Home Berries Growing onions on toilet paper. How to grow green onions at home all year round. Slave of honor. The history of the marriage of Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova

Growing onions on toilet paper. How to grow green onions at home all year round. Slave of honor. The history of the marriage of Alexander Pushkin and Natalia Goncharova

Green onions are rich in vitamins, the deficiency of which is especially acute in winter. But the price of greens in stores remains high. There is a fairly simple method that allows you to feast on the desired greens at no special cost.

It remains only to learn how to grow onions in a package.

How to get a quality nib at home

Forcing onions at home is not a laborious process, but it has its own tricks. For those who have experience growing onions in the garden, it will be much easier.

The development of forcing does not require any costs and special devices. To grow green onions in a bag, you will need planting material and substrate. Such a "bed" does not take up much space, and the number of feathers grown is large.

In order to avoid inaccuracies and to avoid disappointment, you must first study the theory of cultivation. Since the quality level of the green feather depends on the planting material.

How to choose a bow for planting

In most cases, gardeners use early ripening varieties of onions for growing greenery, which give a good harvest. In order for the onion to have a very small hibernation period, it soon extends its feather. It is recommended to use the following varieties of onions:





Good results are obtained by forcing leeks, chives, batun and shallots.

In addition, if the winter period is planned to grow onions on the windowsill, then it is worth buying planting material in advance. it is more optimal for forcing to take onions from neighbors in the country or on the market, where, probably, it was not treated with chemicals in order to extend the shelf life. Processed onions are stored longer, but there is very little greenery from it, and the quality level does not please her.

Advice! Onions that are sold at wholesalers and in supermarkets are not at all suitable for forcing on a feather.

Taking an onion before planting, you need to cut it and look at the number of future sprouts, they are green. If this is only one sprout, then you should not plant onions for distillation. It is better to choose an onion for planting in a package, as in the photo, with several points of growth.

In addition, the amount of the crop depends on the size of the acquired material, therefore, a large onion is not used too much. Planting bulbs with a diameter of no more than 3 cm is considered optimal; it is possible to use sevok.

Development of onion cultivation in a package

Apart from the correctly chosen planting material, it is fundamentally important to decide on the substrate for distillation. In most cases, soil is not used to grow onions for greens at home. As land they take sawdust of coniferous wood, sphagnum moss, which is sold in flower shops, or toilet paper.

The development of forcing is approximately monotonous, the only difference is in the preparation of the substrate.

How to grow onions in sawdust

To grow onions in a bag, it is better to take pressed sawdust, which are sold in pet stores. Such a substrate is very economically consumed and its price is low.

Before planting, the sawdust must be prepared in advance. For this, the required amount of sawdust is placed in a container and poured with boiling water. Swollen sawdust is left to cool completely.

Such a procedure not only allows the substrate to be soaked before planting, but also disinfects it.

Then, the onions are planted using the bridge method, which saves space, while at the same time acquiring a good harvest.

Advice! As a substrate, it is possible to use sphagnum moss, which is processed by the outlined method.

Forcing onions on greens on toilet paper

For planting onions, it is possible to use the simplest toilet paper as a substrate. It is folded into a bag in several layers, after which it is poured with boiling water. Onions prepared in advance are planted in the gruel taken.

It is fundamentally important! The paper should be moderately wet, otherwise the onions will start to rot.

Preparing onions for growing in a bag

Before planting, the selected quality material must be prepared. The amount of harvest, the growth rate of the feather, and the successful rooting of the bulbs will depend on the pre-planting treatment.

1. First of all, you need to free the onion from the husk, which can be easily removed. It is not required to completely bare the heads, this can cause rotting.

2. Then the neck of each onion should be cut to a height of about 1 cm. This procedure perfectly stimulates the growth of green feathers.

3. At the end of the preparation, the planting material is placed in warm water until the heads have absorbed enough moisture. In most cases, the procedure takes 2-3 hours.

