Home Berries Organization of project activities in secondary school. The system of organizing project activities in the school. The method of projects as a pedagogical technology does not imply a rigid algorithmization of actions, but requires adherence to the logic and principles of design.

Organization of project activities in secondary school. The system of organizing project activities in the school. The method of projects as a pedagogical technology does not imply a rigid algorithmization of actions, but requires adherence to the logic and principles of design.

The project method, as a technology for organizing educational activities, was developed in the first half of the 20th century. However, in Russia, he gained popularity precisely in our days.
PROJECT- from lat. projectus - "thrown forward". The formation of this category is associated with the development of the so-called "project culture". In the general context, a project can be defined as the concept of a new object, phenomenon, process, expressed in diagrams, drawings or other description. However, often a project is called any independently conducted work of a student, for example, a report, message or essay. The problem of confusion with terms is quite serious, and modern media actively contribute to this, which by projects means show programs, sports events, and charitable events. As a result, teachers do not have a clear idea of ​​the project as a teaching method.
In the meantime, the implementation of projects by students of all grades is an integral part of modern school life. Since elementary school, children are involved in the development, implementation, and presentation of projects. School projects can be classified by type, kind, duration, conditions, outcomes, etc. However, the lion's share of primary school teachers and parents of schoolchildren consider the project activities of students to be a waste of them and their time, believing it to be something of little significance. In this case, teachers fulfill their responsibilities for organizing the project activities of children as another event for the report, tick marks, and the parents, sighing, in the evenings carry out the project assigned by the teacher to their child. Nevertheless, a well-thought-out and well-prepared educational project carries a colossal developmental potential.
Of course, the younger the children, the easier the design work option should be offered. At the same time, any project is based on the idea of ​​developing the child's subjectivity while ensuring the maximum independence of his productive activity. Let us explain what has been said.
V design technology Two ideas can be considered leading:
1) the pragmatic orientation of the educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren on the result "which is achieved when solving a practical or theoretical, but necessarily personally significant and socially determined problem. Or, in other words, the technology of organizing the project activities of schoolchildren includes a set of research, search, problematic methods, creative in their very essence, instrumentally aimed at the student's independent implementation of the intended result. This result is called "project", which in translation means concept, plan;
2) the nature of the interaction of the subjects of project activity - a student and a teacher - is fundamentally different in comparison with traditional teaching.
Teacher actions in the implementation of the design method can be characterized as follows:
... helps the student to determine the purpose of the activity;
... recommends sources of information;
... reveals possible forms of activity;
... helps to predict the results of the project;
... creates conditions for the student to be active;
... is a partner;
... helps the student evaluate the result.
Student actions, performing the project can be characterized as follows:
... determines the purpose of its activities;
... gets new knowledge;
... experiments;
... chooses ways to resolve emerging problems;
... bears responsibility for its activities, etc.

Thus, a student's educational project is a special type of his educational activity, which has a beginning and an end, aimed at achieving a predetermined result, creating a product.

You can go the other way around and identify signs that the work the student is doing is not a project. These signs are as follows:
. hidden purpose. The goal of the activity for the student is initially not defined or not specific: students perform a series of teacher assignments without realizing why they are doing it;
. restrictions on initiative. Students are placed in tough conditions, limited in time, materials, their initiative is not encouraged or encouraged;
. work on the sample. The teacher demonstrates to the students a product created by other students and invites them to repeat it;
. standard result. The result of project activities should always be unique, suggest the creativity of the child himself.
Project activities of schoolchildren implies the presence of qualities, skills and competencies:
. quality- independence, initiative, goal-setting, creativity, etc .;
. skills and competencies:
- research- generate ideas, choose the best solution;
- social interaction - cooperate in the process of educational activities, provide assistance to comrades and accept their help, monitor the progress of joint work and direct it in the right direction;
- appraisal- evaluate the course and result of their own activities and the activities of others;
- information- independently search for the necessary information, identify what information or what skills are missing;
- presentation- speak in front of an audience, demonstrate artistic capabilities, answer unplanned questions, use various means of visualization;
- reflective - answer questions (What have I learned? What do I need to learn?); adequately choose their role in the collective work;
- managerial - design a process, plan activities (time, resources), make decisions, distribute responsibilities in the implementation of a collective project.
A reasonable question arises: are the students ready for such activities, are they sufficiently developed the necessary qualities and skills? The answer is of course not! But the dialectic of teaching, upbringing and development consists precisely in the fact that a student, not possessing the necessary skills and qualities, is involved in the performance of any activity that presupposes the presence of these skills and qualities. Participation in project activities is both a condition and a result of the development of the skills and qualities necessary for the performance of this activity, since the formation of the necessary qualities and skills arises only in the process of this activity and cannot occur outside of it.
For example, independence as a personality trait cannot develop without the student's independent activity. Human research skills cannot emerge without the student's participation in research. The ability to speak in front of an audience, answer unplanned questions, as we well know, is formed in the process of the speeches themselves, etc.
Moreover, no school age (junior, adolescent) can be considered as insignificant, passing for the implementation of the project method. Otherwise, we may find ourselves in a situation where a significant number of schoolchildren will not be able to subsequently develop the necessary qualities and skills at the proper level.
Summarizing what has been said, we come to the following conclusion: it is necessary to involve schoolchildren in project activities, and this should be started as early as possible, of course, at a level accessible to their age, taking into account the peculiarities of the personal development of each. When organizing project activities, it is important to notice the manifestations of the necessary qualities and skills of students, to cultivate them, to create conditions for their development.

"Organization of project activities for schoolchildren"

1. Project as a teaching method. Basic requirements for it. The purpose and objectives of the design method

1) from the history of the project method;

2) basic concepts of pedagogical design;

3) principles of project activities;

4) the structure of the training project;

5) classification of projects;

6) stages of project creation;

7) the forms of the product of the project activity;

8) criteria for evaluating design work;

9) features of the organization of project activities of younger schoolchildren.

3. Formation of the foundations of research activities in the lessons of the surrounding world.

4. Using the method of creative projects in technology lessons in primary school.

5. Conclusion.

6. References.

“Tell me and I will forget

Show me and I will remember

Let me try - and I will understand. "

“The student should not be treated as a vessel,

which is to be filled with information,

but how to a torch that needs to be lit "

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

1. Project as a teaching method. Basic requirements for it. The purpose and objectives of the design method

Changes in Russian legislation and transformations in society require a school teacher to take a new approach to the learning process. In modern conditions of life, it is not enough just to possess a set of knowledge, abilities and skills, one must be able to acquire them more and more, to be able to apply them in real life, in a real situation.

In a modern dynamically developing information society, we really need not so much knowledge as the ability to obtain it and the ability to apply independently acquired knowledge in all kinds of situations.

Working according to the project method is a relatively high level of complexity of pedagogical activity, which presupposes a serious qualification of the teacher. If most of the well-known teaching methods require only traditional components of the educational process - a teacher, a student (or a group of students) and educational material that must be mastered, then the requirements for an educational project are quite special.

It is necessary to have a socially significant task (problem) - research, informational, practical.

Further work on the project is a solution to this problem.

The search for a socially significant problem is one of the most difficult organizational tasks that a teacher - project leader, together with students - designers have to solve.

The implementation of the project begins with planning actions to resolve the problem, in other words, with the design of the project itself, in particular, with the definition of the type of product and the form of presentation.

The most important part of the plan is the operational development of the project, which contains a list of specific actions, indicating outputs, deadlines and responsible persons. But some projects (creative, role-based) cannot be immediately clearly planned from start to finish.

Each project necessarily requires research work by students.

Thus, a distinctive feature of project activity is the search for information, which will then be processed, comprehended and presented to the project team members.

The result of work on a project, in other words, the output of a project, is a product. In general, this is a tool that members of the project team developed to solve the problem posed.

