Home Diseases and pests White cheesy discharge during pregnancy. Discharge in early pregnancy. Odorless curdled discharge

White cheesy discharge during pregnancy. Discharge in early pregnancy. Odorless curdled discharge

By the nature of the discharge from the genital tract, it is possible to diagnose the absence or presence of infection, inflammation, as well as a violation of the vaginal microflora. Such pathological changes in a woman's body can harm an unborn child.

Normal discharge during pregnancy

Discharge in early pregnancy (first 12 weeks) should be clear or slightly whitish in color, thick, slimy, viscous and uniform in consistency (no lumps or flakes). He normal vaginal discharge should not emit an unpleasant odor, and a pregnant woman should not worry about itching, burning, stinging or pain in the external and internal genital area.

Such discharge is explained by the predominance of the hormone progesterone in the body of the pregnant woman, which creates a thick mucous plug in the cervical canal, thereby preventing bacteria from entering the uterine cavity, since the fetus is not yet protected by the placenta. Also, this hormone prevents the uterus from contracting so that the ovum can penetrate into its wall and gain a foothold here for further development.

Discharge in the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy is abundant, watery, colorless (possibly slightly whitish) without an unpleasant odor. The increase in the amount of secretions is associated with hormonal changes during this period, now another hormone, estrogen, predominates. The placenta is almost completely formed and during this period of pregnancy, under the influence of estrogen, the uterus begins to actively grow and the mammary glands develop.

Bloody or spotting discharge during pregnancy

Brown (including light brown), pink, creamy or bright red, possibly even bloody, discharge are dangerous during pregnancy.

Within the normal range, only a single appearance of bloody discharge is considered 6-10 days after ovulation, when the ovum is attached to the wall of the uterus, as well as on the day of the alleged menstruation, which would have gone in the next cycle if pregnancy had not come.

In this case, a small amount of blood is released with an admixture of mucus and it is believed that this phenomenon is the first sign of pregnancy, although spotting during implantation may not be noticed at all by a woman due to their scarcity.

If a pregnant woman has diseases of the uterus and appendages, bloody discharge from the vagina may also be observed. For example, with erosion of the cervix, cervicitis or polyps in the uterus.

Dangerous causes of bleeding are those that threaten to terminate pregnancy. So, in the early stages of pregnancy with cystic drift, detachment of the ovum can bleed, after 12 weeks of pregnancy, bleeding may indicate abruption or placenta previa.

Abundant or prolonged smearing discharge, combined with pulling and aching pains in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, most often indicate a miscarriage that has begun, both in uterine and ectopic pregnancy.

The sooner you visit your doctor with a complaint of vaginal bleeding, the greater the chance of maintaining a pregnancy, so do not postpone a visit to your gynecologist.

Cheese discharge from a woman

Most often, a creamy or curdled discharge with a sour smell during pregnancy appears with vaginal dysbiosis - vaginosis, with a yeast infection caused by Candida fungi - vaginal candidiasis (thrush), or with inflammation of the vaginal mucosa - vaginitis.

Also, at the next appointment with a gynecologist, patients complain of discomfort in the genital area: severe itching, burning sensation when urinating.

Watery and slimy discharge during pregnancy

Transparent or whitish watery discharge can be both an absolute norm and a pathological change, and from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy, leakage of amniotic fluid cannot be ruled out.

You can refute or confirm the diagnosis with the help of special test pads for detecting water leakage, which are sold in a pharmacy, or you can carry out an amniotest in a hospital where you are registered or in a private clinic.

The amniotic fluid has a slightly sweetish specific smell and a yellowish tinge, according to this description, it is possible to assume leakage of amniotic fluid and prevent the development of negative consequences for the baby in time.

Odorless mucous discharge is the norm. 1.5-2 weeks before childbirth, a mucous plug leaves, which closed the entrance to the uterus from the penetration of infections, and on the eve of childbirth, amniotic fluid is poured out (about 0.5 liters at a time).

As a rule, with erosion of the cervix, the mucous plug shortly before delivery leaves with blood streaks, as the uterine cervix is ​​injured. It is not dangerous for the health of the woman and the child, but the doctor should still inform about it.

Yellowish and greenish discharge in pregnant women

Usually, yellow or green vaginal discharge has an unpleasant rotten ("fishy") odor and is accompanied by itching, burning, swelling of the labia, pulling or aching pains in the lower abdomen. They indicate that a woman has a genital infection and / or inflammation of the reproductive organs.

Thick yellow, possibly foamy, discharge with an unpleasant odor is observed with a purulent process in the vagina that began due to a latent infection (mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc.), in combination with the growth of opportunistic microbes (enterococci, staphylococci, streptococci , Escherichia coli, etc.).

