Home Berries They celebrate the new year in her circle. New Year in the countries of the world. The French celebrate the New Year with close friends and relatives. Family contests for the New Year: "Competition for the best New Year's costume"

They celebrate the new year in her circle. New Year in the countries of the world. The French celebrate the New Year with close friends and relatives. Family contests for the New Year: "Competition for the best New Year's costume"

The eighth month of pregnancy is a difficult period. The kid has finished forming his body and constantly makes itself felt by jerks and movements. A woman who is tired over the previous seven months wants to give birth as soon as possible and it seems that this will happen from day to day. However, it will be a long time before the mother sees the child. During this period, you need to be patient, wait calmly and prepare.

What has already been done by the eighth month of pregnancy

For 8 months, the development of the child in the womb went according to a clearly established plan. A large complex organism was gradually formed from a single-celled egg.

Now the embryo already looks like a person, all the main life support systems are developed and working, only the lungs lag behind a little.

The fetus takes its final position in the uterus, according to the norm, its head should be directed downward and come out first (cephalic presentation).

If labor begins at this time for any reason, they are called early. The birth of a child at 8 months of pregnancy in most cases is successful, the baby has every chance of surviving and developing normally. Difficulties sometimes arise from the lungs, which are not yet ready for a full respiratory cycle and may subside on exhalation.

What remains to be done

It will be better if the child waits a little longer before entering the world. The development of the body has not ended, you need to do several important things and bring to mind what has already been done.

Changes in a woman's body

Eight months of pregnancy have left their mark on the expectant mother. Her body has changed, the processes accompanying gestation make themselves felt with various, not always pleasant symptoms:

Childbirth is near

Despite the fact that there is more than a month left before childbirth, signs of their approach are already appearing.

From time to time, so-called training contractions can occur, in which the muscles of the uterus contract randomly. In this case, the neck of the organ does not open.

The child moves less than before, but more intense. His tremors are very painful, especially if they hit the ribs.

Eighth month examinations

If the gestation proceeds without complications, the expectant mother at this time should come for an examination twice a month. In this case, the doctor measures the weight of the pregnant woman, blood pressure, the height of the uterine fundus, listens to the fetal heartbeat. Be sure to do a urine test.

Important information is given by ultrasound examination, which is often performed during this period. An ultrasound scan determines:

  • maturity of the placenta;
  • the condition of the uterus and its cervix;
  • presentation of the fetus;
  • the degree of development of his internal organs;
  • the presence or absence of pathologies;
  • the approximate date of delivery.

Possible complications

If the tone of the uterine muscles is increased, there is a threat of premature birth. The main symptoms of this condition are severe drawing pains in the abdomen and blood in the vaginal discharge. It is important to call an ambulance immediately, as the process can develop rapidly.

A serious danger in the eighth month is the late toxicosis of pregnant women or gestosis. The disease is accompanied by severe headache, swelling, nausea and vomiting. Unlike the first trimester, when toxicosis was normal, now he is a serious danger for mother and fetus. It is possible to diagnose preeclampsia based on the results of urine analysis, which is why it is so important to regularly conduct an examination.

The worst complication of pregnancy in the eighth month can be eclampsia - cerebral edema, accompanied by severe convulsions and loss of consciousness.

To save the mother and baby, if complications arise, doctors can cause premature birth or perform a cesarean section.

Pregnancy is already coming to its logical conclusion, but still far from childbirth. The rest of the time should be used to its fullest.

A woman should pay special attention to her health, because the well-being of her child now depends only on him. You should not overextend yourself, bend over, squeeze your stomach. The expectant mother should not be sick. You need to spend more time in the fresh air, eat properly and variedly, monitor hygiene and stool.

It is equally important to prepare mentally, correctly adjust yourself and your future father, cope with the fear of childbirth.

And finally, it's time to prepare everything your baby needs right after birth.

The eighth month of pregnancy - there is nothing left before the birth, and the woman increasingly feels their inexorable approach with periodic Braxton-Higgs training contractions. If the contractions of the uterus are not accompanied by severe painful sensations, and the frequency of contractions and their duration make themselves felt from time to time and not for long, you should not worry. However, if the contractions are painful and last longer than an hour, you should urgently contact your doctor - perhaps premature birth has begun.

