Home Diseases and pests Ditties about sellers. Fresh funny ditties: the best. Suitable scenarios for the holiday

Ditties about sellers. Fresh funny ditties: the best. Suitable scenarios for the holiday

/ Ditties for the Day of Trade

We all constantly buy something - food, clothes, electronics, stationery, household chemicals - but you never know what we need from time to time in life? For these things, we go to shops, markets, shopping centers ... On the way to work on the run, we buy newspapers in a small tent, and back - something for tea - chocolate, cookies ... And always when buying, we we communicate with the seller. It's nice when they smile at you, joke, give advice, explain something - at such moments even the mood improves.

Trading is a great art, and being a seller is not an easy job, not everyone can do it. For all its simplicity, this is a responsible and thorough work that requires strength, attention and many other skills - the ability to please, easily answer any questions that an annoying buyer asks, understand the features of the product, accurately and quickly count, have patience and endurance, don't confuse anything...

And today people with such wonderful qualities celebrate their professional holiday - Trade Day. For employees of counters, trays, cash desks, showcases, sections, departments, trading floors, warehouses for your wonderful holiday - Trade Day- we have prepared congratulatory verses and ditties. With them, you can easily congratulate your work colleagues, suppliers, managers and anyone you deem appropriate. Also, these verses dedicated to the Day of Trade will be indispensable at your corporate gatherings and feasts. We have no doubt that they will improve your mood and add optimism. We wish you many, many clients, good earnings, development of your companies and prospects in your wonderful and useful business. We sincerely congratulate you on Trade Day!

Trade Day is a celebration of life,
More relevant every day
Agree, we so often
We sell something in life.

Now a car, then an apartment,
Dacha, furniture and clothes
And sell your services
We do not lose hope.

Without a doubt this holiday
Became so dear to everyone
Offer Day of Trade
Make it a public holiday!

Since today is trading day,
Everyone walks involuntarily -
Dealers, stall holders,
Brokers, hawkers.

So that they don't count.
So as not to eat somehow,
In order not to lose the goods,
To always have a fat -
deity Mercury,
Help, in kind!

You, trade worker,
Congratulations on your day!
Everyone remembers this time -
You will not find a thing even with fire,

And now everything is in abundance,
Only thanks to you.
May you always live sweetly!
Every day is not in vain!

Lovely trade workers and not only!
We wish you big profits on this day,
May happiness at home be multifaceted,
And don't be bored behind the counter, stand with dignity!

More clients for you
To always be kind
So that an extra gold piece in your pocket
Lay your soul warm!

We wish you luck, good luck on the holiday.
Don't let shortages haunt you.
Let there be a consistently high salary.
The work is pleasant, the clients are rich.

Less taxes, huge incomes.
Good, caring, modest bosses.
Well, in general, all to you, all the "traders"
We wish you a holiday with a pure soul.

Sell, trade, count
Don't fall behind others!
Let the revenue grow
The buyer is on his way!

To the tax at all
You didn't have any problems!
So that the sanitation station does not go,
I didn't take a bribe at all!

So that everything works out for you
Force majeure did not happen
To rest on the sea
Hug your loved ones!

They stand at the checkout all day
Sell ​​goods to us.
Deftly selling sausages,
Pour one hundred grams.

Your work seems to be invisible,
But always necessary.
Thank you very much
We are talking today.

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
And we wish you many more years.
Happiness, joy, good luck,
Thrive and get rich.

Trade Day is such a holiday
Gather all around
Without a counter you are a prankster
You are our best friend in the world.

Always be healthy, lucky,
Every day is more fun
And most importantly, be happy
Always remember your friends!

At work - screams, crush,
At home - children, husband and mother ...
You are a shopkeeper
This must be understood!
Thunder-grandfathers and women-bitches,
There - cheating, and here - body kit.
That's how nerves are shattered
That the whole white world is not nice.
But still, dear, nevertheless,
Every day after running
Be kinder and younger
Cleaner, sweeter than all!

That theater, museum, cinema
Better - company store
Where are the products, juice, wine,
Where is the desired new product.

Where is the good seller
Calm down, reassure
No actor, singer
It won't be able to calm down.

sympathize, understand
Give everyone good advice
Remove stress, pain with a look,
Super suggest diets.

And 100 grams and cucumber
For a hangover you will be offered.
Our GREAT seller
He will warm everyone, help everyone.

