Home Berries Watch the horoscope for November Virgo email. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Virgo: a description of men and women, boys and girls. What fate will bring

Watch the horoscope for November Virgo email. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Virgo: a description of men and women, boys and girls. What fate will bring

March will plunge humanity into a world of feelings and reflections, and for Gemini it will be self-digging and passion for philosophy. It is very useful to read books and publications of a philosophical orientation this month. Also, the horoscope recommends writing down your own thoughts and conclusions more often. This will allow you to better understand yourself and the world around you. By the way, some Gemini can write a good book themselves. Or create a personal internet blog. True, for this you have to learn to concentrate on the main task, to give up the habit of constantly jumping from one case to another.

It is best to use yoga to relieve tension and seek peace of mind. However, in the first week of March, it is preferable to conduct classes at home. If you do this in a fitness center, there is a high risk of encountering unexpected troubles.

But Gemini can dance as much as they want and wherever they want. Love yourself, your body. Hone your movements, enjoy the process. If you have long dreamed of mastering belly dancing or a couple of Latin American styles, it's time to sign up for lessons.

The role of friendly relations will increase, although sometimes communication with loved ones will be difficult for Gemini. According to the horoscope, sometimes it will be difficult for you to cope with emotions. Especially when you really want to be alone a little, but you will not be left alone. It is high time for others to understand that if Gemini suddenly lost the mood to do something, it is impossible to somehow influence it. It would be more correct to just lag behind the Gemini and give them the opportunity to be alone with themselves.

Love Horoscope for March 2019 Gemini man and Gemini woman

In the love sphere, serious cataclysms are practically excluded. In March 2019, everything will remain as it was before. But, according to the horoscope, Gemini would do well to work on themselves. If you promise something, be so kind as to keep it. Otherwise, they will stop believing you.

Tensions will arise in relationships with stubborn Aries or eccentric Aquarius. Next to representatives of these signs, you will feel uncomfortable, depressed. And if your loved one belongs to one of these signs, try to avoid difficult situations, and, if possible, be at a distance of drag from a friend throughout March. Alternatively, go on a long business trip.

Free Gemini March 2019 should be fully devoted to yourself. Whatever you do, finding a soul mate is unlikely to be successful, so wasting your time on this is pointless. Engage in self-education, sports, creativity. You should start getting to know potential chosen ones no earlier than March 20.

In an already established relationship, feelings and mutual understanding will come first. March is great for romance, dating, spending time together. This month, your partner needs to be given as much attention as they want. Otherwise, the beloved will start looking to the side.

Horoscope for March 2019 Gemini woman

In March 2019, the Gemini woman will feel the need to demonstrate strength and will, which, frankly, does not really paint her. The result will be tense relationships with friends and the opposite sex. Try to be more gentle, don't take too much on yourself, and likewise don't demand too much of others. If you follow this horoscope advice, you can meet a lot of nice people.

In March, women of this sign are also advised not to take their word for it. The information flow will be very strong and dense. In such a situation, it is very easy to take an outright lie at face value and end up judging someone or something wrong.

In the service of a Gemini woman, it is necessary to rely more often on intuition. It will help you make the right decisions, competently build communication with management and colleagues, and avoid conflicts. Don't tell strangers about your personal life, and then you will have fewer problems.

In relation to men, the Gemini woman will bathe in attention. Some will admire your beauty, others will admire your talents. Just do not overestimate the importance of this attention. Just because you are being looked at with adoration does not mean that you can trust these people and count on their support. If you need help, contact your nearest and dearest, they will not let you down.

Horoscope for March 2019 Gemini man

Mindfulness and more attentiveness! This is the very thing that a Gemini man may not have enough in March for success. Even the most promising projects in your hands run the risk of being burned out by annoying mistakes. Be careful with the documentation, double-check each piece of paper three times. By the way, the horoscope asks to put things in order in the diary. It is difficult to live according to a clear plan when the devil himself breaks his leg in the records.

At the beginning of the month, many men of this sign will receive significant financial benefits. Perhaps this will be the money that you have been waiting for in the past months. For example, a friend will repay the debt or the boss will pay a long-promised bonus. It is unlikely that you will be able to invest these funds in future development, but with the help of them you will at least eliminate some of the current problems.

For March 2019, the horoscope promises a Gemini man a lot of trips. You will probably be offered a responsible business trip. It is not worth giving up on it even for fear that you will not be able to cope. Believe in yourself, you will certainly succeed! Use natural sociability and accumulated experience. Do not be lazy to improve your skills, because after a while it will provide you with career growth.

But you have nowhere to wait for help. Family and friends won't give you the advice you need. In March, you can only rely on yourself. If you become a little more proactive and optimistic, you yourself will be surprised at how easily problems that seemed insoluble until recently disappear.

