Home Berries List of the Tikhvin icon of the Nicholas Ugreshsky monastery. Nikolo-ugreshsky monastery. Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"

List of the Tikhvin icon of the Nicholas Ugreshsky monastery. Nikolo-ugreshsky monastery. Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"

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To venerate the relics of St. Nicholas, you can go to the Italian city of Bari. Or you can go to the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery.

In addition to icons, there are other shrines in the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery. In the Transfiguration Cathedral there is a particle of the robe of the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as a particle of the relics of St. Nicholas and the relics of St. Pimen Ugreshsky. After the restoration of Father Pimen's native monastery, his relics were transferred to the Savior-Pre-Obrazhensky Cathedral and after the glorification of the saint took their place under a decorated canopy in a silver shrine. Believers come to worship them - as well as the relics of St. Nicholas - every day. On Tuesday, during the evening service, in front of the relics of St. Pimen reads an akathist. On Thursday, an akathist is read in front of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In the Nikolsky Church there is a part of the Life-giving Cross of the Lord. But the largest number of relics - mainly particles of relics - are kept in the Assumption Church. Among them are the relics of such saints as Saint Euphrosyne of Polotsk, Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk, Great Martyr George the Victorious, Saint Ignatius of Brianchaninov, Saint Silouan the Athonite, Saint Gregory the Theologian, Great Martyr Barbara, Saint Andrew the First-Called Saint Sergius of Rome, Saint John the Venerable ... In addition, particles of the relics of the Kiev Caves saints are collected in a special ark.

It is a great blessing to be able to worship the relics of so many saints gathered in one place. The soul experiences an involuntary thrill, being next to the remains of people who loved God so much. Some of them loved Him “even to death,” that is, they received the martyr's crown. And, of course, veneration of holy relics is not "paganism", but an expression of love for those who were once clothed with flesh, which became relics. Actually, this has been said for many centuries. This is what he wrote to his

Above: Patriarch Alexy II in front of the ark with the relics of St. Nicholas.

Center: Ark with the relics of the Set. Ignatius (Brianchaninov).

Right: Cancer with the relics of St. Pimen Ugreshsky is in the Transfiguration Cathedral.

to the opponent in this regard, St. Isidore Pelousiot at the beginning of the 5th century: “If he tempts you that for the sake of the love of the martyrs to God and for their constancy we honor the remains of the bodies of martyrs, then ask those who received healing from them (relics), and inquire in what sufferings they serve healing. Then not only will you not dare

over what is being done, but, of course, you yourself will be jealous of what is being performed. "

Other shrines found in the Church of the Assumption are no less remarkable than the relics of the saints. These are, first of all, parts of the Holy Sepulcher and the Holy Sepulcher. And, of course, the list of local shrines would be incomplete without a particle of the robe of St. Nicholas.

MOSCOW, Dec 19 - RIA Novosti, Olga Lipich. On the day of the feast of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Moscow State United Museum-Reserve Kolomenskoye-Lyublino-Lefortovo donated to the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery in the town of Dzerzhinsky near Moscow an icon and a fold with particles of the relics of St. Nicholas of the 19th century.

Director of the united museum-reserve Lyudmila Kolesnikova personally handed the shrines to Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, who served on Tuesday Divine Liturgy and a prayer service in the Transfiguration Cathedral of the Nikolo-Ugreshskaya monastery.

The reliquary icon includes 24 reliquaries with images of St. Andrew the First-Called, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky and many other saints. Particles of the Holy Sepulcher, the Holy Sepulcher and the robe of St. Nicholas are also embedded in the icon.

The folding-reliquary contains particles of the relics of John the Baptist, Andrew the First-Called, John Chrysostom and other saints of the Ancient Church, as well as the saints who shone in the land of Russia.

The St. Nicholas Ugreshsky Monastery was founded by Saint Prince Dmitry Donskoy at the place where the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared to him and in gratitude to God for the subsequent victory of the Russian army on the Kulikovo field in 1380.

“He saw the image of St. Nicholas and in the morning he said to his entourage:“ This eels my heart. ”That is, this vision warmed his heart,” - this is how the patriarch explained the name of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery at the celebrations marking the 625th anniversary of the Battle of Kulikovo.

According to him, during all these years, with the exception of the period of Soviet rule, when the monastery was desecrated, it was one of the largest spiritual centers in Russia and "prayers were raised in it for our Fatherland and our long-suffering people."

Saint Nicholas lived in the III-IV centuries and became famous as a great saint of God, therefore, among the people he is usually called Nicholas the Pleasant. Christians believe that to this day he performs many miracles to help people who pray to him. In addition, Saint Nicholas is considered the patron saint of all itinerants.

