Home Diseases and pests The battle of psychics about Yesenin. Russia Above All: The Ghost of the Angleterre Hotel. Incredible December horoscope for love from kerro

The battle of psychics about Yesenin. Russia Above All: The Ghost of the Angleterre Hotel. Incredible December horoscope for love from kerro

Battle of psychics from 12/08/2013

Psychics on the project become more popular than the president himself during the show. Sometimes it can be dangerous for psychics. Everyone is shocked by what is happening with the finalist of one of the last seasons of the project. A detachment of armed policemen and journalists broke into the apartment of Ilona Novoselova last week. The clairvoyant and everyone who was in the apartment were laid on the floor, they were handcuffed. It's like a witch hunt.

Everyone was shocked by what was happening. What is Novoselova guilty of? The police do not know what to expect from psychics and prefer to detain them. These are the consequences of a story that happened in May, Ilona and her boyfriend were attacked in the entrance of the house where the psychic lives. They beat a couple with their hands and feet. The keys to the apartment and a bag were taken away. Valuables were searched in the apartment, and neuroleptin was injected into the couple.

Then the unconscious couple was transported to the Moscow region, they were held hostage and intimidated. Ilona's mother collected money, they demanded 7.5 million rubles for her daughter's life. Ilona called and cried, she asked her mother to raise money. Ilona knows how to influence people, she inspired the criminals that she would give money and not tell the police. Then they mocked Ilona, ​​they said that this was PR, and her mother found the money too quickly. The journalists lashed out and pressured, as the psychic did not foresee that an attack would occur. The girl is depressed, she even wanted to commit suicide. The kidnappers were quickly apprehended.

Ilona does not feel safe, she receives SMS on her phone, the criminals feel their impunity, they behave impudently in court. Recently, a woman attacked Ilona. She turned out to be a reporter, but Ilona did not know this, the camera was broken, this was the reason that the police broke into the apartment. Charges were not brought against Ilona, ​​and journalists invaded and began to ask questions if the sorceress had sent curses to the kidnappers, since one of them had a sick grandmother. There is no article for inducing damage. Ilona says that she can curse, then the criminals will die of cancer, there will be no one to judge, but she is waiting for the deserved punishment for the criminals.

The brilliant life and mysterious death of this man haunts neither historians nor ordinary people for many years. Today, psychics will visit the grave. Will psychics be able to unravel the mystery of the death of Sergei Yesenin. Let us remind you that the poet was found hanged in Leningrad, in the Angleterre Hotel. There are three versions, it is officially considered that suicide occurred, but it could be incitement to suicide or murder.

The poet's relatives do not believe that he committed suicide. They want to wash away the stigma of suicide from Yesenin. Sergei's niece always wanted to find out the cause of her uncle's death. There are many questions and inconsistencies in his death, as with his short stature he was able to tighten the noose on a vertical pipe right under the ceiling. The ceilings in the hotel were 4.5 meters, abrasions on the face and body, a mess in the room. No investigation was carried out, the poet was simply immured under a concrete slab. The niece sought an exhumation, but so far no one has allowed it. Now the woman is no longer alive, but she really wanted to know the truth about the death of her uncle. Will psychics solve the mystery of the poet's death?

Experts will observe the test, and psychics will not even know that they are in a cemetery, they will be brought in with their eyes closed. Ekaterina Ryzhikova was the first to start testing. She determined that at the grave of a man who was associated with art, a man used alcohol and cocaine. He lived at the beginning of the last century. Kerro realized that she was in the cemetery. The psychic determined what the poet's childhood was like, women loved a man, he knew how to speak beautifully. Kerro seemed to know what Yesenin was like, he really hit women, he was free, he talked a lot. Before his death, the poet poured mud on the entire top of power, Kerro said that Yesenin was being watched, they wanted to keep him under control. Kerro said that the poet was afraid of death. Marilyn claims that the man was killed. The Estonian Yesenin did not know, but she accurately described his life. Sheps came into contact with Yesenin's mother, she really rests in this grave, Sheps accurately identified this. Alexander determined the height and age of Yesenin, Sheps said that the death was violent. The psychic even determined that a woman committed suicide on the grave and she was buried behind the grave of a man, it was Yesenin's assistant. Actress Zinaida was cut with knives, she was Yesenin's first wife and was also buried in this cemetery. Sheps named everyone who was buried nearby. The medium saw all the signs. He said that two people came to the man in question, he opened it to them, there was a fight, he was strangled.

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On our website, the most interesting episodes of the TV project "Battle of Psychics" are available online in excellent quality, which you can always watch with us.

We offer you to watch online a new series of the show "The Battle of Psychics".

What test awaits our psychics?

Every schoolchild in our country knows who Sergei Yesenin is, we all studied the works of this great Russian poet in the school curriculum, his name is known all over the world, but the mystery of his death has remained unsolved.

The audience of the “Battle of Psychics” program is already familiar with the story of the death of the poet Sergei Yesenin from the 6th season.

You can watch the online series Season No. 6, issue No. 3 on our website.

The niece of the great poet Svetlana Petrovna Yesenina turned to the “Battle of Psychics” program for help. After 83 years, not a single specialist could accurately tell how Yesenin died? According to the official version, the body of Sergei Yesenin was found in the room of the Angleterre Hotel in St. Petersburg on December 28, 1925, he was hanged. Officially, Sergei Yesenin is a suicide, but many facts from the place of his death indicate the opposite. There are a lot of abrasions on his body, it is clear that there was resistance before death. How could a short person hang himself when the ceilings in the room were over 4 meters high? Svetlana Petrovna wants to deal with this mystery and remove the stigma of "suicide" from her uncle.

For the task, psychics are given an impenetrable envelope, in which photographs from the place of the poet's death are enclosed, the photos in the envelope are unique and made from old negatives. The photo shows the body of the poet a few hours after the discovery of the body.

Ziraddin Rzayev is the first to start the test. The psychic was able to accurately feel and see that the person in the photograph was a famous man, an eccentric person who often spoke loudly. His version of the death of the poet exactly coincided with the official version - the poet is a suicidal person. He described exactly the circumstances of the death, gave a detailed description of the posthumous photo.

Alexander Litvin was the next to start the test, he immediately said that the death of a person is criminal - this is murder, most likely due to strangulation. But, the psychic made a mistake by saying that he sees a woman in an envelope.

