Home Berries Stationary and semi-stationary social services. Semi-stationary and urgent social services for the disabled Stationary and semi-stationary social services

Stationary and semi-stationary social services. Semi-stationary and urgent social services for the disabled Stationary and semi-stationary social services

Day (night) stay departments are a form of semi-stationary social services and play an important role in providing effective social support to the elderly. They are created on the basis of municipal social service centers or under social protection authorities.

Day care departments are designed for household, medical, cultural services for the elderly, organizing their recreation, engaging in feasible work, and maintaining an active lifestyle.

Branches are created to serve at least 30 people. They include elderly and disabled people who have retained the ability to self-service and active movement. The decision on enrollment is made by the head of the social service institution on the basis of a personal written application of an elderly citizen or a disabled person and a certificate from a health care institution on his state of health.

The day care department provides the following services:

organization of food, life and leisure (providing hot meals, providing books, magazines, newspapers);

social and medical services (assistance in obtaining medical and psychological assistance, provision of sanitary and hygienic services, organization of medical and recreational activities, assistance in obtaining vouchers for sanatorium treatment);

assistance in organizing legal services;

assistance in organizing funeral services.

The emerging trend of reducing the services of inpatient institutions is associated with an increase in the provision of outpatient care to the disabled and the elderly living in ordinary home conditions by non-stationary social service institutions. The latter are represented by departments of social assistance at home (including at boarding schools, territorial centers, departments of social protection), territorial centers of social services and territorial social assistance services (as a rule, on the basis of territorial centers and departments of social assistance at home under rai (mountain) departments (departments) of social protection of the population).

Departments of social assistance at home provide the minimum required range of services for the delivery of food, medicine, firewood (coal), payment of housing and communal and other expenses.

Recently, this organizational form has been supplemented by another, caused by the transition to a market economy, when a significant part of the elderly and the disabled found themselves on the verge of poverty, having lost their livelihood, in an extreme life situation. This is an emergency social assistance service. The main types of services of the emergency social assistance service include: providing food, medicines, clothing, temporary housing, providing emergency psychological assistance, assistance in identifying disabled people in boarding schools and hospitals, providing services of hairdressers, repairmen of electrical household appliances, active cooperation with government, public, religious organizations, charitable foundations, mass media, government bodies and other institutions to take measures to resolve acute life situations.

The need for the functioning of urgent social assistance services is undeniable, as they develop and supplement the services of social assistance departments at home and, most importantly, allow disabled people who are beyond the poverty line to maintain their existence.

The semi-stationary forms of social services include territorial centers, the advantage of which is the possibility of combining medical and social services for the disabled. Territorial social service centers also make it possible to organize meals, create conditions for communication between the disabled and the elderly. The latter is an important factor for maintaining the moral tone of people living outside the family.

Initially, the creation of territorial centers was envisaged mainly together with inpatient departments, where conditions were created for a temporary stay (5-10 days) of JOBs in fairly comfortable conditions and preventive treatment (physiotherapy, phototherapy, massage, psychological relief). However, the creation of territorial centers with inpatient services requires additional conditions and, accordingly, more substantial costs, for which local social protection authorities do not always have the necessary financial resources.

Territorial social service centers have large reserves to meet the needs of the disabled. According to the management of the centers, more than 5% of those served are ready to pay for additional (in addition to those provided free of charge) services. But only a few territorial centers and social assistance departments provide paid services at the request of disabled people, and the range of services as a whole is limited to the general set: cooking, washing dishes, delivering linen to the laundry, washing clothes at home, providing bath services, cleaning the apartment, washing windows, buying groceries, medicines, manufactured goods, walking the dog, etc.

The semi-residential form of social service in Volgograd is represented by: the Day Care Center for Pensioners and Disabled People, the Center for Social Assistance to Families Raising Children of Disabled People in the Dzerzhinsky District, and the City Center for Social Assistance in the Kirovsky District.

The Day Center for Pensioners and Disabled Persons, designed for 30 places, is intended for social, medical, cultural services for pensioners and disabled people, organizing their meals, recreation, maintaining an active lifestyle, and attracting them to work. The Center accepts elderly citizens for service: men from 60 years old, women - from 55 years old, disabled people of groups I and II for a period of two weeks, who have retained the ability to self-service and active movement.

The Center for Social Assistance to Families Raising Disabled Children of the Dzerzhinsky District was established in 1995. The purpose of the Center is to promote the realization of the right of families and children to protection and assistance from the state, to promote the development and strengthening of the family as a social institution, to improve socio-economic living conditions, indicators of social health and well-being of the family and children, to humanize the relationship of the family with society and the state , establishing harmonious intra-family relations: organizing communication and leisure for children: teaching self-service skills, household adaptation, providing advice.

The City Center for Social Assistance in the Kirovsky District was created in order to protect people who find themselves in extreme conditions without a fixed place of residence and occupation, who are in a crisis life situation and to implement rehabilitation measures.

