Home Berries Dragonfly and ant characterization of heroes. An amazing school essay about Krylov's fable “Dragonfly and an Ant. How to quickly learn the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant": tips

Dragonfly and ant characterization of heroes. An amazing school essay about Krylov's fable “Dragonfly and an Ant. How to quickly learn the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant": tips

I.A. wrote many works that we remember. Especially many people fell in love with the ant and the dragonfly. And although the fable is known under the authorship of Krylov, he borrowed this plot from the Frenchman La Fontaine, and he borrowed from the ancient Greek Aesop. It has not lost its relevance in our time. So, with good reason, we can assume that such a situation does not depend on the time in which people live.

Heroes of the fable "Dragonfly and Ant" (Krylov)

The moral of the work is clear even to children. The heroes of this fable are the Ant and the Dragonfly. In Aesop and La Fontaine, the hardworking character was also called the Ant, but his frivolous interlocutor was called Cicada, Beetle and Grasshopper. It is obvious that the Ant in all countries has become a symbol of hard work, while carelessness is inherent in many. Perhaps Krylov made Dragonfly the second heroine because she is more familiar to our area, while few people know who the cicadas are. The Russian fabulist loved simple language and folk expressions. Therefore, his fables are understandable both for people with education and for children who are just starting to learn.

The fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant" is a vivid example of two opposing qualities of character - laziness (idleness) and industriousness. The plot of the work says the following. There lived a cheerful Dragonfly, while it was warm, she fluttered and sang. Time flew by quickly, she has nowhere to live and nothing to eat. A cold winter is coming, which is not easy to survive even for those who have taken care of themselves in advance, and Dragonfly is clearly not one of those. Now she is no longer up to songs, because when she is hungry, it is difficult to have fun. The dragonfly is weakened, she is sad, in the hope of help, she goes to her godfather Ant. She turns to him with a request to provide her with shelter and food. The lady believes that the godfather will not refuse her this, because she needs help for a short time, just until spring. However, he reacted coolly to her request and asked if the gossip had worked last summer.

The dragonfly is somewhat surprised by this question, because there have been so many other, more enjoyable activities. She frolicked, sang songs, walked on the soft grass. Probably, Ant expected to hear something similar (or maybe he himself saw a carefree godfather with friends while walking with another blade of grass to insulate his home). Therefore, he sends her home, saying that since she was engaged in such a pastime, then she must continue in the same spirit and start dancing. Idleness and hard work collide in the work. The fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant" tells about this. Krylov shows what sad consequences the impracticality of the Dragonfly can lead to - it is left without a roof and food.


The fables are transparent: if you don't want to freeze or starve, work, not have fun. Here one can clearly see the condemnation of freeloaders - people accustomed to living at the expense of others. Some believe that the Ant has shown excessive cruelty.

Fable "Dragonfly and Ant". Krylov, Lafontaine and Aesop. Comparative analysis

In Aesop's fable, the Grasshopper asked for food, from La Fontaine, Cicada also wanted to get the prepared supplies on loan. Russian Ant refused not only food, but also warm shelter. Since the fable clearly states that the Dragonfly did not have housing, since the nearest bush became her home, it becomes clear that she is doomed to

death by starvation, if not freeze earlier. Also in the Greek and French fable, the heroes were same-sex: men for Aesop, women for La Fontaine. Here, the man chases the woman away. But this is typical of our people, in order to survive, you have to work. Many sayings and proverbs have been invented on this topic. So it's hard to blame Ant for his decision. Therefore, one must be able to take care of oneself, not counting on the help of others, this is what the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant" teaches. Krylov I.A. very clearly and clearly conveyed morality to the Russian people.

We all remember Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant" from childhood. The moral of the fable is known to every schoolchild: work will be rewarded, and idleness will be punished. But is the essence of the content of the fable limited to this short formulation? Let's try to answer this question.

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What is the merit of Krylov

Fable is a specific genre of a short poetic parable, almost completely exhausted in Russian literature by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. He was the sole author of the majority fables written by him, and some of them are Russian transcriptions of the works of La Fontaine, who, in turn, borrowed them from Aesop - as happened with the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant." Despite the fact that this is a translation, Krylov's fable spoke in a completely different way, in a new way. In this respect, the Russian-speaking reader is very lucky, because only a native speaker of the Russian language can fully appreciate the true depth of Krylov's vision of ageless plots.

Language means of transmission of the author's message

Ivan Andreevich worked on each of his fables with the meticulousness of a jeweler, mercilessly getting rid of all unnecessary words, honing the text to perfection. Therefore, they are so easy to learn by heart. At the same time, Krylov never compromised on the content, in very rare cases he could afford some grammatical awkwardness or stress transfer, but he did not omit the necessary words that accurately express his thought for the sake of the beauty of the verse.

It will be incomplete without an analysis of language techniques. There are several striking tools that help the author convey the main idea.