Clairvoyant Kazhetta tried to contact the spirit of the deceased, but could only describe his appearance.

And when the last psychic, Elena Smelaya, began the test, no one expected a miracle. Elena described the appearance of the poet, was able to feel that there were always many women next to him. Turning to the mystery of death, she immediately said that the poet hanged himself, but he was brought to this. Elena most impressed Yesenin's niece, because the version that the poet was driven to suicide sounded like murder to her.

But the mysterious death of Sergei Yesenin haunted the editors of the Battle of Psychics program. And now, in the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics, psychics are again trying to uncover this mysterious death. By that time, Yesenin's niece Svetlana Petrovna is no longer alive, and experts who have examined the life and death of the great Russian poet will observe the test.

The exhumation of the poet's body was never carried out, although his niece strongly insisted on this, because after the poet's death they were quickly buried under a large concrete slab, which adds mystery to his not accidental death. Sergei Yesenin is buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery and it is there that psychics will be brought.

Psychics are brought to Yesenin's grave in an impenetrable mask. To begin with, the psychics of the battle need to feel where they are and who is buried in this grave.

Ekaterina Ryzhikova was the first to pass this test, when she was brought to the place, she was in complete disorientation and could not tune in for a long time, after the host’s prompts that they were in the cemetery, the shaman approximately described the monument. She also felt that a man was lying in the grave, he was a creative person, in his life he used alcohol and cocaine, he lived approximately in the first quarter of the last century. She couldn’t tell anything specific about Yesenin’s death, indicating that the self-destruction program was the cause of his death.

Marilyn Kerro immediately felt that she was in the cemetery, accurately described that there was a man in the grave. Accurately described Yesenin's childhood, said that he was always surrounded by women. She pointed out that he could often raise his hand to women, that in the last years of his life he often overwhelmed and hid from someone. Behind him were constantly people whom he was afraid of. All these facts of the life of Sergei Yesenin were also confirmed by experts in the battle of psychics. Marilyn indicated that he was killed by people he was afraid of, but she was mistaken that he died from a penetrating wound. Taking off her mask and looking at the grave, Merlin said she didn't know who it was. Despite the error in the cause of death, Marilyn successfully passed the test of the battle and caused a lot of delight among the show's experts.

Danis Glinshtein could not pass the test.

Alla Zakharovna, once on the spot, immediately felt the cemetery. Feeling that the person died not in Moscow, but in another city, she made a mistake when she said that there was a woman in the grave.

The last psychic, Alexander Sheps, immediately felt that a woman was lying in the grave, her spirit said that the grave had previously been in a different form and that she was the mother of a man buried nearby. This is amazing, because in the grave Yesenin was buried next to his mother. The spirit of this man came to the psychic, and he accurately described his appearance, Alexander immediately pointed to a violent death, the spirits of women who were associated with the deceased suddenly began to come.

A woman appeared to Sheps, pierced with knives, as experts said, this is how Yesenin's first wife Zinaida Reich was killed. They tried to find out the exact place of her burial on the Internet online.

Yesenin's spirit told him that he himself opened and let in his own killers, he accurately described that there was a mess in the room, and when his killers left, they closed the door behind them. Historians have confirmed this fact.

Having removed the mask, Alexander recognized the poet, the most impressive thing was that no experts could not find online where Zinaida Reich was buried. And when Alexander, in complete darkness in a huge cemetery, led experts to her grave, everyone was shocked!

Yes, there are many mysteries in the death of Sergei Yesenin, and the TV project “Battle of Psychics” has already tried to open this secret twice.

And the battle for the title of the best psychic in the country continues.

You can watch the most interesting series on our website online.

Incredible December horoscope for love from Kerro

Find out when true love and happiness will find YOU. Follow the recommendations of Marilyn Kerro, and within a few weeks you are GUARANTEED to find a life partner or return a spark and love to the relationship. It is impossible to discuss the horoscope with friends and relatives, because in this way YOU change the true course of things, violating the path destined for YOU.

This heavily abridged article was published in December in UFO magazine. Posting the full interview...

The issue of the death of the Russian poet Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin is considered too controversial for open discussion. However, our interlocutor Mikhail Viktorovich Vinogradov is not inclined to consider the death of the poet as a secret of all times. On the contrary, the legend, generated more than 80 years ago, according to the expert of the "Battle of Psychics" program, can and should become a simple historical fact through the cold-blooded collection and analysis of archival information.

Historically, the official version of Yesenin's death, that is, suicide, is more actively supported by people, as they say, "from the state", those who are convinced "on duty" or "because of special knowledge." Opponents are more and more writers, admirers of the poet's work and ... ordinary citizens. They do not believe the official conclusion. As their parents and grandfathers did not believe. Mass delusion or, on the contrary, folk wisdom? ..

Mikhail Viktorovich Vinogradov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, a forensic psychiatrist, head of the Center for Legal and Psychological Assistance in Extreme Situations, rather belongs to the first group, conventionally divided by us, “statesmen”. From this, his opinion on the death of S.A. Yesenin becomes even more valuable.

"Battle of psychics" in the battle for Yesenin

- Based on the fact that at one time the TNT channel devoted part of the airtime to this particular topic in the “Battle of Psychics” program, is it possible to conclude that you regard the issue of the death of the poet as relevant in our time.

- Yesenin remains a favorite poet not only of the older generation, but also of today's youth, so this is relevant.

Although some psychics did not know the name of Sergei Yesenin at all - they came from abroad. And this circumstance is especially important for the analysis of what they "saw" during the test.

- For those readers who did not have a chance to watch the release of the “Battle of Psychics” program dedicated to the death of S.A. Yesenin, please describe what was the opinion of the majority of psychics about the nature of the death of the poet: murder or suicide? ..

- Before evaluating the opinion of the participants in the Battle, I will tell you how the experiment was conducted. The psychic in a sealed envelope was offered a photograph for analysis. I led these tests and I can guarantee that the psychic could not see the images through thick paper. Participants were given information that this was a post-mortem photograph taken immediately after death. You must say who you see and how that person passed away. Psychics told what the pose in which Yesenin was photographed was, and how his hands were located, and one of them even saw a colored blanket on which the poet was lying. And the opinion of all, without exception, psychics was that it was a murder, that the poet died against his will.