In the issue of developing the principles of the ratio of paid and free services, it is necessary to approach targeted and individually. Meeting the specific needs of the client for a moderate fee should be in addition to meeting his general needs free of charge. The rationale for this approach is confirmed by the experience of foreign social service systems, in particular Finland, where they strive to provide the client with services that promote (stimulate) his independence and serve as a prerequisite for a good moral and psychological state.

In order to further improve the system of social services and in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Social Protection of Russia dated 20.07.93. social service centers are being created, which are institutions of social protection of the population, carrying out organizational and practical activities on the territory of a city or district to provide various types of social assistance to elderly citizens, the disabled and other groups of the population in need of social support. The structure of the center provides for various divisions of social services, including the day care department for the elderly and disabled, social assistance at home, urgent social assistance services and others.

The main tasks of the social service center in joint activities with state and public organizations (health, education, migration services, committees of the Red Cross Society, veterans' organizations, societies of the disabled, etc.) include:

  • - identification of the elderly, disabled and other persons in need of social support;
  • - determination of specific types and forms of assistance to persons in need of social support;
  • - differentiated accounting of all persons in need of social support, depending on the types and forms of the required, the frequency of its provision;
  • - provision of social services of a one-time or permanent nature to persons in need of social support;
  • - analysis of the level of social services for the population of the city, district, development of long-term plans for the development of this sphere of social support for the population, the introduction of new types and forms of assistance into practice, depending on the nature of the needs of citizens and local conditions;
  • - involvement of various state and non-state structures in solving the issues of providing social and household assistance to needy segments of the population and coordinating their activities in this direction.
  • d) Stationary social services are aimed at providing comprehensive social assistance to persons in need of constant care and supervision due to health reasons. State stationary institutions of social and consumer services include boarding houses for the elderly and disabled, the regulation of which was approved by order of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the RSFSR dated December 27, 1978. In accordance with this order, the boarding house is a medical and social institution intended for permanent residence of the elderly and disabled who need care, household and medical services. In the boarding house for the implementation of medical and labor and activating therapy, medical and production (labor) workshops are created, and in the boarding house located in the countryside, in addition, a subsidiary farm with the necessary inventory, equipment and transport.

Other institutions of this type also include a psycho-neurological boarding school, defined as a medical and social institution intended for permanent residence of the elderly and disabled, suffering from chronic mental illness and in need of care, household and medical care.

Residential institutions for the elderly accept citizens of retirement age who do not have able-bodied children who are required by law to support them. As a matter of priority, invalids and participants of the Great Patriotic War, family members of fallen military personnel, as well as deceased invalids and participants in the war are admitted to boarding schools.

One of the indispensable conditions for admission is voluntariness, therefore, paperwork is carried out only if there is a written application from a citizen. An application for admission to a boarding house with a medical card is submitted to a higher social security organization, which issues a ticket to the boarding house. If a person is incompetent, then his placement in a stationary institution is carried out on the basis of a written application of his legal representative. The law provides for the right of citizens who are in stationary social service institutions to refuse services, but on condition that they have relatives who can support them and provide the necessary care.

Persons staying in boarding houses of a general type, systematically and grossly violating the rules of internal order in them, may be transferred to special boarding houses by a court decision made on the basis of a recommendation from the administration. They are created mainly for the elderly and disabled with previous convictions, vagrants, sent from the institutions of the internal affairs bodies and other persons who are subject to administrative supervision in the manner established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 15, 1995 “On the development of a network of specialized boarding houses for the elderly and the disabled."

The functioning of boarding schools as one of the main forms of social services for the elderly is associated with a number of serious problems. Among them: the degree of satisfaction of needs in boarding schools, the quality of service in them, the creation of related conditions for living, etc. people are increasingly willing to live in their familiar home environment. The stationary form of social services is represented in Volgograd by the Traktorozavodsk Center for Social Services for Pensioners and the Disabled. The department with a hospital is intended for medical, cultural, consumer services, attraction to feasible labor activity, maintaining an active lifestyle.

Currently, inpatient institutions are mostly people who have completely lost the ability to move and require constant care, as well as those who have no housing. An alternative to boarding schools in the near future may be special residential houses for the elderly (approximate Regulations on a special house for lonely elderly people, approved by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population on April 7, 1994), which, despite some shortcomings, still have a number of important advantages.

Today, a significant part of social service centers are multidisciplinary institutions capable of providing the elderly and disabled with a variety of types and forms of services, including social and medical, social and commercial services. The priority direction is the development of models of non-stationary social services (social service centers, departments of social assistance at home), which allow the elderly to stay in their usual environment as long as possible, maintain their personal and social status.