The prepared product must be presented to the customer and (or) members of the public, and presented convincingly enough as the most acceptable means of solving the problem.

Thus, the project requires the presentation of its product at the final stage.

That is, the project is five "Ps":

Problem -

Design (planning) -

Search for information -

Product -

Presentation -

The sixth "P" of the project is its Portfolio, that is, the folder in which all the working materials of the project are collected, including drafts, daily plans and reports, etc.

An important rule is that each stage of work on a project must have its own specific product!

The main goal of the project method is the development of a free creative personality of the child, which is determined by the tasks of development and the tasks of the research activity of children.

Tasks of the development of the child's personality:

Ensuring the psychological well-being and health of children:

Development of cognitive abilities;

Development of creative imagination;

Development of creative thinking;

Development of communication skills.

Research tasks are specific for each age.

At the younger age of primary school (grades 1-2) these are:

the entry of children into a problematic game situation (the leading role of the teacher);

activation of the desire to look for ways to resolve a problem situation (together with the teacher);

the formation of the initial prerequisites for research activities (practical experiments).

At an older age of primary school (grades 3-4) these are:

formation of prerequisites for search activity, intellectual initiative;

developing the ability to determine possible methods for solving a problem with the help of an adult, and then independently;

the formation of the ability to apply these methods, contributing to the solution of the task, using various options;

developing a desire to use special terminology, conducting a constructive conversation in the process of joint research activities.

2. Organization of project activities of students:

1) From the history of the project method.

The founder of the pedagogical method of projects is John Dewey (1859 - 1952), an American philosopher - pragmatist, psychologist and teacher. True, in none of his works did he mention the word "project" in relation to the pedagogical method. However, each page, written in Dewey's hand, exudes the pathos of the connection between school and life, with the child's personal experience and the collective experience of human society. All these are signs of a school, the main form of organization of the educational process in which project activity is.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the project method has become extremely popular in the American school. It perfectly matches the spirit and way of life of the enterprising and life-loving people of the United States. The Americans called the project method "our method of school work."

In the 1910s. Professor Collings, the organizer of a long experiment in one of the rural schools in Missouri, proposed the world's first classification of educational projects:

"Game projects" - children's activities, the direct purpose of which is to participate in various kinds of group activities (various games, folk dances, dramatization, various kinds of entertainment, etc.);

"Excursion projects", which involved the expedient study of problems related to the surrounding nature and social life;

"Narrative projects" - developing them, the children had the goal of "enjoying the story in the most varied form": oral written, vocal (song), artistic (painting), musical (playing the piano), etc .;

“Constructive projects” are aimed at creating a concrete, useful product: making a rabbit trap, making cocoa for a school breakfast, building a stage for a school theater, etc.

In the experimental school, which was led by Collings exclusively on the project method, 58 "excursion projects" were conceived, worked out and completed by the children themselves in one first year of work; 54 "game projects"; 92 "constructive projects"; 396 "narrative projects". All six hundred projects were supervised by the only teacher of this school.

At the turn of the 1910-20s. the method of projects is included in the practice of the Russian school. This is a story full of drama. First - "promising", and soon the "universal method". In a little over five years - "frivolous projecting". This is how the assessments of the project method in official pedagogy fluctuated.

Modern researchers of the history of pedagogy note that the use of the "project method" in the Soviet school in the 1920s. really led to an unacceptable drop in the quality of education. The reasons for this phenomenon are:

lack of trained teaching staff able to work with projects;

poorly developed methodology for project activities;

hypertrophy of the "project method" to the detriment of other teaching methods;

a combination of the "project method" with the pedagogically illiterate idea of ​​"complex programs".

2) Basic concepts of pedagogical design

Now let's turn to the generally accepted terms.

The purpose of project training is to create conditions for the development of new types of activity in the socio-cultural environment, the development of the ability to adapt to the changing conditions of human life.

The project method is an educational activity associated with continuous testing outside the school walls, in the surrounding social reality. Therefore, the use of the method presupposes a radical change, both in the form of organization of the educational process and the role of the teacher in it.

The teacher should become the organizer of the project activities. He advises, motivates, observes.

A student is an active participant, a subject of activity.

Design is an independent activity that differs from cognitive activity. It is a way of planning and implementing reality change.

A project is a set of actions specially organized by the teacher and independently carried out by students to resolve a problem that is significant for the student.

The method of projects is the technology of organizing educational situations in which the student poses and solves his own problems, and the technology of supporting the student's independent activity to resolve the problem. The project creates something that does not exist yet; it requires a different quality or shows the way to obtain it (a set of separate steps).

The result of an activity for students is a specific product of an activity (informational or tangible).

The result of the activity for the teacher is a change in the level of formation of key competencies (competence is the result of education, expressed in the mastery of a certain set of methods of activity in relation to a certain subject of influence), which the student demonstrates in the course of project activities.

Design is an organic, natural activity for a person and can be mastered by everyone. Project activity as a specific form of creativity is a universal means of human development. It can be used for pedagogical purposes when working with practically students of any age. As a result of project activities, a project is born. In a strategic sense, it can be defined as a step-by-step implementation of the vision of the future. Project activities contain amazing opportunities as they can transform a person of any age.

3) Principles of design activities.

The principles of project activity mean general regulations that regulate activity, objectively determined by the nature of design and thereby determining the belonging of certain actions of the teacher to the project sphere. Let's consider them in more detail.

The predictive principle is determined by the very nature of design, oriented towards the future state of an object. This is especially evident when using design to create innovative designs. In this sense, the project can be defined as the step-by-step implementation of the required future.

The principle of step by step. The nature of project activity implies a gradual transition from a design concept to the formation of an image of a goal and a course of action. From him to the program of action and its implementation. Moreover, each subsequent action is based on the results of the previous one.

The principle of rationing requires the obligatory passage of all stages of project creation within the framework of regulated procedures, primarily associated with various forms of organizing thought activity.

The feedback principle reminds of the need, after the implementation of each project procedure, to receive information on its effectiveness and to adjust the actions accordingly.

The principle of productivity emphasizes the progmatism of project activities, the obligation of its orientation towards obtaining a result that has applied significance. In other words, on the "product design" of the results of the design process.

The principle of cultural analogy indicates the adequacy of the design results to certain cultural patterns. The danger of obtaining a project result that lies outside the cultural field is removed if the participants in project activities have an understanding that the individual creativity of a student or teacher is not self-sufficient. To get involved in the educational process, you need to learn to understand and feel your place in it. At the same time, it is important to obtain scientific knowledge and acquaintance with cultural values ​​in comparison with one's own judgments and the results of cognitive activity.

The principle of self-development concerns both the subject of design at the level of branching activity of the participants, and the generation of new projects as a result of the implementation of the set goal. Solving some tasks and problems leads to the formulation of new tasks and problems that stimulate the development of new forms of design.

4) The structure of the training project.

Any project, regardless of type, has almost the same structure.

The main problem whose components need to be addressed

Practically significant material or cultural product

Product presentation

Product preparation

Activity stages

Formulation of the problem

Putting hypotheses - ways to solve the problem

Planning activities for the implementation of the project

Collection of information

Structuring information

Product Manufacturing

Product design

Choosing a presentation form

Preparation of presentation


Self-esteem and introspection

Classification of projects.

The educational project, as an integrated and multipurpose method, has a large number of types and varieties. To understand them, at least three main classifications are required.

The most basic one determines the content-specificity of each project (according to the dominant student activity):

A practice-oriented project is aimed at the social interests of the project participants themselves or an external customer.

The product is predefined and can be used in class life. Schools, neighborhoods, cities, states. The palette is varied - from a textbook for a physics classroom to a package of recommendations for the restoration of the Russian economy. It is important to assess the reality of using the product in practice and its ability to solve the problem posed.

A research project is structured like a truly scientific study.