- You once mentioned that not all participants in your program can be considered extraordinary professionals, that the editorial staff of the program conducts a scrupulous screening, leaving only real specialists with the gift and ability to "superfeel". It was precisely such people who were invited to talk about Yesenin? ..

- Out of about a thousand applicants for participation in the "Battle", we selected no more than a hundred. Of this hundred, in turn, only those who had obvious abilities remained. Well, psychics approached the assessment of the nature of Yesenin's death, in a bitter struggle they proved their superiority among ten. These were people with bright psychic abilities, and among them were three people who later became the finalists of this season.

- As you have already said, psychics were offered as a kind of "allowance" a photograph of Sergei Yesenin hidden in an envelope. It was a photo taken by Moses Nappelbaum in Room 5 of the Angleterre Hotel on the morning the poet was officially found dead. However, photography, according to the canons of extrasensory perception, is just a guide that allows the psychic to "tune in" to the person being studied. Does this mean that psychics did not draw conclusions from the image in the photo, but based their statements on “claircognizance”, penetrating into the events of the past?

— The psychic does not see the image. He feels it through thick paper. We can say that he sees some kind of inner eye.

Photography is also a conductor, of course. But in general, photography is a kind of phantom that allows you to establish a connection with the events of the past, with a person who has passed away. The possibility of establishing such a connection confirms the ability of psychics to "claircognizance".

- I would like to understand, the psychic feels the image with his inner eye and sees the wounds on his forehead or, for example, on his hands ... He concludes that the murder is based on common sense, they say, the person is so wounded, it means that he was most likely killed, or is his conclusion based on something else?

He does not see the wound on his forehead and on his arms. He sees these wounds on the body of a departed person. The psychic sees an event, a picture from the past. His conclusion can only be dictated by what he felt, not invented or guessed.

- One of the psychics participating in the duel, on the air of one of the later programs, directly admitted that after the program about S.A. Yesenin and attempts to penetrate the secret of his death, she was completely broken and sick for several days. In your opinion, is there an element of cunning in this, or can a psychic actually experience such a state? ..

- I lead a special group of psychics who are involved in solving especially serious crimes. These people regularly face brutal murders and manifestations of human aggression. They pass any death, any suffering through themselves, therefore they are very hard to experience what they see. Some psychics need several days to recover, and some after the first experience refuse to participate in such work. So Yesenin's death made such an impression because any death of a person, associated with violence and mutilation, leads the specialist to moral exhaustion.

- According to the responses received by the editors of the official site about S.A. Yesenin from the viewers of that very issue of the “Battle of Psychics”, we can conclude that people are slightly disappointed with the brevity of the fragment dedicated specifically to Sergei Alexandrovich. Do you think what was said in the program was sufficient?..

“We did not set out to fully reveal the events of the past. We set the participants of the "Battle" the only and main task - to show their extrasensory abilities. And since it was about a person who is very significant for Russia, the best psychics expressed their opinion. But even they have a limit. In addition, we were limited by the time frame of the transfer. An extended broadcast version has been posted on the channel's website.

Psychic as operational version

- In your interviews, you have repeatedly said that extrasensory perception is still the real abilities of a person, which have long been the subject of scientific study. From this position, is it possible to consider that the opinion of a professional psychic on any issue is adequate information that can be taken quite seriously? ..

- Extrasensory perception was studied long before you and me. In our country, official research on psychic abilities began in the 1930s in a special laboratory created by Stalin's special order. And since then, these studies have been carried out by all the special services of the world: Japan, France, America, Israel. Moreover, British intelligence MI-6 declassified a number of reports on testing the paranormal abilities of a person.and named a number of the largest world-class institutions that serve the CIA and other intelligence agencies of the world in this direction. However, when we involve a psychic in solving especially serious crimes, the information coming from him is still regarded as a version obtained by operative means. And this version must be backed up by evidence. Simply taking on faith what the psychic said, even the most experienced one, is possible only at the everyday level. What the psychic said is only a path, a vector to solving a crime.

- By the nature of your professional activity, you took part in the study of the paranormal abilities of a person back in Soviet times. Moreover, the initiation of the research process came from the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR, that is, from the institutions of the country's top management. Does this mean that the psychic has long been recognized not only by science, but also by the subjects of power as a useful participant in various processes, investigations, inquiries?..

- The Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers instructed me and my Center to lead research in the field of psychological protection of troops and the population in wartime. Extrasensory perception was only a small part of a very extensive research program. When I was in charge of a disaster relief team, I took psychics with me. It often happened that thanks to their help, we achieved significantly better results than our foreign colleagues. For example, during rescue work after the earthquake in Iran, we were several times ahead of the Japanese, the British, and the French, who worked on parallel sections, thanks to the presence of a psychic in our team.

- Was the Soviet psychic more effective than his English and French counterparts in the profession? ..

- The British and French brought with them excellent equipment. And they didn't bring psychics. We also had crowbars, shovels, a pickaxe, reflective film and ... one psychic. He ran through the ruins and pointed out: the dead are already here, the living are here - dig quickly, there is no one here, you don’t have to dig. Of course we checked it out. And with its help, we saved more people than our colleagues with the help of technology.

- If the special services of our country and the whole world are engaged in a qualified study and use of the abilities of psychics, then why can't the information received from such a person form the basis of an evidence process and be seriously considered, for example, in court or in a criminal case? After all, in fact, these are related institutions united by the goals of security, law enforcement, etc.?..

— Any evidence base must be materialized. We always have a tolerance for some mistake of a psychic, for his special state, psychics, like many experts, have differences of opinion. A psychic is a living being who can make a mistake, be tired or sick at the time of the study, or maybe be cunning. Human factor. So the version of the psychic must be backed up with facts, and the entire field of investigative actions should be covered with a real search.

- The field of investigative actions is also "digged" by people with the same human factor and the possibility of craftiness. The interrogator may be just as tired and sick, and may also be wrong.

- Of course. Moreover, criminals are released for bribes, judges sit in the dock. Everywhere there are werewolves in uniform, as they are now called. Everywhere there is a human factor.

- But there are cases in which the evidence base can hardly be collected by an operational investigation. For example, the case of Sergei Yesenin. You can no longer go to the scene. To put an investigative experiment in those conditions is impossible. A psychic can see what no one else can see.

