Home Vegetables What do you feel when it enters you. What sensations do you experience during intercourse? How does an orgasm occur in women

What do you feel when it enters you. What sensations do you experience during intercourse? How does an orgasm occur in women

Women's sensations in sex are very different from men's Sexual intercourse of a woman is characterized by a greater variety than the sexual intercourse of a man. In a sense, you can say that a woman is unpredictable.

And sometimes it takes a significant experience of living together with a man so that he begins to understand her and feel how to behave, so that everything works out with her in bed. First, let us dwell on the differences between the first three phases of female sexual intercourse from male, associated with the difference between the corresponding genital organs.

In the excitation phase, due to a rush of blood to the genitals, the large labia straighten, and the small ones increase in diameter by 2-3 times, changing color from pale pink to dark red. Most women also experience enlargement and hardening of the clitoris. Literally after 10-15 seconds from the onset of sexual arousal, lubricant begins to be released, causing the vagina to become wet, which facilitates the immission of the penis. The vagina, especially its inner two-thirds, lengthens and expands. If at this time to carry out the immission of the penis and the first frictions, then the man may get the impression that the penis is "lost" in the vagina, without clinging to anything.

However, this is a deceptive impression of an underexcited woman. If caresses or frictions are continued, then due to the overflow of the walls of the outer third of the vagina with venous blood, an orgastic cuff is formed in a woman (akin to an erection of the penis in a man), which tightly covers the penis of a man, and the woman’s sexual intercourse passes into a plateau phase. The diversity of a woman's sexual intercourse is primarily due to the fact that the presence or absence of an orgasm in her absolutely does not affect her ability to become pregnant (but this ability depends on her sexual constitution). Therefore, the obligatory presence of an orgasm as one of the main attributes of a woman's sexual intercourse is not a factor in her sexual life that nature would need to fix in the process of long evolution.
In this regard, some women (according to various sources, 10-15% and even 22.4%) are frigid, under no circumstances experiencing orgasm.

Sexopathology in some cases considers frigidity as a sexual disorder, and in others - as sexual coldness in the absence of any deviations in the mental and physical sphere of a woman. Apparently, the first option should be associated with the fact that in some cases a woman had or has (for example, during erotic dreams) orgasms, and then they disappeared, and are not achieved during sexual intercourse. In this case, frigidity is the result of either a defect in the upbringing of the woman, or the incompetence of her sexual partner.

The second option may be associated with really innate sexual coldness, i.e. with the inability of a woman to experience an orgasm in general (the so-called constitutional frigidity). In both cases, sexual life in frigid women proceeds without internal motivation, mainly from a sense of marital duty and in order to avoid conflicts with her husband. At the same time, a woman has to pretend that she is allegedly experiencing an orgasm, which greatly contributes to male self-confidence.

On the other hand, women have objective indicators by which a man can find out about the presence or absence of an orgasm. So, immediately after orgasm, some women experience the so-called "sexual blush". It is a measles-like rash on the chest that comes on suddenly, lasts a few minutes, and gradually disappears. This redness does not happen to every woman. But the second sign is common to all women: their orgasm is always followed by an erection of the nipples. Despite the uplifting of the hips, the ejection of the pelvis, passionate moans - if there is no erection of the nipples, then there is no orgasm.

The second factor influencing the variety of sexual intercourse of women who are able to experience an orgasm is its multivariance. Multivariance is manifested both in the place of the orgasm, and in its form (or the nature of the course). According to the place of localization, a woman's orgasm is: clitoral (40-56%); vaginal or vaginal (33-37%); vircal or uterine; perineal; mixed (27%). In the latter case, a woman's orgasm can be simultaneous, affecting several of her organs, or sequential, when it first occurs in one place and then continues in another. More than half of women of this type note the appearance of orgasm first in the clitoris, about a third - in the vagina, the rest - in other places.

