Home Diseases and pests A man dies on the new year. Death in the new year. "Hot New Year": the main Christmas tree was burned on Sakhalin on New Year's Eve

A man dies on the new year. Death in the new year. "Hot New Year": the main Christmas tree was burned on Sakhalin on New Year's Eve

Roman, Novovoronezh

Is it possible to celebrate the New Year in the house where the wife's father lived and died?

Good day! Can my wife and I celebrate the New Year in the house where her father lived and died? 40 days have already passed.

Roman, good health. In one of your questions, several different points are raised at once. The first is the death of a loved one (in your case, the wife's father). Firstly As I see it, many people are afraid of the appearance of the souls of deceased relatives. However, this need not be feared. From the life of the holy great martyr Anastasia the Patterner, we learn that only the souls of holy martyrs can come (appear at will) into this world. The rest of the souls by themselves and by their own desire cannot come, but in the popular consciousness there is a certain fear of the dead.

Secondly, the first 40 days after death, the soul of the deceased goes through an ordeal, that is, everything bad, sinful, done by a person himself in earthly life is investigated: how he felt about it, whether he loved it, whether he enjoyed it or still fought and resisted sin, repented in confession and tried to overcome sin in himself; whether he prayed or did alms - in a word, he tried in every possible way to push himself away from evil and all its manifestations. There is, as it were, weighing or highlighting a person to what extent he is united with evil within himself. And in this terrible period of a person's life - the Soul is alive and remembers all earthly experience - the help of his close people is needed. For this reason, loved ones are refrained from all kinds of amusements - weddings, birthdays and other events. And they not only hold back, but also impose on themselves some additional obligations: fasting, prayer, alms, repentance, reconciliation, if possible, if they are at enmity with someone, restrict TV viewing, begin to read spiritual literature, primarily Holy Scripture, in some In some places, men do not shave their beards - in a word, they try to live these 40 days as Christianly as possible. This is very brief about two points related to the deceased.

And the other direction of your question is related to New Years celebration... Now it goes, and closer to Christmas it gets stricter. Christians should be more diligent and refrain from all pleasures. Naturally, during the New Year's celebration, there can be no talk of some kind of abstinence - these are just opposite and mutually exclusive things. The holiday of the New Year itself was artificially postponed from December 31 to January 1 by Peter the Great around 1700, before that it was celebrated on September 1. In the service there is even a service for the New Summer - Indikt. And even earlier, it was celebrated in March. At the time of its transfer, it still ended up after the great feast of the Nativity of Christ, on December 25, according to the old style, that is, it was celebrated when there was no longer fasting, but Christmastide. And at the beginning of the 20th century, they switched to a new style, and the New Year moved 13 days ago, coinciding with the most strict days of fasting before the feast of the Nativity of Christ. Of the people who are not interested in church history, few know that it is on this day, from December 31 to January 1, that the Church celebrates the memory of the holy martyr Bnifanti, who has the grace from God to deliver people from wine drinking. People, not only do not pray to him, but also desecrate his memory with all sorts of sins after lavish feasts. How many problems and grief there are from wine, I think there is no point in talking, everyone knows himself. And who is interested, you can see the statistics of offenses on holidays and compare with everyday life. In some parishes of the ROC, pious Old Believer Christians pray all night to the holy martyr Bnifantius and thereby protect themselves and their children from terrible evil.

This happens every year. Every fucking year on the night of December 31st to January 1st, I take tranquilizers to switch off and not perceive anything.

It started when I was seven years old. Then we lived in a small two-story house. A decorated Christmas tree was sparkling, the president congratulated the country on TV, and then the chimes chimed, they poured children's champagne for me and my little sister. We were glad that everything was grown-up, and waited for a miracle. After all, today is the New Year, which means that the most incredible can happen.

We did not even notice how dad winked at mom and disappeared somewhere. An hour or two passed, and my mother began to worry. We, who did not understand anything, were driven to sleep. And in the morning my father was found dead in the chimney, with a red bag full of gifts. Doctors said he had a broken spine. Mom cried all the time, and we left our little house.

