconscious and superconscious. Sophia has sensitivity and the resulting

a life text, but prophetic breakthroughs from the subconscious, like a cry of other worlds about itself, do not reach her: her internal structure is too coherent to let in such uncoordinated and unforeseen revelations inside herself. Sophia is too stable in herself to be things. She does not remain - neither in a bad nor in a good sense - defenseless against reality, and any external influence will immediately be followed by an expedient and clear reaction, determined by the essence of the matter and at the same time characteristic of Sophia's personality. Raw

impressions from the depths do not invade Sophia's consciousness. And if, in spite of the self-protection of the spiritual organism inherent in Sophia, another world would still take him by surprise and burst into it, then such a surprise would be extremely embarrassing and frightening Sophia: Sophia is used to living protected from surprises in a reliably built fence from the outside world , among the spiritual economy, albeit modest, but going from day to day according to the routine. She has a will for orderliness and centripetalness, due to which she is inclined to orient herself on the nearest organized and arranged by her, that is, on the coherence of her own activity or even on the harmony of her own personality. Internally proportional in its activity, it tends to see in it a certain general criterion. Sophia is self-sufficient, she lives, not accepting the idea of ​​the incommensurability of her own comfort with the world whole. The tragic as a category is not only alien, but also hostile to her, is pushed out of her consciousness, and when she encounters the tragic in life, she experiences it, albeit in deep sorrow, but without the sweet feeling of the infinite, that is, not as tragic. Therefore, despite the breadth of her horizons and loyalty and firmness of mind, Sophia does not understand the elements of the Dionysian and substitutes a different concept instead of the concept of it - about insufficient, in a way imperfect, perverted, but nevertheless reasonable and normative: disgrace for her is only disgrace and is devoid of its quality characteristics. Right before the spiritual gaze of Sophia,

proportionate, staying within the boundaries and limits. Infinity, terrible, stunning, catastrophically sweeping away any established order, does not reach the consciousness of Sophia in its original and incomparable greatness: Sophia does not realize and does not understand the primordial darkness, Tyutchev's night, and therefore, herself aspiring and embodying, she remains spiritually alien to the noumenal (unknowable ) the foundation of being is ousii. Here is a kind of contradiction between the activity of Sophia and her consciousness: Sophia descends from the transparent and harmonious sky of norms to the earth, viscous and tense in its power; Sophia does not want to remain in pure and inactive contemplation; she strives for creation and organization. But at the same time, she does not know in herself that dark, blissfully dark and excess darkness into which she descends, and therefore does not understand outside of herself. A real impulse, the whole meaning of which is only in its essential immensity, Sophia seems only a disorder, and she would like, without denying

it finally, to make it more moderate; and - beyond her understanding, that this would mean decisively destroying him in his very essence.

Wide in her outlook, Sophia will not take measures to eradicate the Dionysian, perhaps because her natural tact allows her to feel in advance the failure of such attempts. But he will not be able, and also will not want to admit his own truth of the Dionysian dissolution, he will not reconcile with the Dionysian one, but will only endure it, partly with contempt, partly with arrogance. Coming to the ugly earth from the kingdom of images, Sophia realizes herself carrying a mission and therefore enters the world not as a member of the world whole, not as a link of mutual responsibility and communication of the creatures of the world, but in a world order, legislatively (the first refers mainly to Sophia, and the second to Basil), in a word, as power. Her condescension to the world is rooted not in recognition of the truth of the world and not in the consciousness of her common weakness with the world, but in separating herself from the world and opposing herself as power, as a source of world order to the world, which is mired in ). In Sophia there is no spiritual pride in the sense of declaring oneself to be the first in that heavenly region; and there is no love of power in Sophia, no desire to subjugate others. But Sofia, due to the consciousness of her unearthly destiny, which she mistakenly considers to be deliberately superior and does not admit the thought that the ugly night is also from God and can be closer to God - Sofia is domineering and believes that power is by nature, according to the make-up of her personality of course must belong to her. Sophia takes power as her own, and does it with an unblemished conscience, because her hand will never tremble from doubt whether this is right. And she cannot flinch, since Sophia takes power, and others do not give her

obstacles, as long as this is done in the name of truth and good - the only truth and the only good known to Sophia. Sophia has an innate sense of herself as being superior to those around her by nature - not by her personal merits, but by her birth itself, this can probably be compared with the self-awareness of crowned persons who can very modestly think of themselves, be aware of their shortcomings, be easy to handle and helpful and yet feel separated from other people by a special kind, natural power. Sophia's self-awareness of herself as power is so vivid and vivid in her that any non-recognition of her power by those around her causes internal protest, but not because of hurt pride or unsatisfied vanity, but as some untruth, as a distortion of the proper order. Hence - the impression of pride, which often produces on the insufficiently thoughtful Sophia, although this is not pride, but something else, much deeper. Sophia is managerial, organizing, has the ability to live and organize life, in this ordering of life she brings both art and science, with which she is busy and capable of, but precisely to the extent of their applicability in the general structure of life as a means, and not as a cultural end in itself. and therefore it seems to her implied that disobedience to her authority is not disobedience to her, but to the right and proper. And Vasily is not inclined to use direct violence, preferring to achieve the norms approved by him with a more complex system.