Erosion of the cervix, which is accompanied by inflammation, as well as salpingitis (inflammation of the fallopian tubes), adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries) is usually accompanied by purulent yellow-green discharge.

For a child, genital infections are fraught with intrauterine infection, which entails the appearance of pathologies in the development of the fetus, therefore, for any of the listed pathological secretions, it is necessary to undergo an examination (ultrasound of the pelvic organs to exclude inflammation of the uterus and appendages), take a smear for STIs, and in case necessary - to undergo a course of adequate treatment of the disease during pregnancy.

White discharge during pregnancy can be quite normal, and can warn of pathology. This type of discharge is most common and the expectant mother needs to know exactly when there are no reasons for worry, and when an urgent doctor's consultation is needed. In this article, we will explain what white discharge means during pregnancy and why it appears.

general characteristics

From the moment the egg is fertilized in the body of the expectant mother, a chain of interrelated and very important processes begins, the purpose of which is to create optimal conditions for the development of the fetus. These changes occur at the visible physical level and at the invisible eye - at the level of metabolism, hormonal changes. The vaginal secretion, which is produced by the cells of the epithelium of the cervix, is an excellent indicator of the state of a pregnant woman, reflecting the essence of many processes, as well as possible pathologies.

In the early stages, the discharge is thicker and leaner, but by the end of the first trimester they become more abundant, and subsequently thinner. All these changes are dictated by the influence of certain hormones: at the beginning of pregnancy - by progesterone, and at the finish line - by estrogens. Organisms of pregnant women are very individual, but there are generally accepted norms of vaginal secretion, which should be guided by.

Normally, discharge during pregnancy should be light and uniform, without a pungent odor, blood impurities, pus. They should not cause any physical discomfort to the expectant mother. Light yellowish, lemon shades are acceptable - this color is due to an increased level of progesterone in the body of a pregnant woman. All other colors and shades can only sometimes be considered the norm. For example, before childbirth, the discharge may be brown, and in the very early stages it may be pinkish.

The most frequent white discharge. They are quite varied and may not always be considered normal and natural. In medicine, they are called leucorrhoea. And the production of such a vaginal secretion is called leucorrhea.

Indicate the first day of your last period

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Types of whites

Leucorrhoea can be different in quantity, consistency and shade. Most often, during pregnancy, there are moderate leucorrhoea, which do not cause cramps, burning, itching in the perineum, and have almost no smell. An acceptable variant of the norm is leucorrhoea with a slight smell of sour milk or kefir. There are also watery leucorrhoea, milky white, bloody (pink) and even greenish. Such leucorrhoea have nothing to do with the norm and most often indicate the presence of diseases of the reproductive system, pathologies of pregnancy, infections.

White discharge can have a variety of origins. So, tubal leucorrhoea speaks of an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes. The discharge is abundant, watery with an admixture of blood. During pregnancy, such discharge is rare. Uterine leucorrhoea during pregnancy manifests itself in pregnant women with endometritis (including a history), as well as in the presence of tumors in the uterine cavity. They are usually thicker, sometimes bubbling, with an unpleasant odor.

Cervical leucorrhoea appears with diseases of the cervix. During pregnancy, it can be genital infections, cervicitis caused by gonorrhea or chlamydia. Such leucorrhoea usually contains a significant admixture of mucus. Vaginal leucorrhoea is most common during childbearing. They arise in response to hormonal changes.

If they are abundant, with impurities of blood or pus, we can talk about inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

There are also vestibular leucorrhoea, they are associated with the intense activity of the sebaceous glands of the vulva. Such discharge appears when the rules of intimate hygiene are violated, as well as in pregnant women with diabetes mellitus and gestational diabetes.

With regard to whitening, shade is always important. So, milk leucorrhoea is considered a variant of the norm, as well as translucent. Thick, curdled, curdling, like fine granular cottage cheese, discharge is a sign of thrush caused by fungi of the genus Candida. Yellow and green shades indicate the presence of bacterial inflammation, mainly of a purulent nature. All shades of pink, red and brown indicate the presence of blood in the leucorrhoea.

Causes of occurrence

A vaginal secretion of white color, which does not cause unpleasant sensations, by and large should not bother a pregnant woman. Its abundance is not yet a reason for worry, because under the influence of hormones that ensure the safety of pregnancy, the secretion of the cervix and vagina increases significantly.

Discharge is necessary to maintain a favorable microflora in the genital tract of the expectant mother. The body of a pregnant woman itself regulates the amount of secretions, so at some moments there may be more leucorrhoea, and at others less. These are the natural causes of white discharge.

With regard to pathological discharge, the most common reasons may be as follows.