Yesenin's case is absolutely evident! Yesenin's case is quite simple in terms of the evidence base. There are two versions. The first is suicide. It is based on the following conjectures: he was prone to alcoholism, was in hospitals, there were depressions. And there is a second version - murder. It can be built on a 100% factual basis: bodily injuries, inconsistency of the strangulation furrow with the nature of self-hanging, etc. In addition, an objective analysis of the events preceding the death can be carried out: the poet received a large fee for the forthcoming publication of the complete works, he received a lucrative job offer. He flew to Leningrad, as if on wings, with the hope of arranging a new life, taking with him a huge number of things and manuscripts. Two suitcases were only with shoes!

We can doubt who exactly and on whose orders killed Yesenin. We can search for evidence by personalities, participants in this case. But when we present conjectures on the one hand, and facts on the other, we must lean in favor of the facts. And if there are psychics, experienced professionals, as one says: a photograph of a murdered person, then these conclusions can be considered an evidence base.

What's the question, what's the answer...

- We often hear that the issue of the death of Sergei Yesenin is a mystery with seven seals, which is not only pointless, but also dangerous. As a person who is professionally associated with certain structures in forensic science and state security, how can you comment on the clearly existing desire to suppress or ignore the subject of the death of the poet? ..

- Let's start with the main thing - doing this is not dangerous. If we talk about a real threat that may come from the authorities, there is, of course, no and cannot be any such threat from the authorities. Persons who could take part in the murder have long been buried in the ground, so there is no point in hiding their names.

However, there were threats. There were threats against Yesenin's relatives.

- It is not serious to assume that the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those party leaders expelled from the country will chase Yesenin's relatives. Let's put it simply... The country consists of a multi-layered population. The people who defend the old party line have not yet passed away, but they do not pose a danger.

Another issue is that we have a certain mentality of officials who faced requests from the S.A. family. Yesenin to resume the process of investigating the circumstances of the death of the poet. Reasoning could be built something like this: what is there to investigate? Suicide is not investigated, everything is clear with him. The case under the “murder” article was not initiated, which means there is nothing to return to.

- That is, the emerging feeling of ignoring the topic, clamping down on information - are these really incorrectly formulated questions that cannot be answered?

- What is the question - such is the answer. There was no resistance from the authorities! The bureaucratic machine worked in its usual mode.

— Currently, a book by the historian and archivist Anatoly Stefanovich Prokopenko is being prepared for publication. "The Destruction of State Secrets". A separate chapter of it called “Satisfy my sorrows ...”, already published on the official website of S.A. Yesenin, dedicated to the mystery of the death of the poet. One of the fragments tells about the special secrecy of materials on S.A. Yesenin:

At one time I heard from two people, the former deputy head of the central archive of the MGB V. Gusachenko, who died tragically under strange circumstances in the center of Moscow several years ago, and a former high-ranking officer from the former fifth (ideological) department of the KGB of the USSR, now, glory God bless you, interesting information. Gusachenko, during one friendly drinking party, said that no matter how much the Democrats push, they still will not be able to get information about many mysterious events in Russian history without the "royal" command. And some of them will never be made public at all.

- According to Yesenin, too?

- And even more so for him, - answered Gusachenko.

- So, according to Yesenin, you have something stored?

- It may be stored, but maybe not, - Gusachenko awkwardly left the frank answer.

Another, not named in his memoirs, a mysterious retiree claimed that there was a documentary case about the death of Yesenin in the archive annals of the KGB of the USSR.

- With all due respect to the author, the story cannot be considered completely documentary. In a private conversation, someone expressed something - this is not an evidence base, this is an opinion. There is a file in the KGB archive - the result of observation of citizen S.A. Yesenin. Agents of the Cheka, OGPU, NKVD were assigned to him as a "fighter of the ideological front". These are the reports that should be kept forever in the archives of the KGB. The country today rehabilitated the victims of Stalin's repressions. All those who wanted from relatives asked for access to documents on their relatives and received access. Yesenin's relatives will ask - I think that they will be given everything. Only a direct descendant upon the fact of his birth has the right to request access to the full archive.

- But if a direct descendant, upon the fact of his birth, requests permission to conduct an exhumation, will it also be easy to obtain? ..

— Carrying out an exhumation is a rather complicated issue… According to the law, it can only be raised if there is an indication of a violent death in the archives, or if the poet’s family is denied access to the archives. However… How many years ago was Yesenin buried?

— 83 years ago

- What will the exhumation give? What's left?..

- But there are technologies that even after hundreds of years allow ..

- ... restore the portrait from the remains of the skull, see damage to the bones, not soft tissues, find traces of poisonous substances. In this case, there is no soft tissue left.

“But there could be bone damage. As far as I know, taking a broken bone can determine what caused the fracture: whether it was pressure or impact. The pressure is sharp or gradual, forcing. The earth has settled for decades or yet ...

-Yes, you certainly may. And who will pay for this examination?

- The budgetary side is already a search for ways of execution, and not a fundamental decision, whether it will happen or not. This is the second question.

No, that's the first question. It makes no sense for the state to spend money on exhumation and a very complex examination. For the state, the end was set even then.

Such open KGB archives

- Now, perhaps the most important question ... What is your personal opinion: did Sergei Yesenin commit suicide or was he killed? ..

- I am an expert, and I have the right only to an evidentiary conclusion. If an expert begins to express his personal opinion on all positions, and not expert opinion, then his expertise is worthless. So when you said "my personal opinion", I make an amendment.

There are two versions. Suicide and murder. In order for me, as an expert, to express an opinion, I need to have an evidence base from both sides. There is another version that was also expressed by psychics: the poet was forced to commit suicide. He was given such conditions under which he stuck his head into the proposed noose. They didn't hang him, didn't grab him, didn't twist him, but forced him. One of the factors that influenced this decision could be fear for the lives of children.

- But, probably, in your soul you still have a certain picture of what happened, a certain confidence?

“You are wrong to lead me to express my personal opinion. I will refrain from voicing my personal opinion, otherwise my expert opinion will lose its meaning.

- Many supporters of the official version of the death of the poet consider the absence of a motive for the murder to be the main argument in favor of suicide. Say, the poet was a simple lyricist, he did not interfere with anyone. What do you think, what motivational series could move the killers?..

