Home Diseases and pests Volochkova's rich lover. The young lover is frank about the relationship with Volochkova. When it was

Volochkova's rich lover. The young lover is frank about the relationship with Volochkova. When it was

The scandal erupted after unknown attackers posted photos of sex between 29-year-old businessman Chermen Dzotov and 41-year-old ballerina Anastasia Volochkova on the Web. Later, the man said that the pictures were stolen from him. Like, the attacker stole his phone card and fraudulently took over the accounts. And on his page on the VKontakte social network, Chermen even posted photos of statements to law enforcement agencies. Meanwhile, many fans decided that Dzotov was just promoting himself in the name of a ballerina ..

Chermen, the press calls you "young lover", "groom", "friend" of Volochkova. Doesn't it offend you?


I have never suffered from a lack of attention to myself - I have a successful business, I often appear on television. It is not very pleasant that now, against his will, he became the hero of a scandalous chronicle. But the nicknames that the press gives me don't annoy me. The only thing that offends me is that they represent me as such a villain.

Let's be honest: did you yourself leak this intimate photo to the Web?

No, I don't need that kind of publicity. And I have all the evidence that I was hacked by intruders. And I want to present the facts to Nastya so that she does not think badly of me.

How long did your relationship with Volochkova last?

We met two years ago and were together for about a year. She is very strong, powerful, self-sufficient, demanding. For example, she insisted that I come to her immediately. And I am a busy person, I could not quit everything. And she was offended. And she didn’t like it if I published photos of me with her on the Internet. Like, the fans don't get it. Because of one such picture, our discord happened. We went to a city near Moscow, where Nastya had a charity concert. Then I published a photo where I sit with Nastya at the piano, and she was terribly offended. We didn't see each other again. I note that there was never any eroticism in these photographs. Whereas Volochkova’s account is full of it.

Was your relationship with her an affair, a romance, or did you want a serious relationship?

I had many beautiful women, and Nastya is one of them. But I treated her like another love adventure. Although when Nastya started having problems in life, the courts went, I offered her the help of my lawyers - I sincerely wanted to help. She refused.

How often did you have sex with Volochkova?

She is absolutely my type. Very passionate, temperamental, hot. I liked her figure and the fact that there is something to talk about with her - Nastya is a very smart woman. But let's not talk about intimate details - this is not masculine.

Nastya was born in a St. Petersburg family of a professional tennis player, international master of sports and USSR champion in table tennis, Yuri Fedorovich, and an engineer by profession and a guide by vocation, Tamara Vladimirovna Volochkov.

The inquisitive girl was interested in learning something new, and not only watching, but also participating. When, at the age of five, her mother took her to the Nutcracker at the Mariinsky Theater, Nastya literally fell in love with the sacred ceremony that took place on stage. Even then, she told her parents that she would certainly become a ballerina.

Why not? The baby was taken to a choreographic school, after which she entered the Vaganova St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet. The ballerina will never forget the entrance exams. According to Volochkova, on each of the tours her heart literally stopped.

She was watched several times, forced to show what she could and shook their heads: “There is no talent,” was the verdict of the illustrious selection committee. Anastasia confirms: she herself understood that she could not jump high, raise her leg ... her foot lacked lift and eversion.

But having paid attention to the zeal of a young girl, they nevertheless accepted her - with a trial period of six months. Rumor has it that choreographer Konstantin Sergeev insisted on the positive verdict of the commission members.

It was difficult for Anastasia to study. She still believes that the teachers did not like her and they deliberately hounded her. But classmates felt sorry and sympathized. Sweet, kind and open Nastya quickly won their trust and was popular among students.


She was so eager to fulfill her cherished dream that she worked day and night, honing her skills. As a result, Volochkova graduated from the academy with enchanting success in the diploma "Swan Lake" on the stage of the Mariinsky Theater. She played the main role and, to the red diploma, received an invitation to the troupe.

Feeling like a high-class professional, she begins to participate in festivals. The victory in the international competition of ballet dancers named after Serge Lifar reinforced her confidence in her own abilities. Moreover, the audience here gave a standing ovation to the ballerina.