Features of age perception

Many people think that it is too early for schoolchildren to read, for example, "War and Peace" or "Crime and Punishment". What about our favorite fables? It is useful to read them both in childhood and adulthood. Indeed, with age, many people begin to look at classical literary works in a different way, and the fable, in which, it would seem, everything is extremely clear, is no exception. Analyzing the works of the classics, it is easy to delve into such a jungle that the classics themselves would be amazed. But the good thing about their books is that every reader - young or old, layman or erudite - will find something of his own in them, see through the prism of his own perception of life.

Moral of the fable at school

Acquaintance with the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant" takes place in elementary school and has two main goals:

  1. educational - to teach children to work with a literary work, analyze it, highlight the main idea;
  2. educational - to convey morality to the students, or rather, to make them understand it themselves: you need to work for the future, otherwise you risk being left with nothing.

Thus , educational goal at this stage coincides with the actual mission of the genre - to illustrate a simple truth with a short, but succinct and colorful example. This is what should be reflected in the student's diary.

Perception of the depth of a fable in adulthood

An adult, after rereading the fable, will notice that it speaks of justice, while between the lines one can discern injustice ... After all, Krylov worked at the beginning of the 19th century. when there was a clear social stratification in the country due to serfdom. The peasants worked hard all their lives, and for their owners the “red summer” never ended. The role of the dragonfly could be the impoverished nobles, who, being not adapted to any kind of work, suddenly found themselves without a livelihood.

Ambiguity of heroes

The names of the heroes of the fable have become common nouns. He works like an ant, we say - this is a positive review. And calling, for example, a girl a dragonfly, we mean such her features as mobility, cheerfulness, cheerfulness, carelessness.

Based on this, one cannot say that Dragonfly is a hero unambiguously vicious... Perhaps a role in this assessment was played by the fact that the modern concept of dragonflies has changed since the time of Krylov, when the dragonfly was called “the one who chirps” - a grasshopper, or a cicada, like La Fontaine's. There was no talk of any beauty, and if the schoolchildren feel sorry for the dragonfly, justifying it by the fact that it decorates the world with its existence, it turns out that they did not read the fable quite the way it was written.

I've always felt sorry for the dragonfly. The ant, in fact, sent her to die.

Anechka Balyakina

We passed this fable at school. The ant is great, respect him. He plowed all summer, so let him rest now, and not feed the parasites.

Every child knows Krylov's fables, these works have long been dismantled into catchphrases, which is the best confirmation of the writer's talent. His subtle jokes, which innocently point out the shortcomings of people, make each piece a valuable treasure. So, the author, using the example of a dragonfly, shows what laziness and carelessness lead to. And Krylov sets up hardworking ants as an example to others. What is the moral of the Dragonfly and the Ant fable.

There are two main characters in the fable:

  • The ant is small, but stubborn, constantly works, stores food for the winter, almost without resting. Uses warm days to prepare for cold weather, extremely forward-thinking;
  • The dragonfly is a dancer, enjoys every warm day, dances and has fun, while not thinking about the coming winter at all. Lives only one day and does not think about the future.

But sooner or later the warm season ends and winter comes, there is snow everywhere, there is nothing to eat. The ant carelessly waits out the cold in a warm house, eating what it has stored in the summer, and the hopper wanders among the snowdrifts, not finding food. And so she asks her godfather for help, so that he let her warm up and feed her, but receives a refusal, because she did not work and did not deserve help. The ant answers the guest with the now-winged phrase "So go, dance!"

Analysis of the fable

Some of the writer's works were borrowed from other writers, and Krylov's fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant" repeats a similar work by La Fontaine in its plot.

Krylov translated the text and modified it somewhat, in particular, he described in detail the character of the characters.

In addition, there were some changes in the structure itself, since Ivan Andreevich decided to bring Russian realities closer to the dragonfly and the ant fable.

Features of the fable:

  1. The dragonfly appears before the reader with a frisky, lively temperament and a cheerful disposition. Krylov picked up a unique word to describe her - a jumper, characterizing her as a frivolous person.
  2. The ant, on the contrary, is distinguished by its sedateness and prudence, to work constantly, clearly understanding that work today will allow him to rest in the future.
  3. The Russian summer is extremely short, therefore beautiful (La Fontaine does not mention the length of the summer). The insects did not have time to come to their senses, as the warm season passed. At the same time, winter in Russia comes extremely quickly and is notable for its severity, the author shows this perfectly: "The clear field is dead" and the hopper is already completely exhausted: "She is crawling towards the Ant."
  4. Calling his neighbors godfathers, Krylov refers to the old Russian traditions of patriarchy, according to which the people are one family and help each other in every possible way.
  5. The dancer does not repent and does not promise to change, but only asks for help to hold out until spring, and then she is going to continue to ride again.

