Home Berries Decipher the rebus (the same numbers are encrypted with the same letters)

Decipher the rebus (the same numbers are encrypted with the same letters)

To solve this task, we must calculate the perimeter and area of ​​the resulting rectangle.

Calculate the length and width of the rectangle

A square is a quadrangle in which all 4 corners are straight and all four sides are equal. The width of the rectangle that we got as a result of adding two identical squares will be equal to the length of one side of the square, that is, 4 centimeters. Let's calculate what the length of the resulting rectangle will be equal to.

a = 4 * 2 = 8 centimeters.

Calculate the perimeter and area of ​​the rectangle

To solve this problem, recall the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle. The area of ​​the rectangle is equal to the product of the length and the width. S = a * b, where a is the length and b is the width. Let's calculate the area of ​​a rectangle 8 centimeters long and 4 centimeters wide.

S = 8 * 4 = 32 sq. Cm.

The perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of the lengths of all its sides. Since in a rectangle the opposite sides are equal, then P = 2 * (a + b), where a is the length, b is the width. We calculate the perimeter of a rectangle 8 centimeters long and 4 centimeters wide.

P = 2 * (4 + 8) = 2 * 12 = 24 centimeters.

Thus, we get the following parameters of the resulting rectangle:

  • S = 32 square centimeters.
  • P = 24 centimeters.
  • a = 8 centimeters.
  • b = 4 centimeters.

Answer: 32 cm2, 24 centimeters.

If a rectangle is folded out of two squares with a side of 4 centimeters, then this rectangle will have a width equal to 4 cm. A length of 8 cm. The perimeter of a rectangle is equal to the sum of the length and width of the rectangle multiplied by two. The area of ​​a rectangle is equal to the product of length and width. 1. Find the area of ​​the rectangle. 4 * 8 = 32 cm2. 2. Find the perimeter of the rectangle. (4 + 8) * 2 = 12 * 2 = 24 centimeters. Answer: The area of ​​a rectangle is thirty-two square centimeters. The perimeter of the rectangle is 24 cm.

Grade 5


1. Decipher the rebus (identical numbers are encrypted with the same letters):
2. Fold a rectangle out of 16 identical squares with a side of 1 cm: A) the largest perimeter; B) the largest area. 3. The traveler was supposed to complete the route by September 1. He got out on time, he was lucky: he drove half the way in a car at a speed 13 times faster than his own. But due to heavy rains, he walked twice as slow as planned for the rest of the journey. Did the traveler meet the target date? NATURALIn these test tasks, only the correct answer is possible, otherwise the answer will not be counted. A brief explanation is required when choosing the “no correct answer” option.1 What are the fruits of potatoes?
a) nuts, b) tubers, c) inedible berries, d) there is no correct answer. 2. What animal lives in water and reproduces on land? a) frog, b) toad, c) crocodile, d) newt, e) there is no correct answer
    Which substance changes its name when it goes from solid to liquid? Which of the named continents is considered the coldest?
a) Africa, b) North America, c) South America, d) Australia, e) none of the above. 5. Vegetable plants are:
    apple, pear, currant;
    B) cabbage, cucumbers, onions; millet, rice, corn;
    D) there is no correct answer.
6. The reason for the change of seasons is: A) a change in the activity of the Sun. B) meteorite "fog", C) inclination of the earth's axis of the earth, D) approaching (moving away) of the planet to the Sun, E) there is no correct answer 7. Plants, unlike animals, cannot: a) breathe, b) reproduce, c ) grow, d) move, e) there is no correct answer.


1. Determine how many times it appears in each of the sentences:
a) A beetle hums quietly, squeals and trembles. - sound [w]. b) Not then it is good who is good-looking, and the one is good who is good for the cause. - sound [NS].v) The director of the enterprise signed the document and gave it to the representative of the sponsored factory. - sound [t]. 2. Write the words, the lexical meaning of which is given below.
    A place on the river where you can cross it. Volcano hole. The science of heavenly bodies. The place where streets converge and diverge. A speech given by one person.
3. Indicate the parts of speech that the words may refer to: COVER, BURNISH, VERSE, SAW,
BAKE. Give examples of phrases to illustrate your answer. 4. Foreigners often cannot understand the difference between LOOK and SEE. How
would you explain to them?


1 . Distribute the following words into four groups: 1) nouns; 2) adjectives; 3) verbs; 4) prepositions. Warm, summer, shirt, funny, put, under, live, old, tasty, money, teach, after, last, about, party, thank, son, with. 2. Correct grammatical errors in the sentences.
    My mother usually get up at 7 o "clock. I like play tennis. She go to school yesterday. I go swimming on Monday. Does he helps his mother?


