Home Berries How many derived names robert. Robert: the meaning of the name and origin. Diminutive names

How many derived names robert. Robert: the meaning of the name and origin. Diminutive names

What does the name Robert mean:
this name, first of all, means precisely - unfading glory.

Origin of the name Robert:
This name was once very popular among the ancient Germans.

The character conveyed by the name Robert:
Robert almost always and everywhere easily knows how to stand out from the general environment. And even in his family, he is just an unspoken favorite of his parents. And the whole point is that Robert himself, being still a very young boy, can behave like a real adult man. So he is extremely reasonable, incredibly calm, and not childishly balanced. Moreover, Robert has everything necessary for a truly successful life and an inner core, and willpower, and a powerful character, moreover, he is so confident in himself and his strengths that he does not need any praise or some flattery directed at him. ...

And Robert's pride can be quite objective - so from birth he knows all his pros and cons, and, moreover, does not try to seem at all what he really is not or does not even try to create a certain mythical image for himself. But one of the most important hobbies of young Robert is, of course, various sports, and, of course, such a childhood hobby can sometimes develop into the work of his whole life.

Also, Robert always knows very precisely what exactly he needs, and precisely and persistently goes to his goal. Among other things, he practically does not have some kind of internal breakdowns. And even in the unpleasant case of complete failure in any of his endeavors, Robert with his head held high will be able to go further, often starting from scratch. And his close people often may not even guess that Robert himself, deep inside himself, is suffering or worried a lot. So his pride will almost never be able to allow him to run somewhere for help, or, let's say, just be hysterical. Robert is an incredibly self-sufficient and extremely distinctive person. He has an open and fairly even character, and also has a large number of close friends and various friends, often he just becomes the soul of absolutely any company.

Among other things, Robert, by his nature, is extremely unpredictable and can even choose for himself the work of his whole life exactly that occupation to which he simply did not seem to pay the slightest attention at all. Therefore, in no case should his parents put Robert any serious restrictions on the choice of a future profession in early childhood - let him try himself in completely different areas. So among the Roberts there are incredibly many talented artists, sometimes excellent artists, or cooks, a little less often doctors or representatives of other serious specialties. But in case of failure in the once chosen field, Robert will be able to go further through life with ease and ease, while finding a completely new object for his powerful interest.

Also, Robert is a universally recognized favorite of many women. He himself should be noted that he is not averse to starting a whirlwind romance, even if it is not too serious. And, of course, this often becomes a good reason that Robert himself quite late decides to enter into a legal marriage. It must be said, however, that having already become the head of the family, Robert may well cast curious glances in different directions - and his wife should in no case lose her vigilance for a minute!

By D. and N. Winter

The meaning and origin of the name: "Brilliant, unfading glory" (from the ancient Germanic roots hrod, "glory", and beraht, "brilliant, bright")

Name energy and character: The name Robert, due to its sonority and rarity, is able to distinguish its bearer in almost any circle, nevertheless, this somewhat contradicts the general energy of the name, since there is a rather noticeable isolation and poise in it. This is usually expressed in the fact that from childhood, Robert begins to look somewhat older than his years, reacting with restraint to excessive attention. Perhaps he will even seem a little strict and coldish, but this is hardly true.

This name suggests concentration, the ability to long-term concentration and good nature. Usually, Robert's pride is not infringed, he can quite calmly stand up for himself, but the name does not incline him to a long experience of resentment. Rather, on the contrary, after the conflict, Robert will quickly regain his balance and may even try to understand his enemy, and to understand means to treat him like a human being. At the same time, balance does not make him lazy and clumsy, it happens that even without any education, he early learns the value of the word "must" and tries to do the job without fuss and very thoroughly.

Of course, he is also familiar with deep feelings and experiences, especially in adolescence, but he prefers to keep them inside. If the name was sharper, it could lead to nervous overstrain or even a breakdown, but without undue touchiness, Robert often gives his thoughts about the sources of his problems a justifying character. He knows how to forgive and understand, and often does this so that no one feels any humiliation, for which he begins to enjoy considerable respect and even authority among his comrades. This quality has another plus - Robert becomes an excellent psychologist, which can greatly help him not only in his personal life, but also in managerial work. In love, he will most likely strive to maintain a strong feeling for the one and only woman for him, whose betrayal may turn out to be a terrible tragedy for him, but it is likely that he will be able to forgive this too.