He was born in the city of Patara in Asia Minor (now - the territory of Turkey) in a family of pious parents and became a priest, and then bishop of the city of Myra in Lycia. Church tradition has preserved evidence not only of the miracles performed by Saint Nicholas, but also of his extraordinary mercy. So, when one previously rich man planned to "give up" his three grown daughters for fornication to save his family from hunger, the saint, grieving over the perishing sinner, secretly threw three bags of gold out of his window at night.

Making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Nicholas the Wonderworker at the request of desperate travelers with prayer calmed the raging sea. At his prayer, a sailor who fell from the mast and crashed to death came to life. Holding the executioner's sword, Saint Nicholas saved from death three men, who were innocently condemned by the greedy city governor.

Saint Nicholas died in the middle of the 4th century in extreme old age. According to church tradition, the relics of the saint were preserved incorrupt and exuded a miraculous ointment, from which many people were healed. In 1087, in connection with the threat of an invasion of Muslims, the relics of Nicholas the Pleasant were transferred to the Italian city of Bar (Bari), where they are still located.

"This eels my heart ..." - these words of the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy said after the miraculous appearance in the air of the icon of St. Nicholas. gave the name to the famous monastery.


Spoken many centuries ago by the Grand Duke Dmitry Donskoy, the words "This is all my heart is blackened" (blackened, warmed), when "the wonderful image of Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared to him, painted with paints, surrounded by stars and shining with bright light, standing by itself in the air ..." the name of both the place and the monastery. And it happened on August 22, 1380, not far from Moscow, where Dmitry Ivanovich stopped with his army before the battle on the Kulikovo field. The miraculous appearance of the icon of St. Nicholas the Intercessor clearly meant God's help in the upcoming battle with Mamai. And the army of the holy prince won a victory, changing the course of history.

The wonderful image of Nicholas the Wonderworker appeared to him, painted with paints, surrounded by stars and shining with bright light, standing by itself in the air ...

The fate of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery was not easy - more than once it was subjected to devastation and fires, was a place of exile for dangerous persons, a center of rebellions and riots. But Nicholas the Intercessor invisibly guarded his monastery.

The first big trouble came in 1521 with the raid of the Crimean Khan Makhmet-Girey, who burned down the Nikolo-Ugreshskaya monastery. But she was reborn again.

In the Time of Troubles, it was here that the former monk Grigory Otrepiev, who had fled from the Chudov Monastery, found his first refuge here, who later declared himself "a miracle surviving Tsarevich Dimitri". Supported by the Poles, False Dmitry I was crowned on the Russian throne together with his wife Marina Mnishek in 1605.

Soon the Russian squads began to unite to fight the Poles. And this first militia was "gathered by Nikola" at the walls of his monastery on Ugresh.

In 1771, during a plague epidemic that struck the Moscow lands, an infirmary was set up in the Ugreshskaya monastery. And in the Patriotic War of 1812, one of the detachments of invaders stood here: the French not only caused damage to the temples of Ugresha, but also outraged the shrines.

Heyday and decline

The years of the greatest prosperity of the monastery came in the second half of the 17th century under the abbot Vincent, then the number of the brethren reached a hundred people. The monastery was beautiful and rich, surrounded by a white-stone wall. It housed the ancient St. Nicholas Cathedral, the Tsar's and Patriarchal Chambers, brotherly cells, outbuildings, orchards and a pond in which the monks raised fish.

The walls of the ancient monastery remember the famous kings and impostors, the Ecumenical Patriarchs and the exiles languishing within these walls, periods of decline and unprecedented prosperity

In the first years of his reign, the monastery was often visited by the very young Peter I, who exiled here "rebellious people": the monastery became a place of imprisonment for rebellious archers. And the church reforms of Peter initiated the decline of the Nikolo-Ugreshskaya monastery after 300 years of prosperity and world fame.

The monastic buildings fell into extreme disrepair. And only when, after the strongest hurricane in 1739, the wind tore off the roofs and broke the crosses, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna allocated funds that made it possible to dismantle the dilapidated stone structures and erect wooden ones in their place.

The Catherine's era brought the monastery to new misfortunes. And although the bell tower was completed and the Assumption Church was renewed, the number of monastics was reduced in accordance with the new church reforms to 12 people.