Thus, the main technologies at present are state technologies for the social protection of the elderly - pensions, social services, social assistance. However, the priority direction of social work with the elderly is the organization of the living environment of aging people, carried out in such a way that the elderly person always has the opportunity to choose how to interact with this environment, because. older people are not an object of activity of various social services, but a decision-making subject. Freedom of choice gives rise to a sense of security, confidence in the future. Hence the need for alternative technologies of social work with the elderly. Among which are charitable assistance, club work, self-help and mutual aid groups.

The main tasks of a specialist in working with the elderly:

identification and accounting of lonely elderly and disabled citizens in need of home care;

establishing and maintaining communication with the labor collective, where war and labor veterans and disabled people worked;

establishing contacts with committees of the Red Cross Society, Councils of War and Labor Veterans, public organizations, foundations.

elderly social services

Semi-stationary social services include social, medical and cultural support for disabled people, organizing their meals, recreation, ensuring their participation in feasible work activities and maintaining their active lifestyle. This form of social service contributes to the rehabilitation of disabled people who have retained the ability to self-service and active movement, and who do not have medical contraindications for enrollment.

In accordance with the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST 52880-2007, semi-residential social service institutions include: a social rehabilitation center for the elderly and disabled; day care center for the elderly and disabled. Let us dwell in more detail on the characteristics of their activities. The Social Rehabilitation Center for the Elderly and Disabled Citizens is created to carry out health and social rehabilitation activities with disabled people who have retained the ability to self-service or have partially lost it. In the conditions of the social rehabilitation center, the initial reception of disabled people and accommodation are organized taking into account their age, gender, health status, existing diseases, ability to self-service; provide them with the social services they need.

Unlike the previous institution, the day care center for the elderly and disabled organizes its work for disabled people who have retained the ability to self-service and active movement. The main tasks in the implementation of semi-stationary social services for disabled people in the center are: providing them with social and cultural services, providing them with medical care, catering and recreation, maintaining an active lifestyle for disabled people.

Urgent social services are carried out in order to provide urgent, emergency assistance of a one-time nature to disabled people who are in dire need of social support, and include the following social services: one-time provision of free hot meals or food packages; clothes, shoes and other essentials; one-time financial assistance. Social work specialists assist persons with disabilities in obtaining temporary housing; organize legal assistance in order to protect the rights of persons served and emergency medical and psychological assistance with the involvement of psychologists and clergy for this work and the allocation of additional telephone numbers for these purposes. In emergency social service departments there is a rental of specialized equipment for the disabled and devices for caring for the seriously ill. In accordance with the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST 52880-2007, emergency assistance to the disabled is provided at the urgent social service center. In the complex center of social services for the population, there is a department of urgent social services, in which the work of an apartment repair service for citizens with disabilities can be organized, a rental office for rehabilitation equipment for the disabled, etc.

Rehabilitation aids (crutches, walkers, canes, wheelchairs, etc.) are provided to clients in accordance with the developed tariffs, and low-income citizens with disabilities use the rental free of charge.

The complex social service institutions designed to provide assistance to families, the disabled and other categories of clients who find themselves in a difficult life situation include a comprehensive social service center for the population. The center may include the following structural units that provide social services to citizens with disabilities: a consulting department, rehabilitation of children with mental and physical disabilities, home care, day care for the elderly and disabled, etc.

For example, in the state institution "Comprehensive Center for Social Services to the Population" in Znamensk, Astrakhan Region, a school for parents of disabled children "Help your child" was opened. Specialists conduct workshops, seminars, where fathers, mothers, grandparents learn how to organize the play and learning activities of a child with disabilities. Children and parents jointly spend their leisure time in the rehabilitation department of the complex center for social services for the population, namely, they participate in sports relay races, show master classes in arts and crafts, and regularly organize exhibitions of children's creativity and family skills.

Coordinating activities for the provision of social services to the disabled are carried out by the center for social services for the elderly and the disabled. The structure of this institution includes the following departments: social services at home, day care, social rehabilitation, urgent social services, social canteen, specialized department of social and medical services.

One of the main forms of social services aimed at extending the stay of disabled people in their familiar social environment (family, neighbors, etc.) and in order to maintain their social status is social services at home. According to the National Standard of the Russian Federation GOST 52880-2007, social service institutions for people with disabilities at home include: a center for social services at home for the elderly and disabled and a specialized center for social and medical care for the elderly and disabled at home. Home-based social services provided to persons with disabilities include: organizing their meals, including home delivery of groceries; assistance in the acquisition of medicines, food and industrial essential goods. A social worker assists in obtaining medical care for a disabled person, including accompanying him to medical institutions. Specialists of social service institutions for the disabled at home help to maintain the living conditions of the client in accordance with hygiene requirements, assist in organizing legal assistance and other legal services for citizens with disabilities. Social services for disabled people at home can be carried out by one social worker, a social worker and a nurse, as well as a team of specialists, which includes a psychologist, a lawyer hairdresser, a household appliance repair specialist, a social worker, etc.