The only thing that is, perhaps, lacking in the energy of the name is the penchant for wit. Sometimes Robert becomes serious without any measure, and therefore it is possible that "accepting" his communication in large doses will one day become unbearable. It is very good if Robert develops a sense of humor, otherwise his "correctness", evoking sympathy from outsiders, will become a source of suffering for loved ones.

Communication Secrets: Often people get burned by trying to bribe Robert in order to win him over to their side. Most likely, Robert will simply begin to avoid meeting such people. At the same time, you can get his support simply by talking to him heart to heart and explaining the situation. It is interesting that Robert himself, being balanced and calm, can passionately love adventure literature and feel sympathy for people of an adventurous nature.

Name trace in history:

Robert Scott

It is unlikely that Amundsen, conquering the North Pole, could even imagine that his joy - the joy of a winner - would turn into a real tragedy for someone. However, this is exactly what happened: just two days later, an expedition of five exhausted people, led by polar explorer Robert Scott (1868-1912), approached the pole, at which the Norwegian flag was already fluttering. The result turned out to be sad: the strength of the people was already running out, food was running out, and the fact that they were the second did not at all contribute to strengthening the spirit. The expedition froze in the polar ice, just a few miles away from the food depot.

Nevertheless, Robert Scott is rightfully considered one of the most outstanding polar explorers - after all, it was under his leadership that a special ship for navigation and work in the ice "Discovery" was built. The result of Scott's first expedition on this ship was the discovery of Edward VII's Land and a huge amount of invaluable materials for science, the publication of which barely fit in twelve volumes. And only the second expedition was destined to draw a line in the life and achievements of the great polar explorer.

Sexy portrait of the name (by Higir)

Robert is charming, well built, very popular with women and knows it. He quite often changes his girlfriends, loves tall women with beautiful breasts. In Robert's life, love and sex play an important role, for him they are not only a source of sensual pleasure, but also a way to achieve peace of mind, to develop as a person. He expects from intimacy with a woman not only a release of sexual tension, but also more elevated feelings - a feeling of spiritual closeness, love ecstasy. However, Robert does not always know how to measure the requirements for himself with the requirements for his partner, often his claims to her are too great, and this can cause conflicts between

Robert is constantly in search: having found a girlfriend, who seems to him the only one with whom he would like to connect his life, Robert is at first crazy about her, cannot imagine life without her, but, not meeting a reciprocal feeling, he wilts, his attraction goes out and can be replaced by sexual apathy. Robert is not a fighter, he would rather follow the one who leads than seek the love of an inaccessible woman.

Robert is affectionate and gentle, and these feelings, as a rule, always find a response in a woman's heart, they relieve a woman of some prejudices regarding sexual behavior, make her sensitive to her partner, responding to all his desires. Robert's sexual experience is usually great, but he is quite careful with his less experienced partner: trying not to scare her away, "tames" her gradually. If he has minor failures, he treats them philosophically, with the exception of "summer" Robert, who immediately panics.

According to Higir

Robert is the hero of numerous French knightly novels. Presumably means: bright glory.

In the family, Robert is usually the firstborn, outwardly the boy looks like his mother, and she does not like a soul in him. Robert inherited stubbornness and perseverance from his father.

Already in childhood, Robert goes in for sports and often devotes his life to him, becoming a professional athlete.

Robert is very specific in his aspirations and desires, clearly understands what he wants. However, striving to go to the goal the shortest way, he gets bumped and fails. Pride does not allow him to drive his wrong, he will suffer in silence, experiencing everything inside himself, and then he will start all over again.

Roberts are witty, cheerful and generous - no wonder they have no shortage of friends. Among the men who bear this name, you can find people of various professions: artists and doctors, sports coaches and cooks, artists and investigators, but they all have one invaluable advantage - the ability to be happy in any life circumstances. If need be, they can be unassuming and content with little.

"Winter" - jealous, hard going through female cunning and, fearing to make a mistake, do not marry for a long time. However, the one on whom Robert chooses will be happy with him. He is a good son and no less good father. His house is always open to guests. Those born in December become high-class athletes. "Winter" Robert is usually a handsome man who attracts the attention of women. There is something of a harsh nature in him, but his heart is responsive. This is a reliable person who does not attach more importance to the external signs of success in life, the main thing for him is to gain stability and feel happy,

"Summer" - a slightly different plan: it seemed that the very violent nature added to their portrait a few bright strokes. These are people of a wide nature, who do not like and cannot count money, they are generous and sympathetic. They are always attracted to feats, for which they often receive clicks instead of awards. They are restless and do not like being alone.

