Home Diseases and pests Pregnant belly 4 months. Quota treatment for prostate cancer. Analyzes and examinations at this time

Pregnant belly 4 months. Quota treatment for prostate cancer. Analyzes and examinations at this time

The fourth month of pregnancy is the start for the most pleasant and safe trimester in general - the second. By this time, the unpleasant manifestations associated with toxicosis should have subsided, or at least significantly diminished. An increased appetite is increasingly replacing annoying nausea and intolerance to odors - the baby in the mother's belly continues to grow and develop actively, requiring the necessary nutrients and nutrients. The growth and development of the fetus at 4 months occurs according to "fabulous laws" - by leaps and bounds, and by the end of it, a woman with a sinking heart for the first time can feel the first movements and pushes of her baby. However, keep in mind that the sensations of the first shocks are a completely individual question: many mothers can feel the first movements of the baby only in the next month. It depends on the anatomical features, on the physique of the pregnant woman, on whether this is the first pregnancy or the mother is "in expectation" again.

Despite the fact that the second trimester of pregnancy, which started from the fourth month, is considered the calmest and safest, a pregnant woman, as before, needs to be careful, to monitor her well-being. Among other things, the most important is good nutrition at 4 months of pregnancy, regular walks in the fresh air, rest and healthy sleep. The expectant mother needs to monitor blood pressure and her own weight.

· Baby development at 4 months of pregnancy

The development of the fetus at the 4th month of pregnancy is proceeding by leaps and bounds - during this time, the formation of all the internal organs of the baby will practically be completed. The kidneys of the child are already withdrawing urine excretion into the amniotic fluid on their own, the child's immune system is actively developing, the adrenal glands produce hormones, all the functions of the tiny organism are controlled by its own nervous and endocrine system. The growth and development of the fetal brain continues: 4 months of pregnancy is a significant period in the formation of the baby's cerebral cortex.

All the functions of transporting oxygen, nutrients and nutrients to the baby are performed by the placenta. It is in charge of removing waste and harmful substances from a tiny organism, protecting the fetus from harmful bacteria and viruses.

The development of the fetus at 4 months has reached the level when the baby can already bend the legs and arms, squeeze the palms into fists, he develops grasping and sucking reflexes. During the same month, hair, eyebrows and cilia will begin to grow on the child's head, and marigolds will form on the fingers. 4 months of pregnancy is the time when an embryonic fluff is formed on the body of the baby - lanugo, it will keep a special protective lubricant on its skin - the baby's skin secretions, produced specifically for protective purposes.

The baby already knows how to squint, and by the end of 4 months he will open his eyes altogether. According to the results of this period, the growth of the fetus will reach 16-20 cm, and the weight - 200 grams.

· Possible problems and sensations during pregnancy 4 months

Now there is a gradual improvement in the condition and general well-being of the pregnant mother: the toxicosis is passing, the feeling of nausea in the surrounding odors disappears, activity increases, and increased appetite sprinkles. The belly at 4 months of pregnancy grows noticeably, changing the figure of the woman: the uterus is growing rapidly , the stomach, accordingly, is rounded, and the waist is smoothed, the mammary glands are increasing in size, but, fortunately, the soreness and swelling of this process gradually disappears.

The fourth month of pregnancy can upset the mother with the appearance of age spots on the skin, darkening or the appearance of freckles. At 4 months, the abdomen will acquire a more pronounced strip, the skin of the areolas and nipples also darkens.

Due to the concentration in the body of a large amount of fluid, sweating may increase, whitish vaginal discharge may increase slightly. If the nature of the discharge changes - their texture, color, smell change, discharge during pregnancy 4 months accompanied by burning and / or itching - you should urgently consult a doctor. With these symptoms, treatment of the associated infection will most likely be required.

Feelings of recurrent headaches and dizziness during a 4 month pregnancy are still possible. You may experience some bleeding of the gums while brushing your teeth. Some women experience nasal congestion, nosebleeds also occur, if the small vessels of the increased blood flow in the body cannot withstand.