beliefs and attractions. As a woman and as a creature of a plane farther from the earth, where everything is linked by an urge to the goal, and not by the impetus of a reason, Sophia is much more alien than Vasily to the idea of ​​violence and tries to achieve the goal by the finest organization of internal influences. I don’t know what word to choose for them, because “enchantment” contains a shade of the concept of acting on a dark mustache, on dealing with the subconscious, and the way of influencing those around Sophia is more transparent, more directed towards consciousness and the subtlest intellectual emotions and the area moral and emotional.

Sophia appeals to the vast tasks of life-building and to the feelings associated with them. Even when it comes to small things and, apparently, devoid of general meaning, Sophia for herself and for others here reveals and emphasizes the moment of objective significance. But this is never cheating, although it can be a mistake. Sophia's normativity is highly alien to untruthfulness and ambivalence. Honesty, especially honesty in word, inherent in Sophia, is manifested by the certainty of expressions, their completeness, which should not leave any unconfirmed relations. This directness can turn into sharpness, if it were not softened by circumambulation. But this latter should in no case come close to coquetry, subjective and untrue: the absence of coquetry is one of the characteristic features of Sophia. And inner coquetry, that is, an inauthentic relationship with reality, is alien to it: daydreaming, creating illusions for oneself, melancholy - all this is not Sophia's business.

Thus, in the structure of her spirit, Sophia deviates significantly from femininity; but this does not mean that she has masculine traits: her organization approaches the masculine, since this latter itself, moving away from the polar bifurcation of human nature, can approach the angelic, common to both sexes, the root type of humanity. And in Sofia there is this "angelic fortress" - not the fortress of a knobby, solid male body, but the elastic force of a very trained female body, as significant as it is inconspicuous in external parameters, Sofia is not just a woman who conquers, without wanting to, but and is not a power that does not ask for consent. She is the Tsar-Maiden, or, as the Georgians put it about the semi-mythical Tamara, - Tsar-Tsarina. And in this microcosmic self-suppression, Sophia echoes with Alexander, with the difference that in Alexander the internal balance is given statically, while Sophia's balance is kinetic, and she is, if not in external, then in internal movement, in the tireless play of internal life. But, despite the difference in the origin of both balances, in Sophia there is the same innermost dissatisfaction as in Alexandra. She is too monumental to not find a cozy place for herself in her own household. The warm flesh of the world does not find its rightful place in its worldview, but meanwhile it is it that determines the warmth and righteousness of all personal, personal life, personal relationships. Sophia once and for all decided to look at the world and rule the world from such a height, from where this warmth is not visible, and therefore the very concept of her was expelled from the circle of her thoughts. As a result, it is difficult for Sophia to accept human life in the fullness of humanity in humility and gratitude, as a lawful and righteous blessing; being focused in life, she has the blessings of life and has more than many others, but not for her own good and not for her joy - she does not value them positively, but gets used to thinking of them as something implied, along with power , and therefore, using them, without thinking about them, she painfully and with inner protest endures their deprivation.

Nevertheless, under this monumental and majestic appearance, human efforts still live and, albeit with difficulty, bring to consciousness their demands, their impulses to something that is closer to the heart than the most truthfully expressed truth. The basis of the personality, not having the fullness of manifestation through the face, feels itself in itself and its name - majestic, too majestic for itself. Sophia's contempt for the flesh has a downside a feeling of alienation to herself as a person, and with it, her own name. When this dark background of the personality is strong, Sophia, as if buried under her own name, can be seized by fatalistic depression, apathy, lethargy, and a thirst for death. But death here seems desirable not at all as a transition to another world, but as a protest of powerlessness on the part of life, which wants, but does not have the inner ability to express itself. Then Sophia flees life from the lust for life. So, the mobile and active Sophia is an everlasting energy, it can appear constantly or sometimes, temporarily, in stripes in a completely different type and state - sluggish, sleepy and apathetic, like Sonya-sleepyhead; and in accordance with such a spiritual state, it will be excessively full, without blush and as if asleep. But one should not be deceived by this appearance: in this dream, under the dampness of external manifestations, the deepest dissatisfaction and passive avoidance of feelings, from the understanding of the sacred truth, smolder especially painfully under the dampness of

it is too far away to be able to either actively satisfy them or actively refuse.