Robert is not sentimental, he is rather even strict, but he has a lot of warmth that does not lie on the surface - and his relatives and friends are well aware of this.

Robert will probably be lucky if one of those named Vera, Tamara, Inna, Veronica, Elizabeth, Irina becomes his chosen one.

About the origin and meaning of the male name Robert, all scientists and specialists in this field have absolutely no disagreements. The origin of the name Robert is unambiguously ancient Germanic, which translated into Russian means "glorious" or "unfading glory." Due to its importance, the male name Robert became widespread in America and Europe. But it has slightly modified, characteristic for each country, forms. It sounds like Robertus, Rupert, Robin, Robbie, Arruber and others. In the domestic open spaces, this name is quite rare, and even more so it cannot be called popular. The origin of the name leaves a great "brilliant" and "glorious" imprint on its bearer Robert, and plays an important role in shaping the character of a child.


The meaning of the rare name Robert for a boy is excessive calmness and poise, restraint and insignificant isolation. Often the baby has to be in the center of attention in society, which he really does not like because of his characteristic features. The kid grows up as a very calm boy from early childhood and in an adult way. Robert can be called a very modest child, because he seriously believes that he is an extremely unremarkable person without special talents, who does not stand out in anything. Therefore, when those around him begin to show increased attention to him, he responds to them with extraordinary restraint. Studying at school is good for Robert. He successfully masters absolutely all subjects. However, the student is far from being a botanist or a crammer. Just the meaning of the name endows Robert with tremendous abilities both in the humanities and in the exact sciences, which will come in handy for the boy in the near future and fate.

This child has a special predisposition to learning foreign languages. His inherent neatness and thrift make his notebooks, diary and textbooks a role model. However, the meaning of the name Robert does not endow this child with good health. The boy grows up sickly, he often has to miss school, but this does not affect his performance. Even during illness, the student studies independently or with the help of friends, so he never lags behind. In terms of obedience, the boy also has no complaints. Parents are easy and comfortable with him. But he also has a special feature - he has his own point of view on any question. He can change it only if he is provided with arguments and facts, as well as evidence of his wrongness.

Boy Robert, which means the name "brilliant with fame", is very sociable, friendly, affable and helpful. his positive trait is conscientiousness, he will never go to commit a bad deed, no matter what benefit he brings. He has many friends, but at the same time with them he can often be reserved. The kid is used to keeping all the grievances and experiences in himself and not to share them even with loved ones, since he practically does not trust people.

Business and career

Robert Rozhdestvensky

Quiet areas are ideal for Robert. This means that a man named Robert can become a teacher, a librarian. teacher. In childhood and adolescence, there are clear predispositions of the child to become a professional athlete, which in adulthood can develop into his career. Character traits such as determination and perseverance help a man not only set specific tasks for himself, but also achieve this. He always knows where to go. Often the chosen path to success is accompanied by ups and downs, Robert fills himself with bumps, but courageously experiences it inside himself and takes up the job again. Finding a profession for himself, he does not strive to become a leader in a team.

A man prefers to be a deputy director, and even better - to occupy an ordinary rank-and-file position. Robert is not one of those people who have great ambition at work and the desire to argue. He silently and obediently performs his work and all the instructions of his superiors. This means that the bearer of the name Robert does not seem to be against career growth, but he will not make much effort to this. He needs a measured and calm existence. A man has a predisposition to starting his own business, but it is important that the business is small and brings a stable income. For Robert, his development and expansion is not even necessary, the main thing is constant income. In the meaning of the name Robert, there is a predisposition to such areas as art and sports. He can become a historian, biologist, draftsman. This man is not a team player, but a solo player. It is easier for him to cope with affairs by working independently.

Personal life

The meaning of the name Robert makes a grown man a witty joker. Despite his childish isolation, the guy grows up as the soul of the company. He is always ready to help not only relatives and friends, but also those around him, they are distinguished by generosity and good nature. In fate, a man named Robert, thanks to the meaning of his name, always has many friends and acquaintances. For him, life is beautiful in all its reflections and situations. Robert's personal life is very eventful. This charming guy not only attracts, but literally beckons the opposite sex. He has no goal to find the only one as soon as possible and find harmony and happiness with it. Robert often changes girls. This guy is very picky about his partner, he needs attention, affection, love.