Everything seemed to be fine. We moved to the city with my mother's aunt, a very religious woman. Mom said that surrounded by icons, she felt safe ... On the morning of January 1, she was found dead in the entrance. When they took out the body, I caught a glimpse of my mother - she was all blue, but very beautiful. She seemed to me like the Snow Queen.

After the death of my mother, my aunt did not retreat a single step from us. We were smoked from head to toe with incense, and in our nursery from the walls the gloomy faces of the saints looked at us. The little sister was very afraid of them, she said that she saw them smiling at her. I stroked her head, but did not believe her. I thought she was just very scared.

... I saw that creature for the first time on the sixteenth New Year. Then I sat up late in the kitchen with my laptop. I was about to warm the tea, and glanced down at the black hole of the window. There, behind the frosty glass, two black eyes looked at me. They drew their eyes to them, and such a deadly horror was read in them that I screamed and ran out of the kitchen. The awakened aunt made the sign of the cross over the window, but, of course, this did not help.

On the seventeenth New Year, It took my sister. I still curse myself for leaving her alone, going out for a trifling matter. When I returned to the apartment, I was pierced by the cold of the grave. It was strangely dark, and steam was pouring out of my mouth. I saw ugly shadows everywhere, twisting with every careful step I took. After muttering the words of a prayer, I jerked the knob of our room door.

My sister had her back to me. Not at once I saw a huge shadow, blacker than the darkness itself, swirling in front of her face. I called her name softly, and the shadow - or whatever seemed to her - turned her in my direction as if in mockery. A grimace of horror froze on my sister's face, her eyes rolled up under her eyelids, and she was all disgustingly blue-crimson. The faces of the saints from the icons turned into demons, bared their open mouths. Their empty black eye sockets followed me. The swirling shadow moved towards me, and I passed out from horror.

.... Against Him and the Shadows, iron helps. Pagan iron always helps against evil spirits, but not prayer. Iron can even hurt him - or so, in any case, they write in old pagan books, but I do not want to check it at all. His name was once Saint Nicholas, but He prefers a different name, which softly whispers to me in my dreams. I will not say this name out loud, do not even force me!

Because by saying the name of the demon, you can summon it.

Traditionally, the New Year holidays in Russia become not only a source of unbridled joy and fun, but also a period of large-scale filling of the chronicle of incidents with sad events caused by the fact that joy and fun got out of control.

The current New Year and Christmas non-stop was no exception. AiF.ru has chosen the brightest, most insane and tragic ones from the state of emergency of the last ten days.

"Hot New Year": the main Christmas tree was burned on Sakhalin on New Year's Eve

New Year 2018 in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk was greeted with a sparkle in the literal sense of the word. Right on New Year's Eve, the main festive tree flared up on the central square of the city, where thousands of people gathered. In a matter of minutes, the 25-meter beauty burned to the ground. An inadvertently fired fireworks display was said to be the cause of the incident.

Fortunately, no one was seriously injured. Residents of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk not only did not panic, but watched with interest the unplanned part of the entertainment program. According to the Sakhalin.info website, hundreds of people filmed what was happening on camera, and it seems that they competed in the speed of sending the received content to the editorial offices of local media. Photos and videos came with notes "Hot New Year", "Christmas tree, burn", "Hot holiday", "Have a good walk", "Maslenitsa", "Sakhalin is burning", etc.

The authorities of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk reacted to the incident promptly, promising to install a new Christmas tree in place of the warmed one. The very next day, a New Year's tree was moved to the central square, which had previously stood at the Kosmos stadium of the Gagarin City Park of Culture and Leisure.

"Short circuit": in Vladivostok, because of the pneumatic clapper, celebrated the holiday by candlelight

In Vladivostok, festive trees were not damaged on New Year's Eve, but some local residents met the holiday without light. According to TASS with reference to the press service of the Primorskie Electric Networks company, the reason was the launch of a pneumatic clapper under the power line.

“On New Year's Eve, due to the pneumatic clapper that a group of young people launched under the 35 kV [power transmission] line, some of Vladivostok's consumers were left without electricity. The short circuit caused the shutdown of three substations at once, which provide electricity to consumers in the Avangard and Lugovoy areas, ”the statement says.