Prepared bulbs are planted in a substrate. it is more optimal to position the heads well to each other. This method is very effective for small areas.

How to plant onions in a bag

The onions are planted in a bag, not deepening it, but setting it well. The substrate will support the onion, preventing it from falling to one side. If some of the heads tilt, this will not affect the growth of the feather.

The height of the substrate at the bottom of the bag must be at least 2 cm. It must remain wet, which stimulates the growth of the root population. A sufficiently moistened soil must release water when pressed, but there should be no visible liquid.

At the end of the onion planting, the package must be inflated and tied as directed, without producing air. It turns out like in the photo.

Features of growing onions in a package

The advantage of such a landing is its availability and ease. Subject to the development, the first harvest of greens can be cut in two to 20 days.

Forcing onions has some peculiarities that must be taken into account when growing.

1. At the end of the disembarkation of the bow, the bag does not need to be untied until the feather reaches its top.

2. It is not required to water or fertilize the substrate during the growth of the feather.

3. In the first couple of days after planting, the bag is removed to a black but not warm place in order to stimulate root growth. A good root population is a huge harvest of green feathers.

4. On the third day, the package is placed on the windowsill, where there is enough light for the development and growth of the feather. Particularly important is the evening lighting of plantings. Perhaps the organization of additional lighting will come in handy.

It is important to maintain the correct temperature for good feather growth. The warmer it is in the room, the faster the greenery begins.

At the end of the appearance of the first greenery, it is not recommended to cut it off immediately, since this slows down the growth of new bunches. Leaves are cut off along the edge, slowly moving towards the middle.

It is fundamentally important! After the onion has reached the top of the bag, open it. From this point on, you need to look at the moisture level of the substrate.

Do not let it dry out.

Growing green onions in a bag is a very entertaining and new method. Active feather growth is a consequence of temperature differences. Fluctuations in negative temperatures outside the window and warmth in the house form enough condensation to maintain humidity.

Planting does not need additional fertilization, since the heads contain the right amount of nutrients.

This method is suitable for growing green feathers in a container with a lid. If there is enough space, then instead of a bag, it is possible to use transparent packaging from cakes or plastic containers with lids. preparation and technology of growing planting material does not change.


Today we will tell you about one interesting way to grow onions without land in a package. Onions grown in a bag without using land are no different from onions grown in soil (see photo). In this method, a small amount of moistened sawdust is used as a substrate. Also, instead of a substrate, you can use ordinary toilet paper, which is laid in several layers and well moistened with water.

Onions grown in a bag get a powerful root system, and this is with very little substrate. For planting, either ordinary bulbs with a diameter of 3-4 cm are used, or you can also use onion sets - then in this case you will get much more onions in one package.

Onions in sawdust?

Method 1: growing onions without soil in a bag on sawdust

You can use sawdust that is sold in regular pet stores. They are not expensive at all, but at the same time one packet of sawdust will be enough for you almost for the whole winter.

In general, many crops are grown in sawdust, such as beets, carrots, as well as sowing seeds. Sawdust is not used in its pure form. Before planting onions, the sawdust must be poured with boiling water, cover the container with a lid and allow them to cool. This procedure kills two birds with one stone: firstly, the sawdust is decontaminated in this way; secondly, the acidity of the water decreases. Then the water is drained, and you can proceed directly to planting.

For planting, it is better to choose strong plastic bags, ideally those that are suitable for freezing vegetables - they do not tear and are of sufficient size.

Sawdust with a layer of 1.5-2 cm is placed on the bottom of the bag. The sawdust should be wet, but when pressed, no water should flow out of them, otherwise the onion may rot. The sawdust placed on the bottom of the bag can be lightly tamped.

Let's move on to preparing the bow for planting. It is imperative to cut the neck of the onion with a knife. This is done in order to give a boost to the growth of the green feather, making the feather more powerful. Excess husks, which can be easily removed from the bulbs, must be removed to prevent rotting. However, you should not completely strip the bulbs. Before planting in sawdust, onions do not need to be processed. But if there are doubts about the quality of the onion planting material, especially if it is purchased, you can treat the bulbs with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or saline.

