Home Berries Puff pastries with crab sticks and cheese. Puff pastry pies with stuffed crab sticks: recipe. Modern filling for crab stick patties

Puff pastries with crab sticks and cheese. Puff pastry pies with stuffed crab sticks: recipe. Modern filling for crab stick patties

The controversy about the dangers of sweets and dairy products with the addition of exotic oil does not subside. Manufacturers consider them harmless, and nutrition gurus consider them poison.

The palm newcomer to its relatives - vegetable oil - is not at all similar. The composition and appearance is more reminiscent of an unsympathetic neighbor - animal fat. This is because it contains a lot of solid saturated fat. They will look into the body, raise cholesterol and lie down to rest at the waist. You don't need to drive them out of the plate - they are also needed in small quantities, but it's worth knowing when to stop. But how can you recognize it if it is impossible to figure out the palm scout in the food? The crafty manufacturers do not indicate it on the packaging. And we, losing weight, eat together with its "light" curds and wonder: why is the level of cholesterol in the blood growing? The mystery of nature, not otherwise ...

The second grade, of course, is not a marriage ... All the palm oil that comes to us and to developed countries has Malaysian citizenship. However, if Western comrades are picky people, they carefully choose a supplier company so that God forbid adding "chemistry" for better preservation, then Russian manufacturers have much more modest requirements for the quality of a foreigner. Ours buy what is cheaper. Therefore, all sorts of second-rate oils with preservatives emigrate to us. Part of the batch goes to the production of machine lubrication, part to the production of "spreads" for sandwiches. Bon Appetit!

By guest and reception. A palm guest is a semi-solid fat, it is suitable for cheese "spreads" and curd masses even without processing. But in order to send it to margarine or to use it instead of cocoa butter, the foreigner needs to be given extra firmness. Everything would be fine if the “soft-bodied” was processed according to the latest technological trend - with the help of enzyme transesterification. This term refers to a process in which harmful trans-isomer substances are not formed. But, alas, the new method is very expensive, so domestic enterprises work in the old fashioned way - they are subjected to "soft" hydrogenation. From such a reception, he "goes berserk" and forms trans fats out of anger. And they are not a joy to the body - from its point of view, these are defective "building materials" - and they interfere with losing weight.

Places you need to know

The mischievous mischief-maker is a genius of disguise, but he cannot hide from knowledgeable buyers. So where to find it.

For cottage cheese and soft cheeses "foreigner" prolongs life and gives a rich taste, which is in the hands of producers. Therefore, buy them carefully, and not in a hurry, on autopilot.

  • Take a look at the composition of the curd on the pack. Unlike the screaming name on the label, the law does not tell him to lie - you look, they will sue. A simple example: store shelves are littered with packs of "low-fat" and "light" curd delicacies. In fact, it turns out that the "low-calorie, cholesterol-free" curd contains about 7.5 g of fat. Almost all of these grams are vegetable fats, and it is possible that palm is also represented among them.
  • We choose soft cheeses such as feta cheese and feta only by their own name, that is, by their historical name. And we sweep aside remakes with similar names (for example, "brynzushka"). It is possible that our friend left a trace in them.

Ice cream, pastries and cakes with cream, biscuits and curd cheeses with glaze to a foreigner anyway. Without him, "Napoleons" and cakes would have spoiled faster, and "Gourmet" and glazed curds were many times more expensive. There will be no harm from one small portion of such products once a week if it is not followed by a second and third. By the way, a glance at the packaging and the thought: "Isn't palm oil hidden here?"

Palm oil is a plant product made from the fruit of the oil palm. The birthplace of culture is Western Guinea. It is ideal for making confectionery products for long-term storage. Interestingly, since 2015, the production of palm oil on an industrial scale has surpassed the production of other vegetable oils (sunflower, soybean, rapeseed) by 2.5 times. In terms of quantity, this is the record holder among food products, ahead of even fish oil. Does not contain.

Currently, the Swiss company "Nestlé" purchases more than 420,000 tons of palm oil annually for the manufacture of food products. Disputes about its benefits and harms do not subside until now. The abundance of carotenoids, the strongest have a healing effect on the human body. They reduce the likelihood of cancer, provide energy production, participate in the structuring of bones, the production of visual pigment in the retina, and are beneficial for joints and skin. The harm to the product is due to the high content of saturated fats, which are processed and remain in the form of toxins. These refractory substances clog the intestines and blood vessels, increasing the risk of developing heart disease.


The following types of oils are extracted from the fruits of the oil palm: palm, palm kernel raw materials. It is the most widespread and cheapest vegetable fat product. Due to this, it is widely used in food production.

Today, the oil palm is cultivated in South America, West Africa, Indonesia, Malaysia and Southeast Asia.