School tour


    Draw a hexagon that can be split into 4 triangles with one straight line.
    Show how to do it. In a certain month, three Sundays fell on even numbers. What day
    week was the 20th of this month? Why do we breathe more often and deeper when we run, jump, exercise? The bottom of the river is usually sandy, and the bottom of the lake is clayey. Why? Indicate the composition of the following words:
Yulemyrs nyzhgyu take me,
Yodelfyary nyzhge ryabyu, Fzo lyafme ekyo me plyju, Bödönu shdё yom helezhy. Using the found cipher, encrypt the word: "Please". 7. In which countries and when the years were counted a. from the beginning of the reign of the new ruler; b. from the beginning of sports competitions; v. from the base of the capital; d. from the creation of the world; from the birth of Christ; e. from the flight of the founder of the religion to another city? 8. Before you 4 sayings that were expressed by wise people: 1) - a faithful friend who will never change. (Confucius. 551- 479 BC) 2) is the God of thinking. (L. Feuchtwanger. 1844 - 1958) 3). and excessive ardor in an argument is the surest sign of stupidity. (M. Montaigne. 1533 - 1592) 4). notes a weak soul, a helpless mind, a vicious character. (F. Bacon. 1561 -1626) In each of these catchphrases, one word is missing. Choose the option that cannot be filled in any blanks. (A) Logic. (B) Silence. (B) False. (D) Love. (E) Stubbornness. 9. The author of the story confused the sights of London. Arrange them in their places.
    We were in the most ancient fortress of London - Buckingham Palace. In the center of the city we saw the famous Picadilly circuit- full of tourists and
    Then we breathed some fresh air in the alleys of Covent - Garden. In Madame Tussaud "s Museum we saw many ancient books and manuscripts.In the evening we enjoyed a beautiful opera performance in Hyde park. Next day we visited Trafalgar Square- where six streets meet.Then we visited BigBen- the main cathedral of the English church.In the afternoon we saw a wonderfull collection of wax figures at the British Museum. But what we liked most of all was the Changing of Guards at the Tower of london. At last we stopped to listen to the chimes of St. Paul "s Cathedral which you can hear not only in London, but all over the world.
10. Latin words and their translations into Russian are given in a confused order: Machinator Outing Globus Durable Excursio Save Argutator Inventor Stimulus Ball Reservo Stick used to drive animals Stabilis Wrangler Install the correct translation of each word, prove the correctness of your answer by choosing the words that match the meaning in modern Russian


School tour


    It is known that 3 golders, 6 drimmers and 2 vellers cost $ 2880, and 8 golders, 11 drimmers and 7 wellers cost $ 6380. How much should I pay for a purchase consisting of a golder, a dreammer and a weller? The ant travels across a page of a checkered notebook (the side of a checkerboard is 0.5 cm long). He begins his journey at the top of one of the cells and crawls along the sides of the cells, turning, when he wants, only at the tops. Prove that if he returns to the starting point, then his path will be an integer number of centimeters. Why are apple trees pruned to increase yields in spring? (Justify your choice)
a. To improve breathing; b. For the destruction of pests; v. To increase the area of ​​the sheet surface; d. For weed control; e. There is no correct answer. 4. What is: A) Pangea, B) Gondwana, C) Tethys, D) Beringia, E) Laurasia? 5. Based on these examples, can you come up with a rule that would explain when at the end of nouns with diminutive suffixes -shk - / - yushk- and -yshk - / - ishk- you need to write about, and when - al Give examples that support the pattern you noticed. Nest, little church, volyushka, chadushko (from Old Church Slavonic child- child, child). Grandpa, sunshine, little house. A hare, a cow, a month, a sparrow. 6. Translate the sentences into modern Russian.
“Yaroslav’s going to eat Kyev on the table otni ddni” (“The Tale of Bygone Years”).
"Today the prince ... wants a table to be sent to Kyev ...." (The Pskov Chronicle ") What did the word STOL mean in the Old Russian language? In which word of the modern Russian language is this meaning preserved? 7. Read the passage. "In the summer of 6370. I drove the Varangian across the sea, and did not give them tribute, and you yourself are in your own hands, and they do not have any truth, and they come from family to generation ..." What event are we talking about? What controversy has this event caused among historians? 8. Read the text. Find factual errors in it and write historically correct options instead. “March 20, 1200. Vladimir is noisy, the capital city of Russia. Cathedrals, chopped from powerful oak logs, raise their tents high. There is a marketplace near the walls of the prince's detinets. Here is a boyar servant buying fresh veal for the master's table. A monk sells absolutions. And here the goods are special - books. “Come on, honest people! Who wants to know where the Russian land came from - buy "The Tale of Bygone Years", the composition of Nestor the chronicler ", - shouts the Moscow merchant - guest" 9. Fill in the gaps in the text with the words given below. Great Britain is ... that lies off the northwest of Europe. ... separates the U.K. from the continent. There are four countries in the United Kingdom: ..., ..., .... The capital of G.B. is .... People often say that the Englishman "s home is his .... English people drink a lot of ... .The most spectacular sport in Britain is .... 1) London; 2) island; 3 ) castle; 4) the English Channel; 5) England; 6) tea; 7) Scotland; 8) Wales; 9) football; 10) Northern Ireland 10. For each word from the first column, select the corresponding word from the second column.
1. Apartmenta.Bisquit
2. Storeb.Main road
3. SoccerwithTrosers
4. Vacationd.The cinema
5. Pantse.Shop
6. Fallf.Flat
7. Cookieg-Football
8. Candyh.Autumn
9. The moviesi.Sweet
10. Highwayj-Holiday