There were many motives for the murder. Firstly, the lyrics were no longer needed by the Soviet authorities. We switched to gorlans and rebels. Lyrical, they are also decadent, poets did not please the communist party. In addition, Yesenin had many personal enemies and envious people. If we talk about his refusal to cooperate with influential opponents of Stalin, then they, too, could give the command, occupying a strong place in the party hierarchy. Therefore, each of them has a lot of enemies and motives for killing Yesenin or forcing him to commit suicide. There are also many motives that speak about the possibility of suicide, but not in such quantity as for murder ...

- When you say opponents of Stalin, still strong at that time, do you mean the Trotskyist-Zinoviev bloc? ..

Of course.

In one of the interviews, you said that you have a certain amount of psychic abilities. When compiling your opinion about what happened in the Fifth issue of Angleterre, did you try to use these personal resources?.. If so, what did it lead to?..

No, I haven't tried it and don't want to. My line is maniacs and especially dangerous criminals. It is along this line that I participate in the capture of maniacs, I draw their portraits, predict their actions, tell them where to catch them. Here the Zlatoust maniac was caught - the prosecutor of Chelyabinsk thanked me. Barnaul maniac caught - thanks. St. Petersburg maniac Dmitry Voronenko was caught using my methods - and thank God. For anything else, I do not spend my very modest abilities.

- Your opinion about the photograph of the Fifth issue, taken by photographer Presnyakov at the request of Sofya Andreevna Tolstaya, is interesting. Upon closer examination of the image, it is not difficult to notice an artificially created silhouette against the background of the window, disguised by hand-applied ruffles from curtains. What do you think it is?..

- This question is not for me. This is a question for techies, specialists in falsification in the field of photography. I'm not ready to rate

- In the statements of some researchers, analogies with the Katyn case are voiced, which were revealed as a result of the persistent actions of the International Commission to clarify the circumstances of the mass death of citizens in Katyn. In your opinion, are such comparisons justified? Yesenin?..

- Not a single international commission will deal with Yesenin. The mass death of people is a special conversation. And the death of the poet almost a hundred years ago, with the still unshakable version of suicide, will not interest the West. And Katyn and the poet Yesenin are completely different in terms of the significance of death. How many people died there?

“Tens of thousands of people. I don't know the exact number.

- Well, you see, you ask a question about Katyn, but are not ready to answer how many people died there.

- In my presence, one of the respected experts in forensic medicine said that now is not the time to hide the facts on Yesenin and dismiss the obvious circumstances. He said: “With the blind support of the official version, we still have to remember that there was also Katyn, when the state had to recognize the correctness of the alternative investigation…”.

- I can only speak when I have evidence in front of me. There are facts - I weigh them. But in order to have the facts, you need to get them in your hands. Everything else is our conjectures and desires. There are people who want Yesenin to be considered a suicide because they support the ideology of those years. There are people who want Yesenin to be considered killed according to their emotional state. And there are people who say: let's figure it out. Let's find out! The only thing that needs to be done to the family of Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin is to ask for access to archival materials stored by the KGB. Everything is there. And you don't need any complicated operations. In the archives of the KGB there are reports of agents, there are opinions of Yesenin's friends and acquaintances, "squealing" of the closest people to him. Archives are open.

- Are they open? Does that mean you just have to come?

“We just need to write a letter to the archives. The archive can balk solely due to bureaucratic illiteracy, and not due to the malicious intent of the state. And in this case, you can take certain steps provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

- Do you really believe that the materials are available, and Yesenin's case is not in closed archives? ..

Yesenin's case does not exist! There are operational surveillance materials that were behind every more or less significant citizen of our country.

- But in IMLI them. Gorky, nevertheless, a folder of 16 documents is kept, directly named and signed in calligraphic handwriting “The case of S.A. Yesenin". So these materials ALREADY not in the KGB, and they ALREADY should not be considered available.

- From the point of view of today's jurisprudence, there is no Yesenin case. You can not touch the case stored in IMLI - this is an empty conversation.

- And if we do not find the sentence “he was killed” in the archive, will this mean that there was no murder? ..

- We will definitely find direct evidence: either he hanged himself, or he was killed. There may also be direct evidence that there were Ivanov-Petrov-Sidorov in the room, who came into conflict with Yesenin, and after they left Yesenin was found hanging in a noose. And this, too, will be evidence in favor of murder, not suicide. It cannot be that the informants of that time left such a fact unattended.

- Could it be that there were direct instructions and reports, but in one of the periods of political unrest they were seized and destroyed? ..

- No, this is impossible. If we did not destroy the traces of Vavilov, Chizhevsky, then in the case of S.A. Yesenin simply does not need to do this. With all due respect to him as a poet, this is not the figure where traces should be destroyed.

- You say quite confidently that everything is in the archives. Do not assume, do not doubt, but are sure. Do you know for sure?

Yes. I know exactly. It shouldn't be, but it is. Not a single person will risk taking something out of the KGB archives. This is very severely punished to this day. Over 20 million people were imprisoned and repressed in our country. Almost everyone who wanted, in our time, received rehabilitation. Not a single comma has disappeared from archival materials.

- With people's love for the poet, why do you think the appeals of the family of S.A. Yesenin to the President, to the Prosecutor General's Office remain unanswered?.. A temporary coincidence of circumstances or a deliberate position?..

- There is no intentional position. There is an old bureaucratic position.

- Do you think that the knowledge of how the life of the great Russian poet ended is relevant for our society now? .. Or is this question the lot of writers, the poet's family and admirers of his work? ..

- If we talk about the memory of the poet, about his honor, about his dignity, this is relevant. If you try to extrapolate to the whole country, then the nature of his death is absolutely irrelevant. Now the psychology of modern society has changed a lot. If we talk about people involved in literature and art, for many it is a matter of honor and dignity of the poet S.A. Yesenin is of great importance. And we must definitely strive for this cleansing of the poet's name from alluvial dirt, this is beyond doubt.


When contacting the niece S.A. Yesenin - Svetlana Petrovna Yesenina - to the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia, it turned out that the “Yesenin Case”, accessible to relatives for study, really does not exist. When Svetlana Petrovna re-applied to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, she received a refusal to discuss this topic and an official message that further correspondence regarding the death of S.A. Yesenina stops with her.

On the night of December 27-28, 1925, Sergei Yesenin was killed. His body was found in the fifth room of the Angleterre Hotel. The investigation named the cause of death as suicide. This drawn version aroused distrust among the poet's contemporaries and descendants...