Crude oil is obtained by processing the pulp of the fruit, which contains up to 70%. Only the product that has gone through several stages of refining is suitable for food. Otherwise, crude oil is used only for technical purposes - for the manufacture of candles, soap and lubrication of spare parts.

Production principle

On plantations, fruits are collected, which are transported to the plant for further processing. The collected bunches are treated with dry hot steam to separate them. After that, the pulp of the fruit is pre-sterilized, then pressed. The resulting raw material is heated to 100 degrees and placed in a centrifuge to separate liquid and foreign matter.

Oil refining stages:

  • elimination of mechanical impurities;
  • hydration (extraction);
  • neutralization (removal of free fatty acids);
  • whitening;
  • deodorization.

Palm kernel oil is a product obtained by extracting or pressing kernels from seeds. Its digestibility is 97%.

Types of palm oil used in the food industry:

  1. Standard. Melts at a temperature of 36-39 degrees. Scope of application: baking and frying. Does not create smoke and burning during cooking. Foods cooked in standard palm oil should be eaten warm. Otherwise, the dish will harden and become covered with an unaesthetic film.
  2. Olein. The melting point of the product is 16-24 degrees. Used for roasting meat and dough. Has the consistency of a cream. It is widely used in the cosmetic industry.
  3. Stearin. Has the highest melting point of the three types of oil. It is 48-52 degrees. It is the hardest fraction of palm oil. Branches of application: cosmetology, metallurgy, food industry. Part of margarine.

A distinctive feature of palm oil from other vegetable oils is its solid consistency. The longer a product is stored, the higher its melting point becomes. So, in fresh palm oil, it is 27 degrees. And for a product with a weekly exposure, it increases to 42 degrees.

Oil is a source of fat-soluble vitamins A,. Freshly produced palm product has a light orange color due to its high beta-carotene content. In the food industry, exclusively discolored oil is used. To do this, it is heated in an oven up to 200 degrees, cooled. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and oxygen, the natural dye beta-carotene is destroyed, as a result, palm oil becomes discolored and partially loses its value.

Chemical composition

100 ml of palm oil contains 884 kcal, while the share of fats is 99.7 g, and - 0.1 g. The chemical composition of the product is represented by vitamins E (33.1 mg), A (30 mg), (0.3 mg), K (0.008 mg) and (2 mg). The share accounts for 100 mg. In addition, traces of lecithin, squalene and coenzyme Q10 were found.

According to the research results, it was found that the oil contains palmitic acid, which enhances the natural generation of cholesterol. As a result, the human body begins to intensively produce organic compounds in an uncontrolled amount, which in turn increases the risk of vascular occlusion and the development of heart disease.

The World Health Organization strongly recommends reducing your intake of fatty acids. Dangerous foods include palm and butter, chocolate, meat, eggs. According to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), the maximum allowable intake for fatty acids is 10% of a person's energy consumption, including alcohol. In other words, with oil of 884 kcal per 100 ml and the content of 44% palmitic acid in it, a safe daily intake of pomace from palm fruit is 10 ml, provided that there are no other sources of fatty acids in the diet.

Influence on the body of infants

As a result of clinical studies, it has been established that infant formula containing palm olein reduces absorption, compared to food that does not include the product. And digestibility decreases from 57.4% to 37.5%.

In addition to lowering calcium absorption, stool fat loss increases. It becomes denser and less frequent.

Malabsorption of the macronutrient is due to the special arrangement of palmitic acid relative to the palm olein fat molecule. Under normal conditions, it is in the lateral position. After starting the process of digestion of baby food in the intestine, it is split off, binding calcium in a free state. As a result, insoluble salts are formed: calcium palmitate. In fact, this is a soap that is not absorbed in the digestive tract, but in transit are excreted in the stool.

To avoid blocking the absorption of the mineral, the position of palmitic acid is artificially altered in olein. This product is called beta-palmitate. As a result, structured butter with palmitic acid is in a central position in the composition of milk fat, does not break down, does not form a soap with calcium, and is absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract unchanged.

Myths or reality

Palm oil is a product that causes a lot of controversy and misconceptions about its benefits and harms. Some argue that this is a natural source of tocopherols, beta-carotene, others insist that it is transformed into plasticine in the human body and clogs the intestinal permeability. In addition, there is an opinion that the raw materials for the production of oil are transported in oil tankers, as a result, it poses a threat to human health and causes cancer.

Let's consider the main guesses about fat and oil products, and whether they have a reasonable basis for existence.

Myth # 1 "Palm oil contains dangerous trans fats"

It is not true. These compounds are not part of the product. What is the danger of trans fats? They replace beneficial fatty acids at the molecular level from cell membranes, disrupting and blocking cell nutrition. As a result, metabolic reactions slow down, which leads to the development of chronic diseases of the endocrine, digestive, cardiovascular, and genitourinary systems.

Myth No. 2 “For production, industrial palm oil is used, brought in tanks from oil products from Indonesia and Malaysia.

