Home Berries Vasily Stepanov threw himself out. Actor Vasily Stepanov "Inhabited Island" jumped out of the window. Now the actor is at home under the supervision of relatives.

Vasily Stepanov threw himself out. Actor Vasily Stepanov "Inhabited Island" jumped out of the window. Now the actor is at home under the supervision of relatives.

Journalists found out new details of the incident with the actor Vasily Stepanov. It turned out that the artist was observed by doctors for several years due to depression and regularly took drugs that support his emotional state.

For the past seven years, Vasily Stepanov has been registered in the capital's medical clinic. This became known after the star of the film "Inhabited Island" fell out of the window of the fifth floor. Vasily's health problems were discovered even during his studies at the university, as a result of which the artist became shy and even withdrawn.


After Stepanov broke his spine in December 2016, presumably as a result of an unsuccessful suicide attempt, doctors began to closely monitor him, and he regularly took drugs to support his emotional state, reports Life.ru.

Meanwhile, reporters talked to Stepanov's neighbor, who found the actor lying on the ground after falling from a height. According to the man, he saw Vasily near the entrance and at first did not recognize him as the star of the Inhabited Island. "I took my grandson to the garden. We go in, look - he is lying around. I thought he was a drunk. Then I went out into the street, I looked - Vasya," the Zvezda TV channel quotes the man.

Recall that on the morning of April 10, Vasily Stepanov fell out of the window, but this became known only now. The actor was taken to the hospital where he was diagnosed with multiple fractures, including a fracture of the pelvis, right shoulder, both calcaneus and multiple bruises. Eyewitnesses said that the actor fell out of the window of an apartment located on the fifth floor. Also, witnesses assured that no one pushed Stepanov, he fell himself.

According to the media, the actor's parents were asked to place him in a specialized clinic, but they refused. According to reports, Vasily Stepanov does not use alcohol and drugs.

The media reported the sad news about the attempted suicide of the 31-year-old star of the film "Inhabited Island" Vasily Stepanov, who after the release of this picture on the screens woke up famous. Despite the collapsing fame, the actor could not find a job and fell into a prolonged depression. And then, already last winter, he injured his spine from an accidental fall, which is why he was forced to postpone filming in a new project, where he was called.

And today it became known that he jumped out of the window of his apartment on the fifth floor. Vasily survived, but he has many fractures and bruises. Now he is in the hospital, where they put a plaster cast on all his injured limbs. Stepanov even managed to talk to the press himself. “Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me ... Now I'm fine, they put a plaster cast on me and let me go home. It's just a pity that he let people down with the filming, missed the deadlines, ”said the artist.

His longtime girlfriend Lena Lenina commented on the incident. She noted that she tried to get through to Vasily's family, but so far she could not. “He wanted to commit suicide. And he left the window of his apartment. Fortunately, or unfortunately for him, he did not succeed, and he remained to live, but he was very badly broken. But it is difficult to list all the harm he inflicted on himself, it is easier to say that he did not break. Poor mommy! His poor dad, Sergei Vasilievich, who courageously carries on his shoulders all the problems of the family! His poor brother Maxim, who, although the youngest, always took care of his brother as an elder. And even poorer Vasya himself, who, with unearthly beauty and tremendous success, was broken by the glory that fell on him. Now he will forever remain disabled, "- wrote Lenina on the social network.

Published on 4/13/17 13:00

Actor Vasily Stepanov, where is it now 2017: journalists found out that an emergency with the star of "Inhabited Island" happened after 7 years of failures in the cinema.

The publication clarifies that doctors prescribed Vasily Stepanov a four-week bed regime, and his mother refused to place the young man in a psychiatric ward, as suggested by experts. It is noteworthy that the actor said that he fell from the third floor, and not from the fifth, as reported by official sources.

Law enforcement officers, in turn, confirm the fact of the fall of the star of the "Inhabited Island".

"The police received a message that a man fell from the window of a residential building on Davydkovskaya Street. At present, a check is being carried out on the incident, and a decision will be made based on the results of which," a source in the press service of the GUMVD in Moscow quotes TASS.

It is noted that Stepanov previously planned for the first time after a seven-year break to take part in the filming of a movie - the actor was approved in the new project by Natalia Verevkina and the film "Taxi Drivers".

“I had to wait seven years for proposals to appear in films,” Stepanov admitted after the fall.

At the same time, the former lover of Stepanov, actress Daria Egorova, said that she did not believe in the tragedy that had occurred.

"This is his mother's idea so that they will be noticed again. I am now going to find out if he really threw himself out of the window, but I doubt it. If this is true, then he did it from weakness. If a person commits such a sin, then he is doesn't want to fight, "she said.

I read the news just so sad, looking at the night. It is very offensive when a young unspent talent is trying to commit suicide. Perhaps the actor's surname is not widely known, but everyone remembers his bright appearance in the film "Inhabited Island" by Fyodor Bondarchuk. A blond handsome man and a very good actor ...