The eighth month of pregnancy - there is nothing left before childbirth, and the woman increasingly feels their inexorable approach as periodic Braxton-Higgs. If the contractions of the uterus are not accompanied by severe painful sensations, and the frequency of contractions and their duration make themselves felt from time to time and not for long, you should not worry. However, if the contractions are painful and last longer than an hour, you should urgently contact your doctor - it may have begun.

By the eighth month, the belly has simply grown to enormous sizes, and during this month the uterus will take its highest possible position. In this regard, the woman begins to notice that it becomes more difficult to breathe, and the baby's tremors, falling on the very ribs, cause soreness.

It is very important now to continue, to walk more in the fresh air and to rest more often. Due to the large abdomen, there are some difficulties in choosing a sleeping position. Experts insist that one should not sleep on the back in the last months of pregnancy - in this position, the inferior vena cava is pinched. As a result, there may be "fits" of dizziness, increased heart rate, and in general, a very unimportant state of health.

It is important to remember: the anatomical features of the body differ in different women, and therefore it is pointless to compare the size of the abdomen with the “colleagues” in carrying a child - if some women have a very, very impressive belly, then other women are “compact” and “miniature” until the end of pregnancy "Tummy.

Baby at eight months pregnant

The baby is almost ready for birth - all life-supporting systems and main organs are developed and functioning, the only thing is that the final work on the development of the lungs continues. And, if a child is suddenly, for some reason, born at a period of eight months of pregnancy, then we are talking not about premature, but rather early birth, as a result of which the baby survives with a high degree of probability.

A child at eight months is practically no different from an ordinary person: he hears and sees, knows how to blink, squints and frowns, marigolds reach the end of the phalanges of the nail plates. The color of the baby's skin is evened out, thanks to the subcutaneous fat, the shoulders and face are rounded. The germinal fluff of lanugo gradually disappears, the first hair appears on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes are visible. At the same time, the layer of primordial lubricant thickens, which will make it easier for the baby to "travel" through the birth canal, allowing it to slide.

It is believed that in the eighth month of pregnancy, the child is already dreaming, in any case, his eyelids move in a rhythm characteristic of the rapid phase of sleep. At this stage, the brain of the crumbs becomes more complicated and improved - many nerve connections are formed between the cells of the brain, and a protective, so-called myelin sheath is formed around the already formed cells. And, although the bones of the child are already relatively strong, and the cartilages of the nose and ears are hard, the bones of the skull remain soft, which is necessary for the normal passage of the baby through the birth canal.

The liver is doing a great job now: it needs to accumulate iron in quantities that will be needed for independent hematopoiesis by the infant's body in the first year of life.

In the penultimate month of pregnancy, the fetus already occupies almost the entire uterine cavity, it becomes more and more difficult for him to move. Accordingly, tremors and movements become somewhat less frequent, but much more noticeable. This month, the child will take a position, from which he will then be born, in the norm - a cephalic presentation.

The eighth month is marked by an intense weight gain: every day the baby grows heavier by 15-30 g. Thus, by the end of the month the baby's weight reaches 2500-2700 g, and the growth increases to 45-46 cm on average.

Feelings and possible problems of the eighth month of pregnancy

The eighth month of pregnancy is the time of anxiety about the upcoming birth, worries about the health and well-being of the baby, and the intensive preparation of the "dowry" for the child. All this is against the background of some absent-mindedness and quite understandable fatigue from pregnancy, both emotional and physical.

Moreover, the physical sensations by the eighth month of pregnancy can hardly be called pleasant: it's just that a huge belly interferes with breathing habitually, moving around and sleeping normally, constantly tormenting bouts of heartburn and often wanting to go to the toilet on a small one, most likely, the problem of constipation has worsened, and even a baby pushing from the inside hurts with these jolts. It is necessary to understand that it remains to be patient quite a bit, and the first cry of a baby, to whom mommy will very soon give a "ticket" to life, will fully pay off all today's probable problems and discomfort.