Constipation can be a very unpleasant problem during this period - a consequence of hormonal changes and the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines. The best way to deal with constipation is to avoid them, for this you need to carefully monitor the diet, nutrition at 4 months of pregnancy should in every possible way contribute to the normal functioning of the intestines. And if constipation still appears - try to debug the intestines and digestive system as soon as possible. Indeed, it is often due to the fault of constipation that such a painful and delicate disease develops as hemorrhoids pregnant .

The growth of the uterus in the abdominal cavity continues, but at this stage of pregnancy it has already increased enough to go beyond the small pelvis. Against the background of a significant increase in the uterus, a sprain occurs, while many expectant mothers experience painful pulling sensations in the lower abdomen. As a rule, such sensations are within the normal range, but in order to make sure of this, to establish the nature of the pain accurately and to exclude the possibility of the risk of losing a child, it is imperative to consult a specialist about this.

The fourth month of pregnancy can please mommy with the sensation of the baby's first pushes in the stomach. At the same time, you can feel first fetal movements , but you may not feel it. It depends on many factors, such as anatomical features, physique and weight of the pregnant woman, whether you are pregnant for the first time or have already repeated. Many mothers feel the sensations of the first movements of the baby during pregnancy only in the next month.

· Nutrition at 4 months of pregnancy

At this stage of carrying a child, the appetite of a pregnant mother can only be envied: her health has improved and the woman is increasingly drawn to “eat and have a snack”. At the same time, now it is simply necessary to carefully monitor the weight, avoiding excessive adjustment and avoiding complications associated with it (for example, stretch marks on the skin, diabetes mellitus during pregnancy). Better if in 4 months of pregnancy weight gain will be only 1 to 4 kg.

Therefore, it is important to organize correct diet by eating only those foods that are healthy and satisfy the nutritional needs of both organisms. When drawing up a daily menu, a woman should take into account that she should gain in the range of 2 - 2.5 kg of weight per month.

Experts recommend organizing food in such a way as to prevent hunger and eat food with maximum benefit. Simply put, you need to eat more often, but in small portions, eat most of the food during the first half of the day. It is most correct for the first and second breakfast to be sufficiently nutritious, lunch to be the most satisfying, and in the evening to eat only easily digestible foods. At the same time, it is allowed to eat vegetables and fruits during the day in almost unlimited quantities (exceptions are citrus fruits, fresh cabbage, which causes bloating, and potatoes rich in unnecessary starch and carbohydrates).

The nutrition of a pregnant woman in the fourth month should be as natural as possible: no fast foods, semi-finished products, smoked meats, marinades, etc. In addition, one should refuse salty foods (due to the excessive presence of salt in the body, fluid retention and the development of edema occur), confectionery and other sweets (“fast” carbohydrates are useless for a developing baby, and dangerous for a woman - they stimulate rapid weight gain) ...

In the diet of a pregnant woman, protein sources must be present, in the form of lean meat and fish. Milk, fermented milk products, cottage cheese will be able to provide the body with the necessary calcium, will have a beneficial effect on the activity of the intestines. For normal intestinal motility, fruits and vegetables are required, in addition to fiber, which also supply vitamins, micro- and macroelements. An integral part of the diet during pregnancy should be cereals, butter and vegetable oils, whole grain bread, nuts. To avoid anemia of pregnant women food should be enriched with foods rich in iron - beef, liver, pomegranates, dried apricots.

It should be borne in mind that iron itself is absorbed from food rather poorly, and the need for it at 4 months of pregnancy is increased, so an additional intake of vitamin-mineral complexes may be needed. In addition to iron, the body of the pregnant woman and the baby in the mother's belly requires sufficient intake of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, vitamins of group B. In this regard, the doctor may prescribe the pregnant woman to take some kind of vitamin and mineral complex.

· Sex in the fourth month of pregnancy

The question is, "Is sex permissible in the fourth month of pregnancy?" can be unambiguous - Yes, of course! But only on condition that the doctor leading the pregnancy did not voice a warning about the prohibition of intimacy. In the absence of contraindications, sex in the second trimester of pregnancy takes on new colors, and possibly brings "hitherto unseen" sensations. After the completion of the first months of adaptation to a new state, a pregnant woman seems to be “reborn” for physical love with renewed vigor and real ecstasy. Many women say that the fourth month has become for them a real discovery of the delights of intimate life, and they have not experienced such vivid sensations of pleasure before.