Krylov shows the reader: sooner or later the moment comes when you have to pay for your idleness. You must be able to not only have fun without much effort, but also work hard to secure your future.

The author also shows that there will always be someone who wishes to take advantage of the labors of others, to cash in on the work of others, while doing nothing on their own. Krylov's fable shows the reader two types of people: loafers and hardworking.

It is interesting! Krylov draws in front of the reader a typical Russian lazy person who had fun all summer, and then decided to wait out the bad times with a more judicious and thrifty neighbor. Ivan Andreevich managed to accurately display the characteristic signs and traits inherent in the Russian people.

He showed a family outlook on life, love for nature and customs, and at the same time, the topic that the writer raises is extremely important. The author reproaches the Russian people for laziness and indolence, excessive carelessness, which flows into carelessness, passing the verdict: “This is the case! So go and dance. "

The main idea of ​​the fable

During the analysis of the work, its main idea is determined. The moral of the Dragonfly and the Ant fable is revealed at the very end, at the climax of the plot, when the Ant refuses to help the Dragonfly.

It may seem to someone that Krylov urges readers to be cruel and refuse requests for help, because the dancer will most likely freeze among the snowdrifts without food. Is it necessary to be cruel like a hardworking goosebump?

But the fable is not about this, thanks to extremely successful expressions, the author shows that the Dragonfly does not repent of her idle life at all, she does not ask Ant to teach her how to live in labor, she only wants to live with him for a couple of months, using the goods and products that he saved up over the summer.

After examining the text in detail, you can understand what the fable teaches:

  1. You should think about your future in advance and spend every day with benefit, without wasting time;
  2. Lazy people never have anything, and those who work live well and face hard times prepared.

Important! It is in them that the main idea of ​​the fable is contained, the essence of the whole story and the hidden meaning are reflected. The author speaks of the need to work hard and not spare those who do not admit their mistakes, do not try to overcome their own laziness.

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Let's summarize

Ivan Krylov was an outstanding fabulist, his works are not only full of subtle humor and vivid images, they carry deep wisdom, presenting important life lessons in a simple and unobtrusive form. The work received positive reviews from the writer's contemporaries. The fable makes every reader wonder which of the heroes is closer to him. A summary and analysis of the fable will help find answers to the questions for the lesson.

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This article describes the history of the creation of the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant", its plot, morality and main idea.

A fable is a moralizing work in which the vices of people are ridiculed. The characters in the fable are usually animals, things, plants, or insects. With their help, it is easier to understand the essence of morality. Who wrote the fable "Dragonfly and Ant"? Morality, main idea and reasoning can be found in this article.

Who wrote the dragonfly and the Ant fable and when: author, history of creation

"Dragonfly and Ant"

But the creator of this work was not Krylov. He simply rewrote the fable of the French writer Jean de La Fontaine from another language into Russian. "Cicada and Ant"... La Fontaine is also not the author of the fable, since he borrowed the plot from Aesop, a Greek fabulist who lived in the 6th century BC. But it was Krylov who made the translation into Russian. The result is a work that we know now, and on which many generations were brought up.

Ivan Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and the Ant": text

The text of the work is small. Children of elementary school are asked to teach it. It is easy to remember. Here is the text of the fable by I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant":

Ivan Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and the Ant": morality, main idea

Like any other piece, "Dragonfly and Ant" Krylova contains the moral and the main idea.

  • Morality is in the ending, and before that an interesting plot unfolds. The dragonfly was not prepared for winter; it sang and danced all the warm summer days. But when winter came, she came to the Ant and began to ask him to eat and warm up.
  • The ant worked hard from the beginning to the end of summer to be ready for the winter cold. Therefore, he answered Dragonfly with a note of sarcasm: since she had been singing all summer, let him go dancing now.
  • Main thought the fable is that the Dragonfly did not work in the summer, and in the winter was left with nothing - without a house and food. The ant worked all summer, so he has where to live and what to eat.

Human vices are hidden under the actions of the Dragonfly in this fable. After all, there are people who do not like to work, but when they need something, they ask those who worked.

IA Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant": a summary for the reader's diary

Primary school students in Russian literature need to keep a reader's diary in which they write down brief contents of the books they have read. This helps to better remember stories and fables. Here is a summary for the reader's diary of the fable by I.A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant":

Jumping Dragonfly did not work all summer, but only sang and danced. Under each sheet she had a table and a house ready. But the summer quickly ended, Dragonfly has no food or home, and she decided to go to the Ant, who had been working all summer. The ant asks the Dragonfly, what has she been doing all summer? The dragonfly has nothing to answer as soon as: "Sang." “Oh, did you sing? So go and dance, ”Ant answered her.

How to characterize the heroes of the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant": characteristics of the heroes

"Dragonfly and Ant"

The school is asked to characterize the heroes of this fable. With the help of the characteristic, you can understand which character is positive, and which, on the contrary, is negative.