Lie. The raw materials used for the manufacture of oil must meet the requirements for food products, otherwise it is prohibited for use at the legislative level of the country. In addition, it is additionally purified and deodorized, as a result of which it loses its color, smell and taste.

Transportation stories are nothing more than a competitor's invention. For the transportation of palm oil, specially equipped tanks are used that meet all safety requirements. Before loading raw materials, tank containers are thoroughly cleaned (steamed, washed, dried) from the remains of the previous product. In addition, it is prohibited to transport palm oil in containers that previously contained non-food, toxic cargo. The transportation of products is controlled by international organizations.

Myth No. 3 "Palm oil is of no value to the human body"

Invalid statement. It is a source of coenzyme Q10, carotenoids, tocotrients, tocopherols, polyunsaturated fatty acids (,), vitamins B4, F.

In the process of choosing oils for food purposes, remember that refined and deodorized foods are free of impurities and partially devoid of nutrients. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to unrefined species. Such oils should not be heat treated; they are best used as a food additive to salads. These include red palm oil. It fully retains all the useful properties listed above.

Myth No. 4 "Palm oil is extracted from the trunk of a palm tree"

This is a misconception. The product is obtained exclusively from the fruit of the oil palm by extracting it from the nucleolus or pulp. The main feature is a solid consistency from nature. Interestingly, the farther south the tree grows, the more saturated fatty acids are contained in the fruits, and the farther north, the more PUFAs. Because of this, the oil obtained in the southern tropical countries has a solid structure. This property of the product provides the desired shape for finished food and confectionery products.

Myth No. 5 "Palm oil, getting into the stomach, behaves like plasticine - it does not melt, but is a sticky mass that clogs the body from the inside."

An absurd conclusion. Upon entering the digestive tract, the product acquires the consistency of an emulsion. Palm oil is absorbed by the body in the same way as any other food. In moderate quantities (10 ml), it does not pose a danger to human health. According to the postulates of a healthy diet, the recommended rate of fat in the diet of an adult should not exceed 30% of the total amount of energy consumed. Of these, MUFA and PUFA account for 6-10% each, saturated fatty acids - up to 10%.

Myth No. 6 "Manufacturers prefer palm oil due to the cheapness of raw materials"

Indeed it is true. The cheapness of oil is due to the high productivity of the plantations of the main suppliers of raw materials (Indonesia and Malaysia). It is also very technologically advanced. The solid structure of the product makes it attractive for use in the food industry (confectionery and bakery). Previously, liquid oils were used that were hydrogenated to seal and harden. As a result, they accumulated dangerous trans fats and caused harm to the body. Palm oil is a modern alternative. It is safe and of high quality by nature.

Myth No. 7 "Food products with palm oil are prohibited in developed countries"

It is not true. No country has banned palm oil. Moreover, it owns 58% of the consumption of vegetable fats in the world market.

Health hazard

Palm oil is an essential ingredient in biscuits, sweets, chips, cheese, ice cream, and fries. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a product without this ingredient. However, the "addiction" to overseas fat poses a danger to human health.

The harm of palm oil.

Is deposited in fat as quickly as possible

Despite the fact that palm oil is of vegetable origin, it is similar in composition to animal triglycerides, as it contains predominantly monounsaturated, saturated fatty acids. The most dangerous component of the product is palmitic acid, which causes diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, the oil accelerates the rate of fat deposition in the "fat depot", which contributes to the rapid gain in body weight. , cheeses, ice cream, cream, chips, French fries, chocolate, sweets, biscuits - products that already lead to weight problems, and they are additionally "enriched" with palmitic acid and palm oil.

Provokes type II diabetes

Palmitic acid, which is part of the product, promotes the deposition of fat in internal organs and tissues.


Fatty acids "hit" the brain, as a result, the body's sensitivity to hormones that report satiety (insulin and leptin) decreases. Thus, it does not signal to stop eating. Palmitic acid suppresses the activation abilities of insulin and leptin, which explains the dependence of a person on fatty foods.

Harmful to the liver

Palmitic acid is not completely eliminated from the human body. Accumulating in the pancreas, thymus, liver and skeletal muscles, it replaces healthy organ cells with fatty ones. In addition, the ceramides that are part of palmitic acid provoke the rupture of nerve cells and the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Raises "bad" cholesterol from low density lipoproteins

With the regular intake of these compounds from the outside, they turn into biological "garbage" in the circulatory system. As a result, the body's immune cells regard them as foreign bodies, which increases the risk of atherosclerotic plaques forming in the vessels, which are prone to rupture and blood clots.

Palm oil should not be used by people over 50, children under 18, people with digestive tract ailments in the acute phase, osteopenia and osteoporosis, heart disease.