Fungal infections, thrush

Usually, such discharge is accompanied by severe itching, a constant painful burning sensation in the perineum. Fungi, which most often cause thick cottage cheese leucorrhoea - candida, are very "fond" when their carrier's immunity decreases. A decrease in immunity is quite natural for expectant mothers. From the earliest stages of gestation, progesterone suppresses the activity of the woman's immune system, so that it does not "deal" with the embryo. Almost until the very birth, immunity remains reduced.

It is not surprising that in many women, thrush makes itself felt more than once or twice. Women even consider it a sign of pregnancy in the very early stages, even before the onset of a delay in the next menstruation. Also, thrush often manifests itself when a woman violates the rules and requirements of intimate hygiene.

There is no need to put up with discomfort. When a cheesy white discharge with a strong yeast odor and itching in the external genital area appears, a woman should definitely consult a doctor in order to undergo antifungal treatment.

The appearance of thrush in late pregnancy is especially unpleasant. Indeed, in the presence of such a delicate problem, the woman will not be placed in the general department of the maternity hospital, she will have to give birth and stay in the observational (infectious) department after giving birth. In addition, the likelihood that the baby, passing through the genital tract of the mother, does not become infected with the fungus, tends to zero. Fungal lesions of the eyes, skin, lips, respiratory tract are very dangerous for a newborn. Thrush must be treated immediately at any stage of pregnancy.

Inflammation and infection

With abundant white discharge (with or without a shade of any color), you also need to consult a doctor if the discharge is combined with pain. Inflammation of the organs of the female reproductive system can be indicated by cutting strong and less pronounced pains in the very lower abdomen - to the right or left, tingling in the cervical region. Optional, but sometimes a woman has pain and pain when urinating. Having sex only increases the discomfort.

A bacterial infection can be indicated by white discharge with impurities of a greenish or yellowish tint. Such discharge always has an unpleasant smell, which can be compared to the smell of spoiled fish.

Infections and inflammation are a great danger to the unborn child. The likelihood of intrauterine infection of the fetus, inflammation of the membranes increases. Sometimes this can even lead to the death of the baby. Children born with intrauterine infections are very weak, their immunity does not cope well with threats from the outside, often such children have anomalies and malformations that have arisen as a result of a prolonged inflammatory process.

In no case should you ignore the abundant leucorrhoea of ​​a watery and heterogeneous consistency with an unpleasant odor and additional symptoms of malaise.

A woman should receive the necessary treatment as soon as possible - anti-inflammatory and antibacterial therapy may well be prescribed and carried out at almost all stages of pregnancy, excluding the early embryonic period, when the baby's organs and systems are being laid.

Violation of the integrity of the membranes

A thin white discharge, translucent and quite abundant in the second half of pregnancy, may indicate leakage of amniotic fluid. If, for some reason, the integrity of the amnion is violated, water begins to flow out and mix with vaginal secretions. Such discharge may not be accompanied by any additional symptoms.

The secretion becomes more abundant if a woman experiences physical activity, during movement, lifting weights, and also when changing the position of the body from horizontal to vertical. Leakage of water is very dangerous - when the amount of amniotic fluid reaches a critical value, the baby may begin to experience discomfort, hypoxia, and his physical activity will decrease to a minimum.

Today in pharmacies on sale there are special amniotests that allow you to determine if there is an impurity of amniotic fluid in the secretions. However, their accuracy is poor.

Therefore, if you suspect a leakage of amniotic fluid, it is better to immediately contact a medical institution to determine the fact by means of an ultrasound scan and laboratory examination of vaginal secretions.

Allergic reaction

This reason is less common than others, but it is also the case. White discharge of an atypical nature can appear during pregnancy in response to the body's immune response to antigen proteins. Most often, this is an allergy to intimate care products, to soap, to some types of daily sanitary napkins that women use.

Leucorrhoea with allergies is not abundant, rather, their number decreases, but the consistency becomes thicker. Leucorrhoea are heterogeneous in structure. Additional symptoms may include slight itching, redness of the external genital organs, and discomfort when walking.

This situation requires a correction of the approach to hygiene. A woman should wash herself with boiled water without using soap at all, do not wipe the genitals with a hard towel, do not wear tight and pressing underwear on the perineum, refuse to wear synthetic and semi-synthetic fabrics. Be sure to change the gaskets to similar, but different, more time-tested and consumer brands.

The future child of my mother's local allergy does not threaten anything. However, you still need to be treated. After the source of the allergen has been removed, the woman is usually given antihistamines to relieve the symptoms of sensitization.

Imbalance in microflora

A special microclimate is maintained in the female genital tract. Any negative factors of external or internal origin can disrupt it. So, vaginal dysbiosis can be observed with the habit of doing douching, including decoctions of medicinal plants. Some pregnant women practice such methods as preparation for childbirth, naively believing that they are sanitizing the genital tract using folk methods. The result is usually the opposite. The microflora is disturbed, foamy leucorrhoea appears more or less thick.

