Home Berries An enlightened girl. Why has no woman become an Enlightened Teacher? Finding Traces of Celestial Dancers

An enlightened girl. Why has no woman become an Enlightened Teacher? Finding Traces of Celestial Dancers

Now fortune-telling and fortune-telling are often used. Fortune-telling is an ancient ritual in order to find out the future, possible options for your fate. Fortune telling and prediction of love, relationships, have always existed in folk culture and folk magic. Fortune-telling can be different: online fortune-telling, fortune-telling on coffee grounds, fortune-telling on cards. Girls on winter evenings were going to guess at a man, to find out what their beloved thinks. Now you can guess on all these topics online, fortune-telling on cards online, fortune-telling on tarot, fortune-telling in the thick of it, fortune-telling by a book is especially popular.

Archangel Michael will give advice on how best to act in an exciting situation, what to pay attention to, and also what to do to achieve what was planned.

The magic oracle "Messages of the Archangel Michael" is based on the book of the spiritual consultant and clairvoyant Doreen Verche. The cards of this magical Oracle will help you get answers to many questions that interest you, because they make direct contact between you and Archangel Michael.

Archangel Michael is the leader of the armies of Light, a powerful protector and patron of women, the guardian of the Faith, all other Archangels and their legions listen to him. Like other angels, Archangel Michael respects free will and never interferes in your life, but you should ask him for help, turn to him with a request, and he will stay with you for a long time, radiating powerful positive energy of Light and Good.

You can turn to the magical Oracle “Messages of the Archangel Michael”, as well as to other Oracles of D. Verche, every day, - Archangel Michael will give advice and direct you on the right path in any difficult situation. Contact him and your question will be solved in the best way.
To start a free online divination on the Oracle “Messages of the Archangel Michael”, ask him to give you advice or prediction, then click on the picture. Archangel Michael is the first messenger of Divine will and love, the right hand of the Creator. He can be completely trusted, and his advice is extremely simple.

This fortune-telling should be used when it is necessary to work through some difficult life situation. Each card not only gives advice on how to proceed, but also offers a specific appeal to the angel, which is most suitable for the fortuneteller at the current time. Prayer is the connecting thread between man and God. Therefore, before starting fortune-telling, it is necessary to ask a question of approximately the following content: "What appeal can help me at the moment?" Decide on your question, then shuffle the deck and remove 3 cards from it in any way. Then just read the Archangel's advice and read the suggested prayer.

In difficult times, the Higher Forces are always ready to lend a helping hand. Unfortunately, sometimes we reject it. It is a real delusion to believe that fortune-telling necessarily involves the intervention of the Darkness. If we turn to the Light, the accuracy of predictions can increase several times.

"The Archangel Michael's Advice" is a popular fortune-telling for solving an oppressive problem or for every day. For a person with a pure soul, the Light of Heavenly Energy will tell you how to act in a difficult situation, help solve an important problem. Archangel Michael especially protects women.

Contact the leader of the Heavenly Host, and he will answer your pressing question.

Fortune telling for every day on 3 and 6 cards

Before starting the ritual at home, you will need to purchase a special deck of Tarot cards - "The Magical Message of the Archangel Michael." So that the cards suggest a solution to the problem, give advice on what procedure to follow, wishing to complete a difficult task, conduct the ritual correctly.

  1. Fortune-telling begins with a question that is asked to the Great Intercessor. Be sure to think it over in advance, because its accuracy depends on the accuracy of the wording, on how clear the thoughts of the person who wants to receive the prediction are.
  2. Mentally asking a question, shuffle and remove any three cards from the deck.
  3. It remains only to correctly interpret the resulting alignment.

There are several well-known Tarot layouts by Doreen Verce, a famous parapsychologist and thinker who developed a deck for communication with the angelic world.

The layout for three cards is made in such a way that the first of them means the answer to the question of interest. The second explains something important about the problem or the solution. The third gives advice on what to do and how to behave in order to find a way out of the situation.

For a simple daily fortune-telling by the Archangel Michael's deck, one card is enough, which will contain the necessary hint.
☞ Video description of the deck

More accurate fortune telling by six cards. They are removed from the shuffled deck one after the other from above and laid out in one row.

  1. The first card is the factors that provoked the problem.
  2. The second is the reverse side of past actions, which is revealed in front of you.
  3. The third - will prompt the development of the problem without your intervention.
  4. The fourth symbolizes the hidden side of the situation.
  5. The fifth is the main advice of the Archangel, which should be obeyed.
  6. The sixth shows the outcome in the situation, which expects in the case of the correct interpretation of the previous paragraph.

The effectiveness of divination depends on some additional factors. The person should be focused on the question. Do not be distracted by the current hustle and bustle.