Monk's wealth

By the middle of the 19th century, the "royal" Nikolo-Ugreshskaya monastery was a sad sight: a dilapidated fence, leaky roofs, three monks and two novices. The monastery was on the verge of abolition. Only the monastery, which appeared thanks to a miracle of God, cannot disappear from the face of the earth: hegumen Ilarius was appointed to the post of the new abbot, who arrived with his cell attendant Peter Myasnikov, the future Venerable Pimen Ugreshsky. Father Ilarius took care of the revival of the spiritual life of the monastery, and the entire economy fell on the shoulders of Father Pimen. Through his labors, old buildings were renovated and five churches were erected: the Nicholas Cathedral, the Church of St. Mary of Egypt, the Assumption, the Scorching and Peter and Paul skete churches. “For a monk, the first wealth is to have nothing,” Father Pimen used to say. With hundreds of thousands in his hands, he did not save a single ruble for himself.

During these years the Ugreshskaya monastery became the center of education. In 1866, a spiritual public school was opened, in which children from poor families could receive primary education. The monastery housed an almshouse for the elders and the infirm, and during the Balkan War an infirmary was set up here, where brothers of mercy were monks from Ugresh.

Second Lavra

The fame of the monastery increased enormously, the stream of pilgrims grew, and the temples could no longer accommodate those who wished. In 1880, during the solemn celebration of the 500th anniversary of the monastery, the Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior was laid, the foundation of which became the last earthly joy of the Monk Pimen. A few days later he departed to the Lord. And the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery began to be called "the second Lavra", and it was like a majestic city among the greenery of forests and fields.

The coming to power of the Bolsheviks lowered the dark curtain over the monastery. Ugresha, dear to the believing heart, became the city of Dzerzhinsky, and the most beautiful monastery, which was a stronghold of Orthodoxy for more than 500 years, turned into a place of desolation, grief and devastation.

But new times and new people have come, who have revived the ancient monastery. The first Liturgy, held on December 19, 1990, on the day of memory of Nicholas the Wonderworker, gathered a lot of people who filled the entire Assumption Church and the entire square in front of it. It seemed that the whole city was praying on that day, and this congregational prayer, heard by the Lord, became the beginning of a revival. Through the joint efforts of the governor and brethren, benefactors and townspeople, the ruins began to transform. And now we can say with confidence that the monastery has been completely restored. In 1998 the Nikolo-Ugreshskaya seminary was opened.

What about today?

The miraculous icon of St. Nicholas, which at all times guarded the monastery, survived and is now in the Tretyakov Gallery, and a copy from it is in the Nikolsky Cathedral of the Ugreshskaya monastery. For several years now, the monastery has been providing spiritual care for orphans from the correctional boarding school No. 62, who are frequent guests here.

In September last year, the abbot of the monastery, Abbot Bartholomew, consecrated two churches at once - the recently restored Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist and a new one in the name of the Cathedral of the Ugreshsky Saints, located in the basement of St. Nicholas Cathedral.

It is impossible to convey in words the feeling of grace when, having passed through the gates of Ugresha, you find yourself in the world of silence and beauty. Where, as before, the domes of the monastery are burning - a handsome man, a hero who has not been broken and has stood for more than 600 years.

Spiritual and moral searches make people go on pilgrimage trips, in which they discover not only new pages of history, but also become closer to faith and God.

Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery: history of foundation

The Russian land is rich in spiritual monuments - monasteries, churches and cathedrals, bell towers and whole temple complexes. And sometimes it can be very difficult to choose one of them. But those who spare no time and effort should definitely visit the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery (the city of Dzerzhinsky). This monastery was built at the behest of Dmitry Donskoy in 1380. According to legend, the image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker himself appeared to the prince on the site of the future monastery. At that time, Dmitry Donskoy was preparing for a battle with the army of Mamai and was with his comrades-in-arms not far from Moscow, only 15 km away. The holy icon was sent down to the praying prince from heaven. After the famous historical battle that ended in victory for the Russian troops, Dmitry returned to the holy place, which had once given him the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and named him Ugresha. After that, the prince ordered to establish a temple here in honor of St. Nicholas, which to this day receives hundreds of pilgrims from all over the world.

It is believed that the original cathedral was built of wood. It was he who was burned by the Crimean Khan in 1521. The stone building appeared much later, during the reign of Basil the Great.

The journey of the holy image

The Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery had special rights from the very first days of its foundation. For example, Ivan the Terrible completely exempted him from all kinds of duties on necessary goods throughout Russia.

That is why the servants of the monastery often turned to the generous king for help. Once they asked Ivan the Terrible to restore the very holy image of Nicholas the Wonderworker, which was given to Dmitry Donskoy before the battle. At the behest of the tsar, the icon was sent to Moscow. The image passed through Vyatka, Kama and Moscow. Saint Macarius himself was involved in the restoration. At the end of the work, the icon was sent back to the monastery, and its exact copy was kept in the capital.