Not everyone knows what the name Robert means excessive narcissism. No matter how much he likes the girl and no matter how much he feels for her, if she is cold to him, then he will not even try to win her love. She will not be upset for a long time either, she will quickly find solace in the arms of another girl. However, when a guy finds mutual love, he instantly turns into a serious man, in whom nothing remains of the windy "Casanova". It becomes even more serious when you get married. He will remain faithful to his wife, completely not interested in adventures on the side. In some situations, his jealousy can prevent him. It will be difficult for Robert to experience the betrayal of his beloved woman, but he is able to quickly forgive her. A man is ready to go to great lengths to preserve his marriage and live a long life in it. He loves his children very much, sacrificing a lot to make them happy. At the same time, he is really very attentive to them, takes an active part in their upbringing.


A grown man named Robert, whose meaning is pretty good, is an exceptional person in all respects. Not only is he a godsend for any woman. He is also able to always keep his word, promise, always tries to be as courteous as possible, to please everyone, does not deceive or offend people. Despite the fact that all people are different, he tries to behave with the same restraint with everyone. It is very easy to make friends with him due to his sociability, friendliness, openness and affability. He likes to be surrounded by friends. But since childhood, his distrust and secrecy remains behind him. People are drawn to Robert due to his ability to win over, to let him talk.

Aventurine stone

It is important to find out in time what the name Robert means is an excellent listener who is able to support, draw the right conclusions, give the right site, help in word and deed. He is not only able to understand other people, but also to forgive them. Any secrets and secrets entrusted to the guy will be safely kept. This non-conflict person has such advantages of his character as responsiveness, adequacy, ingenuity and adherence to principles. But due to the meaning of the name, there are several negative features in Robert's character - isolation and closeness.

Sometimes you can note Robert's arrogance, gloom, gloom and picky. He is always able to win over people to him, especially if he is in a depressed state or simply without mood. Lack of emotionality and severity can even scare people off. The best amulet for Robert will be aventurine talisman stone, his name is patronized by the planets Uranus and Pluto, and an electric ray is the totem animal. The meaning of the name Robert is ideally combined with such zodiac constellations as Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio.


Robert has favorable compatibility with the female names Alexandra, Alla, Anna, Angela, Valentina, Veronica, Vera, Zhanna, Zinaida, Karina, Lydia, Love, Nadezhda, Nina, Marina, Margarita, Maya, Marta, Olga, Raisa, Rosa, Regina , Sofia, Tatiana, Tamara, Ulyana Julia.

Robert will have an unsuccessful union with Ada, Anastasia, Barbara, Louise, Maria, Emma, ​​Antonina, Lina, Stella, Frida.

Name forms Robert

Short form of the name Robert. Robertushka, Rob, Rob, Bert, Bertik, Roban, Rab, Robik, Rubin. Synonyms for the name Robert. Rupert, Robin, Robertus, Reibert, Rauber, Arruber.

The name Robert in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 羅伯特 · (Luóbótè ·). Japanese: ロ バ ー ト (Robāto). Marathi: रॉबर्ट (Rŏbarṭa). Yiddish: ראבערט (Rʼbʻrt). Ukrainian: Robert. Kannada: ರಾಬರ್ಟ್ (Rābarṭ). English: Robert (Robert).

Origin of the name Robert

Patronizing planet- Pluto.

Talisman-stone, mineral, metal- aventurine, fire opal, carnelian.

Talisman-color- purple, blue, orange-red.

Mascot plant- alpine rose.

Animal mascot- electric ray, electric eel

The most successful day- Wednesday Saturday.

Predisposition to traits such as- optimism, kindness, generosity.

Numerology named after Robert

The owners of the number of the name 8 are characterized by a penchant for business. "Eights" are mostly very strong personalities, focusing on practicality and material benefits. They are accustomed to constantly doing business, without rest or breaks. They don't get anything in life just like that - they have to fight for everything. However, it is precisely among the G8 that there are a large number of successful businessmen and politicians. To achieve their goals, they stop at nothing and achieve their goal at any cost and by any means. There are always leaders in the family, and often tyrants. "Eights" by nature do not tend to make a lot of friends. Their main friend is work. However, it is worth remembering that if the G8 is caught by a long streak of failures, it can break down, withdraw into itself and lose all interest in life.