School tour


1. Reduce the fraction:

2. In an isosceles triangle, the angle between the bisector of the apex angle and the bisector of the base angle is 130 °. Find the corners of the triangle.

3. Which of the forces known to you cause the phenomenon of convection? What determines its speed? Give examples.

4. Which birds have long legs? How do they help these birds?

5. During the coronation, one of the participants in the ceremony asked another, a Frenchman, how he felt about what was happening. The second answered:

“It’s very good, Your Majesty, it’s a pity that today there are not enough 300 thousand people who laid down their heads to make such ceremonies impossible.”

Name the first of the interlocutors, date the described events. Explain what happened to 300,000 people and why their aspirations did not come true.

6. What heroes are discussed in the following passages? Name the author and works.

He was about forty, medium height, thin and broad-shouldered. His black beard showed gray; lively big eyes kept running. His face had a rather pleasant expression, but a roguish one ...

... I was approached by a young officer of short stature, with a dark complexion and superbly ugly, but extremely lively ...

7. Edit these sentences by correcting speech, stylistic, and grammatical errors. Explain the meaning of your edit.

Prince Igor escaped from captivity.

Next Sunday we decided to go back to


We gave our guest a memorable souvenir.

After waking up, the child began to cry.

8. How do you feel about online dating? State your point of view on foreign languages.


School tour


9.1. Given a triangle ABC. The straight lines on which the bisector of the inner angle at vertex B and the bisector of the outer angle at vertex C lie intersect at point D. Angle BDC is equal to a. Find the corner of YOU.

9.2. Solve the equation:

9.3. A drop of clean water (without air bubbles inside) at a temperature of 30 ° C was released from the space orbital station. Describe qualitatively what will happen to the drop.

9.4. It is known about substances A, B and C that these are two gases (under normal conditions), two oxides, two are colored, two react with water. Find several triples of these substances that meet these conditions.

9.5. The mole is active all year round. Its close relative, the hedgehog, hibernates in the middle lane when unfavorable conditions occur. Explain why this is related.

9.6. The opinions of historians and contemporaries about him are very different, from ironic ("The ruler is weak and crafty / Bald dandy, enemy of labor") to enthusiastic ("Radiant Sun"). And his contemporary poet P.A. Vyazemsky will write: "The Sphinx, not unraveled to the grave ...". Who did they mean? What do you know about his companions?

Confirm or refute the point of view of the poets.

9.7. Read the beginning of a piece of art.

Once in the Epiphany evening
The girls wondered ...

9.8. Compare sentences, explain how and why their meaning changes.

a) the soloists of the "Sudarushka" ensemble in sarafans, made of red satin with embroidery, and blouses made of thin muslin with puffy sleeves, were especially good.

b) The soloists of the Sudarushka ensemble in red satin sundresses with embroidery and fine muslin blouses with puffy sleeves were especially good.

9.9. There is such a company - "Everything is possible." She fulfills any wishes of her clients (from delivering a hippopotamus to a children's matinee to organizing a competition at home).

You have won one day of free service. In any foreign languages ​​known to you, write what you will order from this company and why.


School tour


10.1. Points K and P are the midpoints of the sides BC and CD of the convex quadrilateral ABCD. The areas of triangles ABK, DAC, PAD are respectively equal to 98, 99, 100. Find the area of ​​the triangle AKP.