Specialists of departments of social services at home organize charitable events aimed at involving high school students in helping disabled people. Schoolchildren visit a citizen with disabilities at home, congratulate him on his birthday, perform all possible assistance in improving the client's life (wash dishes, take out the trash, etc.).

In the practice of social service departments at home, there is cooperation with the Russian Orthodox Church. Representatives of the church, at the request of clients, visit them at home, talk with the disabled, and provide them with psychological assistance.

In order to more effectively provide social services to people with disabilities at the place of residence, social service institutions cooperate with territorial public self-government. Territorial public self-government (TPS) is the self-organization of citizens at their place of residence on a part of the city territory for the independent and responsible implementation of initiatives on issues of local importance. This association is a form of implementation by the population of local self-government in the city and is designed to promote the realization of the rights and freedoms of citizens, their independence in resolving issues of city development.

The main forms of social work with disabled people at the place of residence are: targeted material assistance, organization of club associations for the disabled, holding holidays for the disabled, free legal consultations for citizens with disabilities, holding sports events among disabled people of various age groups, etc.

Within the framework of public self-government, social-consultative points of assistance to the disabled are being opened (Blagoveshchensk). This form of social work at the place of residence contributes to the development of a system of social services for the disabled. Social advisory centers are territorially close to the population, which makes it possible to ensure the real availability of social services to all those in need. Club associations have been created and operate here to organize leisure and employment of the disabled. Specialists of social advisory centers provide citizens with disabilities at the place of residence not only targeted social support (shoes, clothes, money), but also legal services, help them get a job, organize their vacation.

Thus, the main forms of social services for disabled people include semi-stationary, emergency social services, and social services at home. This makes it possible for a disabled person to preserve his usual living conditions (his home, comfort, friends and acquaintances), to extend his ability to be a more independent, independent and active member of society. One of the new forms of social work with people with disabilities at the place of residence is the implementation in territorial public self-governments of advising citizens with disabilities, where they are helped to organize their leisure time with the help of interest clubs, they invite lawyers, psychologists to provide the necessary information.

Questions for self-control

1. List the main forms of social services for the disabled.

2. Describe the semi-stationary form of social services for the disabled.

3. Expand the features of social work with people with disabilities at the place of residence.

National standard of the Russian Federation GOST 52880-2007. Social service of the population. Types of social service institutions for the elderly and disabled. // Social service. - 2009. - No. 2

Nikonov L.S., Chetverikov M.N. Targeted social protection: Experience of municipalities - M., 2003.

Kholostova E.I. Social work with disabled people: Textbook. - 3rd ed. - M., 2009.

Semi-residential social services are used for those elderly and disabled citizens who are able to serve themselves and can actively move around. They must not have medical contraindications for enrollment in such social services. This group also includes children who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

The implementation of semi-stationary social services is carried out by semi-stationary organizations (enterprises, institutions) of social care or departments of stay, both at night and during the day. They are formed in public social service centers and are used to help carry out activities in the field of social adaptation to the living conditions in the society of social service clients who have lost their socially useful connections.

Remark 1

Semi-stationary social service consists of medical care, social and cultural services. It is received by the disabled and the elderly.

In the institutions in question, services can be provided for:

  1. organization of food, life and leisure (for example, providing hot food and drink, issuing bed linen, providing newspapers, books, magazines, etc.);
  2. social medical services (for example, obtaining medical psychological assistance, sanitary and hygiene services, medical and recreational activities, rehabilitation activities for the disabled, assistance in obtaining vouchers for sanatorium, resort treatment, assistance in prosthetics, etc.);
  3. education and training;
  4. employment assistance;
  5. provision of legal services;
  6. assistance for the organization of funeral services.

Features of semi-stationary service

For people without an appropriate place of residence and occupation, special semi-permanent institutions can be created, including an overnight stay, a hotel or shelter, a social adaptation center. In such organizations, overnight services, first aid, provision of personal hygiene and sanitation, one-time free meals, consultations on household appliances and employment, assistance in preparing documentation proving the identity of a person, determination in stationary institutions providing social services can be provided. .

Remark 2

For persons who are released from places of deprivation of liberty and who need social adaptation, in addition to the services discussed above, assistance can be provided in the field of restoring lost social ties with the family, housing rights, etc.

Social services at home

Social services at home can be one of the main forms of social services. Such services are aimed at maximizing the stay of the elderly and disabled in the usual conditions of the social environment to support their social status, including the protection of the legitimate interests and rights of such persons.

Guaranteed home social services can include services for:

  1. catering, including home delivery of food;
  2. assistance in buying medicines, food, essential goods;
  3. assistance in obtaining medical care, including the process of escorting to medical institutions;
  4. maintaining living conditions that meet the requirements of hygiene;
  5. assistance in organizing legal assistance and services in the field of law;
  6. assistance in organizing ritual services, funerals;
  7. other social services of a domestic nature.