Here's what is known at the moment:
31-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov, who became famous after filming Fyodor Bondarchuk's film "Inhabited Island", is in the hospital after falling from the fifth floor. According to preliminary data, Stepanov threw himself out of the window of his apartment in Moscow. Doctors diagnosed him with a fracture of the pelvis, right shoulder, both heel bones and numerous bruises. Eyewitnesses of the incident told reporters that the actor deliberately jumped out of the window of the apartment in which he lives with his parents.

Vasily Stepanov played Maxim Kamerrer in two parts of Inhabited Island, based on the books of the Strugatsky brothers. After this role, the actor was involved in four other projects. But the guy was unlucky ... In August 2015, another emergency happened to him:
Vasily Stepanov was urgently hospitalized due to a detached blood clot in his left leg. Doctors fought for the life of the young man in the intensive care unit: the blood clot had to be "caught" before it reached the heart. If the actor did not get to the hospital on time, the problem with the blood vessels could have been fatal.

The acting career of a physical education teacher by profession is over: he has not been filmed anywhere else. It turned out that Vasily fell into depression, as his former bride Daria Egorova told about:

Updated at 23.41
Vasily Stepanov commented on the fall from the fifth floor in Moscow. According to the man, this was no coincidence, he is already on the mend.

Now the actor is under the supervision of his family in his apartment in the west of the capital. Let's remind that the main character of "Inhabited Island" threw himself out of his apartment on the eve of the morning. The actor climbed onto the windowsill and then jumped down. According to eyewitnesses, the star of "Inhabited Island" did not keep his balance when he was sitting on the windowsill. Presumably what happened is an accident. The incident took place on Davydkovskaya street. Stepanov fell from the window of his apartment from the fifth floor. The doctors who came to the scene took him to the hospital.

Updated on 04/13/2017 at 14.20
Soon after his fall from the window, the leading actor in the film "Inhabited Island" Vasily Stepanov again found himself in the center of attention of doctors and was eventually hospitalized in the Alekseev psychiatric hospital. On the evening of April 12, the actor began to complain of chest pains. The doctors who arrived on call concluded that they were dealing with a patient suffering from mental problems. The patient behaved very strangely, so the doctors called a special team. In the Alekseev psychiatric hospital, where Stepanov was hospitalized, he was diagnosed with schizophrenia. The 31-year-old actor will have to be treated in the hospital for at least a month, if relatives do not take him home under their own responsibility, according to MK

According to the newspaper, recently the mental state of Vasily Stepanov has deteriorated sharply. According to the actor's relatives, the previous attempt to commit suicide took place on July 11, 2016. Then his relatives managed to save him, recently he did not express suicidal thoughts.

Yesterday it became known that the star of "Inhabited Island", 31-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov, was taken to the hospital with multiple fractures and bruises after falling from the fifth floor. According to media reports, the actor himself jumped out of the window of his apartment in Moscow.

Shot from the film "Inhabited Island"

Former beloved actor, actress Daria Egorova shared with Life.ru that she saw him for the last time before the fall, when Vasily broke his spine: “I saw him for the last time a month ago, when he was in the hospital with a broken spine. And he was in a great mood. He did not even lie, but sat quietly. With such injuries, it is impossible to sit. Therefore, I no longer believe in all this. This is his mother's idea to be noticed again. I'll find out now if he really threw himself out of the window, but I doubt it. If this is true, then he did it out of weakness. If a person commits such a sin, it means that he is weak and does not want to fight. "


Vasily's younger brother Maxim Stepanov told KP.ru journalists about his condition: “My brother has already been discharged. He is at home, although in a cast, a district policeman came to him. Fortunately, there is no repeated fracture of the pelvis. He received a spinal injury in December and healed it. The main thing is that Vasya is alive. "

Maxim also added that his brother had no reason to commit suicide: “I cannot find an explanation for what happened. He is strong, a real man. He will cope with the problems. Fractures will heal before marriage. When I found out that my brother had fallen out of the window, I was afraid that he again broke his spine. Thank God the spine is fine. Everything will return to normal, Vasya's career will begin. You will see, he will recover, everything will be fine. "

Recently, Vasily himself commented on his act: “No one pushed me ... Now I'm fine, they put a plaster cast on me and let me go home ... It's a pity that I let people down, I missed the deadline - I have a final scheduled for May and April in the film Taxi Drivers, and also shooting in the project of Natalia Verevkina, where I was approved for the main role ... It is a pity that this accident interrupted the preparation for the roles. "

It turned out that the story did not end there - as reported by MK.ru, after Stepanov was released home from the hospital, he began to complain of chest pains. The arrived ambulance team noted Vasily's inappropriate behavior and diagnosed "schizophrenia". Stepanov was hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital, where he will have to undergo a long treatment if his relatives do not take him away under their own responsibility.

Recall that after the overwhelming success in the fantastic film by Fyodor Bondarchuk, Stepanov became perhaps the most popular artist in the country. However, fame played a cruel joke on him: the actor stopped getting roles.

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