Shortness of breath at this time is a completely normal symptom, the uterus has now risen to its maximum height, compressing the lungs as well. However, apart from minor breathing problems, there should be no other symptoms. If, against the background of difficulty in breathing, blue lips and / or fingertips appear, an accelerated heartbeat, chest pain occurs, and breathing accelerates, an ambulance should be called immediately.

The mom-to-be should be prepared for sleep problems: due to her big belly, it is now difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position, and thoughts about near-term motherhood often interfere with falling asleep. And now, it would seem, the optimal position was found, and the thoughts were coped with ... but no! Now the body requires to empty the bladder ...

By the way, with urination, some incidents can also occur - in the form of the so-called stress urinary incontinence. The enlarged uterus is now exerting "serious" pressure on the abdominal organs, and the bladder is also under pressure. Thus, by the eighth month of pregnancy, a woman with embarrassment may face an uncontrolled flow of some urine when laughing, sneezing or coughing.

The amount of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman increases significantly, which is associated with some swelling of the limbs and face. At the same time, the spread of edema and its "severity" must be monitored, as well as pressure: severe edema and high blood pressure may indicate.

A woman in the eighth month of pregnancy clearly and even painfully feels the baby's pushes from the inside, sometimes it may seem that the baby is resting his foot directly on the ribs, and just about they will not withstand such pressure. They can withstand it, but soreness, of course, is an unpleasant thing, for its removal and some "calming" of the child, it is recommended to do the "cat's back" exercise.

Back pain caused by a significantly enlarged abdomen is common at this time. Often, back pains, and with them - in the abdomen - make themselves felt after a walk. In this case, it is recommended to lie down and rest, you can take a Nosh-py pill. But, if the pain continues for more than half an hour, urgently call an ambulance.

Feelings of nasal and ear congestion, spontaneous nosebleeds, bleeding gums, leg muscle cramps are possible in the eighth month of pregnancy. Do not be alarmed if some increase in vaginal leucorrhoea is noticed: if the increase in discharge is not accompanied by discomfort, the discharge does not change color and consistency, there is no reason for excitement.

Changes in hormonal levels can lead to another unusual and somewhat unpleasant phenomenon for a woman - the growth of body hair in large quantities. You need to understand that this phenomenon is temporary, after childbirth, when hormonal processes begin to stabilize, the situation will resolve by itself.

In the last months of pregnancy, again, due to the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs, there are also problems with digestion "in full": heartburn, constipation. The main condition for reducing these unpleasant phenomena is the observance of the principles of proper nutrition and the rejection of foods that provoke indigestion.

Nutrition in the eighth month of pregnancy

In the last months of pregnancy, proper nutrition plays a very large role, without exaggeration. The principles of nutrition remain the same: it is better to eat more often, but little by little, avoiding overeating. It is with the consumption of food in large quantities that heartburn is often associated: the stomach is now compressed by the uterus, and excess food is simply thrown into the esophagus. To avoid heartburn, you should also exclude fatty and fried foods, smoked foods, sour foods and sweets from the diet. It is recommended not to go to bed immediately after eating - it is preferable to walk or stand.

In order not to aggravate the swelling, it is advisable to limit salt intake and not drink fluids on the eve of going to bed. For the same purpose, lingonberry fruit drinks can also be used: they have a certain diuretic effect and can improve the excretion of fluid from the body.

Lean meat and fish should still be present in the diet, but only in the last months of pregnancy, it is advisable to somewhat limit their number. It is better to eat meat and fish, as well as cereals in the first half of the day, and after lunch, give preference to dairy and vegetable food.

Considering that the baby takes calcium from the mother's body in large quantities, cottage cheese and dairy products should be present in the daily menu. And to prevent anemia, beef, green apples, liver, spinach, greens will be useful.