According to Mendelev

The only area where Sophia does not have to change herself is the area of ​​intimate relationships, love and sex. The presence of the signs of "gentle", "feminine", "light" and "hot" definitely allows us to assert this. In any case, men feel in her some kind of unusualness, dissimilarity from others: this is her trump card and advantage.

We wish you success, tenderness and lightness, as well as femininity; with a certain amount of luck, Sophia may have a completely acceptable fate.

Sophia's colors are white and red, and sometimes also blue.

1. Personality: determined women

2. Color: green

3. Main features: sexuality - receptivity - sociability - activity

4. Totem plant: cedar

5. Totem animal: swallow

6. Sign: Libra

7. Type. From childhood, they set an extraordinary pace of life for the family. They are both active and phlegmatic at the same time, their main feature is the ability to solve any problem in a few minutes. They are very mobile, they cannot sit still. Like their totem, the swallow loves the sun and adores travel.

8. Psyche. They want to know everything and go through everything, they do not like to be in the shadows. They are inclined to a spiritual striptease, and if you refuse to listen to their confession, you will strike in the very heart.

9. Will. Is it their ambition, the desire to simply assert themselves? Only they can answer this

10. Excitability. Often called artificially, in other words, they know how to act out emotions and they themselves believe in them.

11. The speed of reaction. They do not like it when something is done without their knowledge and participation, they need to play an important, and even the main role in a comedy called life. Such women like to surround themselves with a cheerful company of friends, failures do not unsettle them.

12. Field of activity. This is not to say that they enjoy learning, they learn along the way. They make up reporters, travelers, their profession should be associated with travel.

13. Intuition. They use their own conclusions more often than intuition.

14. Intelligence. They are smart, think globally. They have golden hands, they can do everything, at least so they say so.

15. Susceptibility. These women need love and want to be told that they are loved.

16. Morality. They are firm, capable of heroic deeds, understand other people's weaknesses, but are intolerant of their own mistakes.

17. Health. Gourmets, and hence all their problems. From childhood, you need to follow the diet.

18. Sexuality. They do not deny anything to those they love, they have a loving heart.

19. Activity. These women have tremendous opportunities.

20. Sociability. They love to receive guests, they love their family, they are often simply obsessed with their love for children, but they understand the role of a wife in a somewhat unusual way. Their husbands need a lot of stoicism.

21. Conclusion. These are charming hotties that will angelically persuade you to get married.

By D. and N. Winter

The meaning and origin of the name: "Wisdom" (Greek)

The energy of the name and character: Sophia is an impulsive and deep name, but she itself contains a distrust of her sensuality and sufficient seriousness. However, it is not for nothing that in ancient times this word was chosen to denote wisdom, which cannot be achieved without depth of feelings. Indeed, it is easy to conquer your passions when they are weak, the one who is able to balance the deepest experiences will gain wisdom. It is a pity, of course, that this happens very rarely in life.

Most often, Sophia from childhood grows up as a very diligent and diligent child, and it is not difficult for parents to accustom her to such a concept as "necessary". It can hardly be expected that her studies will be easy for her; nevertheless, in most cases, the knowledge gained through hard work turns out to be deeper. With age, Sophia's hard work can find an excellent application for herself both in terms of her career and in family life. She is an excellent housewife and reliable worker, but it is not uncommon for her behavior to reflect the strength of her pent-up emotions.

First of all, this can make Sophia very talkative, especially if she has not found a way out of her sensuality in any career, be it science that requires great and passionate love, or even more emotional art. If Sophia does not have such a way out, then deep feelings can give her considerable suffering and require some kind of manifestation, so Sophia can often talk for hours with friends and relatives about her own and other people's problems. Moreover, in most cases, such conversations are by no means like carefree washing of bones.

In family life, Sofia is unlikely to strive to play an active role as a leader, although her strong will is able to subjugate a man, which she will do without unnecessary screams, but very persistently. Here she should be more careful, because no matter how hard Sofia tries to hide her feelings, their severity can still negatively affect the relationship. It is not difficult to rectify the situation if you try to make up for the tendency to humor that is missing in the energy of her name. At least a lighter attitude towards life doesn't hurt. At the same time, one day it can help her to more easily survive a situation when a passion that suddenly pulled out outward will require her to drastically change her life and surrender herself to the power of a reckless feeling of unexpected love.