It includes substantiation of the relevance of the selected topic, designation of research objectives, the obligatory advancement of a hypothesis with its subsequent verification, and discussion of the results obtained. At the same time, the methods of modern science are used: laboratory experiment, modeling, sociological survey and others.

An information project is aimed at collecting information about an object, phenomenon in order to analyze it, generalize and present it to a wide audience.

The output of such a project is often publications in the media, including on the Internet. The result of such a project can be the creation of an information environment for a class or school.

A creative project involves the most free and unconventional approach to the presentation of results. These can be almanacs, theatrical performances, sports games, works of fine or decorative - applied art, video albums, etc.

Role project. The development and implementation of such a project is the most difficult. By participating in it, the designers take on the roles of literary or historical characters, fictional heroes, etc. The result of the project remains open until the very end.

Of course, all five of the listed target areas of activity of students - designers are implemented in each project. In this sense, any project is research, just like any - creative, role-based, practice-oriented or informational. Therefore, we are talking not about the only, but about the dominant activity of the participants in one or another project.

Classification of projects by the complexity and nature of contacts

In terms of complexity (in other words, in terms of subject matter and content), two types of projects can be distinguished.

1) Monoprojects are carried out, as a rule, within the framework of one subject or one area of ​​knowledge, although they can use information from other areas of knowledge and activity.

The leader of such a project is a subject teacher, a consultant is a teacher of another discipline.

Such projects can be, for example, literary - creative, natural - scientific, environmental, linguistic (linguistic), sports, historical, geographical, musical.

Integration is carried out in this case at the stage of product preparation and presentation: for example. Musical arrangement of a sports event.

2) Interdisciplinary projects are carried out exclusively outside of school hours and under the guidance of several specialists in various fields of knowledge.

They require deep meaningful integration already at the stage of posing the problem.

Projects can also differ in the nature of contacts between participants. They may be:



regional (of different scale);

interregional (within one state);


Classification of projects by duration

Mini - projects can fit in one lesson or less.

Their development is most effective in foreign language lessons

Short-term projects require 4-6 lessons.

Lessons are used to coordinate the activities of project team members, while the main work of gathering information, making a product and preparing a presentation is done in extracurricular activities and at home.

Weekly projects are carried out in groups during the project week.

Their implementation takes about 30-40 hours and is entirely carried out with the participation of the project manager. It is possible to combine classroom forms of work (workshops, lectures, laboratory experiments) with extracurricular activities (excursions and expeditions, natural video filming, etc.). All this, combined with a deep "immersion" in the project, makes the project week the optimal form of organizing project activities.

Annual projects can be carried out both in groups and individually.

In a number of schools, this work is traditionally carried out within the framework of student scientific societies. The entire year-long project - from the definition of the problem and the topic to the presentation (defense) is carried out outside the classroom.

From the point of view of the organization, the following most popular types of projects differ from each other to the greatest extent:

Projects carried out during the lessons (mini-projects and mid-term);

Projects carried out during the project week;

Telecommunication projects (medium and long term).

Stages of project creation.

The project activity is in the context of a step-by-step educational strategy. This assumes the presence of certain sequential stages. Logic, or a previously thought out step-by-step sequence of organizing project actions, is deliberately built both on the side of the students and on the side of the teacher initiating the implementation of the project.

Stages of work on a project

Targets and goals

Teacher activity

Student activities

Parents' activities

1. Immersion in the project

The goal is to prepare students for project activities.

- determination of the problem, topic and goals of the project in the course of joint activities of the teacher and students;

- creating a group (groups) of students to work on the project.

Selects possible topics and presents them to students.

Encourages students' interest in the topic of the project.

Helps to formulate:

Project problem;

The plot situation;

Goal and tasks.

Motivates students to discuss, create a project.

Organizes students' search for the best way to achieve the goals of the project.

Helps in analysis

and synthesis, observes,


Advises students in setting goals and objectives, corrects their wording if necessary.

Forms the necessary

specific skills

and skills.

Get used to the situation.

Discuss the topic of the project, the subject of research with the teacher.

Get more information.

Determine their needs.

As part of a group (or independently), they make a decision on the topic (subtopics) of the project and give reasons for their choice.

Carry out:

Analysis of resources and finding the best way to achieve the goal of the project;

Personal assignment of the problem.

Formulate (individually or as a result of group discussion) the purpose of the project.

Help in choosing a thematic field, topic; in the formulation of the problem, goals and objectives of the project.

Motivate children.

2. Planning activities

The goal is the operational development of the project, indicating a list of specific actions and results, deadlines and responsible persons.

- determination of sources of information, methods of collecting and analyzing information, type of product and possible forms of presentation of project results, timing of presentation;

- establishment of procedures and criteria for evaluating results and process;

- distribution of tasks (responsibilities) among the members of the group.

Guides the process of searching for information by students (if necessary, helps to determine the range of sources of information, recommends experts).

Offers students:

Various options and methods for storing and organizing the collected information; organize groups;

Distribute roles in groups;

Plan activities to solve the project's tasks;

Think over possible forms of presentation of project results;

Think over the criteria for evaluating the results and the process.

Forms the necessary

specific skills

and skills.

Organizes the process of control (self-control) of the developed plan of activities and resources.

Carry out:

Search, collection, systematization and analysis of information;

Breakdown into groups;

Distribution of roles in the group;

Work planning;

Choosing the form and method of presenting the expected results;

Decision making on the establishment of criteria for evaluating the results and the process.

Think over the product of group and / or individual activities at this stage.

An assessment (self-assessment) of the results of this stage of work is carried out.

Consulting in the process of searching for information.

They provide assistance in choosing the methods of storing and organizing the collected information, in drawing up a plan for future activities.

3. Implementation of activities to solve the problem

The goal is the development of the project.

- independent work of students according to their individual or group tasks of the project.

- Interim discussions of the obtained data in groups, at consultations (in the classroom and / or after school hours).

Observes, advises, indirectly directs activities, answers students' questions.

Monitors compliance with safety regulations.

Monitors compliance with the time frame of the stages of activity.

They carry out planned actions independently, in a group or in a combined mode.

Carry out intermediate discussions of the obtained data in groups.

They are watching.

Monitor compliance with safety regulations.

Monitor compliance with the time frame of the stages of activity.

Assist in collecting information, preparing materials and project portfolio.

4. Presentation of results

The goal is to structure the information received and integrate the acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities.

- data analysis and synthesis;

- formulation of conclusions.

Observes, advises,

guides the analysis process.

Motivates learners, creates a sense of success; emphasizes the social and personal importance of what has been achieved.

Draw up a project,

make a product.

Participate in the collective analysis of the project, assess their role, analyze the completed project, find out the reasons for success and failure.

Analyze the achievement of the goal. Draw conclusions.

Observes, advises.

Helps in securing the project.

Motivates learners, creates a sense of success.

5. Presentation of results

Purpose - demonstration of materials, presentation of results.

- preparation of presentation materials;

- preparation of a public speech;

- presentation of the project.

Organizes a presentation.

Thinks over and implements interaction with parents.

If necessary, he advises students on preparing a presentation and designing a portfolio.

Rehearses with students the upcoming presentation of the results of project activities.

Serves as an expert.

Accepts the report:

Summarizes and summarizes the results obtained;

Summarizes the learning outcomes;

Assesses the skills: to communicate, listen, substantiate one's opinion, tolerance, etc .;

She focuses on the educational moment: the ability to work in a group for a general result, etc.

Choose (propose) a presentation form.

Prepare a presentation.

They continue to design the portfolio.

If necessary, consult with a teacher (expert).

Protect the project.

Answer questions from the audience.


Understanding of the problem, purpose and objectives;

Ability to plan and carry out work;

Found a way to solve the problem;

Reflection of activities and results.

They act as an expert, i.e. ask questions and make critical comments (when presenting to other groups / students) based on established criteria for evaluating the results and the process.

