Home Berries Robot fish for aquarium as natural. Aquarium Fish - Robot! The fish swims as if it were alive! review of chinese and original robo fish videos

Robot fish for aquarium as natural. Aquarium Fish - Robot! The fish swims as if it were alive! review of chinese and original robo fish videos

They were purchased under the influence of reviews on Muska. The post office began to work again as expected, the parcel was delivered within 23 days ...
In a large bag there were blisters with fish arranged in a bubble. Bubbles measured generously, measured - it turned out 3 x 0.3 m

As you can see in the package, the fish itself and 2 spare batteries. Prod poured 8 more batteries into a paper bag as a gift.

Two dark spines are visible on the sides. These are sensors that respond to changes in resistance. Therefore, a fish lowered into the water immediately starts wagging its tail. She will do the same if she grabbed the sensors with two fingers, and when it is turned on, it will not turn off until the whole complex inherent in the memory has been completed. Therefore, on land, it is better to take the fish by the fin.

The fish works from 2 batteries, but maybe from one, but the nimbleness is proportionally reduced and the ability to dive is lost.

There is a silicone gasket on the cover that covers the battery pack for tightness. Also visible is a metal ball intended for loading fish.

The lid is attached to a screw, and not some kind of self-tapping screw

Weight height.

As you can see from the video under the spoiler, the fish is set in motion by an electromagnet, and the coil moves along a fixed core. Here that is the weak point, since the wiring supplying current to the coil is single-core, sooner or later it will break off

In order for the fish to go to a depth, its center of gravity is shifted to the head and with a quick wagging of the tail, the fish dives, this lasts up to 10 seconds, during this time it can plunge about a meter in depth, then the fast rhythm changes to a slow one and the fish begins to emerge. even the average rhythm while the fish swims in the water column, the duration of the fast, medium and slow rhythm is different each time and they change randomly, as a result of the almost complete illusion that the fish is alive. True, in order to fully feel the effect of the robot, you need an aquarium, or another large transparent vessel, in the bathroom and other basins the watchability is reduced by 90 percent.

And here is a fish in the bathroom, the effect is not the same

The duration of work from one set of batteries according to messages from the Internet is 6 hours.
A good toy for kids and adults. I have been in my office for 2 weeks already, employees come and start the fish, sit, watch, relieve stress. I plan to buy +34 Add to favourites I liked the review +33 +69

As a child, I also had a robot. So plastic, clumsy. He moved his feet on wheels and moved forward little by little. 35 years have passed and robots are increasingly entering our lives. Following on from us appeared robotic fish(robofish), which, judging by the ads, should just work wonders. In this article I will show how it actually works in a regular bath, and not in a commercial, then we will calculate how much money is needed for batteries, and you yourself decide whether it is worth it. buy or just live on without the robo-fish.

To begin with, I would like to say that the cost of robotic fish, if ordered in an online store, fluctuates depending on the model, the store itself and the delivery conditions. If you live in Moscow, then everything will be much easier and cheaper. You can even buy several robotic fish at once, and then each will cost about 300 rubles. Over time, the price will drop even lower.

If you live in a small town and buy only one robotic fish, then its cost, together with delivery, can reach thousands of rubles, which, you must agree, is very sensitive. It will be all the more annoying after buying a fish to come to the same conclusions that I am going to voice here.

What are the robotic fish

Now let's decide on the models of fish that are offered for sale. We personally tested the Robofish 2501-3 robotic clown fish (blue).

There is another option: Tropical RoboFish Robofish 2549.

These models are characterized by the fact that only the caudal fin is mobile. Hence - the relative slowness and sluggishness.

There are other options in which not only the tail moves, but the whole body bends, starting from the dorsal fin:

I have not seen such people alive, but I think they should be more nimble.

In addition to different models, there are many variations of the colors of the robotic fish and new ones will appear over time.

If you buy only one robot fish, as we did, you will also have to puzzle over which color and model is better to choose. This is a matter of taste, so I can't give any advice here.

Robofish. First impression

When the order was delivered to us, we saw the most ordinary, and none of the ultra-modern packaging, which, moreover, was also damaged. However, the fish itself was in order and we decided not to go into the bottle because of the packaging, which will still go to the trash can.

On the back were the rules for handling robotic fish in pure English.

If you do not go into details, it was said that it is not necessary to turn on and off the fish on purpose. It activates itself when it gets into the water. The fish really showed no signs of life. I tried to wiggle her tail slightly - the only moving part - but there was no reaction.

The thought arose that the robotic fish was either faulty, or there were no batteries in it (or they were hopelessly discharged). Imagine our surprise when we lowered the fish into the water, and it suddenly came to life and swam!

Unfortunately, however, her behavior was significantly different from what we saw earlier in the commercial. Later, looking at it again, as an "old" video editor, I could not help but notice that some parts of the video are clearly accelerated and, as a result, the fish just rage in the aquarium.