In order to establish a connection with Archangel Michael, it is recommended to read a prayer before the ritual or even observe a short fast. The Heavenly Protector will certainly answer the request to the believer, but before starting fortune-telling, it is better to ask the blessing of the spiritual father.

There is an effective way to increase the likelihood that the Archangel will hear the request and give the most accurate prediction. Before picking up the cards, mentally refer to him with the words: “Protector Michael! I listen to you with prayer! Let the light of Heavenly truth fill the cards! May I find the answer to the cherished question! "

You can also address the Archangel in your own words. It is important that they come from the heart, and in no case should you offend Mikhail with skepticism. Otherwise, subsequent fortune-telling will be ineffectual.

☞ Video plot

How to read the alignment and interpret the dropped cards

A distinctive feature of Doreen Verce's Angel Deck is its ease of interpretation. There is no ambiguity and mystical fog inherent in the dark forces in the cards.

The deck consists of 44 cards dedicated to one of the angels. Each printed on a prayer with the words that a person needs to understand the situation and find a way to solve the problem.

All cards are divided into several categories, uniting tips on a common theme. Some are repeated, so here are the most important cards:

Michael's Council CategoryCard nameValue
The angels of love will help youHigher powers will help solve the problem
Move forward fearlesslyYou have been given support from above, do not be afraid to make a decision - it will be correct
Positive outcomeSuccess awaits you
All God's WillThe problem will be solved only by trial and error, and a favorable outcome will require significant efforts.
Take Care of Your SoulThe right decision will be prompted by an inner voice.
Find the strength in yourselfResolving an issue requires confidence and inner core
You are protected by angelsHigher powers keep your home and loved ones
Trust your intuitionArchangel suggests the right decision through intuition
Eternal loveFamily Relationship Tips
Trust your heartFeelings will prompt the right decision
The problem needs to be solvedIt's time for a serious decision
Your problems will be solvedAngels will solve the problem you created
SecurityYou will find good cover and stability.
Angels will help childrenYour children are under reliable protection
You are on the right trackYour ideas and decisions come from a pure heart and therefore are correct
Memorize feelings and thoughtsThe solution to the problem will be in your head if you are attentive to yourself.
Know how to defendProtect yourself from bad influences
Find answers in signsYou should not be guided by the bad advice of envious people, seek help from the Higher Forces
Explore your optionsMake a decision after weighing the pros and cons
StartGreat time to start something important
Healing by prayerSeek help from the Archangel and he will help
Be attentive to dreamsThe answer will come in a dream
Do not hurryThe solution to the problem will come with time, please be patient
InnocenceYou are angry with a person in vain, there is no guilt in him
Step away from problemsThe solution will come only if you look at the problem from all sides or put yourself in the shoes of an adversary in a conflict.
Don't let your fears goYou are protected by angels - no need to be afraid
Protection of the SkyHeavenly forces are beneficial to the fortuneteller
Think positivelyOnly positive thoughts will lead to results
Trust in the LordHelp will come after prayer
Dedicate yourself to goalsYou are the chosen ones to walk the intended path
Turn to natureThe decision will come after a break from the bustle of the city
Forgive yourselfDo not blame yourself and torment your soul
The Archangel responded to your request and came to the rescue
Happiness will come immediatelyYour problem has already been solved, it's time for joy and fun
Self esteemRemember to think about your immediate needs.
Think about spiritual lifeIt's time to turn to prayer, as it is the way to solve the problem.
The man deserves to be trustedFind support from loved ones or whoever you have in mind
Laughter and joyDo not exaggerate the severity of your problem, you can relax

This is the meaning of the cards of Archangel Michael. As you can see, they all give correct, light recommendations that will definitely help and give mental strength.

How to behave so that fortune-telling comes true

Not all fortune-telling comes true. Even experienced forecasters can fail. However, an appeal to the Light Forces, in particular, through the Archangel's fortune-telling, will protect against the malicious intrigues of the Enemy of mankind.

☞ To make fortune-telling come true and give as accurate advice as possible:

  • Take the ritual as seriously as possible.
  • Concentrate on prayer and the question that needs to be answered; nothing else should be distracting.
  • Do not try to check the words of Michael, this temptation will not go unpunished.
  • Fortune-telling on the same question several times will lose mystical power and will not give any result.
  • Do not doubt the outcome of the ritual and the correctness of the advice, remember them, and then they will be useful.

Fortune-telling "Advice of the Archangel Michael" is suitable for everyone. It is simple and does not imply complex layouts. You just need to have a pure soul and a sincere desire to solve a painful issue.

Do not forget that prediction only directs you to the true path, but the outcome of any decision depends to a greater extent on the person. And responsibility for the mistakes made will fall only on him.