Advise on the choice of presentation form.

Assist in preparing the presentation.

Acting as an expert.

Forms of products of project activities.

The choice of the form of the product of the project activity is an important organizational task of the project participants. Its solution largely determines how exciting the project will be, how presentable and convincing the defense of the project will be, and the proposed solutions will be useful for solving the selected socially significant problem.

Sometimes it happens that the type of product is immediately indicated in the very theme of the project. But more often than not, choosing a product is not an easy creative task.

Here are some examples of the products of the project activities of younger students:

Exhibition of drawings (on various topics);





Puppet show;



Cabinet decoration (eg its "green" zone);

A class corner ... and much, much more.

The project can end with the defense of an ordinary essay, or it can result in an exciting game and a real theatrical performance. Much depends on the teacher, as a project leader, on his skill, creativity, and dedication.

Criteria for evaluating design work.

The development of a system for evaluating design work requires a preliminary answer to the following questions:

Is the self-assessment of project team members expected to be included in the overall assessment of the project?

Are there any places to be awarded (1, 2, 3) or nominations (best research, best presentation, etc.)?

Is it supposed to evaluate projects by subject sections (for example, linguistic, natural scientific, humanitarian), or "one list"?

The problem areas in the evaluation of design work are usually:

Subject competence of the jury (the jury must necessarily include specialists in all subjects covered by the projects of this section);

All participants in the project work made an effort, but not all received places and nominations.

Assessment criteria should be selected based on the principles of optimality in terms of number (no more than 7-10) and accessibility for students of every age.

The criteria should assess the quality not so much of the presentation as of the project as a whole.

Obviously, these criteria should be known to all designers long before defense.

Features of the organization of project activities of junior schoolchildren

Projects in lower grades are problematic, since the children are still too young to design. But it is still possible.

The project activities of younger schoolchildren contribute to:

Ensuring the integrity of the pedagogical process, the implementation in the unity of all-round development, training and education of students;

Development of creativity and activity of students;

Formation of a project outlook and thinking;

Adaptation to modern socio-economic living conditions;

The formation of cognitive motives for learning, since students see the end result of their activities, which exalts them in their own eyes and causes a desire to learn and improve their knowledge, skills and personal qualities.

Primary school students, as a rule, are sincerely attached to their teachers, willingly go to school; moreover, the learning outcomes in primary school are quite satisfactory: the results of Russian fourth-graders, according to international studies, are higher than those of their foreign peers. It can be reasonably argued that the current education system is fully consistent with the expectations of society and the age requirements of the children themselves. The introduction of project activities into primary school practice is therefore not absolutely necessary. Although it must be admitted that the independence that children acquire in project activities will be beneficial.

In elementary school, design practically does not change the existing classroom-lesson system, but only makes the boundaries of the class and lesson more permeable. The creative work done by children "opens" their educational space: children read more, and not only educational literature, they begin to communicate with their peers in a different way, learn to plan their time. And the relationship with teachers is changing, because in project activities, the teacher becomes an organizer and assistant, and these are new positions for the educational situation of elementary school.

For the organization of project activities in elementary school, as a whole, the resource of one teacher is sufficient, since the projects are for the most part of a substantive nature. As a rule, the project work of younger students unfolds within the framework of the goals set by the teacher. The teacher proposes, and the children do it with enthusiasm. In the structure of the project, therefore, the main one is implementation. And it is the implementation, its quality, completeness, creativity that becomes the subject of evaluation.

The simplicity of projects in primary school ensures the success of their implementation and is an incentive that inspires the student to complete other, more complex and independent projects.

When starting to design with younger students, it should be borne in mind that most kids do not yet have constant hobbies. Their interests are situational. Therefore, if the topic has already been chosen, it is necessary to start implementing it immediately, until the interest has died out. Dragging out time can lead to a loss of motivation for work, an unfinished project.

3. Formation of the foundations of the research activities of younger schoolchildren in the lessons of the surrounding world.

I believe that the main goal of my teaching activity in the lessons of the surrounding world is to help children show and develop their personal interest in acquiring knowledge on this subject. In this regard, I devote a significant role in my work to the method of project activity, which allows:

to form the foundations of scientific research activities of students;

to reveal the creativity of each child;

improve contact with students;

provide children with emotional and meaningful support for their self-affirmation.

I consider the project activity in these lessons as a justified, planned and conscious activity aimed at the formation of a certain system of intellectual and practical skills in schoolchildren.

In my opinion, the project method is the most rational combination of theoretical knowledge, its practical application in solving specific problems of the surrounding reality.

Applying the technology of design activities, I achieve the following goals:

raising children capable of being independent in thinking and acting;

development of research and communication skills, cooperation skills;

development of skills to work with information, formulate problems and find ways to solve them;

development of critical thinking.

Younger school age is the initial stage of entering research activities, laying the foundation for further mastering it. In my work with students, I began to use project activities - a method of scientific research that liberates the child, increases the level of his cognitive activity, educational motivation, promotes emotional balance and confidence in his own capabilities. This, in turn, improves adaptation and increases the body's resistance to the effects of external and internal negative factors, i.e. contributes to the preservation of both mental and somatic health of schoolchildren.

Thus, the technology of the educational project can be considered health-preserving.

I believe that it is necessary to include schoolchildren in project activities gradually, starting from the first grade. In the beginning, these are accessible creative tasks performed in the lessons of the surrounding world, labor training and in the form of collective creative activities carried out after school hours. And then already in grades 3-4, students with great interest will be able to complete rather complex projects, under the guidance of a teacher to conduct a collective scientific research, which can include the results of the design and research work of each student.

I choose the themes of children's design work from the content of academic subjects or from areas close to them. The fact is that the project requires a personally significant problem, familiar to younger students and significant for them.

The problem of the project, which provides motivation for the inclusion of schoolchildren in independent work, should be in the area of ​​students' cognitive interests and be in the zone of their proximal development.

Forming the skills of research and project activities, I build my work from one-subject projects to interdisciplinary ones, from personal projects to group and general class projects.

I try to involve my parents in this work. But here it is very important that they do not take on part of the children's work on projects, otherwise the very idea of ​​the project method is ruined. But help with advice, information, showing interest on the part of parents is an important factor in supporting motivation and ensuring the independence of schoolchildren when they carry out project activities. To this end, I consider it expedient to hold special meetings-lectures, at which it is necessary for parents to explain the essence of the project method and its significance for the development of the personality of children; tell about the main stages of project activities and the forms of possible participation of parents in it.

The method of creative projects, along with other active teaching methods, is the basis for organizing the research activities of younger schoolchildren in the lessons of the surrounding world.

Working on project activities for a relatively short time, I developed the following algorithm for project activities:

Stage 1. Providing a project theme

I choose the themes of children's projects based on the content of the academic subject "The World Around" or areas close to it.

For example, the creative project "Traveling through the cities of the Golden Ring" assumed the students' independent choice of the city, which, in their opinion, would be the most interesting for visiting tourists.

Stage 2. Problem selection

At this stage, children answer the question: "What do we want to know?" When discussing a problem at a round table, children offer their own solutions: “We would like to know what exactly the chosen city is famous for? What attracts tourists? What would I tell about this city if I were its native inhabitant? In what literary works are these cities mentioned? And also in fairy tales, stories, poems and songs.

Stage 3. Formulating subtopics

At this stage, the children identify all the sub-topics that will be included in the plan for solving the problem. Individual consultations are provided.

Stage 4. Work planning

The ways of finding the necessary information are determined.

Stage 5. Implementation of the project

At this stage, you can ask the students questions: “Do you know everything to complete this project. What information do you need to get. What sources should you turn to? ”The teacher must show tact, delicacy, so as not to impose information on students, but to direct their independent search. Children turn to additional literature (dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, etc.), for help from their parents. I would like to note that such work brings together not only the teacher and the child, but also the child and the parents. In our class there are families who visit the reading room of the children's library with their child (Mironova's grandmother Vika - Galina Viktorovna, Fufaeva Tatyana Fedorovna - mother of Nastya Fufayeva). And when a child sees that his parents share his interests with him, he is happy in twins and his desire to create a project more interesting increases.