Communication secrets: Sofia knows how not only to share her problems, but can also play the role of a lightning rod for your problems. At the same time, she often does better to help someone else's trouble than to cope with her own. In the event of any conflicts, it would be most reasonable to calmly appeal to her mind.

Name trace in history:

Sophia Loren

The Italian film actress who conquered the hearts of millions, Sofia (Sophie) Lauren (born 1934) is still one of the most popular women in the world and, despite the fact that she is already over seventy, is considered a real beauty, while the charms of many other Hollywood sex symbols fade quickly. Perhaps Sophia Loren's secret is that, unlike many representatives of her profession, she is not young and does not try to hide her age, and therefore looks natural and attractive? One way or another, the actress began her career precisely from her appearance - from the age of fifteen she participated in beauty contests, where she was noticed by producer Carlo Ponti. Subsequently, Ponti became her husband and began to actively arrange for his cute protégé a role in the cinema. By the way, another quality that favorably distinguishes Sophia Loren from other beautiful actresses is constancy: she lived with Carlo Ponti to old age, gave birth to two children from him, and always considered her marriage to be very happy.

If only external data were the key to the popularity of the actress, she would only play charming coquettes and femme fatale. However, since her acting talent is in no way inferior to her spectacular appearance, Sophia Loren managed to fully realize herself in the cinema, having played the most diverse roles in her life: psychological, dramatic, comedic.

In life, according to people who know her personally, the actress keeps herself simply with everyone, and behind this natural simplicity it is impossible to discern either "star fever" or even ordinary human arrogance. When she is asked questions related to her age, the brilliant Sophia Loren, without embarrassment, replies:

- All people grow old, and nothing can be done about it. You just need to take care of yourself, dress tastefully, play sports and sleep at least eight hours a day. For example, I get up at five in the morning and, while everyone is asleep, go about my business. And I go to bed early - at eight in the evening.

Sophia is inherent in seriousness and sensuality, she is reasonable and reasonable.

The name Sophia is similar to the name "Sophia" and translated from Greek means "wisdom". There is also speculation that this name is associated with marble and agate.

The origin of the name Sofia:

The name Sophia comes from the ancient Greek "sophia", which means "wisdom". The name was very common in Byzantium, from where it came to Russia along with the adoption of Orthodoxy.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Sofia:

Sophies are non-conflicting and appreciate the arguments of reason. Both scientific and analytical work and communication with people are equally good for them. They are born psychologists, reasonable and fair, in a dispute they can play the role of a lightning rod, a peacemaker. Sofia love to share knowledge, they make talented and passionate teachers. They always think globally, build a general picture of events. They are pedantic and attentive, absent-mindedness in trifles testifies that they are not interested in the matter. Sophias are stable and rational, deep inner spirituality makes them harmonious and balanced personalities.

Caring for others, Sofia sometimes forget about herself. They tend to forgive their friends a lot, but they are intolerant of themselves to the point of sharpness, demanding and critical. They do not like unexpected visits, bad humor, laxity. They are always ready to come to the rescue, they are able to unselfishly work in the name of a higher goal. Deeply upset Sophia can "fall out of the world", detach from what is happening and deeply experience resentment and failure in themselves. A sincere apology is very important to Sofia. For troubles, she tends to blame herself first of all and only then - other people.

Sophia's personal life reflects their rational, sensitive nature. Many Sophias are fragile, weak-looking women, very graceful. They always have an exquisite taste, they choose their wardrobe carefully, dress exclusively in accordance with the situation. In bed, they can be frivolous, painfully sensitive. They need both physical and spiritual love, they are often in a state of love. They select a partner who is able to accept them as they are. Sophia is in great need of attention, often marry for fear of loneliness. Coldness responds to coldness.

In Sofia's house, they prefer to control the internal routine, but they do not pay too close attention to the little things. The main thing for them is the big picture. Sophia's children are always accurate and study well, their mother carefully monitors their progress. Sofia is rarely greedy, but she does not allow slackness in finances, does not strive for money, but her lack of money humiliates her.

Sophia, born in the summer months, are ambitious, and in the autumn they are disinterested and prone to self-sacrifice. "Spring" Sophia is especially sensitive, catch cold easily, they have good visual memory. The "winter" ones have a difficult and harsh character, but they are kind and from birth are highly moral.

Successful partners for them are Ignat, Sergey, Boris and Alexey, relationships with men named Dmitry, Andrey and Stanislav can become problematic.

Sophia was the name of the mother of the Christian great martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov.

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