Funny poems about trade

T what am I writing to you about now, writing on business,
I sell toilet bowls, (blushed here).
By sanitary ware pots, I'm the queen!
I can sell them to the right, I can sell them to the left.
Without a lunch break, end and end
Without weekends and holidays, I push pushes.

And I came to you for a light, not for the sake of a whim,
And to multiply your sales by "points".
Won't say much, that's a waste of time
And so the hand is already trembling, and in it is a grenade.
I won't go around, I'll tell you right away
You need to buy a toilet bowl from me!

M you walking along the avenue
always slow down.
Here according to the old project
was our Blue store.

All male population
met and grew here.
Improved his health
nonsense was beautiful.

Before him were all brothers.
The store brought us all together.
Not for the position, not for the dress
did not call us by our patronymic.

And when it was taken down
we held on as best we could.
Yielded to brute force.
They couldn't save it.

Along the trodden paths
we don't have to go now.
Us Natashkam, Svetkam, Ninkam-
do not drive under escort.

crossed his path,
someone's narrow interest.
Oligarch - for joy I can
here built A.Z.S

AT our city, no matter what they build,
And no matter what concern -
They promise cinema and bowling,
The mall is open!

And they would ask us, in truth,
Maybe there is nowhere to watch the concert?
Not enough kindergartens?
Get a mall!

Who's got their head blown off
From the heat or rising prices?
There is not enough housing in the city -
We are the 101st mall!

What profits from culture?
And from the trade is always a percentage.
And it doesn't matter - clothes, fish ...
They're building a mall!

M alyshka came to the store,
Happiness muzzle radiates.
A huge can strums ...
The saleswoman asked her:

Girl! Come on, be bold!
- Mom said: Sour cream!
And the saleswoman
Dropped two kilos.

Pushing the can towards you,
The saleswoman yells in the paddock:
- Girl, where is the money?
- Mom said: In a can!

BUT what's strange here? Their husband now gave me!
Yes, wet, but the money is ... By God!
Well, very, very hubby sobbed,
When I found out that I need so much!

AT esy. Counter. You are in a robe.
A piece of halva. And swarms of flies.
I remember you so much on paydays.
But everything suddenly changed.

Now it's not. Wander between the racks
With a basket, wild and alone.
You squint at badges with your eyes,
Would you be shy to ask? No, don't smoke...

Where is Zina? Luda? Galya?
To have someone to talk to.
Well, who here can do it right,
Shame me in public?

No, not that. scurrying around,
Girls, business guys,
And they don't know anything
How the world used to be!

What respect!
To the worker of trade affairs,
What a treat it was
When to buy what you wanted!

The people laughed. But the goods
Whatever you want, go ahead.
Now why love you KLAVA?
Take your ruble and get off...

W The buyer comes to "Sports Goods":
The man is long, about thirty-five years old.
The saleswoman approaches him immediately:
- Can I help and advise you?
- I've been looking for ski boots for a long time.
Larger sizes are nowhere to be found.
- Which one do you need?
- I'm sixty.
- Listen, why do you need skis?

Marketing ploy

Five grandmothers pushing in the store
Screamingly stupid crowd,
Products that were on display
Actively discussed among themselves:

I heard here - if a herring,
After chewing, smear on the face,
Then you will become hoo what a beauty,
And the skin will be smooth as an egg!

I recently read somewhere
What if you rub ketchup on your head,
For those with little hair
They will simply have nowhere to go!

And my daughter-in-law told me a secret
What of crooked and hairy legs
In fact, there is no better way
Than soaked garlic in yogurt!

Take it and rub it on your feet
In particularly crooked places,
After a week you notice -
Slim legs right before your eyes.

Yes, there are legs! Zinka lost weight
For a month, thirty-five kilograms!
What kind of post is there - I ate some cheesecakes,
But not simple - you need to know the trick.

After all, there is no sense in fresh cheesecakes,
But if they lie down for a week
And covered with mold, then a diet
For weight loss, it is better not to find!

Yes, what is it, but in our village
There was an unprecedented case just now -
At the saleswoman from the general store, at Masha,
All of the teeth have fallen off.

But Mashkin's son-in-law searched the Internet,
I found this - I did not believe it myself:
Like, teeth from goose pate
Grow - but not by the day, but by the hour! ..

