Home Berries A program for determining excise stamps. An application for detecting counterfeit alcohol has been launched in russia

A program for determining excise stamps. An application for detecting counterfeit alcohol has been launched in russia

- a useful and functional program created for Android devices. This creation helps users determine whether alcoholic beverages are genuine. The developers have made this application so that all consumers can check excise stamps if they wish. All this is done using a QR code. This project is extremely relevant and extremely useful, moreover, it is distributed free of charge.

All excise stamps, QR codes are carriers of information about the name of the drink, who is the manufacturer, etc. The program is extremely easy to use. You just open the scanner and point it at the QR code of the check or excise stamp. Then get the information and decide for yourself whether this is the product you need, whether it matches what is written on the check, price tag, etc. Processing is fast, which is an indisputable advantage of the program. Scanning takes place almost instantly, so you won't spend extra time waiting.

The answer will appear quickly on the screen. By the way, you can use the program on tablet computers, smartphones with Android system version 4.0 or later.

The developers emphasize that the application "" does not need additional data, does not ask for access to geolocation, etc. Be sure to tell your friends, comrades, and colleagues about the application so that everyone can protect themselves from acquiring fakes. Paid content is present, but, fortunately, there are no advertising banners.

No advertising will bother you, for which the developers should be thanked. More than 500 thousand downloads have already been made, and the popularity of the project is constantly growing. Not surprising, because it is relevant. Nobody wants to buy low-quality products, so download "" for Android devices.

The Federal Service "Rosalkogolregulirovaniya" (FS RAR) has released the "Anti-Counterfeit Alco" application for devices running on Android, iOS and Windows Phone. The program allows you to verify the authenticity of information on federal special stamps and excise stamps. Data via the Internet is requested from EGAIS. The application allows you to scan the barcode on the stamp, after which you can immediately report the violation. It also has a map of shops licensed to sell alcohol.

How does EGAIS work?

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All producers and importers of alcohol mark each unit of the product (keg, bottle, etc.). The manufacturer glues federal special stamps, and the importer glues excise stamps. The 2D barcode on each bottle contains:

name of alcoholic beverages,

manufacturer data,


date of bottling of the drink and its other unique characteristics.

The storekeeper of a retail store in the process of accepting alcohol to the warehouse is obliged to process invoices from suppliers through EGAIS.

To meet the technical requirements, each outlet must have a computer with a universal transport module (UTM) and an Internet connection. You also need a JaCarta crypto key with a qualified signature. The commodity specialist must carry out acceptance in the modified inventory system of the store, which can work with EGAIS, or in a third-party software product.

When selling alcohol, a cashier reads a barcode from a bottle with a scanner. The cash register program of the store, modified to meet the requirements of EGAIS, sends information from the stroke via the Internet to the FS PAP server for verification. After a successful check, the system generates a unique QR code for the receipt and the alcohol is dispensed to the buyer.

The buyer receives a check with a QR code (even if he bought several bottles of alcohol, one QR code is printed on the check).

Stamps come in a variety of colors, such as blue, pink, or purple. It depends on the type and strength of the drink. It is not glued to all types of drinks, but only to those that have a strength of more than 4%. Therefore, you will not find this mark on beer, cider, poiret and mead. An excise stamp can be checked visually, but not everyone will be able to distinguish a fake only in appearance. The safest way to check the brand is through a special server or application! Let's talk about this in more detail.

Checking stamps through your FSRAR personal account online

Any consumer of alcoholic beverages can check the authenticity of the excise stamp on the website fsrar.ru. To do this, you need to go to the main page of the site and find in the menu a service called "Check Stamps". Or just follow this link: http://fsrar.ru/checkmark
This window will open in front of you:

1. Look at the series and number of the excise stamp on the bottle.
2. Lead them to the windows called “Series” and “Number”.
3. There is a captcha on the site, you will be asked to add or subtract numbers, the answer must be written in the window, which is indicated in the picture under the number 6. The verification system may prompt you to choose the type of product:

4. After choosing the product, you will need to enter the captcha again and press the "send" button.
5. A window will appear below, indicated in the figure under the number 8. This will be the result of the check. This window will contain information about the product you purchased.