Planet: Uranus.
Element: Air, cold-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Colour: Electric, Shiny, Neon, Purple.
Day: Wednesday, Saturday.
Metal: Aluminum.
Mineral: Amethyst, rock crystal.
Plants: Rubber tree, aspen, barberry, alpine rose, saxifrage.
Beasts: Electric ray, electric eel.

Name Robert as a phrase

Oh He (Oh, Oh)
B Buki
Ye Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
T firmly

Interpreting the meaning of the letters of the name Robert

O - deep feelings, the ability to handle money. For the completeness of realization, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that the goal is prepared for him and you need to use your rich intuition to distinguish it from the bustle of existence.
B - spiritual romanticism, constancy, strength, penetrating abilities, the desire to financially secure their lives.
E - the need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as a mediator, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Talkativeness is possible.
P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and is sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act effectively using every minute.

Sexual meaning of the name Robert

Robert is charming, well built, very popular with women and knows it. He quite often changes his girlfriends, loves tall women with beautiful breasts.

In Robert's life, love and sex play an important role, for him they are not only a source of sensual pleasure, but also a way to achieve peace of mind, to develop as a person. He expects from intimacy with a woman not only a release of sexual tension, but also more elevated feelings - a feeling of spiritual closeness, love ecstasy. However, Robert does not always know how to measure the requirements for himself with the requirements for his partner, often his claims to her are too great, and this can cause conflicts between them.

Robert is constantly in search: having found a girlfriend, who seems to him the only one with whom he would like to connect his life, Robert is at first crazy about her, cannot imagine life without her, but, not meeting a reciprocal feeling, he wilts, his attraction goes out and can be replaced by sexual apathy. Robert is not a fighter, he would rather follow the one who leads than seek the love of an inaccessible woman.

Robert is affectionate and gentle, and these feelings, as a rule, always find a response in a woman's heart, they relieve a woman of some prejudices regarding sexual behavior, make her sensitive to her partner, responding to all his desires.

Robert's sexual experience is usually great, but he is quite careful with his less experienced partner: trying not to scare her away, "tames" her gradually. If he has minor failures, he treats them philosophically, with the exception of "summer" Robert, who immediately panics.

Characteristics of the name Robert according to B. Khigir

Translated from the ancient Germanic - "unfading glory". As a child, Robert is a stubborn and independent boy, persistent and taciturn. Even in childhood, he begins to play sports and often makes it his profession. Adult Robert always knows what he wants and how to achieve it. Striving for the goal, Robert takes the shortest path, often at the same time stuffing bumps, failures do not stop him. He is proud, and therefore does not ask for help and often does not admit that he is wrong, preferring to suffer in silence and alone, and then starts all over again.

Robert is witty, generous and cheerful, he has many friends. This man knows how to be happy under any circumstances, can be content with only the most necessary and not be depressed and unhappy at the same time. Robert's abilities are manifested in the most diverse areas of human activity, he performs any work easily, and at the same time always professionally. In relations with women, Robert is not sentimental, but rather strict, but he has a lot of warmth that does not manifest itself in relation to strangers.

But among his own people, Robert is usually quite gentle and gentle. Winter Robert is jealous. He is experiencing hard setbacks on the personal front, for a long time he cannot make a choice of a life partner for fear of making a mistake, but a woman who has connected her life with him will be happy. This man is hospitable, open and benevolent. Often becomes a good athlete. As a rule, this is a handsome, courageous and stern person, but behind his external coldness, a sympathetic heart is often hidden.

He does not strive for easy success and temporary well-being, but tries to achieve a stable and lasting position and financially provide for his family. Robert, who was born in summer, has a wide soul, he does not know how to count money, he is generous and sympathetic. As a rule, in his early youth, he is drawn to exploits, but nothing good comes of it. But later, Robert becomes more calm and circumspect. He is restless and does not like loneliness and monotony. This Robert always has many friends and good acquaintances. He travels a lot, often chooses work related to communication and business trips.

Positive traits of the name

Seriousness, perseverance, high intelligence, ability for long-term concentration and analytical activity. Robert has an amazing balance of opposite character traits. He knows how to control himself, never speaks too much, so he looks older than his age.

Negative traits of the name

Arrogance, a gloomy outlook on life, picky, withdrawn. Robert does not immediately dispose people to himself. He can scare off with his severity and lack of emotion.

Choosing a profession by name

Outward calmness of Robert does not mean that he is passive at work. Robert has a unique capacity for work. He sets a goal and achieves it in the field of exact or philosophical sciences, in literature, music and "painting, in archeology, geology. Robert is happy to drop everything and go on a long-term business trip, business trip, research expedition.