Colds, hypothermia, flu and SARS, as well as some food products, for example, yeast dough, baked goods, non-alcoholic beer, homemade kvass, cottage cheese, if consumed in large quantities, can affect the microclimate of the genital tract. The use of intimate gels and lubricants during sex during pregnancy negatively affects the state of the microflora of the genital tract.

To establish the nature and degree of the violation will help to see a doctor. A smear from the vagina on the microflora will give a detailed idea of ​​the processes taking place. Treatment is symptomatic. The factor that caused the violations must be eliminated.

It is necessary for all women to control the nature of the discharge during pregnancy, even if their pregnancy is proceeding smoothly and without visible complications. The main assistant of the expectant mother is panty liners. It is forbidden to use tampons while waiting for the baby, since the vaginal secretion must necessarily go out without hindrance, otherwise inflammation cannot be avoided.

Any changes should be regarded by a woman as an alarming symptom. Only a doctor can answer the question whether everything is in order. You do not need to ask the answers on the forums on the Internet.

The other extreme of pregnant women is increased suspiciousness. Some, in search of a non-existent pathology, bring themselves and their attending physician to nervous exhaustion.

In order not to go to such an extreme, it is important to remember that normal discharge is never accompanied by an unpleasant odor, pain and other discomfort, and pathological ones never appear asymptomatic.

For information on what secretions should alert women, see the next video.

Carrying a baby is the most wonderful time for every woman, but sometimes it can be overshadowed by discharge in the early stages of pregnancy or the next two trimesters. Gynecological infections now occupy a leading position among all female diseases. According to statistical studies, 75% of the examined women have various vulvovaginitis, of which 25% are of candidal (fungal) origin.

Pregnant women are more at risk of genital infection. This is due to the characteristic changes that occur during the period of gestation. How are all organs and systems rebuilt to preserve the baby?

Features of the body of the expectant mother

Immediately after conception, the corpus luteum of pregnancy begins to grow and become active. Until about 12-14 weeks, the latter secretes in large quantities the hormone progesterone, which many gynecologists call the "pregnancy hormone". Progesterone is responsible for several important things that are necessary for the successful carrying of a baby.

The woman's immune system regards the fetus as a foreign object and tries with all her might to get rid of it. To prevent this from happening, progesterone suppresses the activity of the immune system and prolongs pregnancy. The hormone also enhances the growth of mammary glands, improves blood supply to the pelvic organs, relaxes the muscles of the uterus, reducing its contractions, and promotes the accumulation of subcutaneous fat.

After 14 weeks, the corpus luteum undergoes reverse development, ceases to function and secrete progesterone. Further production of the hormone is taken over by the placenta. As the fetus grows, progesterone levels slowly drop and estrogen levels rise. Such hormonal fluctuations will certainly affect the microflora of the vagina of a pregnant woman.

Thus, the suppression of the activity of general and local immunity, a change in the level of hormones, the acidic environment of the genital organs, a lack of vitamins and minerals leads to an increase in the growth of some microorganisms and the disappearance of others.

The imbalance of microflora makes the vaginal mucosa most susceptible to any infection, which leads to the appearance of any pathological discharge during pregnancy, not only curdled discharge.

What can be the discharge

All discharge during pregnancy from the genital tract can be divided into normal (physiological) and inflammatory (pathological). Normally, the volume, color and consistency of vaginal secretions can change in every woman. Also, the discharge changes during the entire period of bearing the baby.

In the first trimester, a thin, thick white discharge may appear. As the level of estrogen in the blood rises, the discharge becomes thinner, its amount increases, which can cause anxiety in a woman. Accelerated rejection of the vaginal epithelium, constant maceration of the mucous membrane and skin of the external genital organs lead to an increase in the number of yeast-like fungi Candida, gardnerella, nonspecific coccal microflora.

All of the above factors contribute to the addition of infection and the development of colpitis, vaginitis, cervicitis in a pregnant woman, which is manifested by cheesy, foamy, yellow discharge or leucorrhoea of ​​a different nature.

Thrush can cause curdled discharge.

An interesting position of a woman contributes to the appearance of vulvovaginal candidiasis in 50-60% of cases. Almost every pregnant woman is familiar with the unpleasant cheesy discharge that appears with the increased growth of candida mushrooms. What is this microorganism?

These are yeast-like microbes that normally live in our body on the mucous membranes of the genital tract, gastrointestinal tract, and oral cavity. With the normal functioning of all systems, the absence of other diseases, fungi do not cause harm and are found in small quantities in smears in women. As soon as the slightest fluctuations in the level of hormones, acidity appear, vitamin deficiencies, somatic diseases occur, Candida, secreted from smears, immediately makes itself felt by a growth spurt. A candidal infection of the vagina develops with corresponding symptoms.