Gemini horoscope for March 2019 - work and business

As for work, employees who are involved in negotiations with clients will feel most comfortable here. Both personal and telephone. This is true for all Gemini, except for representatives of the third decade, who work in very large firms. These shots are likely to have difficulty communicating with the clientele.

Also, according to the horoscope in March, the professions associated with writing texts and poems will be successful: copywriters, poets, writers, advertisers, etc.

Aries and Aquarius will spoil the blood of Gemini. They will interfere with work, demand something, rush. Regardless of the purpose, the result of such interference will still be bad. Gemini do not like to be constantly pulled and watched from behind. They get nervous and can't concentrate enough on the task.

In March, one should be more careful in contacts with Sagittarius and Pisces. They will turn out to be unreliable helpers and partners. If, for example, Gemini businessmen should not trust such people with serious projects, pin any hopes on them. It is better to look for help and support from Taurus, Capricorns and Libra.

Financially, no big changes are expected. The chances of getting rich with Gemini in March are few, but the horoscope also does not foresee large monetary losses. You plan your budget well, so you definitely won't need it. But it's not worth planning large purchases yet.

Gemini horoscope for March 2018.

In March 2018, it's time for Gemini to hold back! This is especially true of Gemini women. Otherwise, you may find yourself in a situation like the girl Dasha, who came to her boyfriend. And he has a box on his desk. Dasha: -What's in it. He: -There are all the most personal ... secrets and fears, memories! All day she only thought what was in her! The guy went to the shower, she opened the box. And in it were ... a beer cork, an empty pack of cigarettes, candy wrappers and a note "curious fool!" Therefore, Gemini restrain yourself, perhaps in March 2018 someone will artificially stir up your curiosity.

In addition, as we warned in detail, a characteristic feature of your zodiac sign is suspicion. True, few people know about this. Therefore, in March 2018, try to speak aloud about your suspicions as little as possible. And since the Gemini cannot keep in themselves, what you want to discuss, then speak only about what you know, saw, or heard for sure.

In any case, judging by the horoscope, in March 2018 Gemini will resemble Carlson, who stopped flying, but began to drive fast! Simply, as the horoscope shows, in the first month of Spring you will stop “flying” in the clouds, but will be closer “to the ground”. Nevertheless, the pace of March 2018 will be quite high. Therefore, most often the Gemini will not resemble the "shot down" Carlson, but Carlson on a motor scooter !!!

In addition, in March 2018, the planet Spring will look into the astrological house of Gemini ... the planet Spring, which will constantly stir up your plans, especially after March 23rd. And Spring is a girl with character, especially in March, so the Gemini is better off meeting her with a smile and pleasing her all month. After all, a smile is not only the best makeup, but also a great way to hide your true thoughts. In general, Gemini will really need a smile in March 2018 in order to somehow soften the stupidity that you may be going to do or do, given the changes in your mood and your own decisions. And when in the first month of Spring you will be completely unbearable, answer others - I am not sad, I just got sick of smiling ... But, especially to meticulous friends and acquaintances to the questions: “How are you? Answer: Forgive me, but I cannot please with anything. I'm great!".

The horoscope for March 2018 Gemini shows that next month you will have a lot of ideas, and what is most interesting and not very typical for you, you will have a desire to realize them not only in words. Therefore, in order not to break the wood, the horoscope tells you - consult with smart people, and not with those who always agree with you. And although Gemini most often like to think with their own head, the bad thing is that it is usually located just below the back, so it's better to use someone else's.

Horoscope for March 2018 Gemini auspicious days - 1, 8, 10, 12, 17, 21, 22 and 28.

Horoscope for March 2018 Gemini unfavorable days - not a guy "from the army", and not May holidays, so why wait and predict them ?!

Horoscope for March 2018 Gemini career, work and business.

Gemini's professional relationship in March 2018, according to the horoscope, will develop in different ways. Much will depend on what kind of "cadres", colleagues and colleagues you are surrounded by at work. This is especially true for Gemini businessmen and leaders. Note, it doesn't make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do. You need to hire professionals to tell you what to do to you. Although it is almost as difficult for a Gemini to admit it as it is stubborn or arrogant. So, most of all in March 2018, Gemini will be helped by the advice of professionals, although you can also count on the support of your superiors or colleagues.

And if suddenly problems begin to break down the door under pressure, try to do something non-standard, as advised on the Internet, for example, with loud shouts at the same time to break the door from your side. Perhaps this will somewhat weaken the ardor of your ill-wishers. And even though in March 2018, Gemini is insolently considered, this is not Autumn, but Spring.

Horoscope for March 2018 Gemini Finance. Despite possible questions or difficulties at work, the horoscope for March 2018 promises stability in cash receipts, which will never be the case, by the way, at the very beginning of Spring.

The name horoscope for March 2018 Gemini. Horoscope for March 2018 Gemini Love.