The impact of the name on business

Perhaps Robert will make money from unusual new developments, and it is better if he works alone.

The influence of the name on health

Robert is not offended and does not hold evil for a long time. Therefore, he has a healthy psyche, a nervous system. If Robert works for wear and tear, then he is threatened with chronic diseases of the digestive tract.

Psychology of the name

Do not try Robert's patience and pride. Do not doubt that he can stand up for himself. But Robert does not like conflicts and in any way tries to avoid them. Serious and wise Robert is attracted, oddly enough, by funny people, adventurers, reckless people.

Famous people named Robert

Robert Caldeway ((1855 - 1925) German architect and archaeologist, who identified the site and, with the help of long (1898/99 - 1917) excavations, confirmed the existence of Biblical Babylon)
Robert Hooke ((1635 - 1703) is an English scientist, he can be called one of the fathers of physics; his few discoveries are a spiral spring for regulating the clock rate, a spirit level, many different mechanisms, in particular for constructing various geometric curves (ellipses, parabolas). He proposed a prototype of heat engines, invented an optical telegraph, a minima thermometer, an improved barometer, a hygrometer, an anemometer, recording a rain gauge; he made observations to determine the effect of the Earth's rotation on falling bodies and dealt with many physical issues, for example, about the effects of hairiness, adhesion, about weighing air, about the specific gravity of ice, invented a special hydrometer to determine the degree of freshness of river water. In 1666, Hooke presented to the Royal Society a model of helical gears invented by him.)
Robert Fischer (11th World Chess Champion)
Robert Koch ((1843 - 1910) German physician and microbiologist, discovered the anthrax bacillus, cholera vibrio and tubercle bacillus; for his research on tuberculosis he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1905)
Robert Scott ((1868 - 1912) English explorer of Antarctica, one of the discoverers of the South Pole, national hero of Great Britain)
Robert Lynn Asprin (American science fiction writer)
Robert Boyle ((1627 - 1691) English physicist, chemist and philosopher)
Robert Oppenheimer (American physicist, creator of the American atomic bomb)
Robert Burns ((1759 - 1796) Scottish poet)
Robert Schumann ((1810 - 1856) German composer, pianist, music critic)
Robert Rauschenberg (American artist)
Robert Bunsen ((1811 - 1899) the famous German experimental chemist. The most important and remarkable discovery of Bunsen (made by him in association with his friend Kirchhoff (in 1860)) is a spectral analysis, with the help of which, both by Bunsen himself and other chemists discovered quite a few new rare elements found in nature only in very small quantities (rubidium, cesium, etc.). Humanity owes Bunsen the discovery of an antidote (aqueous iron oxide) for poisoning with arsenic (arsenous acid). geological and chemical research, very important for understanding volcanic phenomena. In chemical and physical practice, many devices invented by Bunsen and bearing his name are in great use, for example: Bunsen burner, Bunsen water pump and regulator, Bunsen battery, Bunsen absorptiometer, etc.)
Robert Rozhdestvensky ((1932 - 1994) contemporary Russian poet)
Robert De Niro ((born 1943) American film actor)
Robert Falk ((1886 - 1958) Soviet painter, who originally combined the paths of Russian Art Nouveau and avant-garde in his work; one of the most famous artists of the Jewish theater in Yiddish)
Robert Wood (American physicist, inventor of optical instruments (1868-1955))
Robert Louis Stevenson ((1850 - 1894) Scottish writer and poet, author of world famous adventure novels and novels, the largest representative of English neo-romanticism)
Robert Kinasoshvili (designer who participated in the creation of many Soviet aircraft engines (1899-1964))
Robert Nirenberg (engineer, inventor of sonic underwater communication devices (1877-1939))
Robert Downey Jr. (American actor, producer, and musician)
Robert Pattinson (pronounced Pattinson, English actor, model and musician, known for the films "Twilight", "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire", "Age of Transition" (born 1986))
Robert Kayo ((born 1947) invented the technology of the World Wide Web with Sir Tim Berners-Lee)
Robert Duncan ((1919 - 1988) American poet, traditionally regarded by critics as Beat, New American poetry, and Black Mountain poets; one of the key figures in the poetry of post-war North America)
Robert Jezh (Slovak footballer)
Robert Englund (American actor whose most famous role is the role of fictional serial killer Freddy Krueger in the horror film series A Nightmare on Elm Street)
Robert III d'Artois ((1287 - 1342) French feudal lord, contributed to the outbreak of the Hundred Years War; one of the main characters of M. Druon's epic "The Cursed Kings")
Robert Andersson ((1886 - 1972) Swedish water polo player, swimmer and diving, Summer Olympics medalist)
Robert "Bobby" Baer (also known as "Baer", writer, former US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer)
Robert Green ((about 1558 - 1592) English playwright, poet and pamphleteer, one of Shakespeare's predecessors)
Robert Zaleman ((1813 - 1874) Russian sculptor)
Robert Dahl ((born 1915) Doctor of Political Science, Senior Fellow in Sociology, Professor at Yale University in the USA, one of the most prominent political scientists of our time)
Robert Svyatopolk-Mirsky (Russian writer and screenwriter (born 1939))
Robert Zebelyan (Russian and Armenian footballer)
Robert the Bruce ((1274 - 1329) national hero of Scotland, who raised the uprising of the Scots against the British)