Thrush symptoms

As already mentioned, candida belongs to opportunistic pathogens. The woman's body is reliably protected from the growth of fungi by the presence of the following factors:

  • Normal balance of the vaginal microflora (acidic environment pH 3.7-4.6; high number of lactobacilli);
  • Local protection (mucosal epithelium produces lysozyme, lactoferrin, ceruloplasmin);
  • General immunity (provided by phagocytosis, immunoglobulins, T-lymphocytes);
  • A small amount of glycogen in the epithelium.

Ladies in position are not able to resist infection, since all three factors are significantly reduced. That is why curd discharge occurs so often during pregnancy.

The clinical signs of vaginal candidiasis cannot be confused with other diseases, since they are very specific. The pathogen forms special biofilms on the surface of tissues, with the help of which it protects itself from external influences. Many drugs, douching solutions irrigate only the surface film, without affecting the mushroom itself. The symptoms of inflammation diminish for a while, but then Candida recurs again.

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What does the appearance of pink discharge before menstruation indicate?

Clinical manifestations of candidiasis:

  • Abundant, odorless, cheesy discharge from the vagina;
  • White plaque (due to films) on the mucous membrane, is difficult to remove;
  • Severe itching;
  • Burning sensation when douching, sexual intercourse;
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen;
  • Eroded mucous membrane under a white coating;
  • Sometimes bleeding;
  • Swelling and redness of the vulva;
  • Frequent and painful urination (sometimes).

Thrush in pregnant women manifests itself in varying degrees of intensity. It depends on the state of the immune, endocrine systems, concomitant diseases, age, complications of the pregnancy itself, the number of fetuses, lifestyle, diet and other factors. Symptoms of the acute period of the disease last from a week to a month. They often disappear on their own. In some women, without treatment, clinical manifestations are delayed, in others, the infection becomes chronic with frequent relapses.

Interesting! Taking vitamins and using means (soap) for intimate hygiene significantly reduces the risk of thrush!

As a rule, exacerbations occur after sexual intercourse, when wearing tight synthetic underwear, frequent use of sanitary pads by a pregnant woman, inaccuracies in the diet (a lot of sweet, flour, spicy). After childbirth, in 80% of cases, the level of Candida decreases and voluntary self-healing occurs.

Complications of thrush

Fungal inflammation of the genitals during pregnancy is not the most dangerous infection, however, it cannot be ignored. Severe and neglected forms of thrush can lead to the most sad consequences for mom and baby.

Frequent complications of candidiasis:

  • Early miscarriages (up to 12 weeks);
  • Fading pregnancy;
  • Intrauterine growth retardation;
  • The birth of low birth weight children;
  • Infection of the fetus and amniotic membranes in utero;
  • Placental insufficiency, hypoxia;
  • Infection of the baby during childbirth with the development of candidal lesions of the eyes, mouth, genitals, systemic candidemia;
  • Postpartum endometritis.

As you can see, the lack of adequate treatment for vulvovaginal candidiasis can cost the health or even the life of the mother and child. To prevent this, when the first suspicious signs appear (cheesy white discharge and itching), you should immediately contact the antenatal clinic.

Diagnostics and treatment

It is quite simple to detect Candida albicans in the genital tract, you just need to come to an appointment with your gynecologist and make a general smear on the flora. Sowing will be ready the next day. The detection of a large amount of fungal mycelium in the vaginal discharge, as well as the corresponding symptoms, indicate the need for treatment of a pregnant woman.

There are cases of carriage when fungi are constantly found in smears, but there are no clinical manifestations and complaints. In this case, the doctor decides on the appointment of treatment, based on the anamnesis, the presence of previous gynecological infections, somatic diseases. Often, in addition to candida, other pathological microorganisms can be found in smears: gardnerella, cocci, gonococci, Trichomonas. Mixed infection requires a different treatment regimen.

If the infection is confirmed microscopically and on the basis of clinical signs, therapy can be selected. Now the pharmaceutical market is full of drugs for the treatment of vaginal candidiasis. Do not forget that pregnant women are a special group of patients that require careful selection of medicines.

Most tablets for oral administration (Fluconazole, Diflucan, Flucostat) are prohibited for pregnant women due to the negative effect on the fetus. Also, care is needed in the treatment of women in the first trimester, when there is a high likelihood of miscarriages, uterine tone.

Basically, gynecologists use local drugs to eradicate Candida (suppositories). Vaginal products are safe, not absorbed into the bloodstream and do not cross the placenta, are well tolerated, and side effects are rare. Many of them deal effectively with thrush.