As for contraindications to sex at 4 months of pregnancy, these include the following conditions:

1. high risk of spontaneous miscarriage;

2. increased uterine tone ;

3. vaginal bleeding, spotting during pregnancy;

4. damage to the fetal bladder;

5. low location or presentation of the placenta;

6. if a woman or spouse has a genital tract infection.

· Analyzes and examinations at this time

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, the “appointment” with the doctor will take place once during this 4 months. During a routine examination, the specialist measures the weight and blood pressure of the expectant mother, listens to the fetal heartbeat, palpates to determine the size and fundus height ... Traditionally, a urinalysis should be taken to detect protein and control sugar levels.

The woman may be advised to take a triple test (or a double "simplified"). This screening test is necessary to determine the concentration of three substances in the blood produced by the mother's body and the placenta, namely: hCG (chorionic gonadotorpine), AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) and EZ (estriol). The optimal time for screening is 15-16 weeks of pregnancy. The triple test reveals the presence of risks of fetal malformations and chromosomal abnormalities, in particular, fetal neural tube defects, Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome. At the same time, you should not panic at the slightest excuse - a triple (double) test is not diagnostic, it only allows us to assume increased risks, but does not indicate the presence of pathologies. If the test results are unsatisfactory, the woman is recommended an in-depth examination, which can confirm or dispel possible suspicions.

Yana Lagidna, specially for MyMom . ru

4 months of pregnancy, video:

You are now in your fourth obstetric month - one of the most comfortable periods for carrying your baby. Toxicosis ceases to torment you, appetite appears, and you feel a surge of strength. You need to know what is happening to your body and your baby at 4 months of pregnancy. And we will try to help you understand this issue.

The 4th obstetric month of your pregnancy has begun. Your due date is calculated in obstetric months, which is exactly four weeks (28 days). Are you wondering: "4 months pregnant: how many weeks is it?" From a medical point of view, this is the period from the 13th to the 16th obstetric week.

4 weeks pregnant: what happens to the fetus?

Undoubtedly, you are wondering what your baby looks like at 4 months of pregnancy, how long it will take for him to move. The baby's body is not yet proportional: the arms are already proportional to the body, but the legs are still short. The size of the fetus at 4 months of pregnancy: height - 13 cm, weight - about 60-70 grams.

Your baby is already beginning to form the external genitalia. But it is not yet clear whether it is a girl or a boy.

Now the baby's nervous system is actively developing, his skin becomes sensitive. The child's facial features become noticeable. And even at such a short time, he is already smiling, frowning and frowning. Your baby is already quite developed - he sucks his finger, turns his head, stretches, yawns, squeezes his fingers into a fist and plays with his legs and arms. At the end of the fourth obstetric month, many expectant mothers already notice the movements of their baby. They may still be very weak, but in the future they will become more and more stronger.

During this period of intrauterine development, your child already begins to synthesize his hemoglobin, the pituitary gland and adrenal cortex are functioning more actively. The baby's body is becoming more and more independent.

What does the belly look like at 4 months of pregnancy

Is the belly growing and how much is it visible at 4 months of pregnancy? During this period, as a rule, external changes are not particularly noticeable. What the belly looks like at 4 months of pregnancy depends largely on your constitution. If this is your first pregnancy, then the belly does not protrude much (the uterus has just begun to go beyond the pelvis). With repeated pregnancies during this period, the abdomen is already quite noticeable, since the ligaments holding the uterus are already stretched. At this time, the belly does not hinder movements yet, and you feel quite comfortable.
The uterus begins to grow rapidly, the volume of amniotic fluid is about 300 ml. By this time, you could have already gained 5-7 kg (and this is normal). The uterus is now located between the navel and the pubic bone.