  • Characteristics of a dragonfly- frivolous and proud. He does not like to work, but only to sing and dance. Merry, lively, joyful, but at the end of the fable - sad and worried.
  • Ant traits- wise, loves to work. Serious and always insists on his decision. Smart, because he understands that in order to have food and shelter in winter, you need to work all summer long.

If these characters can be characterized in two words, then the Dragonfly is windy and imprudent, and the Ant is judicious and businesslike.

Why did the Dragonfly turn to the Ant, what the Dragonfly Ant asked?

The dragonfly turned to Ant, because he is hardworking, and worked all summer so that in winter he had where to live and what to eat. The dragonfly admitted her mistake and asked Ant politely for shelter and food to feed and warm her.

What is condemned, ridiculed in the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant", what does the fable teach?

"Dragonfly and Ant"

In the work "Dragonfly and Ant" frivolity and narcissism are condemned. Also, such vices of people as laziness, carelessness and idleness are ridiculed here. The fable teaches you to be hardworking, wise, serious and responsible. In addition to holidays and fun, there are also working days, when you need to work so that you have something to eat and where to live.

How does the author relate to the Dragonfly and the Ant in Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and the Ant"?

The dragonfly evokes sympathy. She cannot realize that she did the wrong thing, she is used to living in one day and on everything ready. She is ready to accept advice, but only for a while, since basically the Dragonfly is only capable of a carefree existence. She is not a negative hero, but she is not worthy to be an example to others.

Why I liked the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant": reasoning

All fables are moralizing and therefore they are liked by adults and children after reading. After all, with their help, you can see the vices and learn not to make such mistakes as the characters do. Here is a detailed reasoning why I liked the dragonfly and the Ant fable:

Although the dragonfly did not work all summer, and did not store food and shelter for the winter, but only sang and danced, it is still a pity for her. She is not worthy of being an example to others, but she is regrettable. The dragonfly asked Ant to shelter her only until spring. But he refused, since she did not realize her mistakes, which she would repeat over and over again. Diligent and hardworking Ant, on the contrary, worked all summer, and it is understandable why he refused to help Dragonfly. He knows that it is necessary to take care of tomorrow. But I still do not agree with the moral of this fable, since the Ant could show mercy and let the Dragonfly live with him for the winter.

With the help of this fable, the author gives advice to readers how to live: not to be lazy, but to work. But you also need to rest. The ant worked all summer, and in winter it rests, because it is cold outside the window, and it has shelter and food. The Ant can be given the following advice: to remain as serious and hardworking, and the Dragonfly - to gain intelligence, work and think about the future.

The Dragonfly and the Ant fable: an outline for an essay, what questions can you ask?

A dragonfly came to the Ant to ask for food and shelter

Primary school students are asked to write an essay on the theme of the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant" at home or in the classroom. Here is the outline for the essay

  1. Entertainment Dragonflies.
  2. Request for help from Ant.
  3. How did he teach Dragonfly a lesson for being idle?

To make it easier to write an essay, you can ask questions, and the answers to them are a ready-made essay. Here are the questions:

  1. What did Dragonfly do in the summer?
  2. What has changed in her life with the onset of cold weather?
  3. Who did Dragonfly turn to when she needed help? What did she ask for?
  4. What did the Ant answer to her? How to understand his words: “You sang everything? This case. So go and dance ”?
  5. Do you feel sorry for the Dragonfly? Give a detailed answer.
  6. What would you do in place of the Ant and why?
  7. What lines is the main idea of ​​the fable?
  8. With the help of this work, what did the author want to convey to us?
  9. Using the example of the Dragonfly and the Ant - what should people not do?

When writing an essay, it is important to understand the main idea of ​​the work. In this fable, it lies in the fact that you do not need to act thoughtlessly, otherwise you can then be left with nothing.

What winged expressions, proverb can be distinguished from the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant"?

Winged expressions and aphorisms from this work are used even by modern people in colloquial speech. This suggests that this work is really interesting and instructive. Winged expressions that can be distinguished from the fable "Dragonfly and Ant":

This expression means a waste of time, a waste of time.

This expression indicates the fleetingness of time. Summer is short and passes quickly, followed by winter quickly.

Everywhere Dragonfly had a treat. You can sleep and eat anywhere.

This expression indicates that you do not even want to do what you love if you are hungry and cold.

Frivolous behavior always leads to the fact that a person forgets about important matters.

To the fable "Dragonfly and Ant" the following proverbs are suitable:

Proverbs that fit the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant"

How to quickly learn the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant": tips

Any fable by Krylov can be learned within half an hour. There are some tricks to use. Here are tips on how to quickly learn a fable "Dragonfly and Ant":

  1. You can sing the words of the work... Three or four of these repetitions to your favorite melody, and the fable will quickly be remembered.
  2. Imagine yourself as a great reader and read the fable in front of the mirror.
  3. Introduce the events that are described in the fable... Also imagine the sequence of the plot. The first time, of course, you will not be able to remember, but you can pry while memorizing - 30 minutes and the fable is memorized without difficulty.
  4. Can also be repeated in quatrains... First, learn the first 4 lines, then the second, and so on. Then repeat the whole piece 3 times.