Topical preparations

  • Pimafucin. Available in the form of suppositories, cream and tablets for oral administration. Each suppository contains 100 mg of natamycin (an antibiotic against fungi from the macrolide group). The active substance is well tolerated, has practically no side effects, is not absorbed into the bloodstream when taken orally (it acts only in the intestinal lumen). Resistance of yeast-like fungi to natamycin does not develop. Pimafucin is approved for use in nursing, pregnant women. For the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis, suppositories are used (1 per night), tablets to eliminate the focus of infection in the intestine (1 tablet 3-4 times a day), cream for a sexual partner. The course of therapy is designed for 5-10 days. Pimafucin already on the second day significantly reduces white cheesy discharge during pregnancy.
  • Neo-Penotran. Suppositories contain metronidazole (antiprotozoal agent) and miconazole. The drug can be prescribed in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, one candle at bedtime for 7-14 days. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Sometimes there may be slight irritation, discomfort, burning after the introduction of suppositories. This side effect is temporary and does not require discontinuation of the drug.
  • Terzhinan. The composition of vaginal suppositories: nystatin, ternidazole, neomycin, prednisolone. The complex drug is practically not absorbed from the surface of the mucous membrane, therefore, it can be prescribed in pregnant women, if it is really necessary. The course of treatment is up to 14-21 days.
  • Clotrimazole. Vaginal tablets can also be used to treat thrush (except in the first trimester). It is advisable to combine treatment with douching with antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine, malavit) for the best effect.
  • Viferon

Very often, women during pregnancy are faced with various changes in the body, and sometimes with emerging diseases that did not cause concern until the moment of pregnancy. Among such diseases, thrush occupies one of the leading places. It is she who begins to activate during the period of conception, because at this time, with the restructuring of the body, a favorable environment arises for the development of a fungal infection.

Curdled discharge during pregnancy may indicate the development of a disease and require treatment. A healthy woman also always has discharge, but it has a characteristic transparency or colorlessness, is odorless and does not cause discomfort. If the discharge becomes white or yellow, has a cheesy shape or similar, and also irritates the vaginal mucosa, causing an inflammatory process, then we can confidently say that this is the result of an infection in the woman's body. At the same time, itching, swelling or redness of the genitals may appear, which is also a sign of thrush.

Discharge in a healthy woman

Discharge with thrush

During pregnancy, especially in its early stages, it is very important to monitor the general state of a woman's health, because it is during this period that thrush can begin to develop actively. Treatment should be started when the first signs of candidiasis appear in order to prevent further spread of the disease in the body. Thrush can lead to serious consequences, especially if its treatment is delayed. The fungus affects the developing fetus and sometimes leads to abortion. Thrush can be transmitted to a child during pregnancy, which leads to congenital abnormalities and the development of a fungal disease in the newborn. As a result, it should be noted that it is important to start the treatment of thrush immediately after the onset of symptoms indicating a possible disease.

Greenish discharge with thrush

Cheesy discharge, especially yellow, greenish, brownish, that appeared in early pregnancy and the presence of odor, indicate changes in the vaginal mucosa. An acidic environment, which activates the growth of the fungus, is created directly during pregnancy and in order to restore the necessary alkaline environment, certain antifungal drugs must be used. They can be prescribed by a doctor only after examining a woman and laboratory tests.

A number of drugs that can have a suppressive effect on the fungus cannot be used in the early stages, therefore, one cannot self-medicate and use traditional means of treating thrush. During pregnancy, an individual approach to each woman is necessary, because thrush occurs under the influence of certain conditions that can activate the growth of the fungus.

Causes and signs of candidiasis or thrush

The main concern for women, of course, can be a whitish, yellow or greenish cheesy discharge, which sometimes turns into a crust covering the mucous membrane. Under this crust, small ulcers are formed, which cause even more irritation of the mucous membrane and increase the inflammatory process. Treatment of the disease is always complex and requires careful attention to the use of certain drugs, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

Treatment of cheesy discharge in early pregnancy

Subject to certain hygienic rules, visiting a gynecologist at least twice a year, maintaining the immune system and a healthy lifestyle, the likelihood of thrush is reduced many times. But if there are signs of illness, itching, cheesy discharge, yellow or white, the presence of an odor, then you should not postpone the visit to the doctor, because thrush is not always amenable to quick treatment.

A woman who monitors her health does not miss most of the signals of her own body, suggesting whether everything is normal or whether you should immediately visit a doctor. For example, vaginal white discharge that scares expectant mothers. The excitement is understandable, but when you need to worry and whether it is worth paying close attention to them, I suggest you find out.

Why does white vaginal discharge appear in the early stages?

In addition to the common and habitual signs of pregnancy such as toxicosis, the absence of menstruation and, most accurately, the presence of traces of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine, there are several indirect ones. Frequent mood swings, chronic drowsiness, increased urge to urinate and abundant white vaginal discharge tell the woman that she will soon become a mother.