January 1926, Leningrad

That evening the "pompolite" K* arrived in the fifth room of the Angleterre Hotel. After supper, Comrade K * sat down at his desk, wishing to work before going to bed. He was haunted by his party colleague. It was feared that he would pass Comrade K* up the party ladder very quickly. Comrade K * decided to act immediately, the fate of the competitor was decided ...
The hands on the clock showed midnight. Comrade K* felt an inexplicable piercing cold... Then someone's heavy footsteps were heard behind him, causing inexplicable horror in the "pompolitan"... The guest wanted to scream, but his voice did not obey... Comrade K* felt that his legs were getting cold and he could not move from place. The unknown person approached him and stopped... Obeying an unknown force, the "pompolit" slowly turned his head...

Yesenin in the Angleterre room. Rice. V. Shilov

... Comrade K * was found on the floor of the room in the morning. When he came to his senses, he began to laugh hysterically, chatting some indistinct nonsense. An experienced party fighter kept talking about a ghost with a rope wound around his neck. The head of the hotel ordered that an ambulance brigade of the psychiatric hospital be immediately called so that the anti-Soviet propaganda of obscurantism, obsessively repeated by Comrade K*, would not embarrass respectable Soviet citizens.

The ghost of the Angleterre Hotel

Rumors about the ghost of the poet Yesenin began to appear immediately after his death. Of course, all stories about the supernatural were officially attributed to anti-Soviet obscurantism.

Photo of Yesenin a month before his death, November 1925
Now it is difficult to say exactly what he was. Judging by the photo, this is a kind person

In January 1926, at the request of Sofya Tolstaya, Yesenin's wife, the photographer Presnyakov took a photo of the hotel room where the poet's body was found.

In the photo you can see that the frills of the curtains are added with strokes by hand. If you look closely, you can see that the painted strokes hide the white silhouette of a human figure.

Curtain on the right with painted edges

You can, of course, explain it by a printing defect, but then why did the poet’s wife keep this particular low-quality photograph (the photographer must have taken several pictures)? And why were the edges of the curtains added?

“The souls of people forcibly killed do not soon leave the places of their death. The soul of a person who died here could appear in the photograph, ”one of the psychics expressed the opinion.

The old hotel building was destroyed in the 80s of the last century and rebuilt. Despite the fact that the Angleterre Hotel is a remake, there are still stories from guests about the ghost of a poet who roams the corridors. Ghosts are attached to the place of the tragic death, even if the house was demolished.

This is what the photo looked like without the added edges...

Facts are stubborn things...

Yesenin himself feared murder.
"They want to kill me! I feel it like a beast!” he said.

The discrepancy between the facts in the version of suicide was noticed by forensic investigators who decided to look into the circumstances of the death of the poet decades later.

E.A. Khlystalov, senior investigator of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow (since 1963) notes:
“And no matter how much I peered into the photograph, I did not see signs of death from suffocation with a noose. There was no characteristically protruding tongue from the mouth, giving the face of the gallows a terrible expression ... "

“On the forehead of the corpse, just above the bridge of the nose, a lifetime injury is clearly visible. About such bodily injury, forensic experts conclude that it was caused by a blunt solid object and is classified as dangerous to human life and health ... ".

Photo of the murdered Yesenin on the sofa of the hotel. There is a dent on the forehead at the bridge of the nose from a blow.
Cuts on the arm.

Raises a question and the wound on Yesenin's hand. Supporters of the version of suicide claimed that the poet first cut his veins, and then changed his mind and decided to hang himself.

Criminalist E.A. Khlystalov writes about this:
“Having carefully studied the whole situation in the hotel room, I realized that this version does not stand up to criticism. Judge for yourself. The poet cuts his arm deep and waits for profuse bleeding to begin. Waiting. Consciousness does not lose. After some time, he decides to hang himself. Starts looking for rope. Finds. Unties from the suitcase. Then it climbs high under the ceiling (3 meters 80 centimeters) and begins to tie it to a vertical riser. To reach the top, the poet had to place an object with a fulcrum of about two meters. (His height is 168 centimeters). Moreover, with the obligatory condition that this item should stand next to the riser. There were no such objects near the place of the alleged hanging.”

Yesen's death mask. The dent from the impact on the forehead at the bridge of the nose is clearly visible

It is also surprising that the supposedly dying poem, written with blood from a cut vein. “While you write a line, you will bleed…” - notes researcher E.A. Khlystalov.
It should be noted that the "suicide letter" was not examined by experts, no analysis was carried out - therefore, there is no evidence that it was written in Yesenin's blood.

A cut on Yesenin's right hand. He was not left-handed. If he wanted to cut his veins, he would have cut his left hand.

The text of the poem itself in its meaning does not resemble a suicide note, the addressee of which was called himself Wolf Ehrlich, who served in the OGPU. And it is strange that the dying lines were addressed precisely to the represented party spy.

Goodbye my friend, goodbye.
My dear, you are in my chest.
Destined parting
Promises to meet in the future.

Goodbye, my friend, without a hand, without a word,
Do not be sad and do not sadness of the eyebrows, -
In this life, dying is not new,
But to live, of course, is not newer.

Many years later, information appeared that these lines were written much earlier than December 1925. The poem is dedicated not to Wolf Erlich, but to Yesenin's friend who was shot, the poet Alexei Ganin.

In the photo - Alexei Ganin and Sergei Yesenin.

Yesenin in the coffin. The face is heavily made up, but traces of beatings are visible

The version of suicide is clearly drawn. The only options left are:
- Yesenin was killed on the orders of the party leadership.
- Yesenin died during a brutal interrogation from beatings - and the executioners had to hastily create the appearance of suicide.

This is what the Angleterre hotel (the building on the left) looked like during Yesenin's time.

The new Angleterre Hotel today (my photos). By the way, it looks like the original was built.

Opinion of contemporaries

They whispered and wondered about the death of Yesenin. I did not believe in the version of suicide.
Even the famous poet of the revolution Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote:
"Why? What for? The misunderstanding was gone."
"Neither the noose nor the penknife will reveal to us the reasons for the loss."

Portrait of Yesenin. Rice. V. Skorobeev

The poet Vasily Nasedkin (husband of Yesenin's sister, Ekaterina) said: “It doesn’t look like suicide ... Brains leaked out on my forehead ...”