In addition, memorization can be helped by imagining yourself as a Dragonfly. You also need to pronounce everything according to a previously drawn up plan. Above was written a plan and questions for the fable. Designate for yourself the sequence of events and then it will not be difficult to learn the work.

Staging of the fable, script of the theatrical production for the autumn festival "Dragonfly and the Ant": words, text

Fable "Dragonfly and Ant" small and can be told in 30 seconds. But this does not mean that it will not be possible to make a theatrical production with this work. You can come up with an original staging of the fable, for example, for the autumn festival. Here is the script for this fable - words, text:

A dragonfly walks to the anthill, wrapped in a dry leaf. Ant looks out.

This scene is for 5 minutes. It will turn out to be interesting and fun. The scenery and costumes of the characters play an important role. The Autumn Festival with the staging of Krylov's fable will be memorable, since the work "Dragonfly and Ant" everyone's favorite - both adults and children.

Video: Dragonfly and Ant. I.A. Krylov. Fable

This article describes the history of the creation of the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant", its plot, morality and main idea.

A fable is a moralizing work in which the vices of people are ridiculed. The characters in the fable are usually animals, things, plants, or insects. With their help, it is easier to understand the essence of morality. Who wrote the dragonfly and the Ant fable? Morality, main idea and reasoning can be found in this article.

Who wrote the dragonfly and the Ant fable and when: author, history of creation

"Dragonfly and Ant"

But the creator of this work was not Krylov. He simply rewrote from another language into Russian the fable of the French writer Jean de La Fontaine "The Cicada and the Ant". La Fontaine is also not the author of the fable, since he borrowed the plot from Aesop, a Greek fabulist who lived in the 6th century BC. But it was Krylov who made the translation into Russian. The result is a work that we know now, and on which many generations were brought up.

Ivan Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and the Ant": text

The text of the work is small. Children of elementary school are asked to teach it. It is easy to remember. Here is the text of IA Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant":

Fable text

Ivan Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and the Ant": morality, main idea

Like any other work, Krylov's "Dragonfly and Ant" contains morality and the main idea.

  • The moral is in the ending, and before that an interesting plot unfolds. The dragonfly was not prepared for winter; it sang and danced all the warm summer days. But when winter came, she came to the Ant and began to ask him to eat and warm up.
  • The ant worked hard from the beginning to the end of summer to be ready for the winter cold. Therefore, he answered Dragonfly with a note of sarcasm: since she had been singing all summer, let him go dancing now.
  • The main idea of ​​the fable is that the Dragonfly did not work in the summer, and in the winter was left with nothing - without a house and food. The ant worked all summer, so he has where to live and what to eat.

Human vices are hidden under the actions of the Dragonfly in this fable. After all, there are people who do not like to work, but when they need something, they ask those who worked.

IA Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant": a summary for the reader's diary

Primary school students in Russian literature need to keep a reader's diary in which they write down brief contents of the books they have read. This helps to better remember stories and fables. Here is a summary for the reader's diary of the fable by IA Krylov "Dragonfly and the Ant":

Jumping Dragonfly did not work all summer, but only sang and danced. Under each sheet she had a table and a house ready. But the summer quickly ended, Dragonfly has no food or home, and she decided to go to the Ant, who had been working all summer. The ant asks the Dragonfly, what has she been doing all summer? The dragonfly has nothing to answer as soon as: "Sang." “Oh, did you sing? So go and dance, ”Ant answered her.

How to characterize the heroes of the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant": characteristics of the heroes

"Dragonfly and Ant"

The school is asked to characterize the heroes of this fable. With the help of the characteristic, you can understand which character is positive, and which, on the contrary, is negative.

  • Characteristic of Dragonfly is frivolous and proud. He does not like to work, but only to sing and dance. Merry, lively, joyful, but at the end of the fable - sad and worried.
  • Characteristics of the Ant - wise, loves to work. Serious and always insists on his decision. Smart, because he understands that in order to have food and shelter in winter, you need to work all summer long.

If these characters can be characterized in two words, then the Dragonfly is windy and imprudent, and the Ant is judicious and businesslike.

Why did the Dragonfly turn to the Ant, what the Dragonfly Ant asked?

The dragonfly turned to Ant, because he is hardworking, and worked all summer so that in winter he had where to live and what to eat. The dragonfly admitted her mistake and asked Ant politely for shelter and food to feed and warm her.

What is condemned, ridiculed in the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant", what does the fable teach?