Of course, individually, these signs can be symptoms of other conditions of the body, but the combination increases the chance that a pregnancy test will be positive.
Report all suspicions regarding your condition to the doctor leading the pregnancy, and he will already decide whether to worry or not.

White vaginal discharge appears 2-3 days before the expected onset of menstruation. The appearance of leucorrhoea at the very beginning of pregnancy is due to the fact that after conception by the female body, active production of progesterone begins. This hormone promotes the formation of a mucous plug to protect the placenta from bacterial contamination. During the first trimester, transparent thick discharge is considered the norm, and not a pathology, and by 14-15 weeks, their consistency changes to a more liquid one under the influence of estrogen production.

If the discharge does not cause a burning sensation in the genitals and the smell is sour or neutral, there is no reason to worry. You should be on your guard in the following cases:

  • vaginal discharge is accompanied by unpleasant, possibly painful sensations;
  • there is a general deterioration in the woman's well-being;
  • discharge has a specific smell, and their consistency is constantly changing;
  • the volume of leucorrhoea significantly exceeds the norm (about a teaspoon per day);
  • the color of the discharge changes from transparent to greenish or bright scarlet.

You can monitor your vaginal discharge with panty liners. If you find at least one sign of pathology, immediately consult a doctor!

Video: a gynecologist talks about vaginal discharge

Profuse leucorrhoea in early pregnancy

Transparent mucus from the vagina is considered to be as normal a physiological manifestation as tears. It contains dead cells, rejected by the uterine canals, and microorganisms, bacteria and fungi that live in the female genital organs. Small amounts of leucorrhoea are secreted in women throughout their lives, and in the early stages of pregnancy, the volume of discharge increases.
Ordinary sanitary pads help to track the color and volume of vaginal discharge.

Vaginal discharge with hormonal imbalance

The cervix (cervix) plays the role of a protector in a woman's reproductive system. It prevents infections from entering the uterus, and serves as an outlet for the baby during childbirth. The glands on the surface of the cervix are regulated by hormones produced by the ovaries and the pituitary gland. When pregnancy occurs, the amount of progesterone and estrogen fluctuates in different directions and a hormonal imbalance occurs. Under the influence of this, the glands begin to intensively produce mucus in the cervical canal. Usually, abundant discharge begins from the fourth week after conception, or even earlier, when a delay in menstruation is not yet observed.

Until the placenta is finally formed, which protects the fetus from infections and injuries, abundant vaginal discharge continues. Normally, they are not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, rather, the moisture in the perineum simply rises. A mucous plug at the base of the cervix closes the passage of pathogenic bacteria to the embryo by the second month of pregnancy. By about 16-17 weeks of gestation (carrying a baby), the leucorrhoea gradually decreases, but from 22 it returns, because the production of prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, begins.

Video: what is the hormone progesterone

Increased blood circulation and discharge in the first weeks of pregnancy

As the fetus grows and its pressure on the uterus, blood circulation in the pelvic organs increases, which also provokes abundant mucus production.

By the way, the doctor told me that in case of heavy discharge, it is better to use special pads, and not tampons, like some of his patients. Tampons are capable of introducing infection into internal organs, which is especially contraindicated for pregnant women.

Thick discharge in early pregnancy

In the first trimester of gestation, the synthesis of progesterone has a strong effect on the woman's body. After the rupture of the follicle during ovulation, a corpus luteum is formed, at the initial stage producing a large amount of a hormone involved in embryonic development. Progesterone helps the fertilized egg - the embryo - to stay in the uterus; under the influence of this hormone, thick white discharge - cork mucus - forms in the cervix. From the moment the embryo is attached to the wall of the uterus, the formation of the placenta begins, and now it synthesizes progesterone, the increased amount of which makes the mucus thicker. Women notice viscous white or creamy clots coming out of the vagina on their underwear.
The active production of progesterone makes the leucorrhoea thick, similar to a cream of white or beige color

After the first three months after conception, the placenta practically ripens and the fetus is firmly fixed in the uterus. The production of progesterone is replaced by the synthesis of estrogen. The uterus grows with the fetus, and the mammary glands prepare to carry milk to the start of lactation. Estrogen also contributes to the appearance of white or clear discharge from the genital organs of a woman, this is not considered a pathology.

Liquid vaginal discharge during pregnancy

Liquid vaginal discharge in pregnant women is caused by several reasons, sometimes quite natural, which do not require the intervention of doctors. And sometimes even doctors find it difficult to attribute the discharge to pathological or normal.

In the second trimester, hormones also rule the processes in the female body. But estrogen makes the mucus thinner than it did in the previous 12 weeks. If it does not cause itching or burning and has a neutral odor, then this discharge is a normal reaction of a pregnant woman's body to hormonal changes.
Abundant secretion of mucus of any consistency, which is accompanied by a deterioration in well-being, is an important reason for an unscheduled visit to the doctor.