10.2. Solve the equation

2x 2 - 6xy + 5y 2 -2x + 1 = 0

10.3. Observations of water dropping in the air show that raindrops near the surface of the earth move uniformly, and water droplets falling from the leaves of trees or roofs fall with an approximately constant acceleration g. What is the reason for the different behavior of the drops in these two cases? Give examples of other phenomena that have the same causes.

10.4. Four female students helped a lab technician wipe reagent cans in a school lab. As a result, labels disappeared from four cans. Here is what female students interviewed by an outraged laboratory assistant said:

Anya: “There was chloride in the big brown jar. Among these substances were the salts of barium and aluminum, but there were no calcium salts. "

Katya: “Among the substances were nitrate and carbonate. There was silver salt in the little dark vial. "

Nadia: “The ammonium salt was in a plastic jar. Among the substances was sulfate, but certainly not calcium or barium. "

Olya: “The ammonium salt was neither nitrate nor carbonate. There was no nitrate or aluminum salt in the little jar with a rubber stopper. "

The laboratory assistant analyzed the contents of the cans and found the students gave accurate information. What labels did the lab technician put on each of the cans? What experiments could he conduct to check the testimony of the students?

Write down the equations of the corresponding reactions and briefly describe his observations.

10.5. If you collect the flowing blood in a clean glass vessel, then after a few minutes it turns into a red gelatinous mass. They say: "Blood coagulation has occurred." However, blood for transfusion can be stored for several days or even months without clotting. How can this be explained?

10.6. Three countries of foreign Europe, which are leaders in the extraction of these types of fuel and raw materials, have long sea borders. The standard of living of the population in these countries is very high, but two of the countries on this list are small in terms of population and GDP. The production itself began relatively recently (in the 1960s), which is associated with the inaccessibility of these deposits and the difficulties of their exploration. What deposits are we talking about?

10.7. The famous Russian poet of the first half of the 19th century V.A.Zhukovsky included the following lines in his message to a contemporary, a well-known statesman:

Live for centuries in the greatness of the people.
For the good of all - forget your own,
Only in the free voice of the Fatherland
Read your deeds with humility.

To whom and for what reason does the poet address? Did his expectations come true?

10.8. From what work are these lines? Who is its author? Comment on them.

So he wrote darkly and listlessly.
(What we call romanticism
Although there is not a bit of romanticism here
I do not see; what is it to us?)

10.9. In modern explanatory dictionaries, the meaning of the word "shepherdess" is defined through the word "shepherd", "shepherdess" is a feminine gender. Can a woman herding a flock be called a shepherdess at the present time? Why?

10.10. You create your own TV channel. What audience are you targeting? Give annotations for several broadcasts. Make an announcement of your channel in any foreign languages ​​you know.

If a rectangle is folded from two squares with a side of 4 centimeters, then this rectangle will have a width equal to 4 cm. A length of 8 cm. The perimeter of a rectangle is equal to the sum of the length and width of the rectangle multiplied by two. The area of ​​a rectangle is equal to the product of length and width.

1. Find the area of ​​the rectangle.

4 * 8 = 32 cm2.

2. Find the perimeter of the rectangle.

(4 + 8) * 2 = 12 * 2 = 24 centimeters.

Answer: The area of ​​a rectangle is thirty-two square centimeters. The perimeter of the rectangle is 24 cm.

To solve this task, we must calculate the perimeter and area of ​​the resulting rectangle.

Calculate the length and width of the rectangle

A square is a quadrangle in which all 4 corners are straight and all four sides are equal. The width of the rectangle that we got as a result of adding two identical squares will be equal to the length of one side of the square, that is, 4 centimeters. Let's calculate what the length of the resulting rectangle will be equal to.

a = 4 * 2 = 8 centimeters.

Calculate the perimeter and area of ​​the rectangle

To solve this problem, recall the formula for the area of ​​a rectangle. The area of ​​the rectangle is equal to the product of the length and the width. S = a * b, where a is the length and b is the width. Let's calculate the area of ​​a rectangle 8 centimeters long and 4 centimeters wide.

S = 8 * 4 = 32 sq. Cm.

The perimeter of a rectangle is the sum of the lengths of all its sides. Since in a rectangle the opposite sides are equal, then P = 2 * (a + b), where a is the length, b is the width. We calculate the perimeter of a rectangle 8 centimeters long and 4 centimeters wide.

P = 2 * (4 + 8) = 2 * 12 = 24 centimeters.

Thus, we get the following parameters of the resulting rectangle:

  • S = 32 square centimeters.
  • P = 24 centimeters.
  • a = 8 centimeters.
  • b = 4 centimeters.

Answer: 32 cm2, 24 centimeters.

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