As the horoscope for the next month shows, the beginning of Spring will be quite stormy for you. But, problems in Gemini's personal life can begin only on your initiative. This is especially true for family Gemini and those who are just building relationships. To maintain harmony in relationships, the horoscope for March 2018 advises family Gemini to actively deal with their own curiosity. It is not for nothing that we started this horoscope with this. Curiosity is a desire to learn that is useless, therefore, why do you need it. And try not to confuse your curiosity with jealousy. If you are really tired of everything in your personal life, do not count on new promising acquaintances in March 2018.

Of course, Spring and Love are often found, but it is unlikely that fleeting acquaintances will have the prospect of leaving a mark in your life, although the horoscope for March 2018 for Gemini is so contradictory that everything can be, just remember how our astrologer likes to repeat: “Life is like carnival, when you meet someone, you never know what is behind the mask! "

Well, at the end, the horoscope for March 2018 Gemini reminds you that even if your "peak", to which you have been striving for so long, is the neck of another, try not to dangle your legs brazenly after climbing there, cheerfully waving your house slippers ...

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In the first month of spring, the planet of love Venus is in a good position for you, which not only inspires hope, but also helps them come true.

Venus's position in the Gemini friendship house emphasizes the role of social activity in the development of relationships. Communication fosters harmony in a couple, and attending events that bring many people together can be beneficial to starting a relationship if that's what you want. Most likely, in a relationship with a soul mate there will be less emotions and passion, but there will be more spiritual unity and mutual understanding. To strengthen the union of loving hearts, set common goals and work together to achieve them.

Until March 17, 2018, the dynamic Mars remains in the house of the Gemini partner. An interesting time full of various events awaits you. Lonely representatives of your sign can meet new love.

March 23, 2018 Mercury, ruler of the sign Gemini, goes into retrograde motion. It's time to analyze your relationship, to prioritize love. Retro Mercury often makes the circumstances of the past relevant. Questions that you did not resolve in a timely manner may return. If there is a desire to renew lost in the past relationship, you can try to do it, the time is quite right. But if a new love affair begins, it is unlikely to live up to your expectations.

Gemini's career and finance horoscope for March 2018

You set yourself difficult tasks, but ambition is great and luck is on your side. In the first and second decades of the month, the Sun, a symbol of power, status and prestige, is located in the house of a career, which portends significant achievements in work and business. Moreover, you can count on the support and protection of your superiors.

You are most successful in group work. By becoming part of a team that has common interests, you will more surely achieve your goals. You can find new business partners or meet friendly people who will help your career development.

Despite the fact that astrological factors for Gemini are generally harmonious, there are also conflicting points. Neptune in the career sector is capable of creating illusions, so you need to be careful not to be deceived. Beware of dishonesty and scrutinize those you intend to partner with.

As for money, the month is generous, but requires more restraint in spending in the second and third decades. You are capable of making a lot of money, on the other hand, they can easily go away. Planetary influences accentuate everything related to taxes, loans, banks. Many of you will be attracted by investment, especially in real estate.


In the first and second decades of the month, you are in good physical shape and full of optimism. During this period, the state of health will not cause concern. After March 23, 2018, when Mercury goes retrograde, the situation is not so favorable. You should take care of yourself and not take risks. It would be best to avoid fatigue and overexertion. To recharge with positive energy, the stars advise you to take part in cultural and social events, to be in friendly companies.

Try not to hang out with people who are simply wasting your time and sucking all your energy complaining about the difficulties in life. Don't be afraid to turn down someone if they ask for something that is contrary to your interests.

The horoscope for March 2018 advises Gemini to abandon completely unrealizable plans, and set themselves only feasible tasks. At this time, the position of the stars can provoke you to rash steps, and your task is to maintain common sense and not succumb to any provocations. To achieve the best result, the Gemini will have to make every effort.

At work, you will be doing several things at the same time, but this should not scare you. Representatives of your zodiac sign are doing excellently with such a task. Gemini's ability to solve any problem will be useful to them many times this month. The most important thing is that under no circumstances should you be discouraged. Striving for the absolute ideal can do you no good.

Talismans for Gemini in March:

Stone: Sapphire

Number: 8

Colour: White

Animal: Canary

Mascot: Ring

Name: Tatiana, Arkady

Symbol: Anchor

Plant: Tea

Gemini must understand that nothing is perfect in the world around them. According to the horoscope, in the month of March, some Gemini will be close to a nervous breakdown, but the ability to control themselves will help them get rid of this destructive state. In the first month of spring, Gemini will have a chance to prove themselves in the workplace as an innovator, which will help them in moving up the career ladder.