Divination on precious stones - a virtual means of obtaining online predictions. Divination on the rocks is intended to provide a forecast for the whole day. The prediction accuracy recommends guessing only once a day. Good luck to you fortune-telling on precious stones in the House of the Sun!

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They are called dotted or geomancy. It is often used by the inhabitants of Arabia and other desert dwellers. In Europe about fortune-telling they learned on the sand at the end of the 19th century. Front fortune-telling on the sand, you need to mentally ask a question that worries you. Then, using the tip of a stick, you need to arbitrarily place points on the surface of the sand. These traces are examined ...

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Your future. When doing this fortune-telling you need to roll three dice, and the sum of the points dropped on the dice will tell you about the secrets of your destiny. If at fortune-telling on the dice, a number appears more than once, which means that important news should be expected. TO fortune-telling on cubes it is not recommended to apply more than one ...

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The feeling of unity with nature and the charge of the earth's energy gave people strength and confidence in the future. For fortune-telling on the stones for the future, a previously prepared place was used, which was marked with stripes located at the same distance ... a fortune-teller or clairvoyant interpreted and predicted the future. Online fortune-telling artificial intelligence acts as a fortune teller on the stones, but this prediction fortune-telling are no less accurate. We invite you to try fortune telling on stones ...

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Fortune-telling in the information age is considered by many to be something irrational. But nevertheless, they turn to them when a person's intuition is silent, the facts do not shine with variety, and the situation requires clarification. Archangel Michael's advice can be called a lifesaver in many circumstances. Love and household issues are clarified with the help of this technique easily and simply. How to make an alignment on a matter of interest?

To get advice for the day, it is enough to use any tarot deck that you are used to using. You need to retire in a quiet place and mentally ask the Archangel Michael to help you pull out exactly the card that best describes the upcoming day.

Then you can draw a card at random from the deck. The meaning and drawing of the elongated position will be the answer to how the day goes. Perhaps it will be a symbol with a negative meaning. Do not be afraid. You just need to take precautions, and vigilance does not hurt at all.

If you want to clarify any situation, then you can use the following layout of six cards:

  • The first card drawn will show what events have influenced you in the past and led to the current state of affairs.
  • The second card will tear off the veil of secrecy for you, and you will see all the events without embellishment and subjective judgments.
  • The third card will tell you what development your request will receive in the near future.
  • The fourth card will tell you about what is happening in the situation without you noticing.
  • The fifth card is the advice of the Archangel Michael.
  • The sixth card will show how the situation will be resolved.

It is worth remembering that divination "The Archangel Michael's Advice" is a possible development of events, not an axiom. After all, much in life depends on ourselves. But the opinion of patrons also needs to be heeded.

Archangel Michael in his manifestation has a large area of ​​influence. And in love, he often helps those in need. Therefore, you can turn to him not only about business or work, but also about relationships.

Before fortune-telling for love, you need to concentrately shuffle the deck. Next, you need to lay out three Tarot positions on the table. The first symbol will symbolize the thoughts and feelings of the chosen one, directed at you. The second card will tell about the depth of his feelings. The third sign will reflect what is hidden in the subconscious of a man.

Any fortune-telling is true when it is carried out in a calm emotional state. Do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts. If you do not impartially focus on the question, the Tarot will only "mirror" your experiences. And the answer will never be found.

It is difficult to imagine why exactly the Archangel Michael is the significant figure to whom they turn to in fortune-telling. Religion condemns such activities. But at the same time, he does not deny the existence of miracles and everything beyond. What do we know about Archangel Michael? It is worth considering this issue in more detail.

This archangel is revered not only by Christians, but also by Jews. Mentions about him can also be found in Islam. Archangel Michael is the head of the army of the Lord. One of the key figures in the battle between good and evil. He is the protector of the souls of the dead. He is also considered a healer and protector of the family.

It was the Archangel Michael, according to legend, who taught Adam agriculture. This amazing and main angel is famous not only for his military prowess, but also for his unprecedented mercy. And he is very responsive to the prayers and requests of those who sincerely believe.

In general, the Archangel Michael Council can be held by anyone who needs it. This does not require special preparation. All that is needed is a sincere desire to receive a clear answer. Often people do not want to accept negative and non-positive messages and begin to guess the same question over and over again. This is not worth doing. They guess at one request only once in a short period of time. All subsequent interpretations will be simply incorrect and far-fetched. If you asked Archangel Michael for personal advice through the alignment, then you should accept it, whatever it may be.

Archangel Michael is credited with such qualities of character as righteousness, the mercy of a priest and the conqueror of dark forces. The clergy believe that he was a helper for the angels of Metatron, Uriel, Raphael and Gabriel, and more often than others, he argued with Satan.