And then to meet the grandmothers speechy
A beautiful girl is walking slowly:
Blood with milk, in golden curls,
From slender legs do not take your eyes off.

The old ladies were numb for a minute...
And all of a sudden they all shout together:
“Oh, my God, is it you, Nyuta?!
Well, you dropped fifty years old!

Oh, look what the herring is doing
And ketchup works wonders!
Garlic for feet is truly a godsend
And the cheesecakes look awesome!

Well, you just turned ninety the other day,
And you can't give more than thirty ...
It's like she's even grown taller.
And teeth, teeth ... Forty-five as many! .. "

Well, the people have ears on top -
Swept away the herring with a bang,
Garlic and ketchup, cheesecakes with mold,
A pate that has been lying for a year and a half ...

So head. grocery store, swindler Lida,
Hiring old women for a modest fee,
Solved the problem of illiquidity in an instant,
Sold out of the hands of a long-expired product ...

P almost grab by the hand:
"Sofas! Armchairs! Windows! Doors!"
Clinging in the fall count?
These animals are year-round!

To drank stew. Fat and veins.
And where is the meat, your mother?
That used to be stew!
But where to get one now?
And this muck is not edible,
And I took it back.
I say:
- Return the money!
And put the seller under the nose.
- And why are you not happy, sir?
The seller asked sternly,
- This is quite edible.
I make my own soup with it.
- So there is not a single gram of meat in it,
I don't like one noodle.
Take and return the money
And then I'll write to the minister!
Then the seller said to me menacingly:
- Do you know how to read?
Here on the jar there is an inscription,
Would read before buying.
It's printed here: "TUSHENKA
Kolkhoz "RASVET"
And then the inscription: "NET WEIGHT"
In Russian it means: "NO MEAT"!

AT prodmage unusual buyer...
Middle-aged man... Intelligent..
Does not look at the saleswoman in the neckline of the dress ...
Not drunk... Not carrying obscene nonsense...

Cleared his throat embarrassed at the counter
And he said, lowering his eyes modestly:
"Tell me, does your shop have
On sale cheese called "Roquefort" ???"

At times, the unknown pisses us off...
"What kind of cheese is that??? I can't get it..."
"Well, how can I explain to you ??? There is mold on the cheese,
What makes it spicy..."

"It's clear ... There is no cheese ... Delivery will not be soon ...
But don't rush - miracles are waiting for you!!
We have a large assortment of "Roquefort" -
Halva, herring, cottage cheese, sausage!!!"

B yl Ivanov was a station wagon,
He plowed at two jobs.
He guarded the fat at the base at night,
And in the morning he traded in the market.

Once I was sailing along the Irtysh (or along the Lovat?)
And I met a naked Kalmyk very opportunely.
Oh, the task is not easy - to conquer the Kalmyk girl!
But I took out the master key from my shorts in time.

Where Baikal splashes (such a lake),
I entertained the Cuban with what was at hand ...
I am grateful to fate that my Cuban
She took me to her very depths!

One night on the steep bank of the Amur
The girls stared at the "Heart of Bonivur" group.
There I noticed two young Tuvinian women
And all night he stayed with them between halves.

One night on the Oka, on an empty barge
Chuvash's chest I crumpled carefully in my hand.
We sat down on the mattress, rolled up the mash ...
And the dream came true (seven times) of a young Chuvash.

One day in broad daylight in Krakow (on the Vistula)
The legs of the polka hung on my shoulders.
The stern of the long-legged polka was good!
By the morning I went crazy, pushing the slices apart.

And one day in the spring somewhere on the Danube
I met a German woman who was mentally ill.
I dug into it like a mole and bit like a horsefly...
A German woman defended her degree in about a year.

One night a barge was sailing on the waves of the Euphrates.
In it, I just accustomed the Kazakh woman to debauchery.
I aimed my device at a young Kazakh woman...
The Kazakh woman still has her legs wide open.

The Nile spread wide downstream ...
There I persuaded a Bashkir to porn entertainment.
It was the ninth wave! .. By the morning I am a Bashkir
Barely tore it off by the scruff of the neck!

Once on the river Limpopo, which is known to children,
I met a typist from our depot,
That stood in the way, leaning low...
I couldn't get past the typist!

Somewhere near a wasteland, somewhere on the Hudson,
I picked a Buryatka in the erogenous zone.
And an arrow of love entered the heart of that Buryat woman ...
The next morning she could not go out to exercise.