In appearance, the female orgasm is: single, like a male (10%); wavy (84%); multiple or multi-orgastic (about 5%); protracted (no more than 1%). A single orgasm is pulsating with a single peak in the likeness of a male, jerky, but often 20-30% longer than a male. The specificity of such an orgasm is the rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the vagina, uterus, pelvic floor, perineum, diaphragm, and even the abdomen. Many women describe that their orgasm begins with a short-term feeling of delay in all mental processes, a kind of feeling of weightlessness, ending with a push in the clitoris with irradiation in pelvis, and the appearance of a feeling of warmth spreading to the whole body.

In this case, there is a feeling as if something is squeezed out of the body, which gave rise to an incorrect judgment about the existence of female ejaculation. Then comes an involuntary rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the vagina, small pelvis, etc., felt by the whole body and resembling pulse beats, for which it was called "pelvic beating". It is accompanied by a feeling of nothingness, a stunning ecstasy, an unusual voluptuousness. In this case, the respiratory rate reaches 40 per minute, blood pressure sometimes rises to 200 mm Hg. Art. and above, and the pulse - up to 140-170 beats per minute.

In different women, the number of beats is different: from 3-4 to 12-15. Then comes the calming phase, but unlike male intercourse, a woman does not experience oppression, but a simple calming of the body occurs with a reverse outflow of blood from the genitals and the disappearance of the orgasmic cuff, brightening of reddened skin areas, a decrease in pulse and blood pressure. At the same time, the excitation of a woman gradually decreases to a normal state, which sometimes takes up to 10-20 minutes.

It should be noted that in some women who experience a uterine orgasm, there is indeed a release of some amount of fluid. At the same time, the so-called Christeler plug, which is a clot of mucus, is first pushed out of the cervix, and then the secretions of the cervix and Bartholin glands are ejected. Usually there is not much of all this liquid, but for some women, in one sexual intercourse, it is collected, as one tabloid newspaper says, for "a small cup of coffee." Therefore, such women always have problems with the cleanliness of bed linen, if no measures are taken in advance (do not put napkins as thick as a towel).

There is another source of fluid in women - this is the bladder.
In a very small number of women, there is a combination of muscle tension during orgasm that leads to squeezing out the contents of the bladder, which can also be perceived as female ejaculation. There is only one way out - to empty the bladder immediately before sexual intercourse. With a wave-like orgasm, from 5 to 15 waves of tension of the muscles of the genital organs occur with the simultaneous appearance of orgasmic sensations. Each wave can last from units to several tens of seconds. In this case, the strength of sensations, as a rule, increases from wave to wave.

Sometimes there is only one wave of orgasm.

Then they talk about the domed orgasm. Moreover, at different times, depending on the time of the previous abstinence, mood, well-being, etc. the same woman can experience both domed and undulating orgasms. But in all these cases, in order to fully satisfy a woman, intensive frictions are also required during orgasm (which can be done both by a man and, of course, by a woman or by them together). This is its difference from a single orgasm and a man's orgasm, where such frictions are not required.

Multi-orgasmic women are able to experience several orgasms during one sexual intercourse in the same way as multi-orgasmic men. Like men, during orgasm, they experience a rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the genitals, perineum, pelvis, and even the abdomen. But the excitement curve at the end of sexual intercourse does not end with depression, but with calm, which usually takes some time.
The full satisfaction of a multi-orgasmic woman requires that intercourse continue until she has experienced the entire series of orgasms. It can be 8-12, and sometimes up to 20 orgasms in up to 20 minutes. Such women are called superpotent, and they are very rare and only among persons with a strong sexual constitution. A protracted orgasm can be considered as a long domed, stretching for 1-3 and even 4 hours. All this time, frictions should be carried out.

Obviously, not every man can satisfy a woman with an orgasm like this. As a very rare variant of the norm of a woman with a strong sexual constitution and a very sensitive nervous system, one can distinguish a continuous orgasm with a rhythmic contraction of the muscles of the genital organs, which occurs immediately after the onset of the frictions of the penis in the vagina and continues until they end, i.e. until the end of a man's intercourse.