But liquid discharge from the vagina before the eighth week is no longer entirely normal, and you must definitely see a doctor. The reason for them is an allergic reaction to a synthetic material of linen or washing powder, because the mucous membrane of the external genital organs of a woman during pregnancy becomes more sensitive than usual.

The problem is that any vaginal discharge is an excellent breeding ground for microorganisms, and pathogenic ones too. And it doesn't matter what the reasons were for the appearance of vaginal mucus. Therefore, it is so important for women to maintain personal hygiene:

  • wash yourself daily using intimate hygiene products;
  • change underwear regularly;
  • use panty liners, changing them at least once every 6 hours.

Pathological vaginal discharge of a pregnant woman

Fluid secretions that smell like fish, especially abundant ones, suggest violations of the vaginal microflora or bacterial vaginosis. These diseases develop against the background of the weakened immunity of the expectant mother and hormonal imbalance, provoking the multiplication of pathogens in the mucous membrane.

Infectious-inflammatory and sexually transmitted diseases are asymptomatic for a long time. Due to lowered immunity and a changeable hormonal background, inflammatory processes can be aggravated, while discharge is possible of a variety in appearance, including liquid. It is advisable to cure all this before pregnancy, so doctors recommend that you undergo a comprehensive examination before conception and identify diseases in advance.

Video: what is bacterial vaginosis

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are most often mild, occasionally itching or burning in the genitals may bother you. It is imperative to treat the disease, as it further weakens the immune system, which causes inflammation at the site of infection, and promises other unpleasant sensations.
The yellow-green color of the discharge requires an immediate visit to the doctor, because it is one of the signs of inflammation of the genitals.

For example, with gonorrhea, flowing in a woman in a latent form, liquid discharge of a character with a yellowish-green tint begins, which may indicate the onset of inflammation. Trichomoniasis, the chronic form of which proceeds without pronounced symptoms, in the acute period is characterized by abundant foamy discharge of a yellowish tint. Most infectious diseases are accompanied by a burning sensation and itching, in some cases there is pain when urinating.

In addition, the presence of a sweetish smell of discharge indicates leakage of amniotic fluid, and this may mean the threat of termination of pregnancy.

Cheesy discharge in the first months of pregnancy

Pregnant women often have discharge that resembles cottage cheese in consistency. They are accompanied by characteristic symptoms that cannot be ignored.

Thrush, or vaginal candidiasis in pregnant women

Some women suffer from it periodically throughout their lives, others were lucky enough to meet with a thrush only once. And this happens most often during pregnancy, when the body's defenses are weakened. An extremely small number of the fair sex know about this disease only by hearsay. It is caused by the Candida fungus, and the correct diagnosis in the language of medicine sounds like vaginal candidiasis.
Inflammation of the mucous membrane is caused by Candida fungi, which constantly inhabit the human body and are activated with reduced immunity

The fungus destroys the integrity of the vaginal mucosa, making it less elastic and more likely to rupture during childbirth. An unpleasant bonus is the erosion of the cervix, provoked by candidiasis. To the already frequent mood swings, irritability is added for any reason due to the discomfort caused by the symptoms of thrush.

Signs of candidiasis in women:

  • the vaginal mucosa turns red and swells;
  • there is an itching and burning sensation in the genitals;
  • the skin around the vagina looks irritated;
  • the discharge becomes profuse and cheesy.

First of all, thrush is dangerous for a child to whom the infection gets in utero or when passing through the birth canal during birth. And since there is practically no immunity in newborns, any pathogen can cause irreparable damage to the internal organs of the baby.

Treatment of thrush in pregnant women at an early stage

In the first trimester, treatment of thrush with medications poses a danger to the baby, therefore, therapy begins no earlier than 13-14 weeks of pregnancy. In rare cases, if the symptoms cause severe discomfort in a woman, the doctor prescribes Pimafucin.

Self-medication during gestation leads to irreversible consequences, and you cannot make a decision about taking any medications without consulting a gynecologist.

Important! It is especially dangerous for pregnant women at any time to be treated with Nizoral, Flucanazole, Diflucan and Lucanazole. These drugs cause severe damage to the fetus, often incompatible with life.

Video: how to treat thrush while carrying a baby

Ladies, keep in mind that if the doctor says that you and your partner need to be treated, he is not just saying this for a reason. I had a married acquaintance 15 years ago who once sobbed on my shoulder “Lenka, I don’t know what to do anymore. Thrush as clung about a year ago, I will not get rid of it. A month passes and I start the treatment again, the candle manufacturers at my expense have probably built a house for themselves ... We want a baby, but I'm scared "

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