After preparation, the bulbs are firmly inserted into the sawdust. As a reminder, the smaller the onions, the more onions will fit in one bag. The bulbs are installed almost one to the other, the distance between them does not have to be maintained - this is the so-called bridge method of growing onions , which allows you to get a large harvest of green feathers from a small planting area.

The onions are stacked in one layer, while the bulbs do not go deep into the sawdust - only the bottom should be in a humid environment. The bulbs will take root quickly and the feather will grow beautifully.

This method has one little secret: you need to make several exhalations into the bag in order to saturate the medium in the bag with carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide, which is converted to carbon dioxide, is very beneficial for plants. Therefore, even when grown on an industrial scale, carbon dioxide is specially allowed into the greenhouse for better plant growth.

Having inflated the bag in this way, it must be tied with an elastic band or thread so that the air does not come out. It is very important when growing onions in this way to use dense bags without defects. The inflated bag with onions can either be immediately placed on the windowsill in a bright place, or for the first few days you can keep it in a dark and preferably not too warm place.

This gives an impetus to the growth of the root system, and after the onion grows roots, the feather grows very quickly.

Method 2: growing onions without soil in a bag on toilet paper

The second way is to grow onions in a similar way, but on toilet paper. At the same time, toilet paper is laid on the bottom of the bag in several layers (the paper layer should be about 1 cm). Usually, the cheapest gray paper is used to germinate seeds, and in particular onions, but, of course, if you wish, you can take any toilet paper or paper towels. water is poured onto the paper laid on the bottom of the bag, so that the paper turns into a "gruel" but no water comes out of it. Excess water can cause the onion to rot.

Then, as in the first method, we put the bulbs on toilet paper tightly, sideways to each other. As the onions are set tightly, the bulbs will not collapse. Even if a bulb falls to one side, the moist environment will be enough for the onion to take root and give a feather, just in this case, the feather will grow unevenly, but this is not important.

Important: both in the first method of growing onions in a bag, and in the second - until the feather of the onion grows to the top of the bag, the onions do not need to be watered, and the bag is not untied, since the environment in the bag and humidity is sufficient for so that the feather grows beautifully without additional watering. Only after the feather reaches the ceiling of the bag is the bag opened and the feather continues to grow to its maximum height. After opening the bag, you need to check the moisture content of the substrate from time to time and, if necessary, top up with water.

Green onions can be planted in sawdust at any time of the year, but they are most valuable in winter and early spring.

It is quite possible to make money on the sale of fresh green bunches of leeks. At the same time, there is no need to invest in production, purchase of equipment and special land.

  • Leek grows well in sawdust and even on toilet paper in the simplest shallow drawers.
  • Compared to cultivation in soil, onions on greens in sawdust turns out to be tastier and grows much faster.
  • Leeks in sawdust are not fed with anything, it grows well in a city apartment.
  • It is also not necessary to highlight.... But if you want to do onions on an industrial scale, it is better to purchase special lamps.

And for growing onions in sawdust for their own needs, any fruit bowls and boxes that can be obtained for a penny are suitable.

Forcing onions in sawdust

Put sawdust 2-3 cm thick in a cake container or in a box. Sawdust by the way sold in pet stores as litter for cat litter. They can be pressed, but it doesn't matter.

Step 1... All sawdust before planting onions on a feather poured with boiling water... This procedure disinfects sawdust and reduces acidity. Pressed sawdust after boiling water swell and straighten... It turns out a loose and environmentally friendly substrate for planting vegetables for seedlings and forcing.

Step 2... Bow before planting you need peel off... Further, be sure to trim off the top by about a centimeter. The larger the diameter of the cut part, the more growth points there will be, and hence the bundles of green feathers.

Step 3... Before planting in sawdust, onions are better soak in potassium permanganate or microsporin for several hours.