4 month pregnancy sensations

By the 4th month of pregnancy, the symptoms and sensations of the first trimester practically disappear or occur only occasionally. Your appetite and well-being have already noticeably improved due to the absence of nausea. But symptoms such as:

  • dizziness;
  • slight pain in the lower abdomen due to stretching and thickening of the ligaments of the uterus;
  • headache;
  • bleeding from the nose;
  • profuse white vaginal discharge;
  • sensations of slight suffocation;
  • involuntary discharge of urine, etc.

All of these symptoms are caused by hormonal changes in your body and are acceptable and normal.

If you begin to notice swelling of the arms and legs, increased blood pressure and deterioration of health, you should consult a doctor.

A sharp weight gain in combination with severe swelling may indicate kidney problems. Therefore, during this period it is very important to diagnose the existing pathologies in a timely manner and cure them. At this time, pyelonephritis may occur, which is caused by the influence of the hormone progesterone.

It is also important to monitor changes in the color of urine and discharge. If your urine is often pink or cloudy, tell your doctor. You also need to urgently consult a gynecologist if you find brown or bloody discharge from the vagina.

A month from conception is six to seven obstetric weeks. At this time, the crumb weighs about 1 g and is about the size of large beans. The growing symptoms of toxicosis, changes in behavior and well-being cannot be overlooked. What else is characteristic of the 4th week of pregnancy, what dangers does it carry?

The first month of gestation is the most crucial. Exposure to harmful factors can lead to serious abnormalities in the development of the fetus and even a missed pregnancy. The expectant mother should be attentive to her condition; it is necessary to visit the doctor at this time only if there are complaints. What happens to the fetus at 4 weeks of gestation and how does a woman feel? The main parameters of this period are schematically shown in the following table.

Table - Interesting facts

Embryo development

The embryo at 4 weeks of pregnancy (from the moment of conception) looks like this:

  • head, torso and limbs- there is already a clear division;
  • visible on the head- eyes, nostrils, upper and lower jaw;
  • facial features, nose - begin to form;
  • upper limbs- fully formed, fingers are visible, but the baby still cannot squeeze them into a fist;
  • lower limbs- also already developed along with the feet;
  • intestines - actively forming, may slightly protrude with the formation of a physiological omphalocele;
  • umbilical cord - formed, connects the baby with the placenta and the mother;
  • the heart becomes four-chambered, blood circulation through the vessels is intensive;
  • the genital tubercle is already there, and there is a gradual formation of male or female genitals.

When performing an ultrasound, the fetal egg is clearly visible near the wall of the uterus with an embryo. The placentation stage continues. The quality of the built relationships in the mother-fetus-placenta system determines how successfully this pregnancy will develop.

The size of the ovum itself at 4 weeks of gestation is already more than 21 mm in diameter, and the size of the fetus in it is about 1 cm. Inside the ovum, a yolk sac is noticeable, which functions up to 12 obstetric weeks.

Changes in a woman's condition

It is difficult not to notice pregnancy at 4 weeks: changes in the body relate to both the external appearance of the woman and her behavior, social adaptation, sensations.

External signs

Pallor of the skin associated with low blood pressure, progesterone background and toxicosis is often noted. The mammary glands are enlarged. The chest swells and even hurts so much that it is impossible to sleep on your stomach. The nipples and areola darken, but the white line of the abdomen is not yet visible.

The anterior abdominal wall loses its tone, and relaxed bowel loops with a tendency to bloating create a "pregnancy picture". Therefore, the girls note that their belly appeared already in the second month of pregnancy, but this does not happen due to the growth of the uterus and the fetus in it (the embryo is still the size of beans), but due to a decrease in the general muscle tone.

Already at this point, an improvement in the condition of hair and nails can be noted, less care is required.


For others, changes associated with the woman's behavior are noticeable.