In general, the principles of nutrition at this time are not new: food should be as natural as possible, the menu excludes semi-finished products and instant food, it is better to forget about strong tea and coffee for a while. And one more thing: when buying factory-made cottage cheese or yoghurts in stores, you must definitely pay attention to the production date and expiration date. Indeed, in fermented milk products, after the expiration date, Escherichia coli reproduce very quickly, which can cause very tangible damage to pregnancy and a growing baby.

Sex in the eighth month of pregnancy

The question of whether sex is permissible in the eighth month of pregnancy has no definite answer. It will have to be solved exclusively with the doctor leading the pregnancy, who will be able to give a "professional" opinion about the possibility of physical intimacy in the penultimate month of bearing a baby.

Moreover, different sources "dictate" different postulates: according to one, sex in the eighth month of pregnancy is quite possible if there are no contraindications and mommy does not bear twins, others - that it is advisable to abstain from intimacy so as not to "disturb" the person who has taken the correct position for childbirth in the head presentation of the baby.

Be that as it may, even thematic literature will not be able to clearly and in each individual case give a final answer to the admissibility of sex, this priority remains with the doctor. But unambiguous contraindications for "sessions" of physical intimacy are still defined, these include: placenta previa, bleeding of unexplained origin, damage to the membranes, separation of the child's place.

Analyzes and examinations in the eighth month of pregnancy

This month, visits to the doctor will become more frequent - if the decision on a two-time study in one month has not been made earlier, such a decision may take place during this period.

During a visit to the antenatal clinic, the doctor routinely measures the weight and blood pressure, listens to the child's heart, examines the mother's arms and legs in order to determine the degree of swelling. As before, a general is shown - for identifying protein and determining the levels of sugar in the mother's body.

Often the eighth month becomes the month of the last, third planned ultrasound scan. The tasks of ultrasound examination on the eve of pregnancy are:

  • determining the degree of maturity of the placenta - to exclude the likelihood of its premature aging;
  • studying the state of the cervix, determining the size of the uterus;
  • assessment of the amount and condition of amniotic fluid
  • assessment of the baby's internal organs to exclude possible malformations,
  • determination of the size of the fetus and the exclusion of intrauterine malnutrition;
  • determination of fetal presentation and the location of the umbilical cord.

What could be better than to celebrate the New Year in the family circle, together with loved ones and loved ones? How interesting is it to organize a family New Year's party if married couples gather with children in the company circle? What games and contests for the New Year is better to choose? If you are racking your brains over these questions, do not worry, we will show you a way out how to celebrate the family New Year in a fun way and offer a New Year's scenario for adults and children.



Let's think about how and what are the best family New Year contests and family games for the New Year to organize. First, you need to take into account the number of participants in the holiday and their age, of course. Secondly, to think over the menu of the festive New Year's table, suitable for everyone. It is good if the table setting is appropriate, for example, small children do not have to watch adults drink alcohol, so bottles and glasses for alcohol can be “disguised” with the same tinsel. The main thing is not to forget to do the same for children, making juices and compotes even more attractive for them than for adults. You will not have any problems with this if you decide to organize a family New Year's holiday in the form of a themed party. For example, a New Year's scenario for adults and children based on the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" (everyone will drink from a tea set, and you yourself will figure out what to pour into the "kettle for adults") or "Treasure Island" (all pirates drink " rum "), etc.

The most important thing for the holiday is family games and contests for the New Year. It's easy to come up with them for a themed party - based on the plot chosen for the script. And if your friendly company does not really like dressing up and reincarnation, then the New Year's scenario for adults and children can be arbitrary, the main thing is that everyone has fun. It is better to start such entertainments, celebrating the New Year with the family, from about 21.00 in the evening, in order to meet the New Year in an enthusiastic mood. By midnight, the kids will be dead enough to go to bed right after the chimes and let the grown-ups have a full blast! And so, the New Year's scenario for adults and children.


To begin with, you can give everyone a piece of paper and a pen so that they describe the most significant event of the outgoing year and a cherished dream for the coming New Year. Little kids can paint it. All the leaves are folded into a box, which, together, is beautifully decorated with pictures, snowflakes, tinsel, etc. The box is sealed with tape and set aside until next New Year to open it with the family, read and fill it with new contents. Children will really like this lesson, and parents will also be interested to look into it later, remember the family New Year and save children's scribbles for a long memory.