On the stage of the St. Petersburg theater, she will soon begin to receive the main roles in most ballets. The ballerina herself admits: that period was not easy. The constant squabbles and intrigues of the ballet world directly affected her. Soon, the leading parties stopped giving her, and then they were actually removed from work altogether.

The break with the theater occurred in 1998. For two years she has been touring on her own - in Japan and France, the Russian ballerina is received with great trepidation, and two years later she suddenly appears at the Bolshoi.


The appearance of a ballerina objectionable at the Mariinsky Theater in the main theater of Russian ballet immediately overgrown with gossip. Successful employment is associated immediately with two male names. The famous sports philanthropist Anzori Aksentiev, whom the ballerina still denies meeting, allegedly had a hand in "arranging" his protégé in the most famous theater in the world.

The second name, which is associated with the appearance of Volochkova in the Bolshoi, is Yuri Grigorovich. She quickly became his favorite. The friendship between the choreographer and the ballerina lasted for many years.

In the same 2000, the ballerina participates in the prestigious Austrian festival and receives the Golden Lion there, which gives her the right to be called the most talented ballerina in Europe. After the festival, she toured, and when she returned to the Bolshoi, she suddenly stopped getting roles.

The new management of the theater is set against her. Not only did they artificially “push” Volochkova, but completely tactless gossip and mockery immediately appeared around her name.


Despite the fact that theater connoisseurs claimed that Volochka had recognition, and they go to performances “for her”, the theater management declared the ballerina unsuitable for professional use. First of all, they did not like her height and weight - supposedly she was too tall and heavy for a ballerina. Anastasia's height is 171 cm, weight varies from 50 to 55 kg. For comparison: the recognized prima ballerina Maya Plisetskaya weighed from 49 to 58 kg with a height of 167 cm.

Behind the scenes, the story of "too big Volochkova" was picked up. Evil tongues sent the ballerina to swimmers and sympathized with Anastasia's partners, they say, how do they carry such a thing?

The offended ballerina sued the leadership of the Bolshoi. The lawsuit lasted for several years, as a result of which the court sided with Anastasia, obliging the Bolshoi to return her to her place in the troupe. As moral damages for her offended dignity, the ballerina asked for one ruble and, of course, she did not remain in the Bolshoi troupe.


Ballerinas have always been patronized by millionaires. This rule turned out to be fair for Anastasia Volochkova. At first, her appearance at the Bolshoi was associated with the name of Anzori Aksentiev.

Then her appearance in the National English Ballet (where she danced the part in Sleeping Beauty) - with the name of the British millionaire Anthony Kerman.

Kerman, according to rumors, even abandoned his family in order to freely love the Russian beauty. He was fascinated by her stretch and green eyes, followed the ballerina on her heels, threw armfuls of white roses at her feet and invariably confessed his love.

In addition to romantic surprises, Kerman undertook to handle Anastasia's affairs. The well-known connoisseur of ballet was welcomed in the best theaters of the world, where he easily managed to arrange tours for his protégé.

However, Anastasia denies any connection with the British. He says that he is just her "lawyer" who helps to conduct business. Calls their relationship friendly. Anastasia will call lovers friends more than once - always with the same soft smile and naive look, confirming her unearthly origin.


The ballerina has a reason to deny everything. In the early 2000s, just as Kerman was arranging her professional life, Volochkova was trying to arrange her personal life. Oligarch Suleiman Kerimov drew attention to her. Nastya was captivated not only by the charisma of the famous businessman, but also by his broad gestures. The man did not hesitate to pamper his beloved.

However, the relationship ended after two years. Anastasia says that the breakup was her strong-willed decision and connects the scandal at the Bolshoi with the man's revenge. According to other sources, the Kerimov family did not like Volochkova. In particular, Suleiman's parents believed that this connection had a bad effect on their son's attention to business.

In 2005, Volochkova, who never married, gives birth to her first child, daughter Ariadna, and two years later her father, businessman Igor Vdovin, agrees to a luxurious wedding ceremony. The event becomes secular, the ballerina sews several dresses and holds several weddings.