Remember, with regular intake of the product, fatty acids begin to accumulate in the biomembranes of cells. As a result, their transport functions are disrupted, which contributes to sexual dysfunction, the development of vascular and heart diseases. The most dangerous combination of palm oil with, which leads to obesity and atherosclerosis.

Beneficial features

Palm oil is one of the most affordable herbal products, widely used in cosmetology, food industry and in the production of soaps, candles, powders, and medicines. The latter, in turn, are aimed at eliminating problems with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, blood vessels, heart, eyes.

Palm oil characteristics: reddish-reddish color, solid consistency, resistance to oxidation processes. The natural product exhibits pronounced antibacterial and wound-healing properties, prevents the occurrence of inflammatory reactions.

Palm oil health benefits:

  1. Fights free radicals. It is the strongest antioxidant rich in carotenoids. Improves the condition of hair and skin. Prolongs youth, reduces the likelihood of developing cancer. In addition, antioxidants fight skin aging by inhibiting age-related changes in the body.
  2. Provides the body with energy due to its high fat content, fights fatigue syndrome, psycho-emotional disorders, improves memory, attention and mental abilities.
  3. Reduces the risk of vascular occlusion and the development of heart failure, stroke, heart attack, hypertension, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, respectively.
  4. Improves the performance of the vision analyzer (due to provitamin A), makes it possible to produce a pigment located in the retina and responsible for the visibility of the eye. Normalizes intraocular pressure, protects the cornea and lens, improves blood flow to the optic organ. It is used for the prevention and treatment of "night blindness", glaucoma, conjunctivitis, tired eyes syndrome.
  5. Prevents inflammation of the digestive system, stimulates the secretion of bile, accelerates the healing of erosions on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. Recommended for use by people suffering from colitis, gastritis, ulcers, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis.
  6. Regulates hormonal levels in women, maintains normal estrogen levels, relieves inflammation of the ovaries, breasts, uterus (vitamins A, E). It is used to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, menopause. For treatment purposes, a tampon with palm oil is inserted into the vagina to eliminate cervical erosion, vaginitis, colpitis.

The PUFAs, which are part of the oil, are involved in the structuring of the skeletal system, increase the mobility of the joints.

With regular use of natural red palm oil, starting from the age of 30, you can avoid osteoporosis, which in 60% of cases develops in women during menopause, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Otherwise, a restructuring of the bone structure is observed, it becomes thinner, calcium is washed out, the mineral strength of the skeleton is lost, and fractures occur with minor loads. The main danger of osteoporosis is a slow but progressive disease, which as a result leads to vertebral injury, disability and even death among the elderly.

Application in traditional medicine

For medicinal purposes, red palm oil is used, which is characterized by a high content of provitamin A (carotenoids), which exhibit powerful antioxidant properties and neutralize saturated fatty acids (50%) in the product, which cause the growth of low density lipoproteins in the blood. Useful properties: inhibits platelet aggregation, reduces the likelihood of heart attack and cataracts, lowers blood pressure, activates liver enzymes, reduces oxidative stress, scarring stomach ulcers. The oil has neuro- and cardioprotective effects, nourishes the skin, heals the liver, prevents hypovitaminosis, and maintains visual acuity. The recommended daily intake of natural unprocessed red palm oil for an adult is 10 ml. To avoid phosphorus-calcium metabolism, it is allowed to use it from 18 to 50 years old. Do not expose to heat treatment.

Recipes for maintaining health:

  1. In case of skin damage (from burns, cuts). Apply palm oil to the problem area twice a day for 14 days.
  2. To relieve inflammation in the oral cavity and treat periodontal disease. Soak a sterile gauze pad in oil, apply to the gums. The therapy should be carried out within 2 weeks.
  3. From cracked nipples. To heal wounds during breastfeeding, palm oil is heated in a water bath (for the purpose of disinfection), lubricated with it on the nipples every time after attaching the baby to the breast. Repeat the procedure until the cracks heal.
  4. From erosion of the cervix. Form a tampon from a sterile gauze napkin or cotton wool, soak it in heated palm oil, insert it vaginally. The course of treatment is 10 days. The procedure is carried out every other day after consulting a doctor.
  5. For the treatment of lichen, eczema, psoriasis. Components of the composition: walnut oil (20 ml) and from the fruit of the red palm tree (80 ml), birch tar (3 g). Combine the ingredients, mix. Apply the ointment 2 times a day for 2 weeks.
  6. For joint diseases. To relieve gout pain, problem areas are massaged by rubbing the medicinal composition. Ingredients of the ointment: 15 ml of palm, 25 ml of grape stone, 5 drops of lemon and pine, 10 drops of lavender oil. To relieve pain in arthritis, the joints are rubbed using the following composition: 5 drops of pine essential oil, 3 drops of lemon and lavender, 15 ml of olive and palm.