In the course of servicing the elderly and disabled people who live in residential premises that are not endowed with central heating (water supply), home social services may include assistance in providing water and fuel.

Remark 3

Social health care at home is provided for those in need of home social services. These can be elderly people and people with disabilities who suffer from mental disorders (at the stage of remission), tuberculosis (excluding its active form), serious diseases (including oncology) in the late stages.

For elderly (elderly) and disabled people who are bacterio- or virus carriers, or with their chronic alcoholism, quarantine in case of an infectious disease, active tuberculosis, severe mental disorder, sexually transmitted and other diseases that require treatment in special healthcare organizations, home social services and social health services may be denied.

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Currently, the number of elderly citizens in Russia is 30.5 million people, or 20.7 percent of the total population. There is a steady increase in the proportion of people of retirement age, which will continue in the near future. Over the past forty years, the number of older people has increased by 2.2 times (with the growth of the entire population by 1.25 times). Kiselev S.G. Social services - a contribution to the social well-being of elderly citizens // Worker of the social service, 2004, No. 1 - 2. - p. 17.

The aging of the population occurs simultaneously with the process of a general decline in living standards. For the majority of older people, retirement is a decrease in income by one and a half, two or more times. The inability of older people to satisfy their needs on their own or with the help of relatives should not always be the basis for placement in stationary social service institutions.

Therefore, the predominant development of a network of non-stationary and semi-stationary institutions remains indisputable. Thanks to this, many older people who have retained full or partial ability to self-service have gained access to basic social services, as well as the opportunity for an independent existence in their usual living environment.

Institutions with a non-stationary and semi-stationary form of social service include social service centers, which are leading in the provision of social assistance at the municipal level.

Social services for the elderly and old people are carried out through the department of centers:

Social assistance at home;

Specialized home care unit;

Emergency Department;

Department of day care;

Helpline service;

Department of Natural Aid and Services;

Social services can be permanent or temporary, depending on the desire of the ward. It can be completely free, partially paid or paid, depending on the income of pensioners.

Women over 55 years of age and men over 60 years of age who need permanent or temporary assistance due to partial or complete loss of the ability to independently satisfy their vital needs have the right to social services.

Semi-stationary institutions of a new type are gerontological centers, where, with a homogeneous age composition, similar needs and interests of the attendants, it is easier to create a comfortable living environment, maintain a favorable psychological atmosphere, and provide the elderly with medical care and care.

Currently, 10 gerontological and gerontopsychological centers (departments) serve 2.1 thousand people. The number of social service centers in the country is 1744, more than a third of the centers are complex, providing a variety of services to various categories of the population. In the forecast period, it is expected that the network of social service centers will increase annually by at least 50 units.

An analysis of the work of social service institutions shows that there are semi-stationary day care institutions in 931 centers. Each such department serves an average of 570 people per year. The concept of social policy for the elderly / / Social security, 2006, No. 1.-p. 26.

Analysis of the work of social service institutions

shows that 931 centers have semi-permanent day care units. Each such department serves an average of 570 people per year.

Social support for the elderly in difficult life situations is provided through 1954 departments of emergency social assistance.

The most common is the social service for the elderly at home, which, through 12,654 departments, is used by more than 1.2 million people. Overall, for every 10,000 retirees, home-based services reach approximately 291 people. The concept of social policy in relation to the elderly // Social Security, 2006, No. 1.-p. 26.

About 60 thousand seriously ill elderly and disabled people receive social and medical care at home through 1009 specialized departments every year, while its share in the total mass of home services exceeded 9% and is increasing from year to year.

It is obvious that it is necessary to continue developing the network of non-stationary institutions as more economic and closer to the real needs of the elderly, when everyone has the opportunity to choose the best option for social services for themselves.

Let us consider in more detail the activities of individual social service centers.

The Department of Social Care at Home was first organized in 1987 and immediately received wide recognition from the old people. At present, this is one of the main types of social services, the main purpose of which is to maximize the stay of old people in their usual habitat, maintain their personal and social status, protect their rights and legitimate interests.

The main social services indicated at home:

Catering and food delivery at home;

Assistance in the acquisition of medicines, industrial essential goods;

Assistance in obtaining medical care, escort to a medical institution, clinic, hospital;

Maintenance of living conditions in accordance with hygiene requirements;

Organization of various social and domestic services depending on living conditions in a city or village (payment for utilities, electricity, communication services; assistance in providing fuel, etc.);

Assistance in the formation of documents, including for the establishment of guardianship and guardianship;

Placement in stationary social service institutions;

Assistance in the organization of ritual services and the burial of the lonely dead;

In addition to home-based social services provided for by federal and territorial lists of state-guaranteed social services, additional services may be provided to old people on the basis of full or partial payment.