"Dragonfly and Ant"

In the work "The Dragonfly and the Ant" frivolity and narcissism are condemned. Also, such vices of people as laziness, carelessness and idleness are ridiculed here. The fable teaches you to be hardworking, wise, serious and responsible. In addition to holidays and fun, there are also working days, when you need to work so that you have something to eat and where to live.

How does the author relate to the Dragonfly and the Ant in Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and the Ant"?

The dragonfly evokes sympathy. She cannot realize that she did the wrong thing, she is used to living in one day and on everything ready. She is ready to accept advice, but only for a while, since basically the Dragonfly is only capable of a carefree existence. She is not a negative hero, but she is not worthy to be an example to others.

Why I liked the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant": reasoning

All fables are moralizing and therefore they are liked by adults and children after reading. After all, with their help, you can see the vices and learn not to make such mistakes as the characters do. Here is a detailed reasoning why I liked the dragonfly and the Ant fable:

Although the dragonfly did not work all summer, and did not store food and shelter for the winter, but only sang and danced, it is still a pity for her. She is not worthy of being an example to others, but she is regrettable. The dragonfly asked Ant to shelter her only until spring. But he refused, since she did not realize her mistakes, which she would repeat over and over again. Diligent and hardworking Ant, on the contrary, worked all summer, and it is understandable why he refused to help Dragonfly. He knows that it is necessary to take care of tomorrow. But I still do not agree with the moral of this fable, since the Ant could show mercy and let the Dragonfly live with him for the winter.

With the help of this fable, the author gives advice to readers how to live: not to be lazy, but to work. But you also need to rest. The ant worked all summer, and in winter it rests, because it is cold outside the window, and it has shelter and food. The Ant can be given the following advice: to remain as serious and hardworking, and the Dragonfly - to gain intelligence, work and think about the future.

The Dragonfly and the Ant fable: an outline for an essay, what questions can you ask?

A dragonfly came to the Ant to ask for food and shelter

Primary school students are asked to write an essay on the theme of the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant" at home or in the classroom. Here is the outline for the essay

  1. Entertainment Dragonflies.
  2. Request for help from Ant.
  3. How did he teach Dragonfly a lesson for being idle?

To make it easier to write an essay, you can ask questions, and the answers to them are a ready-made essay. Here are the questions:

  1. What did Dragonfly do in the summer?
  2. What has changed in her life with the onset of cold weather?
  3. Who did Dragonfly turn to when she needed help? What did she ask for?
  4. What did the Ant answer to her? How to understand his words: “You sang everything? This case. So go and dance ”?
  5. Do you feel sorry for the Dragonfly? Give a detailed answer.
  6. What would you do in place of the Ant and why?
  7. What lines is the main idea of ​​the fable?
  8. With the help of this work, what did the author want to convey to us?
  9. Using the example of the Dragonfly and the Ant - what should people not do?

When writing an essay, it is important to understand the main idea of ​​the work. In this fable, it lies in the fact that you do not need to act thoughtlessly, otherwise you can then be left with nothing.

What winged expressions, proverb can be distinguished from the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant"?

Winged expressions and aphorisms from this work are used even by modern people in colloquial speech. This suggests that this work is really interesting and instructive. Winged expressions that can be distinguished from the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant":

This expression means a waste of time, a waste of time.

This expression indicates the fleetingness of time. Summer is short and passes quickly, followed by winter quickly.

Everywhere Dragonfly had a treat. You can sleep and eat anywhere.

This expression indicates that you do not even want to do what you love if you are hungry and cold.

Frivolous behavior always leads to the fact that a person forgets about important matters.

The following proverbs fit the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant":

Proverbs that fit the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant"

Any fable by Krylov can be learned within half an hour. There are some tricks to use. Here are some tips on how to quickly learn the Dragonfly and the Ant fable:

  1. You can sing the words of the piece. Three or four of these repetitions to your favorite melody, and the fable will quickly be remembered.
  2. Imagine yourself as a great reader and read the fable in front of the mirror.
  3. Introduce the events that are described in the fable. Also imagine the sequence of the plot. The first time, of course, you will not be able to remember, but you can pry while memorizing - 30 minutes and the fable is memorized without difficulty.
  4. You can also repeat in quatrains. First, learn the first 4 lines, then the second, and so on. Then repeat the whole piece 3 times.

In addition, memorization can be helped by imagining yourself as a Dragonfly. You also need to pronounce everything according to a previously drawn up plan. Above was written a plan and questions for the fable. Designate for yourself the sequence of events and then it will not be difficult to learn the work.

Staging of the fable, script of the theatrical production for the autumn festival "Dragonfly and the Ant": words, text

The dragonfly and the Ant fable is short and can be told in 30 seconds. But this does not mean that it will not be possible to make a theatrical production with this work. You can come up with an original staging of the fable, for example, for the autumn festival. Here is the script for this fable - words, text:

Staging a fable: characters
Staging a fable
Staging a Fable: Next Scene

A dragonfly walks to the anthill, wrapped in a dry leaf. Ant looks out.