If there is neither one nor the other, ordinary salt will do (a tablespoon per liter of water). Soaked onion starts growing faster and the harvest can be harvested 4 days earlier.

Step 4... Bulbs lay out tightly to each other so that they completely occupy the entire container. With dense planting, the bulbs do not grow, but they spend all their vitality for forcing greens.

Warm bed from sawdust also contributes to the rapid and harmonious growth of onions. Onions in sawdust turns out juicy, lush with excellent taste. In 15 days it grows to 35 cm.

Onions on greens in sawdust are not fed with anything... Unless you can periodically pour water with hydrogen peroxide (a tablespoon of peroxide 3% per liter of water).

With this method of forcing onions on a feather, greens growing fast and in large numbers. Sawdust can be used once.

Onion on a feather in a plastic bag

For this method, we need an ordinary plastic bag. It must be transparent and absolutely complete.

Step 1... On bulbs before planting, you need to trim the top off. You need to cut off without sparing, so that there are more growth points.

Bow before planting you can soak in a solution of potassium permanganate or salt if in doubt about the quality of the planting material.

Step 2... Put toilet paper in several layers on the bottom. Moisten it with warm water. You can use some sawdust instead of toilet paper. Do not deepen the onion, but only put it from top to bottom. Plant onions tightly to each other, by the bridge method.

Step 3 . Inflate package several exhalations and close tightly with an elastic band so that the air does not escape. The onion bag is left on the table or on the floor near the window for 2-3 days to building up the root system. At this time, he does not need a lot of light.

Step 4... After 2 days, put the bag on the windowsill and do not open it yet. the feathers of the onion will not rest on the top package. Air and moisture will be enough for him.

When the feathers are big enough the bag is slightly opened and kept in this form until harvest... In 10 days you will already have greens for the salad!

Onions in sawdust grow quickly, literally in a week you will already have them for salads.

There are many ways to grow green onions, and one of them is planting the bulbs in plastic bags. This method does not require special skills or material costs, you only need a basis for planting - a substrate and medium-sized bulbs. Such an impromptu bed will take a little place, but a pen is even enough. It is better to take an early ripening onion for planting, the head size is no more than 3 cm.

Soil is not usually used as a substrate, but pressed sawdust, which can be purchased at the pet store (sold as litter for cat litters), will serve as a good base. The sawdust is poured with boiling water and left for three hours, thus all harmful microorganisms are destroyed, and the substrate softens.

The base obtained from sawdust is carefully laid out in a bag, the layer thickness should be at least 2 cm, after which the bulbs are peeled from the upper peel and planted, after cutting off the top of the head by about 1 cm.The bulbs should be planted tightly to each other, this will save space, plus to all the bulbs will hold each other. In principle, if one of the bulbs tilts, then it's okay, this will not affect the growth of the feather in any way.

When the bulbs are planted, you need to inflate the bag and tie it up. A package with seedlings for a couple of days must be removed in a dark, cool place, after which you can put it on the windowsill. The bag is not untied until the feathers have grown to the place of tying, then it must be cut. From now on, it is necessary to ensure that the substrate is moist, but not wet, in order to avoid decay. Sphagnum moss or toilet paper can be used instead of sawdust.

Red summer sang, and winter came after it. During this period of time, the lack of vitamins is especially felt. And how can you do without green onions, in which the amount of nutrients is greater than in ordinary onions.

Of course, it's not a problem to get a bunch of greens in the store. But the prices at this time for him, bite. And with what chemicals it was watered and processed is unknown.

Therefore, there is nothing easier than growing onions in a package on your windowsill, without dust and dirt, and even without soil.

The best onions to grow without land are those that ripen quickly. Such bulbs are in the so-called "hibernation" for the least amount of time. And the feather on them quickly and intensively grows.

  • Strigunovsky;
  • Bessonovsky;
  • Spassky;
  • Union;
  • Troitsky.

Some people practice to grow shallots, leeks, chives and batun in this way, these varieties are in no way inferior to ordinary onions in yield.