Checking alcoholic beverages through a mobile application

In addition, the Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market has developed a special application for mobile phones. You can download it regardless of the type of mobile operating system. It is called Anti-Counterfeiting Alco.

The application logo looks like this:

The app will help you:

  • Determine the legality of alcoholic beverages;
  • Determine the legality of the sale of alcoholic beverages at a point of sale;
  • Find the nearest legal points of sale of alcoholic beverages;
  • Report the found violation to the Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcohol Market.

Download mobile application for FSRAR

Link to download the Android app in the Google Play Market:
Link to download the iOS app in the App Store:

The application works by pointing the camera of your smartphone at the barcode of the brand. So you can independently verify the quality of the purchased products.

So, barcode is a kind of trademark designed for automatic reading. The barcode consists of a number of dash lines of various thicknesses and gaps between them, and below this figure, the numbers encoded in the barcode are indicated in Arabic numerals. The EAN system encrypts 13 digits. The first 3 digits represent the country code, the next 5 digits are the manufacturer's code, then 5 digits are the product code, and the last is the digit to control the correctness (authenticity) of the specified barcode.

Each barcode is globally unique and contains basic information about the product. The barcode is the main part of automated identification technology. Identification (from the Latin word identifico - to identify) is the identification of an unknown object by the coincidence of features with a known object; it is the process of comparing an object with some standard. The word "code" itself means that information about an object (product, document, etc.) is encrypted in the barcode. In Russia, mainly 2 types of barcodes are used: 13-bit codes of the European EAN system, introduced in 1986, and coding systems for settlement and payment documents, compatible with EAN.

Barcode verification is a necessary attribute of the lifestyle of a modern person who wants to buy only genuine products. Using this service, you can identify a fake. Another advantage of the service is the determination of the country of origin. Why buy a product claimed to be made in France, which is in fact a typical Chinese consumer goods.

Enter product barcode

* It is not uncommon to see an inscription on the product, for example, "Made in France", but the barcode does not correspond to this country. There may be several reasons.

  1. The company was registered and received a code not in its own country, but in the one where the main export of its products was directed;
  2. The product was manufactured in a subsidiary;
  3. Perhaps the product was manufactured in one country, but under the license of a firm from another country;
  4. When several firms from different countries become founders of an enterprise;

Hello dear readers! Today I propose to talk about what a counterfeit is, how to deal with it and how an alcohol check is carried out on an excise stamp.

Did you think that surrogate drinks are protected so reliably that it is impossible to calculate them with some knowledge? That the excise tax can be bought in any stall of the Soyuzpechat and at the same time not be held liable? We will try to figure out how the excise tax can serve as a guarantee of quality, and how the certification process is monitored.

It is believed that the excise stamp was invented by the state solely for the purpose of obtaining a tax on the sale of alcohol, so that the tax can regulate the alcohol market and affect the cost. This is partly true, but a simple distinctive sign can also protect the health of the consumer and warn him against buying low-quality products. To know everything about the excise tax, I will try to describe the main methods of verification and the nuances that will show that this is a fake.

How to distinguish a fake yourself

1. Mindfulness

Remember the children's game "Find the Difference". Taking a bottle with an alcoholic drink in your hands in a supermarket is just time to remember your observation and see if all the degrees of protection are on the sticker that holds the container and lid together.

Counterfeiting any means of protection is a costly affair, which is why often on excise forms attention is paid to the simplest points, and complex levels are ignored. 4 nuances worth paying attention to:

  • Inkjet stamp number;
  • Barcode;
  • Foil holographic image;
  • Data on the manufacturing plant, security level, release date.

2. Scan

If you buy alcohol not in a stall, but in a market respecting its reputation, there must be a special scanner here. He may be waiting for you at the reception. It is enough to scan the excise stamp for the electronics to check all compliance levels. Although, according to experts, even with such a check, you will not be given 100% guarantees.