The department is created to serve at least 120 elderly citizens living in urban areas and at least 60 citizens living in rural areas or the urban sector that does not have communal amenities. Uskova N.I. They will feed, and treat, and put things in order.// Sociology, 2001. No. 5. -p.14

A specialized department of social assistance at home is intended for permanent or temporary (up to 6 months) social and consumer services and the provision of pre-medical care, at home, to elderly citizens and the disabled who have lost the ability to self-service and suffering from diseases that are a contraindication to acceptance for service department of social assistance at home.

Social services for the elderly are provided by social workers, and medical services are provided by nurses.

The position of a social worker is based on the calculation of the service by one employee of 3 pensioners and disabled people living in a rural area or an urban private sector that does not have communal amenities, and 10 citizens living in the city.

The departments perform the following tasks:

Identification and registration, together with health authorities and institutions, of citizens in need of specialized home care;

Providing pensioners with qualified care, social and household and pre-hospital medical care at home;

Systematic monitoring of the state of health and carrying out activities aimed at preventing exacerbations of chronic diseases;

Provision of psychological assistance to serviced persons and members of their families;

Teaching relatives practical skills in general patient care;

The welfare services provided by the Special Home Care Unit are basically the same as the care provided by the Home Care Unit. Additional services include:

Feeding weakened pensioners;

Provision of sanitary and hygienic assistance to persons served;

Change of underwear and bed linen;

Carrying out medical procedures, etc. Pyatnitsky B.P., Nesterova N.M. and others. Fundamentals of social work with the elderly: To help the social worker. - Novosibirsk Regional Gerontological Center, 2003. - p.53.

The Emergency Social Assistance Service is designed to provide citizens who are in dire need of social support with one-time emergency assistance aimed at maintaining their livelihoods.

The positions of a social work specialist, social workers, as well as a psychologist and a lawyer are being introduced to the emergency social assistance headquarters.

The Social Urgent Assistance Service provides the following social services:

One-time provision of free hot meals or food packages to those in dire need;

Provision of clothing, footwear and other essentials;

One-time provision of financial assistance;

Assistance in obtaining temporary housing;

Organization of legal assistance in order to protect the rights of persons served;

Organization of emergency medical and psychological assistance;

Referral of citizens to the relevant authorities and services for qualified and complete resolution of their issues;

Other urgent social services. Pyatnitsky B.P., Nesterova N.M. and others. Fundamentals of social work with the elderly: To help the social worker. - Novosibirsk Regional Gerontological Center, 2003. - p. 59.

The day care department is intended for social, household, medical, cultural services for citizens who have retained the ability to self-service and active movement, organizing their meals and recreation, engaging them in feasible work activities, and maintaining an active lifestyle.

The day care department is a semi-stationary, structural subdivision of the social service center and is created to serve at least 15 people.

The duration of service by the day care department is set based on the order of citizens for service, but not less than 2 weeks.

The day care department, in accordance with the list of state-guaranteed social services, provides social, medical, legal, catering, household and leisure services, as well as assists persons with disabilities in obtaining education or a profession in accordance with their physical capabilities and mental abilities. Pyatnitsky B.P., Nesterova N.M. and others. Fundamentals of social work with the elderly: To help the social worker. - Novosibirsk Regional Gerontological Center, 2003. - p. 64.

The day care department is a kind of leisure center for the elderly, regardless of whether they live in families or are single.

The main objective of the activity is to help older people overcome loneliness, a secluded lifestyle, fill their existence with new meaning, form an active lifestyle, partially lost due to retirement.

Recently, in many departments of day care, new methods of social work and rehabilitation of the elderly have been actively practiced.

The branch of natural aid and services is intended for the sale of goods and household services at socially low prices.

Its structure usually includes:

Shop for the sale of food and manufactured goods of prime necessity;


Sewing factory;

Servicing of the elderly and disabled is carried out on the basis of a pension certificate. The department also participates in the distribution of humanitarian aid through the Red Cross and other types of charitable assistance.

In the structure of the social service center, in addition to those listed, there may be other divisions. The decision to create a particular unit is made by the director of the center in agreement with the department of social protection of the population.

Currently, the need for social services in stationary conditions remains quite high.

In the regions of Russia, there are 674 state-run boarding schools for the elderly and disabled for 92.8 thousand places and about 528 municipal homes for veterans with about 1.7 thousand places. Elderly citizens suffering from various mental illnesses receive assistance in 542 psycho-neurological boarding schools, 17 mercy boarding houses. The concept of social policy in relation to the elderly // Social Security, 2006, No. 1. - p.28.

In stationary social service institutions for elderly citizens, living conditions corresponding to their age, state of mental and somatic health are created, social, social, labor and medical rehabilitation, leisure and recreation activities are carried out.