Stage 6. Project presentation

This stage requires special attention. There is a demonstration of the results of research activities.

To successfully defend a project, it is imperative to help students to self-assess the project. To do this, you can suggest answering the following questions:

- whether your chosen idea meets the initially put forward requirements;

- how strangers rated your work;

Students perceive the days of project defense as a holiday. According to the established tradition, children invite students of the parallel class, students of other classes of elementary school, the director, the head teacher to defend their projects. This indicates a fairly high level of training of students and their confidence in their abilities.

7 stage. Project evaluation

A very important issue is the assessment of completed projects. The task of the teacher at this stage is to prevent the presentation of the projects with the award of places in the competition. I try to highlight several nominations and make sure that each project “wins” in any nomination.

I believe that the application of the project method in my work is paying off. And as one of the results of this work, one should note the rather high interest of students in educational activities.

Project (for example)

Topic: “Secrets that our grandmothers knew. The renaissance of the art of crocheting "

Project Manager …

Project type - long-term, collective

The goal of the project is to design and manufacture soft toys (heroes of the tale by G. Rodari "The Adventures of Cipollino" in accordance with the needs and capabilities of students, while applying new knowledge and skills in the field of crocheting.

Project objectives:

To form labor skills of crocheting;

Arouse interest and desire to know the history of knitting;

To instill the initial skills of independent work in children to collect information;

To instill the skills of interaction and mutual assistance in a group in solving common problems;

Develop the creativity of children.

In the course of the project, a problem is put forward:

"Crocheting is a fashionable modern trend, but knitted products are expensive, and not everyone knows how to make them with their own hands."

Setting tasks for students:

1) Conduct a sociological study of various groups of the population for the ability to crochet.

2) Study the history of the development of crochet.

3) Organize an exhibition of crocheted toys "Heroes of the fairy tale by G. Rodari" The Adventures of Cipollino "

4) Organize a knitting circle (together with the project manager)

Research methods:

1. Method of analysis of literary sources, Internet resources.

2. Method of conversation and interview.

3. Method of experiment.

4.Method of practical work: making products

There are several stages in the project:

1) Preparatory

Reading the book by J. Rodari "The Adventure of Cipollino"


- Sociological research - It is necessary to conduct a sociological survey among various groups of the population: students, teachers, parents, our grandmothers. Everyone was asked to answer the following question - Do you know how to knit?

Learn the history of crocheting, lace making.

3) Practical

Mastering the crochet technique (we started knitting with our fingers in order to understand the meaning of our actions) The leading role at this stage was assigned to the teacher.

Learning different ways of knitting (mastering the simplest patterns and loops)

Manufacturing of the product (Taking into account the source material, and in this case we had threads, the guys chose which character of the fairy tale each would tie)

Finishing the knitted product (sewing on eyes-buttons, embroidery of the face and other details)

4) Organization of the exhibition


During the implementation of this project, the students learned to look creatively at the world around them, and added to the collection of hand-made works.

Organization of project activities

in MAOU secondary school No. 1, settlement Sacrum of the Novgorod region

Gaponova Tatiana Alekseevna,

teacher of Russian language and literature,

One of the main points of the FSES implementation is the organization of project activities in the school. Within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, the requirements for the results of education are established: subject, metasubject and personal.

Metasubject results of mastering the basic educational program of basic general education should reflect:

1) the ability to independently determine the goals of their learning, to set and formulate new tasks for themselves in learning and cognitive activity, to develop the motives and interests of their cognitive activity;

2) the ability to independently plan ways to achieve goals, including

alternative, consciously choose the most effective ways to solve educational and cognitive tasks;

3) the ability to correlate their actions with the planned results, to monitor their activities in the process of achieving the result, to determine the methods of action within the framework of the proposed conditions and requirements, to adjust their actions in accordance with the changing situation;

4) the ability to assess the correctness of the implementation of the educational task, own

the possibility of its solution;

5) possession of the basics of self-control, self-esteem, decision-making and making an informed choice in educational and cognitive activities;

6) the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently choose grounds and criteria for classification, establish causal relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;

7) the ability to create, apply and transform signs and symbols, models and schemes for solving educational and cognitive tasks;

8) semantic reading;

9) the ability to organize educational cooperation and joint activities with the teacher and peers; work individually and in a group: find a common solution and resolve conflicts on the basis of coordinating positions and taking into account interests; formulate, argue and defend their opinion;

10) the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication to express their feelings, thoughts and needs; planning and regulation of their activities; possession of oral and written speech, monologue contextual speech;

11) formation and development of competence in the use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT - competence);

development of motivation to master the culture of active use of dictionaries and other search engines;

12) the formation and development of ecological thinking, the ability to apply it in cognitive, communicative, social practice and vocational guidance.

When developing the main educational program of the school, the program for the development of universal educational actions was included in the content section. It is aimed at forming the foundations of studentsculture of research and project activities and skills in the development, implementation and public presentation of research results, a subject or interdisciplinary educational project aimed at solving a scientific, personally and (or) socially significant problem.

Proceeding from the Program for the Development of UUD in the MAOU Secondary School No. The sacrum created the conditions for the formation of the foundations of design and research activities.

The methodological service at the school considered issues on the use of design and research technology in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. Methodological seminars were held, at which teachers shared their experience of using project technology, in 2014-2015, the course "Fundamentals of project activity" was introduced into the curriculum of extracurricular activities of the 7th grade. This was the first experience in presenting and defending children's projects. 7 students preferred the development of a training project to a complex work. Information, research and experimental projects were proposed for defense. The result of this activity was the research work "Rabbit", which took 2nd place in the "Green Planet" competition.

In connection with the transition to FGOS SOOvwithin the curriculum in the 10th grade, an elective course "Individual project" is being implemented. But activities in this direction begin in elementary school. This is where the main results are laid -formed skills:

observe, measure, compare, simulate, hypothesize, experiment, define concepts, establish causal relationships, work with various sources of information;

listen and hear the interlocutor;

work critically and creatively in collaboration with others;

show independence in learning;

defend your beliefs; evaluate and understand your own strengths and weaknesses;

be responsible for one's actions and their consequences

Primary school teachers carry out work in the framework of classroom and extracurricular activities. Primary school traditionally implements the "Gift to preschooler" project. Within the framework of this project, gifts for the New Year were made.

In 2017-2018, for the first time at the school, the "Festival of Projects" was held. Tenth and ninth graders planning to enter 10th grade have worked on subject and interdisciplinary projects. 22 individual and collective projects were presented at the Festival.


Project theme

The project was completed

Project Manager

4 A

Russian speech sovereign titled dictionary


E. D. Shirokova

4 B

The gameTraffic rules



Aquatic ecology and hydrobiology of the Bely stream


Titova E.S.

Red Book of the Krestetsky region, section animals


Semenova I.V.

Growing crystals


Semenova I.V.

Compatriots N.A. Belyaev


T.V. Vigunova

Compatriots N.I. Barulin


T.V. Vigunova

Thematic rubricator of poems by Boris Efimov


Gaponova T.A.

Linguistic modern look of Moskovskaya street.


Gaponova T.A.

The origin and meaning of Russian surnames


Andreeva M.O.

Ruined temples are alive in our memory


Titova E.S.

Natural monuments of the Novgorod region


Titova E.S.

Determination of the content of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in natural and canned juices


Semenova I.V.

Red Book of the Krestetsky region, section of the plant


Semenova I.V.

Warriors - internationalists


T.V. Vigunova

Kresttskaya stitching - Russian pride


Vigunova T.V

Algorithms in our life


Mikhailova E.S.