  • Nausea, vomiting . She appears not only in the morning. It can be provoked by various smells of food, sharp aromas of perfume, even natural human pheromones, which are now perceived more clearly.
  • Changing taste preferences... Often the "thin" women start to eat "not in themselves", sometimes the appetite drops, the girl can lose weight. Pregnant women can be inclined to salty and sweet at the same time (for example, to herring and "snack" on cakes). Drooling may occur.
  • Irritability and tearfulness... In the first trimester, girls become very impressionable, sentimental, easily influenced and do not think about the consequences. Frequent mood swings are characteristic. In one minute there can be crying and laughter, and without any particular reason. Some people have increased irritability - actions that they did not pay attention to before make them angry and nervous.
  • Fast fatiguability... It is much more difficult to endure previously feasible physical activity. I want to sleep longer, move less and stay calm. Night shift work should be suspended.
  • Loss of attention. It is already more difficult for pregnant women to perform work that requires high concentration of attention. The ability to memorize large amounts of information is somewhat reduced.
  • Decreased libido. There is often a temporary decrease in interest in sex. Sometimes the natural odors of a sexual partner can increase nausea, which goes away by 12-14 obstetric weeks.

These changes are due to the restructuring of the nervous system. A "pregnancy dominant" is formed in the brain, which "pushes" all the functions of the body into the background and slows down reactions in order to provide the most comfortable, calm conditions for the development of the baby.

Internal organs work

Internal organs undergo significant changes, which are subject to an additional load. This is especially noticeable in the presence of chronic diseases. In the first month of pregnancy, their exacerbation may occur. Possible violations are presented in the table.

Table - Changes in the work of internal organs in the fourth week of pregnancy

SystemWhat is observed
Digestive- Increased heartburn;
- stomach ache;
- bloating;
- a tendency to constipation;
- periodic colic in the lower abdomen;
- increased appetite
RespiratoryFeeling short of air
Cardiovascular- Decrease in pressure or drops;
- strengthening of the venous pattern of the legs;
- a feeling of heaviness in the legs
Urinary- Frequent urge to urinate;
- exacerbation of cystitis, urethritis
Nervous- Headache;
- dizziness;
- loss of consciousness;
- more likely to get seasick in public transport

Immediately after the onset of pregnancy, serious changes in the woman's body lead to an increase in the need for some substances and a decrease in the need for others. Moreover, the variability varies depending on the gestational age. Therefore, women who regularly take medications should definitely contact the appropriate specialists for dose adjustment or even drug withdrawal.


The embryo is 50% genetically foreign to a woman. In order to endure pregnancy, the body has to suppress the activity of the immune system, which reveals foreign material. This entails a tendency to respiratory diseases, the likelihood of exacerbation of all foci of chronic infection increases. Most often, one has to deal with acute pyelonephritis, pulpitis (inflammation of the dental pulp).

Pathology at 4 weeks of gestation

The 4th week of pregnancy can be overshadowed by a variety of complications. Most often this is a suspicion of stopping the development of the embryo or the threat of miscarriage. Ectopic pregnancy is a little less common. (The latter manifests itself in most cases immediately after the delay, as soon as the 4th obstetric week of pregnancy begins).

You can suspect a missed pregnancy by the following criteria:

  • spotting spotting- appear from the genital tract;
  • symptoms of toxicosis- abruptly cease or are absent altogether;
  • basal temperature- falls;
  • lack of embryo- and his heartbeat in the fetal bladder at the sixth obstetric week;
  • Fetal heart rate - less than 100 beats per minute;
  • the yolk sac is too large (more than 20 mm) or none at all.

A woman should understand that it is very difficult to establish an undeveloped pregnancy at such a time. Reviews are full of stories of how a "frozen pregnancy" turned into a progressive one a week later. Therefore, in the presence of complaints or a burdened history, an integrated approach is required - not only the ultrasound picture is assessed, but also the level of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), complaints.

In the fifth to sixth weeks of pregnancy, in violation of the implantation processes, spontaneous miscarriages may occur. In this case, the following symptoms are noted:

  • the lower abdomen aches and the lower back hurts / pulls;
  • blood stains on linen or bleeding;
  • feeling of "stone" in the lower abdomen due to the tone of the uterus.

In case of a violation of pregnancy (abortion in progress) or if it is frozen, it is necessary to carry out additional scraping of the uterine cavity or supplement the process with medications for interruption. The uterus can no longer "cleanse itself" on its own, as, for example, in the second or third week of pregnancy.


You can confirm pregnancy at this time in the following ways:

  • Ultrasound of the small pelvis;
  • pregnancy test;
  • HCG blood;
  • basal temperature.