The greatest value for the human body is provided by the first cold-pressed oil. It is characterized by a rich fatty acid composition and a low oxidation state. For eating and preparing medicinal recipes for external use, it is recommended to give preference to red palm oil with a maximum content of beta-carotene, which is 15 times higher than the values ​​of this substance in.

Application in cosmetology

The product obtained from the fruit of the oil palm exhibits a strong emollient effect, therefore it is recommended for the care of flaky, rough, dry and aging skin. In addition, manufacturers use it as a component to give a solid consistency to cosmetics. Palm oil tones, nourishes the dermis, increases its firmness and elasticity, smoothes shallow wrinkles, providing anti-aging properties.

Use in home cosmetology:

  1. For moisturizing the face. Mix palm oil in a 1: 1 ratio with olive oil, apply to damp skin with patting movements. Apply the composition in courses for 2 weeks with a 10-day break.
  2. For dermis rejuvenation. Mix equal proportions of palm and apricot oils, apply on washed skin in the evening, for a quarter of an hour. Do not remove excess with a napkin, leave until completely absorbed. The procedure should be carried out regularly for 14 days.
  3. For hair nourishment. Apply the oil to the scalp and wet curls, leave for 1.5 hours, rinse thoroughly. The procedure is repeated twice a month. Remember, palm oil is not easily washed off the hair, so the mask is done before washing your hair.
  4. To relax the body. Oil massage normalizes sleep, soothes, improves blood circulation, smoothes wrinkles.
  5. To eliminate cellulite, geranium oil (7 drops) is mixed with palm (15 ml), olive (5 ml), lemon and dill (5 drops each), the resulting mixture is rubbed with massage movements into problem areas twice a day. In addition, it is important to exercise, eat a healthy diet, and drink more than 2 liters of water per day while fighting orange peel.
  6. For smoothing postoperative scars. Components of the composition: oils of clove, mint (2 drops), lavender, rosemary (4 drops) and palm (15 ml). Apply to uneven area 1-2 times a day for 10 days, then take a break for 1-2 weeks, resume the procedure.

Palm oil is a product that has a wide range of effects on the human body. It is used externally for body shaping, improving the condition of the skin and hair, relaxing the body, relieving joint pain, healing cracks and wounds. And inside to fortify the body with antioxidants A and E, lecithin and coenzyme Q10.


Palm oil is a useful and very expensive product until the moment of multilevel purification of raw materials. After the strongest processing, it is oxidized and loses its nutritional value for the human body. Do not jeopardize the health of loved ones. Introduce only red palm oil (maximum 10 ml per day) that has not been cooked into the diet. Otherwise, palmitic acid, which is part of the product, impairs bone mineralization in children, disrupts metabolic processes, causes intoxication of the body, impairs the functioning of the brain and liver, provokes the appearance of diabetes mellitus and obesity.

It is recommended to minimize or completely eliminate the consumption of palm oil, which is included in fast food products (chips, fries, fast foods, cheeseburgers), processed cheeses, yoghurts, infant formula and confectionery. As part of this food, it is the strongest carcinogen that is dangerous to human health. In addition, children and adolescents under 18 years old, as well as people over 50 years old, should eat foods without palm oil, otherwise problems with phosphorus-calcium metabolism may arise.

In order not to fall into the "trap" of manufacturers, carefully read the label of the purchased product. Refuse to buy products, which, according to the production technology, should contain only butter, but it has been replaced with palm or stearin. These include: cheese, ice cream, condensed milk, cream, pastries, cakes, cookies, sweets.


Diets and healthy eating 21.09.2017

Dear readers, today on the blog we will talk about palm oil. How many rumors and various assumptions can be heard about him now, many of them are negative. Let's try to figure out where the truth is, and where is the lie, what are the benefits and harms of palm oil for our health.

How is palm oil obtained

First, let's talk about the technology for obtaining this product. Humanity has been using this oil for many thousands of years. This is a vegetable oil. And this is a rare type of vegetable oil because it is solid. For the first time, archaeologists discovered a small vessel with the remains of this product in Egypt, but in this country the production of palm oil was not established, so experts concluded that palm oil was traded in the era of the pharaohs.

This oil is obtained from the fruit of a special Guinean oil palm, which originally grew in Africa. Then she was taken all over the world. And now the lion's share of industrial production of palm oil falls on Southeast Asia, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia.

The impact of palm oil on human health is not fully understood. Large world-renowned companies such as Nestle use hundreds of tons of this product every year, but many people believe that palm oil can be harmful to health and lead to the development of various diseases.

Today's technology for producing oil is not particularly different from the one that existed in ancient times. According to her, the fruits of a palm tree are first ground and then heated. Under the influence of temperature, oil is released from the pulp, which is completely ready for further use. A similar method of obtaining palm oil is used in food factories.

Palm oil obtained in this way is in demand in the food industry: with its addition, various confectionery products, frying products, mayonnaise, spreads, table oil, processed cheeses, etc. is a part of creams, serums and masks for skin and hair.