Ugresha in a Time of Troubles

Troubles for Russia became a time of decay, confusion, uncertainty in the future. During that period, Ugresha became a refuge for liars and their entourage - False Dmitry 1, who was hiding from the wrath of Boris Godunov; the Tushino thief and Marina Mnishek, who declared her husband the only Russian heir to the throne.

During the period of the Polish intervention, the Nikolo-Ugreshsky stavropegic monastery was a gathering place under the leadership of Minin and Pozharsky.

Thus, the Time of Troubles became a period of trial for the Ugreshskaya monastery, which often suffered robberies even from the Russian militias themselves.

Dynasty of the Romanovs and Ugresha

Under the first tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail, who was elected to the throne in 1613, the monastery was flourishing. Throughout his reign, the sovereign visited the monastery 9 times, mainly on the day of memory of Nicholas the Wonderworker. The monastery, having become a spiritual refuge for the king, received various privileges from him: the exemption of trade from customs duties, the right to own fishing in Nizhny Novgorod. During his reign, Michael presented the monastery with many gifts, in every possible way contributed to its prosperity. His son, Aleksey Tishaishy, ​​also continued his father's tradition, going on hiking trips to Ugresha in the spring and taking care of the monastery in every possible way.

Hard times

The period of decline of the monastery falls on the late 17th - early 18th century. This time is marked by the reign of Emperor Peter I. Having long forgotten the traditions of his ancestors, he turns the monastery into a place for keeping criminals and their execution. The emergence of the Synod negatively affects the condition of monasteries, including the Ugreshskaya monastery. Left without royal care, it noticeably diminishes - the number of monastics decreases, and newly arrived novices often commit unseemly deeds. By the middle of the 18th century, insane people and people with physical disabilities and handicaps began to be placed in Ugresha. The temple complexes of the monastery were gradually decaying, and minimal funds were allocated for their restoration. The period of the reign of Empress Catherine I, who carried out a reform of the secularization of the monastic lands, was especially difficult for the monastery. The general spiritual atmosphere in Ugresh was deteriorating, which was facilitated by the frequent change of abbots, some of whom earned notoriety during their governorship. It seemed that nothing could help the revival of the sacred monastery, once founded at the request of Nicholas the Wonderworker himself ...

Like a phoenix bird

The Nikolo-Ugreshsky Stavropegial Monastery began its revival in the 30s of the 19th century after the appointment of Ignatius Brianchaninov as abbot, who was later canonized. Despite the fact that in fact he did not have time to start leading the Ugres, Ignatius was able to seriously influence her further material and spiritual recovery. On his recommendation, Abbot Ilarius becomes the abbot of the monastery. Thanks to his vigorous activity, spiritual life began to revive. Ilarius carefully monitored the observance of the established ascetic rule and increased the number of monks to 20 people. During the period of his governorship, the monastery found several benefactors, with whose funds the Assumption Church was expanded, some buildings were completed.

The period of Ilarius' reign was indeed fruitful. After his death, the place of abbot was taken by Pimen, who continued the work of the late abbot. The Monk Pimen was able to open a school for peasant children at the monastery. During the war, the abbot organized an almshouse on the territory of Ugresha, where they received the wounded from the battlefield. Until the beginning of the 1918 revolution, a quiet and measured life flowed in the monastery.

Test of change

Like many Orthodox complexes in Russia, the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery in Dzerzhinsky was closed even after numerous attempts by the abbot Macarius and the brethren to preserve the monastery. A shelter for street children was founded in its place. During the war, the bell tower of Nicholas had to be demolished, which could have become a good reference point for the Nazi planes. In the 80s, a venereal dispensary was opened on the territory of Ugresha, which was liquidated in 1990. And a few months later, in December, the first service in these years was performed on the day of memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It is from this moment that the second birth of this Orthodox complex begins.

Guided tour of the monastery

I know the rich history of the monastery, a true pearl and spiritual stronghold of the people, it is doubly interesting to see its sights.

On the territory of the monastery there are 13 temple complexes and more than 20 additional buildings - towers, chapels, buildings, etc. You can start the excursion from the central building - the Transfiguration Cathedral. The beautiful temple with 5 domes is an example of 19th century architecture. It was specially built for the 500th anniversary of the foundation of the monastery. It is in it that the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery keeps the relics of the Monk Pimen and the holy image of Nicholas the Wonderworker. In addition, there is an exact copy of the icon of the Fyodorovskaya Mother of God, which is used by mothers and women preparing for childbirth.