Let's imagine that there are a lot of guests and you need to organize a family New Year's party with games and contests for everyone. If there are, for example, twenty people of you, then you need to prepare in advance for the participants of the evening:

  • 1.10 sticks,
  • 2. 10 brooms (mini-applications similar to the "broom" emblem),
  • 3.20 homemade envelopes;
  • 4. about a hundred snow balls, rolling them out of cotton wool on your own;
  • 5. Christmas trees-applications, playing the role of a medal for each victory in the competition;
  • 6. balloons, newspapers, confetti, ice cream, competition prizes, etc.

We put sticks and brooms into the prepared envelopes, and put the envelopes themselves in a hat. When the time comes to hold New Year's family contests and family games for the New Year, we distribute envelopes to the guests. Those who got the stick become members of the "Fir-trees-sticks" team, others - members of the "Fir-trees-brooms" team (you can dream up with names and attributes). Appliques indicating belonging to a particular team can be attached to clothes with a pin.

Family contests for the New Year: "Competition for the best New Year's costume."

Buy in advance wholesale toilet paper, masks, glasses, noses, jewelry, pick up old dresses, scarves, skirts, etc. Next, the teams draw lots for who should prepare which suit. For example, you can make up the costumes of a Snow Maiden, a clown, an Indian, a pirate. Whoever did it better and funnier gets a Christmas tree prize.

Family contests for the New Year: "Frosty breath".

This competition will be more interesting for children. Paper snowflakes are laid out in one row on the table. Participants must blow on them so that they fall from the table to the floor. When all the snowflakes fall, we surprise the participants of the competition, informing them that the winner is the one whose snowflake fell most recently. That is, he has the most "frosty breath", he froze a snowflake to the table.

Family New Year's song contests: "Song from the Hat".

Put in your hat little notes on which just one word is written, for example: Santa Claus, icicle, frost, Christmas tree, etc. Each team member takes turns taking notes out of his hat and performing a song or a fragment of a song, in which the text contains the word written in the note - be sure to winter or New Year's! Which team will give up first and will not be able to remember the desired song - lost.

Family games for the New Year: "Fight with snowballs".

Give the teams snowballs made of cotton wool. At the command of the presenter, as soon as the cheerful music turns on, everyone starts throwing snowballs at each other. When the presenter turns off the music, the task of the participants becomes to collect as many snowballs as possible, both their own and their rivals. The team with the most snowballs gets a Christmas tree. Do not rush to turn off the music, let adults and children play a little - throwing snowballs is always fun, even if they are not real.

Competition for adults and children: "New Year's contests - riddles."

The presenter asks the teams one by one, riddles or simply asks questions on topics related to the New Year. The winner is the team that will give the most correct answers. Riddles and questions can be any, but preferably funny, and that they are suitable for adults and children, so that it would be interesting for both adults and children to guess them, that is, alternate their difficulty and "adulthood".
: 4th month of pregnancy, 5th month of pregnancy, 6th month of pregnancy

Examples of riddles for the family New Year:

- Sewn with white, soft thread. First it goes, then it lies. And then it will flow and disappear without a trace. What is it?
(ANSWER: snow)

- If on New Year's Eve you shout for a very long time and very loudly with the whole honest company, then she will certainly come.
(ANSWER: police)

- We go to bed in the evening, and do not open our eyes until the morning, all in order to see these fabulous wonders.
(ANSWER: sleep)

- What is the name of Marina Petrovna's father?
(ANSWER: Petya)

- He has a frost inside, He can store a lot, He is spacious for pots and cans, But not for raincoats and suits.
(ANSWER: refrigerator)

- What happens if you turn right three times?
(ANSWER: turn left)

- Geese are flying across the sky: 2 behind and 1 in front, 2 in front and one behind, and one between two, and three in one row. How many geese are flying across the sky?
(ANSWER: 3 geese, one after another)

- What is baldness in men?
(ANSWER: Replacing brushing with washing)

- Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
(ANSWER: no, he cannot speak).