Even a routine examination by a gynecologist already allows you to accurately determine the cause of the delay in menstruation. On examination, an enlarged body of the uterus is determined, it is of a softish consistency. But the uterus still does not change its position - if it was in retroflexio (posteriorly), it still remains so. Discharge is normally white, not abundant. More detailed research results are given in the table.

Table - How to confirm pregnancy in the fourth week

After IVF, the indicators are the same. With multiple pregnancies (twins, triplets), the hCG rate at 4 weeks of gestation will always be higher than the usual rate, since it is produced by two embryos.

Do I need to register

Many women have a question about when, when a positive pregnancy test is found, they should visit a gynecologist. If nothing bothers you, you can postpone the visit until the eighth to tenth obstetric week. In the following cases, you must make an appointment immediately upon confirmation of pregnancy:

  • bearing problems- there were dead, miscarriages, multiple abortions;
  • chronic diseases - it is necessary to adjust the drugs used, consult about the possibility and safety of bearing;
  • something worries- if brown discharge appears at the 4th week of pregnancy, pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, vomiting more than three times a day.

If the expectant mother feels well and does not have serious chronic diseases (for example, heart disease, diabetes mellitus), there is no need to undergo additional examinations before registration. Otherwise, only a doctor can prescribe a competent examination, taking into account the existing pathology.

Signs of pregnancy at 4 weeks (from the moment of conception) include vivid symptoms of toxicosis, changes in the woman's behavior and even her appearance. Most of these transformations are associated with changes in hormonal levels with the predominance of progesterone. An ultrasound scan at 4 weeks of gestation should show without any difficulty not only the ovum, but also an embryo with a heartbeat of 160-180 beats per minute.

4th month of pregnancy is usually a fertile time, which is characterized by good health, many pleasant discoveries and the first contact with the baby. In rare cases, this period is accompanied by unpleasant complications, but with the constant supervision of a specialist, they can be easily eliminated.

Feelings at 4 months of pregnancy

At the 4th month of pregnancy, the general condition is stabilized. It is more like the usual state of health before the moment of conception. The unpleasant symptoms characteristic of toxicosis disappear, the expectant mother feels a noticeable surge of strength. True, during this period, unwanted pregnancy companions often appear:

  • heartburn. To reduce its manifestation, it is recommended to eat small portions and mainly healthy foods;
  • bleeding gums or gingivitis. It is necessary to change hygiene products for more gentle ones, increase the daily dose of vitamin C and calcium taken;
  • dizziness and even fainting. It is necessary to eat a balanced diet, get enough rest, breathe fresh air, and minimize the impact of stressful situations.

Allocations: what should be normal?

Belly at 4 months pregnant

Many expectant mothers are interested in whether the belly is visible at this stage? The fourth month during pregnancy is characterized by the absence of a protruding tummy, but due to the active growth of the child, it begins to increase. At the beginning of the second trimester, it is dense, elastic, and during the entire subsequent time it grows quite rapidly. For this reason, from the fourth month, it is necessary to use creams for stretch marks that can preserve the attractive appearance of the skin on the abdomen.

In addition, at the beginning of this period, the mother can feel the baby's jolts. Usually those who have a second and subsequent pregnancies feel them on, at the first experience - to. Much depends on the sensitivity of the mother and the size of the baby.

Pain in the fourth month of pregnancy

Lower abdominal pain is characteristic of this period, as the uterus is actively growing. They have a pulling, aching character, mild and not constant. Abdominal pain of a cramping type is a bad harbinger, with which it is necessary to consult a supervising specialist.

From the beginning of the second trimester, many women complain of sore legs caused by violent and violent cramps. This happens when there is a lack of calcium and phosphorus. Also, at this time, there may be soreness in the gums, and even their bleeding, from time to time a headache.


Menstruation at this time and other spotting is extremely rare and is always considered a serious problem. With her, you must immediately consult a doctor in order to maintain a pregnancy. An accident or a fall is often the cause. There are frequent cases of the appearance of menstruation due to an attempt to terminate a pregnancy. It is extremely dangerous to do this, since abortions are allowed only before, after this time, the baby is already formed. In some cases, there is a detachment of vesicles from the wall of the uterus, which causes spotting. This is fraught with anemia, so you need to take appropriate measures.