Photo shoots, videos, happy faces of lovers ... only after parting with Vdovin, lonely Nastya on the Let's Get Married program admits that she never got married - the wedding with Igor was just a beautiful holiday that had nothing to do with official registration.

Another high-profile romance with the oligarch, which the ballerina boasted about, began in 2013. This time, Bakhtiyar Salimov, head of the oil transportation company, was next to her. After a short time, she admitted to her followers on Instagram that she was leaving her beloved.

07.11.2008 Crisis in family life

Artem Stotsky

The worst thing that could happen to Russian oligarchs in the midst of the economic crisis was Volochkova's divorce. Not a single billionaire who knows Nastya doubts for a second that Igor Vdovin simply ran away from his wife - he could not bear the complex nature and financial requests of the famous ballerina. It is bad that now they will have to satisfy her appetites themselves. Indeed, after meeting with the ballet prima, all these people seemed to fall into some kind of abnormal dependence on her and dutifully opened their wallets. So that later never for her to close them.

Nastya's first man was a classmate at the Vaganov School, a burning brunette, now a soloist of the Mariinsky Theater, Nikolay Zubovsky.

A seemingly innocent student romance has become a springboard for the ballet career of an unremarkable dancer. The grandson of the prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, the brilliant teacher Inna Zubkovskaya, persuaded her grandmother to give Nastya increased attention and patronage.

About a year before graduating from college, Oleg Vinogradov, the chief choreographer of the Mariinsky Theater, “noticed” Volochkova and gave her the part of Odette-Odile in Swan Lake. A few years later, it was with this ballet that the blossoming Volochkova flew on tour to London. There, at a reception dedicated to the premiere, she meets the vice-president of the English National Ballet theater company, the owner of the largest hippodrome in England, the famous lawyer, a 54-year-old British multimillionaire Anthony Kerman and asks to show her his unique collection of silver "Gilbert Collection".

In a double hotel room, which she shared with a friend, Nastya returned the next morning to pick up her things and announce her intention to stay in England.

Anthony immediately organizes the performances of a young unknown Russian ballerina in the most prestigious theaters in the world, but in local newspapers they write about Volochkova not as a ballerina, but as his mistress. A stormy romance almost ended in a loud scandal. The London Daily Express claimed that for the sake of Anastasia, the enamored Kerman left his wife and two sons. After that, some of the royal families of Europe refused his legal services, and Kerman decided to love Nastya from a distance. Having provided money for promotion, he sent the girl to Russia.

Repulsed the groom from Sobchak

Arriving home, Volochkova left the Mariinsky Theater and came to conquer the capital. In Moscow at that time, no one knew anything about the ballerina. At one of her first metropolitan parties, Nastya met Pavel Bure, but on the same evening she decided that friendship with his patron, the famous sports patron Anzori Aksentiev, would bring her more benefit, and left the party with Anzori Iosifovich.

The relationship between Anastasia and Anzori lasted until the ballerina herself realized that she had already received everything that the patron could give her. Anzori tried more than once to sort things out, but Nastya found unexpected protection from Lyudmila Narusova. The widow of the St. Petersburg mayor hoped that the ballerina would teach her walking daughter wits, and introduced Volochkova to Ksyusha. The girls were worthy of each other.

A few months after they met, Ksenia began to literally fight in hysterics only at the mention of Nastya's name.

Volochkova, with her figure, manners and upbringing, it was not difficult to take away her fiancé from the nondescript Ksenia - an oil oligarch, publisher Vyacheslav Leibman.

He, following Kerman, began to shower Nastya with gifts and, they say, made an offer, but this wedding, in turn, was destroyed by Sobchak.

Leibman simply could not be in society with Volochkova. Everywhere they went, Ksyusha appeared and tried to pour champagne or wine on Nastya. Leibman updated his beloved’s wardrobe almost daily and, apparently, was not upset when Nastya announced the impossibility of further life together, and the next day she made Sobchak faces already in the company of a metallurgical oligarch Michael Zhivilo.