Staging a Fable: The Ending

This scene is for 5 minutes. It will turn out to be interesting and fun. The scenery and costumes of the characters play an important role. The Autumn Festival with the performance of Krylov's fable will be memorable, since the work "Dragonfly and the Ant" is loved by everyone - both adults and children.

Video: Dragonfly and Ant. I.A. Krylov. Fable


Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and the Ant": morality, analysis of expressive means,

Home> Literature> The fable of I. A. Krylov "Dragonfly and the Ant": morality and depth

We all remember Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and Ant" from childhood. The moral of the fable is known to every schoolchild: work will be rewarded, and idleness will be punished. But is the essence of the content of the fable limited to this short formulation? Let's try to answer this question.

  • What is the merit of Krylov
  • Features of age perception
  • Moral of the fable at school
  • Ambiguity of heroes

What is the merit of Krylov

Fable is a specific genre of a short poetic parable, almost completely exhausted in Russian literature by Ivan Andreevich Krylov. He was the sole author of most of the fables he wrote, and some of them are Russian translations of the works of La Fontaine, who, in turn, borrowed them from Aesop - as happened with the fable "The Dragonfly and the Ant". Despite the fact that this is a translation, Krylov's fable spoke in a completely different way, in a new way. In this respect, the Russian-speaking reader is very lucky, because only a native speaker of the Russian language can fully appreciate the true depth of Krylov's vision of ageless plots.

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Language means of transmission of the author's message

Ivan Andreevich worked on each of his fables with the meticulousness of a jeweler, mercilessly getting rid of all unnecessary words, honing the text to perfection. Therefore, they are so easy to learn by heart. At the same time, Krylov never compromised on the content, in very rare cases he could afford some grammatical awkwardness or stress transfer, but he did not omit the necessary words that accurately express his thought for the sake of the beauty of the verse.

An analysis of the fable would be incomplete without an analysis of language techniques. There are several striking tools that help the author convey the main idea.

  1. Epithets. Krylov calls the dragonfly a "hopper", and this is enough to understand its essence. The fact that she is a lazy woman, an anemone and so on, the reader easily thinks out for himself. The author gave characteristic features to the nature and feelings of the heroes: summer - "red", days - "bright", winter - "cold", melancholy - "evil". The first part of the fable is saturated with epithets, the content of which immerses the reader in its atmosphere and adjusts to the dialogue of the heroes in the second part.
  2. Verbs. Krylov does not waste a single word, and this is especially noticeable on verbs. The dragonfly "sang" the summer - it means that the summer flew by for her like one day, which she thoughtlessly spent on entertainment, and all this is said in one word. Winter has not just come, it is "rolling in the eyes": here you can hear the despair caused by the sudden end of summer and, in fact, life. Krylov's field is not empty, not frozen, but "dead" - another sign of fate, the rapid approach of the end. The dragonfly “doesn’t sing”, it “crawls” to the Ant, begging her “not to leave” - a hopeless request! And the final word of the fable is "dance!" - is actually a verdict, and it clearly expresses an evil irony.
  3. Contrasts. The entire text is built on them, and they help to understand not only its content, but also the character of the characters. The ant did not get a single epithet at all, and, nevertheless, his image stands out vividly. How did the author achieve this? “She is depressed with evil anguish, She is crawling to the Ant” - the very fact that a hungry Dragonfly came to the Ant makes the latter its antipode, and the reader does not have any questions about its qualities. The dragonfly sang and galloped all summer, while the ant, on the contrary, worked and prepared for winter. Summer and winter, fun and work, prosperity and need, finally, the Dragonfly and the Ant themselves - all the text is clearly demarcated into black and white, like a yin-yang sign.

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Features of age perception

Many people think that it is too early for schoolchildren to read, for example, "War and Peace" or "Crime and Punishment". What about our favorite fables? It is useful to read them both in childhood and adulthood. Indeed, with age, people begin to look at many classical literary works in a different way, and a fable in which, it would seem, everything is extremely clear, is no exception. Analyzing the works of the classics, it is easy to delve into such a jungle that the classics themselves would be amazed. But the good thing about their books is that every reader - young or old, layman or erudite - will find something of his own in them, see through the prism of his own perception of life.

Moral of the fable at school

Acquaintance with the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant" takes place in elementary school and has two main goals:

  1. educational - to teach children to work with a literary work, analyze it, highlight the main idea;
  2. educational - to convey morality to the students, or rather, to make them understand it themselves: you need to work for the future, otherwise you risk being left with nothing.

Thus, the educational goal at this stage coincides with the actual mission of the genre - to illustrate a simple truth with a short, but capacious and colorful example. This is what should be reflected in the student's diary.