The 4th month of normal pregnancy is not characterized by a high risk of miscarriage, this time is stable and no longer dangerous. The reason for this may be the rejection of the blood of the mother and child, which does not happen often. Inflammatory processes and infectious diseases also lead to undesirable consequences. Serious hormone disruptions can be very dangerous for the pregnancy to continue.

Below you can watch a video about the development of the fetus in the fourth month of pregnancy.

Ultrasound examination in early pregnancy is carried out only for strict medical reasons. At 4 weeks, the fetus is actively growing and developing. With the help of ultrasound, it is possible to detect not only pregnancy, but also to determine the primary anomalies of its course and development.

Indicate the first day of your last period

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2019 2018

What does the study show?

3-4 weeks of pregnancy is a very important stage in organogenesis. At this time, the laying of vital organs occurs. During this period, doctors call the future baby embryo. In its size, it reaches only a few millimeters.

It is important to note that to assess the intrauterine development of the fetus, doctors determine the obstetric gestational age. The expectant mother will subsequently face this medical term throughout the entire period of bearing the baby.

Some doctors also use the concept "Embryonic term". It should be noted that embryonic development lags behind obstetric development by a couple of weeks. This is because the obstetric period is counted from the estimated date of the last ovulation and conception by 2 weeks.

In order not to get confused with the terms, doctors recommend that expectant mothers use those that they use in their work. Moreover, in the future obstetric gestational age will appear in the medical documents of a pregnant woman much more often.

At this time, the active development of the embryo takes place. At this time period of pregnancy, a small embryo is only a group of actively dividing cells. It usually has a three-layer structure. Subsequently, these layers will be transformed into the development of fetal structures. At this time, the rudiments of the brain, spine, gastrointestinal tract, future skin and other internal organs are actively formed.

Chorion is an actively developing anatomical structure. It is essential for the blood supply to the fetus. In this case, the blood vessels of the chorion grow strongly to the inner lining of the uterus.

Through this communication, the fetus receives all the necessary nutrients and oxygen dissolved in the blood. Also, the placenta will be formed from the chorion in the future.

By the end of the fourth and the beginning of the fifth week of pregnancy, it begins to form amnion... This is a formation, inside which is the embryo itself and the fluid component. In the future, fetal membranes and water will form from the amniotic sac.

Yolk sac Is another important anatomical structure of the embryo. It is the rudiment of the formation of some internal organs in the future. At this time, the size of this formation does not exceed a few millimeters. It is important to note that only experienced ultrasound diagnostics specialists can determine this anatomical structure.

What is it for?

Conducting an ultrasound scan at the earliest stages of pregnancy is the exception rather than the rule. Absolutely all women do not do this kind of research. At this time, the size of the embryo is so small that the doctor can accurately and not establish them.

4th week of pregnancy is the time when it is determined fact of pregnancy, as well as concomitant diseases of the internal genital organs of the expectant mother. It is important to note that such an examination plays a very important role in drawing up further tactics for managing the patient.

You can also carry out an ultrasound scan for multiple pregnancies, when the expectant mother is expecting the birth of twins or triplets. A fertility specialist can also prescribe this study to establish the result after in vitro fertilization. In this case, in the uterine cavity, the specialist conducting the ultrasound will see several gestational (fetal) eggs, which will indicate a favorable outcome of the implantation.

It is also necessary to conduct research at such an early stage. to identify signs of ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the ovum in the uterine cavity is not visualized. A high blood level of hCG in this condition only confirms the presence of an ectopic pregnancy.

Doctors can also prescribe such a study if there is a suspicion of trophoblastic disease. This disease can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or the formation of intrauterine malformations.

Also, ultrasound diagnostics helps to identify various cysts of the corpus luteum, which also quite often develop during pregnancy due to altered hormonal imbalance.

Usually, screening in the first trimester of pregnancy is carried out much later - at 10-12 weeks. In this case, you can already better consider all the anatomical structures of the fetus. Also, at this time, doctors can determine various pathologies of intrauterine development.