3. Measure seven times

Each excise sticker has its own size. For alcoholic beverages, it is installed in two versions: 90x26 and 62x21. If the dimensions do not correspond to those indicated, have uneven or wrinkled edges, you should be wary.

Another nuance is that on a large brand, the upper part is separated from the larger lower golden thread. It is not erased, does not smudge, if necessary, you can pull it out of the paper.

4. Little tricks

Surrogate alcohol should have a low cost, so spending money on counterfeiting protection is not in the interests of bootleggers. In order to make it easier for the consumer to bring the falsified product to clean water, small fragments, imperceptible at first glance, were invented on protective parcels (stamps).

Knowing about them, it will not be difficult to determine the original. These subtle signs of originality include:

  • At the top of the text, the word "brand" is spelled out in the negative band, and "FMS" in the positive;
  • The hologram rhombuses contain a pattern with the "RF" logo woven into it in the central part;
  • The stripe with the inscription "Federal Special Stamp" gradually changing its color, passes from a negative print to a positive one;
  • The excise paper itself is made in the form of self-adhesive and has no luminescence;
  • Fibers are scattered over the entire surface, they may be non-luminescent red or luminescent yellow-red.

Video instruction

Video instruction on how to distinguish a fake excise stamp from a real one

Checking over the Internet

There are several ways to check alcohol protection online.

Last chance

There is another one hundred percent check option, but relatives or police authorities will rather use it in case of death or alcohol poisoning. This is a forensic examination conducted by the Center for Forensic Examination.

Here the liquid will be decomposed into components and molecules and it will be found out whether it corresponds to the high name of an ethyl-containing potion or is a fake. Excise tax will also be studied here. Probably, they will even determine on what equipment it was printed. Only these measures will already be a reaction to an event that we are planning to prevent.


Knowledge about the levels of protection of alcoholic beverages and methods of checking their originality, of course, gives you additional guarantees when buying, but does not insure at all against a skillful expensive counterfeit. After all, the stereotype that a surrogate is made only in the form of fake vodka has long outlived its usefulness and in our reality, elite, expensive alcohol is of greater interest.

Now you are armed with the necessary knowledge and you have less chances of running into a fake. Still, I strongly advise you to read the article on methyl alcohol poisoning. This is a very terrible poison, the adoption of which, in most cases, leads to blindness and even to of death... In case of methyl poisoning, it goes on for hours and in order to take the necessary measures, it is extremely important to have the necessary information.

This is where I end. I would like to advise you to buy alcohol only in specialized stores and still pay attention to the excise tax, because it is printed for us! Subscribe to my blog updates, share interesting facts on social networks, and get fresh and reliable information first-hand!

Until next time, Dorofeev Pavel.


Barcode on the label

The barcode carries a lot of information, in particular:

  • About the country of origin;
  • About the name of the product, its category;
  • About the expiration date;
  • About the authenticity of the digital code;

It seems that there is nothing difficult in forging a label, but the combination of numbers at the end of a 13-digit barcode allows you to establish an error. The verification system is so simple, so fake barcodes are stamped without taking into account the settlement system, for which they come across during verification. And attempts to take into account the peculiarities of verification do not give tangible results.

Barcodes can be of 2 types: 13- and 12-digit, depending on the country using this system. For example, in the European system, the code consists of 13 digits, and in Canada and the United States, it is 12 characters.

The international product accounting system has developed an individual code for each country for easy reading of information.

You can check the barcode by downloading the application for the phone's operating system. You can use the service and check alcoholic and not only alcoholic products online.

Code check

How to check the authenticity of the code:

  • Manually
  • Automatically

For a manual check, you need to take the addition of the numbers in even positions and multiply the resulting number by 3, add this indicator with the sum of the odd numbers, except for the last one, which is the control one. In the resulting number, you must use the indicator of units, subtracting this figure from 10. The resulting value must match the last digit of the barcode.

For an automatic check, you just need to enter the barcode correctly, click in the "Check" field and evaluate the result. If the code is genuine, then it is highlighted with a green background, if it is fake, then the corresponding inscription appears.