The emergency brigade quickly eliminated the consequences of the emergency, but, nevertheless, fans of pneumatic clappers spoiled the impression of the holiday for their fellow countrymen.

Carbon monoxide killed 12 Russians in the first hours of 2018

On the first day of 2018 in two regions of Russia, there were two cases of mass death of people due to carbon monoxide poisoning.

One child and four adults died from carbon monoxide poisoning in the Kataysky district of the Kurgan region. Three more victims, including a 14-year-old teenager, were hospitalized. According to a RIA Novosti source, the cause of the tragedy was a malfunction of a gas boiler in a private residential building.

A few hours later, it became known about the death of seven people in one of the villages of the Kurmanaevsky district of the Orenburg region. The eldest of the victims was 25 years old, and among the victims are minors of five, six and fifteen years. According to the operational services, all the victims were poisoned by carbon monoxide as a result of a fire that occurred at a time when everyone in the house was asleep after the night celebration.

The rage of a panther: in the suburbs, a predator killed a man

In the first days of the New Year, increased aggression was shown not only by people who abused alcohol, but also by animals in captivity. On January 2, in one of the private menageries near Moscow, a panther took the life of a caretaker. According to the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Moscow Region, the incident occurred in the village of Renovated Trud, Istra District.

The menagerie employee entered the cage to feed the animal, but the aggressively-minded animal attacked him. The wounds inflicted by the panther turned out to be incompatible with life.

After that, the predator broke free, but, fortunately, he managed to return to the cage before the list of panther victims was replenished. The investigating authorities are checking all the circumstances of the emergency.

See Bruges and die: Russian woman died on a skating rink in Belgium

Misfortunes during the New Year's holidays pursued Russians far beyond the borders of their homeland. According to the Belgian edition Nieuwsblad, a Russian tourist was killed in Bruges as a result of a fall on a skating rink. According to Belgian journalists, foreign guests themselves, who entered the indoor skating rink of the Christmas fair on New Year's Eve, were the culprits of the emergency. During the fun skating, the 43-year-old Russian woman fell and hit her head hard, losing consciousness.

According to the Bruges prosecutor's office, the doctors who arrived at the call offered the victim hospitalization, which she refused. The next morning, the Russian woman was found in a hotel room in critical condition. She was urgently taken to the hospital, but the time was lost, and the woman could not be saved.

New Year's holidays 2018 were the last in the life of a 22-year-old Russian who was vacationing in Thailand. According to the Nation edition, citing a police spokesman for the city of Pattaya, a citizen of Russia Alexander Zakharov was riding a motorcycle with a Thai citizen and at high speed at a pedestrian crossing, he crashed into a group of tourists from South Korea. A Russian and his passenger, as well as one citizen of South Korea, became victims of the road accident.

"Returning from the tree": in Orenburg, a schoolboy beat a man to death

Some incidents that happened at the beginning of the festive marathon became known only now. On January 9, information about a crime committed on December 29 appeared on the website of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Orenburg Region.

“At about 9 pm on December 29, 2017, at the Gidropress stop on Brothers Korostelev Ave. in the city of Orenburg, the corpse of a 34-year-old local resident with signs of violent death was found. On this fact, the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Orenburg region have opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under Part 4 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (deliberate infliction of grievous bodily harm, resulting in the death of a person by negligence), ”the message says.

During the investigation, a 15-year-old schoolboy was detained. According to the investigation, on the evening of December 29, 2017, six friends were returning home from the tree. On the way, near the Gidropress stop in the city of Orenburg, they had a conflict with an unknown man. During the conflict, one of the teenagers kicked the victim in the face, who died a short time later at the scene.

As part of the investigation of a criminal case and the conduct of investigative actions, the involvement of a specific suspect in the commission of an especially grave crime was established. He was charged, the accused does not admit his guilt. A measure of restraint in the form of house arrest was chosen for the teenager.

"Sits and shoots": an inadequate lady with a pistol was detained in Moscow

According to the press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, on January 8, a woman was arrested in the capital, who fired at cars and passers-by.