Mikhail's generosity did not cause any complaints, and Volochkova did not look at other men until the oligarch got into trouble with the law. The summons to the prosecutor's office coincided with the appearance of a construction magnate on the horizon Sergei Polonsky. Nastya was between two fires. As a weak woman, she left the men to decide who would get her. They met, talked, and Volochkov came under the protection of Sergei.

Took a lover from Vetlitskaya

The billionaire, the owner of the Stroymontazh corporation, the president of Mirax Grupp, one of the largest construction companies in the country, spent more time in restaurants, clubs and presentations than in business negotiations.

Nastya bathed in his money and love, but unexpectedly, at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Nafta-Moscow company, she heard that her owner Suleiman Kerimov gave his passion Natalya Vetlitskaya a personal plane. That's what Volochkova lacked. Nastya took the time to impress the billionaire with her ballet stretch, and soon she had new apartments in Moscow and St. Petersburg. But even this seemed to Volochkova not enough. Anastasia made every effort to take Kerimov away from the family. The peak of Nastya's career can be considered his promise to think about a divorce, because after this promising moment they no longer met. Suddenly finding herself without oligarchic support, Volochkova was fired from the Bolshoi Theater. Torn between the theater and the search for a sponsor, Volochkova switched from billionaires to millionaires and, in a state of nervous breakdown, met Igor Vdovin. An intelligent wealthy man seemed to her a safe haven in which you can wait out the storm, and Nastya decided to live for some time without personal planes. That time, you have to understand, is over.

By the way

Sobchak bursts out into nervous laughter every time Volochkova is mentioned in front of her, and does not call her “the main vacuum cleaner of Moscow” otherwise. Recall that the ballerina received this nickname for her unique ability to clean the pockets of wealthy fans.

Yoga has a positive effect on the potency of Volochkova's husband!

Olga Ulyanova


* Igor Vdovin, 44, graduated from the Kuban Law University with a degree in jurisprudence, Doctor of Law, Chairman of the Board of the National Direct Investment Agency (NAPI). Owns shares of the Astrakhan international port "Olya" and the Astrakhan gas and oil company.

* I met the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova in 2004, on the plane, returning from Sochi. For the sake of a new love, he left his common-law wife with three children. A year later, Nastya gave birth to a daughter, Ariadne. Alexander Shokhin became the godfather. Vdovin entered into an official marriage with a ballerina on a happy day - July 7, 2007. However, the good omen, alas, did not work.

Ballet prima Anastasia Volochkova shed a tear from the pages of a glossy weekly, and posted pathos on her website about her divorce from her husband, businessman Igor Vdovin. The main enemy of her sugary-caramel family happiness, which she demonstrated to the public at any opportunity, Nastya called the Moscow "YogaDOM". In it, her husband was allegedly turned into a zombie. However, Rimma Pavlovna Vdovina, the mother of a businessman, has a different opinion. And Igor's coach, Maria Mitrofanova, turned out to be not at all a terrible sectarian, but a pretty young woman.

Reading the revelations of the party dancer Volochkova, you just want to wipe away a tear and blow your nose into a handkerchief.

Anastasia with her husband Igor and daughter Ariadna

After all, just a year ago, Igor Vdovin, clinging Nastya to a balloon so that she would fly over the Catherine's estate in St. Petersburg, on the day of their breathtakingly pompous wedding, promised to make her life a fairy tale. And then the devil knows what: the businessman does not want to have sex with his wife, refused meat, quit smoking hookah and drinking Nastya's favorite hot cognac with honey, began to observe the daily routine, stopped accompanying her to parties. And all because he was sucked in by a dangerous quagmire - the mysterious "YogaHOUSE".

They zombify him there, Igor needs to be rescued as soon as possible, pulled out of this psychological addiction! - Nastya pleaded from the glossy pages and asked to deal with the yogis who had taken her husband from her.

It was not Igor who yoked

Save so save. First of all, I called the businessman's mother, deciding to take her as an ally in the fight against terrible evil.