Norms of the investigated parameters

The small size of the embryo does not yet allow ultrasound diagnostics specialists in this period of pregnancy to determine all of its internal elements. The future baby looks at the 4th week of its intrauterine development, usually like a poppy seed. Its longitudinal size at this time is 1-1.5 mm. By weight, it is even less - about 0.6 grams.

The main anatomical element, which is determined by doctors of ultrasound diagnostics at this stage, is the fetal sac. It is a formation located on the inner wall of the uterus. The size of the fetal sac is usually 3-5 mm.

4 week is also the time when all the indirect signs of pregnancy are perfectly manifested. During this period, doctors determine the expansion of the blood vessels of the uterine vessels. This phenomenon occurs due to the fact that the growing embryo requires more nutrients and oxygen for its active growth and development.

At this time, the size and tone of the uterus are also determined. The growing embryo and the action of pregnancy hormones lead to the fact that the size of the genital organ gradually begins to increase. The size of the cervical canal is also determined. Normally, it should not be less than 3 cm. If its shortening is determined, then in this case, this patient must necessarily consult a gynecologist for a second consultation to exclude ICI.

There are several ways to conduct early research. The most common is transabdominal. In this case, the study is carried out through the anterior abdominal wall. The doctor touches the skin with a special ultrasonic sensor, and an image appears on a special screen.

To obtain the best picture, a special transparent substance is used. The skin of the abdomen is pretreated with this gel. It is necessary to improve the penetration of ultrasonic waves into the body.

Many pregnant women think this gel can be dangerous. However, this is not at all the case. Its hypoallergenic composition completely excludes the occurrence of any allergic reactions in expectant mothers. After examination, the gel is removed with a regular paper towel.

Another way to get the image on the screen is use of transvaginal ultrasound... In this case, the doctor conducts a study using a special sensor that is inserted into the vagina. Most doctors consider this method the most accurate and informative, especially at such early stages.

It is important to note that doctors identify several contraindications for performing a transvaginal ultrasound. If a pregnant woman has an exacerbation of colpitis or vaginitis, then, most likely, this examination will be postponed. In such cases, doctors replace transvaginal ultrasound with a transabdominal examination.

During this examination, the doctor can take the first pictures of the baby. In such an image, it is still impossible to distinguish the contours of the body of the unborn child. In this picture, only a rounded or elongated formation is visible. In some cases, the first “photo” of the child is taken at the request of the expectant mother.

If, after the ultrasound scan, the doctor did not reveal any signs of pregnancy, but the woman still has a fairly high level of pregnancy hormones in her blood, then she is re-examined after 1-2 weeks. This situation quite often occurs when an ectopic pregnancy is difficult to diagnose. Also, such a case may be the result of a "frozen" or "frozen" pregnancy.

Is it possible to do on such a timeframe?

Early ultrasound is an exception, not a mandatory practice. The first regulated period for this examination is 10-12 weeks of pregnancy. It is at such a time that an ultrasound scan can identify all the specific pathologies of bearing a fetus and evaluate its intrauterine growth.

Frequent ultrasound examinations, especially in the early stages of fetal development, will inevitably lead to adverse consequences. Scientists from many countries annually conduct hundreds of scientific experiments that determine the negative effect of ultrasound on the developing fetus after the abuse of ultrasound in pregnant women.

4 week is the time of the most intensive growth and organogenesis of the fetus. The action of ultrasonic waves has a mechanical external effect. This contributes to the fact that the embryo can form various abnormalities in its intrauterine development.

An ultrasound scan is performed at this time only for strict medical reasons. Doctors in such a situation mainly conduct this study in order to exclude spontaneous miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. It is especially unfavorable to conduct research in focal mode. Doctors note that 3D and 4D ultrasound is also not worth doing at this time.

The mom-to-be should remember that suspicion of pregnancy at this time is not a 100% reason for an ultrasound examination. In order to confirm the fact of pregnancy, in this case, doctors use some laboratory tests and perform a clinical examination. In the absence of contraindications, an ultrasound scan should not be done at 4 weeks of pregnancy, so as not to harm your unborn baby.

  • What's happening
  • The first signs of pregnancy

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