History of my village


Nikolaeva S.B.

Ghost road


Nikolaeva S.B.

Landmarks guide to famous cities in England


Zakharova I.V.

10 best places in the USA


Zakharova I.A.

London travel guide


Zakharova I.A.

Analyzing projects:

by the number of project participants , we come to the conclusion that tenth-graders with experience of such work preferred individual projects, and ninth-graders preferred pair projects;

by the dominant method dominated by research projects, practice-oriented and creative projects;

by duration projects with an average duration of 3 months were presented.

by subject matter students chose local history, natural science and excursion projects, excursion projects were also presented at the defense: "The history of my village" and "The ghost road" (2nd place in the region).

The results of such activities are not only formed skills, participation in research competitions, but also victories:


Competition name

Job title


Location / level




Matveev Maxim

Nikolaeva S.B.

2m / area



Ulyanova Anastasia

Semyonova I.V.

1m / region (for the All-Russian competition)

"My Russia"

Railway section Valdai - Kresttsy

Barsova Julia

Nikolaeva S.B.

DiplomaIIdegree / All-Russian

"My Russia"

History of my village

Afanasyeva Maria

Nikolaeva S.B.

DiplomaIIdegree / All-Russian

"The Novgorod Land is alive"

History of my village

Afanasyeva Maria

Nikolaeva S.B.

Participation / area

"The Novgorod Land is alive"

Ghost road

Barsova Julia

Nikolaeva S.B.

2m / area


The manual examines the methodological, didactic and organizational problems of the practical implementation of educational projects for adolescents. How did the new educational standards change the Russian school? What is instructional design and why is it necessary for the modern school? How to combine the cognitive activity of schoolchildren in the classroom with their participation in educational design? How to start project work in school and classroom? How to integrate the project of one student into the overall project of the class or the whole parallel? Here is a partial list of questions that the reader can get answers to in this book. The methodological manual is addressed to heads of schools and deputy directors of general education organizations for teaching and educational work, methodologists, practicing teachers, students of advanced training courses for teachers, students of pedagogical universities and colleges.

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The project method in the modern school

The literal meaning of the word project- "thrown forward". Project is the key word of the current era. In recent years, the frequency of its use has increased enormously. Every now and then we hear about new projects in the political, economic and social spheres. Here and there educational, educational, artistic and business projects are being implemented. Competitions of projects in various areas of life are held everywhere. So it's no surprise that these days method of projects finds wide application in the education and training of the younger generations.

In classical didactics, it is customary to distinguish teaching methods (for example, verbal, visual, problem-search, reproductive, etc.), organizational forms of training (lesson, optional lesson, club form of training lesson), as well as methodology and technologies ... The project method is not only a technology, it is a complex phenomenon, a complex pedagogical phenomenon. An educational project is a special kind of a problem-search method of teaching, it assumes a specific organizational form (educational research conducted in the classroom and outside the classroom by one student, a group of students, or even the whole class) based on one or another educational technology (as a rule, these are technologies , carried out on the basis of the system-activity approach).

Specifically, method of projects(MP) is a form of organizing the educational activities of schoolchildren, which is based on a jointly developed and implemented plan for solving a problem, researching an object (material, ideal, aesthetic, etc.) or creating a new social educational institution ( museum, club, circle and the like). Organization of a festival, competition, subject Olympiad, preparation and holding of a chef concert for veterans, children with disabilities or just for kids - all this is nothing more than projects .

In a modern school, the educational program of which complies with the Federal State Educational Standards (FSES), the child learns through two types of activities: educational and cognitive and project... When organizing educational activities, it is assumed that "a student works with educational content on strictly defined material under the direct guidance of a teacher." In project activities, schoolchildren, with the support of the teacher, set specific tasks themselves and select the means for their solution, while "the measure of the success of the project is its product." However, it should be borne in mind that the product of the project activity is just means, because the main result of design is those positive changes that occur with the student-designer: he, as a rule, acquires new knowledge, forms certain skills and competencies, develops a tendency to show initiative, and gains experience in making independent decisions.

In didactics, there are various classifications of training projects: by the time of their implementation(long-term, or long-term; short-term; blitz projects, etc.), number of participants(collective, group, individual), type of leading activity(research, creative, applied, etc.). You can also highlight all kinds of computers and office equipment that have become popular due to the presence of computers and office equipment in schools. publishing projects, whose products are school newspapers, magazines, brochures, books, albums. In the framework of the educational work of the class teacher, as well as in the organization of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren, an important role is played by social projects.

For a subject teacher, differentiation of educational projects into collective, group and individual... At the same time, both group and individual projects can be part of a collective project and be an integral part of it. That is, in our case, the design team is most often a school class, so that the MT is very successfully integrated into the classroom system and takes full advantage of all its advantages. This approach allows the teacher bring project activities into the system and involve all students in the class in educational design.

Traditionally, the goal of European and Russian school education has been mastering the knowledge system , which form the basis of the sciences. Numerous facts, names, concepts were “pumped” into the memory of the students. Especially durable translational ("knowledge") approach established in the domestic school. That is why the graduates of the Russian school in terms of the level of factual knowledge were noticeably superior, and to this day they are superior to their peers from most countries. However, the results of international comparative studies carried out over the past two decades are alarming. Russian schoolchildren are better than students in many countries at performing reproductive assignments, reflecting the mastery of subject knowledge and skills. However, their results are lower when performing tasks on the application of knowledge in practical, life situations, the content of which is presented in an unusual, non-standard form, where it is required to analyze the data or interpret them, formulate a conclusion or name the consequences of certain changes. So what is more important: knowledge or the ability to apply it? Let's be honest: pure knowledge is necessary only when guessing crosswords... Of course, it is important for any person to know in what year Moscow was founded or when the Battle of Borodino took place and who celebrated the victory in it. But the realization of what exactly should be considered the fact of the “founding of the city” or on what grounds in the historical science the winner in this or that battle is revealed is much more important. So, in addition to knowledge, skills and competencies, there is another very important result of education - a person's ability to meaning-making .

Psychological science, the achievements of which are used in every possible way by the modern school, considers a person in three aspects: how individual, how personality And How subject... Individual qualities are usually determined by nature and genetics (height, weight, quality of vision, type of information perception, etc.). Personal qualities are manifested in a relationship to the world and its "content": objects, phenomena, people, social environment; a person as a person approaches everything "with his own yardstick." But the subjective qualities are manifested in activity, in the active transformation of everything that surrounds a person: things, phenomena, relations with relatives. It is the subject that is capable of generating meaning. Only subjective qualities endow a person with spirituality. Only for the subject can the question be relevant: what is the meaning of life?

That is, traditional Russian education, the principles of the organization of which have been formed over the past several decades, purposefully contributed to the manifestation of activity of perception paying little attention to the formation and development conversion activities... As a result, broad knowledge that allows our students to successfully guess crossword puzzles and win tournaments of the popular game “What? Where? When? ”, Often turned out to be useless in solving routine life problems. That is why the main goal of modern school education is to increase the competence of the individual in society, and social skills are becoming the most important factor in the success and solvency of an individual in life. All these qualities are inherent in a human individual, who can be brought up only in activity.

So, the competence of an individual is his ability to integrate internal and external resources to achieve success and solve life problems (utilitarian, everyday, professional, intimate and personal, etc.). That is, now we are talking about education not only providing a person with a set of subject knowledge, abilities and skills, but also contributing to the development of adaptive mechanisms; so that the teaching turns out not to be "knowledge-intensive", but effective, practical, pragmatic, helping school graduates to successfully live in society, so that it provides a person's personal dynamics throughout his life. But only that person who has an inherent interest in life, who tirelessly searches for the constantly changing meaning of this life, is capable of seeing a life perspective. That is why the implementation of the second generation standards is based on the activity approach.