Family games for the New Year: "Chain" competition.

All team members play, each becoming in his own chain, alternating between "boy" - "girl". Each of the participants takes a match in his teeth. The first one is put on a ring. The point of the game is to pass the ring along a chain - one after another, from match to match, without helping with your hands! And so, until the last participant. Which team coped faster, that one won.

Merry family New Year contests: "Attached Grandfather".

Prepare in advance two texts about the New Year and the adventures of Santa Claus - at your discretion. In these texts, all adjectives must be omitted. Print them out so that there are empty spaces in the place of the adjectives. Do not show them to the participants and do not reveal the essence of the game. Let the players name any adjectives in turn, the presenter will write them in empty spaces in the text. Then the presenter will read what happened. As a rule, it turns out to be a lot of fun, and whoever has a funnier story is the winner.

New Year's family entertainment: "Literary competition".

The essence of the game is to come up with the funniest continuation of the line on the theme of the New 2014 Year of the Horse into a rhyme. Teams are given identical proposals written in advance on sheets, and they have to come up with original endings for them in 10 minutes. Sentences and endings can be different, for example:

  • 1. After New Year's Eve ... - In the morning Vova does not want to get up.
  • 2. Here, they waited for the gifts ... - And they had a fight with my sister.
  • 3. Grandfather Frost has arrived ... - "Wait" someone will kiss.
  • 4. The chimes struck twelve ... - It's time for a hundred grams and ... in bed!
  • 5. We'll dress up the Christmas tree together ... - Do we need to sleep somewhere in the morning?
  • 6. Here the year of the Horse has come ... - Let's go for a ride ... let's neigh ...

The answers are compared, and whoever has more of the funniest and most original ones gets the prize Christmas tree.

Games for the New Year: "It was my ball !!!".

This competition is attended by one representative from the team. They are given one New Year's balloon, which is tied to the participants' left leg. At the command of the leader, they must try to crush the opponent's ball with their right foot. It is recommended to play in indoor shoes (participants with high heels or tarpaulin boots are not allowed to participate in the competition!). The winner is the one who "bursts" the opponent's ball faster with his foot. You can involve everyone in turn, counting victory points.

New Year's family games: "Who better jump into the New Year."

We invite participants to jump into the New Year. To do this, the teams are sorted out in pairs, one of each, taking into account age and height. Participants stand in one line and jump. The winner is the one who jumps the farthest. It is not worth continuing the competition for a long time - the neighbors from below may “not like it”.

Dance competitions for the New Year: "Competition for the best dancer."

The members of each fun team are divided into pairs. They have hard dances ahead of them. Each pair has a newspaper under their feet and music is played. Participants need to dance in such a way that they do not step over the edge of the newspaper. Then the task becomes more complicated - the newspaper is folded in half and the couples need to dance on these halves. Then we fold the newspaper again, and again ... until there is one pair left, which is able to hold on to a small piece of newsprint.

Further, the New Year's scenario for adults and children involves a dance disco, rewarding the winners with symbolic prizes, and maybe a joke punishment for the losers - at your discretion. The fun party of New Years celebration for adults and children continues! After the kids are overwhelmed by the holiday fatigue, adults can continue!

And a little more about how unexpectedly funny a New Year's holiday scenario can be:

When we are still making the last feverish preparations for the New Year, some of the inhabitants of the Earth have not only met it and had fun, but by this time they even had time to rest and sleep. For there are places in the world where the New Year is celebrated much earlier than here. In our photo gallery, we represent the places where the first to celebrate the New Year on our planet.

1. Traditionally, the first to celebrate the New Year 2015 in Kiribati. More specifically, on the Linear Islands, which are located to the east than other islands in this country. In 1994, one of the presidential candidates promised the citizens that if he wins the elections, he will make it so that Kiribati will be the first to celebrate the New Year around the world. He won and kept his word: he moved the demarcation line of time (a conditional line on the map of time zones). Since that time, Kiribati has been divided into three time zones, and in the most eastern of them, midnight comes 14 hours earlier than in London. (Photo: DS355 / flickr.com).