Perception of the depth of a fable in adulthood

An adult, after rereading the fable, will notice that it speaks of justice, while between the lines one can discern injustice. After all, Krylov worked at the beginning of the 19th century, when there was a clear social stratification in the country due to serfdom. The peasants worked hard all their lives, and for their owners the “red summer” never ended. The role of the dragonfly could be the impoverished nobles, who, being not adapted to any kind of work, suddenly found themselves without a livelihood.

Ambiguity of heroes

The names of the heroes of the fable have become common nouns. He works like an ant, we say - this is a positive review. And calling, for example, a girl a dragonfly, we mean such her features as mobility, cheerfulness, cheerfulness, carelessness.

Based on this, it cannot be said that Dragonfly is an unambiguously vicious hero. Perhaps a role in this assessment was played by the fact that the modern concept of dragonflies has changed since the time of Krylov, when the dragonfly was called “the one who chirps” - a grasshopper, or a cicada, like La Fontaine's. There was no talk of any beauty, and if the schoolchildren feel sorry for the dragonfly, justifying it by the fact that it decorates the world with its existence, it turns out that they did not read the fable quite the way it was written.

I've always felt sorry for the dragonfly. The ant, in fact, sent her to die.

Anechka Balyakina

We passed this fable at school. The ant is great, respect him. He plowed all summer, so let him rest now, and not feed the parasites.

Maxim Kantovoy

It’s like this with insects: whoever hasn’t stored up food is lost. If the dragonfly were a man, and at the same time sang and danced well, she would be paid for it, and more money than the ant who dragged grain from the collective farm fields all summer.

Karina Galimova


Analysis of Krylov's fable "Dragonfly and the Ant"

Ivan Andreevich Krylov considered some of his fables borrowed. He took the plots of these fables from the ancient fabulists. But the poet-critic Zhukovsky called Krylov's translated fables also original.

In order to understand at what height Krylov stands in comparison with all his predecessors, it is enough to make a comparison of any borrowed fable with the original and imitations. For example, both Chemnitser and Krylov both imitated Lafontaine in the fable "Dragonfly and the Ant"

This is how this fable looks in La Fontaine: “The dragonfly, having sung all summer, was left without reserve when winter came. She went to an ant neighbor and asked him to borrow a few grains to live until spring, promising to repay the debt with interest. The ant did not want to lend to Dragonfly and asked what she had been doing all summer? She sang day and night. You sang, so now dance.

Chemnitser made a verse translation of this La Fontaine fable, but at the same time did not change anything in the plot. His translation is quite simple and naive.

Krylov, in his version of the fable, describes in detail the character of the characters. First, he introduces the readers to the Dragonfly, agile, playful, with a lively temperament and a cheerful character. Describing the Dragonfly, he did not just say "jumping", but used the word "jumping", found in the Russian language such a word that can not be translated into every language. And, moreover, he used it in order to give the Dragonfly a moral quality, to designate not the best trait of her character - frivolity.

In Russia, unlike warm countries, the summer is short, and Krylov twice marked this peculiarity of the Russian climate: firstly, because of this short duration, it is dearer to us and that is why the people call the summer wonderful: "The red summer has sung." Secondly, the Dragonfly did not even have time to look back, as summer flew by, and winter came.

La Fontaine does not mention the transience of summer, and this is quite understandable - summer in Europe is much longer than in Russia. Krylov emphasizes the beauty of our summer even more when he paints a picture of winter fields: "Pure field is dead." Winter does not come for Krylov, as in La Fontaine's fable and Chemnitzer's translation; for Krylov, winter arrives on a sleigh, and in Russian, quickly: "I did not have time to look back, As winter rolls into my eyes." At La Fontaine, Dragonfly does not change its behavior with the onset of winter. And with Krylov, she is no longer able to fly or jump: "She is crawling towards the Ant."

In just two words, "leaping" and "crawling", the brilliant fabulist marked the beginning and end of a whole drama in the life of an insect.

Dragonfly's appeal to the Ant "Do not leave me, dear godfather!" reflects the old patriarchal custom, according to which a Russian person addresses his neighbors with the use of related names, thereby showing that he looks at his people as a single family. Krylov's dragonfly hopes to survive the winter at the expense of Ant in his home.

La Fontaine does not even talk about any gratuitous help, the Dragonfly in his fable only asks for a loan, promising to return both capital and interest. This behavior pattern is more typical for Europeans.

It is impossible not to notice that Krylov went much deeper into the nature of an insect and psychologically correctly portrayed the innate frivolity of the Dragonfly. She does not repent, does not promise to change her way of life and work, but only "... I am depressed by an evil anguish." The dragonfly is still under the spell of summer entertainment, it cannot tear itself away from them:

“Before that, my dear fellow? In soft ants we have Songs, playfulness every hour,

So, that turned my head! "


Literary reading lesson in grade 2 "Fable by I.A.Krylov" Dragonfly and the Ant ""

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