The essence activity approach in psychology lies in the fact that personality development is considered in activity and through activity. And here it is important to emphasize the transformative nature of the activity. Such transformations are multidirectional: transforming the objective world into activity, a person changes himself.

What does this mean for every teacher? And the fact that now his main task is not to transfer knowledge and not to teach, but to organize cognitive activity, during which the student himself learns to acquire knowledge. It's complicated. Sometimes it’s faster and easier to explain how to do it than to go through the trial and error of a student. The very age characteristics of primary school children push us to explain and organize memorization, and then, after gaining a foothold, it continues in basic school, as a result of which a considerable percentage of adolescents fall into the category of “underachieving”. The rest receive "solid knowledge" never applied in practice. Schoolchildren know regulations and as if taught do the right thing, but in life everything is much more complicated. This means that and it is necessary to learn not only on samples, standards, but also on mistakes... A correctly designed and verified according to the laws of didactics, a "learning error" creates a problem situation in the lesson, and the need to resolve the problem prompts the student to take active action.

In the transition to educational standards of the second generation, the emphasis is placed not only on activity, but on the activity of the subject himself in this activity, the result of which are those semantic and value new formations that ensure the formation of a person precisely as a subject of his own life.

The active approach to the implementation of educational standards of the second generation aims the teacher at finding and stimulating the intrapersonal determinants of students' development, at launching the mechanisms of self-change, self-development of the student's personality, determined by the choice of values ​​and meanings. Such changes are possible only under the condition of not declared, but real freedom of students. For this, the student must be able to freely choose activities from various options (there are many ways that one can come to the result), he himself must plan, design and organize activities that are interesting to him, the significance and usefulness of which he is aware.

This means that education should give students experience in resolving contradictions(algorithms and tools), experience of cooperation and joint activities(including its organization, methods of subordination and coordination, distribution of roles), experience of introspection of one's needs and abilities... Already at school, children should be well aware that this or that problem can be solved not by any "improvised means", but only by those that correspond to the level of complexity of the problem.

The classroom system, which has existed for about 350 years, is the main organizational form of school education throughout the world. It was invented by the Czech humanist educator and philosopher Jan Amos Komensky, the author of the fundamental work Great Didactics. In his mature years, he was fortunate enough to live at the dawn of the Enlightenment. It was a time when theoretical questions of school education were posed and solved by the best thinkers of that time. One of these thinkers was the English philosopher John Locke, who formulated the thesis, which is the most fundamental for didactics, which almost immediately became an axiom: "a child's soul is a blank sheet of paper." And although Locke was 40 years younger than Comenius, the "great didact" willingly adopted the postulate of the young philosopher. "If a child's soul is like a blank sheet of paper," argued Jan Amos Komensky, "then the school should be likened to a printing house."

No sooner said than done! And the school "printing press" started working throughout Europe, and later this "printing" pedagogy spread to Russia. The principle of operation of the printing house was simple: sheets of paper (schoolchildren) were superimposed on a single printing matrix (educational, methodological and didactic complex), as a result of which hundreds and thousands of identical prints were obtained (school graduates). Such a school successfully fit into the format of a state of any type - it was especially highly valued under totalitarian regimes.

Years, decades and centuries passed, the school changed, but much in it remained unchanged. The sphere of education in general is a highly conservative institution: this is the guarantee of its stability and this is the root of the reasons for its periodic inconsistency with one or another new tendencies in social development.

The face of the modern Russian school has been determined by a series of cardinal changes that have taken place since the end of the 1980s. To date, many of the methodological foundations of classical didactics have been revised: the dominant role of the teacher in teaching has been questioned; the understanding of education as a person's self-construction has become habitual; upbringing is now viewed not as a strictly planned process, including a complex of influences on the educated, but as a natural result of students' communication with each other and with teachers, creating conditions for the manifestation of positively directed activity of children, etc. Education is no longer interpreted as a linear educational process , and the main task of teachers is to create an information educational environment where a child can reveal his creative abilities, develop them, and also form the necessary social skills. In such a school, it was the project method that was in demand, and with it other active teaching methods. It is these methods that become the foundation of modern educational technologies.

Arose method of projects (MP) at the beginning of the 20th century. The American philosopher and educator John Dewey, having analyzed various educational systems, came to the conclusion that they are all designed to communicate to students a huge amount of factual information without learning how to use it. In teacher's lessons broadcast learners experience past eras rather than being prepared to face future challenges. As a result, schoolchildren accumulated a "baggage of knowledge", which was like a suitcase without a handle: it was inconvenient to carry with you, but it was a pity to throw it away. Instead of the existing education system, Dewey proposed one whose goal was problem solving training.

The project method (or problem method) provides for a problem to be investigated. And the content of school education is literally crammed with questions and problems, you just need to bring them to the surface. So the project is “a certain way organized search, research activity of students, individual or group, which provides not just the achievement of a particular result, formalized in the form of a specific practical output, but the organization of the process of achieving this result”. Project activity is "a generalized model of a certain way to achieve a set goal, a system of techniques, a certain technology of cognitive activity."

The project method was born from the idea of ​​free education, and now it is an integrated, fully developed and detailed structured component of the education system, which has all the main features of pedagogical technology. It is designed to stimulate students' interest in solving a specific problem or researching an object, which implies fluency in the necessary amount of knowledge that helps to achieve the goal, and, in addition, project activity always presupposes the presence of an opportunity for the practical application of the knowledge gained. It is important to keep in mind that the "required amount of knowledge" can be formed precisely in the process of working on a project. Such knowledge, in contrast to the notorious "baggage of knowledge", becomes extremely important and relevant, their acquisition is motivated by an urgent need. In the course of project activities, students acquire knowledge selectively. Intensive replenishment of missing knowledge during the implementation of the project is ensured because it becomes clear to the student what kind of knowledge he lacks (for example, while working on a project on literature, children not only explore this or that literary text, but also actively use encyclopedias, explanatory dictionaries, etc. reference books on various branches of knowledge). That is, it is no longer knowledge "in reserve", but knowledge for the case, which is being done "here and now." Such a matter is always meaningful and expedient.

In the course of educational and project activities, the child's analytical thinking develops, which, according to John Dewey, is expressed in the eternal search for facts, their analysis, reflection on their truth, their logical construction for learning new things, for getting out of doubt or argumentation of reasoning. In our information-rich world, this becomes quite relevant. It was with this, focused on the formation of a thinking personality, a goal based on the ideas of the humanistic direction in the philosophy of education by John Dewey and his student William Kilpatrick that the method of problems (projects) was developed.

The project method attracted the attention of Russian teachers already at the beginning of the 20th century, and its methodological study was carried out in fact in parallel with American teachers. As the modern researcher E. S. Polat notes, “under the leadership of ... S. T. Shatsky in 1905, a small group of employees was organized, trying to actively use project methods in teaching practice. Later, already under Soviet rule, these ideas began to be widely introduced into the school, but this did not happen well thought out and consistently. As a result, by a resolution of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in 1931, the project method was condemned, and since then and until recently, no serious attempts have been made in Russia to revive this method in school practice. "

Meanwhile, in a foreign school, the project method was actively and successfully developed, then it became popular due to the rational subordination of theoretical knowledge to their practical application in project activities. Some schools have started to practice "project weeks".

The project method allows you to reasonably balance academic knowledge and practical skills, its guiding principle is the movement from theory to practice. The amount of knowledge alone is not enough for a child graduating from school into the post-industrial world, abundantly saturated with information, which will be used precisely by the reflexive and analytical thinking formed by participation in a variety of projects. It is important for a schoolchild to learn to live and work in a changing world, where large blocks of information are constantly updated and it is necessary to assess its significance in time, analyze and use it for their own purposes. This is the modern technology of research and creative work - something that a child should be prepared for even before school and what should be taught at school.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Methodology and organization of project activities at school. 5-9 grades. Methodical manual (V.N. Yanushevsky, 2015) provided by our book partner -

The article is devoted to the organization of project activities at school. The author of the article considers project activity at school as one of the ways of developing creative activity, forming interest in research activities, communicative skills of schoolchildren, and a way of their self-realization. The article describes the goals and objectives of project activities, types of projects, the content side of projects, design of projects and their protection.