Is it true that Igor, having taken up yoga, has changed beyond recognition? Do you notice this as a mother?

Well, what nonsense! He is OK. And from yoga, except for the benefit, there is nothing, it's just physical exercises.

Why then are they getting divorced?

Yoga has nothing to do with it, - Rimma Pavlovna Vdovina cooled my ardor.

... The den of yogis is a three-minute walk from the ballerina's house, in Petrovsky Lane. They hid in a cozy basement. As soon as you enter, you are immersed in a pleasant sweetish aroma and relax to quiet ethnic music. I confess right away: Nastya was not cunning that people are almost undressed here. The first thing I had to do was to take off my shoes and walk in my socks on the heated floor in a cafe - that's the way it is here. Employees of various offices located in the neighborhood come here to dine without fear of falling into a heavy addiction. The food here is for everyone - teas with herbs and cereals with spices and vegetables.

According to Masha Mitrofanova, Vdovin's coach, Igor first came to this basement in the summer. Just curious, passing by, and wanted to experience the wonders of exotic yoga. I tried it - I liked it.

Nastya complains that you took her husband away from her, she says that he disappears from you almost for days on end.

Igor works out 4-5 times a week for an hour and a half, - Masha clarified. - Anastasia claims that we are pumping money out of him, but here is the price list: a subscription for 12 individual lessons with a coach costs 38 thousand rubles. Our price is even lower than in similar Moscow yoga centers. Not a penny more than other visitors, Igor does not pay.

Volochkova never went to YogaDOM and, perhaps, therefore, she has no idea what her husband is doing here.

Igor performs a system of exercises for joint mobility, strengthening and stretching of the muscle corset.

Shudha with daughter

As a result, the internal organs are warmed up and the body is cleansed of toxins and toxins, - Masha conducts a small educational program. - The desire to smoke, drink disappears. People refuse unhealthy foods and often switch to vegetarian food. Naturally, it becomes uninteresting for a person to hang out until 2-3 at night, because this is contrary to biological cycles. That's all passion. We are open, and anyone can come in and make sure that yoga has nothing to do with religion: we have Orthodox, Buddhists, Muslims, atheists. Therefore, what kind of zombies can we talk about? With those who train with us, changes, if any, are positive. Igor quit smoking, drinking alcohol - what's wrong with that? Probably, it’s a shame for the wife to lose him from the sphere of her interests, because she herself is not ready to change.

Shuddhi jokes...

As soon as the news of the divorce appeared, many people who knew Igor well suggested that it was not yoga at all, but the yogi, that is, the coach.

Masha in "YogaDOM" is called by another name - Shudha. She chose him after reading the books of Rabindranath Tagore. In one of his plays there is a girl with that name, the daughter of a florist. Translated Shudha means pure and bright. When talking, Masha really radiates warmth, and her clear eyes attract the interlocutor almost like a witch.

Life for show with an eccentric ballerina could simply tire a businessman. After all, it’s hard to always be in sight and play along with the ambitions of your spouse.

Anastasia prefers to change clothes with assistants

Nastya herself mentioned this:

Igor even said that he regretted that because of me he was also forced to become a public person ...

And in "YogaDOM" you don't have to strain, you can relax, become yourself and, moreover, chat with a pretty trainer Masha. She completely rejects Volochkova’s words that yoga made Igor almost impotent:

Yoga does not require asceticism or sexual abstinence. Everything is fine with me, and everyone who works with us is also doing well: families and children, and everything is wonderful. It used to be that people came to us with problems in bed. Sometimes it is associated with ovarian dysfunction, prostatitis.

Hatha yoga normalizes this area. Well, if interest in a partner ends, then it is probably due to something else, perhaps with a loss of spiritual intimacy.

By the way, a curious pattern emerged: Igor Vdovin marries, has children and gets divorced about once every four years. Before Nastya, he lived in a civil marriage with a girl named Elena. She gave birth to a businessman's daughter Valery and sons Igor and Dima. And before meeting with Elena, as people who know Igor well assure, he lived with another girl, from whom he also has a daughter. Here is how a visitor to one of the sites discussing the stunning news about Volochkova’s divorce joked: “Yoga obviously has nothing to do with it - the guy’s tendency is this: he fell in love, conceived, set off. Now we are waiting for a Buddhist woman, whom Vdovin will have about five more children, and, having become fascinated, for example, with Islam, he will again file for divorce.