There are several reasons why the numbers corresponding to the country of origin do not show the name that they should, this may be due to several reasons:

  • The main plant has representatives, subsidiaries in other countries, although the brand will be retained.
  • If you have a license, the product can be manufactured in another country on behalf of a foreign manufacturer;
  • The company was registered in another country. In this case, all products will be labeled at the registration address.
  • If the firm consists of several foreign founders, then the country code can be any of all the founding countries.

Knowing these subtleties, you can avoid purchasing fake and low-quality products.


Indicators of excellent alcohol

Any alcoholic beverage has its own indicators and quality characteristics.... Alcohol production differs in the following nuances:

  • aroma;
  • fortress;
  • color spectrum;
  • taste shades;
  • the power of influence on the body.

They check the quality and authenticity of alcoholic beverages in specialized laboratories. You can order this check yourself by paying for the service. But you can determine the level of alcohol yourself. There are many effective ways to do this.

Determine the authenticity of vodka

To determine the quality of one of the most consumed alcoholic beverages in Russia, one should know the external signs of an authentic drink. Vodka is checked by the following criteria:

  1. Taste.
  2. Colour.
  3. Smell.

Therefore, you should not buy vodka poured into a dark, opaque container. The strength of high-quality vodka must be 40-56%. You can determine the degree using a home alcohol meter.

According to statistics, in Russia about 35-40 people are poisoned and killed with surrogate vodka with an existing excise stamp every day.

Good vodka will not contain any additional suspensions, impurities... It tastes soft and has a distinct vodka odor. When sampled, the vodka liquid should not irritate and burn the laryngeal mucosa. Try rubbing a drop of vodka in the palm of your hand. A quality drink will not emit any additional aromas (acetone, vinegar and other chemicals).

We study aromatic foam

For beer, the main thing is foam. Moreover, the foam when spilling intoxicated should not be too much or too little. The optimal foam level is medium in size, rather thick and rich. So, how to determine the quality of aroma hops by the foam layer.

No foam:

  • beer is highly diluted with water;
  • hypothermia is present;
  • there is not enough carbon dioxide in the composition.

Too Much Foam:

  • the drink is too warm;
  • an excess of intoxicated carbon dioxide;
  • incorrect pouring of foam into glasses.

A very important factor is foam stability. It shows the maturity level of the foam. A good, high-quality hop head will be thick, with a layer thickness of 4-5 mm. And it will not leave the surface for about 1-1.5 minutes. Experts advise to drink beer at its temperature of + 8-10⁰С.

Determining the quality of the wine

This skill is very relevant. In our country, there have recently been too many fake wine made from powder. Although this type of alcohol has all the necessary paperwork and permits, it cannot be considered a real wine.

First of all, the quality of the wine is declared by its aroma. A too strong, repulsive odor indicates a poor alcohol level. But true wine will delight the user with a whole bouquet of pleasant aromas replacing each other. To better appreciate the wine smell, pour the alcohol into a wide container and shake it a little:

  1. High-quality wine will slowly flow down the sides of the glass.
  2. When 2-3 drops of glycerin are added to it, low-quality alcohol will turn into an unusual color.

How not to make the wrong choice when buying

Of course, the store will not allow you to taste alcohol, open a bottle, smell it. Tasting in the sales area is not provided. Therefore, alcohol is bought almost blindly. How not to be mistaken? To do this, you need to carefully study the container in which the drink is poured and the bottle label.

Pay attention to the label of the alcohol. By it, or rather, by the barcode printed on it, you can find out the manufacturer. Experts do not advise buying products from countries that are not credible. The label must also contain the following information:

  • composition;
  • the date of bottling;
  • shelf life;
  • Manufacturer country;
  • the type of alcohol sold.

An unevenly glued, crookedly placed label should alert the consumer. This is a direct indication that such alcohol is produced by an artisanal, clandestine method and can be poisonous and dangerous. And remember that a full check of the quality of alcoholic beverages can be carried out in a specialized laboratory.

It is better to seek the help of specialists if alcohol is purchased in large quantities for a major celebration. And never buy alcohol by hand or in unverified, questionable places.