In fact, the robotic fish swims very slowly, measuredly. While swimming, she makes a soft, but still perceptible clicking sound. See how the robotic fish behaves in the bathroom:

Frankly, we expected more energy from her after watching the commercial. On the other hand, letting her in the bath is a laughing matter for the chickens. Now I will try to formulate a few thoughts on how I would act if I had to buy a robot fish again.

How to buy a robotic fish and not regret the money thrown away

The first thing that comes to mind is that a single robotic fish taken separately does not produce the effect we expected. after watching advertisements. In order for this to be truly an interesting sight, there must be several of them. It will be interesting to watch them, because they will interact. And although this interaction will be completely random (fish cannot consult, build strategies, plot, etc.), it will still be interesting to find in this randomness of movements similar to real interaction.

How many robotic fish to buy is up to you, see how much money you are not sorry to have such an aquarium with floating robots. I'm not even talking about the fact that it is better to buy fish of different colors.

Speaking of the aquarium, this is just the second thing I would like to discuss. Some robotic fish are sold with the aquarium. Such a set, a fish and an aquarium (sometimes also coral), is sold for 990 rubles (hereinafter, the prices that are found in online stores are indicated; in boutiques they will be much higher).

I think that there is no point in buying such a kit - the aquarium is too small. In order to be really interesting to watch robotic fish, you need a large aquarium. The same as for real fish. Only then, and not in a bath or a three-liter jar, will the robotic fish appear in all their glory.

Stock up on batteries right away. Robofish are very voracious. No wonder their activity after launching into the water lasts only five minutes. Then they "drift" and they have to be fished out of the water again and started up again. If you just leave them in water, periodically restarting, then a set of two batteries will be "planted" in just 30 minutes. Of course, the battery is different, but you will not buy two batteries for 50 rubles for each fish. After all, if you, for example, have six fish, then 600 rubles will be required to recharge them!

You can buy less expensive batteries, but they will drain faster. One involuntarily comes to the idea that ordinary live fish can be cheaper and "work" without stopping as long as you want to admire them. True, in the case of live fish, you will have to clean the aquarium from time to time and, of course, feed them periodically.

In a word - trouble with these fish. Not only do they cost a pretty penny themselves, they need to be constantly fed with the energy of new batteries. One expenses.

I think that over time you will use them less and less, and then completely put them until better times somewhere in a distant box, where they will lie until the end of the century.

It's good that we had the opportunity to come to this simple idea before we hit the big sum. Just one robo-fish showed us that neither she nor her to get together we did not need at all. If the fish theme does not give you peace at all, it is much better, easier and cheaper to download a screen saver with aquarium fish from the Internet and enjoy them completely free of charge.

Why do people have aquarium fish? Rather, for aesthetic reasons: the aquarium improves the microclimate in the home and decorates the interior, observing the bright underwater inhabitants soaring calms the nervous system ... Unfortunately, aquarium fish, like all living things, require constant care and attention. Otherwise, their health and appearance deteriorates. Live aquarium fish are no longer relevant. Progress has also touched this area, underwater is no longer a curiosity. Many companies design and manufacture floating robot fish (Robo-Fish). The Japanese companies Takara Tomy ARTS and Sedensha Co. Of course, for now aquarium robots fish cannot be confused with real ones, but nevertheless, outwardly and most importantly in movements, they have much in common with living exotic fish. Robo-fish can swim to simulate the search for food near the bottom or rise to the surface. Stand aquarium robot fish about $ 40, although they can be found much cheaper in Chinese online stores.

But just swimming in an aquarium is not the main goal of developing robot fish. For example, the robot fish, which entertains visitors to the London Aquarium, measuring about one and a half meters, has been modernized and refined. Now swimming in natural conditions, she will be able to monitor the pollution of sea water. In addition, the robot fish has a navigation system that allows it to navigate in space, and if necessary (for example, if the battery runs out) can return to the power source. Despite the still high price of this fish (about $ 30 thousand), it is planned to release a whole flock of such robotic fish into the sea in the region of Spain.

A completely different task can be performed by a fish robot created at New York University. Robot fish, very realistic in appearance and movement, is able to attract the attention of real "relatives" and even take shoals of fish away from danger, for example, from turbines of power plants. Of course, they don't talk about this, but the prospect of using robots looking for fish and bringing whole shoals into distributed nets is quite real in the very near future.

Robot astronaut

It would be strange if the Japanese weren't preparing their robots for space travel. Therefore, a miniature android-astronaut already flew into space in 2013. The little traveler's name is Kirobo and his functions on the ISS were severely limited, since the main goal of an android is to communicate with people. Kirobo knows only his native language, and in the international team he entertained exclusively his compatriot in flesh and blood - cosmonaut Konchi Wakata.

RC Robot Dinosaurs

Unlike Japan's useful and promising robots, huge radio-controlled dinosaur robots have not found applications in any field. Therefore, at all exhibitions of robots, people are perplexed and cannot imagine this huge mechanical reptile in action.