Harm and health benefits of palm oil

Despite the widespread availability of palm oil, the health benefits and harms of this product are widely perceived by many.

Today, you can often find various myths about palm oil that can be misleading. According to one of them, palm oil contains a large amount of cholesterol, so excessive consumption of it can provoke various diseases, for example, atherosclerosis. Based on USDA data, palm oil is completely cholesterol free, so from this point of view, the product is completely safe.

The benefits of palm oil

One of the factors that explains the benefits of palm oil is the record content in this product of vitamin E, namely tocotrienol, a substance that destroys free radicals and renders cancer cells lifeless. Therefore, palm oil can rightfully be called a fighter against cancer.

Quote More than 15 years ago, when rumors began to spread about the dangers and benefits of palm oil, scientists conducted an experiment, during which it was found that the product contains 14 times more vitamin A than carrots.

There is also an opinion that the harm of palm oil lies in the fact that the product undergoes hydrogenation - the process of transferring liquid oil to solid. For example, hydrogenation is used to produce margarines and spreads. But the fact is that palm oil requires temperatures above 30 ˚C to melt, so there is no point in hydrogenation.

The health effects of palm oil vary from individual to organism. For example, if there is a sufficient amount of unsaturated fatty acids in the body, palm oil promotes the breakdown of toxins and toxic substances. Dosed use of palm oil boosts immunity and promotes normal digestion.

Found in a variety of foods, palm oil contributes to:

  • strengthening hair and nails;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • acceleration of metabolic processes;
  • improving vision;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • strengthening teeth and bones;
  • reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system.

But despite the obvious advantages of this product, palm oil also has its drawbacks, which will be discussed below.

The harm of palm oil

If we consider the health hazards of palm oil, the main factor that scientists and experts are focusing on is the high content of saturated fat in the product. Roughly the same amount of fatty acids is found in butter. Asking if palm oil is dangerous, the answer is yes - in case of excessive consumption.

Scientists who have studied the composition of palm oil claim that it contains monounsaturated acids: palmitic and stearic. These substances can harm the body, provoking diseases such as atherosclerosis and thrombosis.

In addition, palm oil is often found in foods that are further cooked. When exposed to high temperatures, the components of the product become carcinogenic and can harm the gastrointestinal tract.

Palm oil in baby food

When studying the benefits and harms of palm oil in food, it is worth paying attention to how safe it is to give this oil to children. This nuance is especially important in relation to formula-fed infants.

A small child has an imperfect digestive system - in the first year of life, his body lacks enzymes that ensure the digestion of many substances. That is why the question of why palm oil is dangerous in infant formula should be given special attention so as not to jeopardize the health of the child.

Palm oil is not accidental in many infant formula. The fact is that mother's milk is a source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the full growth and development of a baby. Research has shown that 20-25% of breast milk is composed of palmitic acid, which is also found in palm oil. For example, in cow's milk this acid is much less, therefore, at first glance, the presence of this component in baby food is highly desirable.

However, many formula-fed and mixed-fed children suffer from colic, diarrhea and constipation of unknown etiology. When asked whether palm oil is dangerous for babies, doctors answer positively and associate various digestive disorders with the content of this particular component in baby food.

Another caveat to consider when buying an infant formula with palm oil is that this product slows down the absorption of calcium, which is essential for the growth of baby's bones and teeth. Therefore, it is best to choose palm oil-free blends. Today, many manufacturers have learned to synthesize modified palmitic acid, the absorption of which is several times higher than that found in palm oil.

Palm oil myths

Today, many people talk about the dangers of palm oil, but almost no one can say specifically about why palm oil is dangerous for the body. Of course, there are some points, especially with regard to the presence of palm oil in infant formula, but it is important to understand that a lot of irrelevant "facts" have been created around this product.

In free sources, you can find a wide variety of myths about palm oil, starting with the fact that palm oil contributes to the development of depression and stress, and ending with the fact that the product provokes oncology.

Here are the most popular palm oil myths that have nothing to do with reality:

  • The danger of palm oil is that it is not digested by the body. The myth is based on the fact that all fats are digested at temperatures higher than the human body. In fact, palm oil is not digested by temperature;
  • in civilized countries, the use of palm oil is punishable by law. It is not true. About 15% of all palm oil consumption is in the United States;
  • palm oil is obtained from the trunk of a tree. In fact, the product is squeezed out of the fleshy part of the plant;
  • Palm oil is only suitable for the cosmetic and metallurgical industry, it should not be present in food. According to statistics, almost half of all confectionery products are made with the addition of this product.

I suggest you watch a video in which Oleg Medvedev, MD, professor at Moscow State University, debunks the myths about palm oil. I strongly advise you to watch it.