Great and famous bearers of the name: Robert the Bruce - Scottish king; Robert Burns - Scottish poet; Robert Greene - English playwright, predecessor of Shakespeare; Charles Robert Darwin - English naturalist; Robert Scott - English explorer of Antarctica; Robert Boyle - English chemist and physicist; Robert Owen is an English utopian socialist; Robert Louis Stevenson - English writer; Robert Koch - German microbiologist; Robert Schumann is a great German composer; Robert Fischer - American chess player; Robert Falk - Russian painter, member of the Jack of Diamonds; Robert Sturua - Russian director; Robert Rozhdestvensky is a Russian poet.

Robert's birthday

Robert celebrates his name day on March 27, April 17, April 25, April 29, April 30, June 7, June 8, September 17.

Robert name compatibility

Name incompatibility Robert

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Robert, its origin, history, learn about the options for interpreting the name.

  • Robert's zodiac - Cancer
  • Planet - Moon
  • Color Robert Robert - yellow
  • Auspicious tree - sycamore
  • Robert's treasured plant - chamomile
  • Patron of the name Robert - seahorse
  • Robert Robert's talisman stone - opal

What does the name Robert mean: unfading glory (name Robert of German origin).

The name Robert has ancient Germanic roots. The meaning of the name Robert in this case is "unfading, brilliant glory", "brilliant with glory." I must say that in some countries the variants Bob, Rupert, Robin are used. In English-speaking countries, the name Robert is very common.

Short meaning of the name Robert: Robertushka, Rob.

Patronymic name Robert: Robertovich, Robertovna.

Angel day named Robert: The name Robert celebrates the name day several times a year:

  • March 27
  • 17 april
  • 25th of April
  • April 29
  • April 30
  • June 7
  • June 8
  • September 17

Characteristics of the name Robert

Positive features: Seriousness, perseverance, high intelligence, ability for long-term concentration and analytical activity. Robert has an amazing balance of opposite character traits. The meaning of the name knows how to control himself, never says too much, so he looks older than his age.

Negative traits: Arrogance, a gloomy outlook on life, picky, withdrawn. Robert does not immediately dispose people to himself. He can scare off with his severity and lack of emotion.

The nature of the name Robert: Robert in childhood is a quiet, serious, thoughtful boy. Likes to draw, go to the zoo, read books about famous travelers, does dumbbell gymnastics. The school does not give any trouble to either parents or teachers. Robert chooses a more relaxed profession for himself: biologist, draftsman, historian, librarian. In any team, the bearers of this name become common favorites - primarily because they do not climb into the bosses, they respond to any request. The name Robert loves to eat deliciously and at the same time is afraid of gaining weight, which becomes the subject of emotional distress. Over the years, religious feelings are strengthened in him, and he can even send his sons to a theological seminary, if his wife does not oppose. With her, Robert tries not to argue, giving up leadership from the day he met.

In society, a man named Robert immediately stands out thanks to his name. True, one cannot say that this makes him very happy, since Robert himself is very closed, and least of all seeks to draw attention to himself. As a child, Robert already looks older than his years, and this is largely reflected in his look. Already in his early years, Robert has some prudence and restraint. He is also characterized by such traits as purposefulness, concentration, concentration on little things. Robert is a completely unforgettable person. Although this does not mean his kindness - if necessary, he will always stand up for himself.