One of the poet's friends, V. Knyazev, noticed that there were no traces of the rope, which usually remains on the neck of the gallows, on Yesenin's neck:

In a small dead room by the window -
Golden head on the chopping block:
The stripe on the neck is not visible -
Only blood turns black on the shirt ...

Yesenin's photo on the passport (1923)

The poet's friends, Nikolai Brown and Boris Lavrenev, refused to sign the protocol, which spoke of Yesenin's suicide.
The protocol was signed by the OGPU officer Wolf Ehrlich. Interestingly, those who saw Yesenin shortly before his death, and supposedly the poet's dying verses were dedicated to him.

Nikolai Brown reproached Vsevolod Rozhdestvensky, who also signed the protocol: “Seva, how could you sign this! You didn’t see how Yesenin put a noose on himself!
He replied: “I was told that another signature is needed.”

Yesenin as Orpheus. Rice. ormona

Boris Lavrenev published an article "In memory of Yesenin" with the subtitle "Executed by degenerates" and the epigraph "And you will not wash away the righteous blood of the poet with all your black blood."
The author very boldly spoke out: “And my moral duty orders me to tell the naked truth once in my life and call the executioners and murderers executioners and murderers, whose black blood will not wash away the blood stain on the shirt of the tortured poet.”

"He was tortured!" - recalled Nikolai Brown.
There was even an assumption that Yesenin was tortured in the dungeons of the OGPU, and an already dead body was brought to the hotel, after which they staged a suicide.

Former OGPU worker Pavel Luknitsky, who emigrated to Paris, wrote in his memoirs:
“He was mutilated, there were traces of blood on his clothes, and his left eye was “missing.”
“Yesenin was a little like himself. During the autopsy, his face was corrected as best they could, but still ... in the upper corner of the right eye there is a nodule ... and the left eye is flat: it leaked out. There was no blueness in the face: it was pale, and only red spots and darkened abrasions stood out.

At first there was a cross on Yesenin's grave

Yesenin was buried in the church, and a cross was originally placed on the poet's grave. The Church does not bury suicides in a Christian way. Contemporaries understood the true cause of death, so the priest did not refuse to perform the ceremony and agreed to put a cross on the grave.

Yesenin and the power of the Bolsheviks ...

Yesenin did not accept the ideology of Soviet power, like all sane people of that time.
The poems clearly reflect his contempt.

Empty fun, just talk.
Well, well, what did you take in return?
The same crooks came, the same thieves
And by the law of the revolution they were all taken prisoner.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
People honor customs as science,
Yes, but what is the meaning and use,
If many people blow their noses loudly into their hands,
Others must wear a handkerchief.
I'm disgusted to the devil
Both those and these.
I lost my balance...
And I know myself
Of course I'll be hung up
Someday to heaven.
Well, so what!
This is even better!
There you can light a cigarette about the stars ...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
I'm not like that
How the cooks represent me.
I'm all blood
The brain and anger are all me.
My banditry is a special brand.
He is an awareness, not a profession.
Listen! I also once believed
In feelings:
In love, heroism and joy,
But now I understand at least
I realized that all this
Sheer crap.
For a long time I wallowed in hellish fever,
Wounded to the liver by a mockery of fate.
But... You know...
With the wisdom of his tavern
Everything burns alcohol with lamb ...
Now that cramp
Soul twisted
And the face is like a fading lantern in the fog,
I'm not building myself any scarecrow.
I only have -
To be naughty and hooligan...

To everyone who is poorer and less brained,
Who under the wind of fate was not poor and naked,
I leave to glorify cities and women,
And I will praise myself
Criminals and vagabonds.

Gangs! gangs!
Wherever you look, wherever you go
You see how in space
on horseback
And no horses
Hardened bandits are jumping and walking.
It's all the same
Disillusioned like me...

And sometime, sometime...
cheerful guy,
Smelled to the bone
steppe grass,
I came to this city empty handed
But with a full heart
And not an empty head.
I believed... I burned...
I walked with the revolution
I thought that brotherhood is not a dream and not a dream,
That all will merge into one sea,
All hosts of nations,
Both races and tribes.

But to hell with it!
I am far from complaining.
Kohl began -
So let it begin...

Portrait of Yesenin. Rice. A. Kuznetsov

Yesenin also gave an accurate assessment of the literature of that era.
“There was no more disgusting and filthy time in literary life than the time in which we live. The difficult state of the state over the years in the international struggle for its independence, by accidental circumstances, put forward revolutionary sergeant majors into the arena of literature, who have services to the proletariat, but not at all to art. Having worked out for themselves the point of view of the common front, where every fog may seem to short-sighted eyes for a dangerous army, these types developed and strengthened Prishibey's morals in literature ... It has long become a clear fact, no matter how much Trotsky praised and recommended various Bezymyanskys, that proletarian art is worthless ... "
It was rightly noted, and no literary attempts of the "pompolitans" survived to posterity. Although earlier they were imposed as part of the school curriculum.

Portrait of Yesenin. Rice. A. Treskin

Yesenin also spoke harshly about the works of the party's favorite and fighter against religious obscurantism Demyan Bedny (real name Efim Alekseevich Pridvorov).

... When I read in Pravda
The untruth about Christ of the lecherous Demyan.
I felt ashamed as if I had
Into the vomit vomited drunk...
No, you, Demyan, did not offend Christ,
You didn't hit him with your pen a lot.
There was a thief, Judas was.
You were just missing.
You are blood clots at the cross
He dug his nostril like a fat boar.
You only grunted at Christ,
Efim Lakeevich Pridvorov.

It should be noted that the "heroes" who launched the literary persecution of Yesenin in their time. Of course, the faithful "fighters for the freedom of the people" (former criminals), editors of Moscow magazines: Lev Sosnovsky, one of the organizers of the execution of the royal family, and Boris Volin, the organizer of the mass executions of peasants. They acted together against Yesenin, but at the same time wrote denunciations against each other in the Central Committee of the party.
Here is such a typical face of the “heroes of the revolution”.

Portrait of Yesenin. Rice. G. Ulybin

Motives for murder...

Perhaps the decision of the top leadership of the party is to remove the objectionable. Yesenin became an opponent of Soviet power, became uncomfortable. Those who "make a lot of noise" are usually disposed of.

