Home Berries Jokes on his wife on April 1. How witty wives make fun of their husbands. "My caring wife does everything so that I don't forget to take my lunch to work."

Jokes on his wife on April 1. How witty wives make fun of their husbands. "My caring wife does everything so that I don't forget to take my lunch to work."

The wife of the American president had to flee the smoke with wet towels

The first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, this time got off with a slight fright. Her plane had to make an emergency landing at an airfield in Maryland when passengers smelled burning and saw puffs of smoke in the cabin. And although the evacuation was successful, and the wife of the President of the United States arrived at the destination on a different plane, the case showed that even "plane number two" is not protected from emergencies. Meanwhile, this is not the first air incident involving world politicians.

Melania was on her way to Philadelphia to visit the families of children affected by opioids while in the womb. But as soon as her personal Boeing C-32A jet, called the Bright Star, took off, the passengers smelled burning. Reporters flying with the first lady reported seeing smoke fill the plane's cabin. An elementary remedy was used against this: they gave passengers wet towels to breathe through them, reports the Daily Mail.

Aircraft Two made an emergency landing at Andrews Airfield in Maryland. Ms Trump got on another plane after 50 minutes and continued her journey. First Lady's spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham said the cause was "a minor technical problem." The President also reacted to the incident. “I hope she got a better new plane,” Donald Trump joked. "Yes, there was a problem with the first one."

Melania appears to have reacted calmly to the incident. Speaking in Philadelphia, she smiled slightly as she apologized for being late.

One of the most "unlucky" private planes went to the former US Secretary of State John Kerry. In just one year, his aircraft broke down four times, putting the then head of the State Department in awkward situations. In most cases, his plane simply could not take off. At one point, Kerry even had to stoop to fly on a regular commercial flight.

But the first lady and the secretary of state got off easy. Some world leaders did not come out alive from plane crashes. Everyone remembers the plane crash of Polish President Lech Kaczynski near Smolensk in 2010, which took the lives of not only the head of state himself, but also many Polish officials.

In 2004, Macedonian President Boris Traikovsky crashed to death. His plane crashed in the mountains of Herzegovina. Over the years, the heads of Burundi, Mozambique, Lebanon, Portugal, Ecuador and many others also became victims of plane crashes.

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April 1, as you know, is April Fool's Day, which means it is a wonderful positive holiday, when joking is not only possible, but also necessary. After all, as wise people say, laughter prolongs life, and jokes on April 1 - even more so.

April 1, 2018 falls on a weekend Sunday, which means that the shock dose of all jokes and gags will bypass colleagues at work, but will fall on family and friends.

So come on with tochka.net Let's start the day with original congratulations on April 1 and make the life of our family and friends long, happy and cheerful. So how to play out on April 1st? Look for ideas in our article.


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Such a joke is completely harmless, but it looks very impressive. Prepare for it in advance. Take nail polish or a tube of thick PVA glue and spread the contents on wax paper. When the liquid dries, carefully peel the stain off the paper. Such a varnish or glue blotch together with a bottle can be used more than once with many impressionable people. In the morning, throw it on your husband's new shirt, and in the afternoon - on your mother's favorite blouse ...


Prepare an unprecedented cool treat in advance. Take a few small and equally sized apples, lemons, onions, potatoes, maybe even raw eggs, and dip them generously in melted chocolate. When solidified, the chocolate will smooth out irregularities and mask the product in itself. Offer this treat to colleagues and friends on April 1st. At this point, whoever gets caught ...

Glue double-sided tape to the flip-flops of your husband, mother and children. Such a joke for April 1 is completely simple and harmless, but it gives a lot of laughter and positive emotions.


A plastic tube of toothpaste is an inexhaustible opportunity to fill it with a syringe with anything - from sour cream or curd mass to ... You won't be too cruel to your family, are you?

A joke with a toothbrush may look a little more serious, but this is not dangerous for health. If your relatives use toothbrushes with multi-colored bristles, add a few drops of food coloring to them in the same color as the bristles. Their dazzling smile will delight many on this day!


Is there a drinking water cooler in your office? Great - there is a reason to laugh. Imperceptibly add to it your choice: food coloring, chicken broth, salt, sugar, soda ...

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If you have in mind a small technical room that is often used, do not be lazy and fill it up with balloons the day before. Imagine, in the morning, colleagues call the elevator, it opens, and balls fall out of it ...


If on the door to the men's toilet the "identification" sign does not look like the letter "M", but a picture depicting a man's silhouette, then an April Fool's joke can be done as follows. Cut a skirt out of a piece of paper of the appropriate color and stick it on a male figure ... A simpler and more familiar version of the same joke is to swap the plates or stick new ones in their place - for example, "Dining room", "Buffet", "Gym".

Well, and of course, cheap rolls of toilet paper and scotch tape are in the lead in improvised cool tools. So it's only up to your imagination and creativity - where, what, whose, to what or to whom to wind or glue. For example, at the workplace of a colleague, wrap the monitor and all stationery with toilet paper, and tape the mouse, pens, cup and scissors with tape.