Now you need to decide where to get the material for planting.

The easiest way is to buy from a specialty store. But these bulbs have one big drawback, they are processed with the necessary chemicals for long-term storage. And there will be very little green feather in it when disembarking.

But the bulbs purchased on the market, or from a neighbor in the country, that is, actually grown, will certainly give a good harvest.

Before buying bulbs for planting, you need to check how fertile they are.

This is easy to do, you need to cut one of the onions in half. It will immediately be seen that if there is one green feather in the middle, then such seeds are worthless. And if there are several feathers, this is what you need, feel free to buy it.

Another important point. Some people mistakenly think that the larger the bulb planted, the greater the yield. This is not true.

The most optimal landing dimensions, such as a table tennis ball (no more than 3 cm in diameter). You can also use sevok, it is also perfect for home plantings.

Methods for planting onions without land

If the planting material has already been purchased, you can get to work. How to grow onions in a bag, without soil?

Despite the fact that we use the "no land" planting method, the soil mixture still needs to be replaced with something. This can be any sawdust that is sold in every pet store. Or use the most common gray toilet paper.

Before planting, the bulbs must be prepared and stimulated for growth. To do this, they are placed in any container (you can use a wide basin), and well sprayed with warm water. In this form, they should stand for half a day. The procedure is done so that the roots are saturated with moisture and come to life faster.

The first method with sawdust

Clean the prepared seedlings of the required size from excess husk, but in no case remove it naked, otherwise the bulb may rot.

After that, slightly cut off the dried neck of the onion, about one cm. It is imperative that the green feathers come out faster.

Then, instead of soil, we take pressed sawdust.

Before planting in them, the wood must be prepared. They do it like this - boil water and fill them. The sawdust is allowed to stand for several hours in order to be saturated with moisture and at the same time to disinfect, to cool down to a temperature of 20-25 degrees. Then squeeze out the woody soil well and place on the bottom of the bag.

The required sawdust depth should be no more than two centimeters. Take the bulbs and stick them with the spine down, deepening a little. The bulbs should be close to each other.

Then you should inflate the bag and tie the ends tightly with an elastic band as soon as possible. We must try to do this so that the recruited air does not leak out, since a microclimate is formed inside it, like in a greenhouse.

Such a mobile mini-garden is placed in a bright, warm place.

When growing an onion feather in this way, you do not need to water it. The package is opened only when the greens will no longer fit in cellophane.

After that, the air gets inside, and now the onion should be periodically moistened. It is best to spray the beds with a spray bottle once or twice a week, depending on the temperature in the room. If it's too hot, water more often.

Method two with toilet paper

Another way to grow green onions without soil is to use toilet paper. Instead of paper, simple paper napkins are also suitable. By the way, toilet paper is also used for germinating seeds.

Pre-prepared onions are laid out in dense rows on paper, inflated and the bag is tightly tied. After planting, it is recommended to remove it for 36 hours in a cool, dark place, in order for the root to take root well.

After, put on a permanent place of residence, providing him with lighting for at least 14 hours a day.

Onion care

It is very important that the planted bulbs are in the correct climatic conditions. Otherwise, if the package with onions is left in the cold or dark, the rhizome will begin to rot, followed by the planting material itself, then there will be no harvest.

If it is too bright and hot, the bulbs will simply dry out without producing green feathers.

While the bag is tightly closed, humidification occurs due to condensation that forms inside it.

As soon as the green feathers no longer fit in the bag, and it is untied, there will be no more condensation. Now you need to make sure that your crop does not dry out. But you don't need to pour too much water, just in moderation.

To keep the green feathers on your table throughout the winter, plant the onions in bags at intervals of 5-7 days. Having planted the first bed, after 5 days the second, and so on.

The most optimal place for such a home garden will be the windowsill in the southeast window.

If the planted onions are grown under the right conditions, the first shoots will be visible in a few days. And after ten days, you can harvest by carefully cutting off the green feathers.

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