With such an orgasm, sexual intercourse should not be prolonged, otherwise it will cause a woman a lot of muscle strain and fatigue instead of satisfaction. In addition, it should be noted that if, when inserting the penis into the vagina, touching the genitals of a woman, or even with only one idea of ​​sexual intercourse, she begins to convulsively contract (spasm) the muscles of the genital organs, then this is no longer an orgasm, but vaginismus - a type of sexual disorder for which you need to see a doctor. Interesting options are observed with a mixed orgasm. Most often, this is a clitoral-vaginal or vaginal-clitoral orgasm, at the beginning of which tremors and sensations begin first in the clitoris and then move to the vagina or vice versa. But there are some other varieties as well.

For example, an orgasm may begin in the clitoral area in a male-like manner with a few quick and rhythmic contractions of the abdominal muscles, and then move into a domed or even undulating vaginal, lasting several minutes.

Women with this type of orgasm have a more sensitive clitoris and a completely insensitive vagina before the onset of orgasm. Therefore, they need a long foreplay with caressing the clitoris without immission of the penis until the very orgasm (the immission at this time is simply unpleasant for them). The absence of an immission for a man in this case is also very useful, since it helps to save his strength for the implementation of intense frictions during a woman's long orgasm.

Of course, the above examples of the forms of a woman's sexual intercourse and the varieties of her orgasm by no means exhaust the whole variety of sexual manifestations of these unpredictable creatures. And if a man has a certain and sometimes prolonged sexual experience with one or even several women, then when meeting with a new partner, this experience, most likely, will only harm the achievement of harmony in their intimate relationships. Since every woman is a complete mystery, not only for a man who is interested in her, but, what is most offensive, for herself. And this riddle has to be solved anew by both of them. Knowledge of questions of the sexual constitution here can be very useful to them.

One of the most important signs of puberty is sexual feeling - sexual desire (libido sexualis). Sexual feeling in a woman develops gradually. In sexual desire, two different components should be distinguished: the desire for mutual rapprochement and the desire for sexual intercourse. In a woman, the first of them is especially developed.

It is characteristic that it can develop quite independently, without passing into another. This emotional attitude towards a person of the opposite sex has long been defined by doctors as “higher love”. Thanks to this feeling, a person becomes very close and dear. On the contrary, in men, the craving for sexual intercourse is of particular importance, which psychoneurologists define as a sensual component of love. This component includes the desire to receive specific sensations of pleasure that arise in the process of intimacy.

Thus, if a man’s sexual attraction is primarily manifested from the sensual side and only later (at 21-25 years old) is combined with a feeling of love for a loved one, then girls, in the presence of a composition for rapprochement, of course, have no desire for sexual intercourse at all. This desire in them appears only after a few months of sexual matrimonial life, and often only after the first birth.

So, in the structure of a woman's sexual desire, the leading link at all stages of life is love for a loved one. As a rule, a young woman does not have a sensual component for some time even after the onset of sexual activity, and only then does it gradually develop.

Physiology of sexual intercourse in women

To better understand the mechanism of sexual intercourse in the female body, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the anatomy of the female genital organs.

Sexual intercourse (coitus) usually occurs under the influence of sexual arousal (voluptas), the high point of which is orgasm (orgasmus), followed by a period of calm (defluvium), which occurs after the end of sexual intercourse. The lack of sexual arousal in a woman is called frigidity. During intercourse in a man, an erect penis pushes the walls of the vagina apart and, when fully inserted, fills it.

The introduction of an erect member is facilitated by the ability of the vagina to stretch significantly. Due to the onset of sexual arousal, even before the introduction of a penis into the vagina, a sticky secret is poured out of the glands of Cooper and Littre, which wets the head of the penis and makes it slippery. The preputial substance secreted by the tyson glands makes the head oily, which also facilitates its introduction into the vagina.

The large and small shameful lips contain cavernous tissue surrounded by connective tissue. During sexual arousal, it is filled with blood, the outflow of which stops, while its inflow continues. As a result, the clitoris, large and small labia swell with the formation of elastic rollers. Thanks to these transformations, access to the vagina becomes free. At the same time, the Bartholin glands, small glands of the vestibule and cervix secrete light transparent mucus.