Therefore, Michael is said to be "keeping the keys to the kingdom of heaven." The artists, in turn, depict him as a warrior with wings, ready to fight the heavenly dragon.

Many will be interested in why it is often mentioned in fortune-telling. But this is not surprising. Indeed, according to legend, it was he who got rid of the fallen angels and began to lend a helping hand to everyone who found themselves in a difficult situation and needed support.

Therefore, a person from time to time asks questions to the face of this saint with the hope that he will receive advice and protection. It remains to find out exactly how to guess in order to get an answer from the saint.

It turns out that not only fortune-telling can help in this. Archangel Michael's message can be received by invoking his spirit. Occultists call and master his technique only a few can do.

The advantage of the session is that the person can most reliably receive the advice of the Archangel Michael. Fortune telling in another way is not always able to give an accurate answer. This is especially true for those questions that require an unequivocal "yes" or "no".

Saint Michael?

There is a widespread belief that for a spiritualistic seance it is enough to depict an alphabetical circle, catch up with a mysterious atmosphere and say the words: "Spirit come!" In fact, if a group of people is involved in spiritualism, then there must be a contactee among them.

That is, a person is needed, endowed with the abilities of a medium. A session requires a lot of physical and mental effort than ordinary fortune-telling. The prediction of the Archangel Michael can be expressed in characteristic knocks and squeaks. There may also be movement of objects or a visible cloud in the room.

What should a medium be able to do?

At the very beginning of the session, the contactee must visually represent the image of the saint and say: "Spirit of the Archangel Michael, come to us." Once the participants sense his presence, the next question will be: "Holy Spirit, are you ready to answer our questions?"

If a positive answer is received, then you can continue the magical action further. Before ending the session, you must thank the saint and ask him to retire to your world.

Divination on the Angel tarot

The most successful is the divination of the Archangel Michael in the Angelic tarot. From the deck, you should choose a card with his holy face. Whatever the question, you should mentally concentrate and ask the archangel to help in fortune-telling.

The following text is suitable for this: “Saint Michael! Hear my request. I want the maps to be accurate in their answers to my questions. Help me so that all Divine messages reach me through them. "

You can ask for help in your own words, and then proceed with the layout of the Tarot cards. Before interpreting the cards, it is recommended to turn to the holy spirit again with the words: “Archangel Michael, help me to correctly understand the meaning inherent in the Angelic tarot. Send me the power of your wisdom and love. "

When mixing cards and interpreting them, you should pay attention to your feelings, thoughts and visions. Thus, through the divination of the Archangel Michael, important advice can come. The session should be closed with the words: "Thank you, holy spirit, for your attention and the indicated path."

Online predictions and oracle divination

Popular online fortune telling, the prediction of the Archangel Michael greatly simplifies the process of interpretation. The questioner must perform the actions that are laid down on the page of a certain resource.

There are different opinions on the topic of online fortune-telling. Some are convinced that one should not trust computer predictions. Others argue that they are not much different from the real ones.

The only thing is that you should not ask again about the same situation several times. The first answer is correct, even if it disappoints or confuses.

The most popular among Internet users is the virtual divination-oracle. Archangel Michael will not only answer the question of the personality, but will also give advice, prompt the necessary prayer.

To do this, you should think about a question and click on the electronic image of St. Michael. The fortuneteller will see the graphs in front of him: "The answer of the archangel", "Prayer to the archangel", "The power of the archangel." It is recommended to open each of them in turn and slowly ponder each card that fell out. After all, its content is the advice of the Archangel Michael. Fortune-telling aims to read between the lines.

For example, if the question: "Will I meet my love this year?" the answer was received: “Your prayers have been answered. Angels of heart affairs are closely watching the situation ”, then it can be considered positive. Next, you should pay attention to the additional values ​​of the card.

They are short, but they carry valuable meaning. Let's say in the phrase “The future chosen one will share your interests. Acquaintance can happen on a trip ”hides its own hint. So, the fortune-telling of the Archangel Michael tells the questioner that in order to attract love, he needs to expand his hobbies and travel more often.

In the column "Prayer to the Archangel" a text with positive energy will open, helping to get closer to the cherished goal. Finally, the person will receive a parting word, which is called "The Power of the Archangel."

Saint Michael always emphasizes that he protects the person and is ready to help. But, for example, in order to find new love, a person himself must complete the old relationship and not push away possible acquaintances.

Experienced predictors emphasize that if the subconscious mind cannot decipher the message of the archangel or the answer is received inappropriately, do not be upset. Perhaps, he believes that now is not the time to open a screen to a person behind which his future is hidden.

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