The appearance of refined palm oil

Since 2015, palm oil has taken the 1st place in the production of vegetable oils, ahead of all types of vegetable oils, for example, sunflower oil by 2.5 times. Everyone knows that palm oil is very often used in the preparation of various food products. Let's see what palm oil is made of, and palm oil is harmful or beneficial.

What is palm oil made from?

Palm oil is produced from the fleshy part of the oil palm fruit. The seeds of this type of palm are used to obtain palm kernel oil.

Oil palm plantation

Untreated palm oil is red-orange in color, semi-hard in consistency and has a melting point of 33 to 39 ° C.

In industry, it is more often not "raw" that is used, but refined palm oil, which is subjected to refining, deodorization and discoloration. After cleansing, the health benefits of palm oil are drastically reduced.

The manual technique for producing palm oil is a fairly simple process: the harvested palm is crushed and then heated to separate the molten palm oil from the pulp.

In the industrial production of palm oil, the same processes take place, only on a larger scale and with the use of machine labor.

Palm oil harm and benefit

For many years, there has been a debate about the dangers and benefits of palm oil. Like any other food product, palm oil has its own beneficial and harmful properties that it has on the human body.

The benefits of palm oil

Unprocessed palm oil (red) is rich in vitamin E and surpasses sunflower oil in its quantity. It ranks first among products in terms of the amount of carotenoids, even overtaking fish oil! Red palm oil is recognized as the richest plant source of vitamin A.

The industry uses refined palm oil, which does not contain carotene, and the vitamin E content is no more than 16 mg per 100 grams.

Red palm oil in the package

Palm oil, like sunflower oil, does not contain cholesterol. Some opponents of palm oil have tried to convince the public that the palmitic acid content of palm oil increases the natural production of cholesterol in the human body. Recent studies have shown that the effect of palm oil on the generation of cholesterol in the body can be compared to that of olive oil.

The digestibility of palm oil is 97.5%.
The calorie content of palm oil is 884 kcal per 100 grams.

The harm of palm oil

Many parents are concerned about the harm of palm oil to newborns in baby food. Indeed, scientists have shown that the palm oil in infant formula reduces the absorption of calcium by the infant's body.

Impaired absorption of calcium by the child's body is due to the fact that palmitic acid is easily separated from palm olein in the children's intestine, after which it binds calcium, which is very abundant in baby food, forming calcium palmitate (insoluble salts, which are insoluble soap).

Calcium palmitate is not absorbed by the child's body and leaves with the stool, but the frequency of the stool decreases and its density increases, which can cause painful sensations to the child.

When using structured palm oil in baby food, there are no problems with stool in children, but the cost of a mixture with the use of such oil is higher!

Many opponents of using palm oil also talk about a large amount of saturated fatty acids in its composition, but, for comparison, their content in butter is 2 times higher!

As you can see, palm oil cannot be said to be harmful or healthy, as it contains both beneficial and harmful properties.

The use of palm oil

One of the main uses of palm oil is in food production. In addition to food, oil is used in the manufacture of cosmetics and creams.

This article does not call for avoiding foods containing palm oil, but it is up to you to decide whether to consume foods containing palm oil. It's not a problem for me!

Because of its saturated fat, palm oil (palm oil) is considered harmful to the diet, but due to its antioxidant properties, certain types of oil are used in skin and hair care. The benefits of this product are controversial. Its degree depends on the constituents of palm oil. In medicine, cosmetology and the food industry, different varieties are used.

What is palm oil

It is a vegetable fat obtained from the fleshy part of the oil palm fruit. Her homeland is West Africa. The inhabitants of this area have consumed palm oil for thousands of years. It is a semi-solid yellow-orange mass. Its melting point ranges from 33 to 39 degrees. The seeds of the palm fruit are also used in production. They contain only 30% oil. This kind of it is called palm kernel. Immediately after pressing, the oil is technical.

The product itself is a mixture of two fractions. Then they are separated from each other, and for use in the food industry they are refined and deodorized. Fractions are:

  1. Stearin. It is a solid fraction used in cosmetics, candles, soaps, margarine and spreads. Its melting point is 47-54 degrees.
  2. Olein. This is a fraction of a liquid consistency that is used when frying food. The melting point is 19-24 degrees.

Chemical composition

Natural palm oil has a very rich composition. Some of the nutrients it contains disappear after the refining process. These include coenzyme Q 10, vitamins A and E. The composition of palm oil includes both saturated (palmitic) and useful unsaturated fatty acids (oleic, linoleic) that are dangerous for the body. The latter are contained in small quantities - only 5%. Other substances in palm oil:

  • vitamins E, A;
  • stearic acid;
  • tocopherols;
  • carotenoids;
  • triglycerols;
  • polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6;
  • iron;
  • vitamin B4;
  • myristic acid;
  • vitamin K1.