During sexual intercourse, not only is there no resistance, but, on the contrary, it is greatly facilitated, and frictions become painless.

The woman is also involved in frictions: while the skin and mucous membrane of the penis rubs against the transverse folds of the vagina. At the same time, involuntary rhythmic contractions of the vaginal walls occur as a result of the activity of its sphincters. These contractions become especially noticeable shortly before the end of the swelling of the genital organs.

How does an orgasm occur in women?

During friction, both participants in coitus develop a feeling of voluptuousness as a result of excitation of the nerve bodies located in the head of the penis, and in a woman in the head of the clitoris, at the entrance to the vagina, in the vulva and in the vagina itself. The irritation that is perceived by these nerve endings is transmitted to the spinal cord, and then to the brain. These irritations accumulate and intensify until they reach a level of excitation at which a series of new reflexes arise. The final link of the latter is the ejection of sperm in men (ejaculation) and the secretion of the glands of the cervix and Bartholin glands in women. Ejaculation is accompanied by a voluptuous sensation - an orgasm. The origin of orgasm has not been fully elucidated.

In women, for the appearance of an orgasm, sufficient irritation of the erogenous zones is necessary, as well as a mentally erotic readiness for sexual intercourse. Unlike a man, a woman's orgasm rises much more slowly, and the decay time is longer. The period of the “peak” of orgasm is still long in both of them.

The intensity of orgasm is very different and depends on the temperament and constitution of a person. Orgasm may not occur as a result of a decrease in the excitability of the corresponding departments of the visual tubercles due to damage to the diencephalic area or the inhibitory effect of the cerebral cortex due to psychogenic factors (indifference, disgust, etc.).

It is worth mentioning also such an unusual and very strong orgasm as a squirt or jet orgasm. Its essence is that a woman ends up with liquid: a small fountain of transparent liquid splashes out of the vagina during orgasmic contractions. This fluid is formed in the perurethral glands and should not be confused with urine. A woman can achieve a squirt if a man stimulates the anterior wall of the vagina or the G-spot. If you are new to this, then a simple device for this type of orgasm will help you achieve a squirt -

This is a simple device made of medical silicone, equipped with batteries. The man puts it on his finger and stimulates the G-spot in the vagina of his beloved. Jet orgasm within five minutes is guaranteed. You can order this wonderful device

How long does sexual intercourse last for a woman?

The duration of a normal sexual intercourse ranges from 2 to 6 minutes. However, the character of a person is of great importance here. The duration of sexual intercourse is also affected by the intervals between sexual intercourse. Prolonged sexual content and strong sexual arousal significantly reduce the duration of sexual intercourse.

Why is a woman not aroused during sex?

One of the most severe mental traumas of a woman can be disappointment in a loved one. Having married a man who aroused bright and high feelings in her, she unexpectedly discovers her man's cynical view of sexual life, in which she is assigned the role of a simple instrument of pleasure.

That is why the attitude of a man to a woman during intercourse is of particular importance. Rudeness and tactlessness, discovered by the husband during the first sexual intercourse, create in the woman a negative reflex to sexual intercourse. And if the following intercourse does not bring positive changes, then this reflex becomes pathological, causing further sexual coldness. The most careful attitude should be towards a young girl who has not yet had sexual intercourse.

If she is still a virgin, then she is afraid of the first sexual intercourse. Therefore, a man should not, at all costs, seek the first sexual intercourse from his wife without fail on the “first night”, but calmly wait a few days so that in the process of everyday communication the woman’s fear completely disappears.

In this regard, doctors should talk to girls who get married, explain to them that the loss of virginity is not a disaster, as it often seems to some. The hymen (in Greek - hymen, which means "shell", "tire"; ancient authors called it the membrane of virginity, ancient poets - a flower, flor) is only very rarely continuous. Basically it has a hole. If the shape of the hymen is such that sexual intercourse violates its integrity, then at the first sexual intercourse it tears; at the same time weak pain sensations are noted. The bleeding that occurs in these cases is negligible.