In addition, dinosaur robots can be controlled from a fairly large distance, therefore, the first thing that comes to mind is a funny prank or revenge on the offender.

Aquarium Robot Fish

Two leading Japanese corporations, Daiichi and Kogei Eamex, have developed a robotic aquarium fish that swims thanks to its artificial muscles. This model was released back in 2003 and can be purchased for 16,000 yen (about 700 rubles). The artificial intelligence aquarium fish named Floajet has unusual muscles that only work when the volume of water inside a special plate increases (that is, when the fish enters the water).
And the artificial flexible muscle on her tail is perfectly stimulated by a special antenna located in the home aquarium. This fish was created not for entertainment, but as an experiment. Firstly, the Japanese want to create a very small artificial muscle that can be used as a medical catheter, and secondly, with the help of these developments, a power suit will be created in which elderly people with muscle problems can walk.

Ping pong robot

Unlike other models, the ping-pong robot does not have a human appearance, but it can replace your partner in the game at any time. After all, it often happens that your partner is ill, or you want to go out of town alone, and you do not have a partner to play.
The ping-pong robot makes passes and catches balls, and it is not so easy to beat him, therefore, the news about the duel between the robot and the tennis player Timo Boleem excited the whole world. Everyone knows Timo, as the first racket in the world, but this star played with a robot for the first time. And, although Bollei had to sweat and concentrate on the game, he confidently won the cars. The miracle did not happen, but in any case, all Japanese robots can be considered a miracle of modern technology.

Robot fish (Koi carp)

Robots aren't just copying humans. So, at Kitakyushu University, a robot was developed that completely copies carp fish. A robot named Karp Koi is so believable that it swims freely in the pond between the fish and does not even cause them any doubts about its origin. Koi carp is equipped with a special motor system and swims due to the correct movement of the tail, just like a live fish. The carp is covered in silicone and looks like the red snapper from which it was copied. The Koi robot weighs seven kilograms and has a ballast system that is used during the manufacture of boats for proper diving and ascent. The robot fish works for about an hour, and can discreetly and without attracting attention to observe its living relatives. Carp swim gracefully in the depths of the sea, release air bubbles, and perfectly investigate the marine ecosystem, helping scientists to take water samples and determine the pollution of water bodies. Having learned about robotic fish, scientists from other countries wanted to acquire a development for studying ecology and the aquatic sphere.

Turtle robot

If your child is a fan of the cult cartoon "Finding Nemo", loves animals and is not indifferent to high-tech innovations of our time, then the gift that will win his heart and make you a great wizard in his eyes.

Modern scientists have invented a real miracle technique that will more than replace your usual aquarium fish.

You can't imagine what she can do: in her habits she is practically indistinguishable from her living counterparts living in the waters of the oceans.

Amazing fish robot toy, which will please not only children, but also adults, having barely got into the water, is activated by a mini-motor, with the help of which it begins to move in various directions.

The fish flock into flocks, disperse, swim throughout the aquarium at different speeds and even imitate the search for food, just like real ones.

With this exclusive gift, you can easily confuse guests or amaze a girl by convincing you that you have a real fish kingdom at home, and you rule it like Neptune.

Swimming robot fish released by developers in several varieties:

there are famous clown fish named Nemo from the cartoon, and there are also young sharks for thrill-seekers.

In addition to purely aesthetic pleasure, it also has a number of indisputable advantages that modern busy people will rightfully appreciate.

Click on the Play button and the Pause button !!!
Wait a couple of minutes for the video to load.

After all, electronic toys, unlike real animals, do not require any maintenance. There is no need to clean the aquarium, change the water in it, monitor the oxygen level, remember the timely purchase of food for fish.

Anyway, fish robot toy can do without an aquarium at all. It can be put into any container filled with water, be it a jar or a small bath.

In order to please your family and guests every evening, you just need to change the most ordinary batteries from time to time. Best of all, do this in secret from the children so that the fairy tale for them lasts as long as possible.

And best of all, decorate the underwater world in accordance with the most mysterious and vivid ideas of the child about the adventures and romance of long voyages.

Click on the Play button and the Pause button !!!
Wait a couple of minutes for the video to load.

Fill these fish tanks with shipwrecks, tiny pirate treasures that have sunk forever in the ocean. In this case, it will be almost impossible to tear the baby away from such an aquarium.

And not only children will want to have such fun at home, a win-win romantic gift. Moreover, both for a girl on Valentine's Day or March 8, and for a young man on the anniversary of their acquaintance or February 23.

If you are invited to a housewarming party, then fish robot toy will organically fit into any interior, it will be an excellent present, besides, the owners will not have to take care of their "pet", they will only admire your wit and resourcefulness.

Will delight your real pets too. It has already been proven that cats can hide for hours and watch this mechanical miracle, preparing to attack.

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