Robert and his personal life

Compatibility with female names: The marriage of the name with Medea, Raisa, Roxana, Susanna, Flora, Elina is favorable. The complex relationship of the name is likely with Dora, Edita, Julia, Yadwiga.

Love and marriage: the name Robert prefers restraint in relationships and always maintains a certain distance, although he is faithful to the chosen one to the end.

Robert approaches the creation of a family very carefully. He strives to find one love for life and keep it forever. In marriage, he will be jealous. Cheating can be a real blow for Robert, but often he is able to forgive his spouse.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: Outward calmness of Robert does not mean that he is passive at work. Robert has a unique capacity for work. He sets a goal and achieves it in the field of exact or philosophical sciences, in literature, music and "painting, in archeology, geology. Robert is happy to drop everything and go on a long-term business trip, business trip, research expedition.

Analyzing the meaning of the name Robert, it must be said that his calmness and poise are absolutely not identical with laziness. On the contrary, Robert is a very active person. He always seeks to bring what he has begun to its logical conclusion, and, moreover, he does not fuss and does not rush.

Robert forgives people mistakes. He has authority and is respected in society. This helps him in leadership positions. It is best if drawing, biology, history becomes the sphere of activity of Robert. By the way, being in the position of a leader, Robert will not necessarily immediately command - he has a liberal approach to management, and therefore, his subordinates love him.

Business and career: Perhaps Robert will make money from unusual new developments, and it is better if he works alone. He is not conceited and does not attach much importance to external signs of success. For Robert, the main thing is to find stability, prosperity and happiness. He is a good family man, a demanding and loving father, he takes care of his parents. A hospitable host. Born in the summer, Robert is generous, sympathetic, broad-minded, does not know how to count money. Can't stand loneliness, restless. He is always drawn to exploits, but instead of awards, Robert gets clicks more often.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Lively, witty, generous. Robert always knows exactly what he is striving for and what he wants, he chooses the shortest path. Often bumps and fails. Inborn pride prevents you from admitting that you are wrong, forcing you to suffer in silence. If necessary, the name Robert is content with little. Knows how to be happy in any situation. Outgoing, Robert's warmth attracts people. By nature, he is more strict than sentimental.

Robert achieves high professional success in medicine, sports, painting, jurisprudence, in the artistic field. Winter-born Robert is jealous, does not marry for a long time, being wary of female deceit. His chosen one will be happy with him.

Robert's fate in history

What does the name Robert mean for male destiny?

  1. Robert Karlovich Freigat (1802-1851) - a participant in the Caucasian wars. In 1839 he took part in an expedition to southern Dagestan and was in business at the village of Tsukul and during the seizure of the main points of the Adjiakhur position. In 1840 he was given command of the Kura Infantry Regiment. In 1848, Freygat was appointed quartermaster general of the army in the field, which marched to Hungary in 1849, and here he participated, among other things, in the battles of Weizen and Debrichin.
  2. Robert Koldewey is a German archaeologist and architect who identified the place of existence of biblical Babylon, which he proved by excavations.
  3. Robert Hooke is a British scientist who was one of the first to work in the field of physics. He invented the spiral spring that regulates the movement of watches, the spirit level, mechanisms for plotting curves, the optical telegraph, etc.
  4. Robert Fischer is the world chess champion.
  5. Robert Koch is a German microbiologist and physician who discovered the tubercle bacillus, anthrax bacillus and Vibrio cholerae. Was awarded the Nobel Prize.
  6. Robert Scott is an Antarctic explorer, a national hero of Great Britain, who is one of the first explorers of the South Pole.
  7. Robert Lynn Asprin is an American-born science fiction writer.
  8. Robert Boyle is an English chemist, philosopher and physicist.
  9. Robert Oppenheimer is an American physicist who is the creator of the atomic bomb.
  10. Robert Burns is a poet of Scottish descent.
  11. Robert Schumann is a German pianist, composer, and music critic.
  12. Robert Rauschenber is an American-born artist.
  13. Robert Bunsen is a German experimental chemist.
  14. Robert Rozhdestvensky is a Russian poet.
  15. Robert De Niro ((born 1943) American film actor)
  16. Robert Falk is a painter, representative of the avant-garde and modern.
  17. Robert Wood is an American inventor and physicist who worked on the creation of optical devices.
  18. Robert Louis Stevenson is a Scottish poet and writer. The author of novels and stories of the adventure genre.

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