“On the morning of last Monday, the police received a message that on the street. Litvina Sedogo, 2/13, bldg. 3, bldg. And an inadequate woman sits in a SsangYong car and shoots at cars and passers-by with a pneumatic pistol, ”TASS quotes a press officer as saying. Police officers who arrived at the scene detained the 47-year-old owner of the car on suspicion of shooting. The inspection showed that four vehicles were damaged in various ways.

Destination: riding on "cheesecake" in Kogalym ended fatally

The sad point of the 2018 New Year's marathon can be considered the tragedy that occurred on the evening of January 8 in Kogalym.

According to the press service of the UGIBDD of the Russian MIA Administration for the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, on January 8 at about 17:50 Moscow time in Kogalym, a girl born in 1995, driving a Daewoo Nexia car, transported a snow-scooter and an inflatable "cheesecake" sled on a flexible coupling, which rolled into the oncoming lane, where there was a collision with a Hyundai Sonata car driven by a man born in 1991.

As a result, two young people who were on a snow-scooter and a sled were injured. The 23-year-old passenger of the "cheesecake" sled died at the scene of the accident. A criminal case was initiated against the girl-driver for violation of traffic rules, which, through negligence, resulted in the death of a person.

New Year's holidays do not end well for everyone. On average, 18,000 more Russians die in January than in any other month, mainly due to holiday drinking. This is stated in a study by Aleksandr Nemtsov, a leading Russian expert in the field of alcohol mortality and alcohol policy (Life has the research materials).

The expert analyzed the mortality data from Rosstat "from January 2004 to December 2016". During this time, the New Year holidays were held 13 times.

The ratio of the average number of deaths in January (black bars) to the rest of the months (gray bars). The numbers on the graph are the difference between January and the rest of the months in terms of the number of deaths and as a percentage of the rest of the months.

18,090 deaths is "the average excess of January over the rest of the months for 2004-2016," the study said. This is "10.8% of the total number of deaths in January".

The expert explains why he sees the reason precisely in alcohol. One of the arguments: "In January, there is also a significant increase in alcoholic psychoses in a number of large cities and regions of the country (Arkhangelsk, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Chita and Crimea)."

At the same time, January is one of the coldest months, people get sick (and die) naturally more. This, of course, must not be forgotten. However, "with a very high incidence of influenza, the death rate for this disease in January is relatively low," the expert notes.

And deaths from pneumonia and SARS, in his opinion, are associated with alcohol. In January, 450 more people die from these diseases than in any other month of the year (on average), so such cases "contribute to the total number of" additional "deaths in January."

"The additional loss of 18,000 lives as a result of the annual January holidays should become a public health concern and require administrative and possibly political intervention to reduce this damage," the study said.

It will help, according to the expert, "the reduction of holidays due to a break of two to three days between the New Year and Christmas celebrations, as it was before 2003".

"Most likely, these will not be the most productive working days, but the break will reduce the January mortality rate. The question is: which is more important - the decline in productivity or the death of people?" - said in the study.

Alcohol casualties during this vacation were reported every day. For example, on January 4, news came out about the inhabitants of the village of Chelny in the Khabarovsk Territory. A 31-year-old man and a 29-year-old girl celebrated the New Year. They drank, and as a result, a quarrel ensued and the girl stabbed her friend several times in the back with a knife. The man died.

A 37-year-old resident of Tver died when he tried to go down for vodka from a 10th-floor window. He made a rope out of the sheets, but it fell off. He could not go out through the door, because his wife locked him in the apartment so that he would sober up.

By the way, on New Year's holidays due to alcohol the country loses not only people, but also money. In 2016 in the Association of Narcologists of Russia how alcohol deaths affect the country's economy.

According to the association, the average Russian drinks a glass of vodka every day. If he refuses half a glass, then every year the country will save 56 billion of budget money. Approximately the cost of the Federation spacecraft, which Roskosmos going to fly in 2022.

Premature mortality, as well as the loss of labor productivity caused by alcoholism, criminal activity and accidents lead to significant economic costs, the narcologists explained.

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