Savitskaya Tatiana Borisovna

teacher of the Russian language and literature of the highest category

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 1 named after V. I. Lenin"


Organization of project activities at school

The article is devoted to the problem of using the project method in the modern school. Project activities are viewed as a form of organizing educational activities that contribute to the development of interest in research activities and creative activity of students.

Keywords: systemic-active approach, subjective and objective novelty, the role of the teacher, the dominant type of activity, subject-content area, research activity, creative activity.

Theoretical substantiation of the question

The most important task of a modern school is to educate an intellectually developed personality with a set of essential qualities: initiative, the ability to make non-standard decisions in various life situations, find the missing information in the information field, the ability to think creatively and, which is very important, independently acquire new knowledge. This is exactly what the new educational standards are aimed at, which are based on a systemic-active approach that ensures the formation of readiness for self-development and continuous education. In the context of the transition to second-generation standards, the search for effective forms and methods of school work is especially relevant, when the emphasis is on learning through practice, the student's independent activity, forms and methods that form not just skills, but competencies, that is, skills directly associated with experience of their application in practice. One of the ways in this direction, undoubtedly, can be the method of projects, which allows to reveal more fully the creative abilities of students and show them the basics and foundations of research activities aimed at increasing their intellectual and cultural level.

Curious etymology of the word project ... It came from the Latin language, and its literal translation - "thrown forward" very accurately predetermines the overall goal of the project activity - to work for the future. At the same time, it must be said that the project method originated at the beginning of the twentieth century abroad, and was actively used in domestic didactics. Turning to the history of this issue, it is interesting to note that almost a hundred years ago, the project method was supposed to build learning on an active basis, through the expedient activity of the student, in accordance with his personal interests. To solve the chosen problem, the child had to apply the acquired knowledge and new knowledge that had yet to be acquired.

Over time, the project method has undergone some changes, but the essence of the project has remained the same - to stimulate students' interest in the identified problems, which presuppose possession of a certain amount of knowledge, providing for the solution of these problems, the ability to practically apply the knowledge gained.

Project - a type of activity that synthesizes elements of play, cognitive, research, value-oriented, educational, creative activity, aimed at creating a product that has subjective and sometimes objective novelty. This defines the method of the project.

Project method - pedagogical technology, focused not on the integration of factual knowledge, but on their application and acquisition of new ones (sometimes through self-education). The design is based on the process of obtaining new information, which needs to be organized, modeled.

As a result of project activities, students should show a creative approach, independence in the search for analysis and selection of the necessary information on a given topic, gain their own practical experience in the field of research. As a result of the work done, create a product that is significant for the author or authors and others.

The project must have:

  • a creatively significant problem, a task requiring integrated knowledge, research search;
  • practical, theoretical and cognitive significance of the expected results;
  • independent, group or paired activity of students;
  • structuring the content (indicating step-by-step results);
  • determination of methods of activity.

The project should have clearly defined goals, an example of which is given below.

Methodological and didactic goals:

  • the formation of personal qualities of students: the ability to work in a group, analyze the results of their own and joint activities;
  • the formation of critical thinking, the development of an analytical view of information;
  • the formation of research skills, the ability to bring the results of the research into the system;
  • the formation of an in-depth interest in the subject and intersubject connections;
  • broadening one's horizons;
  • mastering the ability to use reference, critical literature and illustrative materials.

An important aspect of working on a project is planning the stages of work and project execution.

Stages of execution:

  1. Determination of the topic of the project, its relevance, distribution of the amount of work among the participants, identification of potentially complex elements in the work.
  2. Collection of material.
  3. Processing of accumulated material.
  4. A creative report on the work done by each participant to the leader, in the group, in the class.
  5. Refinement, technical performance.
  6. Protection.
  7. Popularization of research in the educational team. Presentation at a conference (for example, a lesson-conference, a school conference, etc.).

The role of the teacher in the course of the students' work on the project

At each stage of the work, the activities of the students, if necessary, are corrected by the teacher, who acts as an assistant, consultant. The teacher's task is not to transfer his knowledge and skills, as it happens during classroom activities, but only to direct the activities of students, provoke questions, create problem situations that contribute to the acquisition of new knowledge. Of course, the material found by children, their even the most serious research - all this should be processed in printed (written) format with the participation of the teacher and under his direct supervision, since it is clear that children do not know the rules of academic registration.

When finalizing the project, you should pay attention to the correct design of the title page, the upper part of which indicates the name of the ministry or department, immediately below it - the name of the organization where the work was done, closer to the middle of the sheet - the name of the work (in large print). If the work will be presented at the exam as a reporting examination material, you should also indicate this on the title page.

Below and to the right of the name - full name. student, author of the project, (class, school), full name scientific adviser. At the bottom of the sheet, in the middle, the city (village) where the work was done and the year are indicated.

Project structure

In the introduction, it is imperative to reflect the relevance of the research topic. Relevance will be the rationale for choosing a topic. It is necessary to clearly formulate the purpose of the work and several tasks (4-5) that help to achieve the goal. The introduction should not exceed 1-2 pages.

The chapter "Object and research methodology" indicates what is the object, what methods are used with reference to the authors, a description of the methods used, a specific course of work is provided.

In the literature review, an overview of the work on the project topic can be given, an analysis of these works and, as a result, a conclusion is made what has been done on the topic (what questions are disclosed), and what has not been studied, what needs to be done. Be sure to give references to literature. All links should be in the "Literature" section (at the end of the project).

The chapter "Research Results" should be the largest in terms of volume. It contains the data obtained by the author on the topic of the project and their analysis. It is desirable to accompany analyzes in the form of graphs, diagrams, photographs, drawings, but some of them can be given in the appendix, since their introduction into the text of the work for individual students may be technically difficult.

Conclusions should be specific, small, clear and correspond to the tasks set at the beginning of work (no more than 5-6 conclusions).

The description of the content of the project is multifaceted, multifaceted. When working on it, it is determined: (Characteristics of the project)

  1. The type of project for the dominant activity in it.
  2. Subject-content area.
  3. The duration of the project.
  4. The number of participants.

The project can use research, search, creative, practice-oriented activities. Depending on the theme and purpose of the project, a certain type of activity may dominate, but many school projects involve complex approaches that combine equally different types of activity.

The content project can be mono-subject (carried out on the material of one specific subject), inter-subject (the related topics of several subjects are integrated), supra-subject (performed at the junction of knowledge areas, goes beyond the scope of school subjects). Very often, in the process of work, a project from a mono-subject develops into an intersubject or supra-subject.

The theme, goals, level of complexity of the project determines the timing of work on it. The implementation of the project, as experience shows, can take from several weeks to several months.

The project can be collective and individual. Probably the most interesting and useful is the group project.

Group project -joint educational, cognitive, creative or game activity of students, having a common goal, agreed methods, methods of activity aimed at achieving a common result.

Thus, collective design allows you to form the personal qualities of students and, first of all, the ability to work in a team, take on and share responsibility for the choice, solution of issues, analyze the results of activities, feel like a member of the team - subordinate your temperament and character to the interests of a common cause. ... At the same time, students develop their own analytical view of information. There is another indisputable advantage of a collective project: a collective project allows for a differentiated approach to students: everyone gets a feasible task. Multilevel assignments provide an opportunity to involve not only students who are successful in the subject, but also those who find it difficult to study. This contributes to the formation of interest in the subject, in research activities, the creative activity of students, the development of the creative potential of students.

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