Injuries during sex

Complications and injuries during sexual intercourse can be observed in both men and women. Sometimes a woman may have significant damage to the genital tract during intercourse. The rupture of the hymen depends on the degree of mechanical impact. The results of this damage are varied: tears of the hymen, lacerations, even detachment of part of the hymen, mainly the rectal section.

These wounds occur due to embossing and stretching when the glans penis is inserted into the opening of the hymen. At the same time, the edges of the hymen are pressed inward and, due to overstretching, are torn.

Breaks during sexual intercourse can occur in different places, but most often they are on the number 6 (to accurately indicate the place of breaks, it is customary to conventionally depict them with a clock face) or on the sides. With ruptures of the hymen on the number 6 of the watch dial, sometimes during rough sexual intercourse, in addition to the hymen, the posterior wall of the vagina, mainly the mucous membrane, is torn. With a pronounced degree of infantility of the genital area, such injuries can turn into a complete rupture of the perineum, as well as the walls of the vagina and arches.

In infantile women, where is the result of underdevelopment of the genital organs, and in the elderly and old - the result of atrophy and fragility of tissues.

One should also mention such a complication as spastic contraction of the vagina in a woman, as a result of which the penis is so strongly pinched, the front part of it, especially the head, swells significantly, and the penis cannot be removed from the vagina. In these cases, the woman has to be anesthetized or to eliminate the infringement with a warm bath.

Sometimes during sexual intercourse there are difficulties due to dryness of the mucous membrane of the vagina in case of violation of the secretion of the glands of Cooper, Littre or tyson glands. In these cases, it is recommended to moisten the dry mucous membrane before sexual intercourse by lubricating with a fatty emulsion, ointment or saliva.

Rarely, but still, such a catastrophic complication occurs during intercourse as death. Death due to sexual intercourse occurs during or shortly after it more often in men than in women, the elderly, patients with sclerosis of the cerebral and coronary arteries, especially when this was preceded by overeating or alcohol abuse. Death can be the result of a stroke, heart attack, embolism, heart failure, and in tuberculosis - severe pulmonary bleeding.

In some cases, gynecologists and forensic doctors have to deal with complaints from men, especially in Islamic families. The latter, after the wedding night, accuse their wives of deception due to the small amount or complete absence of blood. In their opinion, this fact is evidence of a long-standing violation of the hymen. However, examination in such cases almost always shows that men were misled due to the presence in their wives of such forms of hymen, which, by their anatomical features, allow sexual intercourse without breaking the integrity. If the hymen is very low, there is little or no bleeding from superficial tears.

Obstacles to sexual intercourse in a woman are: vaginismus, infantilism of the genital organs, pronounced atrophic processes in them, deformities in the development of external or internal genital organs (hymen, vagina), inflammatory processes, tumors, etc.

Understanding a girl's feelings is tricky, and it's made even more difficult by the fact that her feelings can change and can be inconsistent. There are many indicators of feelings that appear in her eyes, in facial expressions, intonations of voice and physical behavior, but to understand what they mean, you need to understand the context. For example, the initial expressions a girl makes when she meets a guy are unlikely to be real indicators of how romantic she feels for him. Instead, pay attention to non-verbal cues that develop over time to determine her romantic interest. The best way to find out how she feels about you is to observe the patterns that develop over time and ask her directly how she feels about you.


Part 1

Eyes and gaze

    Pay attention to her look. There are a few things that can tell you about how she feels about you romantically. If her eyes seem to be constantly attracted to your face, and especially your eyes, even during a conversation or when you are not talking, then this may indicate her romantic interest. As a rule, if a girl is interested in a guy sexually, then her gaze will shift to those parts of his body that she finds attractive. If a girl is romantically interested in a guy, her gaze will be more focused on his face and eyes.