Nikolsky Cathedral is the oldest part of the entire Orthodox complex, dating back to the 14th century. It is believed that it was in its place that there was a wooden church built in honor of Nicholas the Wonderworker by Prince Dmitry Donskoy. The appearance of the stone building is associated with a fire in which the original cathedral burned down. Now in this temple there is a part of the tree from the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. You can also pray in front of the list of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which performed many miracles.

The Assumption Cathedral, distinguished by its majesty, preserves the relics of many saints. In this temple, you can venerate the imperishable remains of the great martyr Panteleimon, who is able to heal physical and spiritual illnesses through the prayers of people; Sergius of Radonezh, who helps in work and study and any good endeavors; blessed mother Matrona, who continues to help people after her earthly death, Simeon of Verkhotursky and many others.

While on the territory of the monastery, be sure to visit the "Joy of All Who Sorrow" Cathedral. You can recognize it by its 5 domes located on the rooftop in the form of a tent. Previously, the most ancient and Most Holy Virgin were kept in it, which, unfortunately, have not survived to this day, since in the 20s the temple was plundered and closed.

Walking from this cathedral along the farm yard, you will find yourself near the church built in honor of the Kazan Mother of God. A small complex with 5 domes, ending with openwork crosses, was built at the end of the 19th century with donations from benefactors. Just like other cathedrals, it was destroyed and then rebuilt only in the early 2000s.

In addition to large complexes, the Ugreshsky Monastery also keeps small buildings within its walls, for example, chapels in honor of Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Mother of God. And not far from the monastery pond and the cathedral, built in honor of the Monk Pimen, there is the Chapel of the Passion of the Lord. This building was erected in the early 2000s according to the idea of ​​one of the inhabitants of the monastery. The chapel was built in the Old Russian style. It is located on a small hill that symbolizes Calvary - the place of Jesus' suffering. A cross was placed inside the white-stone chapel, reminiscent of the great sacrifice of the Savior.

The Cathedral of St. Pimen, located near the reservoir, is very similar to the famous one - a golden dome rises above the white-stone walls, beautiful in their severity.

Also on the territory of the monastery are the Peter and Paul Church, the Palestinian Wall and other complexes.

How to get to the monastery

If you are interested in the history of Ugresha and you want to immerse yourself in the life of a monastery that has endured hardships of time, you should definitely visit here. The Ugreshskaya monastery is located in the town of Dzerzhinsky, Moscow region. You can get to the Orthodox complex in the following way: from the Kuzminki metro station by bus you can get to the city in just 20 minutes, and the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery will open in front of you. You now know how to get there. Alternatively, you can attend Sunday or holiday services such as

The role of the Ugreshsky monastery in the life of modern Russia

Many trials failed to break the spiritual stamina of the Ugresh monastery. Periods of decline and unprecedented prosperity, complete ruin and further revival intertwined the fate of Ugresha. In the new millennium, the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery continues to play one of the main roles in the Orthodox life of our country. Patriarch Kirill himself is incredibly happy with the deep faith of the people, thanks to which the monastery ruins have turned into a beautiful temple complex in the city of Dzerzhinsky. The Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery has become a real spiritual and educational center of the Moscow region. This is evidenced by the museums located on the territory of the temple. For example, those who are interested in Orthodox culture or the history of the Russian Orthodox Church can visit the sacristy museum, which contains many ancient items. Here you can see ancient icons in gilded frames, the Gospel in a silver cover, and even coins from the times of Ancient Rus. The exhibits were collected thanks to donors. For example, the Ugreshsky Monastery was able to acquire a unique collection dedicated to the family of Nicholas II, canonized. Collected literally in pieces - books and photos, sets and icons - it miraculously ended up in the monastery. This museum is open to pilgrims.

Significant holidays of the monastery

Like any Orthodox complex, the Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery in Dzerzhinsky honors the memory of many saints at daily services and Sunday liturgies. But the most significant among them are the following days:

  • Memory of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Icons "The Seeking of the Perished", "Joy of All Who Sorrow", "The Sign", "Blakhernskaya".
  • Memory of Basil the Confessor, Sergius of Radonezh, Mary of Egypt, etc.
  • Transfiguration of the Lord, Ascension and other twelve feasts.

Orthodox, deeply religious people should visit the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery. Photos that you can take from within its walls will capture the true beauty of the majestic complex. You need to see Ugresh with your own eyes, touching the ancient history of mysterious Russia, feel the divine atmosphere, pray in front of the miraculous icon and venerate the relics of the saints. The monastery is a spiritual healer, so a visit to it is always for the benefit of people. And let the monastery of St. Nicholas become for you a spiritual refuge and salvation, a place where you can forget about worldly worries and difficulties.

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