Marrying a girl with a great sense of humor means providing yourself with a good laugh for years to come. Many experts believe that a healthy sense of humor is the key to a happy union, and that cheerful wives with a good imagination are guaranteed long-term love of their husbands. After all, relationships often turn out to be a difficult thing - everyday life, work, children. And laughter saves from routine, relaxes and enhances physical attractiveness.

Watch our selection of wives brilliantly joke about their husbands and give these resourceful creative women a hand.

“I almost did it when I went into the bathroom. It turned out to be Halloween decorations. "

“My wife bought a new comb with a suction cup. I found this on the bathroom mirror. I love my wife! "

"This is what happens if you have the audacity to fall asleep when a professional make-up artist is not sleeping in the house."

"So my wife packed boiled eggs for my work."

"My wife says this is the only benefit of pregnancy."

"My cheerful wife took a picture of this cactus and laughed for three hours, sending the photo to all my friends."

"My wife is a lawyer, that's how she came to work on Halloween."

"My caring wife does everything so that I don't forget to take my lunch to work."

"The wife went on a business trip and left it in place of herself."

"I asked my wife to leave me half of Twix"

"My husband said that was not what he meant when he asked me to make myself a sexy dress."

“My pregnant wife sent me this picture at 2:12 am. I probably snored too much "

"This is what I saw when I entered my room."

"When I had a little fight with my wife"

"We were looking at old photographs with my wife when she started laughing and brought this pack of dog pills."

"I think my husband will be delighted to see so many attentive eyes."

"For a long time I could not understand why my wife insistently asks me to check the ventilation, barely holding back her laughter"

“My wife called me at work saying that she had bought 50 Shades of Gray. To be honest, this is not what I expected to see. "

“My husband said that I would not be able to shave his legs while he was sleeping. I managed even more! "

"Found out how my wife hides her candy"

"I miss it when my husband is away"

You can play your wife on April 1 with various funny, and most importantly harmless jokes. In addition, April Fools' pranks for the wife are a good opportunity to have a little fun, thereby raising the spirits of the beloved woman and yourself.

How to play a spouse on April 1 "Spoiled keyboard"

A careless wife, breaking away from social networks, goes, for example, to the kitchen to get something tasty. When she returns, everything looks as usual. But gradually bewilderment arises on her face due to the fact that she suddenly forgot how to type. Presses the keys you want, but the text is still obtained with errors. In the end, she gives up and leaves in amazement.

For this prank, you will need a couple of minutes alone with the computer and an object that resembles a flat screwdriver. You just need to swap a few buttons on the keyboard in places, and then calmly watch the victim's reaction. Only the buttons need to be changed adjacent to make it visually difficult to distinguish their past location.

"The Unexpected Guest" - Funny April Fools' Prank for Wife

The wife sends to the toilet about her business. She just sat down when the bell rings. Running, having somehow dressed, she runs faster to open the door. But there is no one behind her. Having cursed a little at the jokers, she goes back. And here the situation repeats again. And the more naive the girl turns out to be, the more times she will run in a vicious circle.

Here's the thing. Some craftsman neatly placed a button for a wireless call under the toilet seat. Then I set it up, checked it and went about my business. And all the rest that is required is to sit in the right place and thus ring yourself at the door.

How to play your beloved wife in an original way on April 1

The wife will sit down to dinner. The husband offers her a glass of wine. After she agrees, he brings a package of eggs and pulls out one. Naturally, this evokes a surprised look. But it will be just a shock when the faithful breaks the egg on the glass, and from there what was promised will really pour out.

It will take a little time to prepare. Using a needle, you need to punch two holes in the shell on both sides. Pressing one end of the egg to your lips, you need to blow all the contents out of it, and then rinse the insides. Having glued one of the holes, you should carefully pour the wine through the second, and then cover the hole.

There is also another similar rally. You just need to fill the egg with water, or any other liquid, instead of wine, and put it back in place. It will be interesting to be there when someone wants to boil their own eggs, especially if it turns out that half of the package comes with a surprise.

April Fools' Draw for the Wife: "Tea with a Surprise"

How to prank your wife on April 1? It is necessary not to ignore once when she asks to make tea. Bringing her a mug, the caring husband asks how much sugar she needs. Then he imposes it, but leaves his wife to mix. But when she takes out the spoon, she finds only the handle, since the lower part remains in the cup.

The savvy spouse knows what the matter is. He prepared himself: he took an old spoon, broke it, and then glued it together with a piece of gum. It is not for nothing that the process of adding sugar is carried out publicly, because the goal is to make fun of the wife that she is supposedly to blame.

The good thing about this joke is that it can be applied to multiple people at once. Let's say girlfriends come to the dearest half and want to drink something hot. One can imagine their embarrassment if they think that they somehow managed to break someone else's spoon.

By the way, if both parts of the cutlery do not hold well, then you can use glue, which will also melt in boiling water. But then the drink will have to be poured out later.

Everyone likes fooling around, even for no reason. Well, when there is one, then you should definitely defuse the situation a little with some harmless prank. After all, as everyone knows, laughter prolongs life!

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