Or perhaps a spontaneous decision of party spies. The Chekists feared that Yesenin would go abroad from Leningrad, in which case their head would be cut off. The poet's friend Nikolai Brown spoke about this motif.
Shot Aleksey Ganin, before his death, managed to hand over his articles to Yesenin, in which he calls the Soviet government the power of "fiends and sadists", and asked to publish them abroad.
The poet wrote to a friend in September, “In order to get rid of some scandals… I will move abroad. There, dead lions are more beautiful than our live medical dogs.”

A special role could be played by the envy of colleagues in the pen, part-time employees of the OGPU. Yesenin was banned, but his poems were read, secretly passing books to each other, and romances on his texts were sung everywhere "from trustworthy living rooms to thieves' prisons." Spying poets favored by the authorities could not boast of people's love for their work. The situation is not new when a genius faces villains.

Portrait of Yesenin. Rice. V. Shilov

If they hide, then there are reasons ...

Access to the materials of Yesenin's case is still classified as "Secret".
Yesenin's relatives have not yet received permission for exhumation and examination. Even the area around Yesenin's grave was concreted.

Perhaps exhumation is impossible, because Yesenin's body is not in the grave.
A driver who worked in the OGPU in the 1920s later said, “We took out Yesenin’s coffin and handed it over to another group, which took it deep into the cemetery. And they themselves remained to put the grave in order.

S. Bezrukov as Yesenin

A documentary film about Yesenin based on unique archival materials “My dears! Good ones!" director Vladimir Parshikov, who received awards at film festivals, was not accepted for showing by federal channels.

The episode of the program “The Battle of Psychics”, dedicated to Yesenin, was greatly reduced. Svetlana Petrovna Yesenina, the poet's niece - the guest of the program, said that seven out of nine psychics confirmed the version of violent death. But with "skillful" editing, as a result, something indistinct came out on the air.

Postage stamps with Yesenin's portrait

If they are still trying to hide the circumstances of Yesenin's death, then this is beneficial to someone. Perhaps the threads of the "Yesenin case" somehow reached our era ...

As Yesenin's biographers note, the authorities made efforts to emphasize the negative image of the poet: a womanizer and an alcoholic. Of course, the dead can no longer argue.

Graffiti with a portrait of Yesenin

Writer Leonid Leonov said:

- The greatest poet of our time...
- His songs are sung everywhere - from our trustworthy living rooms to the thieves' prison. Because he had a song talent in himself, he carried a great song power in himself ...
- He will no longer come and make noise, Yesenin ...
– He is an eternal rebel and seditious, a miracle of nature, a unique figure in the history of the twentieth century.

Thanks to the poet's relatives and researchers, we get the opportunity to get at least a grain of information about Yesenin's death, to understand how attracted the version of suicide is.

The poet's niece Svetlana Petrovna Yesenina notes in an interview:
“We only want to remove the stigma of the “suicide hanged man” from S. A. Yesenin. We want his moral rehabilitation in the eyes of the Russian and world community.”

At the "Battle of Psychics" season 14, the participants tried to unravel the mystery of the death of the great Russian poet Sergei Yesenin. Until now, his bright life and sudden death haunt historians, journalists and fans of creativity. The poet was found hanged on December 27, 1925 in the Angliter hotel in St. Petersburg. There are three official versions in the case of Sergei Yesenin: suicide, incitement to suicide and murder. To this day, millions of Russians do not know the whole truth. The riddle of the death of Sergei Yesenin was to be revealed to the participants of the show.

It was decided to bring psychics one at a time to the Vagankovsky cemetery with their eyes closed. Standing blindfolded at the grave of Sergei Yesenin, the participants had to feel the place where they were and tell about the fate of the person buried there.

The first test was psychic Ekaterina Ryzhikova. She immediately felt that in the grave lies a creative person who abused alcohol and cocaine. The shaman was also able to determine his approximate years of life - the first quarter of the 20th century. When asked what exactly caused Yesenin's death, Ryzhikova replied that it was suicide.

Marilyn Kerro felt that she was in a cemetery. At first, the Estonian witch talked about Yesenin's childhood, and then smoothly moved on to his creative life. Psychic Marilyn Kerro accurately noticed that Sergei was a favorite of women, and that he often raised his hand to his companions. In addition, Kerro said that Yesenin liked to talk a lot, loved freedom and did not tolerate power. In the last year of his life, according to Kerro, the poet began to wage an open war against the "top", which was the cause of his death. The psychic was sure that he was killed. Having removed the bandage, the witch from Estonia admitted that she did not know who Sergei Yesenin was, but, nevertheless, she was able to brilliantly pass the test.

Couldn't tell who was in the grave. She felt the female energy and was largely mistaken.

Danis Glinstein, barely determining that he was brought to the cemetery, decided that an order bearer who died for his glory was buried in the grave.

Psychic Alexander Sheps was the last to appear at the poet's grave. He was the only one who determined that, in addition to the young man, his mother was buried in the grave. The phantom of Yesenin's mother and got in touch with a psychic. Alexander was able to tell a lot of information about the poet. But that wasn't what surprised everyone. The psychic saw that one young girl committed suicide right on this grave. He pointed to a nearby grave, in which this girl, Yesenin's assistant, was buried. After that, in pitch darkness, he was able to find the grave of Zinaida Reich, Sergei's first wife. Sheps felt that Yesenin loved this woman more than all his subsequent wives. Alexander called the cause of Yesenin's death - murder. According to him, the person in question opened the door to two men himself, then there was a fight, and he was strangled.

It is worth recalling that Yesenin was found suspended on a vertical pipe above a three-meter ceiling. Due to his small stature, as many historians have argued, the poet simply could not climb so high, and bruises and bruises were recorded on his body. There are many more inconsistencies that lead researchers to the version of the murder. Psychics were able to once again prove that everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. We continue to cheer for our favorite participants of the "Battle" and do not forget to press and

09.12.2013 16:33

For help, a girl turned to the participants of the “Battle of Psychics” season 14, in whose apartment a ghost settled. ...

The long-awaited first episode of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics has finally aired. As promised by the organizers...

Estonian witch Marilyn Kerro was once again able to surprise everyone with her psychic abilities on the show...

In the fourth episode of the “Battle of the Psychics” of the 14th season, a terrible test awaited the participants, which only a few passed. ...

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