Horoscope of love and family

It is in vain that they say about Gemini that they do not feel affection. In fact, these are very sensitive people suffering from loneliness and unrequited love. As soon as nature begins to come to life after the winter cold, the lone Gemini has a passionate desire to love. Already from the beginning of the month, you can feel anxious excitement and desire for love adventures. At the same time, astrologers advise you not to lose your head, so as not to break the woods. Mid-March is a time when the state of affairs on the personal front is completely up to you. Perhaps it's time for you to legalize your relationship with a loved one?

For Gemini who are already married, family relationships will develop dynamically with minor nuances, which are simply impossible to do without. Your not the best times, quarrels and strife you have long gone through. So you can consider March 2018 a period of calm and prosperity. The stars say that all worries will be forgotten, all insults will be forgiven, and you can live in peace, love and be loved.

Work, career, finance

Gemini's career horoscope for March 2018 is very positive. But for material well-being, you need to try to be collected and disciplined, learn to adapt to the situation. In this case, you will be able to prove to the whole world that you are a professional who has no equal! You have a high intelligence, a sharp mind and outstanding eloquence. Your ability to come up with original ideas simply amazes everyone around you.

Begin to take the initiative immediately after March 8, but do not forget about practicality and foresight. Try to be in the center of all the most important events. Express your ideas at trainings and work meetings. They will definitely be supported by your colleagues, and then by the management.

For Gemini businessmen, financially, this month will be favorable. The income will be sufficient and stable, and funds will come from additional sources for business development. It is not recommended to invest large sums in new businesses this month, and also do not seek to acquire bitcoins. The time has not yet come for this.

Wellness horoscope in March

In March 2018, Gemini will feel more or less tolerable, no serious illness threatens you. Winter with its icy snow and piercing winds has already passed and you should start moving. Start with walking, and then, if health permits, go for an easy run. Go to the gym and pool at least once a week. If you do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases and have no other contraindications, do not forget about the bath. It relieves stress perfectly. Drink fresh juices and eat more vegetables and fruits. Beware of drafts and dress for the weather.

Auspicious days in March for Gemini: 3, 14, 21, 29

Unfavorable days in March for Gemini: 5, 11, 17, 24

The first month of spring will be successful and fruitful for the representatives of this sign. In March, the twins will be able to overcome their problems with ease. You will have a lot of unusual ideas, implementing which, you will achieve stunning results, thereby strengthening your financial condition. You will become more independent and determined this month. You will stop depending on the opinions of others. Thanks to this, you will be able to achieve your goals.

In the first decade of the month of Gemini, a lot of pleasant meetings and events await. Family and relationships with relatives will be a priority. All lonely representatives of this sign will be absorbed in thoughts of a romantic relationship, which will rapidly gain momentum from the first days of March. The stars advise during this period of time to carefully observe the numerous admirers and potential partners, in view of the fact that among them there is exactly the one you were looking for. The family representatives of this sign expect a significant improvement in relationships with the second half.

The second decade of the first spring month for Gemini will be very difficult and eventful. In the middle of the month, you have to solve a lot of issues on which your career will depend. Many Gemini will easily solve their affairs, meet possible financial partners. And those who work in large organizations will be able to win the favor of the management and establish themselves as a skilled worker. Such an expression of professional qualities cannot go unnoticed, and in the near future Gemini can expect not a bad increase in wages or a promotion. It is only important to remember that all this will take a lot of effort.

In the last days of March, representatives of the sign will have to deal with the backlog, solve current problems and put things in order in their lives. In the professional field, you must deal with all the papers, plan upcoming meetings, think over plans for the near future.

At home, you also need to get rid of all the trash. Try to understand yourself, fix what does not suit you. Be impartial and try to accept others as they are. This tactic will greatly simplify your life.

Gemini Woman: Horoscope for March 2019

The first month of spring for the fairer sex will be very emotional. However, this will not harm your position in society, in the professional sphere or in the family.

The stars advise not to dwell on troubles, strain less and try to relax. Women of this sign should be patient with regard to family issues, because most of the habits of the second half in the new year can begin to annoy.

If emotions burst outward, which can lead to frequent discord, then do not worry - each quarrel will be followed by an early reconciliation. This is especially true for those who are in long-term relationships. Such quarrels will help you better understand your partner, thereby making you even better for your other half in all respects.

Gemini Man: Horoscope for March 2019

The first month of spring will bring many colorful moments and sensations to the stronger sex. This month you can give free rein to your own feelings, but do not hope that all this will end without quarrels and jealousy. The stars recommend that you immediately make it clear to the opposite sex that you are not ready for a serious relationship.

For those representatives who prefer a serious relationship, there are also many positive moments in the new year. If you already have a soul mate, then your relationship will move to a new, more serious level. Give your beloved attention, affection and care, and believe me, this will return to you in twins.

Gemini men who are married, the stars recommend that you give primacy to the second half and let her solve family issues. With regards to the professional field, then everything will be given to you without much effort.

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