    • But be careful, her way of looking away can be a sign that she is an extrovert. Extroverts tend to be more stimulated by social interactions and make more eye contact than introverts.
  1. Pay attention to the size of her pupils. Constricted pupils are another sign of interest or desire. If you notice that the black pupils of her eyes become smaller when she looks at you, this may indicate that she is interested in you romantically or sexually. A person's eyes widen when he looks at what he wants.

    • This is especially easy to see if the person has blue eyes, due to the contrast between the black pupil and the lighter iris.
    • Be careful, a person's pupils can also constrict in response to an increase in light intensity, so pay attention to light changes if you notice that her pupils have constricted.
  2. Count how many times per minute she blinks. If during a conversation with you she blinks more than 6-10 times per minute, this may indicate that she has feelings for you. People who look at something they like tend to blink more than usual. Wear a watch with a second hand that you can look at while you count. Do this while talking to her.

  3. Take your time with assumptions. If you like her, your sympathy may harm your ability to read her signals correctly. Waiting for signals of interest from her will make your perception less reliable, so take your time and do not jump to conclusions. To assess her feelings for you, analyze the entire evening or even several dates. When observing her, try to be objective and look at the situation as a person from the outside would look at it.

    • Look at how she behaves with other people to see if your assumptions are not too presumptuous. For example, if she often makes eye contact with other people or often groups her gestures, she just might be an extrovert and you need to take that fact into account when interpreting her body language.
  4. Pay attention to signals that say she is not interested in you. Just as there is body language that indicates interest, there is also body language that indicates lack of interest and anxiety. For example, if she often raises her eyebrows, she may feel uncomfortable. And this may mean that she does not want sympathy from you. In addition, crossed legs and arms may mean that she is trying to remain closed to you. This may mean that she is anxious or resists your feelings.

    • You can ask if she is worried about something. If she says that something is going on in her life that makes her anxious, her body language may not be a reaction to you.
    • In addition, her feelings for you may be the cause of her concern if she likes you, but she does not know how you feel for her. This anxiety can show up in her body language. If you notice conflicting signals—first interest, then disinterest—you should talk to her about her feelings.

Part 3

Communication with a girl
  1. Invite her to do something that would focus your attention on her. You can go to dinner or just go to a cafe for a cup of coffee to talk. You should have enough time so that you can sit quietly opposite each other and talk about everything in the world. The best way to understand a person's feelings is to talk to them so you can look at them and actively listen.

    • Men usually feel more intimacy with these activities when the person is next to them, side by side. For example, when watching football or drinking. But when you sit side by side with a person, it is more difficult for you to read his feelings, because in this position you do not look him in the face and cannot actively listen.
  2. Listen actively to what she tells you. Sit face to face, and when she speaks, lean forward a little closer to her and maintain eye contact. This will allow you to understand her feelings, as you will have access to all the signals she sends through her voice tones, facial expressions and body language. The more information you get, the easier it will be for you to understand how she feels. Use your body language and these speaking techniques to improve your listening skills. :

    • Show her by body position that you are listening. This will encourage her to talk more, and the more she talks, the better you will be able to understand her. Nod your head to show your agreement or to encourage her to keep talking.
    • Give her the distance she needs. This will also help her communicate with you, because if you give the girl the right distance, she will be more comfortable talking to you. If you stand too close, you may appear too interested, and if you stand too far away, you may appear aloof. Give her the necessary space in the conversation, but position yourself so that you can see and hear her well.
    • Restate the main idea of ​​what she is saying. This way you will know that you understand her feelings correctly. And she will be able to correct you if you have the wrong idea about what is happening to her. If she talks about a hard day, for example, you might say, “So you say you couldn’t figure out why your sister was misbehaving until she saw what was happening to her at school.”
    • Empathize with her feelings. If you begin to develop this muscle in your communication with her, you will become an expert in recognizing her feelings. Empathy means that you understand the feelings that she is experiencing, even if you do not share these feelings. For example, you could combine restating her main idea with empathy by saying, “You must have been itching to get out of the house after sitting at your desk all day.”
  3. Ask her how she feels about you or the current situation. This will show her that you care about her feelings. Often the best way to find out how a person feels is to ask them directly. This will save your communication from any guesswork, and you will not overthink the situation. Most of all, you should listen to what the person is saying, even if you think it contradicts what their body language is saying.