We check alcohol according to the excise stamp

The original purpose of creating excise stamps was to obtain a stable tax on the sale of alcohol. Thus, the state influenced the cost of alcoholic products and monitored the entire alcohol market. The history of this distinctive sign has its own characteristics. Look at the photos of old alcohol excise stamps and compare them with modern ones:

This unpretentious sign (with knowledge of some rules) helps well to distinguish fake surrogate alcoholic beverages from alcohol of good quality. To accurately identify a fake, familiarize yourself with the basic rules of verification.

be careful

When you find yourself in the next supermarket in search of good quality alcohol, use all your powers of observation. You will need it when studying the excise stamp. First of all, check the quality of the gluing of the paper that holds the bottle and the cap together.

Be aware that counterfeiting is a long and costly business. Therefore, for the most part, handicraft manufacturers of surrogates always pay more attention to simple and uncomplicated moments. But the complex stages of protection are ignored by them. Experts identify four points to which you need to pay attention:

  • correct barcode;
  • the excise stamp number is always inkjet printed;
  • foil and holographic image on excise duty;
  • data on the release date, security level and manufacturer must be present.

Pay attention to the size of the excise stamp itself. For alcoholic products, it is officially established and can be presented in two variations:

  1. 90x26 mm.
  2. 62x21 mm.

If the dimensions do not match the established ones, you need to be wary. There is one more nuance in the excise stamp (it concerns stamps of a larger size). Their upper part is separated from the lower by a golden thread. This thread is strong enough dyed, does not smudge or rub off. It can be very easily pulled out of paper.

Liquor scan

Every supermarket respecting itself and the consumer has special scanners. With their help, alcohol is checked by a barcode. Some of these scanners are present in the trading floors themselves. They are also available at the reception.

You can scan the excise stamp itself on them. Electronics will automatically check all available product conformity levels for quality. But many experts do not give one hundred percent guarantee of the authenticity of such a check.

Useful tricks

Focus on the cost of the alcohol you like. Do not buy suspiciously cheap products, no matter how attractive they are at an attractive price. Surrogate alcohol will always cost less, bootleggers are especially famous for their cheapness.

The definition of "bootlegger" dates back to the days of the US Prohibition. This word was used to designate clandestine traders of alcohol-containing products. Unfortunately, bootlegging activities are flourishing in modern Russia as well.

Also, in order to determine a surrogate alcohol, you should pay attention to some very small nuances. They are invisible at first glance, but they are very important in assessing the quality of alcohol. So, on the excise stamp:

  • the paper itself, from which the excise stamp is made, has the appearance of self-adhesive and does not possess luminescence;
  • on the negative strip it will be possible to distinguish the word "brand", but in the positive one the abbreviation "FMS" will be traced;
  • rhombs of the holographic image have a pattern where the RF logo is “woven”, and this pattern is located in the center of the hologram;
  • the stripe, where the "Federal Special Mark" is spelled out, when the color changes, gradually turns into a positive reflection from a negative one.

Online program for testing alcohol

You can also check the excise stamp for alcohol by number online, using the Internet. There are several methods for performing these checks.

With the help of a nationwide service

The Federal Service for the Regulation of the Alcoholic Products Market has developed an Internet service especially for consumers. To understand how to check alcohol on an excise stamp online, you need to go to the official website of the service in the section "Checking stamps".

In a special window, you must enter the necessary data from the excise stamp and get complete information. The information obtained should be compared with other parameters. They must be identical.

Products webpage

An online check of the excise stamp for alcohol can also be carried out on the website of the manufacturer of this alcoholic product. Of course, there are data on the excise tax only for those products that are produced by the manufacturer. If the product is fake, surrogate, you will not find data about it there. To do this, you should also enter the necessary information on the excise tax and receive all the necessary information online.


Knowing all the nuances and degrees / levels of protection of high-quality alcoholic beverages, the consumer will be able to avoid the acquisition of obviously dangerous surrogates, low-quality alcohol. Of course, all of the above nuances will not be able to insure against the purchase of high-quality counterfeit elite alcohol.