However, the latter is, of course, a joke. Or is it Shudha?

Special opinion

An imaginary separation from her husband is a well-thought-out PR move

Larisa Kudryavtseva, paparazzi "Express newspaper"

Anastasia and Igor demonstrated love in every possible way at social events - they held hands, looked at each other with languid glances, kissed incessantly. That is why the news of their unexpected separation shocked the entire party. But, after a little reflection and comparing some facts, I came to an equally unexpected conclusion: perhaps there was no parting at all. The separation game is a well-planned PR stunt.

"It can not be! You don't joke about things like that!" - the first thing I heard in response to my timid assumptions.

What can be answered? In show business, they still joke. And not only, I note, family values, but also the most expensive - health. Let us recall the recent "severe and incurable" illness of our universal favorite Philip Kirkorov. Then, let me remind you, Philip hired a new PR agent who had previously worked in a newspaper specializing in inventing various rumors. The new press secretary skillfully set to work - and the newspapers were filled with terrible headlines: "Kirkorov has cancer!", "A terminally ill artist does not cancel his concerts!" At this very time, the singer, who was quite healthy and full of strength, was planning the summer with might and main, calculating in his mind how many thousands of people would additionally come and buy a ticket in order to look at him, his beloved, for the “last time”. In a word, the action was a success. And the singer, when he collected the cash register, was magically cured.

How harmless against this background seems the PR move of the same Boris Moiseev, who “passed out” an elementary facelift for a car accident - several publications published photos of the singer, slumped in bandages in a hospital ward ...

Sergei Zhigunov and his "beautiful nanny" Anastasia Zavorotnyuk proved to be a brilliant PR man. All his ideas work great. The last of them is the imaginary wedding of Nastya and Peter Chernyshev, allegedly held in the Crimea. By the way, there, just a hundred meters from the place of the organized shooting of the pseudo-wedding, there are the vineyards of Sergei Viktorovich ...

But back to another Nastya. For any PR action, as you know, weighty reasons are needed. In other words, why do we need to warm up the audience's interest? Why start all the fuss? And now, having carefully studied Nastya's tearful interviews of recent days, towards the end I definitely read: "Soon I will open my Anastasia Volochkova Creative Center."

Here, it turns out, where the dog is buried!

My last doubts disappeared when I looked at the official website of the ballerina. It was there that I read that on October 1, the Anastasia Volochkova Creative Center entered into an agreement for a comprehensive PR service with a well-known PR agency. The cooperation provides for the creation of a new trademark, the development of a website, a full presentation in the media, and so on.

Where do you start this show? What publication in their right mind and sober memory will advertise the new Volochkova Creative Center for free? But if I could come up with something like that ... Well, for example, my husband left. Notice, not to another woman, but simply ... to yoga!

And, mind you, this innocent notion does not threaten Anastasia with anything - after all, you can return from yoga as safely as you can go there!

I'll try to predict the ending of this story. Nastya, having suffered and suffered, because she painted in colors about how uncomfortable it is now for her to sleep alone in bed, she also decides to do yoga out of grief. And - oh, a miracle! - meets his "ex" in the hall! They both continue to train in intricate poses ... Yoga brings them together. And the friendly family is restored. And most importantly, during the crisis, the family budget was saved, which otherwise would have had to be invested in the promotion of the Volochkova Creative Center.

The wife of businessman Sergei Popkov in an exclusive interview with SUPER spoke about her husband's infidelities with a famous ballerina

Rumors about the numerous novels of the 39-year-old ballerina Anastasia Volochkova have been repeatedly discussed in the press. Officially, the prima was married only once - to businessman Igor Vdovin, to whom she gave birth to a daughter, Ariadne. Relations with the oligarch Suleiman Kerimov, singer Nikolai Baskov and businessman Bakhtiyar Salimov are also attributed to the number of love trophies of Volochkova. Recently, however, Volochkova has ceased to appear in public in the company of men. As it became known to SUPER, such a lull happened for a reason: in the spring, Anastasia had an affair with a married businessman, Sergei Popkov, who is raising two sons.