Before studying the harm and benefits of this product, it is worth learning about its types. Each of them has certain properties and is used in a specific industry. The following types stand out:

  1. Unprocessed. This form of palm oil is very difficult to find in the modern food industry due to the high cost and low benefit of use for the production of products. Has a sweetish taste, smells nice too.
  2. Refined and deodorized. This cheaper type of raw material is used much more often due to its lower cost, but its composition already includes much less useful substances. Such a product is odorless and colorless.
  3. Technical. It is used for the production of cosmetics, it is much cheaper than other types. Contains a lot of harmful oxidized fats due to its low degree of purification. The use of such a product negatively affects the heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, provokes the development of oncological diseases, and leads to the appearance of cholesterol plaques.

Beneficial features

The safest is considered to be unprocessed red palm oil. A more gentle technology is used in the manufacture, so the product retains most of the nutrients. Palm oil holds the record for the amount of vitamin E in the composition. It provides the product with antioxidant properties that are essential for healthy hair and skin. The crude oil contains a sufficient amount of provitamin A, which has a beneficial effect on vision. The same element is involved in the production of visual pigment in the retina. Other benefits of palm oil:

  • heals the skin of the face and body, hair due to carotenoids in the composition, which also play the role of antioxidants;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing cancer due to the presence of tocotrienols, which inhibit the accumulation of free radicals;
  • compensates for the lack of essential elements in those who find it difficult to assimilate other forms of animal or vegetable oils due to diseases;
  • helps to strengthen joints and bones due to oleic acid in the composition;
  • heals wounds, has anti-inflammatory effect, energizes.

The harm of palm oil to human health

One of the most harmful properties of palm oil is the high amount of saturated fat in the composition. Their use increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The refractoriness of the product is harmful to the body. The high melting point prevents the oil from being processed well. As a result, the product is not completely excreted from the body, but is deposited in the stomach, intestines and blood vessels in the form of toxins. This disrupts the normal functioning of the organs. Other harmful properties of palm fat are also highlighted:

  1. The presence of carcinogens in the composition. If the product is consumed excessively, it increases the risk of developing cancer.
  2. Low linoleic acid content. Its quantity determines the usefulness and value of the oils on the market. On average, its content is 70-75%. Palm oil contains only 5%.

With daily use, the product can help weaken the immune system, which worsens the condition of the body as a whole. In addition to this pathology, palm oil causes:

  • addiction;
  • a significant jump in bad cholesterol;
  • failure of lipid metabolism;
  • overweight, obesity;
  • worsening condition with Alzheimer's disease;
  • atherosclerotic deposits;
  • diabetes.


Many manufacturers have paid attention to this product because of its ability to be stored for a long time without loss of properties. In addition, the price of the ingredient is significantly lower compared to other herbal counterparts, and the method of extraction is simpler. Various types of palm oil are used in cosmetology, medicine, and the food industry. The main consumers are companies engaged in the production of shelf-stable products.

In cosmetology

In the household and cosmetic departments of stores, you can also find goods with a "palm tree" in the composition. It is an ingredient in the manufacture of soap or candles. In cosmetics, it is included as a moisturizer. Most often, palm oil is present in creams or masks designed for aging and dry skin. It is important to check for allergies before use. For this, a small amount of the oil extract is used on a distant area of ​​the skin.

For hair

Palmitic acid, carotenoids, vitamin E and antioxidants present in palm oil provide shine and softness to hair. Additionally, these substances help prevent dehydration. Thanks to this effect, the hair does not dry out and remains moist for a long time. In addition, the number of split ends and hair breakage is reduced. To take advantage of the oil, you need to add a couple of drops to shampoo or balm, use the product as an ingredient in masks, or simply rub into the scalp.

Palm oil for skin

Palm oil extract can be used alone as a night cream or added to masks and other homemade products. The solid form of the product must first be melted in a water bath. The combination of palm oil with olive and coconut oil is very popular. This product can be used to remove makeup and cleanse the skin before bed. The composition is not suitable only for oily skin types.

In medicine

The beneficial effects of palm oil on vision are used by medicine in the treatment of conjunctivitis, night blindness, and glaucoma. The tool is also used to prevent various diseases. For this, it is recommended to take 1 teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach. Another option is to consume it with food. The use of palm oil is recommended for the following diseases and conditions:

  • stress, anxiety;
  • low hemoglobin;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • skin diseases;
  • lowered immunity;
  • fractures, diseases of the joints or spine;
  • cold;
  • menopause;
  • period before menstruation;
  • gynecological diseases.

In food production

Key consumers are manufacturers of desserts, creams, rolls, dough, waffles, baked goods and condensed milk. These sweets are stored for a long time without losing their appearance, even at high temperatures. Palm juice is often used as a substitute for dairy ingredients in a margarine recipe. If foods contain technical grade palm fat, they should not be eaten. This is especially true for baby food. The presence of such oil in the child's diet leads to constipation, leaching of calcium, colic.

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