    • Find a place where you won't be distracted by other people or activities. This shouldn't be a long conversation. Find a table in the corner or a couple of chairs where you can sit for a couple of minutes and talk about how she feels.
    • Ask if she would mind talking to you for a minute. You don't want the situation to put too much pressure on her, so tell her it won't be long. It doesn't take long for you to ask about her feelings. Say, "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
    • Think about what exactly you want to know before you start a conversation with her. Make up the question in your mind before asking it. If your question seems unclear or ambiguous, she may not understand how to answer it, and therefore may give an answer that will not be of any help to you. First, think about how you feel, for example, "I'm starting to have romantic feelings for you." And then think about what you want to know: “I want to know how you feel about me romantically.” Be sure to be specific. For example, the question “Do you have any romantic feelings for me?” would be better than the question "Do you like me?" because the word "like" can mean different things to different people, and it's too vague. She may be afraid of hurting your feelings and may not want to directly tell you how she feels unless you ask her directly.
    • Ask directly about her feelings and tell her about yours. For example, you could say, “I really enjoy spending time with you, and I'm starting to develop romantic feelings for you. Do you feel romantically for me?"
    • Respect her feelings and don't be sad about them. Admit that you were brave enough to ask, and if you respect her feelings, you can only be proud of your actions. Remember that your dignity, self-respect and personality do not depend on her feelings for you, even if you really care about her.

“Oh my god, it's like trying to describe the universe. I was feeling so strong that I felt like I was going to explode and couldn't take it anymore, but at the same time, I wanted it to go on forever."

Woman, 48

“When his penis enters me, I want to feel every inch of him because he is perfect. I feel like I want him inside of me and I can't describe it. I experience a real surge of emotion when his penis slides back and forth, and it overwhelms me with pleasure that spreads throughout my body so that I never think about intercourse as such.

Woman, 23

“When he enters me, I feel like I open up to meet him in order to receive him. Emotionally, I feel the satisfaction of having him inside of me. When this happens, I feel filled with it. I can feel the head of his penis sliding back and forth inside me and my vagina shrinking around him or expanding in size to let him through. If he goes deeper, then I feel the head of his penis hitting my cervix, but in general I would not call it unpleasant sensations. If he enters me from behind, then I feel his penis rubbing against the top of my vagina.”

Woman, 37

“It feels different every time. Sometimes I enjoy it. Sometimes it hurts because there is not enough lubrication inside. And sometimes, when he touches my G-spot with his penis, it just takes my breath away!”

Woman, 34

“At first I feel his penis poking into my vagina, which has not yet opened. I often experience extraordinary pleasure when I feel how the head of his penis gradually makes its way inside, and then, when it slowly slides down in its entirety, I experience a surge of wondrous delight. I experience the strongest sensations in the region of the vaginal opening at the entrance to the vagina, and also from the fact that he fills me with himself, that he is all inside me. My hips rise to move with his movements, or move on their own to move with him. Different movements and rhythm changes usually evoke different sensations.”

Woman, 47

“The most vivid feeling I experience when he enters me. I love the feeling of his testicles sliding slowly over my skin and finally pressing against me. I like to feel him trying to keep himself from coming. I feel it swell and become more and more solid. I get excited about it. This is really the moment when my vagina gets the most pleasure from intercourse.

Woman, 23

“It all depends on the degree of my sexual arousal, as well as how in the mood I am to have sex or how much he wants me to have sex with him. If I feel like doing it, then I experience ecstasy.”

Woman, 43

“I get great pleasure from the process itself, when the penis moves back and forth, like a pump or a mill. I like it when our hips touch and when the penis goes deep inside me.”

Woman, 21

"Most of all in the sexual act I like when he ends, and his whole body becomes stiff."

Woman, 55

“I only enjoy clitoral stimulation. I like to have sex with men, but I don't like the act itself."

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