Once on Lake Huron (or Huron?)
I drove my cartridge into the chamber for an Uzbek.
An Uzbek woman rushed from me with all her might ...
But in vain - I could not allow misfires.

Past a quiet village along the Ohio River
The Swede swam naked, and even naked!
It's a pity, the mother of her children, that such a Swede
It can be extremely rare along the way!

Once a Japanese woman under a bush on the Izhora River
She sang "Boston Waltz" in B-flat major.
Ah, what an alluring look that Japanese woman had ...
Since then, both my eardrums have been hurting.

A huge crocodile swam down the Elbe,
Where I conducted live shooting with a Czech ...
And two days ago at the mouth of the Rio Grande
The Ethiopian kneaded her tonsils about me.

Once a Karelian came to me and brought a Karelian.
I warmed up a whole plate of borscht for her...
On the bend of the Ob somewhere closer to the night
I loved that karelka outside the box very much.

Once in Kolyma (or Ilmen?)
I fucked a Nanai and her deer.
Oh, I'll leave in the spring in the wilds of the Amazon!
Finns and Estonians longed for me there.

From a pure heart, we wish on a holiday
Rich clients with different currencies,
Chiefs are smart, good, not strict,
The salary is very generous, not miserable at all.
Taxes - a little, completely invisible,
And trading halls are spacious and bright,
And that the work brings income.
Good luck, happiness, patience and strength!

May you have only good luck in commerce,
And easy to solve complex problems!
May food never rot on the shelves,
Always sold vegetables and fruits,
Let the defective goods not go to you,
Well, the one that arrived is quickly sold,
So that there are no mistakes in money matters,
So that you meet people only with a smile.

I wish you happiness, I wish you good luck,
And so that you never know the shortage,
Let the authorities never scold,
Raise your salary often
Let the fireman bypass you,
And SES never finds anything.
I wish you success in business, "traders"!
And on this holiday, gulp from the heart!

Today we sing a hymn to all trade workers.
In our unstable world it is not easy for them today.
Prices jump like horses, well, there's no way to catch up with them,
Sellers get tired of changing price tags in the morning.
On my feet from morning to night, tired like those slaves,
But they endure all the hardships of fate.
Sellers and saleswomen, consultant, merchandiser,
Happy Trade Day to all of you! And health for a hundred years!

Perhaps we could live without pilots,
Fly like birds - what nonsense ?!
But what to do without plumbers?
Ordinary plumbers? Without them, we are nowhere!
Other professions are given to produce romantics
high-sounding and lofty words,
But without ordinary workers familiar to everyone
There will be no melodies, no verses.
Let's thank them with warm words,
For creating comfort and coziness,
So that they can be proud
For your simple but necessary work!

There are many professions, but yours is cool,
She always helps to make a choice,
Let someone call sometimes "huckster",
But among you I found what I needed.
Trade sucks both strength and nerves,
Experiments on the body
But I wish you not to retreat,
Good product always sell.

Raise the turnover to a new level,
I want to do it next year
Let the buyer rush, and please with a ruble,
Thus, increasing the sales volume.
On the day of trade, congratulations to everyone today,
I wish you an influx of buyers from year to year,
You are loved, adored and greatly respected,
Even though sometimes customers don't understand at all.

Dear trade workers,
Retail Queens
You are capable at your job
For commercial aerobatics.
We wish you excellent earnings,
Happiness and luck in personal life,
To be appreciated by your customers.
And they went to the department more often.
So that circling in worries daily,
Miracle legs did not let you down,
To go headlong into work
You still glided with ease.

It's nice when professionals explain
All the pros and cons of the product know
And every seller is a wonderful erudite,
I just looked, and he is already flying.
- Do you have something to suggest? The seller will offer
He will definitely grind, he is special at work,
And if you ask, it will cheer you up,
And his knowledge will lead to surprise.
I wish you a holiday and continue to flourish,
To help an ordinary client disinterestedly,
Health to you, patience and just inspiration,
Today is the day of trade such a birthday.

Behind the counter and in the trading floor
Sometimes problems met you
But they always knew for sure
What, to whom and how did you sell.
Trading day is not a hindrance
To rest today
I wish you success
And great to celebrate.
Back to work tomorrow
But you don't have to suffer
Push away your worries
Start trading.

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