Volochkova's lover's wife, 31-year-old model Nadezhda Popkova, told SUPER in an exclusive interview about her husband's betrayal with a ballerina.

Nadezhda, when did you find out that your spouse had a relationship with Anastasia Volochkova?

Around April, but then it turned out that they talked much longer.

So they've known each other for a long time?

Yes, they met about six years ago. But then it was such a fleeting acquaintance - no relationship arose. But a few years later, our mutual friend, who is also from St. Petersburg, specially brought Sergey and Anastasia together. Just about the affair of my husband with Volochkova, I learned from the wife of this friend.

At the moment when your husband went to Anastasia Volochkova, were you legally married?

Yes, we are still there.

How long have you been married?

We met Sergey in 2002. So consider - they were together for about 13 years. Although in fact in our relationship for a long time not everything was smooth. But most of all, I was offended by the fact that he not only hid his relationship with Volochkova, but also presented the situation to our children as if it was me, their mother, who left the family, just turned around and left. And he turned out to be such an ideal husband and father: he paid for everything, bought everything for everyone. Men often behave this way to get away with it.

After you became aware of his novel, did you somehow discuss it with Sergey, did you find out any details?

I didn't specifically ask for anything. What for? I already knew that my husband brought Volochkova to our homes in Moscow and the Crimea.

When it was?

It was summer. It is easy to find out even specific dates, because Volochkova published everything on her Instagram. Look, Anastasia was in Sevastopol at the end of June - a week before my arrival. She even has a photo taken on the balcony. This place is easy for me to recognize - this is the very center of the city - Artillery Bay on Aivazovskaya Street, where my husband and children lived for many years.

Did you yourself discover the photos on Volochkova's Instagram?

No, I have ballerina friends, they sometimes track Volochkova's social networks, well, just for fun. So, one of them lives in Sevastopol and visited me many times, because even our children are friends. She once sent me a photo of Anastasia in messages with the question: “What is Volochkova doing in your bedroom and on the balcony? She's having a candlelit breakfast at your house!" I was stunned! I looked and realized that this is really our balcony. In addition, there is a photo of her lying on a black and white spotted art deco sofa - this is our bedroom.

At that time, was your husband alone in Sevastopol?

No, he was there with our children. And worst of all, he persuaded them not to tell me anything.

Did you manage to talk to the children later and learn the truth from them?

My sons are 12 and 7 years old. Naturally, I began to question the children, and they barely confessed. They said that dad asked them not to tell me anything. It turned out that in those days Volochkova and her daughter lived in my apartment. I was very surprised that my husband persuaded the children to lie to me. And I still don’t understand only one thing: even if he started a relationship, why bring this woman to our house and to our children?

Have you seen your husband for a long time?

For the last ten days there has been no news from him: he disappeared, he does not even call his children, the phone is switched off. Perhaps he moved to Volochkova. I think so, in the summer they lived together in her country house in Nikolo-Uryupin. By the way, it was he who helped her with the repair. I'm sure he helped her pay off the loan for the house. In addition, a friend of my husband said that Sergey had invested about 300 thousand dollars in Volochkova.

You mean invested?

Understand, Volochkova just won’t meet with anyone. She always demands gifts, expensive restaurants, trips. It's not a secret. As well as the fact that after her performances Volochkova regularly consumes alcohol. Everyone knows that this man is a drunkard.

Well, how did you react to such a choice of a husband?

To be honest, I was very surprised. Sergey is a man with an inflated ego. In conversations, he even often told me that Volochkova treated him somehow in a special way. Like, she loves him very much, writes poetry to him, meets him with candles. Then I could not stand it and advised him to wiretap Nastenka on the phone and camera. Believe me, she non-stop sends out the same poems as to my husband, to everyone.

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