The stationary institutions of social service for the elderly and old people include:

Houses - boarding schools of a general type (homes for the elderly);

Boarding house for veterans of labor and disabled people, veterans of the Second World War, the elderly of certain professional categories (artists, etc.);

Special houses for single and childless couples with a range of social services;

Specialized houses - boarding schools for former prisoners who have reached old age;

Houses (departments) of mercy;

Temporary residences;

Houses - boarding schools for psychochronics;

Let us consider in more detail the most common type of stationary social service institution - a boarding house of a general type.

Homes - boarding schools are intended for permanent residence of the elderly and disabled, single married couples who, for health reasons, need daily social and domestic services and periodic or permanent care.

For the residence of elderly and disabled citizens in boarding schools, two departments are usually provided. This is a department for persons capable of partial self-service and movement around the house - a boarding school and the area adjacent to it, and a department for those in need of constant care. Each department should have a set of premises for carrying out social, hygienic and medical and preventive measures.

In addition to departments for living in boarding schools, public premises are provided: a cinema hall, a library, an assembly hall, a club, a recreation room with a set of required technical equipment, musical instruments, board games, a canteen with a catering unit, medical rooms, medical and labor workshops, office and utility rooms necessary for the normal functioning of the boarding house.

In accordance with the list of state-guaranteed social services, the following types of services are provided in boarding schools:

Catering services, including dietary, everyday life;

Providing health care;

Qualified medical care, rehabilitation, timely diagnosis of complications and exacerbations of chronic diseases;

Provision of psychological assistance;

Organization of the provision of dental, prosthetic and prosthetic - orthopedic care;

Organization of advisory assistance to medical-profiled institutions and transfer of elderly residents, if necessary, to an appropriate medical institution;

Organization of cultural - mass work with residents, taking into account their age and state of health;

Legal services;

Involvement in rehabilitation activities of members of public and religious organizations, charitable societies and associations;

Other social services. Pyatnitsky B.P., Nesterova N.M. and others. Fundamentals of social work with the elderly: To help the social worker. - Novosibirsk regional gerontological center. 2003. - With. 72.

If elderly citizens systematically violate the rules of living in boarding houses of a general type, they can be transferred to specialized nursing homes.

Specialized nursing homes are intended for permanent residence of citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service and need constant care, from among the vacated places of deprivation of liberty, especially dangerous recidivists. Elderly people who have previously been convicted or repeatedly brought to administrative responsibility for violating public order, who are engaged in vagrancy and begging, are also sent here.

Social service in stationary conditions successfully fulfills its mission, if it does not itself contribute to the disruption of habitual social ties, deepening the social alienation of the individual. The multi-occupancy houses of the same type prevailing at the present time - boarding schools should be gradually replaced by hospitals with a small capacity.

One of the promising forms of improving the social and living conditions of lonely elderly people, organizing their medical care, recreation and leisure is the creation of special residential buildings for this category of citizens.

In accordance with the example “Regulations on a special house for lonely elderly people”, approved by the Ministry of Social Protection of the Population on April 7, 1994, these houses are intended for permanent residence of single citizens, as well as married couples who have retained full or partial ability to self-service in everyday life and need to create conditions for self-realization of their basic vital needs.

The main purpose of creating such houses is to provide favorable living conditions and self-service; provision of social, household and medical assistance to elderly citizens; creation of conditions for an active lifestyle, including feasible labor activity.

Special houses can be built, both according to a standard project, and located in converted separate buildings or parts of a multi-storey building. Special houses consist of one-, two-room apartments and include a complex of social and household services, a medical office, a library, a canteen, food ordering points, laundry or dry cleaning, a room for cultural leisure and work activities. They should be equipped with small-scale mechanization to facilitate self-service for elderly residents. At such houses round-the-clock operating dispatch centers equipped with intercom are organized.

Medical care for citizens living in special boarding schools is carried out by medical personnel of territorial medical and preventive institutions, and the organization of social, domestic, commercial and cultural services is carried out by the relevant territorial bodies and services.

The preferential right to provide housing in a special house is used by single disabled people and participants in the Great Patriotic War and persons equated to them.

Special houses are usually classified as social housing stock, are state property and are in the operational management of the fund for social support of the population.

The main sources of funding for special homes are budgetary appropriations, as well as income from the sale of housing transferred to the fund by the residents of the special home, the fund's income from entrepreneurial activities.

When single citizens move into a special house, the safety of the living quarters transferred to the fund for social support of the population is ensured for 6 months from the moment of settlement. The amount of compensation payments is 10% of the cost of housing according to BTI.

The possibility of privatization of residential premises in a special house is excluded. In the event of the departure of one of the family members living in a two-room apartment, the fund has the right, with the consent of the remaining family member, to replace the area occupied by them with a smaller one, or to move to the vacated area, in compliance with the relevant rules and regulations.

Thus, various social service institutions occupy an important place in the system of social protection of the elderly and old people.