Recently, there has been an increase in the production of surrogate alcohol under the guise of expensive alcohol.

Therefore, you should still buy alcoholic beverages only in specialized stores and never take alcohol off your hands, even if you are seduced by a low price. Remember that the percentage of deaths from ingestion of methyl alcohol (which is present in surrogates) is extremely high.


How does EGAIS work?

All producers and importers of alcohol mark each unit of the product (keg, bottle, etc.). The manufacturer glues federal special stamps, and the importer glues excise stamps. The 2D barcode on each bottle contains:

name of alcoholic beverages,

manufacturer data,


date of bottling of the drink and its other unique characteristics.

The storekeeper of a retail store in the process of accepting alcohol to the warehouse is obliged to process invoices from suppliers through EGAIS.

To meet the technical requirements, each outlet must have a computer with a universal transport module (UTM) and an Internet connection. You also need a JaCarta crypto key with a qualified signature. The commodity specialist must carry out acceptance in the modified inventory system of the store, which can work with EGAIS, or in a third-party software product.

When selling alcohol, a cashier reads a barcode from a bottle with a scanner. The cash register program of the store, modified to meet the requirements of EGAIS, sends information from the stroke via the Internet to the FS PAP server for verification. After a successful check, the system generates a unique QR code for the receipt and the alcohol is dispensed to the buyer.

The buyer receives a check with a QR code (even if he bought several bottles of alcohol, one QR code is printed on the check).


Only through EGAIS

In April of this year, the EGAIS system was introduced in Russia. Which, in the opinion of the developers, should have completely eliminated the possibility of hitting the shelves of all stores with "burned" alcohol. As practice has shown, EGAIS really works. Each excise stamp is unique and is included in the database. The one that you can't sell alcohol with fake excise stamps if you have an Internet connection. If there is no connection, then it is better to buy alcohol in another store or wait for the information from the checkout to go to EGAIS.

“By reading the QR-code with the phone, it will be possible to confirm the legality of alcohol. Verify product parameters, time, address, store name. Although, the seller knows that the buyer has such a document in his hands and he will be able to check the legality of each bottle. Thus, the likelihood of fraud when selling through EGAIS with scanning an excise stamp and printing a check with a QR code is negligible. In addition, when selling alcohol through EGAIS, it is debited from the balance at the store. Obviously, if the store bought 100 bottles and sold 120, then something is wrong and there will be a check. This again protects the buyer from counterfeiting, ”the expert commented.

The conclusion suggests itself - alcohol should be bought only in well-known brands, where the goods pass through the checkout. And no sales of whiskey, tequila, brandy on the Internet! These drinks, if they are real, a priori cannot be cheap.

Which smartphone app helps to identify a counterfeit?

To check any bottle you need to install on your phone free application "Anti-Counterfeiting Alco". The program is available in the App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone. By the "ingenious" design and the excessive amount of data that must be entered for registration, it immediately becomes clear that the application was developed by the state. But it works nonetheless.

Where is methyl, and where is ethyl?

Ethyl alcohol, aka drinking, food or medical, aka ethanol, aka a substance with the chemical formula C2H5OH, is the basis of all alcoholic beverages - but not substitutes. Surrogate booze is created on the basis of methyl alcohol or methanol. It is a pure poison for the body, so being able to distinguish it at home from relatively safe ethanol can be vital.

One of the ways is as follows: the liquid in question should be poured into a metal container and put on fire. Next, we measure the temperature of the alcohol at the moment of boiling - ethanol boils at 78 ° C, technical methanol - already at 64 ° C.

Another option. A daughter copper wire, heated on a fire, should be lowered into cold medical alcohol - if, during the reaction of the interaction of copper oxide with aldehyde, a vinegar smell arises, then this is ethyl alcohol, if the liquid emits an unpleasant, pungent odor, it is methyl alcohol.

You can also test alcohol "for honesty" in this way. In a small amount of alcohol, you need to add a little baking soda, mix it well and see if a precipitate forms in the liquid. An insoluble yellow precipitate forms when iodine reacts with ethanol, while methanol remains pure and transparent.

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