2. Tokelau is located in the same time zone as Kiribati, which includes a group of islands made up of three coral atolls: Atafu, Nukunono and Fakaofo. It is a dependent territory of New Zealand. The time zone change here happened quite recently, in 2011, and the main reason for this was the problem of interaction in contacts with New Zealand, since the island was previously on the other side of the demarcation time line. (Photo: Haanee Naeem / flickr.com).

3. An hour later, the people of Samoa will celebrate the New Year. In 2011, there also was a time zone change; the date of December 30, 2011 was absent in the Samoan calendar. This was done to better interact and develop cooperation with Australia and New Zealand. Interestingly, the previous time zone change was made in 1892 in order to adjust the time to California. (Photo: Savai'i Island / flickr.com).

4. At the same time as in Samoa, the people of Tonga will celebrate the New Year - an island located one third of the way between New Zealand and Hawaii, south of Samoa. (Photo: pintxomoruno / flickr.com).

5. Residents of the Chatham Islands will be the next to celebrate the New Year. This small archipelago, which consists of two inhabited islands - Chatham and Pitt. Other small islands have reservation status and are generally inaccessible to both islanders and tourists. Interestingly, Chatham Island has its own time zone, which is 45 minutes (less) than New Zealand. (Photo: Phil Pledger / flickr.com).

6. After the inhabitants of the Chatham islands, the next New Year 2015 will be celebrated in New Zealand. (Photo: Philipp Klinger Photography / flickr.com).

7. At the same time as in New Zealand, they will celebrate the New Year in Fiji. This state, which is located on 322 islands and islets of volcanic origin, surrounded by coral reefs, of which only 110 islands are inhabited. (Photo: brad / flickr.com).

8. The first mainland state whose inhabitants will celebrate the New Year 2015 (along with the inhabitants of New Zealand and Fiji) is Russia, or rather, the city of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, located in the southeastern part of the Kamchatka volcanic peninsula. (Photo: Jasja / flickr.com).

9. In the same time zone as Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, there are numerous small islands and archipelagos in the Pacific Ocean: Tuvalu, Nauru, Wallis and Futuna, Wake and the Marshall Islands. Photo: Nauru Island. (Photo: Hadi Zaher / flickr.com).

10. We travel further and head west. Next, the New Year will be celebrated by the inhabitants of New Caledonia - a French overseas territory located in the western Pacific Ocean, in Melanesia, about 1400 kilometers east of Australia and 1500 kilometers north-west of New Zealand. (Photo: Tonton des Iles-Bye bye Everyone /flickr.com).

Countries celebrating New Years at the same time as New Caledonia are Vanuatu, Federated States of Micronesia and Solomon Islands.

11. Together with New Caledonia, residents of another Russian city, Magadan, will celebrate the New Year 2015. (Photo: Vagabond / flickr.com).

12. On our journey, we finally arrived in Australia, where the first to celebrate the New Year, of course, are the residents of the east coast - Sydney and Melbourne. (Photo: El Mundo, Economía y Negocios / flickr.com).

13. Simultaneously with the residents of Sydney and Melbourne, they will celebrate the New Year in Vladivostok and on such Pacific islands as Guam, the Mariana Islands and Papua New Guinea. In the photo: the island of Guam. (Photo: orgazmo / flickr.com).

We end our journey in this time zone, and if you want to continue it, the atlas will help you with this!

MOSCOW, December 29 - RIA Novosti. Without exception, all the leaders of the State Duma and parliamentary factions after a turbulent 2012, which returned discussions to parliament sometimes after midnight, and thousands of rallies on the streets, intend to celebrate the New Year at home with their families.


The first person of the chamber, Speaker Sergei Naryshkin, who from the private offices of the presidential administration got into the parliament heated by the intensity of passions and spent a year under the views of deputies and television cameras, will be with his family with children and grandchildren, whom he calls "his youngest children." ...

Naryshkin, who, as the New Year's Eve showed, knows how to organize holidays for those around him, did not say that he would give his household for the holiday, but promised that "there will be gifts."