In the field of social services for the elderly and old people, the fundamental documents regulating social and labor human rights in Russian legislation are the federal laws “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation”, “On Social Services for Elderly and Disabled Citizens”, “On Veterans” entered into force in 1995.

Moreover, it can be said that the activities of these institutions actively shape not only the attitude towards the elderly in society, but also the position of the elderly: their views on themselves, their place and role in the social organization.

According to these laws, the main principles of activities in the field of social services for old people are as follows:

Observance of human and citizens' rights;

Providing state guarantees;

Ensuring equal opportunities in receiving social services and their availability for old people;

Continuity of all types of social services;

Orientation of social services to individual needs;

Priority of measures for social adaptation of elderly citizens.

Institutions of stationary social service

Remark 1

Stationary social services are implemented in stationary institutions (nursing homes, neuropsychiatric boarding schools, boarding houses, etc.). Disabled and elderly citizens who need constant monitoring and care for health reasons and who have completely or partially lost the ability to self-service are sent to these institutions.

A special network of stationary institutions has been created for disabled children and orphans. Active work is being carried out to solve the problem of child homelessness and prevent child delinquency.

Children with anomalies of physical or mental development between the ages of 4 and 18 are admitted to the orphanage. Children with physical disabilities and children with mental disorders should not be placed in the same institutions at the same time. The maintenance of elderly citizens in nursing homes is carried out on a paid basis at the expense of the enterprises in which they worked or at their personal expense.

In Russia, admission to boarding schools is carried out when women reach 55 years old, men - 60 years old; persons with I or II group of disability and have reached the age of majority. Persons in need of residential care are accepted only on condition that they do not have able-bodied parents or children who are obliged to support them according to the law.

Only disabled citizens with the corresponding disability group (I, II) aged 18 to 40 years old are admitted to boarding schools for the disabled, provided that they do not have able-bodied parents or children who are required to support them according to the law.

In psycho-neurological boarding schools there are people with chronic mental illnesses who need everyday services, care, and medical assistance. Reception of such citizens is carried out regardless of whether they have relatives who are obliged to support them or not.

For the elderly and disabled without a fixed place of residence, specialized institutions are being created:

  • social hotels,
  • social shelters,
  • social adaptation centers, etc.

Such institutions provide food, medical care, accommodation (temporary place of residence), special measures are taken to socially adapt citizens who have lost social ties to new conditions of life in society.

Services provided by stationary social service institutions

The state guarantees the provision of social services in stationary social security institutions to disabled and elderly citizens. These services include:

  1. Material and household services. They include the provision of living space, cultural and community services, the organization of medical and labor activities, and rehabilitation measures.
  2. Services for the organization of life, food, leisure. Providing hot meals (including dietary meals), bedding, clothing and footwear, etc.
  3. Sanitary-hygienic and social-medical service. They are characterized by the provision of free medical care, assistance in the implementation of medical and social examination, provision of care, rehabilitation measures, assistance in prosthetics, assistance in hospitalization, provision of the necessary sanitary and hygienic conditions.
  4. Helping disabled people to receive an education that takes into account mental and physical abilities.
  5. Legal services.
  6. Services for the implementation of social and labor rehabilitation, i.e. creation of conditions for the use of residual labor opportunities.

Remark 2

Citizens living in stationary institutions are exempted from punishment. It is not allowed to use physical restraints, appropriate medications, any types of punishment, isolation against the elderly. Employees of social institutions who violate these norms are subject to administrative, disciplinary and criminal liability.

The reform of the stationary social security system is focused on developing measures to overcome the lack of places in social institutions, creating acceptable living conditions in such institutions, and moving social service institutions to more environmentally friendly areas.

The procedure for the provision of stationary social services

A ticket to a boarding house is issued by a social security organization after considering an application for admission to a boarding house and a medical card. In the event of a person's incapacity for work, his placement in a stationary social institution occurs as a result of the submission of an appropriate written application by the legal representative.

A pensioner or a disabled person, with the permission of the boarding house administration, may leave the social service institution for up to one month. Permission to temporarily leave a disabled person or an elderly person is given with the permission of the attending physician, a written obligation of relatives to provide the necessary care.

Remark 3

Citizens who are on stationary social services may refuse the services of these institutions, provided that there are persons capable of providing them with the necessary care and proper maintenance.

Special boarding houses are created, as a rule, for the disabled and the elderly, who were previously involved in violation of public order or convicted, engaged in begging or vagrancy, or transferred from the institutions of the internal affairs bodies.

Persons living in nursing homes for the disabled and the elderly who grossly and systematically violate the rules of internal order, on the basis of a recommendation from the administration of a stationary institution and by a court decision, can be transferred to special residential homes.

Citizens released from places of deprivation of liberty who need constant care, recidivists and persons who need administrative supervision are sent to special boarding houses.

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