United Russia

The head of the United Russia faction, vice-speaker Vladimir Vasiliev also intends to celebrate the holiday at home with his family.

"I always celebrate the New Year with my family. So on this New Year's Eve at a dacha in the Moscow region, we will gather with family and friends, there will be many children: first we will traditionally sit at the table, and then we will launch fireworks at the site," Vasilyev told RIA Novosti.

And on the morning of the first day of the new year, Vasiliev dreams of leaving for the Tver region.

“I’ll walk there in the woods, go hunting and fishing with my friends. Closer to Christmas, I’ll return to Moscow,” Vasiliev said.

During the New Year holidays, Vasiliev wants to devote time to children, to communicate with loved ones more and to get some sleep.

“I plan to take my granddaughter with her friends and girlfriends to the circus. And I also want to talk with loved ones, read, and, of course, get some sleep during these holidays,” Vasiliev said.

The first deputy head of the United Russia faction, Vyacheslav Timchenko, will also celebrate the New Year with his family.

"I will celebrate the New Year traditionally. We will dress up a Christmas tree in the forest ahead of time to surprise and delight the kids. And closer to 12 o'clock we will go there with the whole family. We always celebrate this holiday all together - my wife and I, adult children, grandchildren. And we always do. in Russia, "he said.

The Communist Party

The leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Gennady Zyuganov, traditionally plans to celebrate the New Year in a cozy home environment with family and friends, especially since he has eight grandchildren who will not let their grandfather get bored. In addition, the plans of the leader of the communists include participation in a billiards tournament during the New Year holidays. He also does not forget about work - preparations for the forthcoming congress of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in 2013 will be in full swing.

“I have eight grandchildren, I have to visit everyone, congratulate everyone, play snowballs with everyone, ride a sled, give wise advice. This is a home holiday. We will gather in the home circle, under the Christmas tree,” Zyuganov told RIA Novosti.

He clarified that his son has five sons, and his daughter has two sons and a daughter.

"Ivan is the youngest, he is five years old. He loves to play chess. I am sure that he will definitely stick around, say" let's play the New Year tournament. " ...

“We will also have a New Year billiards tournament, 20 people will participate in it, good masters. I also usually participate, I hope to win something,” Zyuganov added.

Fair Russia

The head of the Social Revolutionary faction Sergei Mironov, answering a question from journalists about how he wants to celebrate the New Year, smiled and answered briefly that he would meet him - like most Russians - traditionally at home with his family with Olivier salad.

"The weather is winter, the main thing is not to get carried away with walks on the street, not to freeze, and be careful with fireworks and other fiery amusements, because the year of the dragon is leaving, but it can still scorch someone too hot," Mironov advised.

Liberal Democratic Party

The leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of Russia Vladimir Zhirinovsky believes that it is best to celebrate the New Year in nature, in the country, but the most important thing is to congratulate all your loved ones, wish them joy and not forget to call those with whom you will not be able to meet this evening.

"I believe that we should all be kinder. Everyone who needs to be invited to visit, agree to any invitations. Give any gifts. It is imperative to call, forgive each other, so that there is joy, because this is the only universal holiday - everyone else political, sectoral, and this is a common holiday, "Zhirinovsky told RIA Novosti.

He stressed that the most important thing on New Year's Eve is to try to return to childhood and feel the holiday atmosphere.

"To return to childhood, hand in hand, in a round dance around the Christmas tree. We walk, walk, walk ... half an hour, an hour, two, tired, fell, fell asleep, and woke up - it's a new year. That's how we celebrate," said the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party.

According to him, the New Year's table in his family will be modest: jellied meat, vinaigrette, capital salad. "A little bit, on a spoon. And no vodka and champagne. Just clap your hands that the new year has come and tell each other: be happy, brother or sister, kiss, break up," said the parliamentarian.

The Liberal Democratic leader plans to give small and modest gifts to his family and friends.

“I have already given everything. I have already given them everything I can. Well, I’ll give some trinkets: someone a T-shirt, someone a snake, all the little things. No need for expensive gifts,” concluded Zhirinovsky.

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